Exeter Times, 1916-11-23, Page 3Jt.
Progress of the Great West Told
in a Few Pointed
A branch of the Victorian Order
of Nurses may be formed in Vic-
A carload of• apples, contributed by
farriers of the lower Fraser Valley
will go to B. C. soldiers at the front,i
as a Christmas gift,
A pioneer potato buyer from the
'United States, Mr. J. L. Price, of
=1, issouri, lately purchased at New
Westminster 4,400 tons of British .
'Columbia potatoes.
A shell which had lain at the bot -1
tom of. Burrard Inlet for ten or fif-
teen years was fished up by a dredge
recently. The shell has a bullet of
lead, tipped with steel.
The first of five sons of Mr. Aver,
of Mission City, serving their Empire
in the army and navy, has fallen in
battle. This is Pte. E. Aver of the
62nd Canadian Battalion.
Samuel Pierce, who took part in
the naval battle off Jutland while he
was on board Admiral JeIlicoe's flag-
ship, Iron Duke, has returned to his
home at Langley Fort. ,t
For accidentally shooting Jonas
Backstrom, a Swede logger, Paul E.
Murphy, superintendent of the Tim-
berland Lumber Co. at Craig, was
fined $5 and costs at New West-
minster. •
For carrying bread against his
clothing, Alex. Ferguson, employed
as delivery man by a local baker,
was fined $2.50 and - costs or five
days, in the Police touxt at New
W. H. Lewthwaite had an exciting
chase in an automobile the other
day, when he ran down a bear near
Cowichan Lake. The auto was go-
ing at the rate of 25 miles an hour
when it struck: bruin.
At Cowichan Lake the spring sal-
mon are dropping down from the lake
into the river to spawn, and the usual
run of springs from the sea is expect-
ed at any time now. The Government
hatchery have their nets out and
started fishing last week.
For October the vital statistics of
New Westminster show that the
number of births was 95, compared
with the corresponding period of last
year, when it was 74. There were
97 deaths and 12 mariages.
Well -boring operations are going
on at the Frondeg Ranch, Cobble Hill.
Water has become rather scarce in
some of the wells in the neighborhood.
The unusual spell of dry weather has
tested some of the springs.
The repeal of the exclusion order
against 'the entry into British Col-
umbia of "artisans and laborers,
skilled and unskilled," is asked for
by the members of the Cowichan
Creamery Association, Limited, of
War orders which, when finished,
'will call for the utilization of over
15,000 tons of British Columbia pota-
toes in addition to which large
amounts of onions and other vege-
tables will be required, are now being
filled by five evaporating concerns of
the province.
Reichstag is Merely a Debating So-
ciety and Safety Valve.
D. Thomas Curtin, who spent ten
months in Germany for the London
Daily Mail, writes as follows in a re-
cent article: e
Although Bismarck gave the Ger- St., Toronto, Ont. ie will send you dis-
mans a constitution and a Parliament eriptive literature and train schedules,
after the Franco-Prussian war as a make reservlations for y oouiclearrithrough
sop for their sacrifices in that cam -
For • colds in- the throat and
cheat your most convenient
remedy is
ase in
Trado Mark
apsicu _.
Contains the active principle of
Capsicum (Red Pepper,) Easy
to apply.
Will not blister the skin.
Sold in handy tin tubes at chem-
ists and general stores every-
where. Refuse substitutes.
Free booklet oil request.
IBSO Chabot Ave. • Montreal
Instrument Used on Wounded
In War Hospitals,
Every hospital in the war zone has
some electrical equipment for locat-
ing the bullets in wounded men, but
a German has recently invented a
packet instrument for this purpose.
It consists of a two -pointed probe
connected by insulated wires to a
pocket electric lamp. When the probe
comes in contact with a bit of metal
a closed circuit is formed which lights
the lamp. Flashes from the bulb also
indicate when the probe is approach-
ing or receding from a bullet or bit of
Before 15th Century Harps Were
Highlanders' Instruments.,
Neither Scotland nor Ireland can
claim to have invented the bagpipes,
says the London Chronicle, Greeks,
Romans, Assyrians and Chinese all
played bagpipe's of 'sorts long before
the time of Christ, and the instru-
ment actually figures on one of the
coins of Nero, who may have played
it. The Breton bignon, the Calabrian
zam o na the German sack feife
p g x p
and the French eornemeuse are all
bagpipes under different names.
It was actually a Scotsman, and
no less a lean than the lord advo-
cate of the time, who publicly de-
clared fifty years ago that "the bag-
pipe is an English instrument, es-
sentially English; the English were
the original bagpipers." He pointed
out that, while Shakespeare often
speaks of bagpipes, he never does so
in "Macbeth," and that it is in Lin-
colnshire and Yorkshire that he local-
izes the pipes, To Chaucer and Spen-
cer also they are English. James IV.,
and other Scottish kings, paid for
"Inglis pyparis" at their court, while
Edward L, Edward III., Henry VI.
and Henry VIII. seem to have had na-
tive pipers. The Highlanders never
used the pipes in war before the fif-
teenth century; the harp was Scot-
land's instrument.
Telling How to Actually Cure
This Common and Pain-
ful Malady.
This article is for the man or wo-
man who suffers from rheumatism
who wants to be cured, not merely re -
shrapnel, for these latter are more lieved—but actually cured. The most Sometime, somewhere these para- ous'ly guarded secret.
frequently the cause of wounds than the rheumatic sufferer can hope for in graphs were gleaned from the same
bullets. rubbing something on the tender ach- forgotten Author d l
gone, , but they a grist D���e
XX you have Catarrhal Deafnosp
or head noises we to your drug-
gist and get 1 %Mee of Par int
(double strength), and add to it
,pint ,9f hot water and ounces of
spooniuidfour timesda dal tools-
nThis will often bring quiets re-
iief from the distressing head
noises, Clogged, nostrils should
open, breathinbecome easy and
the muous stop stropping into
the throat, It Is easy to prepare,
ovate 'little and is pleasant to
take, Any ono who' has Catar-
rhal Deafness or head noises
should give this prescription a
had been' very badly treated, and his
mind affected in consequence. No
notice had been taken of his rank,
and he had been sent back among a
batch of exchanged prisoners as an
ordinary -Tommy.
,The husband that she thought dead
was alive, practically a lunatic, and
entirely broken in health --her second
husband, whom she had married in
all good faith, also alive and a dis-
tinguished officer fighting the foe in
France. The poor girl had the pian
whom she recognized removed to an-
other hospital, and so far she has
not disclosed his identity; but she is
torn now. between her duty to the
man whom she once loved and the
man to whom her allegiance is now
Seeds Planted by Sower Whose
Identity Is Sunk to Memory.
ps4 renetic highest oash prices, We Sand
money the wane a e s e d,
s° d the a an are s a l e
Y Y of
Charge no oomFaiaelona—pug our all oharg°n:
Wo have Std opt mtillona of dotterel to thou-
sands of frappes hl danadn who ecn4Ihetr
tureto ea beetttwe they.'know they get a outlay°
deal, and recs(eo xnore motley for their turn,
"You v,ill also, Wo buy. ,pore Pura fr'opltrapyere
too cosh thariany other flys. lino, f,t Canada.
Hama'. Trapper Outdo wanagoa)
Qi f B.Ilaxp'oByorts,n°n'°Cata .,,
lxlillan r Paw$ Quotation, h
m ° For Style Book 55 pagers)
k son, free on rngnuat Address est .liowa: ��•e
202 Hallam Building, Toronto.
British Hosiery Trade Builds Hopes
on Possession of Formula.
Manufacturers of fine cotton hosi-
ery in England have high hopes of
capturing the bulk of the world's fine
hosiery trade because they finally
have succeeded in applying the
Hermsdorff process, long a secret of
German manufacturers.
The Textile Mercury says this
Gorman secret was obtained by a
persistent British manufacturer a
short time before the outbreak of
the war, and now it has been ap-
Some .ef Them Mean the Reverse of
What Is Intended.
There tire quite a number of words
in the English language which have
heeome so perverted by usage that
to -day they are taken to mean exactly
the reverse of what the dictionary de-
finition of them asserts to be correct.
If, for instance, you ask people if
they have seen to -day's newspaper,
they may answer: "Oh, we just scan-
ned it," nieaning to imply that they
have 'only "glanced" at it, while the
word "scan" really means "to exam-
ine minutely or carefully, Other peo-
ple will say they will give you a
"moiety" of such and such a thing,
or a reward, meaning to offer a little
bit, while the true definition is "the
half—one of two equal parts."
To -day the word "parlous" is used
in the sense of a person being in a
serious way of ill -health, or a busi-
ness very low in finances, and yet its
real meaning is "bright, witty, and
spritely," and was used in that sense
in the days of Shakespeare.
When sick the newborn babe or the
growing child will find prompt relief
through the use of Baby's Own Tab-
led in the Sketchlye Dye Munitions
lets, They are absolutely safe for all
The British Ministry of Munitions i children and never fail to banish any
has sanctioned the erection of large of the minor ills from which little
dye works at Basford, near Notting- 4 ones suffer. Concerning them Mrs.
ham. German manufacturers of fine ' Arthur Sheasly, Adanac, Sask.,
black cotton hosiery enjoyed practi- writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tab -
call a monopoly of this trade lets and think they are splendid for
y p y ti,e in the children of all ages." The Tablets
worlds markets and the secret of '
are sold by medicine dealers or by
their ascendancy was in the Herms- 'mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.)
dorff black dye—which, like most Williams' .Medicine Co,, Brockville,
other named products, was a jeal- Ont r j
Ab t D !
oz go en source. u or an pace
are o e remain for rope Should
the mill of thought. a •
Seriou neter talks n-pu e i are silent. Avid mos And
CharaSeriousness simon-pure is a resi-
dual state into which one relapses
when one has nothing better to do or Medicines
A physical element should enter
into all affection. Even to clasp
hands should always be a pleasure.
Your best friend strikes thoughts
and deeds out of you that you never
knew were in you, and that truly were the danger, and it is certain that neither limited to boy feeders at the Toronto
dru s nor medtelnea ossess the ewer
What We Give, We Get
In 1915 and 1916 Ontario contribut-
ed more to the Canadian Patriotic
Fund than she drew from it, the sur-
ing joint, is a little relief. No lotion
or liniment ever did or can make a
cure. The rheumatic poison is rooted
in the blood. ' Therefore rheumatism
can only be cured when this poisonous
acid is driven out of the blood. Any
doctor will tell you this is true. If
you want something that will go right
plus going to assist those western to the root of the trouble in the blood
provinces whose contributions, al- take Dr. Williams' Pink Rills. They
though exceedingly liberal, did not snake new, rich blood which drives out
equal the heavy demands caused by the poisonous acid and cures rheu-
the large enlistment from these pro- matism to stay cured The truth of
vinces. For 1917 the situation will
change. The demands from this pro-
vince on the Fund are estimated to
reach six million dollars, and the com- ung instance. Mr. Henry Smith, St.
mittee has decided to ask Ontario to Jerome, Que., says: "For upwards of y' '
raise that amount—in other words, to a year I was a victim of rheumatism miracle:
make provision only for its own peo- in a most painful form. The trouble
The mere degraded a man is, the
ple. was located in my legs and for a long
more he is hurt by our contempt.
The total represents about one .:nil- time I was so bad that I could nt Successfully married people have
lion dollars above the contributions more news to tell each other and more
for 1916, and therefore there can be
no weariness in well -doing on the part
of Ontario's patriotic people so far
as the Fund is concerned.
Not Guilty.
Little Charlie had been spanked by
his mother for stealing cookies. His
cousin, who was present, wishing to
comfort him, said: "Poor Charlie!
You have my sympathy." Looking up
through his tears, he protested; "I
have not! I didn't touch it."
Try a Little Magnesia Instead.
Some people instinctively shut their
eyes to danger, and it may be that
instinct, or custom or habit causes dys-
peptics to take drugs, patent foods and Boy readers can earn a little (hlist-
edicines, artificial digestents, etc.
But closing the eyes does not banish mas money by winning special classes
ou ue.
Mrs. Cassidy, thinking her husband
was rather late in coming home on
Saturday with his pay, went to the
police station to inquire if he was
"Is my Pat here?" she asked.
"No," replied the desk officer; "but
sit down, we're expecting him every
m rs not full formed in ou till our friend g p p Fat Stock Show. This show also car -
these statements has been proved in y y to destroy the haamful excessive acid in
In love, as in work and in play, dyspepsia osTlteyormmay r-iveytemporery Secretary will be glad to mail Prize
da and the followin cure is a strik-
thousands of cases throughout Can -woke them to life. the stomach which is the underlying ries classes limited to farmers. The
$f rich
f 3 di ti d
a g
give-and-take is the great source of relief, but ever increasing quantities
nevelt of cxeativeneas and 30 of must be taken, and all the time the acid
remains in the stomach as dangerous
as ever,
Physicians know this and that is why
their advice so often to sufferers from
digestive and stomach trouble is "Just
get about an ounce of pure bisurated
magnesia from your druggist and take a
teaspoonful in a little water immedi-
ately after every meal. This will in-
stantly neutralize all the harmful acid
in the stomach and stop an food fer-
mentation, thus enabling you to enjoy
hearty meals without experiencing the
oast pain or unpleasantness afterward.
Distant Relation.
During the course of a trial in
Chicago a witness by the name of
Francis Dooley was asked, concerning
the defendant:
"Are you related to Thomas Doo-
ley?" -
"Very distantly," said Francis. "I
was me mother's first child—Francis
was the tinth."
Get away from the cold, disagreeable
winter. California temperature is from
60 to 75 degrees the year round. It is
not expensive to spend the entire winter
there. Bungalows rent from X23,00 per
month up.
Special Winter Tour Fares. The
famous Los Angeles Limited, a fast, re-
fined and, exclusive through trainfrom
Chicago to Los Angeles, leaves Chicago
10.00 p.m.' and arrives at Los Angeles
4.80 p.m. the third day—leas than three
days en route.
Write to B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt.,
Chicago &North Western Ry., 46 Tongs
paign, he never intended the Reich-
stag to be a Parliament in the sense
in which the institution is understood
in Great Britain.
What Bismarck gave the Germans
was a debating society and a safety
valve. They needed a place to air
their theories and ventilate their
grievances. But the Chancellor of
Iron was very careful in drawing up
the plans for the "debating society" 1
to see that it conferred no more real'
power on the nation's "representa- 1
tives" than is enjoyed by the stump -1
e speakers near Marble Arch in London
on Sundays.
Many people in England and the
United States of America, I find, do
not at all understand the meaning-
lessness of German parliamentary
proceedings. Governments do not
fall in Germany in consequence of ad-
verse Reichstag votes, as they do
with you. They are not the people's
Governments, but merely the Kaiser's
creatures. They rise and fall by his
grace alone.
The German Government is a one-
man affair. It consists of the Imperial
Chancellor. All his Secretaries of
State -for War, for the Admiralty,
for, the Treasury, for the Post Office,
and what not—are responsible directly
to him, and to him alone. They have
no initiative of their own and no
authority except that derived from
the Chaneellor. He, and nobody else,
is the , Geverfiment, subj ect only
to the All -Highest 'will` of the En-
eror, whose bidding the Chancellor
..s required to do, and, in the case of
a weak statesman like Bethmann-.
Hollweg, does most obediently.
A. dollar unjustly gained cannot be
justly kept.
to the Pacific Coast.
Friend --I understand that
practice is getting larger.
Young Doctor: That's true. My
patient has gained nearly ten pounds
in the past few weeks.
How a Man Who Landed On
Wood Pile and WasiSore From
Head to Foot Found
Quick Relief.
Once upon a time Edwin Putnam, who'
lives in the quiet, pretty hainlet of
Wendel Depot, Mass., climbed up into
a loft to get some building material
just as many another man living in the
country must • often do. Suddenly he
slipped and fell. Ten feet below• was a
pile of wood, knotted and gnarled. It
Was a nasty tumble, and Mr, Putnam
Was injured painfully in the 'back, he
was covered with bruises, and was sore
from,hoad to foot,
The next day he bought e. bottle of
Sloan's Liniment which had been re
Commended to him. within a very few
hours the soreness had vanished and
the lameness had disappeared. Pre Was
an active man once more. •
$loan's Liniment can be obtained at
all drug stores, 350., 60o, and 11.00,
�f/1...LS f'A/TY
walk. The suffering which I endured
can- only be imagined by those who
have been similarly afflicted. Doctors
treatment did not help me and. then I
began trying other remedies, but with
no better results. Finally 1 was ad-
vised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
and although I had begun to lose faith
in medicine, I finally decided to give
the pills a trial, I am very grateful
now that 1 did so, for after taking
eight boxes of the pills the trouble
completely disappeared. 1 was free
from pain and could walk as well as
ever I did in my life. I have since
taken the pills occasionally as a pre-
cautionary measure, and I cannot
speak too highly in their favor."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all the
troubles due to weak, watery blood or
broken down nerves. You can get
these pills through any dealer in
medicine, or by mail postpaid, at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Sad Case of Society Woman Who
Married Second Time.
Each month brings the ever-grow-
ing number of Enoch Ardens, whose•
unexpected returns are received some-
times with joy, and many times, it is
to be feared, with the reverse emo-
tion, says a London dereatch.
Men, both officers and privates,
who have been ,officially reported
killed, are continually finding them-
selves, either in some foreign hos-
pital or else in a German prison
camp. A case in point occurred only
a few days ago when Mrs. Barry
Bingham, who was one of last year's
brides, was suddenly told that her
husband, whom she had thought
killed in the Jutland naval battle, was
actually alive and well in one of the
German prisons. But this was one
of the happy resurrections.
I heard of a tragic one the other
day. The husband of a very popular
and well-known woman was taken
prisoner in the early days of the war.
He was sorely wounded, and after
a lapse of time was reported as hav-
ing died in a. German hospital. Every-
thing pointed to the correctness of
the statement, and the pretty young
widow mourned his loss for close on
a year, and then, after a brief court-
ship, married a man who in the years
before her first wedding had been
her warm friend and admirer.
Months elapsed, and suddenly one
day a letter came from the,X risoners
of War Society advising the lady that
a Soldier who had apparently lost his
mjhd•had been returned from Ger-
many as totally unfit. The only
tiling that was distinguishable in. his
conversation was a name and ad-
dress that had formerly belonged to
his •wife. She visited the ward where
he was lying, and then discovered
that he was her first husband, IIs
capacity to hear it eagerly than any
less` closely, less durably united
couple can have.
Everybody wants to be understood
by somebody" but in the natural
course of events everybody is more
or lesse misunderstood or distortedly
understood by most of -his friends
and acquaintances. Marriage gives us
the best chance in sight to grasp our
share of complete mutual compre-
hension. Any benedict among us, the
"pick and shovel" 'man, the shipping
clerk, the plumber, or the railroad
magnate is more apt to be understood
by his wife than by any other human
How many in whom we least sus-
pect it are longing to pray! How
many who hardly suspect it them-
selves! The craving to sing is but a
partial and imperfect image of the
craving to pray. What song is to
prosy speech, that prayer is to' song.
It is the supremely personal and di-
rect utterance for which creation
longs, for which paid toil prepares.
Granulated Eye4ias,
r-`.d's' Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sim, Das! and Wind
Ev,r.� quickly relieved by !dillies
e EyeReimedy. Na Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. taurine Eyo
SsiveinTubes25c. For:ooksitheEyerreeask
Druggists orGiluridaEye RemedyCo.,Chicago
Oriental Confectionery.
It is acknowledged that the Chinese
are very skilful in making confec-
tionery and -possess the reputation of
having many secrets. They are able
to empty an orange of its pulp en-
tirely, then fill it up with fruit jelly
without one being able to find the
smallest cut in the rind or even a
tiny hole. Indeed they even empty
an egg in this manner and fill it with
a sort of almond nugget without one
being able to find the slightest break
or incision in the shell.
Any smoker who wishes to quit the
habit can do so by knocking the live
ashes of his pipe into a keg of blast-
ing powder.
Lin fent Curse Distemper
A steel magnate, anxious to get on
the right side of Andrew Carnegie,
once attacked him in his well-known
soft spot, namely, his love for the bard
of Tam O'Shanter.
"Mr. Carnegie," said the wily mag-
nate, "I see you've got several fine
editions of Burns on your shelves.
Georgie Burns! Dear old Georgie
Burns! He's my favorite poet."
Carnegie glared.
"Georgie Burns!"
Jimmy Shakespeare!
ens! Billy Carlyle!
ye, man!"
he snorted,
Harry Dick -
Get oat with
I was cured of terrible lumbago by
I was cured of a bad case of ear-
I was cured of sensitive lungs by
Ethel—Poor Jack! When ha pro-
posed to me he acted like a fish out
of water.
Marie—Why shouldn't he? He
knew he was caught.
ldinarcl's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
World's Highest Chimney.
The tallest chimney stack in the
world will be completed shortly at
the Kuhara refinery, Sagaeosekei, Ja-
pan. The stack, when completed,
will be 567 feet ]sigh and 26 feet in
diameter at the top. At present Ja-
panese papers claim the highest
smokestack in the world is another
belonging to the same company at
Sukegawa, which is 517 feet high,
the second highest being the chite-
ney at Great Falls, Mont., which has
a height of 508 feet..
tainaitl'$ :niuiiuent Cures Colds, dctl.
List on application.
The Indian Mutiny.
During the Indian Mutiny only 586
British soldiers were killed in battle
or died of wounds, but many thou-
sands of English people were mas-
sacred by natives.
IIdinard's Liniment Cures Garg•et in Cows
No Use.
"When that bad boy threw stones
at you why didn't you come and tell
me instead of throwing back at him?"
said the good little boy's pious moth-
"Tell you?" said the good little' boy,
"Why, you couldn't hit a barn door."
Sonia men are so mean that they
even refa,se to let their wives have
the last word.
Purely Herbal—No poison-
ous coloring matter.
Antiseptic—Stops b 1 o o d -
poisoning, festering, etc.
Soothing—Ends quickly the
pain and smarting.
Heals all sores.
50c. -Box. All Druggists and Stores
Men & Girls
For Ail Departments
Steady Employment
Good Wages
IflopouielltRnbbor Co., LtEl,
The ServastFrobletia who
ever heard of it in the, home
where the housewife knows
Shredded Wheat? In Ave
minutes you can prepare a
wholesome, satisfying mea]
with Shredded Wheal; Bis-
. - it without kitchen worry
cu . W th he w wry
or work. For breakfast heat
the Biscuit in the oven to
t crispness and serve
restore crispn se v
with hot milk. For lunch
serve with sliced bananas
or other fruits. Made, in
No man ever got a pain in his back
from carrying his neighbor's • burd-
1Z7 biers, Delaware, Carman. Order
at once, Supnly limited. Write for quo-
tations, li. W. Dawson. Brampton.
Offices for sato in good Ontario
tocana. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full Jnforinatton on
application to Wilson Puhli shine Com-
pony, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
, internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Beilrnan Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
Dog Remedies
more o:t:
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any address b9
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
A home Billiard
Brill provide you and
your family with the finest
form of indoor recreation
during the long winter even-
Our Famous Maisonette Table
Is made specially for
the home at a reasonable
Cash or on terms.
Makers to R. M. the King.
34 Church St., Toronto
Entries positively close November 25th
for the Seventh Annual
Toronto Fat Stock Show.
Union Stock Yards
Mail entries now to: --
C. F. Topping, Secretary,
Union Stock 'cards, Toronto.
For all regular classes and
T. Eaton Go. Specials, Walker House
Oup, Exchange Hotel; Cup, Gunns Lim-
ited Specials, Hands Abbatolr Specials,
Armour & Co. Special, G. it. Wailer
Son Special, Mathews - Blackwell
Speetal, Win. Davies Go. Specials',
Swift Canadian Specials, Toronto
World Special, Hartford Fire Ineur-
ante Company Cup.
ED. 7, ISSUE 48—'16..
Without Apparatus,•knha'ers, Salves,
Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke
or Electricity.
Heats Day and Night
It is a new e'ay. It is something abso-
lutely different. No lotions, sprays or sickly
smelling salves or creams, No atomizer, or
any apparatus of any kind. Nothing to
smoke or inhale. No steaming or rubbing
or injections. No electricity or vibration or
massage. No powder; no piasters; no keep.i
hag is the house. Nothing of that kind w1R
en. Something
ng delightful and healthful,
instantly successful. You do not have to
wait, and linger and pay out a lot of money.
Yon can stop it overnight --and I will gladly
tollou how—FLtEF4. I am not a doctor
and this is not a so-called doctor's prescrip-
tion --but I am cured and ray friends are
Ing will stop at can
once like maggiic.Yo suffer.
Fro,oe Jos Can Be Frac
.011.001.2ce •ter mom, UMW* .,AM .,�. .i
My catarrh was filthy and loatheotue, it
rrnlxAdo mo 111. it tinned mr mind. It undormtned mr,
J,oalth and nst weakening fug trill. Cho hbxktuft,
poaRRh inti opititss mads mo ebnortoue to all, and in'
soul breath and disgusting hnbitw made oveamS1 'Ore
ones Kyo d fns fancily. alp dollgt t to lite Nat
anted Ked db bring ete an untfaniel7 gram that Sas
lime it otnent ofn m •
avers moment of tt�e day and night i wsa s1o+<3ir per
,fire y oappina m9 vt(�ality.
But I found a euro, and t em ready to toll yoti'
about it F algia write me promptly,
�lhSeca ne r
Just natio
o and addres
• patoEar that: "Coattln 1miNtel
too he. sdtho n on
mine, Fon oared. ellyouu7t50mtorio
Will itstoyotbnleolumatn
IMES, at once. LO nal delay. send postal tiara o
*rite me* ]sit t k 7 k_ y� Grttthink Or turning
pngd SiS it :Lau:
Ia pifveta0::Fze,t1
Mat tb.Mt Osn arr st it lice done l!h'�mi.
Sara ,ogate, Oat.142)Must