Exeter Times, 1916-11-23, Page 1' `OfLTY-SECOND No. 2243 EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER ?2th 1916 Exeter School BoartF UNDERWENT OPERATIO1+I DIED xN SA ,NTA M la JONES ec MAY PHONE 32 Big Sweeping Sale Ladies' Winter Coats A Good 'finm BigBargain Time For A ar - g We have about 20 real nifty up•to-date Ladies' and Misses Winter Coats to clear out end make room for our Christmas Goods. 'lf you want a swell Coat at a small price it is feere for you, as we are bound to clear out' every coat. Dont miss this opportunity p� A $25 Coat for $15; . a $20 coat for $13 12 " " 8 �; " 11; a A 17 A Good Heavy Fur Collar. Coat for $12 CHRISTMAS 1 MONTH I Nota bit too early to start your Xmas save you the 'big rush rater on, We have sa goods of all 'description for Xmati 'gifts. Shopping. Buying early will big stook of very suitable ifi�tll`.{fej Swell Furs. /For Coats. Childrens' Furs. ancy Scarfs Easley Aprons, Nancy Ribbons, Purses. Bogs Linens Blouses Ties. ! " • .' 1:l t Neck Scarfs. , • Japanese Baskets We have just received a ship ment of the Latest 'Variety in. Fancy Baskets and Purses, •dir ect from. Japan. They are real xuce and make a useful 'Christ- m,as Gift. Mens', Youths' and Boys' Overcoats Youths' & Boys' Coats Mens' Coats ' We have just opened a new Ship- ment • of Swagger Men's Overcoats bought at odd prices. They are Bright lip to the vninute in Style and the. cloths are extra good. Every coat a ;different .pattern, if (you ,wait an ex -- elusive coat oome in and see them at old prices, Jones Brand New right off the bench; (Made up just the same Style as the ili'len's. Beautiful 'cloths and patterns 'and prices no 7riigher than lash year, Some real nice fancy Overcoats for 'small boys in different colors. See' them at once. < < . ,fr AND May Ranges and Heaters .-� 41, Before placing your or- der for a stove call and examine our complete line ofcooking & heating Stoves. Steel ranges $35 to $60; Capt ranges $25 to . $50; Heating stoves $9 to $48; Perfection oil heaters, $4.50 to $6 00 Make your new barn complete with the use of modern sliding door rol- lers, stable door latches, etc Prepare your stable with stall fixtures "and cattle chains for wintering your stock A full line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, Stove Pipes Elbows, etc for fall HEAMAN'S programmaae on e 031 Fridaye the , night art it f Abe roh Good musical prins at 8.15 ogrammep. eand, rs St. eading LAUS DEO Lord God Omnipotent, lRuler of Nations Earth, Air and Ocean's Invincible King. Thee would we honor; to Thee our oblation. Of praise and thanksgiving grate- fully bring. Thine all -hollowed name, With glad voices acclaim. And in joyful hosannas Thy majesty sing. Thou great God of a3attles, Thee have •we trusted, Trusted in Thee; 71hou hast bast not put to shame, Th' mighty right arm, behold 1 Thou' didst thrust it. Full in the'face of proud foernan who came Like a great swelling flood Of foul rapine and' blood Trampling Thy laws and bJaspb ming Thy name. "Thus far, but no further," and great water, Wave after (wave of it, and scorning, Surged in its 'fury; brake Airs. S. V. Muxworthy and dough, Vara. Charles Retereft of Sarnia died. The School Board meths the Public , er 'alar�geret• left last week for Tor- on Saturday ay of last week ndae"follovxn;g a Library an 1\ov. 21, at ?,3U p, tn. All i Qnto, where the latter underwent an stroke of paralysis tl was t orrsterlresi- operation for foot trouble, The op- roue. Mrs. Lac present. lMlinutes of r,revious anew'ting exation.was suece stn' and llliss 1MIux.. +dent of Exeter need she and Nfr. Esc apt he S . nett. visited in town during;., the past i The Set�a•etasry nes added to write worthy is getting along nicely. summer. Mr. John Welsh of tw,uv>si to the Deportment to get the basislilt a brother. Messrs. John 1WeL.sh, ltd. • of grants toed final how the the year was computed, and the reg - g g: ahions •e rd .ants to High l a in b b S Schools. The princ•ioral reported the attend- ance as usual, the classes as progres- aing very well end the new teat her. ereat, for ,' J3ROUGHT ACNE DE ;Welsh, and . ,a6. F.ulte attended the : Mr. W. 3, Northcott of Se"smith 'unera arrived twine last week after a dscr A f l F was country. Do ry , fortunate to bring a deer •i•>, sok with him. Mr. Northcott accompanied a satisfactory' ; those who went oa farms party from London. were recommended won a coned °roti- { ou ly mea -ked test exai inaiion. The 'Principal was asked to furnish x lest of those recommended and those obtaaen;, certificates. Rcp,.rdiue a. request for refund it wee decr..ecl that under the ' ircuna- st nce refunds would not .be :orih- coming. Re Special Petition—Per F. W. Gladman and I.' Armstrong—that pet- ition be fyled" as trustees are not favorable to' the regv<est. Per l', W. Gladman and R. N.Creech that the following accounts. be paid, S. Martin & Son, surveyor's level $25; Exeter Mfg, Co., cresting 31.85. Miss Ver prizes School Fair, 10.25; W S. Cole sup.li,es 2.55; and that the following payments be confirmed, S. Martin & Son, 60.66; T. Cornish 3.25. Per I. Aimatron g—ad;onmin e.nt . K. MacFaul, Seg. Letter From the Front ISNOCKED DOWN '73Y CONCUSSION OF SHELL • The following interesting :tetter taken from the 'Moncton Transcript was written by a relative of Mr. and Mrs; Wm., B;owey. Lance Corp: W. W . Lodge under ldate of the '22nd of Ootdber; Writing from `Somewhere in Finance or Flan,. nem" to his relatives in Moncton rays '"Just n few lines to let you know that I am still well. I have done a little more and seen a little more since I last wrote you. I merely men- tion that your letter was delivered 'to me actually in the front line,tren- bhes. This will let you and t'he' others knew how thorough our .mail system is as well es everything else. You han't imagine how it pleases the boys to get a letter from. home when they are in a place like that I was in all A GREAT PaCTU'1tE 'Mr, J. A. Stewart has on eahibitton in his window a large .paint:ng of the 'Canadians ,charge at Ypres. The pic- ture is the property' of the 1ldoisons Bank and is a masterly production It is receiving much favorable coat- i -neat and is well worth seeing PATRIOTIC' TEA The second patriotic ten -cent tea will be held on Friday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Powell all the ladies are •cordially invited Our last tea was very successful. 'Re- member that all the .money goes ,to 'buy yarn and socks and comforts for the I)anadian soldiers in the trenches 'Come out one .exacourage the ladies by your presence. TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY Through the efforts ot the Nation- al Sanitorium Association with the co -,operation of all the clergy of the Denominations and the Department of Education, Sunday, November. the 26th, next, have been set apart as Tuberculosis Sunday and Tuberculosis Day in the schools. Literature on the subject has been distributed to Ministers and Teachere. throughout the province; and the widest possible. publicity tee urged— that na1I may join in stamping out the dread desease. THE TELEPHONE QUESTION The township clerk and members of the council were in Clinton onSat- urday and met members of the Tuck- ersmith +council and Mr. Ashley of the ,Sell Telephone Co., for the purpose of discussing telephone rates and ex- change charges at Hensen and Exeter centrals. Matters were gone into thoroughly land all angles of the ques- tion. looked into. As a result of.the the night before last. I was outpost ,nesting them is hardly any doubt not'. Naturally our surroundings aro ( that the five cent connection char- arot like a parlor and therefore r ge through. Hornell and Exeter seem letter comes like a 'gentle zephyr from home. "I was knocked down the other ila.y by the concussion of a big shell when it burst. This sort ' of upsets la man's nerves and makes himl feel Mi bit 'crochetty. I was not hart but felt to bit bruised but it is all over (sow. It was not necessary fore me to leave the post. There is a little. word in the English language spelled---. I do not think you know the, mean - ling of this little word of five letters. Take for instance a fifteen-inchshell 'going through the air, it sounds some - 1 thing Jike an express trainwhizzing 1 oast overhead, A number of them r passing over us ail at once when mix- ed in with 9.2 shells (nineteen pound- , ers). Then add to the noise of these, some 13 and 18 etc., :pounders and yoa are getting towards the .definit'on of the sword noise. Now we add. to these !British shells all 'Fritz'a shet'is come ting ,over, and then last but' not least ling on top of these the racket' all. 1 these make when they explode and you are pretty nearly getting down to is noise when all this is going. on bend it is going on twenty out oft twen ty-four hours. if you turn to a sold- ier at one's 'elbow and ask'himt for a match or cigarette or anything. he will go down Hand, get it for you. "I noticed that the Transcript a few weeks ago had an article: head- od, "The 'Western Front for Thirty Mlles (Bathed , in Shells." Ishou:d 1'like to give ,you ,a definition of that word bathed but I have not time and space and you would' not !credit it if l dd. If however, you ''could imagine *bell holes so •clwte• to- gether thit one goes into the 1 other like links of a ;chain you are getting ;somewhere what it is like I You have seen those little potoclean leas made of ;key rings. Lay one of those ,across the table and try to im- agine they are shell -tholes from ten to fifteen feet across and all the way ' from six to ten feet deep and, you 10 I have a piece of ground that has been ' bathed or baptized. with shells. boastful 1 I am out from (he front now for a bit of a rest. We were in tho rear in Are about eighty hours last time. It has slaughter; been wet and disagreeable and the Melted away like mist in the morn- mud it has been a fright. You should ing bave ween w,ben we came out and you Vainly, with shook on shock 1 would have heard from us some of Dashed on that living rock, ' the language a anything' but parks- sin ' been r nt� ever n G o tohave Our thin battle line..Thy p mental". We h v and. warning. trying to'dry dap. It is getting. cold here and ice formed the last• few For Thou, Lord of hosts, Thou, 'force nights. It is going to be fierce if we ' e, �intc.r, out her 2711 Phones 27b in all forces{ have to put in the ww Snown or undreamed ot in earth At the present state of the war or in hell, cit is impossible to have proprrt ,;;ren - Vert our ,rampart and :strength, The °hes and accomndations. We do not -:,vim,...._,•..aassOralanase stars in their courses know when we are ,going to .leave BOTIN aCRE,' 'Exeter, on Nov. 11.8th, to 'Mr. and Dies, Thos. ,Creech a son ' HIET.,-At Zurich on Nov, the 12th to pt r. end Mrs. Geo, Thiele a son, ali4UNN—Near Meseta oh Nov. 19th, to iMr. and Mrs. Robert Munn a daufatet. „. BFEREY--.A.t the 15tba, on Hay on Nov. 5th to uhlri and Mrs. Walter J'e:ffrey, o. son. ,o'I'tEElwi'AN--At; (Saublc Line, Pay on Nov. 5th, to Mr. and IXrs. A. L. Sreerian la daughter. COLI ,v eh'" .i; i. Exeter,, on Nov. 18th, t 'i c. Drrs. Ernest' Cols linneo, • . c.aughter. GA5CI:IO— at Zurich, on November llth, to +&Ir. and Mrs. Dais (leech() a daughter. ((Beatrice Lelia) tiMIAItillI'ED JOI.I,NS—IIAItDMA:N Ifl.., 'Toronto, on Nov. the 8th„ Miss' ' Nellie Mary, daughter of. 'alr, vrnd 311ra. J. T. Hardman. of Toronto, lo Me. Boger I+ranklin John, of Toronto, eon of hlr. and Mrs.'Well Johns oi;• town. DIED 1MI,cTAGGAABT-1n Exeter N'ort`h on November the 151h, I,eonnrd :'ac Taggart aged 82 years. • If need were, Thine infinite hand could impel Thy battle to fight, For Truth and the Right d' el And: the impious legions of Evil isp ItoThee avhootried us Out thanks 'fie and 's estcdi, And found, in us fitness of manhood to fight. The rtt.thleas oppressors; twoo fain woOld have wrested World ;freedom away by the brae lawn of might, !By fire hast Thou trained as, Yet still liner oteetained us, Till Thy day of: ven,gtanee row breaks (lea: oar si,glxt. —G, L a position, {Before you get this you ' probably will have lacard that we • have made another (nova. The Ores, rnanpri5onlrs tell as that the Fxenoh nom fights for his land, the Bo.g- lishman for his 1w.ing and Country but the ,'Canadian, he kills the Ger- man for souvenirs. "German pri•.aoners ae ii`e 'Coinit1g all the line, Mon of them are pret'y seedy and look pre, y welt a':J iaa.. JINGLE j131r�1.T,S The jingle ' of sleigh belts were e week for'a �• hrard.:xrotxnd tvwvn lest couple of days. A heavy hill of snow trals will have to be inaugurated.— Zurich Herald. e ' JUDGE "UPHOLDS TWO HURON CONVIICTIONS The cases against Thomas Berry of Hensel] and N. Cantin of St. Joseph for violation of the Canada Temper- ' once Act, which were tried before Police Magistrate Andrews in Sept- ember last and a conviction regist- ered in each case, which were appeal- ed by both parties and argued before Judge Latchford of Toronto who de- layed giving his decision until last Friday have resulted in a win for the temperance p.ople. Th; judge. told that according to C. T. A. there is no appeal from a police magistrate's de- cision and consequently the merits of either oases could not be re -opened in a higher court. Crown Attorney Seager of Goderich and J. 111. Cart- wright K, C'., acted for the pros- ecution. JOI3,NS-1IA'RDM AN A'quiet pretty wedding was solemn ized on the .afternoon of Nov. the 8th at the Thome of Mr.' and, Afrs.t"J'. T. Hardman, 52 Westmoreland Ave., when their daughter, Nellie Mary,' was united in nn.arriage to Roger Franklin Johns, of Toronto. former- ly of Exeter. The (Rev. A. E. Iltadson officiated nod Miss Grace Headman sister of the 'bride played they w•edd,i ing music. "Bridal Chorus." The bride unattended was given away by her father and looked cbarmingly ata tired in white 'net over silk and.wore a lovely bouquet of bridal roses She also wore a beautiful gold brace- let watch, tbe ,gift of the groom. The groom's gift to the pianist was a wrist watch. After a dainty sup- per was served the happy •couple left for an eastern 'trip, the bride trav- elling in a navy !blue suit with ,hat to match. On their return Mr. and Oars, Johns will read in Toronto Mr.. Johns is a graduate of the Exeter Times office and has a host of friends who jo'n with the Times in extending congratulations. PENSION REGULATIONS A. synopsis of pension regulation af- fecting dependants of soldiers killed in action or di.c•d sn servicer has been s of widoww the is enef it p'sh . ubin. cd for and Wowed mota:s who have been bereft of mens of 4.•ipport on account of the war. "f a 'raunbcr of the•rank and filo has beeTTilled or has s dit d , as a result of lej ries ,received, or desease centrac.cl or aggravated while on a etive sc • vice, the widow, of the member .,t' ne forces, nn, awes- peat to whom ss1 e onion is granted ,eJ +anti! it nor air Ste. • ' all be eni idled to pension of o32 ar month for herself t A On and after Den 1st th;e following papers will be 1.50 per year in ad- vance. Ailsa 9Craa.iugauner Lucan .Sun. Parkbill Gazette Strathroy Age. Strathr•oy I3espat°h ,. Glencoe Transcript . Belmont Enterprise, PTE WALxERS i AD& FROM FIRING LINE • e Pte. Wm. :Walters who has been. invalided from England as a result of wounds received on the firing line in France, arrived In Exeter Saturday evening. Pte. Walters is a brotliernf Messrs. Alf and 'Tames 'Walters of tones and will visit with there, for a' few days. 131e was wounded on •Slane 3rd. being struck in the elbow. The bullett going right through to the fingers. SEND IJP, THEIR LETTERS The readers of. •the Times are all interested in the soldier boys and particularly the members of the ltslst Battalion, the I];urons., The Times would therefore, be glad to publish any letters coming from the boy,, an England or later from France. We will promise to 'preserve the original letters andreturn them to theia owners. Send along the boys' lettere others want to blear +bexaa, too.. Obligato 'oh'orus' of girls ,Tai+j('a' evening „taxies St. ehurcb. •open aealf Admission 25o children 15o.. At Dr. P'aadknottusslf',s ,ahffioe.. . "'AVE A i1t1EA' T" ;(,Guelph flfiercury`y There are :~nanny phrases ,that heave come into use lately, and souse o'$( them have a gnat .deal of meaning that's hard to express b Erny other way. Among these latter phrases aid one, '",[.Itave n keaxt," :that ,neo well be applied to a v'ituattion that (•verge newspaper ,published in the Dominion is facing. and has been £oeine torr months past The demand for free: nonce' connection with the wear, and too raising of battalions and !undo , haled come to a point, noo' wbere it.:iw aaot fair to expect the pacers to accede; to all .the re nests It is <100)1 1'01 if there is arty ,class of trade then hats, donated ,openly of its stock -in -trade as the newspapers.. 'The only' thing they bave to sell .is the white vocal in their paper and almost ew erfi' qday 2t certaix an oant of this as givere to Patriotic and Cross pe+2faoaee ab-( solutely free. Ise the aggregate this: amounts to a great deal A newspaper although 'hevin:g .a(. (quasi-publio nature, le isa eso far aa its financing is ,ioneerned. a private concern, as such is feeling the exce:ns- ive cast of materiai, the increasing wages and other burdens that fall •oris, the financial end of the business. It might ba well for gine public ;to keep this in. mind that a newspaper has to pay its way like any otlxez. concern, ,aznd that there Is a Omit to. what it O.An ,give ~away. And beside; there is no reasons why advance not- ices or anything no wetter whethel J r the object is to raise tnon.ey or to have •e. good time, should not be. wade for and re:ekened zs a ligitisea.te ex-•: (lenge, THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE JUST 10 Pieces English Flannelette. 36 inches wide, extra heavy, worth 5•c a yard. 'On sale 5 yards for $r-oc Hose Special 'tTaines in Wool Homme for Child nerd, Women and Mean. Ladies' geece- lined cotton hose 2;c pair Rubbers Shoes Our stack is complete and the quality is guarantee& Buy to -day as prices' are advancing evet;y. week. Suits and Overcoats We can cease yOta these at the old prices and qualities, Coes e in and let us show you the goods.. B. F. BEAVE 44a00••dw4444P4®004,4.4 9©''J.*447 O •• Hun P1-160riaNE • • • •FII. • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • Z • • •, • end ,$6.00 fey e.:1 child. A widowed mother 'will s , i- e pension of a21 month T • en for men al ove Fash i Is our aim for the men of Exeter ud vicinity. That's one reason why we specialize in Alen's wear exclusively. Keeping in touch with styles is our business so when you are outfitted by ns you are sure of befog dressed right We have in stock all tie newest styles. Look over our line of Soft Felts, r „x Shirts, Collars, dies Glove* Underwear, Socks, Sty c r- d Overalls Ready -Made and : '!'.,de -to -Measure Clothing Blue Sem,: tllits for Men toe Tana;% :,,ur sl•owvs n ,gradual =; Oar NeTaltt:'r' illido%) r s the;; later to Canada. ices, tie s.; 'sem iter n'ton,ra for __.:.. tlwe wolfs nt' .• rr.'nt officer and 4 -----•--w^^-^•- _ _ _ _ 131 it her a 11 e e• (lowed: mother, +► 8 A tiM+•f4+d�' ,.,nsitr a3 1•rut 1 ,.11ownne. s to • eti:ltlrr•n �, 1 loot irox,r do tl1y .followwi t on wwhn'.b the cc th °neared -flee ri 1 a eta:aleaat ,.o „Wo in n.' ar !:we months lr, we; We :, 'Ya:d the fir.., i h.• -r.<ns'ou,. Ali month Its 1 �,••; teen fror,'i the • 4 • nsioxis u Ot iwva, Made very fair slein.hing but rt soon histitia De r disappeared on tho.roads. 418 • •• •• • • • co- Qr . • •b 40. ••1.- 4 v4