HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-16, Page 8essigszanossaractent katneensannesnisiontaar Phone ill j A STEWART !phone 16 10 Per Cent Discount On Misses' & Ladies' Coats With the Io per cent. Discount that we are giving to all Women and Girls buying Coats these days, you should not de. lay in making a selection of your coat for the cold weather, 44 e have a fine assortment of styles to choose from as well as some excellent cloths. Don't delay. Ladies' & Men's Fur Collared Coats This cold weather tells you that you need a warm fur -col- lared Coat. Our Ladies' and Men's fur -collared Coats have quilt- ed or curl -lining. They are interlined with rubber and the cloths are such that we know that we will not be able to obtain as good quality for years to come. Prices $1S.00 to $25.00 Black Overcoats for Men 'We are confident that the values that we have to •show you :will save you dollars. Let us prove it. Swell coats at $14; to 19.00. • , i . Rubbers and Heavy Lubbers We sell Miner Rubbers. They always give satisfaction. A guarantee goes with every pair. Let the rubbers you wear this season be "Miner Rubbers." , Furs You will enjoy wearing a set of elegant furs this season. We have tried to (keep the prices as (low as possible. We will be glad to show you what is new. Combination Underwear for Women The Famous • `Ceetee" make in light and medium weight, fine elastic rib. which wears weal. Sizes 2, 3, and 4. at $1.25; 2.25; and 2.50. New Arrivals in Crockery Department Pickle Dishes 15o; Butter dish es 20e; Oatmeal Dishes 70; Alarm inum sale and pepper 12 1-2c; tRowls, 5c, 10c, 15e; Brass Jar - diners 1.50 to 6.00. Cream pitchers 10, •13, & 23c. Glass Lamps all sizes; Hanging lamps; !Berry Sets 13 pieces at 1.50. Egg cups doz. 25e; Tooth pick holders 10, and 15c; Odd cups and saucers, creams and sugars, tout glaiss, "water jugs Brass trays odd platters. ST: ,:e. ART Phone 1.6. We pay highest prices cash or trade, for live or dressed Poultry. The music lovers of Exeter may New Tailored Suits antF Coats , .i . 1-9 • Of first interest, when the cool days conte. The styles axe varied to meet the c.ifferert tastes. 10oats are long- er, skins are also longer. Our new goods are here. Good range to choose from. MADE TO YOUR. MEASIURP • See Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging from $1 y 00 Up 'We also have a new Waage ot Men's over coating aid suiting. GIVE US A. CALL N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel J CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sad Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom- ach tomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels -you always get relief with Cascarets. They Imine. d!ately cleanse and regulate the aton3- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- matter and ois on atipated waste p Prom the intestines and bowels. e A 10•cent bon from your druggist will keep .your liver and bowels clean; Wheat Wanted. -You want bran stomach sweet andhead clear for and shorts, we want wheat, in order lrionths. f,S They work whole you sleep. Ito innate them for you. Efstrvey Oros. have the opportunity in the near future to attend an Edison tone -test the masque musical and scientific that has been attracting wide attention. in all parts of the United Statesdur- ing the past few months. It is a well known fact that most phonographs merely give an. approximate repro- duction of the human voice -a repro- duction that may be pleasing to the human ear. but that falls far short of approaching the perfection of the warm n nd vibrant rant tones of the livirg voice. When Thomas A. Edison invent ed the first phonograph and estab- lished the fact that sound could be reproduced, .he realized •that, if an approximate reproduction was a scientific possibility, a perfect repro- duction mulct be secured. He see the achievement of the latter task as a goal and for years he concentrated his energy and resources on the work he had determined to accomplish. . A few months ago he announced that his task was completed. and that he was now ready to give a un- ique instrument of music to the world In order to demonstrate the degree of perfection tint he bad attained in it he gave a demonstration :n Car- negie Htall, New Yrk, in which Mme. Marie Rappold of the hlepropolitan Opera, sung in unison with her voice in the New Edison. An audience bf the most cultured and diseriminating musicians of the ruetropoli s heard the test and found themselves unable to distinguish between the voice of the instrument and the voice of; the singer. The most noted and impartial Music critics of the world, there to pronounce judgment on the new in- vention listened -and admittedthat the human voice had been Re-,Onsated The !demonstration in New York roused the most tn'husiau is comment In alit parts of the country and brought insistent demands• for repit- itions of the unique scientific and art- istic demonstration from other cities. ,.nd despite the feet that hundreds of tests have been given, th•y'„intense interest in them has not abated in the least and at the present time, a large number of renowned artists are touring the country for Mr.. Edi- son in response to requests for tone - tests that are being made by the mus kcal and scientific people of America Many of the Imusie lovers oft 'Canada have heardof these tests and express ed their earnest desire to hear one of them. It is an. effort to gratify;' the the desire of these people that J. Willis Powell the New Edison. Dealer is trying to ,make arrangements for one of these demonstrations. If Mr. Powell finds it possible to secure the services of one of the not- ed tone. artists the details of the re- bital that will be given will be an- nounced in the near future. TH Market Report -The fallowing is the retort of the a;v"ter onarlret correeted up to Nov. 16th. 'Wheat 1.75. to 4,85, ' t ' Bader 7Q to 85o. ; : f 1 Oats, 50 to 55o. • t 4 l ' Peas 2.00 per bus. • , 1 ! 5.+antily ,!four 5,10. Low Grade 2.50. is • r I Aran 32.00 per ton. • Shorts 34.00 per ton, Sugar beet pulp ,'26.00 per ton. Eggs 4,00.k.t t Butter 380. 1 , . I. i , Creamery butter 46c.. Young chicks 120. ' t t It' Old hens loo._if f. •t- I 1 Roosters 80. .. . . , Young ducks 10o. , . , . , , . , Ducks dressed 14e. Old ducks 10e. t ;• , , 1 1 •'• Geese dressed 13e.'' Old Turkeys 15c, . -- Young turkeys 18e Potatoes, 1.65; 2.00; 2.25 per bag. :-quos 10.00 , , (t • The season for Oysters has arrived. We have a fresh supply on hand Oysters Served !dot or Cold Sold in bulk Try our Oyster Stews WILSON'S O ROC E RY PHONE 56 es o•C•e4e9+f e66aDoteosoe•oo•eQO t LOCAL • • •ee•ede eoeee0• • Miss Lillian Boyle left last week to visit for a few days in Hamilton; Mrs. W. J. Heaman returned home last week after visiting in Toronto. Mr. H. Anderson of the Molson's Bank Kirkton spent Sunday in town. Lieut. R. Young of Chatham, spent the week -end the guest of Mr,:'Wm. Rivers,. , Mr. S. Martin. and daughter, Mrs. S. G. IBawden spent a coup'1e• on days in London last nveek. Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Nash,, of Sarn ia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W; Powell during the past week. Miss Joynt of Lueknow spent Sun- day the guest of her friencFnlise Bay - croft of Toronto, milliner here. Miss lBaycroft left Tuesday for her home near Toronto to attend a wede ding of her friend's on the 15th. Hardy Williamson, noted tenor of New York will sing in a tone test in the Opera House on 'Nov. 29th. Mrs. T. 0. LSotathcott has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Preston. Wheat Wanted. -You want bran and shorts we want wheat, in crd.r (to make them for you. Harvey 'Bros: MMIS'S J. J. ALLAN eye -sight Spec,- ist ia will i 1 be at the Central Hotel Saturday .Nor, ember 23th. Hrs. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. t : . The Main St. Mission C:rcle will hold a sale of homemade cooking and tend), the 25th •of this month: Full particulars later. ' . Dr. UBurdon and .daughter, Miss Florence of London. motored; up and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stew- art over Sunday. (Mrs. Levan who has spent the; last two years in 'Exeter intends leaving next :week for Toledo, Ohio, where she will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johns have mov ed to town from Elimville Ltd their new residence recently erected. on Albert St. We welcome them to town, Mrs. G. Manson was in London lalst week a delegate to the Women's In- stitute Association. Mrs. Manson gave .the report for the counties of Huron (Bruce and Perth. Rev. fir. 'Redmond occu.pied the pul pit in James St. Methodist churdh last Sabbath evening, the pastor., Rev J. W. Baird conducting anniversary services at Kippen. Mr. IL E. tllueston was in Stratford last week attending the annual Dis- trict meeting of the Library Insti- tute. Mr. Hueston was elected vice- president of the association. Hear Hardy Williamson in h's won- &nul feat, singing with himaelf on the New Edison. Opera House. Nov. 29th. . t James St. Epworth League will hold a Rally Service on Tuesday of next week. Next Sabbath the pas- tor. Rev. J. W. Baird will se reiieh special !sermons to the young people. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Stimmel, of Waitesburg, Wash., who have .been visiting the latter's seater, Mss Lew- is for several weeks, left this week - to visit in the States andf (California before ,returning to their home. Mrs. E; Weber, of, Malcolm, Alta., who has been visiting at Seaforth, New Hamburg and London, return- ed Saturday to visit for a few days. with her parents Mir. and Mrs. S. Wardy, before returning to her home.. 'Reeve Fred Ellerington, of Usborne haspurchasedthe property of Judge L. IT,. Dickson, on William St and will take possession. the 1st of December This is one of the fin:ist rees'dental prop- erties In town. and Mr. E,llerington. is to be congratulated on securing such n fine home. Judge Dickson will - move with his family to Goderiebr EXETER TIMES PHONE 18 4, R. 0 GOWER & SON Successors to G• R. Bedford Groceries and Cured Meats MeatsBacons of all kinds ' Smoked hull Cooked kla m Bologna. etc., Salmons of all kinds Perrin's Fancy Cakes and Biscuits Try our Teas, Coffee and Cocoa Our Goods are Good Goods !Mr. McPauls, of Seaforth, visited his daughter, Miss McDaniel and Miss Grigg in town over Sunday. The New Edison, '.Hardy 'Williamson Opera Blouse Nov. 29th. Compliment ary Tiokets at Powell's Samar. The Patriotic League will •collect old papers on Saturday next. Parties fire asked to have them ready for the collectors when called for. The ladies of *own peeked (Christ• tmas boxes for the boats .of;' the IGhat Battalion who trained in Exeter last year and who last week landed in England. , , i ' 1 c Mr. ilhrvey Parkinson. wear Gran- ton.. lost two Sine 'cows which were killed by the one o'clock express on Sunday near Granton. LOST -A square home -spun horse - blanket on the Lake Road on Nov. ember lst. Finder will be prewarded leaving at Times office. Mrs. A. M. Wilson, District organ- izer from Greenway visited the 'Mis- sion Girdle at James St. church and (gave a very interesting inspiring talk that was enjoyed by all. Mr. Thos. Collingwood is moving from Andrew street into the resi- dence of the date A. 8, .Deavitt. Mr. Robert Kerslake who (purchased Mr. Collingwood's house will shortly move to town. !Wednesday Was the last day for shooting blank squirrels. Seuirrel9 have net been as plentiful thid year as other years and consequently there were few bans. The rabbitt season has also closed .for a month. Tickets for the Edison. Williamson tone ' test Nov. 29th will be given complimentary. See us for Western Oats, sugar beet • pulp and regular lines of feed also:.our best flour, "Model."-Ha'rvey Bros: + t i 1 f • '; FdR' SALE -Ford car model 1p15. in ,first class bhape. _A. bargain at bncej F.' . M ,Boyle. From week to week questions pol- itical and otherwise, of the utmost importance to the farmer are coming to the front. These questions are in many instances allowed to pass with- out teomment by some newspapers for political reasons. That old and re- liabable friend of the farmer, the 'Weekly Sun does not allow any ques- tions affecting the farmer to pass without comment. You may no always agree with its opinion, but the Sun being free from party or political con trot gives its readers an unbiased op- inion on all questions. These opin'one are always worth reading while the Sun's market reports have been con- sidered most reliable from the far- mer's standpoint.. Are you. ;reading this exponent ony our interests? If not you tare missing many good things each week. Yon will find the Sun in- structive and profitable reading. COLDER WEATEMB The weather has been colder and this section has been vis :led by a light fall of snow. !For the first, time this season the ground has been covered with the beautiful. A h'ILTSICAL EVENING The 'Musical evening in James St. Methodist church on. Friday evening Nov. 24th, promises to be something new. Choruses with children's obligati) besides unaccompanied work. 25c. Keep this date. The programme will be •under the direction of 'W. M. Cilarke, R. L. C. M. (Eng) BATTLE OF .T13,E SOMME Greatest war film in the world, Will be shown at the "Dome Theatre" January 12th and 13th, matinee and night. The earliest possible date ob- tainable. This picture is now play- • Ing in the cities and Exeter will be one of the first towns to have the opportunity of seeing the wonderful film. Produced by ..the Famous Playoff General admission 25e, war tax 2cts. extra. • ' 1 , ' ' OMISSIONS AND ADDITIONS • In the list ,of the contributions to the :Red Cross Fund last week the following names were omitted, Adol- phus Hooper 2.00 ;Milton Russell .00 Sam Elliott: 5.0c, .The 19.00 dopaf ion 'should have been credited to the/ D. .Y. R. • plass;: of • the Presbyterian church. The following amouints ,'have since been received. 'ltd. 'Welsh '2,00; •1). C. !McInnis 25.00; bringing jthe• total up to date .$2225.26. 10IST A11)R1VES IN ENGLAND !Word arrived in town on Sundayy dial the 161st .'Battalion. had safely arrived in England. Several cables have come throughbut it has not yet been learned where they will be, gear tered. , During the latter part of last rveelc letters and cards that were written by the (boys aboard the S. S. Lapland before leaving II'alifax were forwarded to friends in town. . STOVES E01 SALE -Coal or wood stove also base burner nearly new. Apply to 'Mrs, llyndman. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT O1: AGRICULTURE Live Stock Short Course Judging Contest .A shod Course in Live Stock Jud- ging u IP be held in ,connectio'i with the SOUTH HURON BOAR() OF AGR1CUL1 URE in ,the SKATING RINI. EXETER, on Thursday and friday Nou.mber 23rd and 34th,1916 as follows,- Thursday Afternoon. -2 p.m. led Cattle; 4 p.m Dairy Cattle, ey 1Z.k1. .11.ardiug 'lin» ndale Ont. Frtria•y et noon. -2 p.m. .:-Heavy Horses; 4 p.m. Light Horses, by John Gnrdhouse Weston. This should be a helpful conven- tian :::til every farmer and young matt i.i this locality should try and arrange to attend. The best stock procurable will be us.ecl for the demonst•rat'von. GEO. A. PUTNAM, Supt., Toronto. GEO. PENH;ALE, President, A. li. DOUPE, Secretary, R. R. No. 3 Exeter, Ont. HICKS FORECASTS A reactionary storm period is cen- tral on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 17th 18th land 1i9tht The, Moon is bn the eelestail equator on the 19th; 1 passiung to south declination, hav- ing passed last quarter on the 17th. It must not •be fontgotton that the Mass equinocial is at the culmination o fits strength throughout all of Nov ember, and the teharacter of storms and •weather generally that has ,pee - wailed through October will ;be sus- tained and intensified. If a tendcn'cy" to early cold, and stormy wintry, bor- eal nature have preceded, expect a renewed end increased dash of snow Bleat or early winter on or about the 17th 180 or 19th The passage of the Moon over the celestial equator on the 19th, im.ay retard the c'kange to colder; but the change will gath- er intensity by the delay, sending an unseasonably cold wave over knost parts of the country, beginnin,s in the northwest, from about the 19 to the 22nd. Make notes of these spec ial warnings and watch. THE CHRISTMAS SEAL TO HELP (CANADA'S GREATEST CHA'Rl r3C The field Secretary of the National S-anitariuin Association, Mr. Watson, by name, visited 'our schools on. Fri.' day last and there addressed the' scholars on the subject -of Tubercul- osis and what is being done in thin Province to cure end ,prevent •it. Be pointed out that during 'the past 10 years or '15 there have been efforts put forth by all :civilized lands to eradicate the awful desease and that all countries are ,making encouraging progress along that line. The Prov- ince of Ontario has -accomplished as much us any other and more than most countries. Already the death - rate from Consumption in Ontario has been reduced by over 40 per cant, and the hope is in _case the consumptive hospitals contrive the good work, that the White Plague will have acascd to be in a quarter of a cent- ury hence. The Muskoka Fre.e Hospital for con- sumptives is at present giving care and treatment to over 233 consum.p- tire patients, of whom 246 are entire- . - is one chief eau Wee. Thewar .e 1 y fee of the unusual large number of free patients. Its main tainence costs over $10 0.00.00 per month, and being dis- pensed mostly on charity, appeal has to be made for financial help. The Christmas Beal has proved a very ef- ficient ingatherer of small contrib- utions from many that never think of contributing. The Education De- partment approves the use of the Schools in this connection. Last year the Christmas Seal, handled mostly by scholars, yielded $16,000.00. Phis (rear it is hoped by means of it $20,000.00 or more (may be gathered in to aid (Canada's greatest charity. FOR. 8AL: -mialt gallon 'Winchester bottles, out,, two, three and five tru1 Ston. jars, also Wyandotte ICookrils,. Martin strain from. "Sensation" birds A,Pp'ly 'to. G, Ilyndtnan. UTC ia"R iB,UBINESS FOB SALE Good butcher (business for sale all equipment tor running the same. Apply or write to Wm. Rivers Exeter See us for Western Oats, sugar beet lau0.P and regular lines of feed aiso our best flour, "Model."•-H;tirvey Bros. .. t t o 1111 I.' Farmers Don't be troubled with lice on • ,your Pattie all winter clip then: when (sou put them in the stab -4 le, it is the only .safe, sure cure for this trouble. . t We have in stock the celebrat ed Stewart clippers and all re- pair parts for same, we aiso grind clipper plates and, guar- antee them to clip as good as new. . . ! SEE OUB M1TS AND GLOVES BEFORE YOU BUY . W. J. BEER TI11.31.1SDAX, NOVO '13,IIR 16th, 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Catgut Salt for sale, All grades $5.50 pen ton; 500, per bag. -Exeter Salt Works. 0o., Ltd., J. Button, Manager, PERRY' D. DOUPE, Lieensoa AuO tioneer. Sales conducted in any row. oality. Terms moderate Orders lea at minces office will be pronnptlq. set tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton,- dd4 dress Kirkton P.O. SALT FOR SALE, -An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance 'House at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited andl satisfaction is guaranteed. -- MEX.. MAGUIRE. Exeter. • FOR SALE -.A: :good second-hand( 4or- made overcoat worn only a times, brown chinchilla cloth, when new $45. Apply. at the office, . . SOUR ACID STOMACHS , GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Pape's Diapepsln" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomachs misery In five minutes. ts* Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion,, heartburn,' sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested' food, no dizziness, bloating, tomg breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for Mt speed in regulating upset stomachs!. It is the surest, quickest stomacblierse- edy in the whole world and besides tO . is harmless. Put an end to stomata/It trouble forever by •getting a lai''t fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepelha from any drug store. You realize'ii five minutes how needless it is to tib- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or angi stomach disorder. It's the quick surest and most harmless atom doctor In the world. A CONVENIENCE AND A NECESSITY is your home fitted up with hot water, toilet and bath. the cold weather corning on draws your at- tention to this great convenience. A few dollars spent in installing this system will give you more pleasure and comfort than in any other way. Every new house, whether in town or country should be equipped with a hot water system Plumbing of alt kinds oisr''specialty Chas. West 244 Queens Ave. London, Phone 3.255 Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which smash Dnp clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three - sided. FIaiyt Ranie • The man who designed the Pandora knew his job. r know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as well as the makers'.. Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON. 31 beg r5 THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DE E T!J E STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable lst October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and lst October by cheque (free of &change at any chartered Bank in. Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment :made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- lrized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp.. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. s11id 4tR3.ATh NT OF ,FINANCE,, OTTAWA, OCTSart 904 1916. lanneencomensovimeamotnemli