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Exeter Times, 1916-11-16, Page 3
FROM SUNSET COAST WI AT VIIE WESTERN PEOFL1 .: ARE DOIla1G. Progress of the Creat Weat Told in a Few Pointed Paragraphs. A number of black bears have been shot recently at Jordan River. The Trail Smelter is busy turning out a large quantity of .zinc spelter. A fine specimen of golden eagle was shot recently on Vancouver Island; Lack of rain has kept game from being as plentiful as usual around Ladysmith. Some of the cabbages grown on a ranch at Floodville, Fraser Valley, weighed 18 pounds. An "Alexander" apple grown in New Westminster had a circumfer- ence of fifteen inches, A plague of owls in Vancouver has resulted in numbers of chickens and game birds being killed. Four new post offices have been opened in B.C., at Garswold, Cornpx- Atlin, Vallican and Kootenay. A publicity. bureau for the Pacific Northwest has been established with temporary head office at Victoria. Samples assaying $373 per ton have recently been taken from the Drum Lurnmon Mines, Doaglas Chan- nel. Hope is the centre of at least three big mineral fields, the Coqui #' halla, Jones Lake and 23 -mile on the Skagit. No definite policy has yet been decided upon for the construction of the new G.P.R. tunnel under the city of Vancouver. Vancouver is to supply a steam jet, to cost $200, at the Capilano intake this winter to prevent the pipes freezing. The wonderful new telescope in the observatory at Little Saanich Moun- tain, Victoria, is • already attracting many visitors. Four hundred and thirty-three boxes of apples, comprising about 43 vara ieties, were shipped during a recent week from Duncan. A pig and $223 in money, given by residents of Sidney, helped to pro- vide a farewell entertainment for the 143 and 231st Battalions. The American tanker Col. E. L. Drake, arrived at Vancouver the other day with 38,000 barrels of oil for the G.T.P. and the sugar refinery. A very interesting collection of war relics has been displayed in Victoria recently. They were sent from the front by soldiers of that City. ` Nanaimo is indignant that a license should have been granted from New Westminster permitting certain Aus- trians to fish from Cowichan to above Nanoose. A very fine specimen of horned owl, measuring almost five feet from wing tip to wing tip, was , caught raiding some chicken coops at Quail - cum Beach. Last week 129 cars of logs were • brought from Cowichan Lake to, Chemainus for the V. L. & M. Co., and a large consignment was shipped to the prairies. CAPT. DUMAS OF FRANCE. Nation Delights to Consider Him Typical of French Spirit. Jean Dumas 'Was 66 when the war broke out, and the French Govern- m.ent would not let him fight, says the Cleveland. Plain Dealer, in telling -the story. of his death. He besieged the,recruiting offices till ho became -sore ew'l at of, a nuisance; and when • he= was convinced of the futility of further pleading he made a hasty pilgrimage into Belgium. In Belgium Dumas was received as a volunteer member of the Belgian army. Al- most immediately he was captured by the Germans. And almost immediately he made his escape. France could not now reject him, and he fought in the French army at the battle of the braille, where he received six wounds. He recovered in time to participate in the Dardanelles campaign, where he was not wounded. After the An- glo-French withdrawal from Turkey, Dumas went with his regiment to Sa- loniki. Severely wounded in a skirm- ish with the Bulgarians in the Vardar Valley, he was sent home to recover. At the beginning of the Verdun bat- tle Dumas was again facing the Ger- mans. Once more he was wounded, and the great battle proceeded with - Put the aid of this determined veteran. But once more he recovered, and was in the front ranks whenbattleof the the Somme began last July. Near Clery he was wounded for the ninth time, and he died nine days later. France delights to consider Dumas as typical of the French spirit and the French nation of to -day. . France, too, is persistent; and France has ' displayed a power of recuperation as amazing, as that of Dumas. But be- cause France is made up of many hien like Dumas France doubtless will live. Politic Politeness. 1ltother-•-Harry you must remote,- 'ber never to ask' fol, a second piece of Harry ---I wouldn't if i could get two pieees instead of 011e. • TN. EVERY • ELRC.ENCY ' You will `find some use for asrIifl( 'midi 9iarS4- Patrolman ,telly It relieves rough, chapped hands, broken blisters, burns, cuts, insect bites and skin irri- tations of all kinds. Sold in handy glass bodes and tin tubes, at chemists and gen- eral stores everywhere. Refuse substitutes, Free booklet mailed on request. CUESEBROUGH MFG. CO (Consolidated) 1880 Chabot Ave. Monfreal The Reason. Vicar—I was glad to see how quiet and still you were, my lad, during the sermon. The Boy—Well, you see, I was afraid of waking father. • Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—Last winter I received; great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. Punishment. Ethel—I'll back out and let you tJUST THE THING marry the wretch. LOYALISTS TO l,,AfSM are 500,000 Lainp-posts. Ready, to Them, Gerard Says. iJ,p, 41 a k g„akaloot iiltenclard Iteltanee Rang (iocicyiliutt it'leiagi� Pi'd', Gatti da lrxaol�tn ry X -'td. C..nadian pit (ompanles, Donanion sewn., a ilreansmierdone Slauattian Consolidated Pelt Ind. Herbert Bayard Swope, recently re ,fxeot]rioi 1 roev..xosnu1at Londe. . turned from Germany, writes as fel- Ontario n p fa l'arrei Bends. lows in the New York World:Pa'nii]h Beyer Benda, How strong Germany believes WILL ;SELL self to be in America can be seen in. • any of the political maps issued by 12tl'],r. 11solg40es 1":'''''Guelph h Ontario 'rent ]1 aNpiQf71'4ee, the League, on which a n. great blob of pink indicates the resi- 1Liordau Paper Boutin. 7axitish Baohoc{ucr e 4 Bonds. dente in America of the nine million 1tlxsslan Ctevtirtunen6"IOoxiils. of German birth or parentage. Those Anglo-lerenoh Bonds to yield e1 %. making up this number are claimed We buyand sell ail .Unlisted Seoul - as indirect members with anaemia, indigestion, heart pal- which his father used to wield in the of the leaglre, ties, Correspondence 'Invited, pitation,•heaclachea or backaehes, un depths of the arsine. who are, or ought to be, as the Pazi- s .run nerves or anyof the manyBorn in the atmos here of collieries Germans see it, ready at all times to i�ir Cd ©flZlJ 5 •8U C $. &Co.t" g ' , p _ do Germany's bidding. It is the' be -84 sax ' s mxzT ' other forrns of ailment that comes and brickworks at Tanfield, in . Dur- lief ur lief of these Pan-Gelevens that welcome° - -_ when the blood is weak and watery. ham, Lord Joicey as a boy grew up through their far-flung membership e+irx.,.-. There is just one certain, speedy cure in the "black environment," His fa -dominate the -world. ' e 5 p SOLDIERS' sent 4£reet troan —Dr. Williams Pink Pills. They make they, who at one time worked in a 1 some day . German "Kultur" ! will 'London, ring., now, rich blocid, and this good blood Tyneside colliery, was a man of seri- Trench eri CF�� �? a o ll i n g t h - hens the whole system and , our thought, foresight, and shrewd few weeks ago I was informed by a Send f 5 pp x' i health, some, U. itself, to the pill$,.. earned a reputation as a clever engin- Gen. Hindenburg had sent word t" ! Miss Devine. Laliberti, St. Jerome, eer. Ultimately his son went to endorfi', to Col. Kuhn, our military % Some recent. orderq • �''ostmount 1 graduallytogrowcls S weak and run down. un our naval attache, that neither would ,Regiment, 960 boxes, are., arc; I did not sleep well, had a poor appe- Thrifty and energetic, young Joieey e• n •i•!, 14 °@b fl tt Ac Wr .w mu . Lord jOicey rays 1Sk%; ,VlrS.w w,rr• Is Through the Rich Red ,Blood : Wages Yearly, { �e ' No fanciful heraidie design adorns • Dr, William$' Phik Pills the coat of arms of.Lord Joicey. The foremost items on his escutcheon are a 'couple of honest pick -axes and two. The blood is responsible for the pit ponies. It was typical of Lord health of the bpdy. If it is good, dis- Joicey, the world's richest coal -owner, ease cannot exist. If it is bad, the that when he was raised to the peer - door is shut against good health, die, age in 1905 he should have chosen ease is bound to appear in one form this design for a crest,' for lie is proud or another. One person may be seized of the flet that his immense fortune with rheumatism or sciatica, another rests on the pit pony and the piok-axe A.ctually Make. a] oneness or Hos ]i ltl engt On the day I left Berlin, only a tela is about 36 hours Darya; and frsoh. bxmgs good health and happiness. common sense. He saw the future of en or our Special List of Thousands owe their member of the-generale staff that s „�, present good the engineering side of mining, and 8 through his Chief of Staff, von Lud- From $2.00 to $5.00 attache, and. Commander Gherardi, tilers' Wives' League, .1.506 boxes ; 73rd' Que., says:—"Last year I seemed Newcastle to work for a wealthy ioifered for 'Dile i uN,u' p it,., beef, the most plausible be- ing the alleged demand for " veal--- the Milling of calves which should be allowed to grow into regular beef." You cannot have beef if you eat it as "veal," but you can .have Shredded Wheat Biscuit which contains more real nutriment than beef and costs much less. Shredded wheat biscuit is the whole wheat steam cooked, shred- ded and baked. Make it your "meat" for ten days and see ;how much better you feel. Wholesome and strengthen - ng for any meal with milk or cream or in combination with fruits. Dviade in Canada be permitted to go to the front nor . Quickest l Surest" ! Cheapest : Cheapest and grew pale and generally ran- saved every penny he could while ALTS biers. Deleware. Carman. Orderat mice. Supply limited, 'Write for Quo- 33WSIJAPEIAS Part SALE have opportunities far observation, ng •me I was anaemic, and gave me a for a time he was only earning the We Can Send anything [ lyalextendedxh tseto pall other neutral al nun-' ,a ' ' tonic, This I took faithfully for some modest wage of 82 a week, he was, ly to all other neutral coup- ran, �Gldi�.r� Supply Ass'n. tries. This is official, and has heel' arnmmoud 13uilddsag, rrsontrewi, time, but it did not help me, and I ap- able to save enough to invest in some made the basis of representations. tries. This is official, and has heel ; peered to be growing worse, and final- mining enterprises. s ■ ■ ■ pa aaa� sma $ZE1 .POTe'oE5. guid, I consulted a doctor who told learning all he could• and althouedi Not only does Germany believe that •"'°, ly I was hardly able to go about the ' With the money he inherited 'front' her political strength in this country f3 b••1 J°�i fid house and almost wholly incapacitated his uncle Lord Joisey judiciously ne- is great enuogh to make the Ameri- can Government take it into consider- ation, but the belief goes further. One prominent member of the Gov- ernment told the Ambassador that America would not risk a break with Germany, because "there were 500,- 000 trained Germans ready to bear arms in the United States against the American Government." "There may be," was his quick re- sponse, "but there are 500,000 lamp- posts ix America ready to string them up on if they ever try it" Marie—Why do you do that? Ethel—He proposed to both of us and I want to see him ipunished. minard's Liniment Cures Distemper FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They regulate the bowels; Useless Work. sweeten the stomach; banish consti- A Scotch farmer, on hearing that pation and indigestion; relieve colds the minister was making munitions and simple fevers and make teething on week days, remarked: "Munitions easy. Concerning them Mrs. Herbert made by ministers are of no use; they Johnston, Maymont, Sask., writes:— have been making them all the week during the past two thousand years and firing them at the de'il o' Sundays, and he's aye to the fore yet." rinaleareeennieleianlannealellie 0 c Guard Your Baby's Health Cheerful, Chubby Children Make the Horne Happy Weak, puny babies are a constant care to tired mothers and are subject to many diseases that do not affect healthy children. Keep your children in good health. See that their bowels move regularly -especiallyduring the teething period. This is a distressing time in the life of every child and the utmost pre- caution should be taken to keep them well and strong. By the consistent use of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup it is possible to avoid many childish ills now so prevalent. It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other infantile ailments. It soothes the fretting baby and permits the child to sleep well and grow healthy. It brings comfort. and relief to both child and mother. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup � Y p Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Is absolutely non-narcotic. It con- tains no opium, morphine nor any of their derivatives. It is soothing, pleas- ant and harmless. For generations mother7i in all parts of the world have used it and Millions d babies have been benefited by it. Buy a bottle tor�ay and have i! heady Relieve and Protect Your Children bold try p I dr• iggflt{ b Cakida and thraughortt t e stood "I have used Baby's Own' Tablets for the past four years and find them just the thing for babies and young chil- dren." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CLIMATE LESS SEVERE.. What Study of Larger Glaciers in B. C. Has Revealed. Dr. Charles D. Walcott, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and Mrs. Walcott have just returned to Wash- ington after several months' field work in Canada. Accomplished by only a packer and cook, they spent most of the summer and early fall on the continental divide, which forms the boundary line between Alberta and British Columbia, south of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, studying the cambrian rocks, containing the fossil remains of the earliest animal life. Owing to the heavy snowfall of the previous winter, and the fact that most of the geological formations which they wished to examine were in the deep snow about the timber line, little progress was made in July, in August, however, sections were ex- amined and measured in the Mount Assiniboine region, and from there northwest to the celebrated Kicking Horse pass, where the Canadian Paci- fic Railway has bored a double loop through the mountain in order to ob- tain a feasible grade on the western side of the pass: Some years ago Dr. Walcott found a remarkable fossil fauna in boulders which had been carried into Kiteking Horse canyon by glaciers that have long since disappeared. This season he located the source of these boulders high up in the mountain cirque, where a portion of what must have been a !great hanging glacier is still active. Mrs. Walcott, formerly Miss Mary Vaux, of Philadelphia, who has studied glaciers for several years, and is well known as an Alpinist, visited Glacier, 'British Columbia, where she measured the position of two large glaciers, and determined that the front ice foot in each Case had retreated at the rate of 100 feet a year during the past two years. Steel plates were placed on the ice on the present surveyed boun- dary lines. The plates will be buried beneath the winter's snows, but, since their positions are relatively lowas to altitude, the snow will be melted off next summer, and their locations I then will indicate the amount of for- ward flow of ice during the year. Mrs. Walcott's studies prove that the , ice has been steadily retreating during , the past 'six years. Her measure- ments agree with observations :made in Alaska, and indicate that the Ornate is not as severe as on the Paci- fic side of the continent as it wag a decade ago, Luring the field work a large num- ber oI photographs were taken, in- cluding a dozen or more panoramic views, exposures being made -on • ion•' tiamou9 flims eight feet -in length. Besides being of great scents interest, these photographs form valuable pie - torte! records showing the general Those long winter nights you will need indoor recrea- tion. Why not instal'a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. Burrou$hes & Watts, Ltd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church St., Tororito for work. While in this condition a gotiated various deals. Some idea of I friend advised me to try Dr. Wil- the extent of his resources may be ; Hams Pink Pills, and I got several gathered when it is mentioned that boxes. It was not long after I began some years ago his firm took a lease nsrsCTaLT.3.1 Eovs. their use when I could see an im-! of Lord Durham's pits for 81,100,000, ,t `A.NGErt, TUMORS, LVIVIPs, ETC., 7✓ internaland external, cured rrr, POTATOES., LltZSR COX- liOLil.T-Iid,ix u 4 N.fsws AND 3OH . Offices for sale in good. Ontario towns. 1'he most useful and interesting of all businesses. gull information o0 application to Wilson Publisl]ing Com- pang. 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. provement, which just manifested it -the capital expenditure being paid out out pain bSOur holert0 treaimsur d w ate self in an unproved appetite and bet-; of the profits within two years. (lis before too late. Dr. Bellmau Medieai ter rest at night. From this on the ! A further illustration of Lord Joi-1 C0., Lilt]ltea, Collingwood; Ont. improvement was rapid and I was not' cey's vast interests is contained in long in regaining perfect health. 1' the remark which he made in a speech think Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a l when he was presented with a por- real blessing for all weak girls." i trait of himself in 1913 at the New= You can get these pills through any castle Chamber of Commerce to cele- `• medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents brate his fifty years of commercial a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The life. localities visited and definite locations; Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- "Business life," he said on that oc- of certain. strata and fossil beds. vine, Ont , canon, "is a good life, and to preside The party broke camp at Banff, e.-.— over a concern which spends 81,500, s• Alberta, September 30, which proved. COMMANDERS WITH MEN. 000 a year in wages and supports a fortunate move, as the next day a thousands of families is a thing to be heavy fall of snow covered the entire Went Over Parapets Side by Side at proud of." region. Signal of Battle. When the big push on the Somme F� Catarrhal e London's Many Marriages. was about to begin and the French � , sa e; The number of marriages register- and British armies were on the keen and Head NOESCS An4rlca's Pioneer Deg Ranter 1100H ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed mailed free to any address by the .Author H. MAX GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West Slat Street, New York ed in London in 1915 was the high- edge of expectation, the battalion commander on the extreme right est ever recorded -58,345, as com- When buying your Piano insist on. having au 6i OTTO H Ga PIANO ACTiON IA CAN'T CUT OUT of I L EICO Spavin o r ` horoughpha pared with 43,373 in 1914 and 41,409 the British• forces sent word to the Here in America there is mu. h tiuffer- battalion commander on the left of 1ng from catarrh and head noises. Anieri- but you can clean then: off promptly with in 1913. The increase over 1914 is can People would do well to consider the 34 per cent., but as the corresponding the French forces and asked him method employed by t}ie English to tom- n increase for the rest of England and where he would be in the attack. bat thhoinsidious e1diouthedEnase. r 'Everyone is Wales is only 20 per cent., there is "I shall be over the parapets with and low dampness affects those t offer reason for thinking that a consider- able number of these marriages may not properly belong to the London population. Granulated Eyelids, SoreEyes inflamed by expo. mire toSun, Dust and 1Vk d riy yegguickly relieved yrirat g0 ��b��/ £ye Retaedy, NoBmarting, just Eye Comfort. At Yourz�uigge�ssnt'II 50e per Bottle. Moires Eye �OIYeinTube.25c.,FgrBeok ei tbeEye freeask Druggists or Marine Eye Rem edyto.,CMcsyo The English Face Altering. Professor Keith has told the Brit- ish Association that the English face is altering. "The most definite changes in the modern skull are in the jaws, gums, palate, and teeth. In every tenth modern woman and in the first wave of my troops," was ,ing from catarrh. In England they treat catar]ha1 deafness and head noises as a the French commander's reply. !constitutional disease and use an inter - "So shall I," was the British com- i nal cacious.remedy for it that is really very effi minder's return message; "keep an : Sufferers who could scarcely hear a eye out for me:' watch tick tell how .they had their hear- ing restored by this English treatment So, when the troops were jammed : to such an extent that the tick of a in the forward trenches waiting for ' watc:h was plainly audible seven anti eight inches away from either ear. the enormous mine explosions under ; Therefore, if you know someone who the German communicating trenches, ! is troubled with catarrh, catarrhal are made la Canada. deaf - which were to be the signal for the and hand it to them and you will have assault, the British commander work- been the ]Weans of saving some poor sof- - ferer perhaps from total deafness. The • f ed his way to the end of his furthest prescription can be easily prepared at trench, and there he found the Frenchomelows for about 75o. and is made as fol- cofnmander. They stood there wait- From your druggist obtain 1 oz. of ing, side by side, until the terrific ex - and and you work the horse same time. Does not blister'or remove the hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Muscles or bigament. Enlarged Claude, Wong, Cysts. Allays pain aileldy. Price 51 and !2 a bottle at drugging or delivered. Made in the U. 5. A. by W F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 516 Lymana Bldg., Montreal, Can. armint (Double Strength), about 75c. worth. • Take this home, and add to it plosions tore the German trenches to } pint of hot water and 4 Qances of pieces, then one with an "En Avant!" t t'anitlated sugar ; stir until dissolved. "Charge!" Take a tablespoonful four times a day. and the other with leaped Parmint is used in this way not only to Ger- over the parapets, automatics in reduce by tonic action the inflammation and swe111ng in the Eustachian Tubes, hand, and led the charge into the Ger- and thus to ecivalize the air pressure on man lines. the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ear, and the re - Luckily, both escaped unhurt, and sults it gives are usually remarkably every fifteenth modern man are de- the story of their unusual action has dii1e1c y ne ff ectiv n wi]o has catarrh in any Mendes in the development of the run through two great allied armies form should give this recipe a trial and jaws, contractions of the palate, and On the Somine. freedisOBcehemseives from this destructive irregularities of the teeth, which 'didnot become mmon with quite re- ] - -_ Rcent centuries Ami ate comparison ! 0®�i'` HOT AT�.i of skulls shows that the English face has become narrower and longer. ildinard'c Liniment Cures Gara•et in Cows The Same. "Louis Barthou, the French states- man," said a consul of France, "is going to make a bitter war against al. cohol after the war is finished. "Barthou has sad facts and funny facts to show the ravages of alcohol in France. One of his funny facts is about a Breton peasant who was asked in a law court: " 'What is your name, witness?' " `Malguenac,' the peasant answer- ed. 'Your full name,' the judge said. " 'It's the same, your honor,' said Malguenac, 'full or sober.' " Struggling to get rich quick keeps many a man poor.• i to reserve her complexion, and she finds this as easy task, if she uses Zam-13uk. This herbal balm 'not only keeps thd' surface skin smooth and soft, but penetrates to and feeds the underlying tissues. It stimulates the cella to healthy sdtion, and' produces: Sigorous etre eulation, which by carrying away ell impurities treat* 1t permon- oatlr clew oolnple:ion. How much more sstisfying than emporary aomy„�`exion imduced 9 powders an COSMO box, nit dru?aista or lat►>tt alt Oo., Toronto. FOR INDIGESTION A Physician's Advice "If dyspeptics, sufferers from gas, wind or flatulence, stomach acidity or sourness, gestric catarrh, heartburn, etc., would take a teaspoonful of pure bisura- ted magnesia in half a glass of hot water immediately after eating, they would soon forget they were ever afflicted with stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look elsewhere, for patients." In ex- planation of these words a, well known New Yorkphysician stated that most forms of stomach trouble are due to stomach acid ty and fermentation of the food contents of the stomach combined with an insufficient blood supply to the stomach. Hot water increases the blood supply and bisurated n]a.gnesia instantly neutralizes the excessive stomach acid and stops food fermentation, the com- bination of the two, therefore. being marvelously successful and decidedly preferable to the use of artificial diges- tents, stimulants or medicines for in- dige.,tion. The Authority. Bluejacket (to Chinese ship's stew- ard)—Now look 'ere, Oswald, You can't teach me anything abaht China. I know, 'cos I've been there. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds. &c. Fixing the Blame. Mrs. Jones had just punished her littleboy, Tom. f oy, o After crying for a few minutes he turned to his mother and asked: "Mamma, did your mamma whip you when you were little?" "Yes, when 1 was naughty," was the reply. "And did hex mamma whip her when she was little?" continued the little boy. "Yes, Thomas," replied the mother. "And was she whipped when she was little?" further questioned the boy. "Yes!" answered Mrs. Jones. A few seconds elapsed, Then Tom. my "Well, Well, who started it, anyway?" Schools for scandal are somewhat crowded. IIIJ Allied Aeroplanes Superior. British preparation has secured a decided advantage over German pre- paredness, in putting into the air a ou ou e e number of aero- planes that the Germans can muster. The Germans have grossly misdirect- ed their energies in building the great cumbersome Zeppelins, which have so far been of no•military use whatever. The result is that now when a Ger- ! man aeroplane rises above the lines on the Somme for the purposes of ob- servation, something like a half -score of Allied aeroplanes immediately ap- pear for attack and pursuit. The German commanders are, therefore, Ieft as badly off for information as in the old days a commander was, whose cavalry could not keep the field against the enemy's. Stinard's Zinian nt Cures Diphtheria. Hermits in Italy. There are still hermits in Italy who live solitary lives in mountain caves, and they number no fewer than nine hundred and ninety. Among these recluses there are sixteen who are over ninety-five years of age and three centenarians, while all the ' others have passedthe age of fifty. L RI a tri Girls For Ai! Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY Illldfip ldolt Rubber Co., Ltd. MERR1-1TOt,1, ONT. A RARE XMAS GIFT By sending now for our Price List of Beautiful Musk Ox r :.�. You will have nice time to look" it over for your Christmas buy- ing. A fortunate purchase en- ables us to offer these RARE and BEST STYLE Robes et prides less than half their usual cost. They are a rich brown -black, with beautiful lustre and per- fectly tanned, unsurpassed for warmth and appearance. The very thing for Auto, Carriage, or Sleigh ' Makes also a luxurious r'loor Rug for the yIiome Purchasers are advised to make an daily selection as the I5usk Ox Is becoming exceeding- ly eoarce-; the skins therefore will soon be unobtainable.. Write 'to -day for price I}et from the largest dealers in Canada. LAMONp.a. An AGNEi LIMITED, 339 Netto Dant* St. Woet MONTZ.EAL. Manufacturers of Qnalitir Newness., Trona*, gag's, site, "5, Eatabitehed -1809. IiD! SS'L Eb. 77.—"*T