HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-2, Page 8, Pklone rib J. A. STEWART Phone 16 0 Per Cent Discount :.n all. Children's, Misses'Ladies' and Coats Starting todaywe offer you 10% Starting y a special discount of off all Fall Coats. Our object is to clear all coats ear ly. This is your opportunity; take advantage of it and buy to -day Men's and Boys' Overcoats That are carefully tailored and moderately priced. Durability, Warmth and Style is what you want in your new coat. You will find them in the coats we are offering this season We have placed them at prices that means money saving for you. Call and see them Men's Sweater Coats We have been waiting for this shipment for weeks. Splenoid quality all wool Sweater Coats for Women or Men, with high storm collar in colGrs of Brown, Grey, Cardinal, and Garnet. Sizes 36 to 44. A warm Sweater Coat, Extra value 5.50 Rugs & Liaoleums Ir you need Rugs and Linole- ums this Fall our Patterns and Prices will interest you. We are quoting prices on Rugs that are dollars less than we could buy them for to day. 36 in. wide Flannellette Take our advice and buy in Sour stock at once. We are showing flannellettes at Ise a yard that will be selling at 313o in the spring. Get your supply of good patterns at per yard 150 Foot Comfort Let your next pair of shoes be a '`Minister Myles" Cushion Sole Shoe. They make walking a pleasure. Wornens $5.00, Mens' $6.00. "Miner" Heavy Rubbers and Rub= ber Boots When you buy "Miner" Rub- bers you buy the best quality money can buy. A guarantee goes with every pair. let us sell you your Rubbers this sea- son. J.A. STEWART Phone 16 We pay highest prices cash or trade, for live or dressed Poultry. THE EXETER TIMES New Tailored UTC R BUSINESS FO'R SALE Good butcher 'business Por vale all " ' equipment for running the same. Suits and Apply or write to Wm, Rivers Exeter Coats Of first interest, when the cool days conte. The style's are varied to meet the ,diffeeex:t tastes. Coats are long- er, skirts are also longer. ,..Our new goods are here. Good range to choose .from. MADE TO YOUR MEAS['fTRB See Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging from 517 0o Up 'We also have a new (range of Men's over coating acid suiting. • GIVE, US A. CALL ! ; N. Sheere LADIES' AND . GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the (Central Hotel GIVE "SYRUP OF FI00" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Iiver and bowels. m Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't Bleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, • stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarncmea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food acid sotir bile gently moves' out of its little bonnie without griping, and you hate a well, pla,ytul child again.Alsk your druggist for a td -cent' bottle of' "California Syrup of .Figs," which con. ta1nelIIfu11 - directions for babies, chil- dren of all agereand for grown-ups, See us' for' Western Oats, sugar beet puflp and regular lines of feed also the best flour, "Model." Quarterly services will be conduct- ed in theJames St. +Methodist church next Sunday. Love Feast. 'Reception of nnv members and Sacrament of Lord's Supper in the morning. At the evening servide the Pastor's eub- ject ;will be "Nry impressions of 'Billy Sunday acid his work." PARCELS FOR PRISONERS OF WAR IN GFJRfV'IANY MUST BE VERY STRONGLY WRAPPED UP The Post Office Department has been notified by the British Post Of- fice that many parcels sent from Can ada to prisoners of war in Germany are being received in London in• a damaged condition. so that frequent - ay they have to be re -packed before they can be forwarded to Holland for transmission to Germany. The. British Post Office adds that in most cases the damage appears to be due to the fan that they were inade- quately packed by the senders. The public are warned therefore, that parcels for prisoners of war un- less they are very strongly packed will probably arrive in such a con- dition as to be little or no use'to the recipients. Ordinary thin card board boxes sufch as shoe boxes and thin, wooden boxes should not ibe used; nor does a single sheet of ordinary brown paper afford sufficient protection. Even where proper materials are used, it is important that the contents . be tightly' packed so as not, to shake about during transit. The following forms of packing are recommended- 1 Strong double • card board or strawboard boxes. Those made of •cor- ru,gated cardboard and having lids which completely enclose the sides of'. the box are most suitable. 2 Tin •boxes such as are ulsed for packing biscuits. 3 Strong wooden boxes. 4 Several folds of stout packi'n,g paper, The 'British authorities advise that parcels for prisoners of war in, Ger- many must not be wrapped in linen, .calico, canvas or any other textile article. 0 Parcels posted in Canada for pries- .overs of war in Germany which have' not been inadequately peeked by the senders will not be forwarded but 'will be returned to ,the - tenders. -as the !British Post' Office hes notified the Departteent that parcels Inade- quately nade-quately.peeked must be returned to the sendea's. . .... e . ( Market Report -The following is 1 the report of the Exeter market Corrected up to Nov. 2nd. 'Wheat 1..00 to 1,75 • i < t ' Ranee 70 to 85c. ;' i ;• , Oats, 50 to 55o. 1 Pea 2.00 per bus . x f ' Fatriily Cour 4.75. 1 Low (Grade 2.50. ; '1 ( 3 r Bran 31.00. per ton.' ' 1 + Shorts 34,00 per golf. , . Eggs 35c. A g,.1- [ Putter 350: ' L l Creamery !butter 43e, [ 1 Younis 'chie'ks '12e.' 01d hens 10c. 1fi. t r Roosters 8e. Young .Jocks. 10+3,, Ducks dressed. 130. Old ducks 10o, S ' Geese dressed 12c. , f Gid turkeys 14c. Young turkeys 18ce Potatoes 2.60 per bag. !logs 10.50. 1 Oysters The season for Oysters has arrived. We have a fresh supply on hand Oysters Served Hot or Cold Sold in bulk Try our Oyster Stews WILSON'S GROCERY PHONE 56 1 t'•.• ..•oe•o.0000••••••••• • • LOCAL b i ••.•s•♦ .••••••b Mr. H. Spackman spent the week- end with his relatives at Guelph. Col. argil Mrs .Wilson, of Seaforth visited 'Mr. and Mrs. J .A. Stewart, last 'week. RVI+. tend Mrs. Drew of Toronto were the !guests or arr. and Mrs. Si Fitton over Sunday. Mr. Lamle of Detroit visited with friends he town and at Hlensall dux-, ing the past week. Wheat Wanted. -You want bran and shorts, we want wheat, in; order to make them for you. • Mr. and Mrs. HemphiII and Mrs, (Dr.) tBraund ;motored down from Wroxeter on Sunday and visited with friends. Mrs. Russell Smith and child, of London, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne +during the past week return- ing to London Friday. Mrs. Me 0. Southcott and Miss A. May are at Kitchener this week; at- tending the Ontario Sunday School convention as delegates from James St. Sunday. school. Messrs. Buntin and Canover, In- spectors for the Bank of ;Commerce, were in town last week inspecting the .local branch also the branch e Crediton. A ;comnitt a of young sidles he d a 1 ! very successful ".Euchre" party in the Town I1e11 Tuesday evening, Hallow- e'en. the p'.•oceeds to he used for buy - comforts for the soldiers. The iSoldieis' A'd Society will col- lect old ma,gaz,nes, papers, rags and rubbers next Saturday November 4th The ;citizens are kindly asked to have their papers tied in bundles. Mr. Alex Stewart was in town last week snaking arrangemetns to move his family and household effects to London. -where he bas secured a good. position. His friends wish him ever success. Rev. E. I' ,MeL Smith of Hensel', occupied the pulpit in Caven Presby- terian 'church on Sabbath east. ;de- livering two very acceptable sermons Rev. IS. F. Sharp eonducted services at Heensall. Mr. L. L. Medlar of Hamilton, who - has been relieving at the Bank off Commerce for the past month, return ed home last week. +iirr. T. H. Gifford who has been 'holidaying at this home at Oshawa, having returned to his duties here. Pte. S. G. IBawden who spent lasts week visiting Mrs. S. G. iBawden• a.t the home of Mr. S. Martin, left Mon- day Y'or Montreal where he is attach- ed to the 'Mechanical Transport. San- dy's many friends in town were glad to see him again. • Remember that this 'month is the best time to fight the bugs that would destroy your garden next year !Burn tell the tops of plants, aspar- agus. ,potatoes, melons, .:cucumber's, & tomatoes and you will have destroyed many pest for next summer: Do not bury or plow under. At the close of the wax conditions swill Make another 'change. They will never be as previous to' July, 1914. Changes that Will 'surely affect the terming industry will take place. You $want, to be prepared for this change. The ,Weekly Sun will do its part for you by keeping you posted on the d:f-- ferent !changes that are likely and how then will affect She farmers. It xemaiher for you to help a paper that has served •its rubecribexs and the Ontario farmer generally' so faithfully duringthe past quarter of a century.. The subseription 'price of the 15>rtiiremains the seine ass form era ly and is •cheap at the pricer We(,witl be pleased to accept subrscriptio.nrs flor the Sun at this. office. , . i PIONS 18 C. C GOWER & SON Successors to 0. R. Bedford Groceries and Cured Meats Meats Bacon i f sill kinds Smoked Roll Cooked Ham Bologna, etc., Sa'mons of all binds Perrin's Fancy Oakes and Biscuits Try our Teal,, Coffee and Cocoa Our Goods are Good Goods The interior of ''the post -office is being re -painted and re -modelled.. MAIN ST. CLEANED . The 'council have 'h'ad thhe 'Main' St cleaned rand the Laud removed, which should improve the condition of the road. f r 1 I LEAVING TOWN The household effects of Mr. 'Dan leartleib'were sold by auction on Fri- day 'last, 'Mrs; Iljartleib and family go ing to Port j}turon, to join, Mae Hart- geib. The house and property were sold to Mr. 'Ed. Treble :fox' $325 - THE CASUALTY LIST - Pte. Sidney Cook of Ailsa Craig. is reported killed in action; Corp: F, W. Death of Parkhill is seriously ill; Pte. H. J. McDermott, of Mitchell and ;four Ailsa Craig boys. Pte. W. Tilbury, Pte, Gordon Zavitz, Pte. Chas ;Chapman, Pte. Alfred Sanders were wounded. MEMORIAL SERVICE On Sabbath last Rev, A. Trumper conducted la memorial service in the Trivitt 'Memorial church for the late Rev. ularen:e Duplan. A. very impres sive 'service was -held. 'Mr. Duplan was a former member of that church and ;choir and on numerous occasions conducted seri lees in the church. LATE t:O'll LAST WEEK. On the first page we reprint a pic- ture 'ot 'Will:sin Melville Martin, the new Premier of Saskatchewan and an Exeter Old Boy and also of Pte. John G. klogarth who has been killed in France bc:ng .the First to enlist front town who has given his life in defen- se of the Empire. These tuts were or- dered ifor last week's issue but arriv- ed too late. - ' + B'ROTHE'R WCUNDEL) 'Mrs. T. 0. Southcott received woi`d 'on Sunday that her brother, Pte. A. !B. .Hobbs had been wounded in the forearm and the jaw. Ptejiobbs is a graduate of Toronto University, and gave up a good position on the edit- btiai staff of one of the Winnipeg papers to enlisgt as a private. He trained at ;Camp Hughes. Be had been in the trenches in France for several months. MAIN STREET ANNIVERSARY The 21st anniversary of. the Main St. hVfethodist church w 11 be held on Sunday, Nov. 12t:h. S:gmons at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by fRev. H. 'W. Crews, M. A.. D. D., p •s'.or of the Central Meth- odist 'church Woodstock. Special mus- ic'hy the choir assisted by J. Freder- ick .dentley of To onto, A ;Sunday the of mesuncet- meet- ing5 School will ll be held h in the afternoon when Robert Rakes diplomas will be 'distributed. CHARLES CITY COLDEST PLACE IN AMERICA Mrs. G. W. Cassad<ey of Charlefe City, Iowa, forwarded as the follow- ing clipping last week . Charles City with a temperature at 18 above zero was the coldest place in United States this morning. The •cold snap is moving northeast into Ontario.. The highest temperature in the ;country was 80 at Yuma in Ariz- ona. RETURNED MISSIONARY SPEAKS Rev. A. J. Edson, a returned miss- ionary ltrom China preached in James St. Methodist church last Sabbath ;horning and in Main St. ;church in the evening in the interests of mis- sions. Mr. Austin a layman from Chatham also preached in bothchar- rhes. Owing to the demands of glee work increased missionary givingeare being urged. Special contributions were taken up. lfilst LEAVE CAMP BORDEN The 101st 'Battalion have lel 1 Camp , (Borden for other quarters prior to going overseas. Letters and cardia from the boys receivedin town show them all in good spirits. 'Before leav- ling the 'camp the boys were given a wener roast by the mern`bers of the 142nd and in return were hosts to the 142nd to a large oyster supper. Large ;camp fires were lighted and an enjoyable time was' spent. A safe • voyage over and a quick return is t the wish of all .' ENLISTED AT WINNIPEG • Mr. Thomas 'Creel', who left for these parts a number of years ago has enlisted and is leaving Canada shortly. I. 1e is with the 191st, (West ern 'University) Battalion. Atter leav- ing Ontario about five years -ago he attended the college in Winnipeg for a 'number of altars and when the war broke out he' went one year after and then enlisted on lrebru Lry 28th 1916 The summer was spent in training •in 1Ca.mp Hughes and this fall when orders for overseas were issued he Oatne ahead of the battalion to Lon- don tr> visit: this mother and friends before going to 'E'ngland. He reagens his 'battalion ill T.is.lifax and our Inst wishes go with him for a :safe jour- ney and a safe return. THURSDAY, NOV.G1'tl'31,n,11, 210, .I9I'lo Mss L. Eriy .pl ,1{ox'quhar is visit A il3A 1G,a.TN! , ndXan .ntotor-oyai ing ,bar granduhother, 'Mi'rs. S. Prior. in 0. If. +condition,. 1'iraalt1$100.00f cash. takes it for kiiifak sakr. A,pplyf ,.to Jos. J. Triirfield, i e -o ofYfxs. Lane 400 Tons of Fine, Land. and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o. per bag. -Exeter Salt ,Works Co-, Ltd.. J. Sutton, Manager. Miss !Elva Harvey spent Sunday ith Miss Muriel Nicholson at Credi- ton. • e # Miss 113ayoroft of Toronto is ersist- fag Miss, Armstrong o A n ron 'in in. her iTiilllIIery- store. • The season for black squirrels op- eneduntil enth'eWe15dth.nesday and will be open Mr. +Gordon 'Wells spent Thursday at !Camp Borden visiting his father, The men were cleaving the camp, the following day •and ell were in good spirits at the prospects of going o' e ' seas. ,, 1 1 + Ed. Weston of Bayfield. driver of a 'motor -tags between Bre eft ;Id and Bayfield bad two or three albs 'brok- en, and, received a number of other injuries when his car turned over on high v Nile going over his route. mar, and Airs ; Hewitt have moved into the residence vacated by Pte. Ifl. flIeywood_ Mr. Payne has moved into Mrs. Sutton's residence on Main St. rtnd'Mr. Lotman has moved into the residence vacated by Mr. Payne. Among theta from town who attend ed the funeral r 1 of the lata Clarence Duplan of .Ilderton on 'Monday were Rev. Mr. Trumper, C. H. Sanders, I%Ir. and IvPrs. T. ;Boyle, P. M. Boyle, A. Hastings, Misses Vera Esser`, and Annie Handford. Mr. F. 'Boyle was one of the breaers. Dr. 'Quackenbush having entered +n- to a contract with the Nichols Chem - teal Co., both he and 'Mrs. Quacken- bush will be leaving Exeter by Nov. 15th. All accounts due must be set- tled before Nov. 12th by cash or note. The Doctor is offering his fine s'esi- denee on the corner of James and Albert Sts. for sale and his auto. There is a fine barn on the place and the lot is a large one. _ FROM (CAMP PORDEN Editor of the Tames. G It has come to my attention that it is being 'circulated in Huron Coun- ty. that the 161st Huron Battalion is being reorganized as a three zone - pally battalion and six officers have been relieved from duty. I want to assure you that this is not so. The Battalion remains a Totfr sconapany Battalion and proceeds t'verseas es such only dropping two officers. Be- low I give a ist of the officers who go overseas with the battalion. Lt. -Col. H. B. (Combe, tbIajor. ;Re &. W. Shaw, Maj. M. D. i\IcTagart, !!lays, Capt. C. G. Vanstone, Maj. J. Captains W. B. Allan, and J. K. Fairfnll,'Majors, W. J. fleaman and N. T. Sinclair, Captains II, Campbell P. (C, Town, A. F. Sturdy.. 0I fiVl. Mc Pherson, Lieuts. W. E. O'Neal], S. 5. !latal. D.: S. Scott, J L. 'Mair, D. L► Holmes, D. L. 'Reid. W. F. Scott, .b aetherington, H. C. 'McLean, W. 1113.4 Wilson, T. N. ICluff, R. A. Walter, R. A. fluff. ! . Yours Sincerely, H. B. Combe, Vit. -Col. of I:I1CKS FORECAST3 „A reactionary storm period is can tral onethe Gth 71.h 8th, and 9tL.This period leads iiito the opening of the combined Mercury and Venus periods; with the opposition of the Moon to the Sun and !Earth on the 9th.. The quadrature of Uranus with the Earth and Sun on the 8th, and the conjunc- tion of Jupiter and the -Moors on the same elate, will have their part in bringing on the intensifying disturb- ances of this period. For two or three days. beginning in western extremes about the 0th, the 'barometer will in- dicate -approaching changes in wea- ther 'conditions. By the 7th and 8th these conditions will develop into active storm centers, and pas; into central ;parts of the country on their eastward drift. On and touching the 8th and 9th, .rain and wind areas will pass from central to eastern extrem- ities xtre -ities of the country, while at the same time rain will have turned to sleet and snow behind the rain area and rising barometer, ehange to west erly winds and much colder, will bring up the rear from west to north The +combined influences of Mercury the Venus equinoxes at this 'tine may. be expected to prolong storms, and FOR SALE --Ford Touring 'east, 1915 model, !fully equipped, electric lights electric horn, aloe;k, self starter, gam - line indicator, bumper, four good tires one extra tire on back. A snap at $400.00. Apply at the Trace office. For Sale: or Rent < `Hotpoint" VACUUM CLEANERS. Clean your rugs, etc, the modern way, at small oJst. D E WON STATION FREE W. J. BEER APPLES WANTED The Exeter Evaporator wi 1 pay 400E per 1001bs for pealing apples. -44 Button, Manager: PE1 1 F. 11O U PE, .Licensed A,na r tioneer. Sales conducted in any lar Imlay. Terms moderate Orders' left at."1'imes office will be promptly e0rt tended to. ?'hone 116, h rktoo. Ataa +G dress ratton P.O. • SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent quality of .Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance 'House at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited an ri satisfactiux is guaranteed. -- EEY MAGUIRE. Exeter. ee FOR ISALE-A good +second -handl tale 'ler- tnaae overcoat worn only a fauntimes, .'brown chinchilla cloth, Cast when new $45. Apply at the Time.office. . , THICK, mossy HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUPX Girls! Try ft1 Hair gets soft, thiffyandt beautiful --Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens atetens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and Is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles them beauty of your hair, besides it fore~ diately dissolves every particle at dandruff. You can not have ales e heavy, healthy hair if you hav dandruff. This destructive scurf robs* the hair of its lustre, its strength and i(its very life, and if not overcome 1 produces a feverishness and itching ed the scalp; the hair roots famia4., loosen and die; then the hair tangent fast. F Surely get a 25 -cent bottle et Knowlton's Danderine from any, drug store and just try, tt. A CONVENIENCE AND A NECESSITY Is your home fitted up with hot water, toilet and bath. The cold weather coming on draws your at- tention to this great convenience. A few dollars spent in installing this system will give you more pleasure and comfort than in any other way. Every new house, whether in town or country should be equipped with a hot water system Plumbing of all kinds our specialty Chas. West 244 Queens Ave. London, Phone 3255 No warping or cracking is possiblewith our secret i! process sem-steel fire -box linings. Being in Ave piece theyare easilyremovedor replaced without bolts or cement'.. WcIaiy§ '4ndora a,, =s; Before you invest in a new range let me show you tlui ,generally disturbed conditions„ cauls- Pandora's sensible ideas for s$ ing a prolonged spell of stormy,wing time and labor, are threatening weather although the days preceding the oncoming, regular storm period, The general culminae. tion of this period will tenter on the next time of the Moon's opposition on the 9th. • 1 Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON. of 3initt.r5 THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR D01111101i OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEERSOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and lst October 13y cheque free i of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date, of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future .war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog- nised g nis ed bond and stock brokers on allotments made: in respect ofapplications for this stock which bear their stamp. For ,application: forrns apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. 9 IDELTARTMENT OF FINANCiS. OTTAWA OCTOBER 74b, :1916.