HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-11-2, Page 1•N}V
Don't Miss this Opportunity
for a New Suit or Overcoat
THIS THURSDAY morning we offer• several hundred Men's
Tweed and Worsted Suits, extra. quality materials, good workmanship
C°M0' Don't many at less than present wholesale prices, Don t miss this op-
p4rtunity for a bargain; all sizes. Our Special Sale Price $12.00 and 15.00
Remarkable Values in
Stylish Overcoats
Men's ,winter overcoats, in heavy
English cloths, shawl and (Military
riCollars, in all popular colors, just;
right for the !cold weatther, . Oua"
.Bipeoial Price '$12 to $18.50 • . ,.
Young Men's Overcoats
tW a have just received a shipment
. r Young Men's Fall and 'Winter
Overcoats, in the newest Raglan style
'Three (quarter length effects, to
Gell at Imnoderate prices. Don't Fail
to see these handsome- garments.. '
Men's Special English
Raincoats at $9.75 each
' This raincoat is a real bargain. Or
""era ' avy ,English material, thoroughly
1, waterproof, while the, last at only
e$9,75 each'. I S i led
Boys' Clothing
We have &a. 'complete stook of Boys'
Suits 1& Overcoats at vera attractive
prices. (1 1. ; I :t
Boots & Shoes for
This Is 'undoubtedly the popular
store for Boots and Shoes. Our values
for Men, Women and Children o.nnot
be surpassed. (Come and see the Newest
Styles in fine footwear. We handle
goods of reliable and well-known
!makers. We also have a full stock of
men's heavy work -shoes and ohildrene
school •shoes. This is th!e 'hone of the
celebrated Life Buoy Ru'b'bers, the
best on the 'market: 1 i
Ladies' Coats
' Another' shipment of our celebrated
Nortliway Brand, Seal Plush !Coats
' just arrived, Extra values in 'child
ren's 'winter coats. 1 1 1 ; .1
Jones AND May
Ranges and Heaters
Before placing your or-
der for stove call and
examine our complete
line ofcooking & heating
Steel ranges $35 to $60;
Cast ranges $25 to $50;
Heating stoves i9 to $48;
Perfection oil heaters,
$4.50 to $6.00
Make your new barn
complete with the use of
modern sliding door rol-
lers, stable door latches,
-, Prepare your stable with stall fixtures and cattle
chants fur wintering your stock
A full line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, Stove Pipes
Elbows, etc for .fall
'U e
Phones' z b
`1WALPE'R-Goshen Line, %ray to arr.
and "1WIrs. Wrn. Walper a daaghte•r.
; TEPaSENSON•-parr Line, Stanley,
on Oct. 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas,
Stephenson, a son.
,IOI] 1C}1 I±±RT 'TIIIEL-At Ithe Latina -
an !church, Zurich,. on Wednesday
Oct. 25th by alt ''Rembe,. Miss
, (Clara, 'daughter of, Mr, and 1ltrs.
IC`onrad trhiel, Zurich, to 1Mr. Peter
Dicchert, Jr., of the 'Blind Line
t lSunao iDEIi. •- 'ocwoEN-- At the
methodist parsonage, Lucan, on.
Wednesday. (October. 25th, Ibyy 'Rev.
Mr. (Barnby, Miss Ethel May
daughter of OVIr. and Mrs. William
tB,owden, bf Centralia to Mr: Rus-
sel Schroeder.
'BLUNT•-ZILBR-On Oat. 25th, at
the Lutheran parsonage, Dashwood
!Miss Louise Ziler to Mr. Fred Stunt
both of Dashwood.
ISIiPLAN-At the family 'residence lit
Ildex'ton Ont., on rcts Friday 27,
1910, Rev. Clarence ' retncis Daplan
formerly of Centralia, Ont, eldest
eon of 1Vtr. and Mrs. O. 11. Deplete
aged 25 Sears, , i I , e
Miss L. McKay left on Monday for
Watford evhere she will spent the
winter with her sister.
A hen at the Agricultural College
Guelph, laid 310 eggs in 335 days, This
is just about one a day, omitting
Sundays. Christmas and the Queen's
3irthday, showing that the hen while
industrious insisted on her legalm:ght
Under the auspices of the Ladies
Aid Society to bazaar will be held, in
the basement of the church, ;Central-
ia. on November 2nd commencing at
3 o'eloek. Supper will be ser Jed and
there will be a farmer's bodth also
all fancy and 'useful sewing wt,ll be
on sale.
The Epworth League of James St.
church (gave a Hallowe'en social on
Tuesday evening. There was a good.
turnout. A splendid program of mus-
ic, and •a number of excellent stere-
opticon views were shown by the pas-
tor. After the program refreshments
consisting iaf pumpkin pie and fruit
were served. A most enjoyable even-
ing Was spent. i , 1 .
A quiet wedding took place ate the
Methodist parsonage ,Lucan on 'Wed-
nesday, October 25th by Rev. rivlr:
Barnby 'united in marriage Miss
Ethel May Bowden, 'daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Bowden or near Cen-
tralia to Mr. Russell Schroeder. The
bride was dressed in blue shot silk
with cream trimmings. Mr. and Mrs.
roed,i will reside near Clandeboye
Their many friends will join la con-
on-ggratul .tions.
A deapatch from. Ottawa says;
The Canadian Diti ions at the .front
are evidentlyhaving a we11-carned
respite: From the thick of the fight-
inon the Somme front. 'For the
(first time in many numnths the daily
cable to the al'.Iit aster of Militia re-
ported on 'Monday "no cast)a.lties."
Reports itor the two exceeding days
also indicated a ecssetion in the oar-
unities among the Oanadiane. It is
surmised here that the 'Canadian
troops after their hard and'contin-
fighting have now been given
a change to rest and recuperate in
the reserve behind .the front line
. > M ?.i,. („>r..,i.._f
'Who east week was reported
paying the supreme sacrifice for
country. t , ' t
Exeter Council
of le .Ex-
eter cost in regular session Friday
Oct. lith, at 8 p. m, All the mem-
bers present. Minutes of the last
regular .Hooting, 'he'd Oct. l2ch, were
read and approved.
circular ]eater was received by
the Reeve from the Secretary of the
Hydra -Electric Railway Associationof Ontario (re. the municipal u';
'Liaoning rhe Hydro-Ele+ctr•c. Cant.)
inissk n of Ontaa•ia far estimates, etc,
on Lha cost of cotsiructing radial
electric roads.
Rc oluti.au per Beaver, secancic? lay
Howe., that this council request tate
Hydro -Electric Power Commission of
Ontario to complete the estimates on
the cost 01 constructing the roved
from Iii~(:ton vie Goderich, ?tc., anis
that ahem. estimates be submitted to
the inteeesied municipalities at the
earliest posaibl.e da'e.
The loltowing eccount3 were talla e! apreovc Jas. Lawsaa S7.50 ; S.
Fitton $7.50; C. T. Brooks cite.; The
Ebenezer North 'Co., 20.14; j.Nc„rry
1:8.38;The Thos. Sandersthe • 8.92;.agRd,
Qivanca 1735;Council 1D, RussellVil, 3,of `8.75;
Walter Westcoit ;4.50; Wm Gilles-
pie 25c.; Robert Gilles 12.04; Silas
Handford 2.10; Rd. Cooke 5.78; T.
Walpc.r 8.60; T. Houlden 6.88; Thos
Cornish 2.10; T. Creech 25c.
Per Hind, seconded .by 12oulstop-
That the rate for street watering for
the season 1916 be 12c. per foot as
per mea,urement approved of. -Car
Ad;ournrnent by Roulston.
Jos Senior, Clerk.
Pte. Mitchell tens how
he was wounded
The following letter received by
•Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell ,from
their son. Earl, gives an account of
the'^vitnner in which he was woun-
Dear Mother and Father.
Just Ia line before leaving for Eng-
land. I was wounded on Sunday. Oot.
est in .a charge. d)ne of my pals got
wounded right near .me and I stop-
ped to bandage him, I had just got
the bandage in my hand when a shell
exploded right over our heads .and. a
piece of shrapnel about an inch
square went rid bt ehrough my left
hand,. We then went into a dugout
and got our wounds dressed. It was
about 3.15 pane .when 1 got hit and
I stayed in 'the dugout until 11,30 at
night :when I volunteered to take a
few of the other fellows who could
walk land led them to the ambulance
bus las I was the only one that knew
the way, and .taking things easy, as
we had lost a lot of blood. We reach-,
cd the ambulance about 2.30 in the
morning as it was about four miles
and was then hurried to the hospit-
al. Percy (Lawson) was not in the
attaok as he went out with a bruised
arm the day before and was sent.
back ta,gain the night I came out. I
was told that Jack l.[ogarth wets kail-,
led the same day. clave not heard of
Eddie Anderson.
Well I thank God that I got off
with as little as this it its doing as
!nicely 'as could be expected. I was
operated on yesterday and am able to
be :around to -day, but I don't think
I wi;tl be able to handle a rifle in
this war again.
Seaga riVMeston of London visited
over lunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jos.
Mltev, S. W .Muxtcorthy was in Lon
don Tuesday attending a meeting of
the London 'Conference.
1 The Soldiers' .Aid Society d' eirn to
thank the gentlemen who took them
to 11 nsa:al to put on the Minstrel
Show, i 1 c ; 'nil
! We are :pleased to announce that
airs J. J. White, 'who has been con=,
I , fined to her bed during the past six
weeks and who was operated on Sun-
day morning by Drs. George 'Redden
and Turril.l is somewhat improved.-
Outlook, Coulook, Sask.,
In the ,game of basketball on the:
school grounds last Saturday eater
noon the Lucan Iliigh School team
defeated the ,L cei.er girls: 'hs was
the second win for the, visitors. ial^i
they defeated the Exeter team in
lateen two weeks previous, The via -
tors name up by auto and were pleas-
antiy entertained to lurieheon in the
school nelembly roma..
Interesting Description,
of British Isles I
'Mr. 0. W. Robinson or town receive
ed a most interesting letter trot/ibis
son tdescribing his impre sons in :Eng
land and Ireland on his way to camp
at lShorncliffe. Our readers no 'doub't
will be pleased at the privilege of
reading it.
Sh x ncliffc., I,<n ,-
a s
Dear Father;
! 'Well I'm getting adapted to Eng-
lish sways and scenery, It in cert-
ainly beautiful in the old +country.
I had an excellent trip on the
way over, I believe I wrote you from
the maritime provinces a description
in brief of the early palrt of ite
The ocean voyage over was as
smooth as .could be expected,. Itl was
rough on Sunday the first and the
previous Saturday. we we're off the
continental shelf and in the deepest
water of our trip. The rain, however,
t calmed the sea.
The shores or Ireland, N. E. were
perfectly grand , I don't know
that I ever saw anything so bean-
,tiatull in all my life. The shores were
very rolling in fact at times could be
termed ragged. Yet the tenacious
Irishmen bad built homes in places
on the hillside where one :could hard -
13 expect animals abte to exist. not
that. they weren't productive, yet in
Canada. +up sa f'ar en one we g,
associate else idea of inproduotivity
with it. The damp climate and mod-
erating effect of the hills and Gulf
Stream. made grass and trees grow
on almost bare rocks. In fact in mans
many places, even the rooks were
green, probably too with moss. There
is evident reason why it should be
called the Emerald Isle. From the
ships ,yon could see every fieldmark-
ed out with hedges or stone ellen
grown green, each one varied in col-
ors of green according to what had
grown there or what was ',here be-
fore. You could even distinguish the
ploughed 'ground and turnip patches.
The 'little whitewashed Irish. eat-
tages .caught my eye. ',could atmos;;
fancy I could see the Irish dog cart
crawling the cabbie -stoned road,
which in one place in particular wound.
over the crest o.E a most beautifully
colored hill, I mean here and elev-
ation of neerer two thousand feet than
one thousand feet. Some of :the vale
lays for natural andrural beauty
were 'hard to excel. They reminded
me somewhat of the .Niagara .Penin-
sula viewed fiomn above the maunta.n
England, however, is 'certainty won-
derful. In our trip across it we pass
ed through the central industrial
portion,. We touched such points as
Liverpool, Tamworth. Stafford, Lel-
oestershire and the famous place: of
Rigby and (harrow. Passing tiero sgh
Oxfordshire eve passed through Isub-
« n ban London. as far as Kensington,
and from ta3ere to our destination.
We bad to march from Shorncliffe,
station about two m`_les or more thr-
ough rain and a gale to our ramp
at 030 .pan. land then sleep' there in
tent. However, we're in the army I
English town impressed by th,? elo e
Hess 'af the houses. They are called
rows. There are many chimneys, and
out or each one comes two or three
smaller ones with notched tops often
You see nearly every English room
has a fire -place. To approach a
town, !chimneys are about the first
you see. a real forest of them. Red
burnt:brick is ,by :far the masa favor-
ite in the part I saw, i. e. a little
darker and: redder than the St. Mary's
station. Grey buildings are found too.
Man's houses in Toronto in the St.
Claire Ave. section are built after the
pattern of these red brisk buildings.
The architecture of each one as a
rule is very uniform. That is a cer-
tain 'color and type of building seem-
ed to penetrate throughout, with a
little vaiation in size.
in the northern part of England
the houses seemed to have no back-
yard at all., At nears' they were co'e
bled stone there. and it only seemed
a smaller street !rather than a back-
hedges bre a great favorite with
the tknglishman both in cities and
country. In fact in rural parts I saw
very aew wooden or wire fecnes. The
hedges are better for jumping in
home. I was surprised that they were
(Continued on page five)
Saskatchewan's 'New Premier
Don't target the big cattle seae at
Centralia on Friday.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Patriotic League will be held in
the Town hall on Monday evening
Nov. Gtb at 7.30.
Services as follows in the Main. St.
Methodist church next Sabbath:
Love Feast at 10. a.m. Regular sere
vice •at 11. a.m. followed by the Sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper. In the
evening memorial service will be held
as a- tribute to the members of the
congregation who have made thesuw-
reme ,sacrifice for their country..
REV.. 'C. F. O UPLAh7
'Rev:. Clarence Francis :IDaplaat died
on Friday last at tyle residence or
i his parcp.ts. Mr, and Mrs. 4t". IL 'Ou-t
t plan of Ilderton, rafter a lengthy illi
ness of nervous breakdown. .IIe was,:
25 years 'of age. Rev, 1Vaplan's teat
ministry was at the A.neelicaxt c'la ire&
t in Wheatley. He resigned has charge -
'about a year ago owing to 111-health.
1 lee was a graduate of Western Uni-s
varsity and fiuron College, Landon.
i and was ordained in at. 1.'a ui"s Ca Ch-
i ,.drat on Jena 1915 by the l.oa d lash's
lop of Huron. For a short time he was
l usssoaia Lod avi tit Vex .e x,chdeamps.. ' ilii tie
1 ardson in St. Luke's parish,
l 'Rev_ Mr. Dupla. possessed a fine
itenor voice and was prominent in
musical ,airoles. He spent his boyhood
days in Ceaatraliic and was well»
known and quite popular with the
young people of town His father for
a number at years was station agent
at the £'eutra.lia station. Mr. i3up-
Lan was fond of out -door sports :aced
for several years was a member, of
the: 'Centralia baseball team. Des
nappy and genial despo ition wou for
him a warm place in the hearts of
all who knew hina and his early :dem-
Ise is sincerely regretted by a larb
circle of friends.
A meeting of the Hook Club wilt be
held on 'Friday afternoon, at 4:.15 aka
the home of Mars. S _Fitton.
1-Iallowe'en passed off fairly quiet-.
ly in town Tuesday* very little dam-.
age being done to property. A name.
ber of boys were out and hm'aznrnitted:I.
a flew of the usual pranks. Several
o' the girds paraded the streets in
costume, One of the mean tricks that
'come to our attention was the pluses
tering oe the front of Mr;, Geon Matt
son's ;stare with mud.,
Warm: Clothing for the
Cold Wet Weather
We have lots of Underwear in all kinds
Sweaters hi Big Variety
Hosiery is one of our Specialties, You wild (:and our
values the best,
Sonne clearing lines of clothing at one third les
than present price
Boots & Shoes 3r8Ce. Buy
.e,mlwamcin every
C k BC4
yours now before further advances. We have a, large
stock to choose from.
B. W F
04.•••••••04feadel aaee®teate aiclefoat iteaaaeaeteale®aeaaa ea elao®ffe et•
♦ IR
♦ at
8 £il
♦ et
. tt,
ashiqn .0Itto
e 414
• •
Is our aim for the nen of Exeter04
and vicinity. `hat's one reason
• why we specialize hi bleu's wear
• exclusively. Keeping hi touch with •.
• Men's stylet is our business so
2 when you are outfitted by gas you j
• are sure of bein4,4
•g dressed right .
• We have i
n stock alt the h newest styles. Look +nm over
• our line of SoftFelts, •Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloaes •
Undee<wear, Socks, Smocks and Overalls •••
RED C'R'OSS 1:+'UND, •
Contributions for the Red Cross
Fend are still coming in and the'
arnount to date recorded by the cit-
izens of Exeter is $2169.76. The Coun-
cil contributed $1000 of this and $l,
119.79 was contributed by the town.
$50 ,that was collected for tobacco
early in the year is also being tor -
warded to the Red, Cross. A full, last
of the contributors will be pub•iah.d
next week.
The Provinces response to the ap-
peal of the British Red !Cross hale
r ,a 1 d in. the subscription of .'1
c ), c
400,000. tip to date with a large num-
ber of mu.nai ipa,lities yet to report
in adetion to the 'County grant
of: *2154'''. lemon County's contrite
ration are to Ilse present as reported
to the (.ler ' ,al 'Committee, Parlia-
ment 'Biol.'s. ra •onto, aro as follows, ♦
(Tay T:,wn.hip :41200.
(Women's' Institute) 1.23
'Bay fi' ld 310
Drtesee its
(sods recti.
'Winait sin.
In adeiitioat to these .amounts it 1s
ekpcetc,t tb a in tnnnicip flit..
yet ceteeseut'd will b' f-x.ltr
%%'ith atitercu o;s .itfution5 iind tlit
, i x , r a b'the
. plates,
the CI nt9lnt F .aa
stbove aa efL,orsa d teal be supplement,
peel l;y rhe , o° :s i:.e:t ins from in-
dividual,, seh.tois Red Cro'Ws and
other :Catrioti, committees.
Ready -Made and Made -to -Measure Go lag
Blue Serge Suits for Men
Our Value,s are undoubtedly the best in Ca.nada,
s not
9r a 9'♦ o
le N
a +
P N ..
r►11144144#444400444.40441+4.11NSM♦ ♦♦«w'a+oiM+i