HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-29, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES
Phone 16 J. A. STEWART
Phone 16
Male your selection early We have a fine range of St ,les -
Ruffs, Muffs in the fashionable furs that will be worn this sea
son We will be, glad to show you what is new
Corded velvet Coats
For Girls and 'Boys made in
splendid style with quilted lin-
ings in White, 'Green, Brown
and Copen Blue, in 2, 3, 4, and
5 year sizes, $3.50 to $5.50,
The 'famous , "Ceetee" make
for Boys, Girls, Men and Wo
men. For Girls all sizes 80o to
$1.25; For boys all sizes $1.35,
to $1.75; Ladies sizes 2, 0, and
4, $1.25; Mens, all sizes $3.50;
$4.00; and $4,75.
All wool
Serge Skirts
In colors of Navy !Blue and
Black 'Serge. A splendid skirt
made in a very neat style. The
pride is. very low. Regular sizes
$4.50.. Large skirt for stout wo-
men $5.00.
Sweaters and
Sweater Coats
For Boys that
Girls. Almost
any 'color that yon want. All
wool. sweaters for Boys, $1.00 to
$1,25. s Tor Bogs
and Girlsat$1.00,
Mens' Suits and Overcoats
Good weather tempts you to delay the purchase of your
Fall Suit and Overcoat. But it is only a matter of a short time
before you will be glad to have them If your price is $io oo,
$ r 2 00 or $15 00 let us show you the values we have at these'
Men's all Wool
This Is a special and we could
not buy it to -day at the price
we are selling it. Shirts and
Drawers. &Mens' sizes each $1.00
Fashion Books
November "Designer" and Win
ter 'Fashion book now in. ,Call
for your copy and renew your
subscription this month.
The "Designer" one wear $1.20
The Winter Fashion Book 25c
One Standard Pattern 20o
Total $1.65
Special offer -$1.65 for -55c
Hanging Lamps
In a dozen different des'gns
and (colorings. Low prices.
Lamps for Kitchens and Dining•
rooms. at $3.50 and $4.50 ,Beau-
tiful range of better ones at
$8.00; $11.00; and $14.50.
Large size flanellette blan-
kets in white grey and ,fawn,
with blue or pink borders, Get
your supply while they remain
at this price. Large size pair,
Men,wear Beresford
Shoes and be
Well Shod
A shoe that looks well and is
an easy fitter. If you want shoe
comfort try a pair, the price is
$5,00 and $6.00.
New Dinner Sets
Come in and see them. Two
conventional and one pretty
rose decorations. New shaped
vegetable and cream and sug-
97 .nieces. Extra value $20.00.
J.A. STEWART Phone 16
The Big Store with the little prices
Market Report -The following is
the report of the Er"'ter market
'corrected 'up to. f0..erober 25th, '
Wheat 1.55 to 1,65, i
Barley 60 to 75e, t l
Oats, 50 to 55o. ti 1
Peas 1.00 a burs.
Papally lflour 4.75. r ' `
Low !Grade 2.50. I j C 1
!Aran 31.00, ,per ton.
Shorts 34,00 per ton.' '
Eggs. 95c, r•' I fl
Butter 550. 4 l ( l
Creamery 'butter 43c,.
Young 'chicks 12o.
Old hens 10o. . r t r
Roosters 8o,
Young ducks 100.
Old ducks leo.
Old turkeys 14c,
young turkey's 18c.
Potatoes 2.00 per bag
flogs 10.50.
New Tailored
Suits and
Of first interest, when the cool days
cone. The style's are varied to meet
the ,diftertrt tastes. Coats are long-
er, skirls are also longer.
Our i.ew goods are here. Good range
to choose loom. :
See Our New Coatings for
Ladies, Prices ranging
froni $17 oo Up
'We also have a new range of. Men's
over coating aid suiting.
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Ceutrai
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels --They,
work while you sleep.
The Soldiers' Aid Society put on, a
minstrel show in Henson Town Hall
on Friday evening last. The night
was 'cold and miserable. About ten
automobiles from town took the lad-
ies to Rensall and there was a good
attendance at the 'performance. Judg-
ing 'from the applause given the per-
formers the entertainment was much
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges-
lion,, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to become filled with undi-
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's
the first step to untold misery --indi-
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, Mental fears, everything that is
horrible and ,nauseating. A Oascaret
to -night will give your constipated
bowels*. a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by niorning,+F'•They
'work while you sleep --a liken,. box
from your druggist 'wIll keep roti teet-
h* good for months...
The season for Oysters
has arrived. We have a
fresh supply on hand
Oysters Served
Hot or Cold
Sold in bulk
Try our Oyster Stews
R. C Gower & Son
Mr. Richard Phillips late organist
of James St. Methodist •church, has,
secured the position of organist in
the 2nd largest church in Jackson,
(Mich., rat a stated salary of $2;000'
per annum. The organ is an electr.c'
pneumatic. He commenced duty 1st
of (September.
;The following was clipped from
the Thamesville Herald of last week.
The Anniversary services were held
in the Thamesville Methodist
church on Sunday last, Rev. S,
iW. Muxworthy a former pastor was
the ,preacher for the day anddeliver-
ed two splendid. sermons. The choir
under 'Miss Causgrove contributed 'a
number of special selections which
added much to the success of the ser-
vices. Large congregations were pre-
sent at both services and a very gen-
erous thank -offering was contributed
Thieves which a couple of weeks
ago entered the hardware stores or
W. J. .I Ireaman and Hugh Spackman
are now believed to have entered
the Jackson Factory the same evens
ing. The thieves worked with a can-
dle the drippings being in evidence.
Recently Mr. Davis, manager or the
Jackson Factory observed candle drip -
Pings on his desk and an i:n.vestigaay
tion showed where they bad been
working around the drawers in the
office. There labor here however.
was in vain, as there was nothing
of iconseq.nence to be piked up.
•••••••••4 •••04)000•0000000
• 0000000 ••••••• 0
11r. Geo. Young of London, visited
in town on Monday.
Major. W. J. 1Jieaman of Camp Bor-
den spent Sunday with his family.
Mr. and. Mrs. Owen Atkinson o1
London were in town . during the
Mss Lila Zuefle and Florence Keys
of Toronto visited in town during the
past week.
The I3ydro power by-Iaw voted on
in. Dublin carried lag a vote of 33 for
to 14 against.
!Mr. W. J. Hockey of Winnipeg is
visiting for a few weeks with his
mother in town.
Miss Kathleen Stewart was at Sea -
forth (last week attending the Mc
Lelland-E,ays nuptials.
The James St Epworth League
intend holding a P. P. and F. social
next Tuesday evening.
Mrs. George Sillery of StafCa, has
home to Seaforth to reside on 'Market
Street.-Seaforth [Expositor.
Mrs. McLelland has returned home
after spending several weeks with
her brother at Stayner, Ont.
Mrs. M. Fletcher and Mrs. Wm.
Fletcher left 'Wednesday to visit
with relatives at Crosswell, 'Mich
WANTED -First class (,tripes and
finisher. Apply af once Chalmers
Motor (Company of 'Canada, Ltd.
Walkerville, ,Ontario.
Successors to
O.t2,6 dford.
Have ,you tried us for
your Groceries.' Cured
Meats etc
Your patronage solicited
400 Tons of Eine, Land and Cattle
Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per
ton; 50o. per bag. -Exeter Salt ,Works
Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager.
WANTED -Young ,married man with
mechanical ability to learn auso-
mobile work. Man with machine
shop and tool room experience
preferred. 'Good pay -steady posi-
tion. Apply Chalmers Motor, Com-
pany of Canada, Ltd. Walkerville.
On: t)btober 28th we will display
a new shipment of French pattern
hats 'consisting of eloise fitting fur
and 'fur trimmed hats. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to all the, ladies
to attend.
E. Curless,
rMcDonell Block
:Mr. W. J. Beer visited in London
on Monday.
Mr. Leonard 11LcTaggart of Exeter
North suffered a paralytic stroke on
Saturday last and is confined to his
Mr. John Moir of town suffered, a
paralytic stroke early on Wednes-
day morning and is in a critical con-
dition at the time of writing.
Rev. A. J. Bison, Missionary rec-
ently back from ,China will preach
in James St. Methodist church next
Sunday morning and Mr. Austin of
Chatham will address the congrega
tion at the evening service. The order
will be reversed in the Main Street
church. Mr. Bison will also preach
at iBothan) in the afternoon" This w fl
be a rare opportunity tor the people
to hear two inspirational addresses.
Mr. tE.ison's experience in China have
been worked icy some thrilling exper-
iences. Mr. Austin is one of the lead-
ing traisrtonary worker* of the London
A 'pretty home wedding was solemn
ized Thursday at high noon at the
residence or Major and Mrs. R. S.
Hlays. Sparing St. Seaforth when
their eldest daughter Bessie was
united 'in marriage to E. C. 'McLellan
manager of the Dominion Bank, Bad
en. son of Dr. and Mrs. McLellan,
Brampton. The ceremony was per-'
formed- by Rev. P. •H Larkin of First
Presbyterian •'church, Seaforth, in
the presence of a large number of
relatives and friends. The 'couple
were the receipients of many costly
presents including a handsome silver
card receiver from the officers of the
101st (Battalion to which 'Major Hays
is attached. The cou,plc left on the
Mrs. 17. Hutton and daughter; ' afternoon train for points east, the
Evelyn of Brantford, visited the for- ; bride going away in a suit of brown
mer's sister, ans. T. O. Southcott for I with hat to match.
several flays during the past week. I!
tivtrs. Thos. Appleton, wife of Pte. THE LATE 'MRS. GARDINhat
Appleton of the 161st `Battalion left
Tu;sday for Camp Borden to \t,it he: On Wednesday of last week there
husband before he leaves for over-
Rev. E. G .Powell is in Sarnia this
week owing to the serious illness of
his father, -Clinton News-lie^ord, We
understand that Mr. Powell has since
died. . ,
Rev, S. F. Sharp attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Gardiner at
Blyth on Friday last. There was a
large gathering of sympathetic friends
at the funeral.
Mr. Wm. Snell and family moved
to town last week from 'Usborne into
the ,residence recently purchased
from Mrs. Fletcher. We welcome
them to our midst.
The (committee of young ladies in-
tend givng a "Euchre" on Hallow-
e'en Oct. 31st in the town hall at
8 o'clock.' proceeds to be used for com
forts for the soldiers. Admirssion 50c
Everybody welcome.
Auction Sale
of household effects and real
Elizabeth St Exeter
F d
ri ay, October 27th
Jonas Bartlteb. properitor
B. S. Philips. Auctioneer
passed away in Blyth in the r,nidenre
of her son, one of Exeter's most es-
timable citizens. Mrs. Wm. Gardiner
Although she b d (for years been in
poor health, and had on many oc-
casions been called to drink deep of
the 'cup of affliction, she had for F.ome
time been in the enjoyment of inprov
ed, health and was happy and Conten
ted. but some dread desease sud-
denly laid its °finger on her brain
,distorting facts, making that seem
inevitable, which would otherwise
have been regarded with 'aversion
leaving tall who knew her in the land
of mystery, unable to understand. For
Nine members, of the Jackson Mfg,
Company's staff at !Clinton or else-
where, are now in the service, o.0 the
Empire, in the training camps or ata
the 'front, one, Pte. R. D. 'Walton,'
having already made the supreme
sacrifice, -Clinton 'News -Record.
Reeve J. W. Taylor received a tele-
gram on Monday from Col. Combos of
the 161st Battalion, Camp Borden,
that 'the officers 'would be off duty
on Thursday and that there woald bs
no future leave for the men of the
&battalion. Visitors to the 'camp would
be welcomed on Thursday.
A 'communication from Seaforth to
the London Advertiser says, "Rev.
Mr. Sharp oaf 'Exeter preached two
very practical and helpful sermons
in the [First Presbyterian Church
here to -day, the 'Rev. E. • H. Larkin
of Seaforth ,preaching Anniversary
for the Exeter' congregation.
Missions was the theme ha the two
Methodist (churches .last Sabbath and
to be continued reit Sunday. Rev', J.
F. 'Knight of Hensel' preu,ched in the
Main St. !church in the morning; and
James ;St. 'church in the evenings de-
livering a very ;acceptable sea'mon.
Rev. S. W. Maxworthy preached in
James St. ehureh in the morning and
gave la very forceful and 'impressive
disetiarse that was much apprcciatecda
(Continued on page lisp)
T'11I11'tSDA'l , OCTOBER 26th.
reactionarytrad ion the storm period is gen- 1 26th and, 27th. The
Moon is in aconjunotton with the Sun,
and 'Earth on the 26th. At such, times
the (Moon is passing. betwe.en the l
Earth and. Sun -.sometimes directly so
-at other times a little to one side
or other of the Sun, Rut( in all ,cases
the rcooabined action of the San and
Moon on the Earth, is suck ad. to tin -
crease ocean tides, barometric phen-
omine, increase of temperature, earth-
quakes, storms and allied 'clies(tux•ban,+
ces. Centering on the neat to( the 26
therefore, expect a return of decid-
ed storm conditions, !Rain, wind and
thunder, inerging into snow and fol-
lowed by rising barometer ,and
change to much colder, are among
things to expect. The Moon will be
at extreme south declination on the
29th, `which fact will contribute to
prolonged rcod, with the atmosphere.*
tides nom, the north. •Change to
warmer will be in sight trona wester
ly !directions as we paws, oat of Oct-
ober. A regular storm period with
the (Moon in perigee begins in the 'far
'vest on the 31st. The (cosmic forces
that lie behind all storm and changes
of the weather, ereenate dynamically
from the Sun, outward into the eitb-
er, and thence into the atmosphere
magnetic land electric environments
of the planets of the solar system
The ;periodic excess of the solar en-
ergy thus received into our atmos-
phere, and in the solid globe itself
breeds physical unrest and distem-
per out of which spring from. the
starting points over sea and land, all
the perturbations comprised in storm's
weather extremes, volcanic erup-
tions and earthquakes. The new Moon
will intensify and aggravate these
forces rodding materially to weather
disturbances 'that may arise an and
about the 26th.
For Sale
or Rent
Clean ` your rugs, etc,
the me& rn way, at small
FOR SALE -Ford Touring car, 1915
model, 'fully equipped. electric lights
electric horn, clock, self starter, gaso-
line indicator, bumper, four good tires
one extra tire on back. A snap at
$400.00. Apply at the T hies office.
The Exeter Evaporator wi 1 pay 40c
per 10011es for pealing apples. -J.
Sutton, Manager.
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licenses Auc-
tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo-
cality. Terms moderate Orders left
at Times office will be promptly at-
tended to. ''hone 116, Kirkton,, Ad.
dress Kirkton P.O.
SALT FOR SALE. --An cxceilenl
quality of Sarnia made salt far gale
at the old Temperance House at the
G. T R. station. Sold in any quant-
ity. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction is guaranteed. - ED.
MAGUIRE. Exeter.
FOR SALE -A good second-hand& tat-,
liars inane overcoat worn only a .Law
times, brown chinchilla cloth, Cost
-when new $45. Apply at the Times
Mrs. Gambriii can take a few more
pupils, Prepares for highest examin'.-
ations, including diplomas Rooth sub-
jects. Besides being certified and dip-
tomaed, Mrs. Gambrill was a pupil
for several years of A. R. Simms,
Esq.. Mas., Bac., Oxon, a Member of
the Royat College of Organists.
Look Mother? if tongue is coated.
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs.'
Is your home fitted up with
hot water, toilet and bath The cold
weather coming on draws your at-
tention to this great convenience. A
few dollars spent in installing this
system will give you more pleasure
and comfort than in any other way.
Every new :house, whether in town
or country should be equipped with
a hot water system
Plumbing of all kinds our specialty
Chas. West
2,44 Qneens Ave. London,
Phone 355
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
i0. few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and yon have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative.".
Millions of mothers keep it handy be-
cause they know its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bot-
tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which
contains directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups.
Clean; smokeless and odorless oven means verbal
cooking and baking. This is assured by ventilation SII
the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining in
a dora
It won't be hard ro decide what range you want in
kitchen after Y show you the Pandora's special fea'
- Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON.
Special Announcement
r a Edison says: want y ere
familyirk our
vicinity to enjoy a 4S hour Free Trial of one of wy new
Instruments in their homes"
Sifiee' €tvls' is 19ri'. Edison's wish I am willing to
put an EDISON in any, home in or around Exeter or
within tPi; cristrict. fixe have Edi'?on's in the fol-
lowing sizes:
No. 30 at $ mo 0o No A coo at $137.5o
No 5o. at 68 5o No C f so at 200 oo
No 75 at €O0 00 No C 200 at 275 00
No C 25c at . 325 00
Cylinder Records at 70c and $1.00
Disc Res -owls at 'l;l.35, 2.00, 2,75 and $8.25
EDISON instraments are all diamond point (no needles
to change) Edison records do not break, or wear out. The
reproduction•is like that of the real voice or music. If you
wish to purchase an instrument have us put in an EDISON be-
side any TieLais1tic M ctieNE and you, then, make your
choice. Do not bogy until you examine the NEW EDISON.
Remember the ErDI€u is the only instrument today
that an artist would attempt to sing in unison with their own
voice and which yeti, as a listener could not tell the difference
in the voice. Ekop las a postcard for information.
Edison Instruments on sale at Powell's Bazaar
Come andsee the New Styles
3t[be. torg
Principes repayable fist October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and 51st October by cheque (free
of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cert'
per annum from the date of purchaase.
Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and
accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment
made under any future 'war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of
Treasury Bill; or other like short date security.
Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only.
A commission of one-quarter of one per :tient will be allowed to recog-
nized bornd and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications
for this stock which bear their stamp.
For application forms ,apply to the Deputy IVIinistestof rxaaa'nce., Otta wa.
OCTOBER Ith. 1916. •