Exeter Times, 1916-10-19, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES
Phone 16 J. A. STEWART Phone 16
Make your selection early We have a fine range of Stoles-
Ruffs, Muffs in the fashionable furs that w !! be worn this sea
scan We will be glad to show you what is new
Corded velvet Coats
For Girls and Boys made in
splendid style with quilted, line
Ings in 'White,Green, drown
and , Copen Blue, in 2, 3, a and
5 year sizes. $3,50 to $5,50.
Undearcwe ar
The (famous "Ceetee" make
for Boys, Girls, Men and Wo-
men. For Girls all sizes 80o to
$1,25; For boys all sizes $1.35,
to $1.75; Ladies sizes 2, 3, and
4, $1.25; Mens, um sizes $'3.50;
$4.00; land $4.75.
All wool
Serge Skirts
In 'colors or Navy 'Blue and
Black . Serge. A splendid skirt
made in a very neat style. The
price is very low. Regularsizea
$4.50„ Large skirt for stout wo-
men $5.00.
Sweaters and
Sweater Coats
For Boys and. Girls, Almost
any 'color that ,you want. All
wool sweaters for Boys $1,00 to
$1.25. Sweater coats for !Hays
and. 'Girls at $1.00, $1,25, $1.50.
Aliens' Suits and Overcoats
Good weather tempts you to delay the purchase of your
Fall Suit and Overcoat. But it is only a matter of a short time
before you will be glad to have them If your price is $io oo,
$12 00 or $1 5 00 let us show you the values we have at these
Men's all Wool
This :is a special and we could
not buy it to -day at the priee
we are selling it. Shirts and
Drawers. Mens' sizes each $1.00
Fashion Books
November "Designer" and 'Win
ter 'fashion book now cin. O.11
for your copy and renew your
subscription this month.
The "Designer" one year $1,20
The Winter Fashion Book 25c
One Standard Pattern 20e
Total $1,65
Special offer—$1.05 for -55o
Ranging Lamps
In a dozen different des"gns
and 'colorings. Low pr,ces.
Lamps for Kitchens and Dining
rooms at $3.50 and $4,50 ,Beau-
tiful range of better ones at
$8.00; $11.00; and $14.50.
Large size flanellette blan-
kets in white grey and ;fawn,
with blue or pink borders. Get
your supply while they remain
at this price. Large size pair,
Men,wear Beresford
Shoes and be
Well Shod
A shoe that looks well and is
an easy fitter. If you want shoe
comfort try a pair, .the price is
$5,00 and $6.00,
New Dinner Sets
Come in and see them. Two
conventional and one pretty
rose decorations. New shaped
vegetable and cream and sug-
97 .yieces. Extra value $20.00.
TA W„E►ir Phone 16
The BigStore with the little the prices
Market Report—The following is
the report .of the Exeter market
correeted up to October 18th,
Wheat 1.35 to 1.'5x.
'Earley 60 to 75o.
Oats, 50 to 55c,
Peas 1..00 a bus.,
Family '&lour 4.55.
Low (grade flour 2.40.
!Bran '30.00 'per ton. ...
Shorts 38.00. per ton.
Bggs 32c. ; f
iB,utter 32o;.
Creamery batter 42o ,
Young 'chicks 120,
01d hens 10e.
Roosters ,8c.
Young 'looks10o..
OW ducks leo.
Old turkeys 14o.
Young turkeys 18c.
Potatoes 2.00 per bag
}Lags 10.25.
New Tailored
Suits and
Of first interest, when the cool days
cone. The styles are varied to meet
the different tastes. Coats are long-
er, skirts are also longer.
Our i,ew goods are here. Good range
to choose trom.
See Our New Coatings for
Ladies, Prices ranging
from $17.00 Up
We also have a new range of Men's
over coating aid suiting.
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
cure Siete Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stornech, Bad
Breath' --Candy, Cathartic.
No odds how bad your liver, stom-
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, bow miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels—you always get
relief with Casoarets. They Immo,
diately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con-
stipated waste matter and poison
from the intestines and bowels. A
latent box frown your druggist will
keep your liver and bowels glean;
stomach sweet and head clear for
menthe, at Theet work ;while you sleep.
of the
The following lines was written by
one of the men of the officers mess
of the 161st Battalion at Camp Bor
Say where are we going?
Is the cry on every lip.
If you -ll give 'me a pointer chum
I'.11 give a silver tip ,
Is it London, is it Goderich,• or
Is it Toronto gay?
Or wi11 it be old England
'When from Borden we go away?
If you go overseas boys,
Then to the tiring line,
Will you remember Borden
And the days of Auld Lang Syne?
How that in the eventide,
'When quiet we would be,
Freddie would start that old old song
"Nearer my God to Thee."
3. 03. would grow quiet,
Then join that beauteous strain
And together they'd sing,
The o1•d hymn again yes and again
Then followed the evening song
Fast falls the eventide,
The darkness deepens.
Lord with ane abide.
Sergeant Jack would sometimes sing
And ;Millson too would chime
Should Doc Tbompson be among the
There's !melody subime;
And now before we part boys,
Take up the old, old strain
God be :with the soldier lads
Till we meet again,
I know sometimes we forget boys.
And do that we aught not to do.
And say what we aught note to say,
Myself and you and you;
03ut when we're at the front lads
And ,tar., yes fax away
'!remember those who are waiting
'Who wait and watch and pray,
Beckw'ltb won't be with you,
But he'll ne'er forget the time,
'When he worked in the old kitchen
Near the guarded line,
If good wishes 'can make heroes
Then heroes you will be
And glory you will gain boys,
Beyong tbe deep .blue sea.
W. B. B.
The ills basketball team of the
Exeter I1r,gh school went to Lucan
last, Saturday and played a friendly
gauze with the girls of the Moat
ili,gh School .'but they failed to bring
.tbe honors home with them. The re-
turn game ie scheduled for next Sats
urday. , ..-.. r' t
Wilson's Grocery
and Restaurant
When in Town drop
in and have a cup of hot
Tea and a Saniwich
Fresh stock of Groceries
always on hand
Agent for Parnell's Bread
a ib Loaves 5c
1 lb Loaves Sc
Prompt Delivery all
the time
R. C Gower 80 So,
SuccesQors to
G.0 .Bedford.
4*OO4,O4*P4 AQi***0**O4*****
• •LOCAL• •
• •
t*4**•* ******4 ,
Mr. W. S. Cale was in Lucan on
Miss Laura Kinsman (spent several
days in London.
Mr. Wes Snell was in Toronto dur-
ing the week -end.
Have you tried us for
your Groceries. Cured
Meats etc
Your pa`ro,nage solicited
!Mr. L. Hardy lost a valuable row
on (Tuesday. •
1 Mr. S. Popplestone Was in town, on
Tuesday. He aocompanied his mother
home'from an extended visit in Kin-
sardine land `Blyth.
The committee of young ladies in-
tend giving a "Euchre" on Hollow -
e'en Oct. 31st in the town hall ab
8 o'elosk 'proceeds to be used for corn-
omtorts for the soldiers.
The Soldiers Aid held a shower of
comforts for the soldiers in 'Main St
teletbodist .church on Monday even-
ing 'when a large assortment of com-
forts were 'contributed. . The stuff'
will be assorted and packed in boxes
to be forwarded to the boys at the
Dr, Rivers . and two children o'f
Lethbridge. Alta., and formerly of.
Crediton visited in town on Wednes-
day. Dr. Rivers is superintendent of
the Provincial Prison Farm at Leth-
bridge and has just returned !from
a prison reform congress at Buffalo,
and visited with ,friends on his re-
Nurse Neelands of Seaforth was in
town on Tuesda.y
Mrs. Jas. Murray is visiting with
relatives in ;Burgessville.
Messrs. S. and 'W. Martin •motored
to'. «London Tuesday on. business.
Mrs. Nash of 'Bernie visited her dau
ghtes; Mrs. 3. 'W. Powell during the
past week.
Miss 3. E. Barrie, of Moncton N. B.
!s visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Hpwey
and other relatives in town. •
Mrs. A. McLean and Mrs. 'Smillie
of Seaforth spent a day last week' in
town with friends and relatives,
air. J. W. Powell last week deliver
ed a large new Edison diamond-diso
phonograph to Mrs. S. llfeidingetr, of
St, Joseph.
Mr. W, D. (Burk? who hes been b x
bering in hte Y.M.C.A. tent at 'Camp
Borden is visiting fair. and Mrs.. Jas.
Taylor in town.
Mr. iand Mrs. J. 0- .Jones and Mese
G. Rooke visited in Detroit this week
and attended the 'Billy Sunday .meet-
ings being held there.
Messrs. Jaok Knorr an$ Frank
Triebner left this week for Windsor
During the summer they bave work
ed with Mr. P. 'llawden as masons.
'Word has been received .in town
that Pie. !leg. Knight had eche mis-
fortune to be ,Licked by a horse and
has been laid ore for several weeks.
Mr. Thos Hervey was in Luoknow
on Sunday conducting services on the
Ashfield circuit for .Rev. 'Mir. !Bri.ed-
gett. He spoke at three appointments
in the interests of missions.
The Soldiers' Aid Society will put
an their Minstrel Show in Hensel' on
Friday evening. A number of auto
owners ,or town have consented to
take the ladies to. Hensall in their
Mr. (Gordon Copeland, a student of
the Exeter school has: been quite ill
at the home of his sister, 'Mrs, T.
Brock. 1 -kis mother, Mrs. Robt Cope-
land of Usborne, has been in attend-
Mrs. W. J. Bissett returned home
last . week after spending 'several
weeks with her sister, Mala. Holloway
of Peterborough. Mrs. atollowaj has
been under the doctor's care for sev-
eral weeks.
The directors of the Exeter Agri-
cultural society met on 'Saturday to
wind up the businessin connection,
with the fair. The finances are in
good shape and atter paying expenses
the society will have a neat surplus.
!Mr. and Mrs, R. G. S;1don and Man
Jean. 'Mrs: J. A. Stewart and Miss
Kathleen: motored to Toronto for the
week -end. Tbey also motored to Xing
ston where '!lass Jean Scidon will at-
tend 'university.
Miss Dorothy Lonabere of Detroit
arrived here Tuesday, being summon
ed .here on account of the illness. of
her sister, `,Mrs. J. J. White.--The
Outlook of Outlook, Sask. The many
friends of'VIrs. White in town will
regret' to learn ,of her illness and
will hope for a speedy recovery
Rev. air. Burgess of Guilds oceup-
ted the ;pulpit it Main St. Methodiist%
church on Sabbath last and 'preach-
ed two acceptable sermons, ''Rev. Mr.
Muxworthy was at Thamesford
preaching anniversary sermons on,
his old •change. Next Sabbath morn-
ing Rev. alt. ,Knight of Benson, will
'preach in Main St. church and in the
evening in dames St. church in the
interest of missions.. Rev. Mr. Mux-
vvorhty evil) preach in 3a:aires Stella
the morning. The service in Vein! St
will'ba withdrawn itt the evening ow -
log to the Presbyterian anniversarys,
Mr. S. Lamporte of Farquhar who
has been ailing 'for some time suffer-
ed a paralyticstroke on Tuesday
and at the :time of •writing is in a
critical condition.
A heavy windstorm accompanied by
rain'passed over this !section on ff on-
day night and .blew down many of
the apples.
air, A. Marchend of 'Waterford far
inerly of .Exeter met with an unfort-
'unate tivecident while ottt driving with
his 'wife and two youngest •children
The horse be was driving became
frightened and tbe oocupents were'
thrown E'roni the sig. The children
escaped 'unhurt. Mrs. Marchand was
painfully injured in the shoulder and
face. While Mr, 11farchand was z en-
dered unoonseious for 'some time and:
is still under the doctor's care;
Mr, :and Mrs. William Mitchell eec-
eived word on Wednesday last week
that their son Earl had been wound
ed by gunshot in the hand and had
been admitted to the military aos-
pital. Earl was wounded on October
3rd. the same day as his brother
Wilbur left for overseas as a member
of the Dental Corps.
Mrs. (Cochrane of Kitchener visited
Mrs. .Goldie Cochrane in town -'this
week Word ,was received last week
that Goldie had been injured in one
arm and leg, ,'Mr. Cochrane immed
iately ,cabled to. see if the wounds
were serious anti Goldie's friends in
town will„be ,pleased to know that
he is not seriously injured.
Mr. Wm Penhale has received word
from his son Thomas w,bo ;hats been
taking oat an Imperial ;commission
at the Oxford University thab he
bas passed his examinations and is
now gazetted as 'a Lieutenant. At
the time of writing he bad not 'been
attached to any unit but expected
et any time to be 'called on. to go the
tiring line.
Mr. R. C. Gower and Son, AP' West
Lorne, bave taken lover the grocery
business. at Mr. G. 'Bedford. They fin-
ished stock taking On Tuesday and
arc now open for business- We wel
come them to town and wish them
every success. Mr. !Bedford .svi1I 're-
turn to agricultural pursuits having
traded .his business for a firm. He
will be leaving town in the'' coarse of
a week or so.
Word was received in town on Tues
day that !fir. 'William Hastings of
Crosshill had died. o,t his borne. The
deceased twas a brother of M'r. Al.
Hastings of town, Mr. and Mrs. EEast
Ings being with him at the time.
Deceased had been 411 for some time
with• heart trouble and the end was
not unexpected. 11;e is survavea
his wife three brotherrs and one cra-
ter. The funeral will take' place Thugs
day, interment at Linwood.
At the auction sale' on Saturday,
last Mr. W. S. Cole purchased the
fine brick dwelling on Bicron St. from
Mr. IG.:Bedfford. the purchase price
being $3100,00. The property '.was
formerly owned by ifVLr. W. Carling
and is one of the finest in town. We
understand that Mr. (Cole will occupy
the residence and that his ".motbler
'dill move to town from Ldcan and
will move into the house now Occup
!ed by Mr, Cole..
DNHClous "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels:
Look at the tongue, mothert Il".
Coated, your Little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever -
lab, stomach sour, breath bad; has
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give
a teaspoonful. of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigestedfood
and sour bile gently moves out of its
little bowels without griping, and you.
have a well, playful child again.ssAsk
your druggist for n 50 -cent bottle et
"California Syrup of Figs," which• con•
tainstafutl direction !dr babies, 411-
dren of all ages and for growhtzps.
The Editor of the Times spent Fri-
day ;last at Camp Borden visiting the:
boys and taking in the camp, There
was to be -a review of the troops
by Sir Sam Hughes, but owing to the
Iain which tell 'most- of the day% the
rev;ew was called off. However the
battalions all marched to the parade
grounds and it was a striking 'scene
to see the long lin;: of soldiers marIshe
ing through the ravines. No 'defin-
ite word, has been received aa to the
remvoal of the 161st, batt. from Camp
Borden but it was expected that the
1014t would be one of the last to
leave the camp all of them having to
be out by the 24th. The boys were in
excellent spirits: Next week will
give a short write up on the camp
Several 'from town were present
at the banquet of the Liberal Club
Federation held in London on 'Wed=
nesday evening of last week when
about .nine hundred sat down to; the
tables 'Which were spread in the Pain
cess . Winter Gardens arid after the
banquet several hundred 'mote were.
admitted to shear Sir Wilfred. Lade -
ler. Mr. N. r Rowell. Prem'er Nor-
ris of'Mamitoba and oth-rs, who gave
eloquent addresses on many thetnel_s
of great import to all Canadians. Sir
Wilfred Laurier was in excellent
endgave a most eloquent add-
ress that thrilled -the great assembly
Be •teas greeted with a great ovation
as he was escorted up the long isle
to the (platform and when he was in-
troduced to the audience and rose' to
speak cheer utter cheer echoed
through the build ng, Mr. N. W. 'Row
ell and Premier Noxtrris of Manitoba
also gave masterful addresses which
were received amid great bursts of
enthusiasm. Among those from town
who were present for the occasion
were Messrs. S. G. Seldon, Hy. Smith
.John 'Essery, J. &. ;Ratcliffe, and J.
(lot the fest Again
Eureka Electric Vacuum
A rectionary storm period is cen-
eral on the '14th, 15th, and 116th This
period ;finds the Moon at greatest
declination north on the 15th. The
influence of Earth's' autumnal equin-
ox is -about et its closing time, buil
it' id near the 'center of the Mars pet -
aid. The perhilion of the planet 'Mer-
cury'fa11s_on the 15th, that Mercury,
is nearest the Sun at that time. The
difference in the distance of riltercur'y
from the' Sun is so vast, and the dif-
ferent .rates of his speed in hie orbit
are so great, at his aphelion and' per
Killion ,points that it seems to tiO un-
scientific and irrational not to recog-
an'ize him as a marked factor in the
physical perturbations that he be-
hind the meteorologic elements. As
this may be, there are sufficient cau-
ses to make praotiaal readers of these
forecasts watchful at 'these reaction-
ary periods. As the Moon moves
southward from its high paint north.
boreal currents will follow from the
north., adding to cold, discomforting
FOR-SALE—Ford Touring 'car, 1915
model, dally equi.pp2d, electric lights
electric horn, clock; self starter, gaso-
line indicator, bumper, •four•good tires
one extra tire on back. A snap at
$400.00, Apply at the T mcs office,
The Exeter Evaporator 'w•i 1 !: ay 40c
per 1001bs for pealing apples. -J.
Sutton, Manager.
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed, euo-
tioneer, Sates conducted in any lo-
cality. Terms moderate Orders left
at Times office will be promptly at-
tended to. .Phone 116, girkton,, Ad-
dress Kirkton P.O. -
SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent
qualiti of Sarnia made salt tar Gale
at the old Temperance House at the
G. T R. station. Sold in .any quant-
ity. Your patronage is solicited and
sat'sfaction is guaranteed. - ED,
MAGUIRE. Exeter. .
Mr. W. M. Clarke, L.B.L.iC,IM:, ('Eng)
organist and choir meter James St.
hietlrodist church bees now opened his
studio. 'Pupilprepared for any' mus-
ical examination. Record 167 pupils..
pasted out of 168, many with honors,;
ome medaliats, Apply at office foe
terms, etc. Mr. Clarke bee had an ex-
perience of over 25 years in 'teackiing
voice culture, organa piano, tarmofly
etc,. etc.
wit SALE -4 good second-hand( tai-
4or- matte overcoat worn only •a fees
times, ,t,rown •bl incbilia cloth, Cost
when new $45. Apply; at the Times
400 Tons of Fine, (.and and Cattle
Salt for sale. Ali. grades $5.50 per
ton; 50c. per beg.—Exeter Salt Works
Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager.
!tars. Gambritl can take a few more
'pupils, Prepares for highest exam e.
ations, including diplonlan both Sub-
jects. Beasidee being certified and dip.
lomaed, blies, Gai brill wale a Pupil
for several years of A. lit, Simms,
Esq.. Miers., Bac., Orton, a lVleni!bcr of
the ERoyaf College of dtgap'ista .
The most perfect, the
most powerful, the most
efficient and the most dur-
able Electric Vacuum xi
Cleaner ever built.
Remember that the Eureka
Vacuum Cleaner does the work
not you. Just think of it the
Eureka does away with • dust-
ing and house cleaning times.
It will reduce your household
expenses and save you time
and money -
To clean with the
Eureka is clean work
Ask for Demonstration
SOLD BY R. N. O i+
Is your home fitted up with 4
hot water, toilet and bath, The cold -.
weather corning on, draws your at-
tention to this great convenience. A
few dollars spent in installing this
system will give you more pleasure
and comfort than in any other way.
Every new house, whether in town
or country should be equipped with
a hot water system
Plumbing of all kinds our specialty
Chas. West
t4 Qneens Ave. London,
Phone 3255
Easily rocked are the three -bar grates which smash up
clinkers easily and last longer because each grate is three
The mal who designed the Pandora knew his job. r
know that and that is why it carries my guarantee as well
as the makers'. 840
Sold by T. HAWKiNS & SON.
Special: Announcement
Mr. Edison says: "I want every
family in your
vicinity to enjoy a 48 hour Free Trial of one of my new
Instruments in their homes" •
Sine this is Mr. Edison's wish I am willing to .
put an EDISON in any home in or around Exeter or
within the.district. We have Edison's in the fol-
kwing sizes:
No. 30 at $ 40 00 No A too at $137,50
No 50 at 68 50 No C /50 at 200.00
No 75 at too 00 - No C 200 at 275 00
No C 25c at 325 00
Cylinder Records at 70c and $1.00
Disc lt4eeords at $1.35, 2.00, 2,75 and $8,25
EDISON instruments are all diamond point (no needles
tochange:) Edison records do not break, or wear out. The
reproduction is like that of the real voice or music. If you
wish to purchase an instrument have us put -in an EDISON be•
side any TALKENG MACHINE and ;you, then, make your
choicer Do not buy until you examine the NEW ED/SON.
Retnecniser tiie EDISON is the only instrument to -day
that an artist would attempt to sing in unison with their own
voice and which you, as 'a listener could not tell the difference
in the voice.. Drop Sts a postcard for information.
Edison instruments on sale at Powell's Bazaar
to 21
Week,Oct 16 Edison
Conte at abee the New Styles