HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-19, Page 1eseseeneesesise ORTY-SECORD YEAR 01. 2243 EXETER, ONT.,, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19th 1916 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 did You See Our New Coats? We have jai t opened up a New lot of Ladies' and Misses' C'iats. They, are some- thingdifferent and verysmart styles and cloths. Uro in and see them and be de - y p flighted Plush Coats Are verypopular ular and are big sellers this season. We have the only Real English Silperfect A. beaus for $ 25.00 g Plush,P dye.Y Silk Waists. Nice Silk Crepe Waists in white, .eream, maise and pink for $5.00. • • Wash Silk Waists in white, pink or yellow. $2.5o to $3.5o each Viyella Flannel Guaranteed positively not to fade or shrink: Real good for waists, dresses, gowns orchildren's wear. Nice patterns and colors. • FURS The Fur season is here and Black Wolf Sets Grey Wolf Sets Mink Marmot Sets FURS we are well prepared for it Black Fox Sets Grey Fox Sets Red. Fox Scis FURS with the best selection in our history.. Persian Lamb Sets Muskrat Sets White Thibet Sets Our Furs are all at Old Prices Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats A visit to our clothing dept. will convince you of our large and well assorted stock of suits and overcoats. Men's overcoats in heavy Tweeds with shawl or Military collars from $10 to $18, also good black Welton Coats with velvet collars for $13 to $18, Hundreds of Mens' and Boys' suits s to choose from in all colors at less than pyouNavy Sergevalues cannot be wholesale lice and if want a Blue Snit our beaten. We are sole agents for the following which Shoes and Rubbers speak for themselves. . Lifebuoy Rubbers for Men, Women and Children -the best rubber made. Empress shoes for Women; Slater Shoes for Men Classic Shoes for Children WALL PAPERS -Call and see our big new stock. All new patterns to choose from, Jones AND r•. May 1111111111111211111111111111 Ranges and Heaters Before placing your der for a stove call and examine our complete line ofcooking & heating Stoves. Steel ranges $35 to $60; Cut 'ranges $25 to $50; Heating stoves $9 to $48; Perfection oil heaters, $4.50 to $6 00 or - Make your new 'barn complete with the use of modern sliding door rol lers, stable door latches, etc Prepare your stable with stall fixtures and cattle chains fur wintering your stock A full line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, Stove Pipes Elbows, to for fall PIAN Hdwe g 2 7b 1 Phones e a pimmimompormire Animun BORN ELLIOTT'-ln Stephen on October 5th .i to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott,; 'a son. William Allan, ;'DeJi AN -In Hensall, on October 16th to "Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeJean, a daughter, Sexsmith . Mrs, John Gould is at preset t ring ',friends to 1'hedford and Parkhill (Messrs, F. Brown and H. Humeston .4ag Lon4o» spent the Week -end With, friends in this neighborhood. The 'carpenters' arc at present out - ting the finishing touches on Mr, Robt. Tinney's new barn. Mr, Tinney has made a greatimprovement to his farm; The '(brickwork has , been finished of each of. Mr, Nelson Stanlake's and Percy Dunsford's nety houses, tvhcyn completed they will be a credit to their owners. Mrs. T. N .Northcott ana daughter Una of Stratford spent Thanks give in,g ;with friends here And, At J3zoter Epworth League Convention The .annual District Epworth Lea- gue ,Convention of the London Meth - dist aconference convened in the 'lMethodist church' Hensel', Tuesday afternoon and evening. There was a la rage representation from thirteen of the societies of the district and tte whole iconvention was marked with sincerest interest and determin- ation throughout. Among the address es of peculiar power were those of Rev. A. F. Lloyd of Parkhill on "The Sacrifice that Costs," by 'Rev. J. E. Holmes of London, pn "The power of vital Christian Experience"; 'Rev. J. W. Baird of Exeter on "Efficiency in the League" and Mrs. L. Noxel of Chatham ton "The 'Conservation of Youth." the spirit of both sesiaions tvas !deeply spiritiaal as well as in- tensely. practical., The resolution eommitte brought its resolutions commending the hero- ism of aur soldiers on the field and ;the willing response of our boys on :training together with quiet endue -- tante 'of' the mothers who suffer as though they were accustomed to war. Tea Was served at a the convention -in the church basement 'by the (padres Aid of the church and the young lad- ies ,had 'charge ot the tables waif eh, were e e most beautifully decorated tt-ith. flowers, The new District Executive. is las follows; Dong ??res., 1tev. S W. Muxworthy, 7'xeter; pres. Rev. J. W. 'Baird, 13. A., Exeter. 1st 'vice puts. Trueman Tufts, Rirkton, 2nd v'ee Miss Marjorie Barnby, Lucan; 2nd vice, 'Weldon ,Banes,, Crediton, 4th, vice Rev. if. Williams, Grand "Bend, 5th vice Rev. Finlay, Centralia; Secretary, Miss Victoria Smith Hen- sall; treasurer, Mr, Fred Wallis, Granton, corresponding secretary,. of Summer School 'M:ss May Wilton, Parkhill; conference represxtive,'Ras. L. W. Reid,. 'Granton} district social service aecrctary, 03.ev. 'J. P, Iini,g•ht,. Hensel'. The new subscribers to the, Young People's Soci Ey paper, "'Vomit and Service" numbered eight, A qui4k cued interest in the young people's work throughout the district as well, is the adoption of some improvetl Methods tis certain to be the outcome Of sixth. a gathering:, . i of the Village of Lae - Exeter Council The Council Iter met to a special meeting as cal-. led by the Reeve. Absent. 0.ouneillor (Barton, The minutes of the last meet ' •ing' were read and approved. C• communications were read as fol- lows. - A c tier from m 'Robe a Tl' ks Los An- geles, n Filed. es California el fo nia ilc' . 1 A letter and printed matter. Ire the British Red Cross Society, Filed, A 'letter from {Messrs. 'Gladmxin & I Stanbury. Solicitors, re position of the Minioipality in connection with i the old Electric Light 'Company and the removal of their equipment from: the streets. The following resolution was moved by Roulston and seconded. by Beavers That the Reeve and the Clerk inter- view Mr. Zuefle, manager of the Exe- ter Electric Light Company, request- ing the immediate removal ofi' the street tetipment belonging to the said bonipan.y and if no satisfactory reply. can be obtained the oommif to shall take such legal action as is neceb:sary Carried. Mr. H. W. Doerr, manager •of the Hydro Electric System reeked for the power to secure the following sup- plies for use on the streets. -- Two dozen 250 watt• lamps.; :fifty 100 'Watt lamps; rifts 110 volt met rs These were granted and he was in- structed to purchase an electric stove for his office use. The extra supply of irons. etc,. not in use to be sold to the 'Municipality of Rodney as per advice of the Iljydro Commission. The 'meters and service boxes in- syalled throughout the INTunicipality Ito be properly sealed, per Roulston, see. by Hind, Carried. The monthly report of the Audi= tor was given and accepted on motion of 'Hind see, by Roulston. ' Resolution by Beavers isec. by Ii'nd That One Thousand dollars be eontr:b uted to the .'British Rea Cross Soc- iety. Said amount to b3 rtind be spec lal tax on all assessable property Other arrangements for, further ap- peals to ,the citizens left with the special committee -the clerk to be ad- ded to the 'committee. Carried. Per Rind sec. by 'Beavers, -that a, rate of 30 mills on the, dollar be lev- ied for municipal andsot'her purposes this year and that a by-law be pre- pared to that affect .Carried, The following accounts were pre- sented and ordered to be paid; - Bert 'Clarke, 165.00; Mips. Blake 1.00 Sidney Sanders 10.92; James Taylor, 12.75; W. T. Gillespie: 20.16; H. T. Rowe 55.35; Chas Northcott 35.60; meal Telephone 5.00: Jos ';\ orry 27.30 Thos. Cornish 16.80; .Et Cooke 25.20; R. Q'uance 10.50; :T. Willis 27.30; D. Russell Sr., 22.28; W. Westcott 19.50; R. 'Gillies 74.17; T. l:Iouiden 51 15;. T. Wolper 37.65; T .Sanders 23.10; Exeter (Can and Preserving Company 31.25; •3. iTankin 25.80; S. Handford 8.40; E. East '6.30; W. 'Creech 2.52 3 Weekes 9.00; J. Connor 40.00; Geo, ;vIawson 12.50; W. J. Bissett 45.85; J. Ford 07.50; T. Senior 75.00; J. W., Taylor 4 00; E. Molter 4.00; 'Hydro Electric System 226.75; Town Hall. 3.33; Library 2.08; Amounting in all. to $1175.01. J. Senior, clerk. Usborne Council The Usborne Municipal couno'l con- vened at the Township .Hull October 7th. All .members were present. The minutes ofthe last meeting were read and approved. Communications from the Hydro Electric Association and the 'British, '.Red Cross Society were read. A consideration to the appe ti o' the 'latter for funds was laid over until after the meeting- pf the County Council 'called for that purpose. The contractor for Gardiner Drain repairs reported the completion of the .contract and was paid all but the amount held back as security according to agreement. The treas. was 'instructed to pay the amount' on the engineer's certificate of comple- tion. Accounts were paid as follows; drainage i'539.50; Iced Cross Circles $75.00 ordinary accounts t509.20. ,Council ajourned to meet Nov. 4th at one o'clock. P. Morley, clerk. HG'RON COUNT'S GIFT WILL AMOUNT TO $22,000. The Huron ?County Council held a special meeting at Godericb bast :Fri- day afternoon to discuss the call, for ffunds for the .British Red Cross, Warden Livingstone explained the necessity of raising fund.. 'Reeve Leckie o'f 'Brussels and Reeve Dr. Millan bf 'Blyth made a motion that half a mill be added to the 1917 tax This was approved by the executive e mmittee. r1.'h+ amount wile be nearly paid at one and will be a e • 00 and vial, .'2Z 0I taken oat of next year's taxes. Barn Burned Shortly after he returned from Exe ter and wile Rae Dobbs of Usborne was eating his supper Tuesday even.- ink• the 'barn on the tfarnn: he is rent- ! -tug was discoveredon fire. It was o nd t all 3 this burned to theu with r 'th • season's 'cropla It was a large bank the 70x80 d waslocated on 1 barn ftn Farm of Sid Andrews, a mile and a half south of 'Elirnville, The loss is estimated at $3,000. There was $1200 insurance ,on the building carried by the Usborne and Hibbert IMu' u'1 vire Insurance Company. This is the '.fifth similiar ,fire loss the company has sustained this year.. Mr. Dobbs 'carr led some insurance on the contents. The cause is not known, EXETER LADY D:TIt;S SUDDENLY AT BLYTIi. As we go to press we. learnt of tho sudden death of Mrs. A. Gardiner who recently left town to reside with her son, 'Mr. Peter Gardiner oF•Blyth Letters From the Front Below we print a4 few extracts trona la letter from Pte. Chester P, Harvey to his 'parents Mr. end; Mrs. Thos. Harvey. 'Chester is stationed at Sharneliffe and wh'le reeenttvwhile in London he witnessed the brinaing down or two Zeppelins when about thirty Germans were i.aken prison- ers, ll3oth Zepps were set on fire. Pte. Harvey seys. "its keeps me busy these d•tys writing letters as they are com- ing so fast. I received nine off one mail a day or so ago. t gale my stripes up. It is a rule when 'coming over here first. brit a fellow is just as well off without them, you can. have la better time. There ore sire of us in the tent now, and all pretty. good fellows and we get along fine together. The whole cavalry brigade C. 0.•Depot, have orders to move to another cca.mp. The 'Fort Garry Horse T.ord Strathcona Horse and Royal Canadian Dragoons, three regiments so Monday morinng we had a full dress parade. overcoats on account of the rain, belts •and bayonets, haver- sacks, mess tins, water bottles, ban - ?rifle, wewere le oil sheet and so 01 e pretty well Loaded down. Yesterday they had a physical exam of the 3 B. squadrons and took all the fit men for infantry, so I was one of them. We are going to attached to the llth reserve and go to France in the 18th Battalion. London, Ont they scall them the fighting 18th. So it will seem quite close to home, We expect to move to barracks and take Infantry drill for a week or two and then go to France. The following interesting letter was received by Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers from Sergt. Jack McRae. from •the firing line in France. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Beavers; To -day I received your extremely welcome letter and I can assure you that it gives me the greatest pleas- ure to answer it. If the people of Can ado could only see the faces of our boys on the arrival of a Canadian mail they would then realize the happiness that a few written lines bring to our lives here. The war with all its horrors and stern realities is entirely forgotton forthe moment and our minds are far off, in dear old Canada with friends and loved ones. It always amused me v'ry much to watch the different express- sions on the faces of everyone a's' the letters are distributed. However we all realize what Can ada .has done and is doing for her soliders at the front and from the bottom of our hearts SVC thank you alll for the kindness to 'us. I am 'cure you ore all longing for the peace bells to sound, but not any than we are, 'only I don't think that any man here wishes to lay down his arms till we can honorably say, that we have secured for the world n peace which cannot be violated by the ignoble rod of military ambition Personally I have no doubt what- ever. what the ultimate result of the war will be, and away in the distance I wan picture our victorious army .marching home again to enjoy the life of peaceful citizens after the tur- moil of the last two years. I only hope that 1 may be one of those who will be here to answer the, 'roll calf but unfortunately many of our :?wave fellows have gone down, and 1 am afraid that many more will pay' _the supreme price before 'we can set, our faces .homeward. ' `:Ve left the scenes of toil, and woe a few days ago and are at present recuperating among the beautiful fields of , northern France. Unless you 'have seen the glories of France in the middle of the lovely summer n you will neverrealize th. feelings of the Freneh people who to - GAVE IRS LIFE day are fighting for their beautiful FOR IIJ'S COUNTRY country. For domesticated and natio- ' Mrs. Wm. Howard of town re c iv d atcd beauty this 'country holds a higi position in the world and the treat- ment ,we are receiving now at the hands of the Fren"li people is worthy of the highest traditions of their country. We ,are tall in th ' best ot health and spirits and for a few days are spending the time in playing football and. other sports. You probablyknow the old saying "There's a 1'zcvidence ,that shapes. our end, rough hew it as type ma'y." and after surviving a whole year of the confii i l reel , d f other word that her son Lecher, who for several years had been an engineer, in the British Navy, had been drown- ed No particulars as to ;how lb hap- pened have been received, simply that he was not on his own boat at the time the 'fatality occurred. Four days atter the body was recovered and the remolds were intered at Rill The 'deceased was about 35 years of age and leaves a wife and two small children in Ln,gland, His mother and three sisters survive, Miss Winnifred of Edmonton, Mrs. W. Martin and Mrs.. :Ed. Digman of town. Luther spent his boyhood days in town, and when a young mail cleft to work as engineer tin Great Britain's merchant marine, Ile rose steatd.ly to the pos- iti.on of first engineer on the (mom - going vessels and hes made ;several and co lersanall trips nemesia the world. Owing to ft ' yoa on my :return i y t striot eonsorahip the detette of his make the acquaintance of my kind death are not made known, friends, , ; c': ee goo of another one, At the commencement of the war I had four brothers and they all enlisted but std to sty they have' alt I been `killed in actien. Tltey have all died nobly enol I have 'no regrets for 'being here myself, That Was a splendid photo of .your home; and t will be delighted to visit • ALOC1O1NTA:1 DEATH Word lovas received in town of' t761e- aoeidental death of Chas. w, '6, W estawvay assistant -manager of the Massey0Harris Co„ at Regina and a 'brother to. Mrs. A. J. Ford of town. According to the despatoh Mr. West - away m was duck - shooting t 3Cs® m when. henwas hs r a, killed by the accidental discharge of his rifle. le. Mr. ' Westaway y was s awell known by a large number of Exeter people. He is survived by his wife and :family of small 'chil'dren, One broth- er, Percy, a missionary in West China Besides ldlree. Ford another sister Mre. Chapman, resides at Essex. The re- mains well be 'brought to Brantford for interment, PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. The Exeter Patriotic: League had a vele- suet -assail "Christmas Shower" in the, :rrivett Memorial Sunday schwa on Friday afternoon Iast, as shown by the following; -Three large boxes wciglrin' 5101bs. and we'ued at $350 have bests sent Ito ;Mise Joan Arnold', care of Canacliian field Cosa( arts •Commission Sharncliffe, England. The boxes contain, 211 • Clrrintn:ts Stockings, it private parcels, 5suits of pa)ainas, and 35 nsirs of home knit soc:ke•. We wish to ;thank the ladies of Crediton who filled 26 Christmas Stockings, talso• the Ladies of the Trivitt Memorial Church who futon i•cheil Iunch at the shower., -Mrs, W. j. Peer, Secretary. ON LAST LEAVE Ptes Fred $riinacombe rs,x+a Ed. 'Voepersot the Canadian =milted t1! les were in town Over the week-ei d on their last leave, beToroa'na,xnt;• .overs seas. 'Fred visited with bin parental while Ed, was ruling ox! melatxves, SCHOOL AT HOME The Literary Societr of the Irexc'tett High School pool are making arrange- ments toholdtheir an nal "At on November tale. 10th. It has :iteeu►. decided not to hold a livid day 'this year. ' ANNIVERSARY The annivereare. services o1 Caves, Presbyterian church will lie held on Sunday next when Rev. E. R. ?pare 9sin. P. A., of Seaforth'wili mane/Sat 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Special 'measiel bee the choir assisted by MOS Nina Buse roan. LU'TMA2-CbRN[S1 A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian manse mn Monday «f last ?week when Mx. 'William T. Liebman was united in 'marriage to (Miss Rho da Irene, daughter of "Mr. Thos Corn- ish. •Congratutatb ua, LEAVING TOWN Mr. Alex Stewart left an fllonday Tor London, where be has set:opted a position with the It.. G. Young. Co., For a number of years Alex has been. engaged as tailor with W. W.. Taman His friends in town wish him, saeceasti in r is new move. its family, will re main in town 'for a .tan -0 x.i Iciest, THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Another L of RAVE L ISVINSTUMMEOMEIROMSMEMIEBEISTMISanlatelnealMnIni LAS SKREEZIMESMIKERMILIMISMIIISSOMOMIS uSt Opened, Consisting of .Hose, G-Iowes, Handkerchiefs, Night 'Gowns. Underwear, Tie; Braces, Pajamas., Night Shirts, Sweaters, Ete., IN SALE NOW Special values Men's Clothes Come in and look over carr df Made -to- :tieasztre 3arm les , • Men's Clothes. Men's and Boys' Saito bought be -nes may: fore the raise in price and aolal or at the old price. Shoes Excellent value in Shoes. See the Tableful, a,t. a- a a. a e ....per par 047. m o B. W F. EAVE s TRMiN58 STAR i' 444446 446664.440 6. 11 Is our aim for the nen of Exeter and vicinity. That's otie reason why we specialize in Mens wear exclusively. Keeping in touch with Men's styles is out business so when you, are outfitted by us you are sure of being dressed right Wehave i in.stock 1 1{ ." 1 the newest styles. Look over C our lin of Soft ,Pelts, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gioves Underwear, Socks, Smocks and Overalls ReadyMade and Made,to-Mcasure Clothing' ate Serge Suits for Men Oar Valyl s are undoubtedlythe t b st in Canada. •