HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-12, Page 4IFE T40 ILL TD WORK IN BED MOST OF TIME Her Hezd h Resto�(r� ed by Lydia E.a ,rnkham s YYegetabie Compound. Indianapolis, Indiana. -- "My health swas so poor and ray constitution so run down that I could not work. I was thin, pale and Weak, weighed but 109 pounds and was in bed most. of tie"' time. I began tak- ing Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and five months later I weighed 13a pounds. 1 do all the house. work and washing for eleven and I can truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- *treble Compound has been a godsend 2e me for I would have been in my grave Parlay but; for it. I would tell all wo- .seen suffering as I was to try your valu- able aletable remedy." -Mrs, Wet. GREEN, 332 •S.:Addison Street, Indianapolis,Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood in this country, wherein some woman has not :Conrad health by using this good old- fashioned root and herb remedy. If there is anything about which you would like special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkie= Medicine Co., Lynn, Maga. 11 i, .....9., -i, -i, six^. • 4, t • A; IIOMES>EKERS' EXCURSION S >I lraalgh Tourist Sleeping Uaas to Winnipeg on above dates, leaving Toronto 1O.45 -no change of cars, via Transcontinental Route. Routed trip tieketa to points in Mani- toba, Sasl:; tehewan and Alberta via North Bey, Coe'.,srane and Transcon- tinetai dionte, or via Chicago, St. Paul ser Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until eke. ttlet inelnsive, at low fares. F.5.11 par tie.elers fi cm agents or write €;.E Horning. District Passenger agent, • /Union Stataoxr, Toronto,Ont. N- J. DOBE, Agent Sae ter Phalle 4'9 w Pall Term from August 29th ,.iss'arlaif'h1•*n. tri ;ii -.w: • COMMERCIAL 4 4 4 SHO} .THAN AND es s g • TELEGRAPHY DEP A S I, ,.ft . 4 2 Sinadents nay enter at any • 4 • time. We dace graduates in e i3Ositions During July and o August we recsived appli- o cations for over 200 office O i' .,Cn.n.-.. x.1-, 1T. I+ tr .a yA,I .• ^r • ply Write tor our free catal- s • ogueatonce, A 1• 1J At ].fs zahlaze, Prsn • ;rtl 4 ep,ee 4 IRMIMRPrEeeal r iers! Made in Canada Fertilizer $18 and per ton Now is the time to buy wire fence be. fore it advances in price. Let me quote you on your needs in the following lines,— Ail kinds of Lumber iher dressed. of rough,. Shingles, Lath, .cledai; Fence Posts, 8ft Ione, 9 ft long and 10 ft. Cement, Wail l l aid and Ready B,ouhnu A. J. CLATWGETl"iV RAN -111)',1 1 NEWS TOPICS OF W important Events Which Have Occurred Dttringthe 'am Busy World's Happenings OW fully Ce"rnpiled ant) EVA int' Handy And Attractive Shape for the leaders of II1cw Paper. A Soled Hour's 'enjoyment, WEDNESDAY,. The Italians were aotabre sieceesset in a fresh offensive. Peterboro City Council passed t: by-law requiring grocers to• elost early. Mr. Lloyd George invited.an in dustrial Commission from the 'Unites States to visit Great Britain. The allotrne.rnt of the Dominion eve. .earn neh enie the preference tc* subscribers for the smaller amounts. Lord Bryce delivered an address at 'Pirminghanl cautioning the Allies against adopting a campaign of hate. The Peterborough Review has changed hands, and is laow under the management of Ald. A. H. Strat- ton. The steam barge •Simla, with 1,300 tons of coal, struck a reef near Brockville and foundered; the crew Qavaped. Wonderful results, front,, prelhi6i tion in the north country are relate.' by Provincial Superintendent of Po- lice 3. E. ,Rogers. Rev. Byron E. Staffer, ture, said Ontario's crime of race suicide should make us tolerant of Quebec's alleged shortcomings. Sir Hamer Greenwood, M.P. for Sunderland, England, and a native of Whitby, Out., says there does not ap- pear to be a serious desire to change the British fiscal system from free trade to protection. The steamer Maid. of the Mist broke her propeller shaft when close to the foot of the Horseshoe Fail at Niagara; the passengers -Were taken ashore in lifeboats, Sudden death came to Jacob F. Bender, jun., a married man with one child, ^-chile driving from Pal- merston to his house on lot 36, con- cession 7, Wallace, when his horse ran away. Thomas Duckworth pleaded ;uflty at Orangeville .A.Ssizes to the charge of manslaughter, the Crown having reduced the charge from that of murder, far the killing of Harry Strutt, his brother-in-law, at Grand Valley. He was sentenced to twenty years. THURSDAY.. Peterboro's fatal casualties since the war began naw number 708. Two British aviators were award- ed the D. S. O. by King George. The 232nd (Forestry) Battalion /eft Toronto yesterday for an eastern point_ Presidential election betting in Wall Street favored Charles E. Hughes.. The war against tbe German Chan- cellor is reported to have • grown more bitter, S. 1•i'.. Lazier, MC:., one of Hamil- ton's most prominent lawyers, is dead, in his seventh -sixth year. Ex -Mayor James. S. Scarff of Woodstock died very suddenly at his home at the age of about seventy, Windsor employers are heartily co- operating now with the Iocal militia authorities in encouraging recruit- ing. The jury disagreed in the second trial of C. H. Cawthorpe, M.P.P. for Biggar, Sask., on a charge of accept- ing a bribe. Sergt. Joseph Bruno, the Toronto soldier who captured three Germans at the front, has been presented with the D. C.. M. Anti -unionist Presbyterians, in a Convention at Truro, N.S., adopted resolutions and appointed delegates to the convention to be held in To- ronto on Oct. 17. The Argentine Foreign Minister, Jose Luis Muratare, and the French Minister, lel. J;ta11umeri, yesterday ratf0-a the treaty of arbitration be - s». ... gentina. The newspaper Les Nouvelles says that in the air raids on. Mannheim, Germany, on September 27, a Zeppe- lin 750 feet in length was destroyed and much - other damage was done. John Migro was found guilty not of murder, as charged, but of man- slaughter, in connection with tbe death of a fellow workman in a Wa- bash Railway gang at Weiland Junc- tion last June. Provincial Fire Marsha, Heaton will call :. conference to consider plans, regulations, and possible legis- lative enactments to cope with the serious conditions which. have recent- ly confronted rural Ontario in heavy losses from barn fires. FRIDAY. no Than., e Russi.,ueeessfulIy resumed their offensive against the Turks in Armenia. Afore heavy Austrian attacks were repulsed ery General Cadorna's troops. Infantile paralysis is spreading in Ontario, there being 76 cases and 7 deaths last month. Captain Hon. Rupert Guinness, M. P., in his speech before the Umpire Club, appealed for 2,000 recruits for the Imperial Navy. Great Britain and Italy have reached an agreement whereby the latter is to get ,Welsh coal. Only four new students have re- gistered at Wycliffe College, Toronto,, and they are ineligible for the army, Walter Montgomery, a bachelor farmer, was found murdered autt robbed in the drive house on his place, Lot 7, Con, 10, Madoe. Pte. H. J. Johnston, a graduate of the University of Toronto, has been appointed to an important post in tri • r•ompass deportment of the Ad- Mira ity, A Co., 240th Battalion, Lieut. - Colonel Irving in command, has started on a trek throughout the counties of Ronfrevr and Lanark, until the end of November, to get inured to active service conditions. Lieut. -Col. (Dr.) R. M. Simpson admitted before Commissioner Gait at the Manitoba Agricultural College inquiry that he had collected •$15m0 campaign, contributions from W, THE EXETER TIMES IL-'OPRACT1 4ZIeldOrPIZAKeTIC4 The Master of Disease The cease t1 detnease removed from the spine -no ,c ltt,se no affect. Ton cannot get around facts, no matter how sk'eptical< you are, and if you; ata not well we eau eouviaae ;you that ,Chiropractic is the 1ogioalvciencefer the relief of deseane, based en, a thorough knowledge of adjusting the ver- tebrae of the spine (oe backbone thus !relieving inter tvrence with life cur- rreaati9, whicla es the cause of doseasej 1,.1 n? Jp,l ,sa i.1 11 l 1'l,n i1 t1` )Jii The body, like unY other machine ,will work normally when all its party are leg Pace so the enemy will applly In the human body the energy is called life caraknte. It is transmitted retrou,gle the nerves from the brain oell,s to the tbasue °ells of the body and 00 tong nn the nerve %channels are Free the life currents will pas to the place of function, t n4 normal activity will u•esult-which means I:I•EALT' (Consult Us on any deseaae. One vi:st will 'convince you 'that :Chiropractic) is right. 1 1 1 eet.e..l lei ' l J la 1 1. 1 1 1` 1 1 1 Any,o the organs ex' b lands' of .,the body may bde .,become sea ed Strout � pressure on nerves. Estee this pr.'slsure ,removed, 'W.hY treat e'feeetsl If 'you ,have any of the ;following ailments, bttop treating effects, have the +eause removed -no cause, no effect 'We have helped your friends, owe can do the 'same for you. ! i , . - , 1 1 1 . 6 ; .t . ar .: a , , A'btsee.:ees Diabetes Asthma Female Weakness Appendicitis ; Fevers Arouohitis • • Gall Stones ' ti3ladder Troubles Goitre Constipation : Heart Deeeas: Catarrh ; . Hay Fever. , Dyspepsia ; Insanity Deafness r Indigestion ' • • These ape ;only a ever- of the If sou ar-o a sufferer .from any Mondays, • Wednesdays, and Fridays, '.Cfonsuliation and examination fr,'e,• Jaundice Pleurisy Kidney 1Detsenscts Rheumatism in any Liver Teou,bdes : part of the bcdy Lumbago Sciatica Nervotus Debility Sight . Neuralgia , Stammering Piles( , 1St, Vitur..' Dance, Paralysite i ; . Tie-idouloureaux Pha'rnygitis Urinary Deiseases 'djsedses; a,h outrape ee' is limited 'chronic troubI•e, see Dr. S. M. Donets Exeter, opposite the Roller ,Bills. le I: I ; .t L'1 L--� : !rJ 1t1t la,)_gi?141 1' 41 1 H. Carter, a Government ecntraclor on the college. Sergi. Alex. Milt?, a former em- ployee of the Saskatchewan Govern- ment, and recently transferred from the 195th to another battalion, was found guilty by a jury in the Su- preme Court at Regina of stealing documents from the Highways De- lrartment to hand to Conservative organizers; he was allowed to go tin snspencled :.entente. SATURDAY. Colors were presented to the 153rd Battalion at Guelph, An open season for otter and beaver has been declared. Italian troops made notable pro- gress. in the Dolomite Alps. John Redmond declared that home rule was safe in a sane Ireland. The war is casting, Canada at pre- sent abotif, one million .dollars a day. A Gerna-*n. ews agency claimed that several British "tanks" were destroyed. Richard Dixie of Brockville died at the age of one hundred years and seven months. Lieut. Edwin Smith of Tfllsonburg has been given command of one of his Mafesty'ss motor launches. A farewell banquet was given at Picton to the Prince Edward county officers and men of the 155th Bate talion. .A meetinb of newspaper publishers from all over Canada in Toronto yes- terday found an alarming condition by reason of increasing prices of paper. itt the request of County Magis- trate Brunton, the Deputy Minister of Highways has cancelled the motor Iicense takers out by a Brantford woman. Kent county school teachers to the number of one hundred and thirty- five were the guests of the 'London Board of Education, and were shown the newer city schools. Applications fur licenses to estab- lish export warehouses west of Lake Superior are being given special con- sideration in view of prohibition be- ing in force in taarntoba. Richard McNaughton, whose daughter Trma was kilied by an auto- Mobile driven by a tester for the company making the -car, was award- ed. $1,500 and costs by a jury at Sandwich. MONDAY. Further progress was made by the Italians against the Austrians. The safe arrival of Canadian troops in England is announced. The colors of the 191st (Huron) battalion were deposited in West- minster Abbey. In their latest battle on the Somme the German artillery displayed a shortage of shells. London papers criticized Sir Sam. Hughes for- his plan to segregate Ca- nadian wounde=d. - The coolrs of the' 161st (Huron) Battalion were deposited with, the Sheriff of Huron county for safe keeping. Messrs. C. M. Bowman and J. C. Elliott, members of the Ontario Legislature, were guests of honor at the Montreal Reform. Club. Edward Forbes of Windsor was possibly fatally injured when the automobile driven be Dr. J. E. Brad- leyof Detroit 1 '' Co I.d_S with his horse and buggy. Representatives of Canadian pub- lishers xnet the Minister of Finance 'at Ottawa on Saturday and will con- fer with proprietors of paper mills at his office to -day. Captain the Hon. Rupert Guinness and Lady Gwendoline Guinness ad- dressed the recruiting me.etieg at the Gore, Hamilton, in the campaign for Royal Navy recruits. Lady Hughes and her daughters were in an automobile mishap in Onneniee after lettering Sir Sam at Peterboro, one daughter, Mrs. (Major) Byron Green, being severe- ly htrrt, The Norwegian Consul -General at Archangel telegraphs to the Foreign Office at Christiania, that at least two American ships, the Ilawita and the Columbia, and one French steam- er, have been torpedoed izt waters between Vardoe and Archangel. TUESDAY. Italian troops won. a notable vic- tory over the Austrf .ns'in the Buse Alta. Toto Norwegian veccols were re- ported torpedoed in the Arctic Ocean. The last ten Prussian casualty Hats name 61,556 killed, wounded, or Missing. Many soldiers vein lost Whet a French traesport was Sunk in the A.l Iditarran eau,...... . -. A. 13. Iiitrnell, more than fifty years a prominent resident of Bridge - burg, died at the a;•c of sixty-six, The Department of Finance is issuing Dominion. 5 per cent. three- year debenture stcck for purchase by investors. Seven large boathouses were burn- ed, with launches, skiffs, cauoes, etc„ near North l3ay. Incendiarism is suspected. Joseph Montgomery, accused in connection with the death of his brother William of the 10th conces- sion of Madoc, has refused counsel. G. W. Palmer, a prominent Thur - low township resident, had his neck broken when a. motor car overturn- ed near Madoc, but he may recover. Premier Hearst quotes Lloyd George as saying he expects the Ca- nadians to materially help in the final victory for the Allies. Russian war ships raided the Asia Minor seaports of Samsun and Sinope, in the Black Sea, on Oct. 6, destroying 58 sailing vessels. The first sod of the million dollar Lennoxville (Que.) School, donated by Lieut. J. K. L. Ross, R.N.C.V.R. of Montreal; was turned yesterday by Mrs. Rose. To Repair Eastern France. PARIS, Oct. 10.—Tho Chamber of Deputies adopted a resolution calling on alI the French people to make good the damage caused by the war In the invaded departments of east- ern France. the decision was un- animous. Norwegian• Steamer Sunk. L0NDOld. Oct. 10.—Lloyds an iaounces that the Norwegian steamer Rialiolm has been sunk. BIG BATTLE GOING ON Russians Have Entered German Lines at Some Points. Counter -Attacks Fail Although De - Livered with the Strength of Large Reinforcements—Pause in •Volhyni a— Fearful Slaughter Marking Offensive in This Re- gion. PETROGRAD, Oct. 10.—The great battle in Volhynia, east of Vladimir- Volynski, is continuing, the War Of- fice announced Monday, and the Rus- sians have succeeded at some places in entering the Teutonic lines. The positions taken bave been consoli- dated, the statement adds. A fresh gain toward Lembe: g from the southeast has been made on the Galician front. The newest Rus- sian advance has •been. niade in the Brzezany district, following repeated assaults on the Austro -German -Turk- ish lines. The gains were held against determined counter-attacks delivered with all the strength of the new forces which von Hindenburg is re- ported to have sent to tbis line. On the front north-east of Lem- berg the Russians admit • that they have been held in check by the deter- mined resistance of the Teutons. Heavy counter-attacks vy enter attacks have marked the Austro -German defence of this front. Berlin. announces the repulse of Russian attacks near Wysocke, Dubie, and Zarkow. News is just beginning to reach here of the fearful slaughter in Vol- hynia which has marked the latest Russian offensive in that region. A temporary lull has conte to enable the exhausted troops to. recuperate for fresh efforts. According to despatches from the front the main assaults of the .Rus - sinus were made on a front of more than 30 miles, the heaviest blows falling on the sector, from Karytruca to Zubilno. For 48 hours he this region the Russians attacked contin- uously. • German correspondents claim that the Teuton lines held Arta despite the unprecedented at- tacks and an artillery fire which was second in violence not e'en to that On the Somme. Italians Win . Position. ROME, Oct, 10. --Au Italian suc- cess in the Dolotnites is reported by r, t r 0•' cited h. sa fi )a: e` u i.t;. ti rat :1.1 on TuCcu.ty • Wednesday, ending In the repulse of the Austrians, the enemy remain. - ed 4uiet an Thursday, and only ar- tillez'y actions prevailed..' Strong junctions were established by the Italians between their positions on the first and second peaks.of Colonel I3ricon. They found a great many Austrian dead on the saddle between the two peaks, 1,000 Invalided. Soldiers at Halifax. HALIFAX, Oct. 10.—Over a thou- sand invalided soldiers for points in Quebec, Ontario, and the West, dis- embarked in Halifax and are speed- ing toward Quebec, many of them aro to receive their discharges - and. where different trains will be made up to convey them to their homes. Halifax might be called the port of wounded, hundreds of men Ieaving the gigantic steamer. that kept them only four nights at sea. A few were under escort and eleven poor fellows were manacled. They had given not their life but what to them was infinitely greater, their reason. One of these soldiers had lucid moments and would talk brightly . and rationally and then would come over him a spell during which his facial contortions and evi- dent suffering were suck as would bring tears to the fact of the most callous hearted and add bitterness to the. deserved curses of the Kaiser and his ilk. Ontario Indians Starve? NEW YORK, Oct. 10.—An Assoc fated Press despatch from Marsh- field, Wis., says; "Indians in the northern.part of Ontario are starving as a result of the action of a large trading company in abandoning a •yearly credit sys- tem, according to Howard E. Pulling and Burton E. Livingston of Balti- more, Md., research professors in plant physiology at the Johns Hop- kins University. The two professors arrived here the other day after spending two months in the Cana- dian wilds near Fort Churchill, seeking specimens of vegetable and tree life for laboratory use. Many of the Indians, they declared, were unable to obtain sufficient food from the woods and streams to carry them through the summer. Wheel Caune Of ,Rotor Car. ELMIRA, Ont., Oct. 10.—Through a wheel coming off, a motor car driven by 0. Barber of Palmerston, crashed into a telephone post on the Floradale road near Elmira, at 11.30 o'clock last Thursday evening, ser- iously •injuring Miss Louisa Nicol of Listowel, who is lying unconscious at the Zilliax Hotel here. The driv- er and two other occupants of the ear escaped with minor injuries. -Miss Nicol is not expected to recover. Five Years for Robbing Cars. BROCKVILLE, Oct. 10.—Benson Dickson, G. T. R. trainman, who pleaded guilty to stealing merchan- dise from G. T. R. and C. N. R. freight cars, was sentenced by Judge Dowsley to five years iu the Peniten- tiary. A fellow -worker. Donald Beach, regarded as -the tool of Dick- son, was let go under suspended sen- tence. Previously Dickson had served a tee* fbi -a inai itr Offence`. Premier Hearst and Hon. Dr. Pyne arrived home from their trip to E;,gland. Menace of Sub to Be Dealt With. OTTAWA, Oct. 10.—Hou.. J. D. Hazen stated Monday that the Cana- dian naval sere'icc department was in coustant communication with the ]3ritish admiralty on. the submarine menace of the Atlantic coast. "Steps have been taken," said the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, "to remove the danger. Everything possible is being done with the resources at the disposal of the British and Cana- dian Governments." In unofficial circles it is believed that this is purely a sporadic effort and will soon be checked. The only hope of escape of the German subma- rine is Iax enforcement of the Ani- :;rican neutrality Iaws, which would enable them to take refuge tempor- arily within the three-mile limit. Auction Sale FARM, STOCK & IMPLEMENTS. Wm. E. Nairn Las received instruo= tions tllrom Robert Heal -to i ell by • •Publlic 'Auction on Lot 2J, Con. 9.. ''Fullerton, 2 1-2 miles north , veist of Fuelarton 'village, on Wednesday, Oot, 18th, Iia16„ commencing at 1 o'c:ooje stomp. HORSSES-General dlurpose mare, "grey" 8 yearn old; 2 agricultural geldings, biting 6 years odd; 2 gener- al purpose mares, rising 5.s years old. CATTLE -One Holstein edw, due to if Nov. 10the 3 holstein cove' du ca ]1, is o e.. to Calf next ,spring; 7 .Durham cows, due to calf Il+ebruary and 'March; :8 ;two year old !steeds; 7 two year old b�ei:fers, , 6 yearlinyg caivee, r7 year- ling, la•erifers, 8 spring calves. HOGS -,Brood ,sow with litter at foot, brood' sew due to farrow, .in "Dec. b lshoatas about 1251bs. 30 hens. IMPLEMENTS -Maxwell , Ibinder; Maxwell' -mower; International hay loader; ;Peter Eamilton seed drill; 12 r hoes; hay rake, 'cultivator, land role ler, set, of ha.rrowe, 2 sets of trucks bay reek, turnip -sower, buggy, walk -1 Plow, 2 -furrow riding ;plow, root j pulper, stock reales, 30001bs; corn cul- • tivator, wheel barrow;•3. 1-2:'horse power gasoline engine, 2 -unit Hine - man milking itn•achine, new; milk can 3 milk nails, 2 cauldron kettles, log- ' g;ng chain, .2 setas +double harness, i demoarat; 10 empty be:: boxes, di.n barrow, ,circu'.ar waw, ;forks hoes and shovels 'and ,other articles 'useful ion d farm.. Positively no re:terve es the prop - the War Office. The Italians cap- too ass ug, is rnL. toted a strong LCIr`IZ�IS-12 6n:earthts credit tvi:l in OSIt'0 6 position n on h slopes the of Cima di Costabella, consistingofgiven on furnishing approved joint a trench and shelters ' of the enemy, , (notes bra dli ioount g1 5 per coeur pest annexa erff. -Cor tcaus1 ].n . lion of ]notes; and they took 102 prlsoasrs, a Ina- fEto(k>crl ileal, VU m. 'E, Nairtr chine gun, sumo rifles az d u Auetionocr, tion. , 1 amm ni- I Proprietor. Y The Italians also report that in the Datekeon. Travidneia_ - Avis . tl e.Y, where cod, .meaamoeeeemammmees. e • • • • i interest aiowee at highest current rater al; eW.�.CLARKE► Manager, Exeter Brarrich e m aeoeo o ea emoemea aeaeo ere m.see.eeeemee,e,eeeeeatee,eeeee,•e•e,..e• eeee/e•d.e0yu01 TI lrxtSDA', OCTOIliM it2t1U, We' INCORPORATED 1855 MOLSONS BANK $8,800,000 CAPITAL AND RESERVE 96EBranches in Canada. Ba Hint Busi�l es Transacted 'A G��eral n JIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT%4 13K MON>f~V ORDERS SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT THE CANADIAN BANE' OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D., D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. 11. V. F. JONES. Ass't General Masastwnrj CAPITAL, $15,000,010 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,001 FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers cue', facility for the transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notett;rµ• are supplied free of charge on application. ; :Exeter Branch-- A. F. Kuhn, Manager. i 1! j✓REDITON BRANCH -S. M. JOHNSON. Manager ' 1Tr116o Walt R.tteterea) GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ The Harmless but iE cent remedy for Heads- Neuralgte,Anaem e.Sleop- issanssa, Nsrrfous 3- haustion, &c, • 1 •Oo AT ALL DRUGGteTO. or by mm31 > COLLINGWOOD, ONT. -� Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Robert Campbell, of the Township of flay, County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Not;ce is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others ,raving claims ag- ainst the eeeate of the said Robert ;Campbell, „to died on and about Aug rust, JUL., 1916, axe required on or be- fore October 9th, 1916 to send by post prepaid or delierer to Messrs, Gladman & ,rtanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter. nol:citors for t be .Executrix, of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descr °- tions,. the, full particulars of their -claims, the_.statement.. of . their 'ac- counts and the nature of the secnr. reties, if any, held by them. And further take notice that atter said last mentioned date the said Exe- oatrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deoeased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claim oB which she shall then have notice and that the said Executrix shall not be liable for said assets or any part thereof:, to any' person or persons of whose claims notice shall not bavc been received by her at tbe time of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANI3U'RY Solicitors for Executrix (Dated at Exeter the lath day of Septeneoer, 1916, 1 Auction Sale FARM, STOCK. & IMPLEMENTS , The undersigned auctioneer will lse!i by public auction, Lot C., con., i, Usboine, 3 miles 'south of. Win-; Chelsea, Ther.day ,October 13th .1916 at 12 o'clock sharp the fololwing prop, erty, viz., SE IIO'RS-A,ged team, .1 filly dris- ing 3,; one team of heavy geldings sisi.ug 3, 1 percheon ,,filly, rising, 2, I1 .Clyde Lily, rising 2,; 3 agricul- tural geldings. Tieing t2; 1' blood filly treeing 2; 1 good blood gelding rinsing '3 by Pletcher; 1 good driver rising 5 by Lord Roberts. CATTLE -One ,young cow due 10th, Nov; 2 young ,cows due 10th Dec.; I oowue d 8t March; • cow h 1 t 1 of due may 5th; 1 cow due reheat May 1st; 1 good Holstein due about March 26th; 3 steers, rising 3; 1 fat ;heifer; 4 hei- fers. 2 years ohle 4 heifers, rising 2 10 steers r;ning 2; 7 calves. This is a choice lot of '-stock. PlG;l-One sow due at time of care 7 pigs 2 months old. .G1LA1N-15o bus. 'oats ;lit for seed, IMPLIOM'ENTS-One tru:k wagon;. good ,hay raok, gravel {box new; set of bob ls:e'gh>; Massey Harris binder 6te lout, 'a good. one; M:axwcll mower and cultivator; horse Crake; Tanning mile 'with bagger; long plow; ,Co:k- slut gang plow; 'road scraper; one set of Leaks 2000 Obs, cap. with, rack for basement; r:e:d .drill, a number of gran bags; democrat wagon wogon sling ropes and large ropes and pul- leys, urrleys, all in good condition; roller; Maxwell, rpulper; set double ;harness;' 2 sees of single tarness; wagon box pig ,rack; 2 Sete of whiftletreas; 2 neck ,yok,:s; temp sLovel; 1 s;'t wag- on spring:; straw stack to be fed en faun; forks, toe's lend numerous art- icles usually found ,on a ,farm. TEIZi1IS Ton darters and under, tenet, over that amount 12 monthscredit on up - proved; joint notes or 4 per cent per annum off for eagh a.1 cr; dit auaoan's Oats. easlt. llo'bt. 'Taylor., • R, S. ',Brown, Proprietor , ; A.uet. t. ii. R. No. 1 Granton, J, W, skinner, clerk, 1. JAS. BEVERLEY FURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and Funeral Directors Phone 74a. Night Cal] i41b EXETER, DR G. F. ROULSTON, L.II?.r9, :ZQ111IBt•.,,,,, DENTIST tie ;Honor Graduate of TorontITzeivolar sin. Office over Dickson & ling's Law office; Closed Wediveso. day afternoons. Phone OM** New Residence 5b. ., LR: -A, U. KINSMAN I4»,0, ./0j) Honor Graduate of TororAn'1tla eraity } ' , , , -..anted; r D E N T I S 71 ; 1 t ss11':;� eth extracted without paha. lid any bad effecta. Office over Gid+ man & Stanibury'a Office &Soh Silk Exeter, , , • 1 j J- W, BROWNING M. D., .p$, . ' s P. 24 Graduate Victoria UaiI10- eity Offioe and residence Domou+o Labratory., Exeter', Assooiate Coroner of Moron 1411 L R. CARLING, E. A. • , , ri.fitlii Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pmblig$, Public, LOommissioner, Solicitor, fol-. tte Maisons dank,, etc. , ', , : elefad Money to Loan at 'lowest neat CT' Interest. : _ ; e1.aalteM • OFP'I'CB,-MA.IN STREET, EXT, ,, MONEY, TG LOAtaT t, 1 I i.. i 1 I We have a large &meant or 9d2tV' ate funds to loan on farm and 203.. lag° prroperties at lowest rate, tereat„ . .� GL'ADMAN & STANBURNI f i Barristers, frolioitora, maws Exeter" i . w-.r...r .. Tne Usborne and tlliderL Farmer's Mutual Fire Imp ams Comeau ' Head Office, Farsiuhar, OI!{Se President , . ROST, NOBYr:111 , Vice -.['resident 1 T1108. B' '4 ril 17°:" WM.13RQCB , Whq, r fDl� .1 L. RUSSELL . J. T. ALLISOIN, AGENTS borJOneHNend E11SSERYiddulpb. Exeter•. agent IIs, • OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent 11 Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNUEJL11i ' Seoy,Treas, FarquhrtsP. GLADMAN & sTA.NBURX ete.i Solicitors. Exeter: i a'i 1 STORM For Infants and Children Kn g$ho For 0tv r 30 Years, Always bears the gic'natut'ir of