HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-12, Page 1.FORTY-SECOND YEAR—No: 2243 EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12th 1916 . JONES & MAY ~PHONE 32 JUST ARRIVED Two New Shipments of Ladies' and Children's Coats We have just opened two fresh shipments of ladies' and children's Fall and Winter Coats. These garments are in the very latest styles and newest fabrics. They include an exceptionally fine range of black Seal Plush Coats. Prices mod crate New Housefurnishings, Including Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains, Etc. We have an immense range of rugs, linoleums, lnattings, curtains and cur- tain -nets for the coming season. Many of these lines are at almost old prices. We have fifteen good patterns of linoleums to select from. Room rugs in a great variety of patterns. Make your selection early before prices are higher New Velvets for Dresses and Suits Velvets are among the most popular fabrics for the coming season for both Suits and Dresses. Have all the popular shades in plain and corduroy effects. Good fast dyes are used in all our velvets. Prices 60c. to 76c yd. Wonderful Values in Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats Our clothing department is simply overflowing with Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats In order to reduce this immense stock we offer remark- atle values in all these lines. PECIJtL JuAprons•st arrived, otherice s5h0ipment of ladies large Bungalow -)1(1 anld c each. Live Poultry Wanted. Highest Prices Paid Jones AND May Ranges and Heaters Before placing your or- der for a stove call and examine our complete line ofcooking & heating Stoves. ,Steel ranges $35 to $60; Cast ranges $25 to $50; Heating stoves $9 to $48; Perfection oil heaters, $4.50 to $6 00 Make your new barn complete with the use of modern sliding door rol- lers, stable door latches, etc Prepare your stable with stall fixtures t.n 1 cattle eiaius fur wintering your stock A full line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, Stove Pipes Elbows., etc for fall HEAMAN'S Hdwe 27b 27a Phones 13O'RN .. •AYLOB.-1n Bea forth, on O&'ob :r lst to Mr. and Mrs. A. 'A, Naylor, .lt. daughter. `di Sept. 27th >'La'1'A.T P' --Un Weclnc .Y, p Msec'( 11:Crs. Joe Knapp of London its df .tighter. DIED ),GODW1N-1n :London, on Sunday, Oct: Wiilzam Godwin, J:ortne 1 Selz; 'Rev pas or of Dlttin 'St, 1Vlethod et church iax his 0ear. y5th A ,��+,[ W e�!lI.�. x --A t London, on Oa' oae,t•, 140, Doris Almeida, infant dau- n.i Mas ; ,{gPxter a� Mr. . anti ,.art, eged 10 montbs,. • RETIIRING 'Fti.T,OM THE FRONT Capt, S. R. :Hewitt and (Mrs. Howie t (nee Miss Edna Dow) who have been with, the 0, .M.C. at Salon:ki are now on their way home from 1rgl.nd The latter bas been suffering from inflainatory x•hcuinatism. Mrs Hew- itt will ba remembered by our (road ers, by' bar interesting,' letters, that. have appeared in the Tinges. Man St, Methodist church nnni.ver- nary iw 11 be 'held on Sundays Nevem,-. bcr the 12th, 1ae. Crews or 'Wrodsl oeie will be the (preacher for the occasion and iN):a', Iilentie of Toronto. has been secured to assist the choirx: Members of 161st Royally Entertained Boys were home on last leave Given Rousing Reception Barns, Burned oRI!;DI';COn1 FOWL DINNER On Thenksgiving morning shortly 1 after 7 o'ollook fire destroyed two lar- ge'bank barns and a large shed be- longing to Mr. 'Oeeil Skinner of the 3r4. concession of Usborne. It is supos ed that the fire started from the windmill. Mr. Skinner had started it going and went to .the house for breakfast. After breakfast he was in the stable 'when he heard .something Banqueted on Friday cracking and a light in the mow and on going to investigate •taued it all A rousing reception was giver to ablat1ze. 1!t ,s tb 'boughtdznhUathadticbroke: wirne ' ' the members or the 161st Battalion eon ro tag e wtn t loose and wound around the shaft - recruited in Exeter on their arrival ing Causing it to heat and a spark home last Thursday on their last lea- dropped into the straw in the mow be e from :i ox en care low. Two or his sisters were in tbe b f Crap l3 d beforegoing overseas. When it 'was learned that the Hurons had been warned for over and trey .and warned and they' got seas and that they would be home the 'cows and pigs out. Mr. Skinner Thursday on their last leave the 'War got out the horses the harness, cream i Auxilary im,mediately undertook to separator and most of the stuff dive the bays 'a rousing reception and from the stables. Neighbors w•erezood royal entertainment while in town on the scene to lend ,a helping hand and although the 'Sime was abort to save what ;could be hos oat of the there was a generous responee +from barn. Mr. Skinner had about 1500 bus. everyone.. It was 'learned Thursday of wheat in the barn at the time Morning that the bays world arrive some of which had baen held over in Exeter about two o'clock by special s nee last year, and some ,grain; that train trona Clinton. The band. was at had not been threshed. Quite a bit Once notified, many of this places of off the threshed brain was saved and business were clo-ed up and the school will come for feed. All of the frame bhildren were given a couple of hours was remaining tcly destroyed the wales laff bred many from town. and country only remaining standing. The loss i..0 were at the station to greet• the boys est treated at about $0000, with a25011 when tate train Mulled in. insurance, Shortly after the 'train arrived the boys were lined yup and "Mr, J, A: Stewart. +president of the War Aux- iliary addressed a few word, to them band invited them to a bar.quct and entertainment on Friday evening. Pol lowing this headed by the band ar.d the ,Boy' Scouts of town and followed ponse, to a note placed in a pair of by a large number of autos gaily dee-, soaks that had been forwarded to the sold ers in France. ! • I was lucky enough to get a pair of socks knit 'be you andI wishto adjoining barn at the time slinking letter From the Front The following extracts were taken ,from an interesting letter written to Miss Maud 'Res!e1l of town, in res - orated with flags, ete, the nrocession marched through town and back to the Town Hall where they were. dis- 'Hissed. The town was decorated with thank you very much for them. 1 ant ''flags and streamers . I not a very big chap and as a rule The one disappointment was 'that the seeks we ;get hers are toe big ror, Maly part of the boys came home on i mc. but yours are a fit and thac is nt9` the special the rest going around. by 'advantage isn't it? We have been do- i London and arriving on the tie Iran . ing quite a bit or marching lately in the eveinng. The boys themselves,) and its a great relief to have new were sorry to miss the demonstration t or clean sooks to put on: A bad, pair .(tut .as one said, G°We appreciate it • of socks makes marching torture: and because 'it shows their hearts ere in blistered feet have given us a bad the right place:" time often. A few details regarding On Friday evening vt most elaborase myself may be of interest. I am. banquet 'was spread In the basement one of the original first contingent of • James St. Methodist church to which landed in England almost 2 'which the soldiers. their wares or par years 'ago: 1 was wounded at the bat- ents Were entrrtatnod. The room and tle of Ypres in April. 111.5, was back tables was most elaborately decorated in England and have now been back and to very sumptuous banquet was in France for nine months. So fate 1 served. roast chicken being- the 'nein- have escaped damage and have been cipafl item on the bill of fare. There in ell the scraps the battalion has was no shortage and after all had 'been 4.n. Last time up both;' my offi- partaken of the delicacies there was vers were wounded so T was left in an ,abundance in reserve. Four long .charge. Another officer was sent up tables were spread in the 'base'ment later but he :was sniped whip three and . members or each of the four of as were rec-conoitering. So I was churches in town looked after one. in .charge again. Another offic r was Rev. 'J. W. 'Baird was 'chairman of sent tip later b it he sex -dyed. Yon the occasion and at the conclusioxt ne will see that we were having a rough. the banquet Rev. S. F. Sbarp 'made ;time. or course now we are going a short appropriate address. I ahead land everyone is in 'High spir- But the entertainment of the boysits at our success.• d: d not end With the bangaet. An .ad- 1 g-iiin thanking '`you Tor the socks Journment was made to the Town ' I aim yours sincerely Ball and here a splendid entertain- Sergt. 'Jack •Wilson. anent Was given. The principal enter- tainer on the :program was ;fir. R. Manna. reader and entertainer, of Colors Aced in London who had been ses tared for the TL dgreat G plause and he was repeatedly en- y occasion. ,Itis tea tags won ap- c l e n c h Courthouse The Exeter Patriotic League wvisn cored, Miss Nina as roan and Min s it understood that they are still send -I ,,., Edith Moncure each srtn,g solos : that I The 'courthouse square at Gade:ach in, their supplies foe the Cate e : n were •greatly appreciated. Short add- was thronged with people Sunday e soldiers in the trenches direct to Miss resses were ,given be Rev. 3, 'W.'Ba'rd afternoon to waitress the handier o' er Joan Aznoldi (an officer apnottite'cl by and Rev, Trumpc•r. Mtsre •• Geo Be iv- of the "Bicron" Battalion Colors. th,t. Uow'ernment)• in care of the taevia_ « cUan F'.eI't . Camtorts Goa. at Sheen- Want sang asolo for the audience, I prior to their going overseas. t"pr dies , EnCo We thank the lad - received to be a Soldier whi^h was well wards of ,3,000 people were present received The orchestra was present intending' many from 'Wingham,Luck- les valla hlwe so generously helped and delighted the gathering, as usual nowv. Clinton, and other points. w*ho u� ir• the past and hole they will .cal- with their excellent numbers. air. 03. came by auto. The procrsgon. con'i.st- tinu : in the ,good week. W. 'F. Beavers filled the position as ;noag aaf'CoI. 'Comb: and staff of `°[1" �ehairman in a very creditable man- 'Cnpny. who headed by the ITurons _____.e,.trier. There was a good tarn out. band. 'marched from Victoria Park to I On (Tuesday morning. as their lest the courthouse steps, where it ware The death oscura). clan London on leave of ab,'ncet exptred th:' boys 'joined by the Town Council and offt- October the 4th of Doris Almeada• were given a rousing send-off from : vials, 'B'foxe presenting the colours infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Ed. the 'Exeter stnt'on There was a large to Sheriff 'Iapresent who received Stewart. eged 16 months. The child crowd present the platform beim,: them on behalf of the county, ,Rev. bad been ailing for about a week. I packed. The bind was again one hand J. B. Fotheringham. M. A. rentor of with their enlivening music. The St. George's church. temporarily icon - 2ND GROWTH OF R.ASI'BERIRIES ,crowd gathered for both tre.'ns, as secreted them, On receiving the col- or London and ors. tram Col. !Combe, Sheriff Etey- On Tuesday we were shown a sprig some went around by. by 'Clinton. The boys certai n.y nolds thanked the officers and men of raspberry bush !picked from the looked "every inch a soldi •r" and were ;for the honour they did him in en - garden of Mrs. Jas. Pickard, which well ;groomed without exception. They trustor the colours to him, declar- was well laden with second growth leaked the picture of health end phy- ing it was a great honor to be the raspberries several of which were sicaPy 'fit There were fathers and guardian of a flag that braved the ripe and others taming. husbands brothers and •wvce.thearts, battle and the breeze for over a 1 330Y SCOUTS I1e1PE'VvEINElee --- ST tad tall bore .up well tinder €he smiled thousand years, During the tour' e of cnmstances but as thy. train Tsui?cd his remarks he ;referred to the 1oer- `in and the final farewells were said ally of the men, declaring that they The 936Y Seonts or town wen: out to there .was hardly a dry eye among had to be loyal or they wouldn't b.! i the bush near the river on Friday' that vast crowd or spectators. It wee wearing the uniform. for t:he manevening last and enjoyed aa hot wan that was physically 'fit and not an er roast. A=were tire was 'kindled and the a i touch( seem• and one that "Ilot Dogs tried or !roasted will remain long with (hos w' o were uniform wvas disloyal to his country. 1 over (the fire end were eaten with present to witness the one ion. A C,,I. ,Comb' gawe a short address and rolls. Toasted marshmallows were al- safe Journey across and a cafe return gate a glow ng tribute to his men' hs t' .itch ' saying that it was the splendid show - I o n the 'menu. The boys'thoroughlywvas c pa.r tang REV. Ctf. G OD W 1 N DrES ,LONDON ,I:S IN ,LC7;v The death of 'Rev. Wm, Gcdwin,__a Tetrad Methodist minister oceare;d, on Sunday evening at the. frigidly resi- dence, dence, 6x83 'M nd St.. London. Ile was well-known throu hout 'Wes ern Ontario hawing o:e :pied pulpits in the London 'Conference for o er thirty enjoyed the outing. .CASUALTY LIST Monday's casualty call t 'contained aa y lts long list of Western Ontario names Among th.' killed were Pte. E. 'Whord Ernest SchrSchmitt of �Yl:tchcll and Pte.T',. of Parkhill; died of wounds. Pte Ja"k A. 'Black, of St. !Marys; seriously 'ill Pte. Fred VV. J. Southam; wounded Pte, James .1'a. ,Pollock, Bayfield; Pie Jas. k'IeVicar, Pte. John Roberts, God- end. o erieb. d-ch'rxge he wan his way '`ata the 'be ins of the members of h's congregation, end only when forced by declining,' health did he ra- ting ;ish'his duti s, Ile ,lead been (stat- ioned at appointments in the' confer- ence at London Kingsville, Pari: hill and Walken:Woe IT' was s:tpi r- onua.ted niter leaving Parkhill eight years ego and a few years ago mo eel to 'Swiss burgs wilere his duties n carr liglti, Si: weeks ,ago he was forced to tea' e tap his week and moved an Lon don taking up his retedenee on, ltit ti- landlStreet He is sur,i ed by a 1ix,r> tam ly. 'consisting of the widow, four sons and r'o1r dwu.ghtsra, The funeral HAND '13ADlaY BURN ED Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ilaxvey end con Pte. E. Hervey Were in Ingersoll; on Thanksgiving visiting with 'Mr. and, airs 8, Rowe. N' ss Viola .Rowe re ent ly .had the misfortune to have her hands badly burned. wide cicaniri a pair of long gbo . es. She had clean d them 'with ,gas11ine acidhad than on dry:n; them. She was near the sore when they caught 'fire. One glove was got off wvttbott . 13'11'11111g the 1•at:d, very ntnhh b tt the oilier hand was badly burned and she was laid up For several days, y t years.. n a • y . ser% is es wee held on 'Weded day_ at K 1ligs • ..11e where interment took plane lag made by the 1lurons in their las inspection that decided •their going overseas. They only =hazed last Mary end -they now rank to Class 'A" 1'ht.lf' Homes, ti on � Treasure. on c , :County Oo v of the wadren of •count.y, who was un tbl ' to be present. spoke for a few, 'n haze +1 Ihcrt s as d ti Mr. Ia Iso �4 ni ante . who stated wh le those at borne were guard ng their colors. the "Huron" were guarding th it coun:•ry and fam- ilies, ' 'Miss M, A. Tota I: f.t this week foe Dont forget tote fowl dinner on Tlhursday, October the 12th given ib ' the .r vangeticla1 hurah, 1Crediton. It as goingf to be one of the best dinners that has been given. The 'tables. twill be 'more elaborate then ever. Seventy waiters will serve the dinner and will see to it 'that everyone Is satisfied. The lighting system •will be 'beautiful along with the decoration will Make the surrounding homelike. The pro- gram ro gram is going to be very good and the price will suit everybody-. tome itt (good time because the crowd will be large. The balloon ascension will be tri great to witness. iCoe and enjoy a good dinner and amens'. other food things. '. r . 1Yfr. O. X, 'Bedford is offering a sins ited quantity off sugar before stook - taking ht $7.75 per hundred. $}TOWER FOB. )3.OYS The Soldiers Aid Society intenclhold ing in Main St. chureh an Oot. lath, at 8 o'clock a shower for the boys at the front. Xmas stockings are be- ing +fined with socks, handkerchiefs, tooth brush and paste, nate paper as e1 it th nst 1- cucards, milk sehoelate gum pipes. tobacco, linen a trash towels„ 18 x27. Whose who are knitiing socks. kindly bring in by the 16th. Will tbe friends please send the addresses of the boys to Mrs. R. N. Creech .:s we intend sending a parcel to each of the Exeter boys. ave, aes, s, uppens moorga m powder, , a EXETER WY AVM t OTT i+it,S IN «CASUALTY TLS'JC Word. was received in town on Stine� day 'by Mr. Arthur Davis that his con Pte. Arehze Valls had .been injur- ed hind had been admitted to the hose Intel. . He is injured in one .of the knees, Archie enlisted with the 7lptn Battalion and has been In balance only a few weeks. Mrs. Coebrane Sof towrn e eeeivet* word that Gunner Goldie tl:oehrano b.•en wounded in the raelit arra nand left leg and admitted, to St. Johns Ambulance 2.3rigade Hospital, Pte. (Chas. E. Gleed or London, Le reported missing. Pte. Gleed is well known in town his wife being !plies Hattie fflandford. Mrs. Otd. Eissett of Winnipeg who has been visiting for several weeks with Mrs. W. iG. Iita'ssett, received word that her son Pte. 'VI ; .He Bissett with the 28th Canadians ,had beer. wounded in Frsr,oa and was edznitte.d to the lst 'Western. Hospital at 1 iw,er- pool, wounded in the left ann. Will was en. Exeter boy spexndirg las early years in town and went West with his parents a number of years ago. Mrs. (Bissett left. '.Wednesday to re- turn to her home. IIEW ITT-DJW The Marriage is annoteeeed for &un- uel `Ross DeLapp Hewitt, !Catpran itz the C A,'M,'O. and M. Edna_ Dow, a,•ure- ing sister in the C.A,M.C. whinbt took place in Sand,ate Parish .Church,. Kent ,'Iin,gLaed, on. September 6th,1g1 TH ' EX TER BARGAIN STORE Another Lot of 1 Just Opened, Consisting of Hose, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Night Gowns. Underwear, Tie.. Braces, Pajamas, Night Shirts, Sweatere, Etc., ON SALE NOW Special'Values u alen's and Boys. Se;its bought be- Eore the raise is price and sold at the old price. ra sr Men's Clothes one in and took wets our line, or Rade ri.easeire Sacnpies for lien's Clothes., �� Excellent value in Shoes- See the t. Tableful r at a e a a o .. o .. Baer laser B. W. BEAVE s • • Gr.msby where she has tak'n a. po.- !• it'on. Tvir, • Gt m Friss o' th • I3 not a:' Poet - =roe start was called to Guelph last week ow :n;' to the death at a sister, Ite returnsd to his dut.e. on WS (head t y. ����1�f1�•TORNITUN'8 •fie .. ,. �.�..�..`..-._n. �._.....�Tmwrn<via..r.r..¢,raa^s,—•bra,.vxsssrtvsnm.amam,csv,..vsmaµ. 104104 nd iPashjsn Is our ala for the men of Exeter and vicinity. That's one reason why we specialize in Meu's wear exclusively. Keeping in touch with Men's styles is our business so when you are outfitted by us you are sure of hem's dressed right We have in stock all the newest styles. es , Look over our line of Soft Felts, Caps, Shirts, Coll its, Ties, Gloves, Undo wear, Socks, Smocks and Over.':s Readyy•Made and 'N,fide to-Med.er Clothing Blue Serge Suits ' ,.;. ` 1e'n n i < Oar Values are undoubtedly tl,r • sl" iii. Canada. The Pat,rxlt e .League are having a. `a i eim's ''diking Shower' fat ttie et Canalise eels] ,ers in the tr ucl'•e.i, in to jai_ 1 )(till Chtt.','h tiuncay g, S !Y.'?ol r 1 1 ale,atlernoea Imre( s,' 4' u Tel wall l reel, Anyone a,', ,11 aa'''" 1Sit•,1.' 1 ti idi a t.• ,. a a �) > ,p ::Y \'.' ' 'lit ii_ti en invi:e•l. .fiLifi:yD.S' Wo P 11 O N E 6 ;h its 0..01. 45.440+:R r:e, Alt) 4N' PO 0 (bit 444)44)4'a stn