HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-5, Page 5' I1L11 31 AY, OPTOI13i jt 'atlt, 1116. 0 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS. Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath -.,Candy Cathartic. Nu odds how bad your liver, stony ach or bowels; how much your head aches, !towmiserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels :you always get relief with Cascarets. They imnace dlately cleanse and regulate the stom- ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con. con- fraaalarad waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels, e. A •tO:cent box from your druggist will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for sziontia.s.s0They work while you sleep. Centralia ralta reamers, '%„e tare trying to antioi- airete your wants, if Ha flour or feed esiou want to give( uast•a call,. -Harvey !Bros. Atusttn Duplin of Iiderton ,6e leaI, Ting on his many ,friends horef The Miffs iozi circle met at she home sof Missy Iva £Esse iy on Tuesday even- Rev. Mr. !Bow -en will Tae her i 1siterest Of the able SocietyQ d t he the 10th. on Oct Mrs: !Spencer and daughter of St. Thomas are Spending this week with Tal' 1irlS Mall,. • The !Ladies Aid Rnet at the home of ;Mins. Tho:. Elston on Thursday after, noon to bransact business. ,;i The lights in the •ehtergh, nine out'of somzu s ion and the evening; is'rvices /Lave been hold in the barsement for the pest taw Sundays but hope, soon {to have them in repair again. Sidi Smith of the 101st battalion ES home; being physically unfit to pass bis finlai' medical examination as Pte. He didkis duty by ert'ir:.ting for'King land Country s,nd got an honorable id scharge. • • Elimville There is !quite an ,epidemio of cold, an the neighborhood at ,present. 6rseeza .and be in style.' Mir. 'cued :.firs. Clariese Snell have r'etursred Ifrom their honeymoon and vv ll'reside on the groomn. eine farm f'Sunn'yhiii” The; asaniversary services of the Jblethod'+:st church, Elimville, will be keld on Sunday, Oe ob.•r •15rh, the 'Rev Mir'. Fair, former pastor of Eliravi:lle aria take valva rge of the services. I'tl'ee farmers aro and here. are late an (getting in their •fal.t wheat( owing to /the dry weather, but the wheat -hat has :been ;.awn. the ;rain of the past Taw days has greatly improved -Tlue .W.M.S. •held their !financial tneeti.sgg on ()ct. 17th. the district or- ganizer. 'Dtrn Wik on, gave an add- ress on mission sehools, a solos were. given by the ails es Ready and May (Alairke which was well render d. -IGrea t bre.dit Ls due to Mrs. .Rev, 'Barn bawl the pres:dent .Lueelt wave served in the auditorium. 2i0MESEEK1.RS (EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA The Grand Trunk IiaiIwayss System issues around trip Ifomeseekers tickets alt ver,e low fares from !stations in +Canada to points in Isratitob.z, Saul:- ntcLewan and Alberta, each Tuesday anti! October 31st inclusive, vie NortL ltit:ay -Cochrane and Transcortinexital Route or via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth end 'are good running ;from two rnonths'from date oe issue. The:eagh tourist Bleeping oars are •open ed each Tuesday for arinnipe,g leaving Torpnto 10.45 p.m.! via Trans- eontinental 'Route without eh:arge.. iiteservations in toarist sleepers may Roe obtained at nominal charge/ or ap- plication to tiny Grand Truck. Ticket Office. The 'Grand Trunk Pac.fic Rail- way 'is the 'shortest and quickest !route 'between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, end Edmonton, 'with smooth roadbed !electric lighted Sleeping carn, through the newest, most picturesque and !most rapidly developing rection of Western Canada. :Before deciding 'tn your Trip .ask Grank Trunk Agents to furrnh! full ;particulars or write C. E. Horning d).:strict Passenger Agent, Toronto, 'E Ifimimi1lmaniiiMMI fl lfltMIMITt[i11n'iurlffllfmrrRlfnta !fll rrsflaMIRirg 5 "dere is the An rer;"in I WEBSTEt NEW INTERNATIONAL THE MERRiAM WEZBSTER Every day in your talk and reading, at _ horn the street car, in the office, shop an %i you likely question the mean - Ingo' some new word. A friend asks; What makes mortar harden?" You seek ttaeloeatbon ofLoth /ratline orthe pronur elation of jujutsu. What is white coal? This New Creation answers all kinds of Eg questions inLangaage,i•listory,Biography. Fiction, Foreign 1Vords,Trades, gists and Sciences, with final authority. 400,000 Words. ; - 6000 iHnbtratlons.-'lyy '‘, Cast $400,000. q ,% E 2700 Pagas, The onlydictionnrywitlr % the nem dividednanpe -char- G aeterized as "A Stroke of Genius," as India Paper Edition: P On thin, opaque, strong, India paper. What a satis- E !'action taown theAferriam Es Webster in a form so light and so convenient to use, One half the thickness and is gh t of Regular Edition. = Register Edition: Fsstrong On b pP hook a cr. t. _ IM1• 1 b.s .S R i2e1 125(1%04g `- 5iiaches. Write for specimen page'', .- illustrationsmotion eta, ie motion thltl publication lBS6 as sot ofjecai Loa: C. & C:. MEI IMM CO., E Spr'ingtield, leh ss. kawaniatimaionewainitana. 11111111111ht1II111111lihIll MInfininnnnumnum Hensali X"arurens, ewe lore trying to :ant'ici. pate your wants, if its flour or teed you 'want to give! u,s a call,. --Hervey (Bros. APPLES WANTED ?Ibe Exeter Evaporator will pay 40e per 1001'bs for pealing lapplels.--J. button, Manager. Mr. R. Higgins rented Mrs. Nes- bitt's (neat dwelling on ;Rickmor,d. St Mee. Ray.nets 'of II3a fief t y dspent thz. ,past week w.th Miss Lamina and Ili is Uunter of the village, Mrs. J. McNeil of St. Thomas was here this week viisitirftg her parents /A1jr'. and 'Mics. W. Murdock . Mrs. J, Coulter and daughter hter Miss Ida have been attending the wed- ding of a flriend In Milverton and are visiting friends there. Mrs. C. ITogartk' and children recently o f Calgary, but now, of 'Rev- elstoke, B. C., are visiting Mr. and Mae. T Murdock, Mrs. ilogarth's par- ents. The ladies and girls have now plans ander way for providing %yell fitted Obriistmais stockings for our soldiers. A number of our boys in the trenches, in writing home report themselves well and the war going on most favor ably for tha Allies. Our council 'Lave made a satjafacr tory arrangement wilt Mr ,Passmore regarding Lis interest in the village electrical acntract by which we un- derstand Le 'will withdraw ervice when the 'agreed time comes about. DLr..Passsmore on the whole gave very good !service. Tea'connectioe with the Hydro rapid work is being done. The poles are in position between Exeter and Iiet- sall. With all the improvements made of every kind including our stiles of cement walks. Splendid streets, good fire protection, and splendid tows. hall that !after allowing a fair valu- ation for these assets, we only have a debt of about $8,000 which is'certain- ly a fine showing and should eecour- age. ear citizens. ' Cromarty APPh'1iLS WANTED The .Exeter Evaporator evil pay 40c per 100,'bs for pealing apples. -J. Sutton, m'anage'r, A pretty wedding occu.red at tte tome of Mr.:and Mrs. Donald D. Mac Keller. on Wednesday, September Otes ween their Second daughter, Grace, was united in marriage to Mr. J. 'Russell Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott Jr.,. Tee ceremony wan p, rfo of edd at noon by Rev, R. G. Mac &5 Alvinston, 'brotaer=in law of the groom, assisted by Rev. D. Ritchie only tte immediate irealtives being - present. The a .ride was prettily gown- ed In: white georgette crepe over satin There were no attendants. After luxe cheon, Mr. and Mrs. Scott were es•- .sorted to 'Mitchell where they took the train and will spand their honey- moon in 'Galt and Niagara Falls. (Jpor. their return they wit1l take: up their residence upon the grooms farm east o.t Cromarty. The snide, who is de:ser- vediy popular 'received amny beauti• ful and. useful gJ is to grace,' her hand some 'home. Mr. rand Mrs. Scott "have a host of friend.; who wish them much happiness through their wedded life. Zurich Mr. F. Bosrenbury of Kitehner was in town for u few days hast week. arse Deibei of He:delburg is visit- ing at tte home oa Mr. aa. Pfile, 14th concession. Miss Matilda Jotnson is visiting friends in t13uffalo, N. Y., for a few weeks. Or. Henry Deters Zs completing his xiew Louse by the addition of a fine ,porch. .Dar. MacKinnon's trotter teed sis- ter 'from Action ure visiting, the Dr. For e few days. 11 Ir. W. L. (Siebert has been appoint- ed postmaster of Zurich in the place of the ,late -D. S. Faust. Mr .Siebert commenced Lis new duties on Monday last. 'Dr. H. Williams of London, assisted by Ars. Campbell and DlacKinnor. per- !liormed a successful operation 4or ap- pendicitis on Merle, tte little dau- ghter of' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 'Rau., Mr. ,nand airs. J. F. Rickbeil anuu- nounce the engagement of their dau- •ghter Mies Diana Henrietta, to Mr. Julius N. Zeller of Kitchener, Ont. the marriage to take place in Octobr. 'Minis Ada P. 10. arum, left for Der troit on Wednesday And on Sunday leaves that 'city for Youngstown,•'0., after two weeks vacation with rela- tivea Etre. Moes Anna Warm, and her neice, Miss- Verdi Vass, accompan- ied her. They wilt visit relatives in Detroit )and otter western, points be - fate returning. 'Masers. W. S. Ruby and John Gan, 'oho have purchased the b.t,siness block scow •occup.cd 'Sy them as a general store, 'udao es the post -office and dwelling:-tkonse and land owned 13,y1 the late D. S. Faust, and get fa.l.l paseeession on 2nd, October ',ext. The house and land will bo taken over by Dlr. J.:Gasoho himself and the store property Iby `Ruby & Gazette 'A special 'meeting of I3ay council seas bold !recently, when the rue mh..r$ imet with! Mesas. Ashley of Hamilton of the l.phone. Co„, to lis mis. the new agreement (between the Tray "Telephone System and the 13ci1 Co.,, the old one having ;expired in Aug ast. No definite action has yet been deckle 'cd on test it expected bhat some sari... 4cal changes will be introduced when •the new agreement becomes effective THE EXETER TIMES cliffe, Hensel!, Michael O'Rielly .and. Card; filly or gelding, 2 yrs. old T. J. At;aDlivlaael 8c Son, P, Maloney, S. Keyes; y team in harness. J. Norris, swceir,stalees, J, !Rowecliffe,; ;Bank of Commerce Spee al, ,J RRowolfrfe, _ Heavy !.Draught -Registered heavy draught :brood mare withl foal` by her aide. W; A:IcAlluster & Son foal or 1116 by .registered mare, N. D1cAl lister ea Son; 'brood imare with foa Iby her side .Frank Coleman, foal o 13'16 :Wank 'Coleman; fitly three yrs old, Hobert Watt, Jas. Carling; geld irrg taree yrs. o.td R, Northcutt, le Viu stone, IR. Northcott; filly two yrs old. ltobt. Watt, R. !).,Bell; ge.idtn; two yrs, old, . Alex Wight, Andrew ArcLibald, ,filly or geldinj one year old, T. J. McMichael & Soo, James Darling„ 'best team, in Harness, Robt, Watt, J. J. Merner, P. Vanstonee sweebpatakes, W. 2. Smith, spacial Reber( Watt. Judges-atobt, Me':1lane and Jame M. !Semple, Milverton. Roadstcr,s-Brood' marc with foal by her !side,' W. Taylor, S. Keyes, R. T, :Dodds; Ifoai of 1;710, S .Keyes, W. Tay- lor, R. T. Dodds; filly or gelding 3 yrs. ole, Mat Elliott, S. J. Willed:, 1. d7 Raley ; f7.ily oe. gelding 2 yes. old T. J, Dtcalachael, E, ltozelle; filly or gelding 1 yr. old, A. J. Houston;' Road ster team, Jas. Williamson, J; .Caber jr.,; asirwgle roadster .in earnests, Elliott. Jas. Higginbotham, Thos. Fer- guson. ,Caurriage-Feel of 111Q,, Jas. Snz,i,th; Billy or ,gelding e yrs. old,' L. 'Ritz, L+'.. Willert; ,filly or gelding :2 yrs. old, F. A. Wood, 13:Willert, If. O'Rilcy tlliy or gelding 1 yr. old, Wm. Berry Jr.,, single carriage horse, A. Gard;n- er, Douglas & Son, Jaa. Van Egmond cairage'team, E. J. Willert Judge -Fl. J. Darroch, Listowel. Crediton Farmers, We ere trying to antici- pate your wants, if its flour or feed you want to give( .Cha a call,. -Harvey Bros. , i APPI RS WANTED Tire Exeter E ti e porator wi 1 pay 40e per 100.bs for paling applei3.-3. Sutton, Manager. Mr. Jas. hill i:, suffering severely from a stroke. Rev. P..Ban s 1 p. at a f.w days last week at his home lege. ,lar. Orme !!bought a new Ford sear from Milo Snell last week. rlx:sa rllargas'et Anderson is 'visit- ing Ther sister in Ailsa, Craig. and Mrs. W. A. Sambrook!' are spend:ng a few days in London visit- ing roe atives. Miss. Otto ,Brown and rl:ildren of Erie, Mich.,. are visiting ibex- t:.ster, JUas. H. F. Eiiber. Mr. Sweet and 'daughter. of Thorn- hill, Man ,. are visiting at the home oL Dir. Jas. Hoag.ns. 'Rev. Snowden of Ailsa Craig will preach' to the Methodist church Sun- day evening next`. The Ieunday school Rally of the Dletho:d'st will be ,hu;ld next Sunday moaning. October the 8th. , Bev. Prof. Potter of ,Victoria Uni- vdreity preached in the Methediet- church cat Sunday morning last in t.h: ici. erest of Education. Dashwood Mies MoDougal spent Sundry at ler Lome ,xi _Baytield. Inspector Tom paid a visit to oar school on Ther_day, Miss Finkbeiner spent Sunday at her 'home .n Crediton. lLr. Oscar Hartle b spent a yew days at his home here, 'Xis:. Ida Goetz of Chicago is; visit- ing her parents at present. M's. J ;Ilo,askin) and ,family of St. Thomas axe visiting relatives here. Mr. ,,Ra;rl •Graupner of Stratford as spending a few wleek, at ;tis home rete, Dfir. and 'A1,ns. R. Stade of Zurich, open:. Sunday with the form r,'rs par- ents .'hexc. t11Lr. A,.ratutsig and iamii'y oia. Strat- ford spent) Sunday with' lir .and,. Mrs. Jack Eidt. Nrs. F. I'reiter, Sr., left Wcdn:iaday for Lindsay where she will visit her daughter .or some time. Der. end Mae. V. Fl sytvood of Exeter spent 'Sunday. with thee latter's par- ents, Mr. and lllrw. P. Kraft! Greenway M's's Nellie .Hudson Sof Detroit is visiting at home DIr: Silbourne English spent the week end at home here. Miss Emma MoPhersoe tof ,Lonaon is home for a few day„ Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie of Alicia Craig visited friends here on Sunday Dllr. Arthur Milan and air. •Laaw. mance Ourts went to Guelph on Sat. urday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Baker of Grand Bend visited at ;Mr, !Wa t. s Extglax>xi'.s on !Monday. Bev. ;Ii Williams began a series of special services in the Methodist' 'church, on Sunday a Y last. The meetings Lng 3 begin at 7.45 each evening and every one .is welcome. The anniversary eerviois in l:he lifethcd:st church oh Sunday were very ,succo sful i.n fevery way. The pleasant' weather , enabled targe crowds to attend both ;services, The afternoon S,'rvice was conducted ny thq {pastor, Rev, f. Williams and he preached an inspiring irinrn � tand .helpful sermon . .Th e mt vic w as furnished l th �larttto etanatiug of iev. We1Uanas, Me:=srs, bV.Hicks, G. Clens and W. ;Brown and was enjoyed by 51I, Thoi evening dr vzce Was in charge of ltev. A. F. Lloyd. of P,zr'khill, ,who delighted the large congregation with >tl, la ka,b,le r'rmon, Thi s , ma x was •F;ivrn by the Ladies Trio of C,redi.ton in their 'usual happy mann ,r, The than' offer:nri was ovor ',80.((0 and will be de.votca to the :repatriate of the sheds The following he a Het of the win- ners in tb-c allowing of horses at the Seaforth fair. ;FIORSES Ag'rienitutal-'23rood share with fot1 by .her side,. Alert Wright; foal o° 1316 1.lex Wight, tferbert Crich, filly or sge:d:rrg Latee yeatzss ►1d, John Itowe- Krkton fair Rain on Friday was Girt lack to attendance Exibita we; e c o )d--- SI lendid showing of horses Merton Fair was .held on Tuurday and .Friday of last week. The weath- er was anything bat favorable con- sequently the gate %receipts were not up to 'the average, The :exhibits, idowever, were good in most line's. The indoor showing wars splendid aria the judging of the horses lasted. to a late houx. Thetreasurer Will be at 'aerators Saturday: November the 4th to pay prize money; Fo;!lowing tare the prize winnars; !HORSES General Purpose -Brood mare, i+s( PA'S. #lackle'rN'foal of 1:110, est, W. .. IIod.�c, P. S. •131acJ:ler; three ye•arold 1st, .Geo. Penhale; two year old, 1•::t W. Hodge, 2cd, .S. Coleman; one year old, ist, W. Hodge, 2nd, D. Goulding; team, 1st, A. Gunning, 2nd, 3. Decker, '3rd, L. Tkompson WI: horse or cunt ii class, W. Hodge. ,Agricultural -Brood mare 1st, fila, Frames, 2nd, W. J. (Rea; foal of 1110 1st, 'W, J. Res, 2nd, E. :Francis; two year old, 1st..W. Hodge, 2nd, J. Norri, 3rd, 1W. Brock; one year old, lst., W. 3, Rea. 2nd, A.'DX. Doupe; team, 1st, J. Norris, 2nd. •yv-. !Brook, 3rd, J.. Nor- ais,; ,.best is class, )W. J. 'Rea. Heavy .Da'aught-Brood marc, lst, C. Atkinson, 2nd, R. Thompson; Loal of 1110, 1st, 0. AileLn-on; two year old, let, 0. Atkin:on, 2nd, J. .Norris 31,d, W'. ,rock; one year old, lst, W. Bodge; team, 1st, +T.•I`.an;on, 2nd, E, Rodd, 3rd, Arksey Bros; b.st in clasas T. 1'anson. James Morets Spe:iel'for.toys judg- ing- 1st, A. Hanna ; 2nd, 'W. Road- house. Hackney and Mad,ge's Special -W. 3. .Rea. , Roadsters -Foal of 111.0. S. A. Tuft., Nelson Watson; three year old •filly or gelding, R. Clark, John Ellingsoc; two year old filly or gelding, John Decker, Jr., Thompson. (Bros; :single roadster. John Decker, Jr.'W m. Brock, L, A. Ball; span roa,dsters. John Docker; Saddle horse, Neil Steph enson, 'Waiter 'Bastin, Wm. Hyde; best hone or colt in class, John Deck- er, Jr.,; Carriage -Brood mare Laving rais- ed foal in 1310. S. A. Tufts, Hobert Ttompson,; foal of 1310, Robt. Thomp- son; tares year old filly or geldin 11. Clarke„ single 'carriage Losse, E alter Rea, .co. Cos:, Archir Morgan span carriage horses in )farness„ Ale fotson, D. Douglass & .Son, best ho. s or colt in blase, Elmer Rea. t• s corn, Thos. (Crewe, David Foster. zI 1!716, 1 and '2, Neil Stephenson; snow Tittered in 1110, 1 and 2 Neil! Stephen SOIL , >a likllflLl POULTRY Old birds landchicksof 1116.—Or- pington, white, bld 1st Earl !Berry; young; 1 and '2 :Earl Berry; orping- ton., black young, W. N. Gun ging; game, Cornish. Indian, old 'Wm. Yule plymou.th rock, white, old, 1st and and Neil Stephenson; 'oun,g Neil Stepber..- son; plymoutb :rook, barred old;, 1st & 2nd, Wm. Yule young 1sb Win. Yule; 2nd, Jno. McCullough; plymouth rock partridge. old, 1st, Wm, Yule; young 1 and, 2 Jno. McuCllough; wyandotte white, old, 1st Milton Gregory; young W. N. Gunning; Rhode Island !Red, singie comb, old, list, John Epplett; young, Jno, Epplett; Rhode islarid 'Red. rose 'comb, young, W. N. Gun- ning; mine:roe, black, eingIe comb, ext, W. Sinclair, F, Pridhare; ,table young, Ellis !Roadhouse. . squeal% A. M. Doupe, W. Mack; mem- loth squash, J. O'al3rien, S. Doupe; onion Leghorn, white, single 'comb, old, white or yellow, T. Crewe, N. 'Doupe; onions, red, S, Doupe; 'cucum:be.re, S. Doupe, W. tsinol.air; col. of vegetables T. Crewe. . Specials -Col. of aroobs., 'R, Thomp- son; son; sunflower, j. lliams, FRUITS Apples -Summer ,'(variety-Duche s of Oldenburg, W. Hanna; sweet peat; W. Sinclair, M. Bretboeer; 6weet hough, 1S. Doupe; yellow transparent, S. Routley. Pall Varieties -Blenheim pippin, W. 'Whetstone, E. Roadhoat'se ; maiden's blush, S. Creighton, Deseson Bros; alexander, J. Routley, I, Marshall; wealthy, W. Whetstone, Dawson Bros culvert, W. Whetstone; eayuga, Red Streak M. Brethour, E. Roadhouse; St Lawrence, J. IIlreighton, W. N. (Gunning ; fall pippin, L Marshall, E. RRoadtoase: strawberry, W. Whet- sCregtone 20oz. . pippin W. Hamra, J. htcn• . Winter Varieti s-Ealdwin, F. Prid- ham, D Foster; Falls%%ater, S Doupe; Golden Russett, E.Shute, J,Creightoe ; Roxboro Russett, W.Sinclair; ilann, W Sinclair, W. 2anna; King o' Tamp kins S. Doupe, W. Sinclair; Northern Spy. ,VI.Rrethour, I. Marshall; On.ario Tent Denham, W. :Hanna; Pee-auk:a S. Doupe W. Sinclair; R.I. Grenings W. Sinclair, D. Foster; Robson Pip- pin A, Dou, e, Dawsoa Bros; Snow, TArack, E. Roadhouse; l'alman m (M Sweet E. Rozdhouse, A, Doupe, othervariety , J. Routley, W. Hanna. Crab Apeles-red, W. Hanna, et: Frances yellow, W.Hanna, !.Marshall, Plums -Abundance, Wm. W'aetstone Orewe, Wm, Hlanna; delewares, Wm, 'Hanna, !C � d.. r e VL empirei' state, a to 0. , Foster; pearl of (savoy,'Wmo lianria;. any other ve.riet,Y, 1 and 2 'Hobert Thompson, three varieties, T, Crelve;. Swedish turnips, quality, Ira Mar- shall, David Faster; heaviest 'turnips, trio' Marshall David Fostert field car- rots, Tkos,,Crewe, David Foster; man- golds, long fired, Thos. , :Crewe, Arthur Francis; m,•angoids, intermediate, r ^ ate, tn. (Poster, Robt, Thompson; marigolds, yellow, Robt Thompson, David Fos- ter; heaviest ma zgolds, Nathan Doupe sugar mangold!s, Robt, Thompson, 3. O'Brien; garden icarrots, long, Frank MoNaughton. Wm. , Atkinson; garden carrots, t:hort David Foster, Wm, Mack; parsnips Thos. Samuel' 'Routley; blood beets long, Nathan Doupe, Samuel Switzer; blood beets round, Samuel !Doupe, Nathan Doupe beads of cabbage white. Win. Sinclair Nathan Doupe; winningstead cabbage, N. Doupe. W. Sinclair; treads of eauli- fiower, W. lSbaclair; heads of celery N. Doupe, W. Meeks 'tomatoes, F. Me Naughton, J. Williams; eltron, round 0. Levy, R. Thompson; oitron, long, W. Sinclair, 70'. Pridham; pumpkin, •red, J, O'Brien, S. Doupe, watermelon W. Sinclair, W. Whetstone; musk mei 1st. Neil Stephenson; 2nd Earl Berry; young, 1st. John +0-lerien; 2nd, Neil Stephenson; Leghorn, white, rote comb, young, Everett Doupe; leghorn brown single comb, young, John Epp • lett; 'campine, tsilaer, old, John Me Culloch; young, John McCulloch; toulouse, old 1 and 2 Neil Stephenson yews& 1 and 2• John -Stephenson; geese Emden, old, 'Arthur H. Doupe; ducks, Pekin, old '1 and 2 Neil Stephenson; young 1 and 2 Neil Stephenson; ducks; Rouen young, '.Earl (Berry; turkeys, bronze old, Neil Stephenson. PETS C;ollection of pigeons, old, let, Jas. Atkey; 2nd, Ralph tDenham; pair of Guina pigs, old Andrew Stewart. young Andrew Stewart, Specials ;Black Cochin cajoles, Earl Berry; Indian runner duck, young Jno O'Brien; ferrit, Theron Creary; white kat. Ira Shier; col. of canaries, Jas. Atkey. ' GRAIN 'AND SEEDS , Fall wheat, white, Amos Doupe, M. Brethour„ fall wheat red, M. Breth- our; 6 -rowed barley, Amos; Doupe, 31, lB.rethour; large oats, DT. Brethour; common oats, Robert Thompson, Amos Doupe; 'black oats, M. ;Brethour; tim- othy seed, Wm. Sinclair, Amoss Doupe; white ;beans, Thos. iCrewe ; ears Irid- ian earn, 'Wm. Sinclair, Adam M. Doupe; ears {sweet corn, Frank Mc Nauigtton, ;Wm. 'Sinclair; stocks of Ensilage corn 'land ears, David 'Fos- ter. Ira 'Marshall; ears of Ensilage !CATTLE ;Bulls -Two year old !shorthorn, 'W m. Flea ha,. Shorbhar'n-Milch cow, 1 and 2 R. D. Hunter; 'two year old heifer, R. D. Hunter; our: year old heifer, •.R. D. Hunter; buil calf under one ,year, 1 end 2 Roy Nethercott: heifer calf under ,,z•ne year, R. D. Hunter, Roy nethcrcott„ best animal in class, R. D:, Bunter. Jersey -Milch cow, Jacob Taylor,' Richard Selves; one wear old heifer,l Jas. Atkey;. ,Ayrshire -Milch now, Richard Sel- ves. Aberdeen. Angus -Milch 'cow, Rich. Selves; heifer under one-year, Rich. Seives, I3alsteiats- 1 and 2 Ira Marshall; two year old heifer, Ira. Marshall; one year '01d heifer, Ira eiarsahll; best animal in class, Ira Marshall - Herefords -Milch cow, John Cooper Son; John IDelbridge ; two year old heifer 1 and 2 John Delbridge. one year old 'Leifer, John' Hooper andSon ball calf under one year, John Dei - bridge„ heifer 'calf under one +year. 1 land 2 R. D. hunter.; best animal in class, John iDolbridge. Grade Cattle -Milch cow, Chas. At- kinson, Ephraim Bern; two year old Leifer, John Delb:ridge, Ephraim Hern one year old .heifer„ David, Foster, J. De'ibridge, heifer ball under one year, David Foster; l,teer calf, David Foster Wan. Hanna; two year old steer, Silas; N. ,Shier, !Dawson :Bros;, one, year old. lteer, 1 and 2 John +Delbridge; fat cow or (heifer, John lDelbri.dge, Rr, 1). Bonier.; t, .Dwson- !Eros. treayt fat animalox (.n,or czasrs.eerJohnaDel bridge. SIIEEI' Oxford (Downs -'Raza two years old ex over, 'John Morp.het ram. .lamb, John Morphet ; 'elve having raised lambs in 1116, John Morphet;, shear- lLg owe, John Morphet; ewe lam ', 1 and "L Neil Stephenson. Leicester -Ewe lams having raised lambs in, 1116, J. and 2 Geo. Pen:tsl'•' Shropshire Downs -Ram lamb, 1 and 2, Arthur P. 'Doupe; ewe, having raei- ed lambs in 1110, Arthur H. tloupe; stearling ewe, Arthur 11. Doupe; ewe. lam' Arthur II, !Doupe. Lincolns -Two years old or over,, Geo. .Pe.nhaie, N, it Stephenson; `ram one year old, Geo. Penhale, Neil Step- henson; ;ram lamb. 1 and 2 Neil Stephenson; ewe having erased laneba in 1116, 1 and 2 Neil Stephenson; shcarling ewe, 1 and 2 Neil Stephen• son; ewe lamb, Geo, Pentiale, Neil Stephenson;. HOGS Yorkshire- Aged Boar, Garnet lulu cis; so%% having raised pigs in 11f(i, Garnet Miners; boar littered in 1:716 1 tend 2 Garnet; Miners; u;.ow littered id 1316, 1 and 2 Garnet Miners. 'Berkshire -Aged ,Pion., w,:on Brea sow laving` raised in la10 Dawson pig's Bros; boar littered in 1.310, Dawson tiros; law littered in pis, 1 and 2, ;Daw,son Profs, antwort h -Aged Boar, Neil Sttpll: n f ow h'lying iraiwcd pigs in 1110 Stephenson; ;hoar ,littersed izl son ; Neil ROOTS AND VEGETABLES 'Rural New York. potatoes, Thomas f,ambtcs d. c2iss Jennie Robipsa n r NOou e� Pond's Seedlings, 1,Dofiret WAtkinson; other variety, W.W1a,:tsone W,Atlsireson; 'coi eeta:ea, W.Atkins<rn; special for Bradshaw, W. Atkinsoar, Pears -Sheldon, W. Atkinson, ,Wrp, Whetstone, Bartlett, A.N, Doupe, W Whetstone; Clapp's Favorite, W, Whetstone; Flemish Beauty, C. Atkin son; Others. 'E,Doupe, M.Bxethous, Grapes. --Special, Red Cross Work, Patriotic League; Blue, W. Whet- stone, )Mrs, 1+la.rria':t, Green, Mrs. T. Marriott, .Axncr3 :Doupe. DAIRY !PRODCI'CE 25 lies buttes D. Foster, Mrs. i1Tar- iriott: butter in :prints, Mrs. J.14Loore airs Marriott, in crock, W, Siirclai,r 11. Foster. FLOWERS ERS Rare Plants -T. Washburn, bouquet hIyrtie Sweitzer, Jas. Rundle, Foliage Plants t.M. Sweitues, T. Washburn.. LADIES' WOItK. •Counterpa'ne, ,chochet, Miss 'Eliza A Shier, (Miss Jennie Robinson,; knitted Mrs. Marriott; Patchwork quilt, Mrs, Joh t Irvine. Miss Robinsoa; crazy Quilt, ,;Miss' Robinson, Miss Shier, com- forter, down, Dawson Bros, Mrs, Isaac Bailey; woo', Mrs, Bale)", Dawson 13ros Afghan , patchwork, Miss Robinson, G S Beavers; cotton, Miss !Robinson, Miss Marry lcCallun i; word,.. W Sin data, M:ss' McCa' um; Ladies•= urn1'era clothing, Jas. Creighton, Mrs, J. D. Gr team; col:ectian Miss Robinson, Mrs. Irvine; colt novelties,. 1esi.:'Jar• Janes Dawson Bros; Emb, table !loth and napkins, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Creigh ton; gmb. pillow cases and sheyt,Mrs Graham 'Mrs. Larkin; centre piece& tray dol., Mrs. Graham, Miss Sweitzer colored (Miss McCallum, Mrs,Marriott (Continued on !rage !four) GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD r. Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the tongue, mother! 12 coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. a Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which con- tainsafull directions for babies, chil- dren of an ages and for grown-ups. Liberal Clubs at London, Oct. 11th. WiL1•R10 LAURi Erg B_Ei•d 9� CREATE MAIN c1011N,5ON E.5.urri.e N W.ROWELL ago G EO.5. Gi8130r1,5 Prominent :anon • the men who esiIl be present are: Sir Wilfrid Laiarier; Mr: N. '. . Aioeseli, MG.) 1I.P.['.; lion. T. c. tiorri,4, I'retnier of Manitoba; G. D. Conant, Mayor of Oshawa and President of the Lib- eral Club Federation; George S. Gtbbotts:, Liberal nominee for the Federal riding of London; E. S. Lithe, '('resident of the London Liberal Club; Main Johnson. one of the founders of the Federation; and Bert IT. McCreath, Secretary of the Liberal Club Federation of Ontario, HE Annual Meeting of the Liberal Club Federation of Ontario will be held at London, Ontario, 0 n Wednesday of next week, October r 11 t h. There will be two sessions, the first at 1 p.m., at which the actual discussion of policy and topics will be the principal business a ' and. this promises to be of very great importance, in view of the many advanced policies being brought for- ward by different sections of the Liberal party. There will i Agriculture, Labor and ' P Sr well be a discussion on g Social Reforms, Citizenship, including graft and the patron- age system, Returned .Soldiers, and Nickel. Experts who have studied these subjects will be e results g present to give the of their investigations, and there will be a P general discussionof each subject by any who desire to take part. The monster banquet in the evening will be attended by_ and in addition there will be in attendancee �r more than 800,o about 7QV persons ns who will 1 be age 1 to hear the speeches only, as all the banquet seats have been disposed of. Any desfriag special tickets for the speeches only may apply to C. C. Ferguson, London . Liberal Club, London, Ont. g n •