HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-5, Page 4S. IFETO�iL1 TO WORK IN RED MOST OF TIME Her .Health Restored byLydiai E« Piuhham's Vegetable Compound., Indianapolis, Indiana: -- "My health wras so poor end my constitution so run down that I could not work. I was thin, pale and weak, weighed but 109 pounds and was in bed most of the time. I began tak- ing Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound and five months later I weighed 133 pounds. I do all the house- work and washing for eleven and I can truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- setable Compound bas been a godsend to me for I would have been in my grave today brat for it. I would tell all wo- araen suffering as I was to try your valu- able remedy."- Mrs. WM. GREEN, 832 S. Addison Street, Indianapolis,Indiana. There is hardly a neighborhood in this country, wherein some woman has not found health by using this good old- fashinned root and herb remedy. If „..,:ze is anything about which you world like special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, 'e.SS% hanksgiving rd e" SINGLE FAKE - • Etood going an.d returning Monday l:.etober itth RARE ANLi ONE-THIRD Food go:mg Uctober 7-8-a • !Returns *Inuit Uctcbee 10t] - 3 . gidiween ail stations in Canada east of fort. Arthur and to Detroit and Pt. •isms. 'Mich., :Buffalo. Black Rock, Niagara aealls and Suspension Bridge, ,Tickets oaf sale at Grand Trunk: tiok- at offices.. N. J. !Dore, Agent, Exeter .13 Fall Term from August 29th k COMMERCIAL 0 O SHORTHAND: AND TELEGRAPHY DEPTS °o 0 - Students may enter at any 4 • time. We place graduates in 4) positions During July and • August we reesived appli- e 1 retirees for Over 200 0 fiee i Leann wet nen pay Write for Our free catal- 4 ogwe at once_ i 4 flit. ga XcLas]i,lan, Prim • ell se . b•P- 48,•r9$4-0.0'0.1!'*y'�^•��.}�.rly4.• F1 r ers! Made in Canada Fertilizer $18 and $22 per ton Now is the time to buy wire fence be- fore it advances in price. Let me quote you on your needs in the hollowing Iines ,— All kinds of Lumber iheir dressed or rough. Shingles, Lath, Cedar Fence Posts, 8 ft long, 9 ft long and 10 ft long. Cement, Wall Board and Ready Roofing A..i1.. CUTWORM (IRANTOr 1 t i S DNB OF WEE; mportarrt Events Which Has) Occi rred Durir , the Weak. The Busy World's Happenings Care. lully Compiled and Pot hoe Heady and Attractive Shape to: the Readers of Our Paper --s1. Solid Hoerr"s Enjoyment. Coronel Sir Perry Sherwood or th, Canadian Eoliee is gazetted a K, C. M. G. of London. The British steamer Wyzncote, from Pbiladelphia for Glasgow, has arriv- ed in the Mersey with fare in her after hold. Word has been received that the 125th Battalion, now at Bramshott. Nxnects. to form part of the 5tli Division to be sent to France, Alfred jury, the Canadian Emi- gration Agent at Liverpool, Is ser- iously in, and is not expected to re- cover. He is formerly of Toronto. The Spanish Government has sent a note to Berlin protesting energeti- cally against the torpedoing of Span- ish steamers by German submarines, A telegram from Montreal re- ceived yesterday in Guelph announc- ed the death of the Rev. John C. Coffee, S,J., a former resident of the Iitter city. The Norwegian steamer Bufjord has been sunk, according to a Lloyd's despatch from Barcelona. The crew was landed. The Bufjord measured 1,489 tons net, . Wilfred Orchard, aged ten, son of Ii1rs. J,:banaa Richard, William street, London, was terribly man- gled and instantly killed late yester- day afternoon at the William street crossing of the Michigan Central. Mr.. 3. W. F Lavelle, chairman of the Imperial Munitions Board, le leaving early in October for Eng- land. It is understood that the ob- ject of his visit is to take up the question of Canada's contracts this winter. THURSDAY. The Quebec Legislature is sum- moned for the 7th of November. Galt Board of Trade proposes forming a joint stock company to erect a hotel. A shell -making plant at Welland, finding women excel men, will em- ploy two hundred of them, The Provincial License Commis- sion will test the salability of so- called "wines for invalids." Two wounded British officers, bound for Canada, held up at Ellis Island, New York, were released. The Toronto Board of Education has recommended the inclusion of Russian in the high school curri- culum. John Connolly, Liquor License In- spector for South Renfrew for 25 years, has been appointed for Ren- frew county. It has been announced unofficially that the Province of Ontario will give $1,000,000 to the Canadian Patriotic Fund. The labor leaders in New York are disappointed with the first day's re- sults of the sympathy strike, only 125,600 having quit work. Welland County Recruiting League., passed a resolution calling upon the Government for conscription, and will ask recruiting leagues through the Dominion to endorse this action, It is now feared that Henry Se- quin and Theodore Leroy, missing members of the crew of the Rober- vat, which foundered in Lake On- tario, near Oswego, Tuesday, are lost, S'ir Thomas White, Minister of Finapee, following a conference with bankers, cabled Canada's offer of an advance to the Imperial Government of $50,000,000, to be available for purchase of munitions and supplies here, Robert Beecher, sixteen, years old, was found guilty at Simcoe of killing John Simons of Forestville, Norfolk `county, Ontario, but Mr. Justice,. flute allowed him to go on suspend- -• provocation and the lad's previous good char- acter. FRIDAY. A German steamer was sunk in the Gulf of Bothnia. Italian troops raided strong Aus- trian positions on the Asiago plateau. The city of Paris loan of $50,- 000,000 was oversubscribed ten times in Iess than twelve hours. The 154th Battalion (Dundas,, Stormont, and Glengarry) is to go to the front as • kilted regiment. • im n t. The Dominion Trades and Labor Congress, in session in Toronto, asks for the repeal of the Industria? Disputes Act. The G. T. R. freight embargo against acceptance of shipments less than a carload from Niagara Falls. to Toronto 1, to been lifted. Mrs. Hugh M. Abercrombie while fishing along the Fraser River near Mission, B. C., touched a power wire with her rod and was killed. Not one arrest for drunkenness in twelve days under the new prohibi- tion regime, and a scarcity of other court eases, is Ik:ileville's record. In Hamilton kindergarten classes. and Sunday schools are ordered closed by the Medical Officer of Health on account of infantile paralysis. The Ont.:- n r;ahinet has approved formal a , • ents under which twenty-five 'ipalities will next January vo v -laws for building of Hydro -r running between Port trete Catharines, and 3ridgebirva Can ,y' 'f' et of separation allow ai see s and dependents of sol ren 'r; mere than $ 2,- 000,00„0 r . rd the Patriotic Fund, it is expending about $'i month among 75,000 f Gamin• laspector-Gen- • ural of tl forces, has va ,ated his; . on employ- nnee v; iparial forme Hujoe es is now om- irent riloyczi t'r <;t i".t.ftia office n pour. . al. Camp Bur•- THE EXETER TIMES C[-IIROPRACTIC , 1 •1 -4lq RR. K-TXO% The Master of Disease The cease of detsease removed from the spine --no !muse no affect,. You cannot bet around, !facto, 'ino matter how gkepteal; you are, and if youa'r'e not veli we can convince You. that ;Ciropractic is the aogioalecienoefor the relief of desease, based on a thorough knowledge of adjusting the vcT- te)arae of the spine (or backbone tines relieving interference with life ottr- rentis, which ite the cause of ;desease el l tee tel tlKli 1. net let I I 1eL l i• 1 1 The body, like any other machine will work normally whenall its partite sire(place Iso the energy will epplly lin the human body the energy Ls called life cumnentss. It is transmit•bed through the nerves from the brain dells to the tissue cells of the body and iso done fail the nerve, !channels are .free the Iife currents will pass to the place of function, end normal aetivity will !result -which mean HBALTli IC031811 t'w(s on any desease. One vi'•st will 'convince you 'that !Chiropractic is ritgh tr, 1 ' ; J. ,, I i 1 1 I 1 .Any of the organs Or glands ofsthe ibody • may ,become deseaced .froth pretss0ure on nerves. lilave this presisure ,removed, 'Whey treat effects? if You have any of the !following ailments, letop treating mete'ots, have the /cause removed -no eauae, no effect !We have helped your •friends, eve tan do the same for you • I s , . • 1 1 U f . Abscesses • Diabetes Atsthma . • Female. Weakness Appendicitis . Fevers lB. ronchitie ,Ga11 Stones !$ladder Troubles Goitre 'Constipation Heart Dei ens' IClataau'h l Hay Fever •Dyispepsia Insanity Deafness' Indigestion Jaundice Kidney 1Det ean:a Liver Ilroabees Lumbago Nervous Debility Neuralgia , Piles i . Paralyses , , P.hareine,itis Pleurissy Rheumatism in any part of thle body 'Sciatica Sight , Stammering St. Vita.,' Dance, Tie=douloureaux Urinary Deseases (These aline early a :few of the diseases;ah.outrlspaoclistliimibed' If 'you ere ' a auffe.iner ;from any ehronio trouble, gee 'Dr. -S. M. Jones Mondays, leeedneedays, and •Fridays,. Exeter, oppcsite the Roller Mille. iCjopnsul Cation and examination free. 1ls lw l IC Ll . L I L -,J' j 11 Li! lalet : _! den tend :elegant sat.• ru AV Eng tube ready to proceed oversew, Repree.entativea of municipalities in Niagara district approved the g' u - era! routes proposed for Hydro radials. Hon, G. Idoward Ferguson, Minia- ter of Lands, Forests, and Mines, denies t.h, report that the Appleton, Winconsiu, Pull; & Paper Company had secured through his department any pulp lands.. Manitoba Benchers recorded their frill conetdence in the judges of that Province and resented any insinua- tions against their honor. Hon. John Costigau, the last sur- vivor of the first session of the first Parliament of the Dominion, died -at Ottawa in his eighty-second year. The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada voted at Toronto yesterday to ask the Ontario Government to permit the retail sale of wine and Iight .beers. Stiffer punishment is provided for desertion from the expeditionary forces and with regard to seamen dis- obeying orders on merchant marine ships requisitioned for war service. The entire child population of the Bear Island Indian reserve, Time - ganef Lake, is afflicted with measles, two deaths have occurred, and there is need of a physician and medical supplies. The German Deputy Minister of War has been dismissed from office. A French aviator winged three enemy planes. in two minutes and zt half. Great praise N,Fan rendered by General Joffre to Haig's victorioua troops. It is reported that a life -belt from the german- merchant submarine Bremen, long overdue, was picked up oil the Maine coast. The London Daily Chronicle says the Food Price Committee will -re- caminend a meatless day each week for every one excepting manual faborers_ It declares retailers 'are pronittng excessively. rri O :: DAY. Six more vessels, four of thein British, are reported sunk. Coal prices in Woodstock to -day go up from $3 to $8.50 cash. and e9 credit. Londoners contributed $2,500 in a tag day on Saturday for the Se- cours National, - Lieut. -Colonel W. D. Allah, of To- ronto, has died from illness con- tracted at the front. Port Hope has had not a single arrest nor any police 'court ease in two weeks under prohibition. Registrations at the University of Toronto and the theological . colleges is sadly diminished owing to the war. John Grange, a farmer, of Amabel township, was killed by a train as be was crossing the track. He was somewhat deaf. Samuel Milburn of Colfax, Ia., Nicb, P. Kirscht, address unknown, and Oliver Butler, Chatham, were killed at Chatham by a fail from an 80-footsmokestack, stack which collapsed. e The Dominion Tprades and Labor Congress concluded its session in Toronto on Saturday, after passing many resolutions, including one ask- ing for the exclusion of Asiatic labor. During its two weeks' operation in Toronto prohibition has made good, returns showing a remarkable decrease in di _ nkenaess. Business is also reported to have improved in different quarters. Speaking to the Canadian Press, LIoyd George, Minister of War, said yesterday that the Canadians at Courcelette� "were in. advance of. the band. Thank God we have more of them coming,” he added. Two dogs while coon taunting in Malabirle are reported to have crawl- ed two miles through a fourteen -inch drain., but got stuck in one of twelve - 1 inch diameter and were finally releas- ed, apparently unharmed, by a farm• h un his feet. er who based a noise der t TUESDAY. The 110th (Perth) Battalion has been reorganized into three • com- panies. The latest Greek Cabinet has re- signed, owing to pressure from the k,Ilies. Vegetables and fruits in the Nia- gara district haVo been damaged two nights by frost. A fow Canadians are to be taken for the Royal 1t'Iying Corps, to be eraiued without expense to them - elves. Stuart Taylor was committed for trial. on a eh.argi; of shooting Con- stable Mitchell, at. Burlington, with inter«! to %.ilI, AIa'ttneet;, fir, 11 trT"eine ..ars clef, SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTIOI' THUiItiSDA`1, CqTOB;EItt5t1tit /31 0. Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. Time it! In five minutes ati stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomachirem- edy in the whole world and -besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by •getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from Minutes drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer uffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor iu the world. down an mu- elevator cntmaey of Owen Sound, nearly 150 feet, and was instantly killed. The Directors of National Service have been named for the several military -districts, and are shortly to confer in Ottawa as to their duties. The police are investigating an aIIeged conspiracy on the part of three Germans from Detroit to blow up throe canning factories in Kent County. George Morrill 'cif Danville and John Smith, Richmond, Que., were killed when an automobile went over a thirty-foot embankment near'Nico- let Fallo. Dr. Deeiyn Windsor, physician for the Calgary School Board, is going on active service with the A.M.C•, the first C=a :alar woman doctor to go to the front. A court ccs poeed of Lieut. -Col. Spittal, Lieut. -Col Greer, and Major Listen commenced investigations yesterday Pato charges against three nen-commissioned officers of the Toronto Base Iiospital. Extensive deposits of nickel ore vire found in the Island of New Caledonia by Professor W. G. Miller, Provincial Geologist and member of Ontario's Nickel • Commission, and Mr. Thomas Sutherland, Inspector - f ?,fines, • threaten to Raz: Roumanian Capita? LJNDON, Oct. 3.—"In their lat- est Laid on. Bucharest," says The t'hucs Bucharest correspondent, "the ,:rer:aan aeroplanes dropped proclam- nnations declaring that Bucharest will be laid in ruins soon unless Ron- aania hastens to make a separate peace." Posed as Niece of Sir Sam. LONDON, Oct. 3.—Dorothy Lang- rish, daughter of a county gardener, who posed. in London as the niece of Sir Sam Hughes, and who became known at several big hotels as Little Miss Canada, through her popular- :tywith the young officers, has been sentenced to two mouths in jail for ;tenting jewelry. Italian Steamer Sunk. MARSEILLES. via London, Oct. 2 — The Italian steamer Enrico .cillo has been sunk in the Mediter- • anoan in a collision with a French steamer. Part of the crew` of the Enrico Millo was saved. The vessel measured 3,542 tons and was bound from New York to Genoa. Two cases of alleged solicitation for sales by former liquor shops are angaging the attention of the Pro- rincial License Board. • Kirkton Fair : (Corr'':inured Erten pain. fi e) co, centre piece, Mrs, Graham, Mrs} Thos. (Marriott, Roman Emil, Mrs. T M',irriott, M, Brotherr; Emb. on silk, Mrs. Marriott; on linen, Mrs, Graham Mrs Marriott; on Bolting cloth, Mrs. Marriott; 'eyelet, Mrs. Graham Mrs, Jones . ideal. I=Jonitan lace, Mrs, Gra- ham Jas. Creighton; pont lace, '1VIrs, Gral, m ; I-'ardanger °work,, Mrs. Gra • burn hies. Irvine; 'drawn work, MMlrs J. Jones ,Mrs. Graham; p'ui;a;v sham:c,ait•s' Moore 'Mts. McCallum;; luncheloot, Mrs Geattam !Mrs. Jones; Battentiurg lace, Mrs. Jones; child's dress,. _vets. Intent! firs, Gralham; rag carpet, Wm Sinclo ', iMiee Jent'tae Robinso,t; !flip -T pe:s l'fi:s McCallum, Mrs. Graham; oto ilil'0•v, silk, ,Mrs. Irvine, W clef : woo:en, Miss Shier, Mrs,ivrarr o:tt crochet centre piece, lairs. Gral:atn,Mrs JOntts punch work iamb. Mrs, Irvine; Aueliuu sale: 'AtICTiO14 SALE. •, f . FARM, STOCK 4 IMPLEMENTS Wtu. E/ Nauru hes ,receii',ed instruo- tions 'from Robert • Heal to etell by - leebtlie tAuotion on Lot 2J, Pon. y. "N'ullau•tosa, 2. 1-2 miles north ,weet at 1+'ullla.rtow ,Village", on Wednesday, Get, 18th, 1110„ •comnsencing et 1 o'eiook ish!arrp, : • - 'HORSES -General ,pua'poso Mare, ",grey" 8 years old; '2 agrioultural geldings, Irieing (i years odd; 2 gener- al ,purpose mares, rising •5, years old, OIATTLE-One Holstein cow, due to calf Nov, 10th; 3 holstein cos due to loalf next {se'ing; 7 .Dulrhatn cows( due to calf irebrua;ry and Marcie; ;8 trio yeah old asteexts; 7 two year old .heifers, 0 ysar.ing oalve(s, J year- ling,. Eerifers, 8 (spring Calves. eie tGS-Brood pow with litter a e ,foot, brood soev due to farrow, be Dee, 3 shoats, about 1251bs. 30 heels, IMPLEMENTS -Maxwell , binder; ldlaxweel (mower; laniernational hay' loader; ,Peter Hamilton seed drill; 12' hoes; hay rake, 'cultivator, land role lejr, Set of fterrowiy, 2 sets of trucks hay mole, turnip sower, buggy, waik- iang plow, 2-1.1arwow riding plow, root pulper, tstoek ecales, 30001bs; corn oul- tivator, wheel ,barrow; 1 ,.-2 . horse-: power gasoline engine, 2 irnit Hines main milking machine, mew; milk Gan 3 milk .[pails, 2 cauldron kettles, log- ging ,cretin, 2 sets, double harness, democrat; .10 empty nee boxes, deme narrow, (circular saw, ,(arks:; hoes and shovels 'and ;other articles useful on a farm; - C'ositively Inc) Ireeerve as the prop- rietor has sold his ,farm. TF,RIIIS-12 (months !credit swill ,be given on .furnishing approved joint notes ,or a di.,count of 5 per cent per, annum off foe oast; in lieu of !notes,.. Robert Heal, Wm. E. Nairn' Proprietor. • ..0.uctione sr, Crediton. Deane -cod. , Auction Sale FARM, STOC1i & 1DIPLEIYIENTS The undersigned auctioneer will sed 'by public Auction, Lot C., don., J, Usboi,ne, 3 miles isouth of Wine Chelsea, Thursday ,October 1Jth 1910 at 12 o'clock sharp the fololwing prop, erty, viz., HORSES -Aged team, 1 filly ,tris - 3,; one team of heavy geldings Tieing 3, 1 percheon !filly, rising, 2. 1 .Clyde idly, rising 2,; 3 agricul- tural. geldings. 'rising c2; 1 blood filly wising 2; 1 good blood gelding rising '3 by Fletcher; 1 good driver rising 5 by Lord Roberts. CATTLE -One ,young cow ,due 16th, Nov; 2 young cows due 10th Dec.; 1 now due 8th March; 1 caw due may 51h; 1 cow due ,about May 1st; 1 goad Holstein due about March 26th; 3 steers, !rising 3; 1 fat heifer; 4 hei- fers. 2 year 'o:d; 4 heifers, rising 2 10 steers r:ning 2; 7 calves. This is a choice lot of stook P1GS-One sow due at time of ease 7 pegs 2 •montha old. •GB.UN-150 bus. (Oats ;fit for seed. IMPLEMENTS -One truck wagon;, good hay raok, gravel box new; set of Ibob lale'gbs; Massey '.Harris binder eft. 'cut, a good one; Maxwell mower• and cultivator; horse crake; lfannicg mite with bagger; long plow; ;Cock - shut gang plow; road scraper; one set of trcaJes 2000 fibs, cap. ;with, rack for basement; need ,drill, 'a number of grain bags; democrat wagon wagon sling ropes and large ropes and pul- leys, all in good condition; roller; Maxwell; fpulper; set double harness; 2 rebs 'of single harness; wagon box pig week; 2 seta of tivhififletrees ; 2 neck yokes; te000p shovel; 1 set wag- on springs; straw stack to be fed on farm ;( forks, Foes land numerous art- icles 'usually found ton tt farm. TERMS Ten dollars and •under, (West, over that' amount 12 months credit on ap- proved; joint •{notes or 4 per sent per annum on credit amounts. Oats cash. Rabe. Taylor, •R. S. 1�Brown, Proprietor ; f < Auct. s R. R. No. 1 Granton. J. W. Skinner, clerk. coronation 'braid work, Mrs. J. Jones; nisei crochet, Miss McCallum Mrs. 1'. Marriott. Tatting, Mrs. Graham, Miss Robinson: irate mat, M.Brethour, t•Ji• Robiunoa; gloves, also stockings, Mrs. Marriott; woolen mics, Mrs. Grahain, Mrs Marriott; darning, Mrs.Graham Mrs Creighton; patches, Miss McCal- lum ,Mrs. Graham; .doylies, Mrs. Gra- ham Mrs. Jones, dinner mats, Miss E r Shies,Jas Creighton; tea any, Mrs. knitted Graham. Miss Robinson; kat ad r ace in comes, Mrs. Irvine, Miss Robinson; crochet Tn wool, firs. Graham, James Creighton, pin cushion, Mrs. Graham Jae Creighton; button holes, Mrs Gra- ham Jae.. Ci eighton; plain sew.ing,cl;.tto machine. 'sewing, Jas. Creighton, Mrs. Graham, fancy towels, Mrs. Graham; Mr.; Jones; Iancy hdkfs, Mrs. Graham Mis: i' obinsoa; hdkf case, Miss Rob- inson. Jas. Atkey; shirt 'waist, Mrs. Graham ; working shirt, W. aincla'r, Mese Rob:nsoci; specials -table ecarr, Myrt t Ssveii.znr, Emb. Towel Rack; Mrs Jones. FINE ARTS Crayon o: pastel, R. Taylor, .Mrs. Gr:thzm, Coll, photos, Mrs. Grahatn, Mien Shier; photo, Mrs. Graham; eeu- ci, drawing, R. Taylor, Mrs. Graham; painting '.in o':l, fruit or flower, Mrs, Crws-19 .on glass, also figure, R.Taylor f -.tae e 'Mrs., Jones,R.raY_. or, e n en ink sketch, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Gra- ham pyregran hy, Mrs. Jones; water 010 , ianas.c:.ape, Mrs. Jones ,Mrs.Graa hem: piaroed brass, 'Infra Jones; eec- Als .painting on silk, Dawso:u l?ro:s, col stencillmg; Miss Amen Urquhart. CANNED FRUIT Col pie.k',es, D. Foster; peaches, 5 C"i;hton. D. Cre:gh'oi; plums, Mrs, lYlo•o:•e J• Creighton; currants, Jamas Crat•chto_t; pears, Miss Urquha:'t, Mtas M ;C tl'u-n; cher:lea Jas. Creighton, I tM,,-sr,aY' gco,eherrl;'s, W. S'n,fair, I lfirshall; raspber•.ies, Jas Creighton D C,sigh ton ; sir'twl1^ .'i's clr"o; taneto:4 \V• Sinclair; Miss 'Urquhart other \na0icty, W, S:nrla;r, I,om'•-made bregi J ton, Mrs. Ma -r".0. t; ma•• I,1�• sugar, I)awsOrt Bras,; inse'•e setup Adam ;hi, Donne, S. •Do'T e; Pity, D. INCORPORATED 1855 ••••01/00 OOOOOOO s �^ fMQLSONS BAN CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches In Canada ;A General Bankinr Business Transacted .IRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT', BANK MONEv ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT :sterest stowed at highest current rate. W. 0. CLARKE, Manager, Exeter Branch wilmimak THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V•O., LL.D. D.C.L., President. JOAN AIRD, General Manages. H. V. F. JONES, Ass't General Nlapeastece, CAPITAL, $15;000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,5O0,0.0(1 BANKING BY MAIL - Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Ba* - of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the saI r careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's. business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way nett„ satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. afl Exeter Branch— A. F. Kuhn, Manager. CR.EDITON BRANCH -S. 111. JOHNSON. Manager rum Ths Harmless but KM - cent rsmetly tor Headsc - Neurale ta,Anasmiia.Sleep,- liasnsss, Nervous E�•- haustton, &c, • Ci rado Mart Rest,teraat 1 000 AT ALL DRVOetfTR. AP W Ot7a MM. GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ - COLLINGWOOD, ONT. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Robert Campbell, of the Township of flay, County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred-f itors and others having claims ag-1 ainst the eecate of the said Robert Campbell, who died on and about Aug !est, ,13th, 1916, are !required on or 'be- fore October 9th, 1916 to send by post prepaid or deli,rer to Messrs, Gladman & retanbury, of the Village of L'xe-' ter. Siol:citors for t he Executrix, 1 of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the secer• ieties, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after said lent mentioned date the said Exe- cutrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims oI which (she shall then heave notice and that the said Executrix shall not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix Dated at Exeter the 1Jth day September, 1916. t s c JAS. BEVERLEY FURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and Funeral Directeen Phone 74a. Night Call 74b EXETER, ONTAR DR G. F. 1tOULSTON, L.1J 8, RMS DENTIST t a Honor Graduate of Toronto 'UnsiVe0s site. Office over Dickson '& limo ling's Law office. Closed Wedn,eas• day afternoons. Phone Of4'iee lap Residence 5b. LE, A. R. KINSMAN L'.,Delli D.D.L Honor Graduate of Toronto n7 errity 1 , , • DENTIST ;e1a 9th extracted withoai peilm p$ any bad effecta. Office over Mails roan it Stanbury'r Office Main 1111111 Exeter, •I .. s,. t •L4&1 i J• W, BROWNING M. D. a P. S, Graduate Victoria Using' sity Office and residence 1Domiinis* Labratory., Exeter, ,. Associate Coroner of Huron : 1 f of I. IR. CARLL G, B. A. , , ,g1.143 Foster, Miss McCallum. MISCELLANEOUS Set single harness, F. A. Taylor; set tear. harness, F. A. Taylor; honey in eection, Frank McNaughton, M. Breth- oar; honey extracted, M. Drethour, F. McNaughton ;display boots, and .shoes W. N. Gunning; suit Canadian tweed W. ie. Gunning. SPECIAL PRIZES Beat dairy cow, any breed, IraMar- shall, Jacob Taylor; Lady driver, J. Decker Ceo. Co e • Col. baking, Mil- dred t-dred Moore; Best light horse or colt any age Ebner Rae; Best siuglc turn- out, driven. by a lady and owned by exhibitor, G. Coss, J, Decker; Best 5 lbs butter, Dawson Bros; Col. Bar- red Rocks, Wm. Yule . . PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS DEPT. Pencil drawing, Velma Doupe, Fred C. 1,hack Iva Francis; Col wild flow- ers, Elsie •Pridham, Gertie Francis; Col. weeds E. ,Prkllham, G. Francis; Col weed seeds, E. leri,dham; Co;. in . furious insects, E. Pridham; Cal. pho- tos. ,Wilbert Williams;; Col, native woods, Ira McCurdy; Late potatoes Orville Roger, Jessie Mule, E. Prid- ham; garden carrots, .Venda Moore, W Williams, I. McCurdy; parsnips, V, Doupe V. Moore, J. Yule; cucumbers. I. McCurdy, V. Moore, F. C. Mack; sweet corn, W. A. {Doupe; pop corn, W• ADoupe, J,Yule, W. Yule . �ut - pn. O. Roger, F. O. Mack, C. Swit- zer; watermelons, E. Pridham, Willie Loupe; citi on, E. Gunning, Kathleen O'Brien, O. Roger; onions, W. Wil- liams O. Roger, Ruth Hanna; toma- toes W• t,i Llliatns, •F, C. Mack; spy apnics E. Pridham„ King Tompkins) ler Roadhoase; apron, E. Pri.clham; Button holes, E. Pridham; Cookies, K. Oneri.si• E. Pridham; socia buiscuits, K O'Brien V Moore, E. Pridham; Lilht cake, L. M..Doupe, E, 'Pridham;' dressee doll Loretta Lingard; bou- e't.t cut flowers, E. Pridham, W. Vv'il- lilnt'. Largest hen's eggs, C. Sweit'zer Ralph Denham; Col. eostrtge stamps, R hranaa. W, W. Roadhouse Speciate--QuA, L, Lingard; beta, W. Wilhaln'4; Vine peach, R. learn na; . sunflower, I, Yule; . Welshes, Ira ,1iiicCt'rdy; painting in water colors, Velem! Loupe Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Fa'hliae,. Public, lJommissioner, ,Solicitor Peer tte Diolsons lBank,• etc. hetet Money to Loan at 'lowest eatels oily Interest. OFFICE, -MAIN STREET, EXETIJ. MONEY, TO LOAN f ,1 1 t.. 1 We have a large ambuut of Allis ate fundi to loam on farm an* !As !age properties at lowest rate at lkp ttarosta ., a G1.ADMAN & STANBUBSi !' Barristers, Solicitors, Mai* IIIA Exete r •_, „Ire U4burne and tiibtert Farmer's Mutual Fire insu ansa Gompanp Head Office, Farqulner, O President ROBT. NORBB% Vice -,[',resident , TIIOS. RYAD •DIRECTGRS t 111, WM, BOCK W113.. LOW ,t L. RUSSELL ' J. T. ALLISON, AGENTS t4 JOHN ESSERY Exeter. eget U bornen 'd u a d BI d 1 h. OLIVER BARRIS Munro agent* till Hilbert Fullerton and (Logan. i f. , W. A. TUltNHU7,D Secy.Treas. Farciuhalp GLADMAN & BTA.N'r3UR•Yi Solicitors. Exeter. . it #1 CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children In Use .... .arts, Fur Over 30Years, Always bearg/! t.,-, the Bio+natare of