HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-10-5, Page 1iFonTY-SECOND YEAR—NO: 2243
Two New Shipments of Ladies' and
Children's Coats
We have just opened two fresh shipments of ladies' and children's Fall and
Winter Coats. These garments are in the very latest styles and newest fabrics.
Theyinclude an exceptionally fine range of black Seal Plush Coats. Prices mod-
,New Housefurnishings, Including Rugs,
Linoleums, Curtains, Etc.
We have an immense range of rags, linoleums, mattings, curtains and cur-
tain -nets for the coming season. Many of these lines ate at almost old prices.
We have fifteen good patterns of linoleum to select from. Room rugs in a great
variety .of patterns. Make your selection early before prices are higher
:New Velvets for Dresses and Suits
Velvets are among the most popular fabrics for the coming season for both
Snits and Dresses. Have all the popular shades in plain and corduroy effects.
(gid fast dyes are used in all our velvets. Prices 60c. to 75c yd.
Wonderful Values in Men's and Boys' Suits,
Overcoats and Raincoats
Our clothing departifnent is simplyoverflowing with Men's and Boys' Suits,
ev (coats and Raincoats •In order to reduce this ;Immense stock we offer remark -
,tic 'values in all these lines.
S P E C I A L JoApronsst arrived, anotherldprice. shipment
h.of ladies large Bungalow
. Oc eac
.Live Poultry Wanted. Highest Prices Paid
Jones AND may
Ranges and Heaters
Before placing your or-
der for a stove call and
examine our complete
line of cooking & heating
Steel ranges $35 to $60;
CaFt ranges $25 to $50;
Heating stoves $9 to $48;
Perfection oil beaters,
$4.50 to $6 00
Make your new barn
complete with the use of
modern sliding door rol-
lers, stable door latches,
'Prepare your stable with stall fixtures en I cat.t'e
chains f n. wintering your stock
1=`.r9_ •fa111 line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, Stove Pipes
Elbows, etc for fall
L 27a Phones 27b
ifJVELA7D)-At !Dashwood on Oc,toler
I and, to Mr. and'Mrs. !Wm, Evelaed
et daughter. , , . • ! f ! ,
' ' ' ' MARRIED"
1VISI E-i(AKER-In Exeter, on
Thaesday, Sept, 28th, Mi's Ella Bea
(rice, daughter, of Mr. and. Mrs.
:Wm;. Eti'ker of town to Mr. Georgct
Clarke Fisher, of T1wborne, son of
Alb", axed, her of TJs''bor.
11d, ley Ile
v. J. W. .Baled.
, MITIi_1 ISY•1'E•R--in Exeter on Oat,
*tele gine, „ fro 1 Ifishar, to Mr, C„A, 1. � y
Smith taf Brantford, by Rev, J. W.
Baird. .
tiALKWILL-In Exeter, on Friday
Sept. tz3th,” William 3lalkwill, aged
7J years, 3 tnoxlths.
D'auNNEB-At Dashwood, on Sept,
30th Wendel Branner. Int anent to
.B, C. Murcia Mt. Carmel.
Al+ns,' . lli o onald has returned to
town' after visiting in St. Thome.
ALT, and i11rs. W. L ,Monaur of; Tor-
onto. tare vi5'ting 1Xlx. and Alra Wm.
IT. 111Ic)1_ur of tativn; e i t t r
Letters From the Front, 161st Warned for " Citizens' Farewell to
161st Battalion
Hr. V. L. Wllsoa last week ecoeive Overseas
sed a letter fe`om 'Lieut. E. Torrance,
!veto is now stationed at Shornollff
, :where he Kay I he is getting his fine.
'grind before going to the trenches
He 'writes "a bunch of the fellow;
!from the school a,re going next weekk,
i am only a, couple of minutes wal
from where Chi's Harvey and Reg
Knight arse. T spent last Sunday with
them and Douglas Stewart. Dougla
els oat of the hospital and taking a
physical training and bayonet fight
ieng coarse not tar from here. Yo:
ought to come over her and start
busine s as peeps are ridioulously.
high. Write soots and tell me all
the news as a letter is mighty wel-
come over here . although. I haven't
received a scratch From Canedt (yet
but would certainly like to.
e, The 101st Hurons Ttatt;lion .hats ti
I warned 'fo'r overseate ,It was offi^ia
' announced a week ago ;that eth'rt'e
s battalions would go or'e.neeae but
1 has now ;been deoid d to send fou rt
and the odd one was '?relebted afro
' No. 1 Militnry .District. The Choi
was left to Major-General W.
Tagie, who selected the Hurons. Th
battalion will be home Thursday eve
t in, on tour days leave. This may(po
fsrlbly be their last leave home. A
though the 161s1 may not be onei
ere .
The citizens of Exeter
will tender a concert to
the ;members of the list
Battalion i cruited in
Exeter on
Friday evening, Oct, 6
r at 8 o'clock in the Opera
House. Let all come and
;epi give the boys a rneieaer-
- able farewell evening.
Admission 2Fe
The following interesting letter (was
written by Lieut,. Phonies 1'enhal.e
to his parentis. Lieut. i3enhale is tak-
out an imperial ecormisrsion and is
stationed at -Oxford.
Oxford, ,Sept. 4th, 1J16,
4tb. Officers Cadet !Batt,
•C. Company, liable Cal,
Dear Mother end Dad-
'Received your letter' and paper.
All 'fine. Was (surprised to hear that
Edgar Torrance 'was com'ng ov, r. Was
down in London !for !Satu;rda.y and
Suada'y .land who !should I run into
but Edgar himself. retire was glad
to see him. I was in the. writing room
def the. Strand Palace hotel and when
T Looked 'u,p leer he was sitting at a
'table just aacro_'s from me. i knew
he was over too was kind of on the look
out for rim. We had, the day to-ge'th-
ar. Ile is !going• flown to Srornedrfte
to evtart 'hits source thcrel to-i<rtorrow.
I suppose you l_aara' road ntout
the Zepp, •raid on London of Snturday
night when one was 'brow?ht down:
I T ,consider .mylself extremely lucky in
being up' to see Lb ate if was on rn of tan
grandest eights I ever saw when it
i ibu'rst into 'flames. The !noise of the
serine ' awakened me tabout '215 en
Sunday morning. I got ;opt of bed it.
a, hurry ter see the si •hts ns' you will
suppsee. T never saw 'the Z,rnpp. at
all until it started to burn. britt the
bight of the 'searchlight lin the eke'
hand 'thee shells bursting. was grand.
The guns kept 'firing for quids n
while then (stopped. I thought everv-
thIng- was over !for to a night end, teed
went bank to had again. I had just
hriice'1'y got covered up when the whole
room; was lit. lin iby a fleet noel! im-
mediately afterwards their wa e the
greatest lchrc er You lever Sheard. from
the peopre in the ..�treeti•.: = It 'didn't
take me lona 'to 'get out again. There'
was a i-:econd bare. of light which
only lasted tor a short time. then
everything was dirk. It was the most
wonderful sight I ever -ant. and I ,
won't forget lit in a hurry. The pap-
ers ;said that thin ;gun; kept 'fi.rtng
until sih'e buret into flames .bet I
didn't( hear \them 'rhe !report was d-
troun:d tabic Note.! in the morning that
an aeroplane had brought it down.
!/but that eviuently wasn't eight. I
am seer -dug you I omc Londo.t, papers
with the accounts of it in
Do soul know I met more fellows in
London on Satu'rdty and Sunday then
I ever wou''d in Toronto. Evervhody
seen; to be ever here.' Met Herb Gar -
beer Saturday night. He is over here
take out hen Imperial commission a
Iso, - t
,Well I think I will biose now and
get to bed. Saturday night's sleep- n
rather broken and I did not get
sok to Oxford tinti. about one o'clock
rest night :1m feeling likea good q
leep to-n'gh+
tho .fist ''rni•te to move in the: over
:sea'+ eaodns it is rumoured that the
wiltl not be longi 'in camp afte=r the
return The battalions selected nre,
thie 106th (Queen's Own), the 1,6nt'
(IOTth' Reg'ment) and the 170th
(M.'ississatrga) !Battalions, 'of Toronto;
the 110th. (Perth) ttI'ee .142 nd,(Lon-
dnn'q Own). the 168th (Oxford), 147th
(Grey). 157th, /Simco.), the 153.
(N'pieeing). the 173rd, .(Ifamilton Bi
lenders). the 114th (Held'mand) an
the 133rd. (Norfolk) Battalions. Th
180th !(Sportsman) and the 162nd
(Parry Sound) ;Battalions ,'Lave been
warned but they may not leave for,
some time.
B SIiO'W'E t VOlEt '-OYEt
e The Soldiers' Aid Society intend
, holding jn Main St. Church on :loaf
16th at 8 o'clock, A Shower for the
boys at the front. Xmas Stockings
are being filled ,with socks, handker
chief:,, tooth brush and ,taste note
paper envelopes, pencils, m:)nth-or
I gam., talcum powder, . ards, niik
!chocolate_ gum, pipes, tobacco., linen
.rash towels, 18c27. Those who •ar"
knit eng socks kindly bring in by title
1.6th. 1Ni11 the friends please sena
the addresses of the boys to Mrs. R.
N. Creech as sere Wntend sending a par-
cel to. each of the Exeter boys.
Huron Comity War
Contingent Association
At Clinton on Sept. 4th a rneetirg
was !held for the purpose of organiz-
ing a ;County War 4uxiliary, in or-
der to consolidat;' and ,�.ys'emitizrn the
work of the .Red Grose and various
other organ zetions throughout 'the
County. These bave for the moist .pard
been shipping indep'redently of each•
other. at no .stated time in the month
and to both Toronto and L ordon.
The 'County of Huron is in Military
Div. No. 1, with headquerters :et Ton -
den and it stands to reason that sup-
plies for men in trench and ha,pital
contributed by Huron ;county should
be forwarded to its own Ilea -depart' rt' re
,Especially where th-re ti" a. branch
of the O.R,C. •Soo', ty .at T ondoh. whi h
handles all such supplies and for-
wards them over eas direct.
The Huron County , War iContinge.nt
As•ooiation conrenrd et 'Clinton Sept.
30th. eltesolved
1 That the IT.O.W.C,A. •rccoanme*ad
to all isocietie:: within its bounds the,
reasoneblene s of the above.
2 That there be seven ('hipping
centers for the !County; viz,-Goderich
!Clinton. Exeter, Seaforth, I31ythe,
\Gingham and B us ets.
3 Where there is a Red Cro•-s Soc-
iety in a shipping enter tbat it ar-'
arrange for the place of packing and
•select cen or'ng committee. but each:
see'ety contributing be represented by
one of Its members if it so wishes.
Where there is rie'Red Oro -s Society
then the local societies arrange the
a dove 1
4 Trat the third Wednesday in
every month' be shipp''ng day for eae1
v That' it is not a time for led to
say. "let well ,enough .alone, we have
dans good work for two years. why
change?." Each society ?may be quite
satisfied to send off its own bare eat n
ready and to eitha r Toronto or Lone
don. but the question ins not what' is
'easiest for local societies, but for
headquarters and Lf by eont'ol:dating
nd systematizing as above we can ease
her burden of others let as give ser,
1ouS conrnideration --,.o the evam'e. It is
at a question of being :atis`iedwithu
I results and past methods, but a
uestion of ea .ing the tremendous
load born by those work ray at head-
en.. county. •Elgin, has tried con-.
oltdation as above! and with great
ati-faction to the R: d Cross Society
n London, and in 'consequence, it
would. like other counties to follow
suit, If then we can t:aee the burden
e others let 114 do our bit.
6 That the treasurer, ;!lies :Brown
eaforth. b,'
pp 'a with a money
tatement every three months to be
ublished in the county papers"
7 That the secretary of the Huron
ount.y W.C.A.put,l'.sh ,in all the loc-
i ,papers once in three months a list
f suppiie ; as forwarded to her by
Signed on b'ha'f of the Executive
Mrs. I. 0: Hamilton, Goderich. '
whirs. Jean i"ittost. Exeter, t.'r,
Se. reta ry,
Following is the prize list for the. to
recent School Fair,- a
Flo\rens-Asters,'Betty Brown, IV,
Lawson !Mildred Norry; Cosmos, D. !
knight ..L. Hnrtleib, M. Scott; Carnal •!b
tions X. Rowe; Zinnias, M. Rowe,
Madman eid. Norry; Stocks; L. Hart. 6
leib; ,Mignonette, H. Horton; Pn(c:x
Druin:non'.li M. Norry, M. Rowe ;S.s' .t
Peas E. Mellott, ,1r1. Ewer -thy, ii,l-1og-
arth : Nasturtiums, H. Horton, V e:;i a
Jona.. .M Johns; Salvia, H. Digni.a,n; g
_. .. Tom.
The Herb Gardiner referred to is s
son or :lir. Mo es Gardner, of Re- i
ilia, Sask., and fornae.rly of Exeter.
Sunflower Seeds, Perla Sanders -Ed.
Vegetables -Canned tomatoes, F.
`Tarry M. Rowe, M. Harney; Canned
beet; ). Balkwi:l, E. Hogarth, !3:
Brown; Canned cora, E. liogarth..
Swiss Chard, J. lelorley; Lettuc:,H
Willard. P. Sanders; 'Tomatoes, Pon-
derosa. G. Belford, M. Houlden, M.
Scott; Early Bea, ,M. Scot, E.Mit:.leit
Cabbage, ,NI Norry, J. Morley; Beets,
• Egypt/ an ell Bunte, C. Ford, el. Hor-
ton; othee . variety, A. .Harding, R.
Davis, E klogarth; new model, M.
Scots R. \orthcoti; Potatoes, see
weeks R. Witwer, N. Hardy, H.Kuntz
Davis \•Vanier, H. Kuntz; aVatermrlon
G Hatter; Muskmelons, M. Houlden
E. Cookson; Peas, V. Hartlea); Par-
snips, M Rowe, M. Gladman, M.Scot'I
Cucumbers, L. Hartleib, Special, °t3
Willard a Onions, G. Hinds; Pepper;,
ID Knight; Pop Corn -White Rice, S
Stanbtary, Jot: Bradt, G. Hatter; (,iter
varieties, N. Hardy, M. Rowe, vl,Scutt
Golden Bantam, E Hogarth, V.Hart-
leib, C. Ford; Swe,et corn, Special, )3.
1 ad' Mexican, G. Hatter, L.Gaul:l
G. Hedclen; Peanuts, M. Norry, G.
.Bedfori L. Hartleib; Sa;ei•fy, H.lrcr-
ton .M Scott, F. Harvey; Carrots
(Chantenae), 6\t. R.awe, E. Russell, 1),
Balkwill; Carrots ('Danvers) P. Sand-
ers, C Ford, R. Northcott; Ca:rots
(Scarlet Nantes), E. Hogarth; :\;anti:!,
r; Morley,- Kohl-rabi, V. Walker.
Note -First ripe tomatoes irom'I'c-
matte. Club, Aug, 6, G. Eediord, M,
Licit Young of Ilam;!ton visited in
town over Sunday.
Ralrwcst home Thank giving ser-
vices .vele held in Janie.: St. Method-
ist church on Sabbath Ia',,t, The
churoh; was veaiy tat etefully deoorat. d
with fruits and flower':,. Rev. .3 W,
p3aied preached two very inspiring
scrmenti in harmony 'with the occasior,.
Spatial musio wags (furnished bit the
choir. S )edia.l c ,n ' t
I i o llrib ttlons ;Were tack-
est on oel alt of the Lad ee, Ai(d,Society, ,
Th'e soldiers of Exeter and vicinity °
who are !returning on their last It a , e
beta's going toera 'a.; are being ban-
quett. d and entertained on Friday s
evening by the eitiz 'ns.
(,n Thursdey Int ,a very pretty o
wedd ng took place at the home of h
the bride's parents, Mr. and '-l1 rs.
Wm. iBaker, wh n eth. it only de u,ght r
Llte ?Beatrice. was united in mar-
triage to Mr. Georg: iv'larke Fisher.
sorll of are. and lir.. Wm. Fisher of '
U,sbarn;. The ccr.nanny took place at
h'gh boon the »rid.rn nterirg the par- '
for on the gam of her father to the el
strain; of the wielding march played, 1
by M !s t Emm i Fisher, sister of 'the .,d
groom They were married .ender an ;♦L
arch of lace ,curtains banked with
(ferns and flower., end gate ajar. Th
bride was very becomingly dre sed,
in ,areana taffeta esrd'tin p:catcd skirt
and waist of georgette. tSh: wore the
customary bridal veil caught up wish
orange blcs•ows and tarried a bon-,
tquet of oream rose. e, The matronl•oie
,hcnar was Mae Isaac Hill of Crediton
who carried pink a •os • 1. The c r. noon
was perform._d be Rev. J. W. .Tia rd
after which u'haut Iii Iguesta sat down
to a dainty Inn Loan. tb din;n,g•,
groom being' d cor•ttcd ,112 r. d, white
and Wile. 1'L • groom's girt: to !the
bride was a err a of se;irlin, kni4 es
and 'forks to ttlae Ina'd ,pi honour, a
gold becoch .5:: with pearl:, and eo
the pianist ,i gid necklace:ea %\ith
pearls. The ,; et. n 's of the young
'couple incled d se:bi::ant':11 ohegu. s
front the. brid ',tend the to roorn'; p.tr •
en's. nl o a p.ano by the hide's moth
ere 31r, and mat. Ft tar teff: by
fox t�l'oods • o,tc ,'.,1er which they win
visit "in To:nn o and with the
groom's brei her. . Ir. ,W A. li i her, of
(Marmara, Tee exid.'s igoingaawa'v
dress, was er navy 'b:u, t,lc'rt with sun-
1 waist to match )
set pink l k t h t n thair
s p
[return they will r..s d in IJ.bsrlae.
T:se'r many (r'r•nds wi 1 join with the
T.mey iia. cone -ratite -Gone,
Dr. Scldon of Vancouver; Mr. and .
ins. A. S rnldon end '(Ila Scidon end;
I:rs. Wilkin on of Ingersoll. motor-
ttlt r,nd sp;'n: Sunday with Mr end
rs. R. ;0. &1don,.
After an extending over
ebout twenty months Al:r. William
Bell! wits pas ed away en 1"'rid ty last
at the hem.' of his tont—in—:Am..rittr.
Rd. Welsh, at the reg; of 7e. years and
three 'months. Some tin ago Ars.
13tlkvvi.1l :suf erc'd a paralytic e,troke
white visiting in London end i hortly
afcel was breaxht to Exeter and.: ince
that Cate bas •b. en ,gra:del ly grow-
ing weaker, i1ir.. 13 ttkwill was thorn
ca the ad harem on t h.a London Road
south end we.: possibly the oldest
resident in town shona an thi7 io �alitty
IT ¶ .air; d .from the !arm ,boat 14
years ngo and moved to Exeter. His
wife il,red ceased Seim 1511; 21) yeah:
age t n., son lad lire diughleri sur-
vive, viz„ 'William A., of towns Mre.
C:'mat e:1 :rad Mrs O.r,rnaeotnb,', of
Hamilton; Mrs, Ardagh Itollin>s, Mrs,.
;lard V vJs.:4 • trod lMre:. 1+'. it) el all
of town..The desalts. d \y..,;, it Consix•e
\retie ;ra politics e.nd 1't'ae: it f•tith:ul
attend:int of Main St, IM. thcdist
trbureh NI, fun ! :s health pw.mitt;d.
Thu .:nn rat pri.at was h Id on :lion
dry l^e nd'e. d L'y Rat. S. 'W. iiTuer-
awertay. interment to the Elea.. r
eeiin. rn:.etry•
Mei W. 'AL K Iarke, oxgaeaist ol'•3aaree
es St, •1Yterhodt_at Arltaroh, has hem Sow
ducting( Organ beoital's ,i» the ehnrcb
.fol about .fifteen minutes pr.rnv'oiut t,ca
he. reg'ula,r teveaxi iroexviee, trhe*•�a*c
(recitals have kre;'n: greatly 'apprrce
fated ..ay eke congnetgation and we nn-.
derstaad, . n :Clarke will contixsufe •
them, for a ter* Sundays,.
A m-ry pretty wedding= t.ok ;?lace
at the home of Mr. and Airs.. '+irrsr.
Sne!i. Lrsb,arnet, at .1i o'clock,'Wednels-
day, Sept 27tt1 wheel their eldest don-.
ghter, circa, became: the wife ol. 'Mae •
George .Jones, earl for Mr. Henry .loree.
of London Road. Tk.e ceremony 'was
performed by the :Rev. Je A)beet Snell
of Watford, uncle; of the bride, ass.Iat-
.ed try Rev. G. •A. ,Idarnard of 1;lim'
vine. The bride was given away by
lade father, and looked ,charming in
ivory! sati'tt with over lane and trim •
uned with pearls, :and 'carried a .bou-
quet of :bridal xosets,.'IJ:ez sister Merle..
was gowned in pint: satin and Imre
and - carried pink roses. Mr. ;.bay
,Ffraneis, nousin of the gramme was
,groornsman .whiles Mies Nellie Jon; a
played the wedding march. During
the signing the register, Miss Hazel
Snell. cousin of the bride \ang very
teweetly, "Uh I'romv-e Me". A1'ter•the
ceremony had taken 'arse., more than
a hundred guest-; did j.tsrice to rhe
dafnry lunoheun provided. •.Mer, reed
Mrs. Jone) eat for tiimcoe, Toronto,
tired Niagara. The bride°s travailing'
;gown being .nary blue broadcloth with
block velvet bit. The happy couple _
will reside in their mew home on the
London Road south of Exeter..
Adva ceSt les for , utumn
and Winter in Men's
We a,rt3 showing ouir special order s&tnpies now
and can give .you the newest cloths made aa the
latest styles'by Green Swift, Limited, London. We
will be pleased to have yon look thelia over. .
We have some special values in Men's
Ready-to=Wear Sits
Boots Shoes
We have a eo plete range in ail kit?acts of shoes
and our prices are rock bottom. Chgidrens, School
Shoes, Wore?ense cushion sole shoes- Astoria Sbog
for men.
00,14e00.d+.E?*4004,0*!***00*Seers C•********o•@QG4QO®e®<AOO4aa4e
Fit •oa d
I1-@t?Nl s
gc Itt iX
IS Of aim for the neii of Exeter'
and vicinity. That's one reason
why we specialize in Men's wear
exclusively., Keeping in touch with
Mencs styles is our business so
when you are outfitted by us you
are sire of being dressed right
We have in stock all the newest styles. Look ower
our line of Soft Felts, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Fees, Gloves
Underwear, wear, Socks, Stocks and Overalls
Ready-PJfade and Made -to -Measure Clothing
Blue Sege Suits for Men
Our Values are undoubtedly the lie; t in Canada.
W. Ws
I .. ..... IM 4elatEi. teatte *** t.d•ar.ee