HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-28, Page 8TIDE EXETER TIMES Phone t6i J TA. SE WART andrt pail .. Winter Coats Llnoleums We are able to sell you Linoleumsat the old price as ours were all bought before the advance we have ten pat - teens in floral and tile designs fc r you to choo6e from Wall Papers If you intend doing ane papering this fall be sure to see our stock of wallpapers. Beautiful papers for Kit- chen, Halls, Dining Rooms & Parlors ranging in price from 5 to 25 c.a roll R.ugs Every Rug that we have to show 'ycu is worth dollars more than they are marked, But we are giving our cus- tomers the benifit. If you need rugs be sure to get our prices Furs For the early leasers we have a fine collection of Muffs, Ruffs and Stoles in the best Selling Furs for this season. Phone 16 Our stock this Beason is larg. er than ever. We have a big range of stylish gal ments which we are selling at prices that are not in advance ot last season Come in and try them on Black Silks We are proud of our range of Black Silks that we can offer you at the old price. The dyes are the hest with fine weave and beautiful famish at per yard $1,25 $1 50 $1 75 Extra value • i.n Ladies Raincoats These Coats are extra good value Tney are a good weight good good material and tames in fawn shade all sizes $4-50 Sweater Coats In a wide range of colors and weayes. You will want one now that the weather is. cooler. See our range at $3.00 $4 00 and $5.00 High Lace Kid Shoes The t,ew shoe for fall wear to be worn with the short Skirt. It is a splendid quality kid and is made on a comfort- able last; all sizes $4,50 Dinner Sets This is a regular $15.00 Dinner Set but it was sent to us by mistake, Ic is a very neat pattern and has the full 67 pieces. For quick selling we have reduced the pi ice to $12 50 Ranging Lamps A fine range of new Hang- ing Lainps in Several new styles The prices are a little l•igher but still in reach of your pocket book JA. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices Market Report --The following is tee rc*nort of the tenster ••market corrected 'up to Sept, 27t1; 1316 'Wheat 1.25 to 1.32 • *Barley 60 to 75e. Cate, 50 to 55e. Peas 1.00 a bus - Family Ifloue '4.15. how grade flour 2.25. Bran 29,00 'per ton. i 1 Shorts 31.00 'per ton, Eggs 30e. , - s Butter 30o, - . , , Creamery batter 384 • l Young Chicks 14c. , Old he Roosters $e.. Young ducks 10e. O11 ducks ,80. Turkeys 14e. Plums 20c. e'er basket. llctrs 11.50. �� Tailored TRADES BUSINESS FOR FARML _11r. Geo. R. Bedford has exchanged Suits and Coats Of first interest, when the cool days conte. The styles are varied to meet ,he •dirt.:rert tastes. Coats are long- er, skirts are also longer. tris store for the 150 acre farm in Ala- aorough u ownship, in the county of !Elgin, owned by Me. Gowere. Mr. Bedford intends to go farming and is offering Tor sale his beautiful resi- idence on Huron St. and the two new houses ,on William St. Anyone wish- ing to purenase ons one of these three louses 1Ii. Bedford will be pleased to !show them through and give them terms. Our i,ew goods are fere. Goodrange Auction Sale to choose trona, MADE TO YOUR 1fEASGR1t See Our New Coatings for Ladies, Prices ranging from $17 00 Up 'We also have a new range of Men's over coating and suiting. GIVE' US A CALL N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand .Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel The !Soldiers' Aid Society intend :olden; a miscellaneous • shower of :heistmite 'articles on October 161h, 'or our soldiers overseas. Full part- iu1ars later. • VESTBEIN i✓ANADA'S !GRAIN'S'."IELD The 'Canadian •Dank of 'Commerce lave, ;given oat its estimate of this Canada, lac - r "t r anal 'eerie co 5n Women ea e , .p p 0 000 'This a ,'455 00 is n;g the total a t $ , . '7 per ..,cent above the average value t wheat, barley and gate for 'the p.aisti eve 'years. The total production of hese ara'.nis is ptaeed at 571,000,000 ushele. 'HE CASUALTY LIST The 'casualty fast has contained. a a.Ttge list. of Western On.tariot names'' among these. 'from .Huroh County its 'te. A -Inbar Levis, eL' ]'.,unknow, killed ei acti•on, Pte„ Ernest' Clar+kc,, of God= rich. •Ira seed; Pte. le M. Wilson, of Vin;;laam, tvcundecl; lete, glower 1 "oungson. of G Goderich, wounded; hent, (C, S. 'Pate, Goderleh„ wounded;; 'te, Peres, Ixalph, of Soaforth, ,yound- d ; Pie, Arthur 'Ctcrtise, $(If R, lx,_ No, Parkhill, wounded. 1 • i: • t FARM. STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS DAY. ROOTS, CORN, GRAIN DAIRY UTENSILS. ETC'. In Exeter. east of Metropolitan IIot- el, +on Saturday, Sept. 30th; 1316, a0.2 o'clock .the following,— Horses-Pair snatched mares. 5 yrs. a,gric; sup. in foal; aged mare sup. to be in loaf; 2 sucking colts. Cattle—,1 cow due in 1•fay; 6 cotes freshened; 1 cowl due in Dec.; 3 cows due later; 2 fat cows; 1 yr -old Dur- ham bull, 6 young calve.3. Hogs and Chicken -1 broad sow clue in October; 7 store hogs; 100 hens and pullets. Implements—Lumber 'wagon, trucks with flat rack, babslevghls, binder, mower, hay rake, riding plow, walking plow, 2 -furrow slow, cultivator, disk, harrow, etcel land roller, isicufaer, corn euitivaxor, manure spreader, epulper, straw cutter, grinder, 8 inch plate ; 314 h.p. gasoline 'engine, new ; fanning mill, 2 steel hog troughs; 2 hog tirueks 'car. trope and ,pulleys;i' set plow haxn- esls; set mak wagon harness; brass mounted, new; set .single harness ; whitfletrees neckyokes, chains, forkf hovels, hoes, and numerous othedear- tieles. Dairy Implements—Milk wagon, milk sleigh; 3 ten -gal. cans; 2 twelve -gal. cans with taps, 2 milk -delivery cans, and all sites of measures, cream sep- arator, aerator, for cooling milk,, milk pees,2 p'r, ice tongs. 10 tons hay, 11 acres corn, le acres mangles,, 500 btts, oats, 50 bus, wheat,5 'bushel ( sk 7 ureal barb ey, so b m u wheat, et, Positively ,r lucky ne>' meserve, There (viii also be offered for sale if not soldrev p ious ly the farm, being Pests lots 18 and 19, con. 1, Usborne Terms—All sums of $5, and unde:l cash ; ever that amount 12 months' credit on lurnisbin„ • g a aha ed p. v jo2,nt notes. 6 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts, Eph. Hewitt, Thos, Cameron Prop, t4 set. A It 'will be is the interest of our .s subMcrrbers to pay ftp their arrears nr renew their sub :cription to The Times before the lest day of Septet (her es on the first of October alk arrears and renewal's will be charged '1;!1.25 'iter annum Potatoes It seems odd to be offering potatoes to the public its usually the other way about - If in need of them order from us, Peaches The late variety are still to come. Let us have your order WILSON'S GROCERY pHONE 56 PATRIOTIC LEAGUE:—The Reg- ular montely meeting will be held in. tett Town ll.;tll: on Monday .evening, °Seabee ',l, at 7.30; We (wish to thank the Trustees of the • different ehurchee for the, use of the sheds on trait: Day.—Mrs: W,5, Beer, See. •'•••e•••0/0••••• ie•••,•Qb ••LOCAL • • 0000000 4000••• • INCREASE IN PRICE N'EsrT, WEEK On. tee fleetof otob 0 e e Exeter 35 t t'31 ee Times si ill increase in, price from $1 to $1.25 a year. There is just a few days left for tame leubscribers to take advantage of the old rate as after that date all arrears, nein; or renewal subscriptions will be charged, then ad- vanced rate. Any remittances that bears the post -lino -dr 'lap to Sept 30th will be accepted. 0 REMOVED ......ter.....:.-_ D2ir, J, Lawson lied tteel4 moved his jewelry business into the store he has (recently'had fitted up! in 'the Bed.s ford block. The telephone central has tilt's been removed the. officebee leg closed only fork a few hours whiles the change was being made.( COMING - 4101•11M,41,11.1.1111.11.1........•10.••••••••..., To OMING— To the Dome Tlieatre'for one night only Monday October the 9th, Thanks- giving. "The White :!Feather" or "The efan Who Stayed At .Home". The pop- talar English Drama. now playing in the leading city theatres, presented by the Famous Players Film 'Co, Prices, 25e, children 15c. SCHOOL FA.1R •• LOST - A i014 broo' k lset 'with pearls between 1t essers. J. Waltexs, and A. 'Walters on (3',r.iday: last. 'Finder ,re- tvaided by leaving at Times office or to Miss P. Fi4her,'C'xeter,* The school fair which has become an annual event at the Exetler, school was '.held on Friday of last weetk, There was se 'splendid 'exhibits of flow- ers uud 'vegetables that teas a candle to the scholars,. The judges •of the. Mowers were Mrs. R. N. Ureech! and Mr', A. E. Fake while 'Messrs, S. Marin ,and F. eV. Gladman judges of the vegetables. We expeoti to print a list of diet prize winners next week START:NG A MUSIC CLASS Mr. W. M. Clarke, L.R.L'O,M , (Eng) organist end ,choir master James St. Methodist church hats now opened his st udio. Pupil's 'prepared for an'y' snus- ice I examination. Record 167 pupils passed out of 168, trans With honors, Some medallists. 'Apply at once for terms, etc. Mr. Clarke hall had en ex- perience of over 25, years in 'teaching voice culture, organ, piano, harmony etc.. etc. Mr. Walter Connor spent the week- end in Waodstoak. Mrs. Stiver of Toronto.. ie visiting with Mir. end Mrs. E. A. WWIIolc. Me. 'Garfield eSheere of (Brantford visited his mother in town on Friday last. Miss Flora 'Dienes ,returned home Oast week after ', Ispendin,g several weeks in London. Mrs. R. W. Doerr will receive at her home on Wednesday, Octobers 4th from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cllr. 'and Mrs. Chester Coultis of Toronto, visited with relatives in town 'during the past week. Mr. A. 3. Rollins and daughter, Miss Ruth of Detroit, motored over and are 'visiting Mr. and Mee. 'W. May. Mrs. Rawson of Wyoming visited with Mrs. '"W. G, !Bi'ssett during the past week. She left 'here to viii t London. Mrs, J, Fergur'on of Chatham is vis- aing her d.iught,'r, .AXrs. el. W. (Christ- ie of Stephen and other relatives for a week. Mr. and 2frs. l''. Hayle and Misses Effie and Clive Treble motored to Lcr,don Monday the latter remaining several days. L1:enass Jon •s & May 'five d.c'ded to heat their store with the hot water system the contract Ibeinb given to W. J. Beaman. Mir, Of'fa allePhersan traveller for a 'Toronto drug firm visited /de pare ents in town on, Friday and Saturday of last week. . IMtr. and Mrs. T. 0, McLeod and child are in Dutton this*" week attend- ing the marriage of Mrs. McLeocee brother, Mr. *Angus McKenzie. A jardinere and 'plant 'were remov- ed from e. veranda, one evening i els week. The ,sneak thieving that ha's been going on around towns should put 'people on their guard. Alas. Wm. Carr and eon Gerald, who have been visiting with, Mrs and erre Walter Connor 'for several svecles re- tuened to their home in Detroit on Friday last. Harvest tome ,ierviees twill'' be be]d in James St. lelethoclis•t church next, Sabbath!: boy the Ladies Aid Society. Thee pastor, •''Rev, J. W. Baird will conduct, the services . Mr. tend Mrs. Wm, Verity/ and dau- ghters, Mica. ITitehon end Helen of !Brantford and 11rs. (W. (Davidson, of Toronto, motored up and spentSundey with Mrs. Rd, Pickard.. 'NEW T✓A JIID7t IN I S. DEPT. 11Is Vol, I� -3 Viola Dobson is the new J a teacher in t:hc Exeter High School to twice the 'place of 11liss Hamil.to whe resigned to take a similar pose ifion in the Kincardine swine)]. Mlles Dobson hays commenced her new duties REV, E. E. HARPER LEAVING CLINTON A committee appointed by thre:C'res aytery met the coaa,grrcgatt•on at'Wil1- is church, ;Clinton, with regard to the Resignation o2 Rev, E, C. Harper, Rev, W. D, 'Tuner, occupied the ohair, and Rev, Mr. Sharp and other:( addressee the meetieg.",On a vote of! the meet - keg it wee • •deeeided to accept the teen i,gnatioe, and the pulpit will ue deelar ed vacant in the eeur,se of a few yvee'ks, " ..c. FORMER PASTOR CONTINUES ILL The 'following •reference to a former pastor of !Main St Methodist church appeared in .the London Advertiser on Monday. Much sympathy ii felt by a large number of friends in Lon- don for Rev. ldr. Godwin in his continued ill -health. Mr. Godwin (rho during his ministry has preached from time to time several years in alit in Landon, retired recently, corr- ine tem London from b•i•i lark charge at Sweaburg in 'hopes that the •change and entire !rest would benefit him. 'Ascompan• '1 '-" Mrs. Godwin ,took a Louse on 683 Maitland Sts where they are settled at the preisent time. Very little improvement has taken place in Mr. Gc dw•n's condition. At the Lon- don distr'.at Methodist meetin,g held a few •days age in' Lambeth, a treliol ution bf sympathy to Mr, Godwin and els family was passed by' the gathe,rl- in,g of ministers. HOW IT AFFECTS 10. T. A. CO'S. HORSE 'FOR SALE—Good " family driver; work ear drive, Apply at liv- ery stable, Wm. Hcdgert. , FOR !SALE—A good second -handl' tale kir-mane overcoat worn only a tiny times, brown chinchilla cloth; Coot when new $45. Apply at the Times office. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed 4.u0- tioneer, Sales conducted in any lo- 'califs,. Terms moderate Orders left at. Times office will he promptly at- tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton., Ad- dress Kirkton P.O, Some • added restrictions regarding the sale and use of liquor as taken from the new Dominion Temperance Acts, and. the Ontario Temperance !-act which axe now in Use and apply to tho C. T. A. tcountiee of Huron and Perth; 1, Any person wee Bells, sends, (ships, brings., delivers, or causes to be sent, shipped, brought or deliver- ed. liquor 'into the Province of On- tario for other then persona/ or fam- ily use, (except for persons 'licensed to sell), is liable to be fined. 2. All liquor sent into Ontario for personal or family use must be plainly labelledto show the actual contents and the tame, or the shipper also the correct name of the person,. who is import.ng it. and any rail:- scaly ailwa!v or elpres•: anent is. liable to be fined' who bandies a 'shipment which' is not so addressed and, labelled. le Personal and family use is to be. taken in a very restricted sense and only inel.udes the members of the household, and does not include guests 4 The only place liquor can be kept •by any person not liceaiied to sell is a private dwetltng, and does not -. permit its being kept:* under any pre- tense in a boarding-house, (four lod- gers. other than the members of the family is considered a aboard-' ing.Sousee hotel, shop, office, club, work -shop. or !,tore, and a private ,dwelling is •very strictly defined in the Ontario Temperance Act. 5 Where a person 'Le found upon a street. highway •or in any publio place in this /Province in ars intoxica.ted condition, he shall be guilty? of an of- fence against 'the Act, and upon_ any prosecution for ouch offence' ho shall be :corn.pellable 'to state the. name o% the person from whom and the place in which he obtained the, liquor whish 'caused intoxication, .and it meet of trefutsa.1 Ito do so' he shall be im- prisoned for a period not exceeding three months .or until' he discloses such information. The penalty for be- ing 'found drunk. is a fine of not less than $1.0.00, 'nor more than .`l100.00, and in default of immediate` payment to imprisopment far a period of not less than ten days on more than two monthis. 6 Under the Canada Temperance act a's.amended a searck of any place may be made by an officer of the law at tiny time of the day or night; for- merly a search 'could be made from six a.m. to 3 p.m: 7 The penalty for a fust offence against the C.T,A. ie not less than $50.00 and not more. than, $100.00, or imprisonment for •a term not e xcee d= ingonemonth with or witho t hard labor, and for a second and every subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding four months sift: or *without hard l:aberi 8 Penalties for ' violations of the Ontario Temperance Act vary Troxn 850,00 to a 0.000.09 The school Act now states that each cheld betiveen the ages of 8 and. 14 years must attend school evexv school day in the year unless excused Pox i,linc's'•t or, other reasons stated in the Art. The Government inteede to;stanip out tenancy o:nd negligence on the pert oe the. p0ren,te. All isiespeetors ewe insiet on a strtot observance of the Act, For the very best flour, money can buy, !see Harvey Brae. Use our Model for the best results. LOST.—Betwe . Centralia and, Fair field a black hand bag, cantaiteng pair gol 1 ,•:;.nme:t glasses, a dollar hill, 'and an a l:',: e•ase i letter. Finder commun- icate with Mrs. Wm. Hicks or Advo- cate O:fice. PIANO & VOICE Mrs. Gambrel can take a few more pupils, Prepares for highest examin- ations, including diplomats both sub- jeots. (Besides being certified and dip- tomaed, I%Lrs. Gambrel wars a pupil for several years of A. R. Simms. Esq.. Mule, Bac., Oxon, a Member bf the Royal College of Organists. THURSDAY, SEPTelbef ER 28th', i;)1011 SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for rale at the old Temperance 'Sonne at the G, T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and. sattsfaction is guaranteed. -- ED, MAGUIRE, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE • Being Lot 25, con. 1 Usborne Tp. containing 100 acres; altso lot 5 con. 1. Tp. of ILay directly opposite. con- taining 50 acres. 'On the 'former is a frame 1 1' 2 storey house with wood- shed.; large 'bank bank barn 70x72 good stabling underneath. water sap - plied 'to stable from isu•pply tank; drive Bled 20x36 and hen house. Well fenced mostly wire fencing and well underdrained. Farms (sold together or separate. Rural 'mall land telephone. Possession given 1st of November. Apply oto-Bobt. Munn R. R. No. 3. Exeter . * ?' Auction Sale Mr. G. R. Bedford has exchanged; his !store end (business on Mail St. for 'a farm and will now off+er his beautifufl tresidence on Huron Street also the two new houiaes on 'William by auction on 'Oct. 14th! if not sold private previous to thab date. Any information las to price or term:.. apply to G. R. 'Bedford. Mr. 0. W. Robinson auctioneer. Proclamation PA'Ri11' 1S'Olt' SALE Pt. Lot 18 and 19, eon. 1 Tp. of USheene.. County of Huron, in the. Village or Exeter, containing 100 acres ol{ chotoe land. On this property i,.¢ a )esiek dwelling, large bank barn silo. drive and milk leaven hog and hen house. The buildings of this prop- erty are all up -to -tette with water it ptable. Farm in 'fleet class elate of cultivation and must be Gold as the proprietor's health hate failed. Poss- eseion 1st of November. - F,teld of corn to go with farm, Every sonven- ience for carrying on a milk basiaiess which its ;much needed in the town of 'Exeter. E. .Hewett. prop., For terms and particalans apply to Thos. earner - on, 'R. R. No. 1, Kirkton . BRITISI-I RED CROSB APPEAL OCTOBER 19, 1916 Whereas the, President od the Brit- ish Red •Cross .S,aciety hes ma*ie an urgent ap?eal throuehcut the Empire for funds to be collected on Thurs- day. Oct. 19th, for the relief c1 the sufie:ring _soldiers and sailors at the va'riour• seats et war; And whereas our Province of On-- te io ha', manifested its des;.re to el)" it full share; And whereas the whereas Eil ish Red Cross Society is caring for the wounded of every ,A1'i:d Nation; And where,'; the tont at this woes is so great tha`. all Harts of the Em- pine mp, ,e are called recta. to. assist ui t.3 enuttely mise:in•g it; And whereat; the Lieut.-Gave:•nc.:• of. Onta .; ha'; issued a p;o. lamatioa to all n uniuipalitiee.s te, he'.: in the tt ork; Theeetora 1, Jelin W Tayen, eel upon all citizens together with Pate erotic Soc.ieG es to. attend a 'public meeting in the Public Library, Exeter .'on Wednesday, October 4th, at 8 o'clock, to discuss ,ways and means hit best aiding the work of the Society, HICKS FORECASTS A regales' storm period is central on the 27th, covering the 25th to the 30th. Disturbing causes and, things to expect. The Mars period its now reaching a 'firmer grip, ' the Earth as at tee culmination of - its period, a Mercury 'period is ria fell force, being central oda the 29th, with the Moonon the 'equator on the 26th, and in conjunct*,- tion with. Sun and Earthy of the 27tb. This promises to be one, of the most pronounced -storm periods of the mon- Ith, or for the whole autumn. At the. beginning of the period sigma of weae :titer changes and growing storm cors editions, will be' _apparent throughout western and eouth'ern regioes. South- erly winds, rising temperature, fall- ing barometer, and growing cloudii mesas will be forerunners otl approach-, ing storm's, By the 24th, storms or wind. train end thunder will' ensue, during Wednesday the. ,.27tb, Tours. eon the 28th, and ,.Friday the 2ath, stoma will increase an strength aid violence, as they pats uatsward,ly over the country toward the Atlantis se.r ; boat'd. :They will 'be preceded to the eastward 'by .falling barometer, fair and'. warfner, On the west they will (be *'closely ' followed by girding, b rn-r waster1y gales,with early dashes of r+ V 'snow 'and gleet. and cheep, to e ry n s truck! 'colder. These are goorL reasons to- expect unseasonable cold. over most parts of the west and north especially during the closing days of September and the opening days of October. `These condition promase to be so gen- eral as threaten . killing frost over ' central, eastern, and approximately into ;southern regions. Ar.y' 'part of the country in which a very low baro- meter, and warm, muggy conditions peeved.. elurine the beet ''stages of this period, will be in danger ot vio- Rent tornadi.c stormrs; and, the dar.,ger iv ill be doubly inirn.ment should 'an equatorial, cyclonic disturbance be moving tee front the gulf regions. Don't let each re'eutts, "strike you on. the blind side," 400 Tons of rine, Land and Cattle Sale for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o, per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works? Co., Ltd., S. Sutton, (Manager.. It will iee In the interest of our subscribers to pay up their arrears or renew their subscription to The Times before the last day of Septew4 .bar as on the fir'•st of October atIc arrears and renew ale will be charged (11.25 per annum , AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mr, 113. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, ins, instructed to boil by Public Auction, on William St., Exeter, Thursday, September, 28th, 1910, at one o'clock sharp the !following valuable 'prop Frty';-- 1 radiant coat heater, No. (i 1 'wood stove and furniture; 1 coal -ob. stove; 1 oak !sideboard,' bevel plate glees; 1 oak extension table; 1 drop leaf table; l glass cupboard; 2 bedroom suites; 1 bedstead; two washy stands; 3 springs; 9 mattresses ; 4 toilet eats; 1. Weak hair cloth* 'parlor suite ; 1 center table; 1 sofa ; four oak idinin,g room. chains; 8 kitchen chaffs.; 1 carpet: sweeper ; 1 d inner set. 97 pieoeu; 1 washing machine, 2 tubs; 4 pre. door 'curtains; 1 hanging lamp, 3 hand lamps; 3. lawn mower; 1 (step ladder; 1 8 -day clock; missed,' laneous pictures, picture 'frames, lin- oleum, carpets, window is/lodes, eus-- tains, A quantity of wood and coal. 'All articles must positively be sold. TERMS CASH " ' Miss. Ann Gardiner, B. S. Phillip's,• Proprietress, , Auctioneer COIN FOR CANNING FA'CTO'RY Will fa'rmees who are growing corn for the • Canning Factory kirdiy bring sample'cobs to the factory when they will he advised when to make deliver cry. • `,lir,. Exeter (Canning Factory. S. PUBLIC NOTICE ` Court of Revision for the Voterls,L'ist: of the Municipality of Exeter Notice is !F erebiy green, that a Coulrtf will (be held, pursuant to the Onteerie. Voter's Lirst Act, by his Etonoulr the Judge of the County Court of tbiet lOtounty of *Heron, at the Town Hail, ;Exeter en the 28th day of September i316 tit 10 o'clock in the forenoonto hear and determine complaints of errors and ommiissions in the Voter's List of the Muniolpiallty of Exe'fiefrt for 1916. Jas Senior were- of the 'Mid village CHIROPRACTIC THE 'WORLDS GREATEST SCIENCE It is a ;science 'highly esteemed by multitudes who ,have been liberated .rte!;,, from pain' and desea'si, at a timer 'whten all other systems had failed idem. Many there are who have suf- fered from deseasses such as rheum-. ntism, paralyIsis, sciatica, spinaleiery ature, Ideseases of the heart, liver %stomach:` tend' kidneys. constipation and various other female deiseases who, have found complete relief through! the . chiropractic sy(stem and that -era many 'cases after various systems had failed. If you ere a suffiefrer,front. rahronic trouble, see Dr. S. M. Jonel Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Exeter, opposite the Roller Millis. Consultation and examir_ation free Again T h e Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner The most perfect, the most powerful, the most efficient and the most dur- able ;iectric Vacuum Cleaner ever built. Remember that the Eureka Vacuum Cleaner does the work not you. Just think r f it the Eureka does away with dust- ing and house cleaning times. lit will reduce your 'I nuseI - ld expenses and :ate } ou time and money To dean with the Eureka is clean work Ask for 13emomtration A CONVENIENCE AND A NECESSITY Is your home fitted up with hot water, toilet and bath, The cold 'weather coming on draws your at- tention to this great convenience. A few dollars spent in installing this system will give you more pleasure and comfort than in any other way., Every new house, whether in town or country should be equipped with a hot water system Plumbing of all kinds our specialty • Chas. West 44 Qneens Ave. London, Phone 3255 dean, smokeless ass andodorless oven means peri'ecf cooking and baking. This. is assured byventilation and the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining in WCarjr randora *pIe It won't t be hard ro decide cllde what range you want in yotti kitchen after I show you the Pandora's special features. Sold by T. HAWKINS y