HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-28, Page 5( rll' tlA7r,• ,SEPT1+1'1kfBEnt 28t1, W. THE EXETER TIMES Centralia #r'a'rlelers, We rare trying to entice - (pate ;your wants, ill Trod flour oz' feed u WUTA to give( wee, eal1,. Iarvey eheros. Asir, W. T.:Colwill returned xoma from the West: on Saterday lase, Inns. 'Gra of 'Detroit tspent • theD. gg week -fend the. guest of Mras- Bows- Zaugh. . Mrs. A. Roainson, 'from Shauvin, ,Alberta tailed on friends here last Atm. Wilson, <iistriot organizer for she W.M.S. 'wilt 'bc in Centralia on Afonday evening, Oct. 2rd, and. would •like to meet all the tuemberr of the W.i111. ulso the, I1i:i'siou Circle and -mission 'band. 'Really Day service was held in the .'Mettodist •church net Sunday with ,quite a '2neeetss. Nearly all the •streets in Centrata .xa,.leaving a new ,coat of gravel, irnTr. A. I.Iieks and, Mr, W. Oke Lave imateria.l on hand for new silo's. Quite +a number from '_ere attend - sed the funeral oC Airs. Robert Ilio 'Walls of BLddulpL on Wedneedtayt a£- sernoou. Mrs. T. Quinton is very ill; her tnriends Lope for a speedy recovery. 111x. Tl;oma.s Willie has a new auto #truck in connection with, hie business Elimville ;1!b anniversary services of the 'Methodist ohua•ch 'at Sunshine were 'old Suxday :Sept. 17th. Tha Rev. A. McKibben of Woodham preached two ;westerly bormons .which were., greatly -:appreciated. The Elimville church •ichoir 'under the leadership of Mr. ;brace Cooper rendered splendid tser- n/ice. The subscription taken •tt the dvro•;services amounted tdi $80.011, ,' The usual anniversary supper was loot Itteld this year, bat on Labor! Day tee members of Sunushincl. church met 5;n the orchard of Mr. W. Kerslake. �- a near the church and spent a mast ,senjoyable afternoon and evening. Var- ious games Were indulged in' by young and old after which refreshment_, ''were served. o Dashwood tin. Milton Ehlers of ;Brantford' iy lvisitiug ,.his 'parents here at present. Dr. Balfour has di'posed of his 'bu i- ;Drtessto 'Dr. Taylor of London. Dr. Tay nor 'commenced 'here: on Monday. Mr. and Atrs.'Mcleaac Mr. and Mrs. Waist of Crediton (:,pent; ,Sunday with A11r. rand Mrs. 0.- Itestamayer , Mr. II. Willett made a business trip lc Buffalo on Saturday returning 'Tuesday. Miss 'Gertrude Graupner on Loraine Ohio, is visiting at the Lutheran par- sonage at present. Mr. and Mrs. fB. Statton and Mr. awn Mrs. R. Heeler spent a kw days in Stratford this week., Ail:. and Mrs.. Wm. Klein. tiver and iE wily have returned i rom a visit h lrelatives in Yale, ,Mich, Mrs. D. tBetbschin is at present vis- 'see/fang 'relatives in Tavistock. Rev. P.1Graupner spent Sunday+ at ;Wartburg. Blanshard A, -Potter accident ooeurred at Wood - :tarn, when Mrs,. Joe,- Wen fell down )collas' and broke her (Orin. She is Ser- faring considerable pain. iWhile 'Richard I,ingard and 'wife iwere ireterning home from.. St' ,Marys l5aturda.y evening, It. :Gerry who in- Istalle telephones ''for the Kirkton Telephone Qompany collided with their •buggy with his tnotorcyole. Mr. Perry was Thrown off and; severely hurt ,It was thought tor a timet thatt he was 'killed. lie is now improving. Mrt,. Lin Bard, was 'thrown out and sustained rt ,tan en arm and(, other injuries, tlze- orse having iron away. HOM.ESEJ KERS EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA ' C ' The Grand Trunk Railways System issues round trip llomescekers tickets eat very low fares from Ntations in 3Ctiz,ada to 'points in Matltolee, Sash- ,stc,hewan and Alberta, each 'l:ueeday .:until October 31st inclusive, vii North n3.1y :Cochrane and Transcott'.nernal ',Route or 'via Chicago, St. Paul and 1l)aluth and 'are good runnier;.; ;from 1 ,two months 'from date of issue. • 'Through tourist sleeping cars are sperated each Tuesday for Winnipeg 3caving Toronto 10.45 peen via 'Trans- eontinental Route without charge.. reservations in tourist sleepers ulay see obtained kat nominal charge' or. ap- Wlication to any Grand, Trixtk. Ticket xeitice, .The 'Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- ns-a`is the shortest and quickest troute 'between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Edmonton, -with smooth roadoed :electric 15gkted t;leeping cans, through 4he newest, most picturesque and lirnost ;rapidly developing ?section of .Western Canada. ;Before deciding- 'en tyour 'trip ask .*ronk Trunk Agents to furrishl full ;particulars or write C. E. Horning t`i):strict Passenger Agent, Toronto, ;�nmumrrrmntrrrrttlunmmtnnntnmrnrmmatnmrrnnmrttmmmrrmm�mn� = a = I Here is the Answer in s — '11 EOSTERS I NEW INTERNATIONAL TRE MERRIAM WEBSTER Every day in your talk and reading, at o .home, on the street car, in the office, shop — and school you likely question the mean - E ing of some new word. A friend asks: E. _ What makes mortar harden?" You seek ee • the location of Loch Katrina orthe pronun- G elation of jujutsu. what is white coal? ii g. This New Creation answers all kinds of e M questions ctipn,Fo gn Words, Trades, Arts and Scat ,,,e�mits final authority. - LE 4000 Words. N iglr ', h[ensall Mins Etuh Ronnie left last week for Hamilton to attend Normal. School. iDlins. ELlits spent a .few days in God - aria. visiting friends . 'Robert Fulton spent a few; days in Toronto. Mrs. 'E. F. InleLk Smitle tspent a few ldays'id Lunen lase week., visiting her father, Mr Henpeck. Dfr, and Mrs. Ce Cook and Mr. and 'DLrs. JON. ;Bontbron motored to De- troit treoently., Mr. 'Geo, Dalton of Mitchell spent a .few days in town visiting his sister r;M ra. M, Drake. Wise Belle Sparks of Brantford is spending a few days in town with hex mother. Miss Sadie Acheson has returned home . after spending a few weeks with friends to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carr motored flrom 13uffalo (last week and spent a few mays with Mrs. 'M. Drake. M. N. E. 'Cook has returned home after and extended trip to Toronto and .Montreal. Mrs. Harold Pym of Midland spent a few days last week with her mother 'Airs. John 'Caldwell. Miss :Versa Geiger Las returned, from H,andbury, New Ontario, where she has been teaching For the past seven montes. 'Rev. Knight attended the Metho- dist Theological Union at Victoria Col lege, where he gave a paper on Schle: ermacher and influence of Modern Science on Theological Thought. A large and appreciative audience greeted the Rev. 7. S. Henderson up on his appearance in the pulpit of .Carmel Presbyterian church, All avail- able space 'wars used. The building be- ing crowded 'to the doors. Ile spoke ,eloquently and 'convincingly of con- dition in Canada, our duties and won- derful opportunities. having pent 13 years of arduous work in 13. Columbia. Ilse knows whereof be speaks. He speaks in Exeter Wednesday night. The following Ietter was ;received by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ;Buchanan from their son, Pte. Pete 'Buchanan attached to the 44th l3attalion, France ranee, Aug. 27th, Dear Parents,— just a few lines to let you know that I am feeling wells We have had our first turn in the< front line tren- ches. and my curiosity has been thor- oughly satisfied. I was not surprised in any way. The impressions or.e re- tceives on the front line, from read- ing the papers and seeing pictures are almost bound to b; correct. Every- thing is just as I thoughu it would bel. except that no idea of 'the mag- nitude of tete whole affair can. be tformed by visiting any one poir.t. Will write more later, Your 1o;ng eon Pete. - 6000 Illustrations. Cost $400,000. 2700 Pages. The only dictionarywith the new dividedpeac,—char- - acterized as A Stroke of rGenius. ' , I- India Papa' Edition: On thin, opaque. strong, .. India paper. What a antis - faction to owntheliterrians Webster in a form so li(,ht E and so convenient to useI s and ' Hess Onehaifthe duck ;= weight of Regular Edition. a Resider Edition: On strong book paper. Wt. Is%lbs. Size 12%x 094x - sinchest. Wrttefor.reaimenragee, lUUzfr Uoae, eta. p kart n . d receive Teti t RI:&C. - I&ERRIAM 04 = .Springfield, Macs. 1•.011U1WW.1 rirllrrlrUunnnrianwiOaf Zurich Crediton Ifermters, eve bre trying to antici pate youlr wants, lalin flour or feel YOU want to 'givei ,aoro. `call,.—•.K'larrvey 'Oros. Senator end Mas. laatz or New Ilam 'burg spent a few days last' week the guests. of their daughter, IXrs.Zwicker Mr. •and 'Mrs. F,. W. Clarke acro n« pooled ',,y Mrs. Frank,.. Wood. l of Exe- ter and ;fns. Orme motored to Sarnia for tte week -end. Mr. end Mrs. 10. Coultas of Toronto spent Sunday viteiting lrelatives here. Mk. Fred Wuertlx and mono have re- turned tome from the West, Mrs. Williams and daughter bave returned home atter visiting' 'Mrs. S. M. Johnston.. Mrs. iicDonald of Klntoret apenh a few days last week the ,jueet of ber sister, Mrs. Zwioker. The Rev. Prof. Potter of Victoria University will speak ini tho Method- ist church, Crediton on Sunday' mom- ing 'at a quarter to ten and int Eber- ezer at half past one,. Rev. R. C. 'Barber and wife and daughter of Wurwick visited at the parsonage, The 'financial district meeting aced the missionary Congress held Sept, 15, was quite n success. The ladies served tea in the basement of the church and home excellent addresses NYCZCI given. • Pte. TLos. I)avidson of Camp Borden was home last week on leave of ab- sence. Air. P. C. IsSalhfleisch- has the foun- dation completed nor his fine new residence. The eartinaed dry weather is mak- ing it a hard task for the farmers to sow their fall wheat: 'Mrs.. Edward +parry Lars Ieft for her home in Montreal„ after spending a ,few montes with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald. gr. H. Ewen, wl:.o has been engag- ed with Mr. J. Diechert as black- smith for some time_bus left for Tor - pronto. Mrs. Ewen and eon win fol•; low 'in a few weeks. Thames Road Farmers, eve hre trying to antici• pate your wants, if its{ flour or feed you want to giver' as a cane—Hervey :Bros. t , . Rev. E. G. Powell preached' in the Presbyterian church la'n Sunday morn ing and (i)r. Strang from the West oc- cupied the pulpit in the, evening.'l3oth services were 'we]1 attended: Rally (Day was obtserved air Bethany last Sunday instead of the regular service. Rev. Muxworthy was present and assisted in the service. •• 1! , r Resolved; l.lrlhton F4ti will be 1. 'That a took of preiblems with a e .banner enrollee' in relgazxt to giiing, {, on Friday suitable coltcRtiorxs of graded serer- S!Cretdry S Report Tkaiiizes ltnszd 'comets ,ne.xt. OW flare held_ o f east should ne published to eupplee Cromarty J Mrs, John laoxfeey of Duluth spent a 'week with her eonsin. Atria :Dave McConnell. •1 t t .' Owing to the continued day seasor. the fanners ere unable to get any 'plowing 'done, and only those who had summer fallow 'managed to fret any wi'.eat sown. Lieut. Alex 1Vxoheffy, who 'for the (past two 'years has !been science mas- ter in the Dawson City !Collegiate 'spent a few days with his parents ,here last week. Lieut. Mchaf1& enlist- ed during the sume:tee and le on his way overlscara 'While Mr. Jos. Speere tva:f engaged in l epairing the roof of Mr. R. Sadi- ler's ,Louse in Sta'fra, the ladder upon which he was supported, and which was ,falstened to the ridge board gave wad'. and Mr. ',Speare fell to the ground, a distanoe of about fourteen feet. His trigh't ankle war broken and some of the 'boners in his foot 'erashed His left ankle le ?badly sprained and although no other bones Aire: broken the forte of the ifall caused other in- juries of a serious nature. Mr. Speare was conveyed to hie home and :Drs. Maur and Armstrong of Mitchell were. soon on Mand to attet,d to hie injuries• which will lay him aside from active duty for some time, . - INCREASE IN PRICE 'NEXT 'WEEK On the first oe October the Exeter Times will increase in, price, from $1 to $1.213 a year. There is just a few days left for our subscribers to take advantage of the old irate as after that date all arrears, :new or renewal isub'aeriptions will 'be chainged the ad- vatr.oed rate. Any 'remittances that beaus tie post.rnark up to Sept 30th wilt be n'ccepted. THE LATE AIRS. _MONTEITH r. There passed away at, the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Allison, one of the oldest residents of the'commun- ity. in the person of ili,rw. Chas. Mon- teith. Sr. The late Mars. Montville whose maiden :Time wars, .(Helen Millar was born near Arbroath., Scotland, and came with her _patents to Canada in. the year 1853. Mr. and Mrs. IVIillar and family settled on the Thames Road on the faxm formerlyt owned by the late John 'Westlake, at prer+nt ley Peter Moir, and it was at • t tie home that Mrs. Monteith with her brothers and sisters experienced the pleasure of pioneer life. In 1858 She married Mr (Chas. :Monteith and re= sided during her married life, on the farm now owned by Mr. AndrewCamp .bell. She lived to the ripe age 'ofr 30 years and is survived by four sisters and one brother, namely Mr. David i1ii.1Iar of Spokane, 87 years of age; Mrs. Ramsay of Exeter 85 years of age; Mrs. Ja•s. Hackney, Thames Road 80 years of age; and Dine. Alex Hack- ney Thames 'Road, 77 years of age. Mos. Monteith tel'so leaves one dau= atter and one 'son, Dins. John Allison Thames Road. and William of Calgary Her funeral services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Fletcher and her remains were laid to rest ire the Exeter eeme- tery fled 'was followed by a larg.ees gathering of her friends and neigh- !boars. Like many more of ,the old people aLe has left behind her xi good ly heritage. It may truly be said about her 'that she lived £or the beistt'that this life can give. All through life' ter /Bible was her friend, and itis sweet at surances were with her to the last. When memory failed to grasp wordly things she was always able to repeat beautiful passages of Script- ure while shortly before her death she :repeated the "Shepherds Psalm" without a break. Now she hats' passed through the "Valley" and reached that Home tibove for which .she 'so often longed. He sees when their footsteps falter, 'When their heart grows weak and faint, He marls when their istrength is fail- ing And listens to each complaint. He bids them rest for a season , For the pathway has, grown too steep , And folded 'in green pasterns' , Ile giveth his loved; ones sleep Weep not that trials are over. Weep not that her race is run, God giant -that we may rest as calmly When our work like hers is done. Till then we would yield• with glad- nests , • 'to iii to keep Our treasure rn, , Mr. Peter Lamont has returned And 'rejoice in the sweet assurance, from his trip to Saskatchewan, true He giveth his loved ones sleep. we are sorry to ray on the sick lista He is recuperating at the home o`f hies Troops Beach England. Ml- . i stun read a mother, bars. Joie=. Ester, Varna. WESTERN ONTARIO FALL FAIRS 1916. IBlytb: 1Brussete Goderich Kirkton Luoknow Milverton net 3-4 net Oct 5e6 l , Sept. 27-29 , Sept. 28-27 Sept 28.29 Sept 28-29 HURON WEATHER INSURANCE CO. A meeting of the directors of the Huron Weather Insurance Company was `held at iba'ahwrood.. The directors report that the year 1316 has been the most !satisfactory in the history of the company. Eight hundred and eighty-five new applications have been written 'up already this year, covers ing insurance amounting to over a million dollars. The Company now has $6,000 cash in a Bank and el00,000 in Premium notes. At the meeting 196 new applications were prevented by the General Agent, Dir. S. Hardy of Exeter, cove r.ng insurance amount- ing to $221,000 which is certainly a N ery good drys oa'in?s:. W. Huron's Teachers Convention. meat. the resent Public. School A,ritiz atHuron Pre s b�'tel• metio, one edition for teachers with text for study Gs: ;reed 'oy othaire answers and another edition, w^athout!l The secretary' of a flourishing coon - anew answers far pupils. 'rho following report was. read b'ty try auxiliaury Isaa^a, "I k,'ave be" set?. 2 The literature paper for entranee the secretary of the Huron Z'rauibye iretary since, July 8th, 1304, hay* 'noir, ' examination should be iargelY based aerial at their annual neeeting held 'sail cline 9xtee•tiztgs, .seven meetings on prescribed •work—at least seventy- 'an ffrccce+fieid. It is with vexjyin'g emo- tbriough aionanse one at home and:•one five per •bent to ire prescribed and :tions that 'wo p'rciselit tho third an- lin !gtia2antrne, :but the finaneiai' part the west on .sight work, ' :Alt (cohort of ke 1•Iuron, Prosbyt�erial w'a's 'nee'ver neglect�.ed• I a,dwayls put a 3 The 'unzform promotion exams z- e W. M. i5, We aa'a loll convened 'tax fee for being a1lsent 'fo'r Live cents stiolas,should'be held in Juno, (.norma ,ander exceptional cireumstaneets,, Our so the iday I wait awtzy arnoented to of ,as 'at present in April, providing nation and ,leresbtyterial to -day brier d; thirty 'cents nvhlch was sent in. If 'tkat East llaxron teachers are agree- sbetweeet 'the t,ormow and the ,song: 'this would. ;follow this plan of ,tbie, ins order to make the county The awful sorrow and agony of the thus >.eeretairy our nuances would uniform. :sv'az"ld's 'woe and our own .personal. prosper. One ata totiahed with over" 4 That gine In all schools should 4as; on one hand' nrd'the jay of cool- w eilmtng ecru a of loss expressed in Lave the opportunity of secu:rir>g ding" victory and tha hope of immartal the ;reports from Thau as (toad and their certificates by working on farina just ea boys have. tlo, I, 2 and 4 were adopted by the easuoeletion. 331leetion or officers. wu0s then 'uro- oeeded with, with the following. 're- sult; President—Miss M. 'A. 'Bailie, Dun- gannon. Vice(-President—W m. McKay, H"n- sall. Secretary-Treasurer—'W m. H. John- ston, Kippen. lOouncirllors—J. 11, ' Johnston, God- erich; Miss Nellie: Medd, Winchelsea ; known, perhaps, but none the, leas vale than in any previous year, although Stoy 'Stonehouse, Blyth; Miss Irene rued have liase-ed beyond the veil or, Quackenbush, Exeter„ Miss Annie, to a different sphere of :service on there has been Sa many calls for pates V. Vorrance, Crediton cart.. A new (auxiliary hats, been for- biotic work roar little society its still Auditing Committee—R. ' R. 'Red- lined in '.13Iyt1 , Balled the . Aiartin 011t- on the ''upward march, What Varna, mond, rBelgrave, and G. S. Howard. ver Circle, in memory.of our 'mission- can acoomplisbl sins surely not beyond The (:epoch of the auditing, commit- Ory, Tl:e Huron Presbyterial come tLe possi•bilites of larger soeteties. tee. ;n'how-in,g as balance on hand of veriseu 28 auxiliaries wit.. member- The 'following arcs the amountq con - $48.78, was ireceived and adopted, t- ship of over 700 contributing $3306.80 tributed by the Auxiliaries,—Auburn! During the past year the Assocla and ten .mission bands contributing 60.e0; 'Bayfield 112; Rick. 35.35; Iilythl f 136.50; Marion !011iver Carole, ;Blytai ,' ion, paid $200 to the !British fled. Oros $282.50 including interest; 12 litera,m- 65; i3ru'cefield; X181,13; l;rucef.Seld fano. iters have been added daring the year. Kelly Circle 156.28; Clinton, 176.35; 'Aix. E. T. White, B. Paed,, took up and 17 (bales of comfortable olothin,g Kelly low ire Duff's ;'arab, D, 11; "Problems and Solutions" shipped to 'il2oosee Mountain Indian ar10 E67; DuLf'sle, 203.25; Exeter, Miss Nellie Medd introduced "Com- 6sohool at Ehelbert. In :spite of war 'for Thud Claus," She aspic:- conditions the interest and offeri, s n4.10; Login M. S. Exeter 134.90; positionng' Goderich, +201:.15; Goderich Arthur Car- ed the ' fact that many; teachers and have been sustained. « ole 25.00; 'Goderich Tp. Union 42.75; Cir - others cannot write a good letter, She Bayfield report asayis, Our Sac]ety `Grand Bend 100.00; H'ensall 135.0; would therefore teach especially how les prospered and we have a lot oC McGregor rCirele,Hensall, 85.00; Hillis- thought write letters in proper form. She welling workers. Our secretary re- Gr sen 115.71; Kippen 117.25; KilrOxton thought teachers ,should give a great grets that the amount dent is not 110.75; L71; 48.00; frondesboxo, deal of attention to mechanical work such as :writing sentences, properly putting in ' capitals, etc. In cars-. tive writing she often aliowe papiis no ,chose their own stories. She would take a large amount' of oral compos- ition. She would assign subjects suit- able to certain periods of the year. as the spirit of, Christmas,, the lesson of Easter, etc. Miss Mead's address was really gond and received the very_ closest attent- ion from the memiberst of the conven- tion. Mr. Tom , spoke on `"Educational 'Waste" and gave many good hints to the teachers. He objected to home work Sn arithmetic. Ile would have the Department of Education put arithmetic and gramnaer on the exam- ination for the Middle School. He would not make arithmetical problems too difficult. He would teach- reading by means of printed tablebs rather than by ,script. He would make an extra effort to have, the reading well done. There were 128 teachers preseeet. This is a record attendance. lal(Bary made zi special study of "Our 'Atlst�iorAs within the Empire.", �"lea ity on the other.. Unexpected changes 'Kirkton. What that loss means to pus ihave come to our Presbyterial aur- onil „own Society can know, Mr,s: