HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-28, Page 3• NEWS FROM ENGLAND A R401 "Peach Cob. - bletoky-Not a soggy, doughy, inedible combin- ation, but a crisp, tasty, easily -digested dish of whole wheat with Readies and cream. Cover one or more Shredded Wheat Biscuits with sliced peaches and then pour cream over them. Nothing so appetizing and satisfying and nothing so easy to prepare. NEWS BY MAIL ABOVT JOHN; elm', AND M15 PEOPLE., Deterrences In ihe Land That Reigns Supreme in the Vona mercial World. Buckinghamshire has given $72,- 165 to the Red Cross during the war. Colchester's corporation rat-cateber has in twelve months caught 5,547 rats. The Lord Kitchener Memorial Fund in aid of disabled officers and men now totals over $1,117,504 Lieutenant Stanley Wootton, the ex -jockey, recently had the Military Cross conferred upon him at Bucking- ham Palace. • Sixteen thousand garments for the wounded have been made and des- patched from Stoke Newington War Hospital Supply Depot. The degree of LL.D., was recently conferred at Cambridge upon four Russian lecturers who are taking part in the summer meeting. The Islington coroner handed over $400, subscribed by the public, to the widow of a man named Custance, who lost his life in attempting to save a cat. About 300 members of the National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assist- ants, Warehousemen and Clerks have been killed in action or have died of wounds. • s Members of Parliament who are certified by a medical board to be unfit for general service, are not to be called up under the Military Ser- vice Act. The Thetford Town Council has appointed the 15 -year-old daughter of the town crier to fulfill the duties of the office during her father's absence with the colors. Owing to the protests of 125 Brit- ish workmen, five Czechs employed Made in Canada GERMANIZING AMERICA. emcee QV er what be Vitae 0 the intriduums 0 gIttaii-E4 'ride,. he le 'not ant to want to exchange tlig 'dace ig t4e RAM tor 1•0437, '40.0440404et Oen. olve regime Ow gateer AO to offer, It so 4sp_Rotts that the Germans In Tammatai are controlled by the Irish, and you may be sure that will be the relative position .of the two mos, Ishmael they coalesce,: for the Trieb.; will hardly eaerifica their poeition America to promote the illicit ambi. tion of any European monarch, .miacb.. less that .of the Kaiser. They intend to remain Arserie040, and these simple, deluded Germans will learn in the end that they will be exploited by th0 instead ot exploiting them.. But the Kaiser's agents did not ,even stop at sedition „acting under ins structions which were dlrectly ara.ceci to German and Austrian officials;• they secretly placed bombs on outgoing steamers timed to explode when far out at sea. They blew up inanition factories and resorted tO the intimidas tion of manufacturers, organized strikes and sabotage, tried to wreck railroads, and to all intents and pur- poses, made this country the base for hostile operations against the Allies, with whom we were at peace. For downright bold and uncom- promising effrontery, this surely "takes the bakery," and has no pre- cedent anywhere else ; and if our administration at Washington had not been supine and self-seeking, this thing would have been promptly sup - By Charles M. Bice, Denver, Colo. Pressed. Some prosecutions are still In my last article on this,subject, Pending, I believe, but the perpetua- we were able only in the space as- tors should have been huag, signed, to mention a portion of the But the final revelation of Gern an work of the Kaiser's agents in the atrocity and underhanded methods eltrielikt„ 16,4114 It/g O.. 011 I 6 OU tFr ae i„ IE.,...1,,.i. 14,10 1, 01. %Up trio El littg aWNAO tram h . ' ti lii). 'I' FREE1 II • r.polr 41,1 , , o. rig ttuilgli. it iiii. rootintc 11,4,44 Iraiweigotrii catroino) Sent/roe. on einti.of. • Addrw, at 011orirt JOHN HALLAM Limitod 202 Hallam Building, Toronto. aa Names/sass:a ss ESHER URGES A THOROUGH "Made in Canada" DOMINION RAINCOATS Best for quality, style and Value. Guaranteed for all cli- mates. Ask Your Dealer JOBthe man who had snubbed him. He expressed himself as being doubtful "whether the supervision of the faun - NOBLEMAN WHO SNUBBED THE Wiens and drains of Royal Palace is CURIOUS KAISE.R. apt to qualify somebody for the judg- ment of naval, affairs in. general." It was rumored at the time that it was through this gibe at Lord Esher that Ways of Emperor William Were Seen the fact became known to the public Through By Him that Lord Tweedmouth was corres- ponding with the Kaiser. For the In 1907. First Lord is said to have thought the slap at "Reggie Brett"—as Lord Esher Lord Esher has recently issued a is still familiarly known—rather very emphatic warning to the British' smart and to have talked about it at 'United States. came when the world was introduced relative to the desirability of their not some dinner. it meshes of sleep" by the Germans. He ever, the "slap at Reggie Brett" specially chosen because'they well re- German spy-systern. Th•e spy, being "caught a second time in the At the Kaiser's own court, how- ' The apostles of "Kultur" were to the almost limitless schemes of the presented German methods, and their seems, undergoes a Zrepared course very evoked a good deal of laughter against . imperial master. We -will pass, for the of schooling in Germany, before he thoroughly done this time --that the the Kaiser himself, it being said that snake must not he was not the man to have talked of want of space, the German -American or she is sent out on their despicable press, the acts of the renegade. Ger-, mission of deception. the unwisdom of mixing of drains only be 'scotched' but killed. His with high political affairs, in view of man Jews, and the rest of the foul With perverted wills, they simulate warning was writ - mess of troglodytes, and take up the, truth which the heart is incapable a German Professors. ten from head- one of his own experiences. For it feeling, in order to prepare the ruin quarters at the Some of these were already in the of the unsuspecting people with whom front, where he Chairs of American universities before they deal. The German government has been staying the war began, but many others were kept spies in every Court, foreign for some time sent over since, ostensively to do some Municipal Corporation, and all and whence he special work in the field of entomology laboratories and mills. They intri- has written. tame and in kindred subjects ; and these gued in Egypt, in South Africa, to very graphic let- iavariably, after a brief introductory fomeat risings against the British. was at the height or one of his own I political crises—after the dIsmissal .1of Cafrivi from the Chancellorship— PRO -GERMAN ORATORS, Address Crowds lin Loudon rights Without Interference. A. emesporulent of the London Daily E3tpress sent the following let,, ter to that paper:— .Are the readers of the. Daily EX - press aware of the meetings that are being held in Finsbury Park every Sunday evening? Strolling through the park last Sun- day evening my attention was 4tr-, rested by several erowds, and by one large one in particular. To my amazement and disgust, I found my- self listening to a fluent speaker whose every sentence, however cleverly cloaked, was apparentely per- meated by the desire to attack this country, to whitewash Germany, and to dishearten the civilian population. The Daily Express, which has done such excellent work in arousing pub- lic attention to the intrigues and ignoble efforts of the pro -Germans in our midst to create national disunion, may perhaps draw public attention to these meetings, which are held with complete immunity in one of the most popular of London's playgrounds. lainareSs Liniment Cares Dandruff, DUKE AS AN INDIAN CHIEF. Stony Indian Garb. Suits the Fine Figure of His Royal Highness. During the five years of his Gov- ernor -Generalship, nothing has given His Royal Highness the Duke of Con- naught, more pleasure than the cere- mony which, made him Chief of the Stony Indians. This ceremony took place at Banff, where the Duke and Duchess, together with Princess Pat- ricia, spent a delightful holiday this Summer. The Stony Indians who were once that the Kaiser explained one day at a distinctly warlike tribe, and some his luncheon -table : "Here is a nice of whose exploits form the back - state of things ! This city of ground to Ralph Connor's "Sun Dance (naming a small town) proposed to • Patrol," are now good citizens and empty its refuse into the river just on ornamental metal work on the , • address, would pour forth to the They were detected in Ireland and the fine . work Nobodyabovetihne tnebathingliome eetablishment. hold Annual Sports Day at the great Office saw the tourist resort in July. The picturesque American students a specious but India ; they influenced Japan against This trick suggests the methods or instigating that people against done by British mistake, and it took me four hours to garb of a Stony Indian new admir- C new Commonwealth Building. on the Strand have been discharged. ' pathetic pro -German appeal. I America, and were found in Mexico amm' unitian and Lord Esher. get out a better plan." Here was the ably suits the fine figure and strong 1 the The Port of London Authority has the barbarous Huns, who leave no ' U. urging the muni- profile of the Duke. S. tion makers not to discontinue their Kaiser bothering about the sewage of 1 made a grant of $1,250 towards thee stone unturned to accomplish their an- 1 The German colonists who iiltered aeaaa little town, while his Empire was in Princess Patricia found particular fund for providing food and clothing holy designs, but they were deluded into Belgium and'—`''ts. Poland before the i , His warning about doing the job the throes of a crisis. And yet, with this Summer in riding her for members of their staff who are i if they imagined that they could keep war were spies, though pretending to thoroughly derives especial si nifi- typical lack of humor, that very man pleasure Mounted Police pony "Dandy" along prisoners of war in German ion fooling Americans by such crude be loyal citizens, and they wert found, g vising drains" as disqualifying sneered at Lord Esher's duty of "super- man_ the mountain trails which radiate Lord Shaftesbury, Lord -Lieutenant ; and silly subterfuges. lin many parts of England, France and, Pe for a knowledge of naval affairs. sassed for becoming acquainted with of Dorset, has started a movement Some expounded the ethics of "Kul-, Italy playing the roles of propagandist the extreme artfulness of the attempts es, to draw such conclusions as they. In these various forms mendacity, =Lard's Liniment for -sale everywhere. tur " and left to their hearers the ri 1st' and of Bey made by the German Government to. to provide war memorials by the g they hoped to catch the British wheni erection of village crosses in the • casnistical, while some had the ment of German nature, displays it- Really Careful. weave the meshes of sleep wherein restoration, where existing, or the might. Others again, were sly and svhich seems to be an inherent ele- county.the European war, for which they' Natalie, aged five years, for the I audacity to berate Americans frankly, self. It is not to be wondered at that I were steadily preparing, actually ,first time planted some pansy seeds i About 250 Canadian lumbermen of . but these missionaries of Prussianism Goethe should embody in Mephist- the Regiment of Canadian Foresters, ; accomplished but little in their opheles—the spirit of falseness, a deep-! thebroke out. In the early winter of 1907 are at present employed daily in fell- I Proselyting work. 1 seated national characteristic, of Kaiser visited England. He was —as usual when he paid one of his small boxes. One evening she ing fir trees on the Stoner estate of 1 They had a two -fold purpose in which the Kaiser is the most illus-! • frequent vielts to England—overfiow-, rushed to water them,, and, an her re - Major H. St. Maur, near Newton Ab- view. They worked not only to con- trious exponent. Cruelty and cunning . . ing with loving kindness towards turn her mother: "You know, after bot, South Devon. ciliate American public opinion and are the ends to which "Kultur" logie a rain, you don't have to water them" The Royal Patriotic Fund has dis-turn Americans to defend their cause,' rally leads. Dante rightfully reserved . a, guest of King Edward and was all take them in when it ra.ins!" the British. At Windsor Castle he was , Natalie's reply was startling: "Oh, I . but to arouse and organize the German the lowest depths of hell for those who guest $16,500 at Portsmouth to 470 ' Americans into a compact political by mendacity betrayed their fellow- grace and graciousness.' widows, 680 orphans and 109 mothers party, which was designed to terrorize, men. distressed by the Jutland battle be- if it could not persuade, the govern- ______aa reavements and is. arranging for the I ment to aid Germany by material GUARD BABY'S HEALTH education of the orphans. means. As the months flew by, these. At a garden fete held at Fern-, brazen conspirators grew more bold; IN THE SUMMER Kaiser's stay there. He happened,' satisfactory headway through mild; dangerous to children. The complaints coutrhsels, wlaettllerev,faecrte.theAlKlatitsther sivtays,, he i and Garter Home, a hunter was sold and conciliators- means. for $275.20. Warwickshire has con- I They held meetings at which they I of that season, which are cholera in - Constable of Windsor Castle the ques- sought to discuss with the Deputy an,. come on so quickly that often a little tion of British naval programs andl tributed $25,000 to the fund. I openly preached sedition, and through f,antum, colic, diarrhoea and dysentry, Owing to the abnormal condition the German -American press, they Bound to Ascend. one is beyond aid before the mother i defences. caused by the war, an advance of 72 n•ounced that they had formed a coalia Snubbed the Kaiser. I "So you've invested your money in cents a week has been given to time tion with the Irish -Americans, and realizes he is ill. The mother must 1 workers engaged as laborers and would seize the country and rule it in' be on her guard to prevent these Howevet, Lord Esher is no fool. a new airship company?" "Yes. If our airship goes up, the semi -skilled workers in engineering troubles, or if they do come on esti- the interests of the Kaiser. Some of He realized that "fine words butter no. shops on the north-east coast. 1 these more hot-headed scamps even denly to cure them. No other medi- parsnips," and that beneath all the stock will go up." Mr. John Ouston, for fort years p.ictured. a Germ. an imperial Prince cine is of such aid to mothers during Kaiser's soft sauder lay dark and; "But suppose it doesn't?'' go ap.,, coxwain of the Scarborougli lifeboat,' sitting m the White House, and ruling hot weather as is Baby's Own Tab- , usieneiasitieyr noted for although'ThenaThen the companywill as viceroy of the Kaiser. his etancete'an has died in his 74th year. He had . Of course, anyone who had the least; lets. They regulate the stomach and of manner, he let the Kaiser see pretty; helped to save 230 lives and twice knowledge of the Irish people, would bowels and are absolutely safe. Sold plainly that he saw through his! ible as medicine dealers or by mail at 25 crafty game. He put the Kaiser where had the experience of saving his son know that a coalition of that kind with' by John, the present coxwain of the, C-ermens would be as imposs cents a box from The Dr. Williams' i he belonged. And the Kaiser never lifeboat. mixing water and oil and expect a, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 foraave him. Now, it so happened that Lord Ester, at that time, was Deputy Con- stable of Windsor Castle, and, in that; capacity, was at Windsor during the moreover, to be as well a member of i borough Hall, Warwickshire, in- aid and wanton in their methods, goaded the Committee of Imperial Defence. I of the Warwickshire Ward at the Star on, no doubt, by their failure to make! The summer months are the most of from Banff through the passes and over the precipitous sides of the sur- rounding mountains. The Duke him- self spent much of his time in fish- ing for mountain cut-throat and devil trout, but the largest fish of the sea- son was caught by Miss Yorke, lady in waiting to the Duchess of Con- naught, who landed a monster of no less than nine pounds. The sulphur water swimming pool attached to the C.P.R. hotel was a source of great delight to the Royal party, and many amusing snapshots not for publica- tion, are being taken back to Eng- eaaa, Granulated Eyelids, land. The many visits of the Con - Eyes inflamed by expo- naughts to Banff have resulted in sure to Sun, Nisi and %Wild this becoming the chief social centre quickly relieved by Merlin: va Eye lb:reedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. MurfoeEe s SalveinTubes25c.ForBook el theEyerrecask Druggists or MurIneEyeRemedyCoaChicago mem cal affinity to result. But this claim, though ludicrous in SHELL BLINDNESa. the. extreme, shows the denseness of gut at that time the late Lcrd Tweedmouth was First Lord of the THE HANDS OF THE CLOCK. Admiralty. And he either lacked Lord the average German in dealing with , t• t W C d TI B . . Esher's sagacity or was more amiable The Minute Hand, the Racer, Is the Useless One. • The hour hand of the clock seems a ponderous, deliberate fellow com- pared with his swift -going colleague, who sweeps clear round the eircalt while he makes his way painfully over five of the minute spaces from one hour point to the next. Yet, though' one goes ever so much farther and faster, again and again the minute; hand, for all his speed, is merely over-' taking the patient plodder, who, with: his stubby finger, is the real time giver. You cannot tell from this grat- ing minute -man alone *hat time it is. Dut from the position of the hour hand in solitude you could very nearly know. Moreover, except for two hours in the whole round of the 24 hours— at noon and at midnight—the minute hand, %though he rages all the way round the orbit, finds to his dismay that he starts increasingly in arrears bebind the other hand, and must over- come an always lengthening handicap. And what is the use of proudly pass- ing and getting to the goal first, 22 times out of the 24, when the victory is only, apparent and not real, since bdth hands tell the same thing after all ? And the minute hand, the racer, is the Useless one. Just so one sees strong, silent men who plod their way, undramatic, serious, while others brandish and flourish like nervous semaphores all round them. The world is depending on those who seem "no painful inch to gain." The useful ones are ap- parently making no headway at all. The brilliant and superficial run af- ter, overtake and outstrip them easily, again and again. It is the old fable of the hare and the tortoise. She Noted the Correction. 'When a little Belgian girl said, "Will you please shut my dress?" she was gently corrected and told that tee word to use was "fasten." A day or two afterwards this little girl, while .quarrelling with another little girl ex. vlaimed, "0 fasten your mouth!" those outside of the Fatherland. t'aten as tire woug eing to the Emperor's soft soap. Anyhow,' Though the Irishman has his griev- Hypnotised. he was ill-advised enough to allow; himself to be drawn into a conference' Brightens One Up There is something about Grape -Nuts food that brightens one up, infant or. adult, both physically and mentally. What is It ? Just its delightful flavor, and the nutriment of whole wheat and barley, including .their wonderful body and nerve building mineral ele- ments A crisp, ready-to-eat'food, with a mild sweetness all its own ; distinctive, deli- cious, satisfying— GraDe-Nuts "There's a Reason" Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. One of the most perplexing injur- ,. th 1, Kaisere I , on .. ies incidental to modern warfare is This became noised abroad, and Lord! shell blindness, caused by shock. Nu- Tweedmouth was popularly credited i merous cases have been recorded with something like an act of treason.; where a big projectile, exploding near On the full facts becoming known it1 a soldier, has bowled him over and appeared that he had acted with the possibly knocked him senseless. He knowledge of his colleagues—Sir Hena! ry Campbell -Bannerman was Premier; Inadequate Instructions himself has escaped possibly without a scratch. Upon recovery he has —in replying to the Kaiser's letter,1 Caller—Nellie, is your smasher in? and that he had not (as was popular-, N ll N , th • is out shopping. been found td be sightless, blinded by , ly supposed) prematurely disclosed; Caller—When will she return? the shock. I the British naval estimates to the Nellie (loudly)—Mother, what shall The symptoms are invariably iden-Kaiser, to whomi, n fact, he gave no I say now? not given to tical. The eyes have not been injur- ' information which was Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,—A customer of ours cured a very bad case of distemper in a valuable horse by the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Yours truly, VILANDIE FRERES. • ed—or only slightly—by grains of Parliament at the same time. Still MinarcVs Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. dust, which may merely have set up ' there had undoubtedly been some in - more or less local irritation. The pa- !discretion, and the incident led to, tient has either been in absolute Not a Pigtail Left. 'Lord Tweedmouth's relinquishment of darkness or could only distinguish The opening ceremonies of the a , the Admiralty. I d the fu 11 slight difference between light and I All this is of particular interest be- Chinese Parliamentmar ce u , cause it was tn his notorious letter to turn of the circle to republican sim- shadow. These cases, however, have - , plici y :Lord Tweedmouth that the Kaiser! ' 't from the antique formalities proved to be exceptionally resistant ' showed how the snubbing he had re- • and gorgeous ritual which President ao ordinary treatment. 1ceived front Lord Esher several '` Yuan restored in the brief period ' Two of our leading optical scien- 1 months before—the letter was written tists were attracted to the strange in the spring of 1908—still rankled. , when he was Emperor -elect. But ' the frock coat of the President who 'situation, and, although neither be- lieved in hypnosis, both considered the field promising for its practice. Forthwith the patient was hypnotised, and he was induced to imagine that he was only temporarily blind and that he could see if he strove to do so. Strange to say, the treatment in- variably had the desired effect. When the man awoke from his sleep he was able to see as well as ever. Indeed, in the cases handled by the two above- mentioned scientists the hypnosis treatment has never failed.—Fred A. Talbot, in the Scientist in Wartime. Jarrying Color. Mrs. Youngbride—l'd like to change these eggs I ordered by telephone yes- terday. Grocer—What's wrong with them, ma'am ? Mrs. Youngbride—Whys the shells; are a deep brown and the only egg cups I have are a robin's egg blue. "Drains and Navies" walked in and sat down while all In this letter the Kaiser Venomously' of the members were standing around seized on. Lord Esher's capacity gossiping was not such a surprise Deputy Constable of Windsor Castle to build on it a deliberate insult to: as the geniality and courtesy which prevailed. Old rivals shook hands and chatted of the prospects in a manner which was impossible when everybody was wondering if his neighbor had sold himself or would sell him. There were present 456 legislators and not a pigtail among them. Very few were in uniform. To Be Candid. Gentleman (to butler who has just given notice)—"But why do you wish to leave, Podgers ?" Butler—"I'd rather not say, sir." Gentleman—"But come, come, I in- sist on knowing." Eatler—"Well, if you must know, sir, I've been 'ere now for twenty years, and I'm absolutely sick of the sighb of you and your family." of the West during the summer months. The Americans who have the money to travel have deserted their own National Parks so that they could be nearer to a real Duke. Minardis Liniment Cures Burns, Etc, STRANGE FACTS OF SCIENCE:, A small but useful electric railway is contained within a Paris sewer. To one end of a new pocket knife is fastened an opener for bottle caps. The government of Chile has au- thorized the erection of a technical industrial school. A rack that can be hung on a radi- ator to enable a person to warm his feet has been invented. The world's supply of black opals is practically exhausted, in the opin- ion of a London gem expert. A woman is the inventor of a suit- case that can be folded fiat and car- ried under one arm when empty. Pressing a lever projects a slide down the tines of a new cold meat fork to remove its contents neatly. A multiplying machine small enough to be mounted on the end of a lead pencil has been patented. Bread boards can be bleached by washing them with lemon juice, then with cold water and drying them in the sun. A propellor, driven by the air as a car is running has been invented to blowrain away from the windshield of an automobile. It is no easy task to down an up- right man. 50 50 when people cannot afford to accept anything but the very best for their money. Zam-Buk has been proved by thousands to be the best oint- ment obtainable for skin ailments and injuries, because it cures when other treatments fall, and because its cures are permanent. You take no chances when you buy Zam-Buk. Only the really good things are imitated! Proof of Zam-Buk's su- Periority is provided by the great number of imitations and substi- tutes which have been put on the market. Don't be deceived, how- ever, by anything represented as " Just as good." There is nothing "just as good " as Zam-Buk. All druggists, 60c. box, 3 tor 1.25, or direct from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Send le. stamp for postage on free trial box. CANADIAN STORAGE BATTERY 00,, ImiNgliTic0 woo maws its, Termite, Acoata for Willard Storage Batteries. Ttopalro to olz mates of okteries, Meogrtosetosp, eon oratoror to lust The Critter. "We want a mascot for our regi. ment" "Take one of the dogs of war," ozED POTATOXII Sbiers, Deleware, Carman. Order MED POTATOES, MISR COB., at once. SUPPly limited. Write for (Mon Wiens. H. W. Dawson. Brampton. VAZI/S POR SALE. 100 VMS, GOOD CONDITION. Scott, Brussels. Bank Barn ; Cement Stables. Large Apply S, CRUCIBLES 'WANTED. N0.50, No. 60, No. 70. STATE QUAN. tity you have for sale, also Maker's name and best cash price. Apply United Brass & Lead, Ltd., 284 St. Helens Ave., Toronto, Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE FRCIFIT-NIANING NEWS AND .3-011 Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. STESCELLANEOUS. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO., internal and external, cured with- out pe.in by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont ...1111=1•111111166 FOR THE FARMERS Many Attractive Prizes For rarmers onsy, at the Seventh Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show 'Union Stook Yards Deoem.bor 8th and 9th, 1916 Prize List on Application to the Sec'y Eldon Stook aran, Toronto DOGBOOXC ON DISEASES Irs,AkaN, America's Pioneer [log Remedies And How to Feed trailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York • The Soul of a Plano lathe Action. Insist on the 4 6OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action ANTE N a a Between the ages of 18 "and 25 ALSO GIRLS To learn Rubber Shoe Making. Good wages paid while learn- ing.—Apply the • Iiillepelldollt libber Go., Ltd. • MERRITTON, ONT. Glydesdam nted Pedigreed Clydesdale Mares, Fillies and Stallions. Must have good quality and thick, made up to a fair size. Mares 8 to 6 years old, Fillies 1 year old up, Stallions 2 to 6 years old. All stallions over 2 years old must have proven them- selves reasonably sure. When writing state Countynearest railway station, G.T.R. or C.P.R., and telephone exchange, also quote prices. Anyone with good pedigreed Clydesdales for sale should communicate at once. W. McCALLITM, Importer Brampton, ()tit. Bank--Merehants' Bank, Brampton, Mhhiry For Salo Nors. Wheelock Engine, ISO ILP., 18 x 421 with double main driving belt 24 ins, wide, and Dynamo 30 IL IV . belt driven. All in first class condition. Would be sold together or separate- ly; also a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as room is required immedi- ately. 3. Frank Wilson & Sons 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ED. 7, ISSUE 40—'16.