HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-28, Page 17:17tIRT.7, ,eisseneeernen'INN= tFORTY-SECOND YEAR—No: 2243 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEgBER 28th 1916 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Ladies' Swell 0 Coats A new bunch just opened up. They are real nifty and just what you are looking for, Plush, Tweed Zebaline. Chinchilla, Chap Serge, Plain and Fancy Plaids. No two alike. Our coats are not high priced A good Plush Coat for g 17m Child's Coats A big range of cloths and patterns to choose from FURS FURS Now is the time to buy your furs, We bought early when furs were lower. A big selection to show you Persian Lamb Sets Sable Sets Mink Marmot Sets Children's White or Grey Black Fox Sets Red Fox Sets Grey Fox Sets Black Dog Sets Don't fail to see our fine display of Furs, We are sure tohave what you want Men's Overcoats and Suits If you are in need of a good Overcoat for Fall or Winter, come in and see our range Extra fine line ot Freize overcoats in Browns, Greys, &c with shawl or convenable collars at very moderate prices, Also big selection of Men's Black Beaver Overcoats for best wear Nifty Fall Suits can be had here in no end of variety, browns, gmys, navy and many fine mixed patterns /dens' Felt Hats Our line of Soft Felt Hats for fall are surely taking well, and no wonder, when you see the class of goods vire are handling Boys' Suits and Overcoats Stylish Norfolk Suits for boys at low prices, either bloomer or straight pants, in all odors. Also Buster Brown Suits for smaller boys, Our overcoats for small boys are real swell for this season Shoes. . Come in and see OM stock of Shoes for Ladies' Men and Children, They certainly are right up to the minute in style Jones AND May 1111111111111 111111111111ESSEMIIN 1 Ranges and Heaters Before placing your or- der for a stove call and examine our complete line of cooking & heating stoves Steel ranges $35 to $60; Cart ranges $25 to $50; Heating stoves $,9 to $48; Peafection oil stoves $4.50 to $6 00 Make your new barn complete with the use of modern sliding door rol- lers, stable door latches, etc Pvepare your stable with stall fixtures and cattle chains for wintering your stock AD* A full line of Mitts' Gloves, Lanterns, t)ve P p Elbows, etc for fall • j.. . tiAMAN'S Hdwe 1 - 27a Phones 27b 1 summmassi r Monday, October the ilth will ibe nk$Ariving Day. • •WUNERAL op S. U. PRESTON !Ile funeral of Samuel U. Preston peas held front .the family nelsidence Peach: St. Luzon, last Friday, to St, mes cemetery for ixiterneent. The ki,er 'vices %vete °arid acted by Re v. 'Win, Lowe Zir. Preston who wan in his 63rd year Vad ',,en ili for the past (couple ibf enenths,, Inlet It's death on Tuesday was udden and greet irhoele to friends, funeral Ives conducted IV Liman Loki:a No. 70, 1.0.0.Ei., 05 which N'er',. ereeten. wa 411 old. and valued, '1111:1n-1 'i Ilis wife 4,14 on daughter, bleed .41nr, ,le,ft, to mourn ti eSs , „ ONION THIEVES J3USY It is treperted that onion thieves have been bu sy in Exeter during the past week. With the poor crop tine year rang additional loser to the grow- ers icomee oetnewhat hard. INCREASE IN PRIC.E 'NEXT 'WEEK On the first off October the Exeter Times Will increase in, prim: from $1 to $1,25 a year. There is j111: 1,1few days left for our Subscribdrs to take. iadVantage ot the 'old rate aS after that date 1111 arrears, new or renewal suEseriptions Will be eharged the ad- vanced irate. Any iroiitttaness ti.at te,airs the poistl markth Upt ;tor Sept 80 Wk. :E nt.a.; 1r 0.. Rally Day Services Rev. lar. Peter Strang, Supt. of Mission OZ the Presbyterian church in Southern Saskatehewan, addressed the Rally service in Coven Presby- terian church on Sunday last, The Sur_ dant school met in; the auditorium or the church and a splendid, ;service was carried out. The church was most beautifully decorated with flowers for the occasion. Dr. Strang ako spoke on the same istibj•ect at Thames 'Road church in the • evening. 'Rollin service in the Main, St. Meth- odiet 'Su.nday School was held Sunday last at 11 a.m. The auditorium was tastefully decorated With beautiful. plants and cut flow-erts blY the young ladies. The attendance was very large The 'program 'was carried out in a most •pleaein,g manner. The singing. led (by o choir or young ladies of the school deieerves special comment., The primary class sang in their, usual good style, nhowing the results or moo-, ftin training. Wright addresses were ;delivered by Messrs C.' Tteckey, H. E. ;Huston, and the pastor, Mux - worthy. The service was conducted by M the rsuperintendant, r. 113. W. P. Bea- nars..The school has made a success- ful start on another year's work. A. er d ial invitation is extended to any one to enjoy our services. The 'Rally services connectiot wall the Sunday school, of James St. Methodist church on Salohath last were la decided !success, The church and altar rail was most beautifully decorated with. h gorgeons array of flowers and flags, In the morning the 'pastor, Rev. J. W.13iiird preached a 'special ;1;erinon along the line of Sunday school work. In the after- noon the 'scholars assembled in the auditorium of the, church there being a large i•urn-out. The superintendarn Mr, 3. S. H . arvey,occupied( the chair and tassociated with him on the vita - form was 11•In 'B. W. ;01. Ileavers supt. of Main St. Meth. Sunday, sehoo). Two short addreeses ;were .given by Rev. 13eird rendNb. Arr. S. Martin, a reci- tation by 'Miss L. Sanders, choruses several classes of the echoo1. not the least among which was a solvetien from, the ,pritnary elass, and roll call and responsive readings by the schoel. Mr. Geo. 'Thomas of London, fornier teacher ',for many years in the nchool led In prayer. • Mrs. Frank Clarke and children of London, are visiting the( former's sis- ter, Mrs, If, W*,elle, of, town. Exeter Council The Connell of the Village met in regular session on Sept 22, with the Reev and Councillor Hind absent. P•er Roulston and Beavors—That Nfr Horton take the uhair;—Corried. Minutes of last 'meeting .were read and apqroved Following communications were rcad and ordered tiled: Hydro JeerRailWay Assnlation ditional fee; From the. offices re- the second annual liieetiAg of the row. P tanning Cont armee to be held in 'Hamilton un Oct 2 •and 3. Front Hydro Power 'Comli re Court o Apneal, .etc, From T. Cameron re- delivery of fine gravel The following accounts were ord- ered pai.1,—W, T. Gillespie 61.40 ; The Ross Taylor Co., 26.40; W. A. Ea'k-- will 72.05; Sid Sanders 7.56; Chal. Northcott 22:85e- H. T. Rowe 5810; John Norry 23.10; T. Cornish 22.65; Castor Willis 2,10; Rich. Cooke, 19.95 D. Russ -ell, sr. 18.38; R. Quance 147(1 Jas. Willis 19.95; Walter Westcott lb.50; R. Gillies 101.05; Houlden 41.47; Then Wainer 36.55; Exeter ;Canning Co 6,45,—Total $580.71. Roulston and Beaverss-That the gas aline Engine at the Waterworks ;nest be overhauled.—Carried. Adjournment by Roulston, Jos Se.nior, Clerk. PINED kVA Presentation and OBSTR UCTING TB ROAD Mr, ltd. Patton, or MeGillvram ape peered. before Magistrate, W. D. San- On the departure oil, 1110-4 llandIton ders, on a charge of obstructing the ttrom Exeter the pails °A the High public highway, laid by M. Chas. School ;elasees availed themselves at Louchner of Shipka, It appeared that the opportunity or presenting her lqr, Pat ton, was driving to Credit -on with un uddress and an Ivory 'ciressitg with a load of cerain and Mr. Louch- ease pet, reonsisting of a brushf comb,, ner tame up behind bin with an auto- mirror land manicure set, Miss Beta. mobile sunning into the wagon. and 'Rowe ;read the following address, Address The Ingle SocietyAf the P-rb1-1 terian church have been, fortfulate getting the Rev, .1,8, Ifenderson (for- imerly of Newell, now tell. tioleuribia) Ito taddrees them at their; thank offers beg meeting on Wedretsday, (to-rilgitt) Mr. Henderson. will ;speak or 'Canad- a Citizenship. Everyone s cortdially: Invited without regard to party, exceed ri or es. INCREASE IN PRFCE NEXT WEEK Secretary s 01i Ice, Guelph—Read .. dama,gtng the nadiator or the. machine whtle Miss lYfargaret 0u M.eodie present- .theroast '‘'''f De‘tc.kjer At,be gt/c1Aer Tint;ts will increase in, price from $1 Mr. Louctner tooted his horn and the ,ed the •rt 311- 11 '1 '' d ' defendent turned around but was att exceedingly Weaning earsi an:acct.- :slow in •giving part or the road. The able manner. auto was going plow at the time. Mag ,13xetur, Sept. 20t 13W istrate Siiriders found the defendarie Misis A. L Hamilton, , guilty of violating the rules of the Dear Miss Hamilton,— road in not turning,' out and imposed. We the na.embers of you.xl re.spective a :fine of $1.00 and costs. which came onnees In. Exeter Continuation School to about $10.00. THE LATE MRS, CLARKE. TWELVE ISARRELS WHISKEY TAKEN VR011 "CELLAR OP SEAFTYRTII pRIVATE HOUSE Probably the largest (seizure of li- quor -ever made in Western Ontario eves imade tat Seaforth. lost Thursday evening .hiy1 Mesnirs Powell and Pellow officers of the Huron County Temper- imice .Alliance. The lot consists of 12 barrels of Walker's rye whiskey and is 'said to be worth about $1200. 'Al-' though the liquor was found, in a pri- vate home the officersi 'believe; that it was 'being stored for otter then per- sonal :use. They experienced consid- erable difficulty in getting the large barrels out or the cellar, the eh' - . .10,s anei ton revise to $125 a year. There is teen few. days left for our Subscribers to take advantage of the Old trateso4triler that clat& .S11 arrears, new or renewal 4subiScriptions Vili be nharged the 04- vainced rate. •Any remittances that bears the post -mark up to Sept -301.1i ',will. he accepted. having learned kwitt deep sorrow or your acceptance of another position as teacher In Kineardine Collegiate On Friday of last week Mns. Vivian Institute desire to express our deep Clarke, 'wife of Mr. Wallace D.'Clarke appreciation ;of your services while manager 'of the Molsonis Hank, 'Lt1-1 us. You have inspired within US the stabttion to be students, notody town, died after an illness •extend - 011117 own ability and genius Tot- ing over several months. The deceased by Y was 63 year; of age. Her maiden name true scholarship but also by your per - was Vivian Wilieon, and until her mar- so:nal touch and interest in every- ri thing that appertains to our best evel- agsh e e resided in. London.. Mrs. °Larne Inn in for some ;time fare. Wefare deeply' badebted to you and rejoice that we fea.v.e. been priv- and for the past few, monthis has been iletged to have had such Leadership receiving treatment in Lor,don, She' as you have given as, Would you ar-: was brought borne a few weelerago, :Dept 'o. Lir hands this token of our and passed away on Thursday last. Hier demise bast a loom over the opprectation of all you have been to e 113S. tremembering us in future, days incommunity ;as Mrs. Clarke was held h ; ..d, .., 1, r for we Ait.all aiwaya have the kind - RUNAWAY TEAM CRASHES INTO AUTO - A team of horses v belonging to Mr. A. Hotig•tirt or Ushorrae and driven by Mr. Join Hodgert ran. away Tuesday afternoon from:1in ifront of Mr. Beirs Just Soak, of town. Mr, Born was 'Standing near the wagon when it dog frightened the horses, and they commenced to run away. They name lap Main St. and whoa. in moat •tai. llyndina.es •office they crashed into his auto, The „force or the Impact shoved the auto .for ;several; feel. and up -onto the ement sidewalk. The glass, in the windshield LIMA broken as well las the radiator and, one of tbe PghuIu est memories of you and shall •wish The horses came to n. standstill and Dor yo • abundant success. in your ' u. band and one son gale,. also her father future sphere of ;service. Mr. W. T. Wilson, formerly of London who for the past few years has made Signed. • Exeter ilfgh School.' his home in Exeter. Three brothers W. 11,, of New York. and George and 'Wilfred of Toronto. also survive. The runeral was hold on Monday re- )tuains 'being taken to London and in- terred in Mount Pleasant cemetery. A. very impressive service was held at the house conducted 13,30 Rev. S. F Sharpe. A quartette consisting of Moen's: Kinsman and Christie and 'Misses MePatil rind Kinsman assisted in the service of song. The pall-beare- ers in town snern. lilentrs.- J. A. Stew -1 ere R. 'G. Seldon, E. W. Gladman, Fitton, A. E. Kuhn and Mr. Burwell. i- tatint weighing two ton Or over, .bo,t. at London the remains...were: met by i Finally succeeded -in getting the lot unto Inspector's Torrance's cold stor- age plant at Clinton, where in will remain ' until ;the case cornea up fon thaL• Letter From the Front The 'following interesting letter is from. Bdr. R. D .Turnbult to his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of town, and It written from. Velgiurci. In Belgium, Sept 5th, -16 Dear Aunt Roxie and Uncle Ben,— Since I came over to France' I find it ,soinewhat difficult to remember when 11 have answered the letters which I receive. Guess I'll have to keep a little memo. • In case I did not answee your last letter I want to tell you how glad I was to receive it. Here's hoping that the two shin-plaisters ts-hich are a number of old friends and inter -1 ment took place in Mt. Pleasant 'cemetery STORES BROKEN INTO ;BY THIEVES On Friday evening last thiev.:StrOire into the hardware stores. of Messrs. W. J. Heaman and Hugh Sparkman ot town and helped themselves to a num! ber of razors and pocket knives. At W. J. Heaman's entrance was first obtained to the coal cellar through a small window but. the door to 'the main cellar was barred and they were forced to return. They took a pane of glass out of a small window in the ' storehouse. being very careful to get all the glass out, and after having . gained admission to the storehouse ) they took out a second pane of glass in the partition, dividing the back part from the main part' of the store. although the door right' close'. by was • ,niocked. No doubt they had tried , • certainly a novelty over nere—bring this door and the latch had caught me good luck. 'Very likely mother has told you before this just what kind. of a life we lead here in Belgium, so I cannot tell you very 13111C.h. n'w in this respect It is more thaw hard writing letters from. the 'front, for there is nothing Much to write about after we have written our 'first letter. lEvery' day's work is much the same. At present 'we are back some dis- tance from. the firing line in a rest camp laving more or less of a good time. It is rest indeed, after being in action for a few weeks. But a•e Tar as I can make out, all, the boys are The front door had also been tamper-. ed with. and when Mr, Lio.cke3, calm 'to work Saturday morning the lock failed to respond to the turn of hi5 'key. The -safe was tried andseveral' drawers ransacked and the cash reg- ister war rifled of about seven dol- lars. A num'aer of razors' and pocket , knives were taken out of the show case. The thieves worked, with a can- dle as the dripping from the :same] were in evidence. At' Mr. Spackman's, dmison was gained through the back door and here they: made quite rt haul of razors and knives Constable ''Bis:'ett was on tne pa on SaturBay anxious to .get back in the dugout() , and got wind or two sttspicous-look- once more. We are nob going to the ling, characters who were seen walking, th near 'Centralia about six o-emet same part of the line, again. We are glad of that fon( It will seem like an entirely new 'experience. Wo do tnot pose as veterans yet although we have fixed a good deal, and lave had quite a largo number o.E shcitts directed at us. Our casualty list up-tecdate is quite small and encouraging. BolIN great many ;chaps over here who are '''' — -•-- McCiANN—At Dashweocl on Sept. 1.8th to Mr and Mrs. A. 'McCann, a In (he the Exeter Times of Aug. 1741 I noticed cilVte. nice letter to you front Sergt. 'McRae. Ttere. are a n.htt. TA .EXArfor the same reason as he. • • thankful to 'people hick in Canada MiCIY-,•In und Stephen, on Sept. 24th to, 'Reginald, Mkr: I aMrs. Arthur Amya dau , No. 307750, Bdr. Reginald Davicl Turn- gla t• e r. m your loving nephew, bull, 43. Blow. fiatteryi 10th Brigade, ghter. 1)(1/33DrSr—.,Innr.dIT:‘sririosr,nrie,ay 'on Sept. 20th, 09 d CanCon England. • Dobb•s, a dau- „ ., 113. nly P.C.', London,. MAN—Tn fExetero , n Sept, --11 , 1.0. .1\ir. ;Ind 'Mrs. 'W. W. Taman, o• daughter. Saturday :morning. They n t ls traced 'to Toucan and mere /ost track- of near Granton. Constabl•e Whitesides was ie. town on Sunday. This is the secoed /time that 'CV. J, Heaman's store has been broken into. ROS1NSON—PASSMORE MA.*R13PED seN. pretty wedding took place; at Hi.' Reill-NSON—PAs-moriE—In Ex!ter home of Mrs, 6.1. Paesmore on \,1'clnus- on Rept.. 27th, Mis-. Minutia Pass - day tafternoon at 2.30 p.m. when her more, daughter of Mrs. S. 11asmoye, daughter Mia. Mlnetta J. was united of town, to Mr: Wilfred C. Robin - in marriage to Mr. Wilfred 0. sort et? Detroit, by Rev., S. W. Mux - 5031 . of Detroit, len o Mr. and Mrs. worthy. Robinson. of MitehelL The} core- joNEs_sNELL—At rartn'* Mkuixworthy in she presence of the O'clock a.m., Mis's Orea W. Ps be r na Wednee dal% Sopt. 27th mony was performed lay Bev. 8. immediate :relatives and lcoritracting of t1tr. and Mrs. *Wm. arties. 'The brid. who. WS'S given lor and took herl place. in front or a' . to Georr,e Jonel5, 15011 p .lnink of )1101Vers. She was dressed i south. of Mr. 'Henry Jones of London road — . away 'by filer mother entered' the par -1 d and DIET) 111 a gown of grey nuessaline wait 1 rIel• '114°,,1LITR:dtrt'o,s•sold'Inil.a14 1)18,sr; Mary Perkins, holov:,d otThont trimmed with 'mauve :Ind wore a cor- as'i1 k' II9Ward 11'9:ed 34'n113'. Thi, 1\10NTETT1I—In Usb•orne, on Friday bouquet 01 avhite Vrayn,, si3ter 4.),f tit: bride The eliO. of j1-.,0 Charles! Monteith • NI ' ri 212'cla • wedding march was:laity:rid by Mr,. ScPtember 22nd, Helen Monteitt sage groom's gift to the bride St11,3. iiand- aacm r.ql vers. ‘• rflo.rahl , an large Angle ptarl ring. Mss CLARKE—in E)eter, FridaySept. awraore las exesid.'d in Toronto for 22nd. 1418, ''ViNian Wilson delrlY the past 'Pew' year•-... Mr. end 'Mrs. telMed cell:* of Wa Dare I), Clarke, Robinson left the sense 'eveinug for 33 Years. Detroit, the brick travelling n RALBFLEISCH—Te, Day Townsh`p, on i tailored suit of broadcloth with Monday. Sep,: 18th, Mr. netry Kelb- Ulla& end Naito hat and shoos, The "visch. uged Ys,Irl*., nunl,lis, Times joinIS ooisgratulations A , I and 18 days, Talk tin voi -loft ..tirprrni,,,n.,IRYWAT4D—Tn London, wif on. Sept, 24th one o;.: theni fell to the ground re.4 eeiving slight bruises. The harness was Pomewhat broken. A largo Vrovard. of tspectaton5 was soon on the scams "'"".••"1 3.1.1110111•IISM.M11.1.1•11•01 THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Advance Styles for Autumn ani. inter irt Men's Clothin We are shovVing oar special order sampfes now and. can give you the newest cloths made ii the latest sty/es by -Green Swift, Limited, London. We will be pleased to have you look them over. We have some special values in Men's Ready=to-Wear Suits Boots .& Shoes We have a complete range in all lands of shoe:-; and ow,' prices are rock bottom, Children, Sclaool Shoes, Womene cushion sole 5. -hoes., Astoria, Shoes for men. BEAVERS •400•IalacilbanICAIRIOAMPRIVCIMMIEWSCOVVOYMICASCWIRCWIVerA11114Me.410311410,1115C.C1.30,..19160 aleIMOINKIC(1111. 0•0000*.•••••••**v 0•0 Cck *0 ••04,4(A.t.******00-0840000.0011 • • e • • • • • • • • Fit • We have in stock all the newest styles. Look over • our line of Scft Felts, Caps, Shirts,Collars, Ties, Gloves • • Underwear, Socks„ Smocks and Overalls • • • • Ready- Made and Made .to Me a SU re Clothing • • ,r FR kIN"8 PHONF I• SR NNS ti 1011 Is our aim for the men of Exeter and vicinity. That's one reason why we specialize h Men's wear exclusively. Keeping i touch with Men's styles is our business so when you are outfitted by is you are sure, of being dressed right Blue Serge Suits for Men Our Values are undoubtedly the best Canada-. 3 0464 4,4044.6..4,0fpit1400# W• W TAMAN •PHONE b' a a