HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-21, Page 4-•a.`iw:r �.. F 1 t 1 der"Kee nvalido Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household ��r��j � as 7 1!1 it w [kn.-tor Ca.:��,ed it a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: Harrisburg, Fenn. -6F When was single 1 suf- fered a great deal from female weakness because my work compelled me to stand all day. 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound kr that and was made stronger by its use. After 1 was married 1 took the Compound again fcir; ferrule trouble aid after three months 1 passed what the doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle that it came away as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed. 1 never want to be without your Compound in the house." —Mrs. KNOBL, 164ia j-'ulton St., Harrisburg, Penn. fr- ardIy Able to Move. Albert Lea, Minn.—" For about a year 1 had sharp pains across Ater baek and hips and was hardly able to move around the house. My head would ache and 1 was dizzy and had no appetite. After $a>,king Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, 1 ant feeling stronger than for years. 1 have a little boy eight months old and mix doing my work all alone. 1 would not be without your remedies in the house as there are none like them."—Mrs. F. E. Tan; 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up, Pittsburg, Penn.-- Your medicine has helped ase•wander&a.'11y. When 1 was a girl 18 years old 1 was always sickly and delicate and suffered from erre rites. Three doctors gave me up and said ll would go into consweeption. 1 etook Lydia E. Pinkharres Vegetable Compound and with the third. lbot1 Ie began to feel better. 1 soon became regular and 1 got strong and shortly after 1 was married. Now 1 have two nice stout healthy children and am able to work hard every day."— Mrs. CLrarnearNA iDuzienatco,34 Gardnet.,Troy Hill, Pittsburg, Penn. All weenen are invited to write to the Lydia E. JPinnhham Medi- iae: Cir Lynne i lass.,. for special advice, -it will be confidential. dren Cry FOR FLETCRER'S CAST O R I A 4 4 4 9 4 4 Fall Term from August 29t,13 J[: s 47 al ;1,4x, 1 ; 4.'A. ?;%i - the COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND: AND TELEGRAPHY DEFTS Sioclents may enter at any Vine. We place graduates in positions During July and Awguat we recsyved appli- cCations for over 200 office assistants tre coulcc not sup. ply 'gate for our free cat:al- I, At 3cLae$lam, Friar • :,at 4 ••O •4 s O • A s 4 4 vent .4444444444e4E:e444+?® MCOMEINONSVXMOWSNIMIIIIMMOOM FarN f! ff iers! Made hi Canada Fertilizer $18 and $22 per ton Now is the time to buy wire fence be= fore it advances in price. Let me quote you on your needs in the following lines,— All kk c 3 of Lumber Cher dressed or rough. Shag les, Lath, Cedar. Fence Poets, 8 ft loz_ *, 9 ft long and 10 ft long Ocmnnf., Wail Board and RP -t, iv Roofing A. J. C 4TWO RTIIY fills MNTON leseeteaetereettereeeeneve 'DI' MAW SHELLED. Wounded Canadians Say British Artillery is Heavier Than Foe's. LONDON, Sept. 19.—Members of a party of- wounded Canadians who arrived at a hospital near London Monday night narrated incidents of the Somme fighting, illustrating in a measure the different nature of the warfare lar -which Canadians are now e .saged from that to which they had heeu tied down for the previous Lwel•:ts inouths. A aiready reported, the Germans centime= their artillery nowa- d•iy., against the Carrac=ians mostly to high easlosives. 'three Canadians lying in one ward had pretty much the same. tale, ai- thengh each mail was Iaid out at a diff=erent. time and niece. One private fIna Vancouver had no fewer limn ten a:r:rinds i:i his leas. Tire Ger- mans, he said, were putting in shells feet. Like the rest of his comrades, b.a was thee_ in the front line stand- ing in a trench. A seen came close back of the trench and buried two of his nearest comrades. One of the two was completely covered and the other buried up to the neck. "^- - iigging for the men eteapiet_>ly huriea," he went on, "and I went for the ;clan whose head was just out. I had to scrape and dig while lying en my stomach and got him pretty well out. A stretcher bearer was right beaind me waiting to attend him when another shell laid out the stretcher bearer 'com- pletely, and laid me out with these wounds in the leg. I had to give up digging and last rny;solf for a bit. When darkness came, I crawled off and managed to reach the headquar- ters' dressing station half a mile away. After daybreak I was carried away under a n -hit:; flag with other Canadians, who had had a similar txperi.eneo, The Germane lend only one shell in Lae front Iine fi,r ten that go now into the supports, presumably to stop reinfororieueunt being sent for- ward. The enemy artillery is heavy but (lure f:. fl Ire Li reef; heavier." PALESTINE BOMBED. British .Seaplanes Drop Explosives on Railway Junction. LONDON, Sept. 19.—The follow- ing report was issued by the British War Office Sunday; "Between August 25 and 29 a se- ries of attacks and reconnaissances upon the enemy's railway communi- cations in Palestine were carried out by a British seaplane squadron under somewliat hazardous condi- tions, due to the fact that the rail- way runs for the most part behind' a range of mountains difficult for sea- planes to surmount. "Bombs were dropped on Aful.eh Junction, where° considerable dam- age was done to the rolling stock and stores in the vicinity. A railway en- gine and fourteen carriages were set afiire and destroyed. The rail- way stations at Tulkerm and Ar - dam, and an enemy camp four miles to the north -West were successfully bombarded and severely damaged. "On the 26th seaplanes bombarded the railway' station. af. .1Iosn•e, 45 miles inland." TNI EXETER TIMES HEWS TOPICS x4irrt, Trainrastreak, wbo has been ill since Frith y lest, The Pruvineial .Augliean Synod of Ontario urged` the Government to or- ganize the resotn'ces of tbe Dominion so.. as to furnish at least half a mil- lion men and the munitions required for them in time to be of service, SATT.11iDAY. '.t'he Freneh Government sent a firm note to Sweden regarding sub - Niagara Niagara rails Liberais chose D, Budd White, LL.D., as candidate in the next ;Provincial election. Liquor men state that 11,000 met customers in Toronto bought liquor to "lay in'°. for the prohibition era. Billy Sunday, in a ebaracteristic letter, congratulated the people of Ontario 'upon the advent of prohibi- tion. rohibi-tio;!. Brigadier -General Lord Brooke, commanding the 4th Cariadfan Infan- try Brigade, bas been wounded at the The Levant as starving, according to an American woman who recently returned from Syria by way of enemy counri es, Pte. Gordon Mason Suddaby of the 216th (Bantam) Battalion, was in- stantly killed by a motor car at Camp 13orden, The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada will apply for an allot- ment of $5,000,000 of the new Can- adian war Ioan. The appointment of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire as Governor- General of Canada by his Majesty the King has been formally gazetted. A new Papal Nuncio is on his way to Vienna with an important auto- graph letter from the Pope to Em- peror Francis Joseph, according to The Messagero. Emperor William, attended by Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg and Field Marshal von Hindenburg, Chief of Staff, wilI open in person the session of the Reichstag, wbich con- venes on September 28. The British Columbia elections may Iikely return forty or forty-one Liberals and six or seven Conserva- tives. Prohibition Is carried so far by over 6,000 majority, and woman suffrage by more than 8,500. MONDAY. In the recent registration in Re- gina of the prohibition plebiscite the names of 3,582 women and 4,169 men were secured. Militia orders just published ga- zette Sir John C. Eaton of Toronto as Honorary Colonel of the 110th (Irish) Regiment. Delphis Drouillard, 35 years old, brother of Patsy Drouillard, pugilist, was killed in Windsor yesterday while driving a taxicab. David Snaith, aged 54, died at his home at Belmont, near London, Sat- urday as a result of injuries receiv- ed when his team of horses ran away. Brig. -General Lord Broke, of the 10th Canadian Brigade, who recent- ly went to France and was wounded, is not in a dangerous condition. Major .Cecil Critchley of the Strathcona Horse has been received by the King at Windsor and invested with the insignia of the Distinguish- ed Service Order. Hon. Walter Scott, Premier of Saskatchewan, who has been suffer- ing for the past two weeks from asthma, is reported much better and is improving daily. Seth Low, former mayor of New York, died yesterday on his model farm at Bedford Hills, N. Y., where in recent years he had been giving close attention to scientific agricul- ture. Thomas. Gaffney, wanted for the last three years by the police of both this city and Hamilton, on charges of horse -stealing and assaulting a wounded man, was arrested in Brant- ford Saturday. TUESDAY. Subscriptions to the Canadian war loan already exceed $75,000,000. Relief work in Belgium and north- ern France is to be augmented. Mr. Edward Gurney, the well- known manufacturer, died at the age of 72. Lieut. Raymond Asquith, eldest son of Premier Asquith, was killed in battle. Trafalgar Day, October 19, will again be made the date of. a Provin- cial appeal for further aid to the British Red Cross Society. The price of bread was raised to eight cents per 24 -ounce loaf in sev- eral cities and towns of Western On- tario and the Niagara Peninsula. President Smith and Sir Henry L. Drayton, of the commission to inves- tigate Canadian railways, have start- ed on a tour of the western lines, Mr. Rowell, Liberal leader in the Legislature, was back in Toronto yesterday, after his visit to Europe, and gave some interesting impres- sions. Lieut. Thomas, Michael Kettle, professor of ecnomics in the National University, has been killed in action at Ginchy. He was a brother-in-law of the late Sheehy Skeffington. The 201st Battalion, Toronto Light Infantry, is to be broken up and distributed half to the 170th and half to the 198th, the Militia Council having sanctioned the pro- posal. The Municipal Councils of Lincoln county, St. Catharines, and Louth and Grantham townships decided to ask the Lieut. -Governor -in -Council to sanction agreements for a Hydro- radial line between Port Credit and St. Catharines. Important Events VVhich Have Occurred During -the Week, The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and ''Put Into Dandy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper --A Solid Hour's Enjoy'nrcnt- WERNESDAY. Russian f•r..es scored new success- es in tbe Carpatbian campaign. The italiten troops make important progress on. the Treutino front. His Majesty .King George cabled a message of concern on the Quebec Bridge disaster. Two daily papers in Brantford have raised their subscription price from $3 to $4. The United States has charged Great Brtiain wits violating her neu- trality in the Philippines. The Anglican Synod of the Prov- ince of Ontario opened its third annual session at Hamilton. Vendors' beenses were granted by the Ontario License Board to Toron- to, Hamilton, and Loudon men. The writ issinel against the Hydro and the Attoreey-General by the Electrical Development Company was set asie. ' 'The lergbtf'application yet to the Dominion war loan is by the Mackey Companies of New York, for $2,000,- -000 of bonds. The Rocky Mountain Sanitarium, near Frank, B.C., has been acquired at a nominal rental by the Military Hosptials Commission_ Lieut. Polner, a young Danish mil- itary aviator, accbrding to a Copen- hagen despatch, is planning to cross the Atlantic in au aeroplane of 350 horse -power. Two men were killed by the explo- sion of some mines they were laying in the Iake off Toronto, for the pur- pose of getting moving pictures to aid recruiting. The Ontario Federation of Liberal Clubs is to meet at London on Oc- tober 11, when Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., and Premier T. C. Norris of Manitoba are to speak, Hon. George P. Graham, at the or- ganization meeting of Liberals for the new Federal constituency of North Grey, held at Meaford, stated that an election would be held with- in a year, The giant Freneb Iiner Paris was Iaunched at St. Nazaire yesterday. The liner is destined for New York service. She displaces 37,000 tons and is 233 metres Iong and 29 metres beam. Her horsepower is 45,000, and she can carry 3,000 passengers. THURSDAY. "Hurry On" won the St. Leger Stake of £6,500. Thomas Nelsen Page, U.S.A. Am- bassador, is visiting the Italian front. Fourteen hundred strike-breakers are to man the New York surface cars. Construction of a new central span for the Quebec Bridge will be begun at once. General Korniloff, a Russian who was captured in April, 1915, has reached Kieft after escaping from Austria. Stratford Y. M. C. A. offers a month's membership free to every local returned soldier. Premier Hearst and Hon. Dr. Pyne left London, Eng., yesterday to visit the fleet, returning in time for the Agent -General's luncheon. James Hood, of Woodstock, pass- ed away at his home last night. He was seventy years old and had been a resident of Woodstock for 29 years. The Provincial Anglican Synod of Ontario endorsed the revised Book of Common Prayer, except the form of recitation of the Athanasian Creed. Pte, Loll Kingsbury, from Camp- bellvilLe, of the 164th Battalion, was fatally injured when he jumped off a train as it was arriving at Camp Borden. Mrs. H. L. Milligan, wife of Lieut.- Col^eel Milligan, in command of the 18th Battalion at the front, died at Victoria Hospital, London, nt., fol- lowing an operation. Arthur Stirling, tbe twenty -year- old son of Wm_ Stirline,manager of the County House of Refuge here, was drowned yesterday afternoon in the St- Lawrence. The Wellington Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company of Guelph received through a priest in Buffalo a parcel containing $1,520, restitution made by a man who confessed to him; the affair remains a mystery. FRIDAY. Serious fed riots have occurred in Hamburg. Sir Sam Hughes is visiting Scot- land and Ireland. The University of Toronto is fac- ing adeficit of $130,000. Austrian aviators dropped explo- sive bombs on. a Venice church. Five tons of high explosives were dropped by Italian airmen on a rail- way establishment and the shipyards near Trieste. The colors of the 139th Battalion were solemnly deposited by the offi- cers ha St. Peter's Anglican Church at Cobourg.' Rev. Thos. G, Smith, who served thirty-two years in the Methodist ministry, died at LiistoweI, in the afty-ninth year of his age. Returns show a sweeping. Liberal victory in the British Columbia elec- tions,, prohibition and woinan suf- :rage also carrying the day. Joseph 13. Thompson, 148 Ontario >treet, Toronto, was struck by a Arcot car while driving in Queen street east, and died of his injuries. Paul E. Lamarche, Nationalist M. P. far Nicalet, intends to resign his teat oa September 21, having oppos- ld the measure extending the life of Parliament.. Fire yesterday practically destroy sd Wrest Park, formerly' the country :tome of Whitelaw Reid, and now a soldiers' hospital. More titan. 100 mounded aoldiere were taken out safely.. Ingersoll has ite Rant ease of infan- tile paralysis, the patient being a three-year-old child in a home on Two Factories Btu'ned. ST_ THOMAS, Sept, 19.—Fire late Saturday night completely destroyed the plant of the St. Thomas Dehydra- tion Company, as well as that of the Canadian. Wood Products Company. The flames originatedin the rehy- dration plant ,and spread with alarm- ing rapidity, threatening for a time the plants of the St. Thomas Packing Company and the St. Thomas Cold Storage Company. The loss to the Dehyratioa Company will be heave, $30,00a being a conservative estim- ate. The plant has not Ween In op- eration for the four eunimer months, but preparations were 'being made CO re -open in a week's time to fill a Governrnent order for dehydrated po- tatoes for the Cenadla:n ariny, The Wood Products Company's less is $640.(14, Stithinsurance of $2,500. "Southern Gate" to Monistic Taken by the French, NOnaA/r is the Objective of the Ser- bian Army Which is Eager to Re- venge Betrayal by Bulgaria -Bel gar Right WasE wily Swept Back by Irresistible Onrush of Serbs, French, and Russians. LONDON, Sept. 19,—The entire Bulgarian right wing in Macedonia is in the gravest peril of being cap- tured or annihilated by the Franco - Russo -Serb forces forming the Allies' Ieft, Monastic, the chief Bulgarian base of support in Macedonia, is menaced by an iron ring which is being swiftly drawn tighter and tighter, threaten- ing' to throttle the defending army in its clutch. The French big gnus are keeping up an incessant drumfire against the Bulgarian centre between tire Vardar and Lake Dairen, the defenders' guns replying vigorously. The Serbs during the last 24 hours again defeated the Bulgarians in bat- tles before Vetrenik and Kajmak- calan,- east of the Czerna River, ac- cording to Sunday's statement from Gen. Sarrail's headquarters at Sa- lonica. They also drove the Bulgars over the Brod River, north-west of Lake Ostrovo, The defenders are "powerfully entrenched" on the right bank of the river, according to the official report. Meanwhile the Franco-Russian forces forming the Ifnk between the allied Left and centre are pushing their pursuit of the Bulgarians to- ward Florina. Their advance guards have arrived before the town, but it is still held by the Bulgarians, though its capture is expected hour- ly. Seventeen miles to the north of Florina lies Monastir, the important Macedonian city, the possession of which has for decades been oue of the bones of contention between the Bulgars and Serbs. It was taken by the Bulgarians last fall, after ter- rible fighting, and has been formid- ably fortified during the past twelve months. The Bulgarians are expect- ed to make a desperate stand to hold it, while the Serbians fighting on their own soil, will bend might and main to take it and thus clear the path for the reconquest of their kingdom. They are led by the Serbian heir -apparent, Prince Alexander, who has sworn to avenge Bulgaria's be- trayal of the Slav cause." Monastir lost, 'the Bulgars woute be exposed to a flanking attack front the right, for a strong Italians force in Southern Albanian is eagerly awaiting a chrnen to aid from that side in the Macedonian camnaign and thus establish a claim for the long coveted "windows on the Adria- tic." As long as 1Vionastir is safe, it acts as a blocking stone to a junc- tion of the Italians with the Allies. Sunday Serbian War Office an- nouncement foreshadowed the cap- ture of Florina by stating "the Seale - lens have already descended int® the Florina Plains." Powerful as were the first line de- fences of the Bulgarian right, it was swept back with comparative ease by the embittered dash of the Serbs during the last Live days, An inter- esting psychological factor Is that when General Sarrail some months ago assigned the Serbians to the left wing the Bulgarian general staff felt considerable relief. From that quar- ter they expected the least danger, for the Serbian army was generally considered irreparably shattered and its spirit broken. The Serbian,,posi- tions were regarded as defensive rather than offensive. The Bulgarian line- was formidably fortified in anti- cipation of drum fire from the French big guns, but open infantry battles were not looked for. Thus the spirited Serbian onrush when the signal for the Allied offen- sive was given took the Bulgars by surprise. How precipitate their re- treat has been is indicated by the fact that the pursuers captured thirty-two guns, many, as yet un- counted prisoners, and huge quanti- ties of material. Tremendous losses were inflicted on the Bulgars, the Serbian headquarters report says, one regiment alone losing two- thirds of its effectives. DRIVING ON LEMBERG. Russians have Resumed Advance on Galician City. LONDON, Sept. 19.—The Russians have resumed the drive on Lem- berg with full vigor. The Petrograd War Office announced Sunday night that the Russians have captured Teu- ton positions south of Brzezany, 46 miles south-east of Lemberg, taking 14 ofilcers and 557 Turkish soldiers. In an encircling movement against Halicz, 60 miles south of the Galic- ian capital, the Russians have taken 3,174 German prisoners, including 34 officers. The fall of Halicz is ex- pected hourly. Simultaneously with the resump- tion of the campaign against Lem- berg the Russians took the offensive in Voihynia, on the whole front south of Pinsk. The German War Office stated Sunday afternoon that the Musco- vite attacks, launched "morning, af- ternoon, and evening" on a' front of twelve and a half miles, with "strong forces and in numerous waves," were repulsed everywhere. The Russian losses are termed "monstrous" in official reports from the fighting ground. Berlin asserts officially that the Russian assaults between the Sereth and the Strypa (Galician front south- east of Lemberg) were equally fruit- less. A slight withdrawal of Archduke Karl Franz Jose.f's front on the Nara- jovka River is admitted officially by both Berlin. and Vienna. Commission at Prince Rupert. PRINCE RUP.Et T, A.C., Sept. 19. —Sir George Foster and the Domin- iou Royal Commission arrived here Friday night. '1rIITJ'1t$13A.Y, SEPT±.111lJlE i 21ai:,WitiF 1l$ Z. interest asowec' at highest CUP ent rate, 11 W. D. CLARKE, Manager, Exeter Branch CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada lA General Bankinr Business Transacte# .IIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT'S 4 NK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT irrerritillITITTITYrr THE CANAI)IAN BAND OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V,O., LL.D., D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass't Gener 1yf CAPITAL, $15,000,000 - RESERVE FUND, $13,5110,600,j FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers everr facility for the transaction of their banking business, includin> the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales IMAM. 5 are supplied free of charge on application. Exeter Branch— A. E._ -Kuhn, Manager f f f 1 CREDITON BRANCH -S. M. JOHNSON. Manager- ' tTrado Mark RKiatar.,1 GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ The Harmless ibutlEll - csnt remedy for Headasimr Neuralgia,Anaerraaa,Slss.k„ •• lameness. Nes-Vous Ke - haustlon, &c. SOW AT AU. DRUGGISTS, es IG areal eewo•- COLLINGWOOD, ONT. - -� Notice to Creditors En the .matter of the estate of Robert Campbell, of the Township of Hay, County of iluron, farmer, deceasedis, Notice hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred; dors and others baying claims ag- ainst the earate of the said Robert Campbell, .,•ho •died on and about Aug lust, l3tL, 1916, airs. required on or 'be - ;fore October 9tL, 1916 to send rb'y 'poet prepaid or deliater to Messrs, Gladman & Stanbury, of the Villagc of Exe- ter. solicitors for t he Executrix, of the said deceased, their ch.ristian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their ac- counts and the nature of thie scear- ieties, if any, held by them. And furtber take notice that after said last mentioned date the said Exe- cutrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims off which she shall then have notice and that the said Executrix: shall not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribu- . GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executrix 1ptioatned at Exeter the 13th day of September, 1916. t FIVE POSITIONS TAKEN. Roumanians Occupy Four Villages and an Important Hill. LONDON, Sept. 18.—The capture of five Austrian ,positions by the Roumanians operating in the Tran- sylvanian Alps was announced by the Bucharest War Office Sunday night. Ten officers and 900 men were taken prisoners. The statement says: "On the north-western front we oc- cupied Somerod, Almas, Cohalm, and Faogatas. We took 910 prisoners, including ten officers, and captured some war material. In the Strecu valley, Bran Hill was captured by us. We took 76 prisoners. Our batteries sank two munitions barges near the mouth of Lor' River. "In the Dobrudja there were en- gagements with advanced detach- ments of the enemy." Belgians Take East African Fortress. LONDON, Sept. 18. — Belgian forces operating in German East Africa have captured Tabora, the principal German fortress in the ter- ritory, according to a Belgian official communication received here. The statement follows: "As the result of severe fighting between Sept. 1 and 11 the brigades of General Motion and Ilsen, belong- ing to the army of General Tomheur, entered Tabora, expelling the Ger- mans. Tabora, which was fortified powerfully, was the principal citadel in German East Africa, commanding the railway from Lake Tanganyika to the Indian Ocean." A Double Drowning. WOODSTOCK, N. 13., Sept. 18.— Harvey Marston and Miss Hillman, while crossinr: the St. John River near here Friday night, after attend- ing a political meeting, were drown- ed. The fending of Miss Hillman's body on tbe shore Sunday morning was the first evidence of the double tragedy. Prince Albert, second son of Ring George., has been invalided home. JAS. BEVERLEY FURNITURE DEALER Erubalmer and Funeral Direete ' Phone 74a, EXETER, -.- Night Call la ora' TAIL DR G. F. ROULSTON, L.Q.S., 3111111P DENTIST s j Honor Graduate of si ty . Office over ling's Law office. day afternoons. Residence 5b. Toronto. Univem Dickson 'dc >7 Closed Weasels, Phone Of lie o Maw „d LR. A: 13. KINSMAN L,,15,$)r Honor Graduate of Toronto. DaAgek eraity ! ' , DENTIST AVIS 9th extracted without' palm. et any bed effects. Office over i3lais 'man t£ Stanbury'e Office Exete,r■ i , + id.last I We BROWNING M. D., x, ti e P. 61 Graduate Victoria Unitlity city Office and residenoe Da:naiiilld Labratory., Exeter, 1-111 Associate Coroner of Horan ''11 I. B. CARLING-, Bt,,... A, , , . fstn Re. ,rister, Solicitor, Notary Pa'br1itai„_ Public, ,Commissioner, ,Solicitor; ,feg- "a•-• the .Molsons Bank., etc, lLel Money, to Loan at 'lowest watt* ` Interest. ; ,a OFFICE; MAIN STREET, EXE.T.EB ,. MONEY, TG LOAN i, I 1 t 1 We have a large amount of pails ate funds to loan on farts renolk 7.11* lagero 8 P .P4rtiea at lowest t® re __ tereat, GLAD;MAN & STAND' TRII Barrietere, Solicitors, Maas Bile Exeter, , , ).1 -.Tile lisborue and Ribbon Farmer's Mutual Fire 1asu aim Compaq i,- Head Office, Fatgt,h:aa.>t, President ROBT. NOB S - Vice -President ; I'IiOS, 3tHAJSr. zoft „DIRECI'Oii;S 1 HI WM. BROCK . Wig, BOX J, L. RUSSELL J, T. ALL1S€3L AGENTS 1s s JOHN ESSERY Exeter. agent Uap borne and ,8 iddulph. OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent fie Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. i u W. A. TUBNIiULf ' Secy.Treas. Faraiuhatry GLA.DMAN & t3TANBIIIIM • Solicitors. Exeter, li4 C A T RiA For infants and: Children In Use For•Ov er 30 ears-. Always beam. the Sisaattiss et