HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-21, Page 1fir O'PtTY-SECOND YEAR— No: 2243 • EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 21st 1916 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Ladies' Swell Coats A new bunch just opened up. They are real nifty and just what you are looking for, Plush, Tweed Zebaline. Chinchilla, Chap Serge, Plain and Fancy Plaids. No two alike. Our coats are not high priced A good Plush Coat for S17.00 Child's . Coats A big range of cloths and patterns to choose from FURS FURS Now is the time to buy your furs, We bought early when furs were Iower. A big selection to show you Persian Lamb Sets Sable Sets Mink Marmot Sets Children's White or Grey Black Fox Sets Red Fox Sets Grey Fox Sets Black Dog Sets Don't fail to see our fine display of Furs, We are sure to have what you want - Men's Overcoats and Suits rf you are in need of a good Overcoat for Fall or Winfer, come in and see our range Extra fine line of Freize overcoats in Browns, Greys, &c with shawl or convertable collars at very moderate prices, Also big selection of Men's Black Beaver Overcoats for best wear Nifty Fall Suits can be had here in no end of variety, browns, greys, navy and many fine missed patterns Mens' Felt Hats Our line of Soft Felt Hats for fall are surely taking well, and no wonder, when you see the class of goods we are handling Boys' Suits and Overcoats Stylish Norfolk Suits for boys at low prices, either bloomer or straight pants, in all aer:s. Also Buster Brown Suits for smaller boys, Our overcoats for small boys are real s,,re11 for this season Shoes: Come in and see our stock of Shoes for Ladies' Men and Children, They ea• certainly are right up to the minute in style Jones AND May udders' Hardware 1 Headquarters for all Housebuilding Requirements Including Lock Sets, Door Bulks, Sliding Door Locks Glaas, etc. Also a full line of Barn Hardware to make your barn comylete Threshers' Supplies Leather and rubber Belt- ing, lace leather, ba.bbit metal, cylinder oil, etc always in stock Lawn Mowers and Hammocks To clear at reduced prices EAMAN'S Hdwe 1 Lrl it ssgammon 27a Phones 27b ti3,O'Ral r—Xn Stephen, on Thur'slay Sept. .`dR p I 14thl, to Mr, and 1xns..Samuel Jory ' a :son. 1DENOOME—At the :Bauble Liatl: on t Sept. 8th, to Dlr. and Mrs.. Albers tfenomme; a daughter. , :MARRIED .,{ PPLETON—DEL'V'E -1n Hensel), on ' aat.uxday September 16th, i016 Miss 1 in May 'Delve, daughter of Mrs, Delve, of. town, to I't'. David Gordon Appleton. DIED R --At Zu .ich 'off Nett orT�IU . x. . • 9th. Lydia Gabel, 'reliet of the late. 'Jlrlilliam tl3ossenbury, aged 8G years and 5 months, ;C1:AtStE—in A1.ma, Mich., on Sept; 15th Orally .Case, daughter of the late Milian -1 tease, aiged 72 yeaaay G mon- ths. • COLLARBONE BROKEN ' IN FALL FROM STOOP Mrs. Hiram Windsor of the 2nd, eon aralGillvray was painfully injured on Saturday wLon a strong wind ,alam- nied a door, knocking leer oft the steps of De back porch. She fella ,distance al about five. asst. Dr. I1amiltale of. .Ailsa Craig was called and found that the ,colla.rboi.,;, was bnoi rn A Word of Praise for Exeter Fair one of the Best in Years The Exeter •Plaut• on Monday and Tuesday of rhie week was one or the Test'"th'at has been held in town ,yea•: old heifer, .Wm, iC-'—'S-. 1, 2, 3, F. ,Brock; pond's:seeding G. 13ediord; For many years. The exhibits; in most! heifer calf, A. Eloott, J. Fnssery; two Bradshaw, F. laroek; rein Claude S• J lines :dere good Puna the/ weathea,,al- 'year old 'steer, Wm. Coates, 1,2,3; Hogarth. • (Jerae I'1+ifrs. S. Cudixtore; extra collettiata, 0 Aged view, W. ReideT. iroc'•k; bVi•e.e Ilamilton, !calf, T. ,(gook; 1 PLUMS r • Grades Jefferson, H. Andetion; imperial Aged tow R. ID; Hunter, .PP Coates, 2 gage, Wm. nowdetr; dunes 'ample, and .3; Itwo Year old heifer, J, Tale I W. J. lassett H. Huston Lombards bridge; J. Eolsery, J. 7)a.lbridge; one B• Reston. Wm. Dearing; any variety 'though somewhat •cool was quite ray -1 one -year old steer, J. M'rnerr, ,r Delo arable n.nd a 1a.rge crowd was pre- bridge, P. Coates; :steer calf, John; , ; ,GRAPES alba he gate receipts were over 1 'Esiery, Wm. iCoates, 2 and 3. ITeaman's S ectal—Grade cow, R.D.I Niagara, Miss T. White, O. t3ix ey;. .$100 .more than last yeas and' the of -i p g floors and 'directors were more than Blunter, Robinson'ia Special, five 'fe- i concord. F, larock, Airs. S,'Cuamore; 1 ;Beauty or Hebron pcteecaa,'le- Brookdelighted the 'way everything went 'mailer -IR. 'D. hunter. MeddleSpec-delevare,'C. Birney, F. Brock;' Rogers T, 13.raek;••pearl of .,avoy, F. )truck; off. ial—;Diary •corn,—P. Coates, Wm. Coatis No .J, IL aluston, A. McPher: on; )tog- a..Braek; •ezupire oP ~tate. 8..3. Hog - The showing •of horses, which is R. b.' Robson, Jays, Hendry, jud ,•es,° arth; carmen; No. 1 S. J. Bail„ arch; 1 t I lar voy's Special,—M;ns. j.1Yloi)r. F, • f . Hamilton, W., Dauncey, judge* !DAIRY PRODUCTS ; Five lbs, 'butter, Ir. An'dareon, B L lieeb; 10 lbs. butte r, ' oltihgaea Decker; pound; rolls or prates, la. An J. Andeneon; moat 'neatly ax- re*aged plate of butter for table nee,H. ,Anderson., J. 'R. McDonaId; cheeeae, private made, C. Tr'uenaner. W. II. Levettt, Judf;e. (VEGETABLES ers, No, 22, 12. Anderson •, Rogers No. 45, A. M.ol'hersan • ;any other variety, him AicPheraan, F. Brock; best col o .grapes, bias. ..fel'herson; PleACIIES Early arawford, T. ;Brock • late o w ford,. Anderson, la Broc t MISCELLANEOUS Best .col, canned fruit J. . Sr,, bars, McPherson •'best co icon a'r ere:, A. AloPherson; honey] in comb, J.. arberer, A. McPherson; honey an jar, J. Harberer, A. Mo Pherson; col, or home-mad,e wines J. Decker :Sr. ; col. bottled pickles, •J. (probably of more interest to the men y c y* rural New Yorkers, la Meek; other kvas ui !splendid one. Some of the doss, p ' variety; E. J. Hogarth; new varieties es were ,tot quite as well filled as J. Anderson; winter ;cabbage+, Sid San - other years, but in others there were ders; fall ;cabbage, Be Sanders, P. More entries and on the whole the Hamilton; (blood beets, Sid Sanders, Ea [number and` quality that competed in g , ra Hamilton globe beets, C. 'Blaney, Sid the different events would do credit' 1I Sanders; sugar beets, J I1.,ydrl, Win,. tto any show ring. In the class Lor g' Dearing; sugar beet naangoldts L. Day single roadsters •there were seventeen lamb, A D A J. Kydd, •loaag' mangolds, 'W (Dearing; entries and' the .judge had a very' del- ,globe mangolds, W. (Dearing; Intere Coate proposition in and. mediates. W. Dearing; early taxa car- Th'e cattle were good, some Eine g L ey, rots, C. Raney, F., Hamilton ;; >ua,ntes animals being on exhibition. Thele;sheep 1 b la4 lI A.' 1 d J $ 'b C. Barney and F. Hamilton;' red car - and 'hags were of excellent quality b H rots, Sid Sanders R. Sanders, ;; yellow and 'up to other 'years. In the poultry field carrots Sid. Sanders R., Sa•vrlrrs; there was a fine showing of birds. , sweet corn, G. Harris, F. Stewart,; To tLe ladies the indoor exhibit was. the center of attraction and, front/ the remarks 'that were heard on every side tail. part of the Fair' has never 'bean excelled. There was simply stacl;ia and stacks of the most exquis- ite fancy' worm. The most o1' it was new anal certainly did credit to tae ladies of, Exeter. One poise of curtain's exhibited by Mists N. Tom,. are worthy of especial mention. The curtains are tatted over ,ne'E. Some ideal of the ex- hibit as compared with previowi years 'may Ibe 'conveyed when we state that 'usually the judging its donee on Mor.- 'darg af'te'rnoon but on this occa'aion it took most of Tuesday( morning to com' plete the judging. 1'n the field and garden ate/ htere was a good' :stowing for this year but it was plainly 'visible that this line k'aii suffered From dry weather. The showing of corn; however, was never better. Th'e Patriotic League and the Sold- ier's Aid society were'botlll bnisyt dur- SHEEP Dorset Horned—W. C. Pearce took all the prizes. Shrapshire.dawns—A ed ram and sheet -ling A .Duncan; ram .lanib, A. 'loupe 11 and 2; ewe, sheariin and ewe oup,e, A. Duncan. L,eir'ester—Ram, A. Elcoat; shear - ling. A. Elcoat, W. ` cAliiste,r, 'amb A. Elcoat 1 and 2; Ewe, shearlin am W. ; c list•ea an 2. Lincolns=G. 'Penhale swept 16st. Peri of Sheep, G. Penhale, W. Mc• Alis ter. W. A. Beattie, Judge, . ;HOGS Y oikshi•e—G. ,Miner got everythine except 'sec•ond liar 1 -yr. boar, which went to Jac. Battler. Berkshire—Boar 1 -yr. Dawsonl3ros boar under 1 -yr., W. C. Pearce 1 tti 2; ,Sow two years and sow one year, 'Dawson Bras.; sow 1 -yr. W. Pearce I and 2. F It, Hamilton, !R•Detbridge judges POULTRY Buf Cochins, W. Edwards, W. B: Battler;; chicks, W. Edwards; Par- tridge Cachins, W. Edwards; Parted Rocks, chicks, F. Brock, W. Bowden white xo, ks, J. Battler, R. Sanders, chick;, W. Ed'w,ards, R. Sanders; Sil-' ser Darkins, W. F. •Edwards 1 and 2; White 'Wyandattes, W. Edwards, G. R. 1-1e)wood, chicks. W. Edwards, E. Dignan; Partridge. Wyandottes, W.F. fisig the 'day and gathered in many Wendel. W. F. Edwards, chicks, W. rhikels. The different- church sheds Wendel 1and 2; Bk. Orphingtons, oP .town were secured and an admits- W. Bowden, C. Truemner, chicks. W. Ion charged. Tags were !sold during Bowden; Buif Orphingto:is, W,;1•"en- 'the day and the Patriotic League had del, J. Battler; chicks, W. Wendel a boothi on the grounds; In the ,even- 1 and 2; Wh. Orphingtans, chicks, J. Fns the Soldier's Aid society held a Senior land 2; Andulasians, W. Eci- iladies minstrel show in the Opera wards W. B. 'Battler, chicks, W. Ed- ;) Ouse. The hall was apse -dad to cap- wa'rde, W. Dearing; Bk. Spanish, Vti I aoity and •the concert was greatly B. Battler, also. chicks.; Bk. Minorcas enjoyed by those present judging R. Quance, W. Wendel; chicks, W. B. Brom the, applause given to the per- Battler: Houdans, W. Edwards 1 & 2; formE.a:s. A cushion was donated be' Fel Caps, W. Wendel, W. Bowden; :Miss Lola Taylor and was ,auctioned chick:,, W. Bowden land 2; Games, off „Reeve, P. Ellerington, of Usborne and clticks, W. Wendel 1 and 2; Wh. 'acing the lucky bidder. The latter Legharns, R. Sanders, Sid =sailers, society took in over $288.00 during chicks, J. }?attic.:, W. Bowden; lir. th'e tday. Legharns, W. Dearing, Sid Sanders, kottlowing ace the prize winners; chicks, W'. Dearing 1 a.nd 2 ; Black Leghorns, T. Brack, \V Wendel ; chick;, W. Wendel, T. Brack; R. C. 'i )h. Legharns, W. Dearing 1 and 2,, chi:ks, J. Senior W. Dearing; R.C. xrowi' Legharns,' W. 'Dearing 1 arid 2, also far chicks; Po:and, 'W Wendel and 2; chicks, W. 'Wendel R.San- ders; Sil. Span. .Hamburgs, W.B a rier W. Bowden; chicks, W. Battler, R; Sanders , Sit. Pen. Hambu.rgs, J. Batt- ler 1'. Brock; Bantams, W. }.Edwards le and 2;, also chicks; Turkeys, ,W.. Bowden chicks also 1 a,id 2; 'fou- taus•c Geese, and young, W B.Batticr Pekin Ducks, W. Bowden, G.Heywood chick.;, W, Bowden, W. Battler; A:1- esbury 'Ducks, young W. B. Battler; Roush Ducks, W. Bowden, young, J. P.it'ilie, W. Bowden; ocher clucks, W. Peeler, G. Bedford, young, W. 13 Pattier, L. Pay; Guinea Foal, G.Ued• 'ora, W. Pattie:, yoine, G. Bedford Wendel; rabbi's, T. Brock, R Sanders; pigeons, G. Bedford; R .C. an -am W. Wendel; Buff Leghorn Cr It Heywood, chicks, also; R. T. Reds, R ,Quin• ce; chi•:ks, t.LQuanc•e, &"illy or gelding 2 yrs. old lie D. ,Bell, 1 •;one. & Mac Special, Co:kerils, h. T. Kyle; filly or gelding 1 yr. old Dignan, W. 'Bowden. J. laowcliffe; team, J. Meaner, R. Northco, W, t\McLeod,1_aaclo.i, .)trigs. tt 'Rivers, Special—McAllister and Son raker s Special—R. T. Luper, J. Green. E. Westcott, lam S. Cud re, ,Bank of Commerce !Specie/ . J Merrier. • Andrew s Special—Androwi . ,ks. Jas. Archibald judge HORSES Gene..al Purpose • !Brood mare accompanied by foal, J. Great, T. Butt; teal, foaled: in 1916 tJ. Green. 1'. Butt; filly; or•gelding 3 yrs. old,. T. Harris, Geo. Penhale; filly or gelding, 2 yrs. old, J. Flannery, S. Coleman, J. Deokar, are; filly or igeld- 1 yr. old, T. Harris) team, J. Decker, Sr., Geo.'Penhale, Wm. Witzel. 'agricultural the 161st Batt, Brood mare ,accompanied bar foal, E. Westcott, it. T. Lutker, Mee. S, I The 'following letter to Col. Combe. of •the 161st (Battalion !speaks for its - self and '.bears out the statements that have appeared in reference to the behavour of the Huron( Battalion. IDuring the recruiting of this battal- ion while the ooys from this section were stationed in town and mince they have been going back and forward ;from oamp there has not be n a eine e cortplaint registered against their conduct. Camp Borden, Sept, 15th, 1916 Lt. 1Coi. Combe, 0. C. 161st ;Battalion, Camp !Borden ,. • Dear Sir;— I feel toonstrauaed to ,say a word of praise regarding the conduct of ylour battalion while 'they have been n oour trains for weelc,ezrd leave or ofherrvise. I think 1 can :safely say without danger of being suspected of 'undue flattery that the 161st I3at- talion has 'conducted itself at all times in ,such a manner thatt.it could not be 'considered otherwise than highly creditable • They have respect !for their Ottawas,for thein ,Battalion and for thena.- selvete, :a.nd this bas taught others to respect: them., 1 am tsure that tsuch conduct will bring its own reward. The way in which they get on and off trains puts them in a class •by, them- selves. Yours truly, R. W. Th;.m, General A,g. n' . Ines, W. D, Clamk, la very critically ill at the time of writing and the end is expected at any time. Mr, and; Mrs. John May and 'cot Pte. Russell May of Clinton visited relatives in town thee week, The receipt., of the Soldier's Aid Society on Air Day were; sale of tags 52.00; „silo of •.necklace 30.00; sale of pillow 16.00; and. concert re- eeipts 104.00; total 292.00, A 'heavy frost visited this section on Monday ane Tuesday rights and desfroyed rr.uch'of the gardens stuff. Corn and , eans suffered somewhat. BURIED AT CLANj)E33o5E The funeral of the infant; daughter or ALT. and mm.'d'1comas .E''lynrtr,,vas held to St. Jones C'ernetery, onSan= 'clay attternoon, Rem Lowe officiating Tto £ulicral; w'as Privatot Cndmore; .Coal cleated in 1016, R. T; Luker. E. Westcott, Met. S. Cud - more; filly or gelding 3 yrs. old, J. ftowcliffe, J. Morgan, .1. Rowclit.fie,; Italy or gelding, 2 yrs. old, A. Case; • team, L: H. 'Rader, T. 'Barris. Heavy 'Draught $rood mare •, ccompanied 'be- foal, 'McMaster and Son; foal, foaled in 1916, McA'1 ster and Sort; flay or;geld- ;ng 3 yrs, old, R. 2orthcott1 and 2. GRAIN & SEEDS , ', t Fall wheat white, J.' Chapman, Mrs. Lc Reynolds; fall wheat• red, William Dearing; white oats, T. Harris, tim- othy seed, Jai Chapman; 'ensilage corn Te. Day, aVae lJ)eari•ng ; small, pews, C. ' 'Truemner Carriage, .Vac. )larding, Judge I3:rood mare aecornpana,d by foal, •Ii0I1T;C{ LTl12AL PRODUCTSJ. Decker, jaa real, foaled- in 1016 J. Decker, J,r., ; fill Y or gelding 3 yrs. 41'P.LES old, ,F. Coates. 'W. 13eiber, E. Willcrt,; fllly or gelding, 2 yrs. old, E, 3. Wil Winter apples, J. Rowclif.f't; fall' • 1 lertJ. Flannery; single carriage her- apples, J. 'R,owclif e ; plate of 12 win- I • t so J atosgzn C Silber J' Watson. ter apples. J. Rowcliffe; fall apples • klndian ,corn, W. Dearing, F. Brock; Decker, Sr., Mrs. McPherson; coL of three water melons, Wm. Dearing; canned vegetables J. Decker, Sr., pumpkins, •1 Stewart L. Day; 't-quashe Airs. McPherlson; home-made buns, J. 1 C. Pirney Ii, Neeb; miry) meanie. Wm Dearing, Mrs. J. Moir; &wi de turnips, Sid Sanders. Wm.. Dearing ; any other anxiety, L. Day; white or yellow onion Anderson. H. .Huston; home -,made bread. Mrs. J. Moir, Jas. i)i.ek; col. of cakes, Wuu, Dearing. Jas Ander- son; cured ''ham, Wmn. Dearing, J. C. Raney; soanneb: onions. R. tan - Decker. Sr,,; assortment oared meats, ders,; •tomatoeie, 'R,, Sanders; celery„ J. Decker Sr., 1ri'm. Dearing, • Contirt+ed an ,page .5 THE EXETER BARGAIN S T 0 RE Children's S'L,lliS:OL S We are supplied -with all the leading 'kinds. Yon will find oar prices and qualities..! e.hest to be had .Our Mens heavy shoes are splendid Values Some clearing lines in ladies low shoes, pulps, straps &'o at 2 per pair. A Clearing sale of fall caps at 43c each Mens and boys suits at cess than present wholesale cost. B. It m B E A U E 411,••••4AmCr•Nlea *av@•90Goo* b4P•aea.04.4.10000•0 9t@*tea€eaaee • • • • • • C e • • • • • p• w • • • • • • 4 • • • pair •carriage horse>, Wm. 093xren, lany and greenings. s JowelitIr: B odeJ.0Is- L. I3, Rader, 32. J. tiV�i.11ert; g• Roadst'Ce:eotrir,. man; northern •spiee., J. Rowcliffe,,'1'. Brava; soxboro •rnsrsetts., J. Chap- I3rood mare ,llanied by foal, nein; 'i-aldwin•s, 3, 'Rawcliffe C. Truce T. 13r'ock, 'F. 'Coates; foal, foaled im inner; westficld ')seek- o -.further, J. 11916.., And. e'w 'flicks, F. 'Goatee, T. CLa Aman ; snow apples, J. Roweliffe, A !Brook. filly or gelding, 3 yrs. old, 3, !Chapman; :gravenstcin$, I{. Huston, W. Witze', W. Ilatter, S M d,g f l'y 0, .Fisher; King oI Tompkins. J. (hip, os gelding 2 yrs. old. J, Deckci,,Jr., pian 0. Fisher; alexandens, J. Chap - F. ICoatcs Dr. IlynJnian pair of read- pian, C. Fisher; 'Canadian red C. Fi•4i- sters-in harness and buggy, J, Deck. r, er; ribston pippins, J. Chapman; Sr„ W. Witzel, T. Yearlel; ; single wa,gners, J. Chapman, 'R. Sandere; roadster 'in harnc=s and buge,y, J. Grime: ea Pippins, Jas. Chapman; • Decker, Jr., W. itirock, A. 'Duncan, maiden )slush, 3, Chapman,' C. basher; J. liowcliffea lady driver, J, Decker, Golden resets, Mrs , 0 'Cudmore, J. Sr„ W. 'Witzel; Times team, Rewoliffe; Ontario, Wm. ,De.aing; • —J. :Decker, Jr,,; ,Cote's Special light wealthy, Wm. Dearing, Mrs. Me.I her- foal—Andrew )licks, lion; i13;enheim. pippin , J. Chapman; • (Capt. IT. E. Rabcson, judge: • • •• e • • • • • • • • • r •l CATTLE PEAR. • Winter pears , Mrs. -Mc'PLe: son 4. Mc a Shorthorn •w, — 'Pherson; fa 1 p are, • . d Brock; 1.1, nt- • Aged cow, 11, U hunter, 1, 2, 8 3; ish 'beauty, Mrs. McPherson, A. ~ale t two yeas old L..iter, li, D hunt ;r, Pherson; drichae:s of anjoutine, Fred • 1 and 2; one ,ter. nal. hvilie.r, W, pep. Brook, T. Brock; Clrrpp's favourite, • er; :heifer •calf, 11.. D. Ranter, J. tiller- I. Whitloek, T. Brock; ]leers e�tait • „. r, genu, A. i\tei'liarsoii, Mr.. Me t her,- ♦ ter, W. Pokier; ),tier; Lull Bala J. Manor A Gq 'Ii, D. Hunter; hard, lt, :D, Hunter, sun; vies: or rr� i:.' i :lel, 11. 1laaion; 43. , errfords. b.'.1 .lucrative, 1+, '13rt:ek; siteldon, I. 40 Armstrong,. IL. IN; ten; east beams, 1 w M 3 .'tired cow, J. .oelbrtdg.e,; twe Nyear F, Brock; Lou s bonnie da Jt•,r oy; P' old aria , J. 1),Ibr'da;e,, 1 and 2,.h,i- we: Ileare.a'e ••itto.r. Cr. Bedford, �, •s•••aao ¢qo• •••4h�+oA4oeeas+►• n P.., fee 'calf .J, Delbridlre; bull calf, J, ears. Malta er•, 1'.rlef.t la ;Brook,t aoe'ao •••+.•�sA+sas tl•it�a Delbridge; herd, ;J, Delbridge. T PHONE c^ti 0E r.rFil ashi Is our aim' for the men of Exeter and vicinity. That's one reason why we specialize in Men's wear exclusively. Keeping in touch with Men's styles is our business so when you are outfitted by us you are sure of being dressed right We have in stock alt the newest styles_ Loak ever our gine of Soft Felts, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, GWoves Underwear, Socks, Smocks and Overalls Ready -Made and Made•to•Measure Clothing Blue Serge Suits for Men . Oar Values are undoubtedly the best hi Canada. • tei • ca^ 4 4' 6e • o- 41. vi, e - e+ • u• • 4 • • • • • A 0 WO We 7 e T AA A N ,e,