HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-14, Page 5"ftrifif '. SEPTEMBER j40411118 Dashwood ' Men, tad. Ntrdigea is at Present very 'number from here attended Lon- jlon ('air this week. Rev. Aieyer and farnity ave. Uns +week camping at 'Grand Bend,,. Mr. crud Mrs. Wm. held moved. into skheir new home on Monday. , Mr. and ;Mrs,. Stone or Greenway spent Sunday with Air, and Mrs, Wm, . Mild (Dora Kraft or Canton is spend ling 'her vactltion under her parent's •;roof. Miss Elsie (.tingle of 'C;rediton vis - i ted with Arise Letta , Gtventher over ,Etenda'y , • jyi;e; y;t'ieDonatd of Exeter twee the !guest of 143:]7x. N, Ietle(rrnalnn over Riindaty • U.rs. V. Rural:we usr:dF'hos+hh st been • S�te'ry ill we are 1 im- proving , Messrs, L. Goetz, L. Edighoefer, and SE. Scholz are attending collegiate at ;Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs, Bert Statton have ;moved into the residence formerly : ccupiled b:y Mr, G. We SLorei . and Mrs. Wm.theirKei sliver. fd traraity tare spending !Detroit and Other places, Mr.• and Airs. H. Bowden oe'Cooper- ttowrr, N. D. °ailed on old acgectine 1ta'xeces in the village on, '11lorrda'ys alter stn absence of 30 years:, 'Crra'ybeit and i this, and Airs. J. W. and 'Mrs. We,s,'Engiant" atter.ded 11ho Weddirxg or. 'the rortners tion at Woodstock last week. d.I3rok 311:. Iiirokenshire, L. A.danns, p env'�'�e and daughter Nettie and Airs. . Adams attended the funerat of. a assiative at Atwood one day Gast week. ft. 'will be in the interest of our subscribers to p »r renew their subscriptr on to The 7J9xre+s 'before the last day of Septem- •3rer as on the f'a'st of October all :a:rrears and renen alts will be charged ene$g.25 per annum . • ;LYCERINE AN.i) ;BARK PREVENT APPENDICITIS Mtn simple mixture of buckthorn tlaark, .glycerine, etc., known as Adier- a-k;z astonishes Exeter peopte.'Beeause ,AdlerC-'ke acts on ROTH lower and ripper bowel O.NE SPOON(' TJL relieves almost ANY CSAE constipation sour stomach 'or gate It removes such& stir• t, !rising foot matter that a few doses --Often retivve or prevent appcndieitis lehort treatment: he1pe chronic stoni- each trouble.. The INSTANT easy act - lion of Adler-•ii-+ka is astonishing. llensall ."0n G. Aiatloy has treated biro Welt to an auto. . . ' . Miss Bertha Bcntchford has return- .>Ld from a months visit ir. the west. Misr. end Mrs. Janiee 'Taylor visited ter !son and drughter in Toror.to. Mr. and Airs. G. C. Petty accompin- led J 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Dinsdale, lnot- aored 'to Toronto, Miss Tent Swan has returned to 3 .ochester. Minn., for further treat- nent of her throat. All our carpenters, masons and pa°r.- rs report a very they season and aerenavarkixrg overtime to keep up. :Ur. ani Mrs. John Cameron ar.d *&italren or Georgetown spent a rcw 93tioudays with his parents here. inns. J. Sutherland spent a f••w days urimg'the past week with her broth - sr, A. ,Dent, at the Bend' who has a votive of cottages there. • Kis; ,I3essie Urquhart who has been spending the holidays with her par- sents returned to resume her dillies -as 113ean of Elton college , I!drs. asnirnill of 1U31oom'sburlg. Pa„ aspen. ing a few weeks with her sisters, Airs IR. '13.'tBelt and firs .T. Berry and other relatives. The Ladies Patriotic league and girls recruiting club tserv.ed a fora! .upper en Thaneday night to the sold- iers in the council chamber . Smug those who :left for the west are the foilowin , John Glenn, John McAllister, Robt. Traqueir, 'W,. Sum- srrervitle end John McEwen. Mr. ,Roy !Brandt of Elmira, son, or filar. A. Brandt, formerly station agent ie're spent a few days. wv:th his friends rafter an absonee of tix years . Miss Florence Reynolds lett to re -- amine her dative in Calgary school after spending the holidays with her gparents. Mr. and Mrs. 'Rej''nolds. The trustees of our school have had the fences repaired and e numb: r of other improvements utade and con- ':le.mplates this falai or in the spring ;o,,,+, Lave the grounds Jevelled, A happy event took prate at the $tome of Mr, R. J. Drysdale Wedneeday 'Sept 6th when his d.eughter Margaret ;became the bride of :t%ir. 1lioy' Stow.; 4.0.1 or Dubuc. Ses,k„ The ceremony wvau kerformed. ► Bev. E. Met. Smith. id IDrmet preststerian tetsiroh In the preseur:' so1i n. number orl rotative,. nn:3. fri•en3•5. The bit. ,e Was tastc.fail.y dec- elerated 'with: ferns end rens. At nice $.crock during g tt• e. singing of the mar- riage hymn, `H 'Ltrztathsd.O',•r Eden" 'She bride r'ntcrc d the riving -room look lung ,charming in a :dies:, of 'whits sick ',xepe de vvlth bridal veil, and frtuet .,cap etnd. carrying Ameincan 4heaaty owels. During the sign:rig or the register Mils 'Vera Kirk. or Fa i - *rove. 11Ii^.L., taann '`0 Proni ee Me" After the wedding 'breakfast Mr. and slltrs, Stowed left bq mo or 'for MX'.fale r)d Brookville, 'before leaving for ethetr home in Dubue, Sask., The br,d^ ewes n popular young lady ,and was a jn'm;er of. 'Carmel 'church choir. A 'irew evenings before the we d.din( that •y°hoi.r o.f Caxmet church surpr.i',ed the ' izridesto-be at ler home and eho I eel d her t1 Lth' many pretty and use Eel g et pleasant evening wtt.,l spent. Guests „at, the welding worst. Mr. and Airs. Kean hir. G. Hess, Zurich; Mr. and Irrs, 0; Benet of l.,.ricefield, 14f,rs. ;d,- McDonald end daughter .Anna Miry V, Kirk r isa�'\ jbtir. iAllan; Welke,Welke,�l , I�z k o. Fair trove, Mich., Aliso L. Purdy of; 'Union- ville, '�+i11c, 117:ic�: 'Mess M. McLaren o>a 1I IE. litult011 of I:lcnsail, , Crediton :AtILLIATI •Y' OPENINGS.— We beg 'to 'announce that our inilliner.'iy Ide- pertinent will, be open on Monday. and Tuesday Sept 181.11 andi9th,,ibnd fol- lowing days, Alis Link is in charge and twill shone grand, display; of the very .latest ' and newest exgaisitke stylet-, at (moderate prices. A ea1l sol - lotted. Q.. Zwieker, Gement bier- • chant, Crediton. 0A93,1) 0"1! TITANKS I idesire to thank the people of '0reditort ,and the vioinity for their kindness towards •me end my (family white 1 was ill I apprectate it very fnaueb and am deeply ;grateful, li es. Johsn Either: whaten ;Several ;from there are taSing in London Fair 'this week. Nathor Sambrook retuned home filter taking in Toronto Fair. Mabel Feltner returned home after having a pleasant visit with relatives in Tavistock, Oar Brass Band has 'been "engaged to furnslu the music for the Zurich Fair on the 21st , Messrs Wm. Finkbeiner •and Geo, Finkbeiner are having phones placed in their dwe.lting,s , . Mr. and Mrs. Thole. Mao hinney acd Air. and Mals. Alt Wuertla motored' to 'Clinton last Sunday , 'APr. and Mrs. 'C'h'rist/ Heist and A1vey and Otara Holtzman. motored to God- erich Sunday enorninen. , .The Misses IEila and Alverna Heist and their brother herb of Pigeon, blich., are visitinig 'friends in, town, Mrs. Errdcle Follicle who has been vis iting her daughter at the Methodist parsonage returned Lome this week Mr. F. W. Ctark was one oe the several who went to :Detroit last week and 'brought back a new Ford auto Cor Milo 'Snell agent at Exeter, 'Rev. I2. H. SearAbiy,t S. ':C. D cf Lean) preached two excellent sermons to lar- ge congregations on Sunday Sept 10th it 'be ng anniversary services. He also gave en excellent address to the Sun- day tsehool scholars. The choir gave excellent music. , Whalen hector and Clarence TIilLson spent Friday in London. Mrs. James (fern or Exeter visit ed her Blusters here Jast' Week.t Air. ,Frank Morley attended the Ex- hibition at Toronto last week.: Mr. and Ains. Wesley Freeman vis- ited her mother here ore Sunday. 'Roy Nit left 'Tuesday for Calgary to accept a position at the Post Office there. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Mildson spent Sunday at the home of Asea Da, i; at Saintsbary ;C'ate'b MLllson of White Okin v ieited friends here and atsao his brother Sam- uel Mills= near Mitchell. Mrs. Nathan'et Ogden who has been sick in bed we are pleased to state is able to be out again, . Mise .Edna Gunning has returned home after a visit with her cousin ,Airs. :Albert Scott at Su.nahine. Ernest Iloblai.; accompanied by his parents motored. 'up from Devizets in his .new Afaxwett car on Sunday and visited at his sisters, Atrs. (lector Mi ikon. Zurich Aiisia ;Ella ;v, Stelk is •viisting rela- tives and friends in 'Pt. Huron, Mich. illus. Yunghtut of Auburn its visit- ing at the home or her son, H. Y ung- blut . . .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Finkbeiner and daughter Hazel. of Stratford visited relatives here •b.Iios V. Siebert left for Strathroy Where she has accepted a position as milliner in one of the stores. Mr, Fred Ilowald and daughter, Thelma, or St. Marys, visited, the for- mer's mother, Mrs B. Howald. M. teed 1\Irs. IDaniet Steinbach and Mr. and, Mrs. Chartes Kalbfleiseh of Detroit visited (relatives ,here. Mrs. Ed. Rupp and daughter, left for Detroit after spndiug a months. vacation with relatives in town. Miss Veva Kirk and Lunde Purdy. of Fairg.rove, Mich., ere visiting friends in town ar,d the nuc:,ghtorhool. Mrs. Orville :ET. Ehness, of Calgary.. Alta.,, ass visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ehne,s nor a few weeks Miss Pearl Alorormick left for Des troit• last Saturday where the will en- ter one of the hospitals to train for a nurse Mrs. .Nancy Anne Cie/new, relict o the ,tate Isaac Sareras, .died uuddenly on September 4th in her 87 year. Dec- eased had ,aiHLered a slight stroke on Sunday evening and during tie n'.ght. Buffered a necond. She was alone dur- ing the night and in the morninr4 neighbors found her unconscious on the floor. Site died about 12 o'clock. One ,denghter end two sons survive, Mrs. C. Simmon, and Noah of the B:orison Lino and Simon or Hensall, The. death oceurred at Zurich on Sa:tutrday, S'ptarnb.tr 2nd of AIissPear daughter of Mr. and N'rs. Conr:.d'Kei- i•er. Deceased Lad been resist:ng in London and had gone to her home for betide:7s and did. not feel well. On 1T,harsda.y 1 hc: was taken worse Suf- fering from meningitis and passed itwe'y on Saturday. Ste was 16 year. of age, Residee Ler parents one see ter and two brothers survive, Airs. Itothereinat of Das.bwood, Theodor;'; 'of London send Arson at home, In some iitaccountebta way tht naso - tine engine which Mr. F. Hess, Sr„ wen to punap water into 1113 supply tank went wrong 'are i in ,a few min- utes ,Alai made a complete wreck of itself. As no one was ncari at the time it is ;dais 1•es be a mystery how it hap - pencil .Anyway. the imine is uuseless as the crank (shaft -is broken, the lox- Ings , mashes: and the rontrotlir;.g dev- i.re gone awretiy, the base wreaked and a anuzuber sol other serLou,a breakdown. The Iwo flywheels wvere hurled ,many feet sway rel and, th port when the wreok :ocoar,rie•d startled tl`e res:dente in Suet part of the town. Thames Road .THE EXETER TIMES Pte, Roble Passmore of Camp Bono den was home for the' week-encl. 4uite at number of this vicinitys in- tend going to London 'Fain this] week, Mr, C. A, Whitiook of St. Thomas is spending the week -lend at his home here Air, and Airs. John Gi,ifillan visit- ed at Air, Robt, inreDonald'st on Sun- day last, , Air. and Airs., 'l)oupe or K.irkton spent Sunday at the home P" 'their {ion Mr. Arthur Doupe. There has been very little tall wheat sown in this neighborhood as yet. the lazed 'being rnueht too dry for working , The 'congregation have rebuilt the old part of their .shed, and some new material was required ho part of the receipts of the anniversary will be used to defray the expert -es incur- red by rebuilding l The anniversary services at }Beth- any iheid last Sunday were a decided success. The services were hei& it i the Presbyterian church ass usual, The church was filled at each service the weather being all that +could; be desired. Rev, Knight preached two practical and instructive tsermons and the Sunshine choir rendered choice selection,, The thank offering and col- lection amounted to $105,00 Among those who visited in the neighborhood and attended special ser vices were, Mr. and Mrs. Will ITor- ney of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs: Henry Squires, Miss Flossie and Nettie Pass- more, Air. and Mrs. W. Stahana and children, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer and children, Miss Esther llorney, Mr., en 'Airs. John Rankin and family, Pte. and Mrs. S. Cann and children of Exe- ter, Miss Ethel Brown of Winchelsea; Mr, and• Mrs. Win. Martin, of Hibbert Mr. John I'assznore of dIensall, lir. and Airs. Wm.. Wilkinson of Chisel - karst Arr. and Dire. Herald Lawrence of Seaforth and Pte. Tom/ Wilkinson, 161st !Batt. Camp Borden,. Shipka Mr. IIICKetl:u' spent Sunday in Strat ford. Arr. John Alc'saac was in Londor. en. -Friday. A large ,number from here Look in London Fair. Mr. Chas. Locknor and family spent Sunday in London. Miss Pearl Keys spent the week- end with Aiise V. Sherritt , Miss Lunt Gaiser of Crediton spent Sunday with friends here. Messrs. Shenk and Werts spent Tuesday with friends here. - Mr. and 3lrs. Staunte of Raftato, are the guests of Mr. .3 Geiser. Mr. George Dietr:ek of Sarnia spent Sunday with his brother John Diet - rick. Air. and Mrs. Mathew Sweitzer and Mrs. W,. Sweitzer spent the week- end at New Hamburg ixr. and ;Mrs. Mattock and Mr. and Airs. F. Gaiser spent a ;couple sf days with friends in Petrone , Mae Agnes Screnon of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, epent the week:sea& with her sister, Airs. D. Mclsaac. IOIIILD130OD i Come with me and let us wander to the ;golden days of childhood, Wander back atonig the dim:ly,str:t- thing avenues of tine. For I fain woutd ;be a boy again. so careless, :free and happy, And with all ai boy's ambitions, all' kis plans and hopes sublime. Onoe again I see the old home, with its orchards and its meadows. Never brava; been the blossoms sweeter, never sky so °.tear above, 'Every nook and every cranny made a thousand timet, the dearer, ,By the gleans aaacl consecration or a wondrous mother -cove. Oft I .lay upon the hearth rug on the stormy winter evenings And with vision fix'd, enraptured, read loved volumes through and through , In the dim uncertain glimmer of the fitful beech lag burning , As it lapatikted and it crackle& as it went roaring up the flue. I wars with Robinson 'Crusoe in his trig:s and hes triumphs, Ali '13a'ba and his Forty Thieves were hood enough:; for nee, I jotoretyedt far with Ohristian, step by step I trod beside biro, ,And I supped with mert1y Robin Hood beneath the greenwood tree Oh, the dream iu all uo real, and. T know the vision's splendid. Now us ever, vain illusion, far;ottf fields look green andel bright, ti3ut when 1 scan the iiorrows oIf the wide years intervening, I wish 1 were a bay again—just for toseaisgbt, Ilamitton, Herbert E. Collins. Locals Mesurs Georg: a•n3 Daniel. Coward 1eft last week for .the west. Mrs. C. A. Sou.thcott returned home bast week after ',pending tbo summer at that; l[3end , Ste —Lock—Listen—Ladies, Min- strel Shaw Fair Night. Curtain at 8.1i sharp. 335 RECEIVING ATT) The Herron ranch or the Pstriotic Society is :now payiin,g oat $i55OO la month and has 335 names or. the list of those vvhe are tr; oeiving aid. IB.ORN NEIL—At W htlten, on Thu sd ey, S. pt. 7th to Air. and Mrs. kt.oy, Nene dau- ghter, . . , STEVENSON—At :Devizes on Friday Sept. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stevenson, a daughter, Tl? I13T,P--'At Fillmore, Sash„ O.n Au g, 25th to Mr, and Mrs. Thom„aisTrebte formerly 1tfiss 1+iva Tapp, a r daugh- ter. tt t r , t MARRIED [� 7 �, i 1 I. PECK—MAXWELL-At 5,t, John Ness' u111111111111Ii1h!111{IiIilhIII Par Magraut Mime rerarea mem SOomma 004,50 14.9 amiss raamm pfwapeS MaIrWa Areelm AMMO mmrrea smamer .1f NMNO era Imamml rem meeer womom koarxam 411.06 1.0.010 1111,1111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iI111111IlIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111{11111111111111{1111111111{111111 WAR LOAN DOJINISN F CANADA Issue of $100,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing lst October, 1931. PAYABLE AT PAR AT OTTAWA, HALIFAX, ST. JOHN, CHARLOTTETOWN, MO TREAL, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, REGINA, CALGARY, VICTORIA, INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY, 1st APRIL, let OCTOBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Is ICE 97 A FULL HALF -YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON lst APRIL, 1917. THE PROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. Tian 'MIN/STl,n: OF FINAtrcE offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above named Bonds for subscription at 97, payable as follows: - 10 per cent on application; 30 CP " 16th October, 1916; 30 " " 15th November, 1916; 27 " " 15th December, 1916. The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited to one hundred million dollars exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equiva- lent of cash under the terms of the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915, The instalments may be pail in full ou the 16th day of October, 1916, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue provisional receipts. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards Payment of the amount due on the October instalment. Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be issued,.after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application, Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks, The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, or Victoria. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert ir.to bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of .. Finance. The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. yeeeee 111.1,01 .014.0 SearIer 1.1010.1. roomy mamma arerrog MRCP rmrrrrr mrrmaro moo rmimo Ooema Moir lorNMP mwss rinEmp real Yeenee ork Recognized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that no commission will be allowed in respect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. No commission will be allowed in respect of applications on forms which have not been printed by the King's Printer. Subscription Lists will close on or before 23rd September, 1916. simmoist Vanmix Mamma asomp DEPARTMENT of FINANCE, OTTAWA, September 12th, 1916. ;111111{1!!!115{{{1i19�lill{1111{{{{111111111{!{11{{It{1i11111{{{{Ill!{III {{{11Illi!({I{{{ifl{11111111111!{{{{!{{il111111{11111111{ill{ill{1111{1i11{1111{{!{{11111{I{1111{11{{@{11{Ili{lit{11{111!r J3ranswick, on Auguet, 23rd Janet Ai. ;daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S. R. Maxwell to Ur. John W. Peck or Hensall. SNELL—HILL—At the Methodist par- sonage, Crediton, at 8 a.m. on Wed- nesday Sept. 13th by the pastor, 'Rev. C. W. +il3aker, Mieei Bella Hill, of Stephen, to Air. Crarise 0, U. W. Sncil of Osborne . DESJA'RDINE—WALPE2'— At the !Bronson Line, Hay on Anguish 30th, Miss Fern, .daughter of Mr, and Mrs Henry Weeper, Bronson, Lisle to Air. Herbert 'Des,jaraine, of the Babylon Line, Ilay. STOWELL- DRYSDALE—At Ilensa.r.t on Sept. 5Lh h'y, '.Rev. E. McL, Smith Mlargaret •(Alice, daughter of Mr. R. 1L :Drysaaa•te, to 11. W. Stowell of Dutton Sask., DIED McFAUL—At See forth, ' an Monday, Sept. llth, Leonard Loomis McFa.ut aged 78 years and 10 month's , K.FI.LER—At Zurich, on Sept, 2nd, Pearl E. A. Keller, de u.ghter or Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Feller, aged 16 years 1 month! and 15 days. ,SARARAiS—At Zurich., on Sept, 4th, ' .Nancy Anne Clemetrs, relict of the. :tate Isaac Sararas, aged 66 ;nears 10 months and 25 &v'. Letter from England (Continued from page one) of !poetryI have boon writing to pass the time away , LAST NIGHT 'WHILE SLEEPING Last night white I lay sleeping, I had a dream so fiber, thought I was back in Canada, Amongst the people there, It, seemed so nice to; bo once more. Upon the dear old soil: li3nt when I awoke I Looked around And my brood began to boil; For I found I was Odd in bed And aching all over with pain, 1 thought if I ever got, over this lot f would never do it again. T thought of this and I thought of that And of 'tb'e. Oe.rtnan rine Oat ,stats the rlootor, to14 Me, that I was throu,glt with war I'm getting along just fine, And though he told Me, I would be a cripple for life. ,And would be a little lame I feet 'quite sure of coming back, To the dear old burg again WI-IEN I GET BACK TO CANADA When I get back to Canada, I'll settle down for lire, ,But first Int try and coax some girl To be my little wife, • t 1 Who'd cook one all the nice things, That twee tdon't get over here. And when I want to take a bath 'Twill be in ginger beer,• I never wish to taste again a 'piece of badly beef, That I. bave had enough of jam, For life is my belief I want to live on pudding cakes, hind every kind or pie, And porterhouse and ei.rtoin stake Until the day I die. I never want to hear again A bugle or a drum , Or wear a suit of khaki Tho tiarry riothe, 'be on the hum I never wish to rause again My hand in a saint° , , Or pat the puttees on again; Or wear an army boot. And Should another war break out, And men are asked to fight, They needn't took for me at, all For 'int be out of sigl;•t. I'd rather .be a woman Than with the heroes, dead, So I'it be merely with the oat, Beneath my mother's bed, e It will oe in the interest of our su'ioaoribers to pay up their arrears or renew their subscription to The aimes before the last day o1) Septem- fiber as on the ,firtet of October all arrears and renewals will lee charged ';1.255 per annum . l CAST MA For Infanta :knit Children, I't,y. Kind Yon Have Always B0u 11 ■1Y,7 p/ �ywait the �7irltAilA' �; 144 NOT being able 16 have an automo- bile probably bas saved you many a fine, to say nothing of surgeon's bills. All uien may be liars, but all liars aren't men. People who live in glass bouses can take the sun treatment ou their own hook and laugh et the high priced spe- eiuli:;ts. Beep acquainted with your family. 1t is embarrassing to meet a fair Indy mit its the evening and on inquiry to find that it is the other half of your owu matrimonial sketch. L\isPI,AINT OT FUNNY - t E(.1-5? "tI pflimmNHHCNIntntSn1 H flutHI U fllz Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their home study easy and effective? G -i v e them the same chances to win pro- motion and success as the lad having the n advantage of JIIH!,.mi i -No .WEBSTER'S r NEW INTERNATIONA Dictionary in his home. This new 5 5 5 5 5 creation answers with final author- = ity all kinds of puzzling questions in history, geography, biography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and sciences. Se 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. S. Over 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plates. The only dictionary with the Divided Page. g The t�y a matter is equivalent to that Of a 15 -volume encyclopedia. More Scholarly, AccurateIlshDictionary, Conveni.ent, and Authoritative than any other Eng- - rte. a=tt REGULAR AND 1NDIA- 7PAPEIt EDITIONS. Candor is a good thing and is seen at Its hest when it Is applied to other people. 0.100 livery woman feels her age before she will consent to`look it or acknowl- edge it. A than lsn't necessarily crooked be- cause he becomes dazed and walks in st circle. a Know yourself. There are too twiny others who know it good thing when *e for - see 1t you to k ya e anychances, ee yt1 s WRITE for specimen pages, ' it ustrations, etc. FREE, a set of Pocket 5 Maps if you name thie paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., El SPRINGFIELD, MASS. s `II@IIIIIItI1uninIHtintUit1ll11gIry111q runt ua • WESTERN ONTARIO FALL FAIRS 1916, Ailsa Craig Il3lytb. fil.russ.eis Exeter Forest, Gode.rich Eirkton !Lombardy LONDON, Western Fair Seaforth Lucknow Miitverton Mitcled Mount Forest $tratliroy; Sept,26-27 Det 3.4 Oct 5•+6 ` 9ent.18.11) Sept 26-27 Sept. 27-20 Sept. 28-20 Sept. 0 Sept 8-16 Sept..t' pt, 21-221-„22 x Sept .28.2 9 A Sept 28-29 t t Sept 26.2/ Sept, 20421 i t t l Sept,18.20