HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-14, Page 3•
6µpreme fn the
tial Wool
invest $200,000 in war
A number ofst $2040080.theManchesterduty munition
workers were fined a
t Birmingham
mmittee report
e been released
were ordered
ch at Sedgley,
Staffordshire, for neglect 'of work.
arranged at
Institute for
women actually emu
toyed • as wait -
with two bro-
thers fought through
the Crimean
war, has died at New
castle -on -Tyne,
licensing bench
transferred a large number of public
house licenses from me
n called to the
approved of the ap-
pointment of the Earl
of Crawford
Board of Agri -
Contributions in Two Years of War
Amount to $250,000,000.
In the first two years of the war
the people of England have voluntar-
ily contributed more than $250,000,000
to the work of the various British or-
ganizations which are concerned with
measures of relief. This is a conser-
vative estimate and does not take into
account the tremendous volume of
gifts and services which can never
appear in ahy account of what has
been accomplished to meet the condi-
tions arising out of the war.
The first national fund opened in
England on the outbreak of the war
was called the Prince of Wales' Re-
lief Fund. Its object was to relieve
distress consequent on the war, and
the receipts now total $30,000,000., In
addition to this national
fund, local
funds for similar, purpose have been
raised in all parts of the country and
these represent a further $15,000,000.
The call on these. funds has been re-
stricted by two conditions not antici-
pated in the Autumn of 1914; the tre-
mendous demands for labor to meet
the requirements of Great Britain and
her allies consequent on the war; the
wonderful generosity of people re-
maining in civilian employment in
the interests of those who joined the
colors. In every department of life,
in banks, offices, factories, 0ol1ieries,
and . so on, systematic arrangements
were made by which shareholders,.
employers and Wage-earners made
regular contributions to help the farrl-
lies and dependents of their own men
who had taken up arms. It is reek-
oned that the total of such voluntary
contribution's represents at feast.
00 to ••tae Front j Put
yourself in top-notch .O -,
dition by eating Shredded.
Wheat Biscuit, a food that
supplies the greatest amount
of body-building material
with the least tax upon the
digestion. You cannot get
to "the front" in any busi-
ness with a poorly nourished.
body. Delicious for break-
fast with sliced peaches and
Made in' Canada
Importance of Conserving the Fer.•
tility of Our Soil.
The soil is the one great factoral
foundation not only of agriculture
but of the nation's welfare, hence it
is practically impossible to spend an
excess and care on its cultivation and
preservation. Therefore any knowl-
edge that results from experience- is
of the greatest value. A deal of in-
formation acquired from such experi-
ence in Bulletin No. 27, second series,
entitled "Soil Fertility, its economic
maintenance and increase," just is-
sued by the Department of Agricul-
ture of which Dr. Frank T. Shutt, the
Dominion Chemist, is author, and
which can be had free by application
to the Publications Branch of the De-
partment at the capital. Dr. Shutt
sounds an intensely practical note of
warning when he argues that we have
been terribly wasteful of plant food
and that every effort should be made
to maintain and increase the fertility
of our soils, and, by more ' rational
methods, endeavor to put a stop to
that waste. While the warning is
directed to the Northwest, "where
farming has been likened to mining,"
Ontario and Eastern Canada gener-
ally are summoned to account. In
brief, a change is called for from ex- cents a box from The Dr. Williams
tensive to intensive farming, the les- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
son that it is, sought to convey being
that there is more profit in high til- A FAVORITE WITH THE GREEKS.
lige andconservation in cultiva"tion
than in methods of mere routine. Sir Francis Elliott Has Won Many
Having gone minutely into the pro- Bloodless Victories.
perties, necessary treatment and ap-
plication of farmyard manures, the
doctor supplies a table giving the ap-
proximate composition of manure
(fresh) from various animals, de-
scribes the manurial value of clover,
the component elements and bene-
ficial influence exercised by fertiliz-
ers, and refers to the places occupied
by wood ashes and seaweed as potas-
sic fertilizer. He goes into the vir-
tues of gypsum and nitrate of soda
as indirect potash fertilizer, conclud-
ing in an instructive review of the
chief means by which the productive-
ness of the soil may be increased and
preserved, by urging farmers to make
greater use of the various means and
agencies provided by the governments
—Federal and Provincial—"for the
assistance of the man on the land by
information, advice and demonstra-
tion." "There is no country," he
avows, "better provided than Canada
in this respect," Regarding manure,
two important facts to be remember-
ed are where it is not at once utiliz-
ed by being put into the oil, or on to
the soil, one-third of its initial value
is lost, and that the loss is least where
the *tenureis. kept compact and pro-
tected from rain.
An Open Letter to German Citizens
and 11I'riikera: `
The Telegraaf, Amsterdam, pub-
lishes particulars of a remarkable
brochure that has appeared in. Ger-
many. It is entitled "People of Ger-
Many, Awake!—An Open Letter to
Lerman Citizens and Workers," The
author is Dr. Hermann Roesemaier._
The Telegraaf says it has been assur-
that in Aix-la-Chapelle alone 5,0001
copies of the brochure are in circula-
tion. The author states that he was
political editor of the Berliner Mor-
genpost until September, 1914, when We have had a remarkable experi-
chiefquarelled with Herr Rudolf Cunop
chief editor, who declared that he .epee since the war began, with the
who does not help to deceive the peo- Kaiser's agents sent here to German-
ple is a rascal. The author further lie America, •
states that both Cuno and Georg When we raised a cry of horror
Bernhard, manager of the Vossische and indignation over the "scrap of
Zeitung, explicitly admitted that Paper" crime, and the atrocities in
Germany provoked the war in order Belgium and Luxemburg, the Kaiser
Box Sawyers
Box Makers
Firstbrook Bros., Limited
283 King St. East, Toronto
.i 4 peod9e Mr** ppeh prices, We mead
moneyr 'h. rtem day 5,.. xtvenue r. waived.
04ttr1e no eeoneteodeua-=Gni per 41 oburdeq.
o have paid oat minions of deltas to thou.
Mond► 9t trepLoru in0ettede who tend their
Serape no botaped they lteow they eeia,rlgara
deal, earl takcire aware newer for tbolr lura.
Togwf llwt n We benyyYJn�aroluratrorirtraPrite
S,or Wy Qtrtth dao Arm, In euuad4.FREE .
,1FAat+isma 'r►pperagktoWappude.)
pf p.' s w•M COJegne
gallµm'r Per aria Book (03 awe)
Beefs tt�ep on Marne )14d owe. as toltowu:
JOHN .HA1.1.AD4Limited
202 Hallam Building, Toronto.
Women Are Doing Their Share These
Trying Times..
Before the war there were five
mil]ion, flve hundred women wage
earners in Great Britain; to -day there
aro said to be over ten million. Five
million men have enlisted for active
service, and a woman has taken the
place of every able-bodied man who
might have been engaged in peace-
ful occupations. England has never
been so busy a. manufacturing and
industrial country as she is in 1916,
but this would never have been pos-
GERMANIZING AMERICA. N sible if women had not stepped into
the breach.
By Charles M. Bice, Denver, Colo.
� , •.,;�. �: - In Canada there is not the same
supply of surplus available women,
he could misquote and garble his- so that in this respect Canada has
not experienced so great a revolu-
toric documents,, which he would then
discuss with an assumed judicial air, tion in industrial life, but many
and draw from his mutilated premises new occupations are being opened
such conclusions as suited his pur- to Canadian women, and the de-
pose. And when his ruse was expos- d for women workers in factor-
ed, he still continued to repeat, as les and in the great industrial li
to gain the hegemony of Europe. dispatched to this country a small though those who listened had no of the railways is steadily on th
The Telegraaf translates some army of apologists, spies and plotters, flair for the truth, He misquoted increase If Sir Robert Borden i
of the brochure,in which it who in collusion with the Germans to secure his 500,000 Canadian sol
passages Gladstone, and spun specious argu- ,
is said that in informed circles the here, conducted a campaign remark- ments about British navalism as diers, 100,000 women must tempo
truth is known and the German! able for its peculiar audacity, bold- though this could justify German vio- arily step into the shoes of men
ought to know it. There are at least ness and premeditated crime. If we lations of international law and the so that the latter may be released
1,250,000 dead, about 750,000 prison -1 had had an Administration in power sanctity of humanity. To his highly for service, as the limit of available
ers, deserters, and missing, and about , that possessed any sense of honor ori Kultur -ed moral sense, the Lusitania men seems almost to be reached
8,000,000 wounded, of whom about l,- courage, a stop to such conduct massacre only brought reassuring Women are already working along
000,000 are condemned to incurable would have been summarily inter- proofs that Gott and mich were still side of men in sacking and hauling
mutilation. That is the bloody bal- posed, Only, once before in the his- in partnership and blessed Teutonic of grain at the Great Lakes eleva-
ance sheet of war for Germany to- tory of the U.S. has its President enterprise. tors, in the Canadian Pacific yards
day. Concerning those sick they are been guilty of like inaction, and the Bernstorff's exploits were on a lit- and shops where they are cleaning
silent. Their number eludes all own- name of James Buchanan who con- tle different line,and are known to cars, in the telegraph services and
putation, but it is certainly enormous. nixed at the plottings of secession all. He had thwar won for Ger- in many clerical positions hither-
has gone down in history as the most many when they were pounding at
SAVE THE CHILDREN. dishonored and detestable among the gates of Paris, though they never
Presidents. got further.
or. Generators
ma40 promptly
Canadian Storage. .Battery
Co., Limited.
Willard Agents.
117.11# SIMCOB 8`T., ,TORONTO
Willie --Pa, what comes after a Mil-
lion lion ?
Mr. Roxleigh--The fortune-hunter,
my son.
Ifivard'u Liniment Dandruf3'.
A rattlesnake never shrinks from'.
danger, It simply recoils.
17 biers• Doleware, Carman. Order
at once, Supply limited. Write for 'euo.
r- Cations, H. W, Dawson, Brampton.
von s.ALE,
to held by men. They are acting in
some places as Station Agents with
satisfaction to their employers. But
But the German propagandists were Seeing that all this failed they Canadians who visit England are sur -
Mothers who keep a box of Baby's plotting for somothing more than tried to form an alliance with the prised to find women ticket inspect -
Own Tablets in the house may feel ==Americas •moral th ' Irish -Americans, ors a d g d , women as elevator
' aympa y.' They but the idea of the n nerds
that the lives of their little ones are first assumed the role and tone of Irish uniting with the straight -jacket attendants, women as chauffeurs, and NEWSPAPERS FOE SALE
reasonably safe during the hot ,cath- one whose feelings Ii 1d been wantonly regime of autocratic Germany was train conductors, women as red caps, pRgiIIT 11SAIiING NEDVs AND 13
tum and diarrhoea carry off thous- friend, but when they found that this dense to imagine such a thing But locomotive cleaners and track greas-
to tionl�andl�su�.erh (pop.
Graham, IUt. 4, Teterboro.
RZX.p veal TEnt.
9 Ue capable and reliable, A. Russ,
Port Arthur, Ont.
L'f.L machines or vise Bands ; general
work ; good wages Por gond men. The
Iron Works. Limited, Owen Sound.
tow and and general smith ; power
shop ; steady job ; $8:50 per day ; pay
every week. J. W. Griffith, Gore I3ay.
Manitoulin Island, Ont.
er. Stomach troubles, cholera infan- hurt by the coolness of a very dear too much and he must be ho elessl porters and ticket clerks, women as Offices for sale in goodOntario
ands of little ones every summer, in did not work, they resumed their na- the kaiser's agents did not stop at
because ecause the mother does rural Prussian roughness and became preaching sedition they spread se-
cretly a network of violence, and this
they are still practicing to the ab -
t have a safe medicine at h t
and o defiant.
give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets They sneeringly informed us we
cure these troubles, or if given occa- were not a nation, only a mob con- horrence of everybody.
sionally to the well child will prevent trolled by British interests, and even
their coming on. The Tablets are warned us that when the Kaiser go„
guaranteed by a government analyst through with his little job of trounc-
to be absolutely harmless even to the ing France and Britain, he was go -
new -born babe. They are especially ing to make it exceedingly sultry for
good in summer because they retie- Uncle Sam. Of course this did not
late the bowels and keep the stomach aid their object, but drove many who
The Ice Cream Parlor plays such
an important part in the life of peo-
sweet and pure. They are sold by would otherwise have sympathized ple that Dr. W. A. Cooper, of the AS OLD AS THE WORLD.
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 with them, into defiant enemies. Canadian Pacific oDrCar Service, _
has decided to incorporate it into rail- Long Known in Europe in Form of
hr eelaied Eyelids`
lEyes inflamed by e�x�po-
sure to San, Dust and Wed
quickly relieved by Niar]ne
No Smarting.,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50cper Bottle. MaxineEy0
galveinTubes25c. Fortiaois el IlieEyei rceask
Druggists orrilcrlacEyefemedyee., Ctic-cg9
Gra "Nuts
Gets Attention=
First, because of its
wonderfully delicious
flavor -
Then again, be-
cause it is ready to
eat—fresh and crisp
from the package.
But the big "get at-
tention" quality is its
abundance of well-
balanced, easily di-
gestible nourishment.
For sound health
every table should
have its daily ration
of Grape -Nuts --
There's a Reason"
Canadian Poetum Cereal Co., Ltd.,
Windsor, Ont.
They made unsupported assertions, waytravel and has initiated what
and fiat denials, but argued very lit- Sporadic Epidemics,
tle. They resorted to their character- may be called the Ice Cream Parlor „Infantile paralysis, the appearance
between Mont-
istic method of attributing to others Car on the chief trainsof which in France seems to be
the baseness they themselves practis- real and Ottawa, that is to say on' feared," says Professor Arnold Net -
ed. The hirelings of their reptile the trains which carry a Buffet- , ter, a member of the Academy of
press, for instance, charged the great Library -Observation -Parlor -Car. It , Medicine, and an authority on • the
American newspapers with being con- is now possible on such cars to ob- l disease, is a malady as old as the
Although one hears little about trolled by "British gold," and they tarn soft drinks, ice -creams and sun- world and which has long been known
him, there is no doubt that• Sir insinuated that our public men were daes, and though the service has been' in the form of Sporadic epidemics,
in existence only a few days, its pop -
adults as well as children.
Francis Elliot, who has been Minis- tinder a ,like influence. This was ' It exists now in England and
ter at Athens since 1903, has won ludicrous in the extreme, and wholly I ularity has been so pronounced that
many bloodless victories for the. al- unsupported by thefacts; and doubt -
lies during the troublous times in less repelled, rather than drew, any
Greece. A quarter of a century's ex- support to their unholy cause.
perience in the Balkans—for Sir They g that the
Francis was at Sofia before he be-
came Minister at Athexis—has enabl- �- w- - ^ -� . --� ��s ••_ •� ; "Beginning in 1910, we employed
ed this clever diplomatist to render great military machine with the ; to the new student. injections of a serum derived from
inestimable service to the country. Kaiser at the throttle, and claimed "If you mean the one with the white subjects who had been previously af-
He has had the advantage of being a that the Germans exericsed a much 1 spats, I have," replied the student, who (ectad with the disease, and the re.
great favorite with the Greeks, for ampler elective right than did either had an eye. sults were excellent wherever the
he lived among them during the lazt the British or American citizen. subject could be treated at the outset
two Balkan wars, and helped them to The Kaiser, they asserted, was less btinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. of the attack. The use of serum may!
an autocrat than the Kingof En -- be considered as capable of arresting
become a far more powerful nation g" Invoking the Powers. the progress and even of causinga
Eng -
than they were when he was first land, or the President of the U.S. and
appointed Minister at the Greek capi- the charge that militarism dominated Elsie (saying her prayers)—Mam- disapdeveloped.
n,ce of paralysis already
tal. Germany, was a base falsehood, etc. ma, may I pray that we have rain to -
Sir Francis, who, by the way, was They glossed over the Kaiser's belli- morrow ?
born in the old Legaton House at the cose speeches, and interpreted his Mother—Why do you want rain, my Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Hague, entered the Diplomatic Ser- fondness for rattling the scabbard as child 7 e
vice when he was twenty-three, as at- innocent playfulness. Did he hate Elsie—'Cause Susie Stuckup didn't AWARD FOR CLEVER FEAT.
tache at Constantinople. At Eton England? Why, bless you, no; he invite me to her garden party. _
and Oxford he earned a big repute- was a cousin of its king, and he wore Bounty to Crew of Submarine That
tion as an athlete and oarsman. Ile English tennis flannels, and like the Sank Turk Battleship.
rowed in the Eton eight for four English, was fond of racing and St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1903.
years, while at Oxford his boat be- yachting. A very "goodie" kaiser, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
came head of the river. indeed; but during this recital, some- Gentlemen, --I was badly kicked by
A tall, clean-shaven man, he re- how, we could not shut out the glare my horse Iast May, and after using
minds people in many ways of the of his glistening helmet, and bizarre several preparations on my leg noth-
famous Foreign Secretary, although military uniform, his shining sword, ing would do. My leg was black as
he is not quite so reserved. Indeed, and boar's tusk mustache, though he jet. I was laid up in bed for a fort -
Sir Francis, when he can put itis was pictured to us in a gray suit, night and could not walk. After us- bounty to the commander of the Brit- !
diplomatic duties behind him for the broad -brimmed hat, the reincarnation ing; three bottles of your MINARD'S ish submarine and her ship's com-1
time being, is one of the most enter- of William Penn, with the conven- LINIMENT I was perfectly cured, so pally, for sinking the Turkish battle-'
taining of men, and he particularly tional smile playing around his lips. that I could start on the road. ship Mesudieh off Chanak, after the 1
likes to tell his favorite story of the Such propaganda could originate JOS. RUBES, submarine had dived under five lines
guide who was showing an American only in minds which took it for Commercial Traveller. of enemy mines. ;
gentleman 'round the tombs in St. granted that American intelligence Lieut. Holbrook, giving evidence,
Paul's. was at a very low ebb; and that said he applied to the senior sub -
"That, sir," said the guide, "his the Americans were totally ignorant of Can Anybody Blame Him ? marine officer for permission to
tomb of the greatest 'ero Europe or German history, politics, and condi- "Ma husban's very po'ly, ma'am. make the attempt. The Mesudieh
the world ever knew: Lord Nelson's, tions generally. He got dat exclamatory rheumatism." was torpedoed at 80 yards. He came
That marble sarcophagus weighs But these apologists soon perceiv- "you mean inflammato) y, Martha. up after three minutes and found the
forty-two tons. Hinside that is a ed that their methods, which worked 3 -exclamatory is from exclaim, which battleship's deck awash. She was
it will no doubt be extended to other France. Thousands of persons were
affected by the disease in Sweden in
services in the near future. 1905, and France suffered in its turn
in 1909 and 1910, and even as late as
denied the charge
The Flora of the Section. 1914."
German people did not possess free- l "Have you noticed our flora about Professor As to the treatment of the disease,
here 7" asked the professor of botany
The exploits of the British sub-
marine B-11, commanded by Lieut.
Holbrook, V.C., in the Dardanelles,
were recalled in the British prize
court recently when Sir Samuel
Evans was asked to award prize •
steel receptacle weighting twelve tons, at home, were ineffectual here.
an inside that is a leaden casket Dr. Dernburg, whose special quali-
n'ermentically sealed,' weighing two fications commended him to the kais-
tons. Hinside that is a mahogany er, was sent over as the special im-
coffin 'oldin' the hashes of the great perial envoy to cajole the Americans,
naval 'ero."
"Wal," said the Yankee, after a few
minutes' mediation, "I guess you've
got him. If he ever gets out of that,
telegraph me at my expense."
In Vienna, Cairo, Portugal, and
Norway, Sir Francis has represented
Great Britain, and, although Govern-
ments have changed, his reputation as
one of the most successful diplomats
in the service of Britain has always
Lald Up For Quite a While.
"Tbis paper," said Languid Lewis,
"tens about a horse running away
with a woman, and she was laid up
for six weeks."
"That ain't so worse," rejoined
Boastful Benjamin ; a friend of mine
once ran away with a horse, and he
was laid up for six years."
And some men , are even conceited
enough to think that they understands
a woman. • .
and for many months the competition
between him and Ambassador Bern-
storff at Washington, produced utter-
ances for silly eruptions was un-
matched on this side of the water.
Dernberg's chief qualification for
the task lay in the facility with which
means to cry out."
"Yes, ma'am, dat's what it is. He
hollers if anyone goes near him."
Minard=s Liniment Cures Burma, a, Eta
Turning Sunshine Loose,
"It's a dark day," someone said to
Brother Williams, "a very dark, hope-
less day,"
And then the old negro said : "Hit's
ez you look at it, But why don't you
unlock de sunshine ? Ain't you got
some hid 'round de house some'rs•--
in some o1' co'ner what you clean for-
got ? Stir 'roup' ! Stir 'youn', and tu'n
de sunshine loose, It's dar--in yo'
house and heart."
"Here," the dark day mourner
said, "here's a dollar for you, old
"Bless God !" Brother Williams
said. "I knowed you'd turn loose de
sunshine. Hit wuz in yo' pocket all de
The Price Of Peace..
"1 quarreled with my wife yesterday
and we haven't spoken since,"
"Why don't you make tip ?"
"I'm going to. All I'm worried
about now is the indeuenity,"
owns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses, Pull information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
• internal and external, cured with-
out path by our home treatment. Write
vs before too late. Br. r_ilman Itiedicai
Co., Limited, Collingwood. (Mt.
ESeoorne a Re•glst.'reed Nurse
and receive pay while learning
The Beth Zerael Hospital of NOW
Yorks City rounded 1890
Accredited by the New Yetrk .y tate ik uoati"n Dept;
Otters a two -and -01,641a f year course few tratniug for
mazes with allowance and matuteeance. Apy tioaatc
must have one year high school lnetraotion or ita
oducetiobal eq,i veleut, li'or partionlpra ad Irase Beth
tare el ttoaptbal, 66 J..Beraon St, Nair Yoek.
lithe; lea's
Dog Remedies,
nooxc 017
And How to Feed
Hailed free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
, The Soul of a Piano Os the
Action, Insist ora the"0 dS T i IHG EL49
Piano Action~
A Goid Mine On
Your Farm
You can double your profits by
storing up good green feed in a
“Sum-oer E'eed all winter Long" 1
Scientifically built
to keep silage fresh.
sweet and good to the
last. Built of select-
ed timber treated with
wood preservatives
that prevent decay,
has strong, rigid
walls, air -tight doors,
hoops of heavy steel.
Sold by dealers or
address us direct, Get
free folder. Write
T. E. Bissell Co., Ltd.
Dept. 11
Elora, Ontario.
We will give this beautiful bracelet free
iof all charge to any girl or young lady
;who will sell 20 of our lovely 12x16 inch
colored 0110g/rani] pictures at 10o. each.
• The Braceet is of rolled gold plate,
'richly engraved.
Send us your name and we will send
you the Pictures, When sold send us
he money and we will sent you the
1$racelet. Address
Slept. 37. .TORONTO, ONT.
cltn fi
marinegoing wasown fisreerd et by
rst. theThe forts suab-
ll ii ' ° v
round, but he managed to get away c I C y r FOEr
and to return uninjured. The crew
of the submarine comprised 14 men
and two officers. Later, officers of Wheelock Engine 150
the flying corps went over the scene i U'
and saw the Mesudied lying on the HT 18 x 42, with double
On the question of the number on main driving belt 24 ins.
board the battleship Sir Samuel said Z�
he did not think it was a case where wide, and Dynamo 30 K.W.
he ought to encourage the splitting t
of straws. He, therefore declared belt driven. All in, first
the number on board to be 700 and
awarded £3,500 bounty. class condition, Would be
You w!H find relief in Zam-Bute 1
It eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with ZOO -
auk, means cure; Why not prove
this 7 dot Druaa`oo as d'Stares.--
sold together or serr•atte_
ly ; also a lot of sliafiing
at a very great bargain as
room is required immedi-
SM Frank Wilson & Sons
73 Adelaide Street Welt,
ED. 7. ISSUE 38—'l&