HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-14, Page 1ttlFORTY-SECO* 1) YEAR--sN'O's 2243
A Magnificent Showing of
Ladies', Misses', and
Children's Coats
No Two Alike Moderate Prices
When visiting the Exeter Fall Fair on Tuesday
Sept 19th don't fail to pay a visit to this store and see
our remarkable showing ot Ladies', Misses', and
Children's Coats. The very newest styles and fabrics
are shown in these garments at wonderfully attractive
prices.. We handle the celebrated Northway, Canada
Cloak Co. and Fairsex garments. Extra special values
in blach seal plush coats.
Complete Showing of Winter Furs
Our stock of Furs Fur Coats, etc. for the coming
winter is now complete. In small furs we have a
camplete range of Muffs, Scarfs, etc in Persian Lamb
Sable, black and natural Woif, Fox, Marmot, etc.
See our new melon shaped muffs as well as staple
shapes. Extra values in Ladies' muskrat coats. -
New Silks, Dress Goods, etc. Inall ithe lnaei nwawndeasvheestn9oliwi. sin stock. Special
Extra Special -I pc heavy black pailette silk, 35 inches wide, worth $r.35 a yard
On Sale at only Sr ro per yard
Men's Soft Felt Hats Our new fall hats are here and are certainly a fine range:
They include shades grey, fawn, green, brown and black
Prices from $2.00,to $2.5.0
WALL PAPERS -New Fall Wall Papers now in stock Beautiful new Patterns
Don't forget Exeter Fall Fair, Tuesday Sept. 19, Visit this store
AND JNay ones
uilders' Hardware I
Headquarters for all
- Requirements
Including Lock Sets, Door
Bulks. Sliding Door Locks
Glaas, etc, Also a full line of
. Barn Hardware
to make your barn comylete
Threshers' Supplies Leather and rubber Belt-
ing, lace leather, babbit
metal, cylinder oil, etc always in stock
Lawn Mowers and Hammocks
To clear at reduced prices
Patriotic League Notes
HEAMAN'S Hdwe 1.
27a Phones 2b
t It will be in the interest of our
:•aublscribers to pay lap ;their tarears
ger =new' their %subscription to The
Mimes before 11.0 last day of Septemg
Iber as on the first of October all
•bgrears and renewals 'will be charged
nex• annum .
The barns on the farm of Wrn. siva!)
on. 8th con. Lobo, was destroyed. by
,fire on 'Wetineaday night. The tenant,
Mr, Higgs, and his family were asleep
gaud the trite was diet overed by a neigh
Oar, aTohn. ddoland, but it made such
% rog,reas that nothing .couid be saved.
r Iiiggs had $400 in,etaranee. on the
40..ontents, hut no u•,,eitrierme on le
lt, ist 'supposed. that a taantp
asteeping in the mow and ftenokir.g
4as.,sr 111,aVe Vaused the, firet.
1 i on Sept ath 'with all the raembors oow tast week. The. Couneil met in regular sessioa Mr. Satan Panama's lost a valuabld.
present The •nrevious minutes were
Exeter Council Locals
aliaroved : • Tickets .are being 'sold for a eter-
The auditor's report for the month ailver pendant and chain, tet with
of August Was read and on motion five 'brilliants and one drop peagLasy
of Hind and Roulston was eceopaai the 'Soldiers'. Aid Society. It is now
'and -fae.d. • - . • ou •eabibition in 16/lartia & Son'e wn
Thg report (eon the Fin) and Light claw -teed the ,draw will be inoate al
Committee tee Instruction- to the Elee- the Minstrel on Fair Night.
trice' Eaglimer lir the wiring of homes
etae• laS given and apaaaaea. Re_ I THEWAR LOAN
quest t for wiring will be answered by
Mr. Ili W. IDoerr, .I.Enginetea
Beavers -Hind -That the olerk pre •
pare n b-yelaaa to be. submitted to the
electors ea' the village for -the'- an -
t1 at the january 'election. tor the
purpose of placing the carte and eon-
ol o the' Hydro Electric Light Sys-
tem and the Waterworksin the hands
of a CommisSion.e-Carried.
The Commiesioner was instructed to
Place a sink •and catch basin at the
corner of. Carling and Mill Streata
Th.e (allowing accounts were „an -
roved, --F. G. Kliopert 3.00; The
prePaid ace. for lighting 231171•'the
prepaid gee. inspecting miaters 13,95
E North 21.60; G. R. Steer I.)0;
E Elliot 11.70; Connor Maehine Co.
5.40; Arthur Glanville 4.00; Hydro
Electric System 4.70; John ;carry
33.6P; Castor Willis 21.00; 1), .Rus-
sell sr., 20.30; Rich. Coke 27,30;
R Gillies 106.64; Theo. Wa'per 10.10
Rd. Quante 17.85; Jas. Willis 16,aa;
Walter Weeteett 12.00; Exeter Can.
nint; Co.,. 32.25; T. 11-loulden 40.40; 1'.
Cornish 17,S5; Wm. Reid 50cg 5.
:Rankin 3.22; W. J. Bissett 4'3.75;
John Ford 37.50; Jos. Senior 57.50;
H W Doerr 70.00.. •
Adjournmentlby Harton.
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Stephen Council
The Council convened in the Town
Hall Crediton, an Sept, 4th, All the
members present except :VIr. Love,
.Rretious minutes were approved -
The folloming orders weig easse-1-
Herb Either, framing Hones.- Roll,
1,75; Win. Nichols, lamb killed by
dogs 6.65; Wm. White, teamiag, 2.50
Frank. ,McKeever .gravel, 23.70; F.W.
Fame b , Eagle•som's & Carru th ers'
'Awards, 64.51; T. Oliver and others
culvert L,Rd. 32,00; Ed, Wilds, gra-
vel: and tree 43.40; Ed. Allen teal
others concrete . culvert 13.50; Jas.
Ziler .gravei 34,60; Wm, Oliver, re -
lisle License 6.16; Thos. Webb and
others 'grading N.B. 13.00; Th•os.Wahh
and others grading 41.75.
Adjournment "to '9th Sept. in Clerk's
office, for general .business.
Henry Either, Clerk.
Biddulph Council
The comet, met pursuant to adjourn
bent- the reeve and ail members pre-
the Poace Trustees in regard to oil-
ingA communication was received from
Main St. Grantor.. and have the
Same charged itea frontage tax on
the adjoining lots. The council had ao
)3y -law No. 0 authorizin,g 0 mills
on •the dollar for 'County purpose. and
3 1-2 ralas :for Township. Dog tax and
unperformed tstatute to be levied as
provided by the Municipal Act and
By/atoms of the Towtirthip council.
ay -raw No. 7 closing up sidewalk
'tor the present between Lot's 20 and
The report for the year is as follows 2,1, cons. 3 and 4 wan duly 'passed.
Sent to Miss Joan Arnoidi, Canadian The clerk wa s instru.cted to pre -
Field .Comforts Commission, Shorn- pare a W. -Jaw ta impose a poll tax
of 11(.3 on 'all voters in part 43 of the
voters iitet.
The following accounts were order -
led to be paid.
Police Trustees expense and de-
bentures, printing, soilect ag state
'ate labor &c 54.51; P. Wlnaih•n, tile
bars of .chocoiate, 3 boxes of cocoa, and statute labor refund 11.00; clerk't
expense, re tliettributin,g voter's est
2 boxes of writing paper. Aliso a large 'express 'charges and telephone net ss -
box of Christmas .eheer, consisting of
cakes, candy, &c weighing 380 AO. A
large number of magazines have alio
been sent.
D.onations,- To th•e Red Cross, Tor-
onto. 200.00; To the )3eigian Renee
male, England, the following supplies,
952 prs. aoaks, 233 tits. of fruit, 84
miilitary Shirts, 44 'scarfs, 33 wash
eiothe, 19 hospital shirts, 1 pair
hospital 'socks, 274 handkerchiefs, 241
towels, 22 suits of pyjamas, 12 bane
dages 2 pr gauntlets. 1 quilt 10 lbs.
of honey, 3 sacks of dried apples,. 15
• About 35 friends of MIts. Grant
Stewart, fo.rmerly Mies Veda Cousins
tendered her a granite shower at her
new home, 728 Ceaborne $t. last Fri-
day evening. Many haedstune and uae-
ful gifts testified to the popularity'
ot Mrts. Stewart. A. most enjoyable
evening waG ;spent at games, after
which a dainty lunch was served by•
ages, 5.110; M. Stanley, cutting weeds
C011;S. 14 and .15 'div, 5 2.00; C. Chap4
man, 'binding roil 1.00 stage charges
fiaom London 1.00 2.100; McFarlane &
bal. on ditch 4.05; E. Brown
man and team re gal. !culvert. dacha
isa,g and cutting weeds dry. •13 21.15;
Sahaeription 'lists far the new Dom-
inion War Loan have been opened and
the Iproapecta are that the secomol
Loan will be as popular as the first.
Quite a number in 'this totality are
buying bonds• which aro Wailed in d.e.
nominations or' $100; $500; and 0000.
Word has been received in town
that Pte. Ernest Carrick died in Lon-
don, Eng., from an' attack. or. paella:I-
onia. Pte. 'Carrick's home is at Was -
keg°, .and has it number of rebativera
in this vicinity. Ile entiated with. the
11(ith Battalion . recently going over-
seas. A brother, Jeffrey was with
The funeral of the late John Frayne
of the Thames 'Road, U..b.orate was
held from, 'xis late ,id net' Thare-
day afternoon of litat week, and nit
largely attended. The service's yieret
conducted by Rev. S. W. Muxwortly
assisted by Rev. J. W. Baird. Relae
tives were present from. Toronto, Lon-
don. Carodoc and other places. The
pall -bearers were isix nephew's of the
deceased .
'Capt. Beattie Martin, son of Rev.
W. M. and Mrs. Martin. or Lodon
and 'formerly of Exeter, who has been
on ifeiriought for the last three, or four
months, has been ordered to return
to ditty. Capt. ilfartin ppent leveret
days i.n town a few weeks ago. tt
was attached to one of the Brit -ash/
regiments az ineclie.ai officer and con-
tracted rheumatism white in the
trenches . •
The Department of eagricatture of
the Dominion Government will con-
duct an exhibition of the proper meth -
Os of candling and handling ego at
Exeter Fair en Tuesday next. An
exhibition wia. also be given; on. Mon-
day evening. 31esers. Strong and Stew-
art who are attending London. Fair
(this week will have charge' o2 the
Mr. and. Win. 'Clarke of Kincardine,
'have moved to town this week into
the residence on Main St. recently
vacated by 31r. N. D. litardon. Mr:
Clarke is the new organist at James
Sr. 'Methodist church and during the
short time he ha a occupied the. pos-
ition he has made a good impression
on the - choir and the coagragatiot
as an • able leader and organist. He
is already working no a musical. class
Mr. Clarke has one eon who is with
the. 155 Battalio.n trainitg at King-
atoxt. We welcome Mr. arid Mrs.
Clarke to town . ,
Mr. W. .T. Murray' of Moncton. N.B.
visit ed hi a parents Mr. and Mrs. ,Tas.
Marray in town during the past week.
I 1l.br, :Morrey Las 'been travelling in
the Maritime provinces. with head-
auarters at 'Moncton. He reigned his
position arta came home with intetei
tion of enlisting-. Havieg passed his
;medical examinations. at Moncton he
• came an to Camp 'Borden bat there he
failed to pass the !required test. His
xesignetion waa accepted sii!eject to
his enlistment and he has slime left.
! to ,resuine his old position.
, •
15.00. . Ail of the boys from this section
We have also seat to the 03.elgian 'C„ Course3a rep. allvert dna 1 4.00;
the exception of about half a dozen.
members of the 1Glat Battalion.. with
Relief four large boxes of clothing John Park gra.vei. acct.. 9.50; Sam.. Me
were home from. Camp 'Borden on four
To the Northern Ontario Fire Suffer- Bann 7.25; 'C. McRoberts. die tdiv. 1 .
days' iv'. A apecial train brought
efs. itwo boxes of ciothing, quilts, 3.76; 1,00011 Sun' on acct. of priatin.
etc, weighinfg• 425 ihs. 25.00-; S. Davis gat. cilvert dia. 3 the boys to town. on Tharteday evexarg
Total. receipts, 1250.39, total exPen- 2,0.75; Jackson and ahem wo.rk o: coming by way of Clinton and they
ditur 1215.48, ' bat. in bank, 35.45; ,ctavert div 3 28.25; Ell 'Thompeon
four days' leave takes the Place of
Left again on Tuesday morning. The.
Yarn on 'hand. 34.10. work on citivert and overseeing div 3
he week -end pasa twice a month.
Misis Flossie Hunter is visiting at
Clundy Centre, Iowa.
6-Tary Mack is visiting Ifoxf
few Idays lienaail.
Hydro workman are engaged bead-
ing the line Ifrora here to Hensall.
M. and Mrs. h.vaid. and .on Frar.k-
lin axe visiting at the Main Si. Meth -
°dial, parsonage.
Mrs. Paisley and son James or New
York. N. Y. atret visitin•g with Mr. and
Afra, J. A. Stewart.
at timer •cottAge at the T.lend..•
Miss Grigg and Miss Meraut were
in 'Seaforth this weak owing to Ott
death of a relative .
• --
Letter from England
The following interesting letter era%
received by 'Mr. 1r'a liarneas, or towna
from nephew, Pte. Itle Hagnireei who
irs being treated for wounds at Ka testa
grove War Hospital 'Reading. itasg. ;
310ek C. No, 5 Kottaigrovel,
War Hospital. •
Dear Uncle,- / r
I received your lel t er y 1,61 el {la y„
dated .Aug, 0th end was glad lo hear
Mir. H. E. Huston and. familY havean well as it leevea ge
eturned after :spending the summer preseeaa. r am going itroug, another.
operation next weak ars will be able:
to get around soon. I ara anaious to
get this over as 1 'know it will ire the
last. have xtot received the lox yell •
but will tel you in advanee tor the
cigars, I don't know as the algae will
tate one trrora, me as lee wonit trusti
me any more. The other moaning
had a box of Oso pubes and. 1 naked
her if she wanted a carm.at. Oftourae,
she tootle it ant% Looked at it vest), carve
fully as she was looking for a triok
to be played an her, but she thought,'
it looked alright and put it in her.
raouth. Weil I had to laugh to ate
the faces she made. nut tihf never
gets mad no matter what I do. I pass-
eel the. bag around, the ward and near-
ly everyone bit. I received no lesa
than three Exeter Times -Hate week•
but one was froinakIcina Dow. Mother
said she ',vas going to send 11 every
w.eek. so it V. no use sending two. Yon,
should have seen 1:/a -e pile of papers 1
got 'yesterday morning. 1 thought the
postman was never going to atop
throwing them on my bed.
'Weil am enclosing alma, pieces,
Contieeed ora page 5
lir. and' Mrs, W. Anderson, Kra,
Anderson, and Mr. W. Arthur of Baer.
shard visited Mr. and Mrsell. W. V.
Beavers on. Tnetsday
Miss Anna Turnbull has returned
home after spending the aummer nt
;Bona 'Vista, Lake or lia'yta with, Rev.
Dr. Turnbull or Toronto.
Mrs. Hastings wit!, attend a con-
vention or 'the Wornees Itatante to
be heal in London Thursday, as a dale
gate from the meal society
Mrs, W. J. Bissett is visiting in
Peterborough owing to the illnesa of
Ler stater, Mrs. Hoilosvay,
Mr. and 3Irs. Irwin and daughter
of Stratford motored over to Exeter
on 'S'unday last and. visited', Mrs. Geo.
Brooks and. Irr. mad Mr'. H. W. Doerr
Rev. S. W. Muxworthy has annourte
ed that his gubject for taext Sunday
evening in the Main St, Methoda,st
attach will be "An Unfortunate Mar-
riage . •at t I atia,
We are supplied with all the leading kinds. You
will find our prices and qualities the best to be had
Our Mens heavy shoes are splendid Values
Some dearing lines in ladies ley shoes, pumps,
straps &c at $2 per pair.
A Clearing sale of fall caps at 47c each
Mens and boys suits at less than present
wholesale cost.
.00420.4(r.Okt0000,001-0-90(rere.(eee 00•00.0ageete*Nelefecauterealastsettet)(4
for our soldiers in the hospitals. We of •licaith 3.1.00; Geo. Ba‘vden, lumber
About fifty of the Battalion were teat
Canada has been aaked to send fif- 11.00; Ed. Kingdom. gravel. contract,
teen thousands Christmas stockings div. 5 13.00; Mr:C. A. Larg, loard
te.hind on guard duty. It it1 expected •
are having •the . atookinge mad•e for Ciandeboye sidewalk at .
tribute on Saturday. Anyone wit.ling ma Monday Oc•obor grid LAS at 10 a In Barden about it month longer an n
and they will be ready to dis- The coencil adjourned to meet agni•a
•ita probability they will then go into
to fia one we would be glad if you W. O. Stan:ey, -clerk. 1 Their w7nter quertera
woniel call at the town hall on Wed,: SNELL-IIIL
nosday oa• Sal'urday afternoon. It is HURON COUNTY SOCIETIES UNITE' ' '''
suggested that they contain pocket ' 1 A very interestino event took. !mace •
• - t ' ., Representativea from the various
' ' at t 1...- 6Tethodiat pergon ar, a 'Creditor. .
. •
th,t the Battalion will be at Camp •
penctt or pen, 1 g
gum elle:eta handkerchief, writing
paper, ehoeolatee • etc. Do not make
the contents too expensive. Do tot
send matehea or cgagettes.
Sept. 19thi Fair ba oar Tag
Day ,
The ladies. wish to make ice cream
for their booth on the Fair grounds
and would, like if some of the farmers
would kindly bring in some cream]
and leave it at Mr. W. j. Statham's ;
any time. Monday •
:ArZeltninTIC'stinl)tio"nr sanofd flOir lath. J 6
ioontaic.at oocrientaay• (Tend ' an ev eel nesday. es. -pt.
association whereb•y the work of . am.. it be'ne.; the ogc:sion of th•.• mar-
anthese 'societies will be consolidated. ria,ge of Miss ,Bella 11111 of, Stephen;
Clinton was made the receivin,g Ger,- I to Mi Ciarise Sn.'11. or Ueborne. Miss
*ter of the coarav and all ehe work I Pill is th.e daughter' or Mr. and !N1rs,
will be inspected and re-itintd from. I IN in. Ilia who live about one mita
th.iire to the Red Cross and; hospie I
a west of the vialaig.‘ le.' Crediton. Some
• •• i time e.seo she graduated as trained
"tv o f 'Bei faux and
q • • .
Mrs, (Veva Hamilton of Goder'ch
was appointed president, Mrs. S. Fit- eince then has 'been ,C011,0Wing
tidy her chosen preession. She •
ton or sl-vter ..corn.sponding 'avert,- *
d .;3 young Lady or pleaeing appear- •••
r 1110 •
• Town Hall an Wednesday' evenir,g, "lig eretal'N':.
p.r.e, Misr Consitt of Weisel! ,reeor .•
Sept, 0, when the President, vi,,,o... . Firaayson oi' eleaforth treaatirer and
man. ,Brow.o nod mrs. qr,-, and tharming inanne
haul in high esteem Dressed. in navy
The annual meeting was held lathe
P.reSicleat, Secretary and rreasorer ' RA'ist4T1t-1-rua sii"r tmd alt'pr''''sld''''''t's isti-Litince t:lc.nlof'tt;Isle Sti'dk hwalttLeaPablia' ockr,evl*Relv-dete
appointed tautlitcers. Will the mem-
m.ero tb.: ladles prgent end the
NV a g :1-,P I d in We:day lfetbodist church •L'olnici% .111,,ad y'lotursn`gWmman. 8c,rle°;.pt toe ifi' (iii3V1(/'3.1rIltnit: 41
,n, e t: i 1,:x :I- e • made a vory scharming bride, The 4
groom, Mr. Otarise Stull, 11 the son of .
wee' (elected 2nd Vice-president. Mr, Thi're was ti '
were re-elected. Mrs. R. te Pickard of .local societies rire vice-presidents.
good .reinagentation at
Beavers and Dr, McGillicueld.y
Stewart is well knowri in Ow% having .0i 1M d b
1, . 011 ay a ho was sent to :Visa Robert Dalyrimple, 'of Thchersmala ities and ablative% Ile parchiteed the, 2
bete kiadly hand in. bees to the eec- :Ma's. I 1 a rri• ron w Lei fats; igen m a k-
Arrioida IShorticlitre, Ertga corstairan.g aagag
had the Iniistortune to have her limb Itosneee! ead from Ws father one of the
the hostels,-Loncion Adverttesr. 6Irs. „„etary, ' - ing her home with her daughter, Mra
• ta hoepital shirts, 5 sultsanyja•mas, t5 --- at n* °ve 1. 'T'stitIlet' 'le Mir"' '41r- hg t 0 rina in Usb erne and 1N' ILI 0 0 v
railing)r * in. - 4):
Mr. John Sweet, anti danghter or the hane.rabee o Aortal erre ,•,
'rhumba!, 'Mara, are alsiting the 'ter- After the marriage ceremony the happy .:
visited her grtintimother Mre. 6,1c
Clootabea on nurneroua ocettsions n•b i4 -'s / 1 Ae II
ine,es hrother, Dr. SWeet, of 'LOW%
. goatrnellertorelle'o'*avf;lyHreli.r.aynl.LnYa strill:(11tdd: ,WgIC.fo;101o7lnItti3.xor.eN6 lai,;:arrz'iaannatIonpotilln-, eN`,:llant
co,: 1) :e hell 111 • .4.4.4*414411444400+0.444..t...."4*.•••+•••4444046
pairs s.oz.ks, at larg,e..numwr of books frisson ie.: an oft v mat es it more
and magazines.•
Ma's. I, 2e;er, Secretary, One.
on are sure to want something new now
for your vacatiora and the holidays
that are corning on. Underwear,
Pyjamas, Socks, Shirts, Coilatli and Neckties.
We've got them for you. Get them from W..
Meri's Met Grade
Negligee Shirts
Supererior make and
finish, in neatest and
most up to -date • pat-
terns -75c to $2.001
New Socks
Plain, Lisle Socks,
25c. Plain silk socks,
50c, Fancy socks -75c.
New Collars
Many new lines just
put in stock which are
sure to plea,se. Al!
sizes in stock.,
New Neckties
Handsome, High
Grade Ties, something
new and up-to.date 50o
Blue Serge Suits for Men
Our Values are undoubtedly the best in Canada.
P o Nse it a
• ' ' ' • 'esteem and have the good, vvirti-
• of the entire tommanIty, , „
4" • ,'.•.•; *