HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-7, Page 8THE. EXETER TIMES
Phone 16
Phone 16
Smart New Fall Coats
We are ready for the Early Buyers with a fine range of
very Stylish Coats. You will have no trouble to make a choice
as we have such a variety of Cloths and Styles, We want you
to see these New Garments, The prices are very reasonable
New Poplins New Crepe Waists
For Odd Waists & Dressers
TI is is a lovely material of Silk
& Wool. It will not crease. We
show it in all the New' colorts.
We aret going out of Millin-ry
All trimmed Hats are beingold
at much lens tbsn cost price.
'Beautiful trimmed Ilats at 98e.
A Waist of splendid washing
material trimmed with a strip-
ed collar and cuffs. Something
New '$4.25, {
Lisle Hosiery
Is what we recommend if you
want Hosiery that wears well,
fit well. and dyes that aro fast.
Sizes 8 1-2; 9; 9 1-2; 10; -40c
The Big Store with the little prices
New Spring
for Ladies
Spring fashions are arriving and
combine in Fabric and Style a unique
and interesting collection, meeting
the requirements for street 'wear and
It is unusual to 'present so early in
the season so great a variety, but
styles were determined early and the
most favored shown.
The present time is most advantag-
eous for buying as all indications
poitn to higher prices in the future,
N. Sheere
iSTRILYlED—onto the premisels of
Robt, Taylor. Lot C. 'Con., 9 of Usb-
orne. on or near May 24th, a red heir
fer ca lf. The owner may have same
by paying damages and thils advertise-
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aaa-
tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo-
cality. Terms moderate Orders left
at Times office will be promptly. at-
tended to. 'Phone .116, Kirkton. Ad-
dress Eirkton P.O.
Market Report -The following is
the report of the Exeter market
corrected up to Sept. 5th,
Wheat 1,15 to 1.25
Oats 50 to 55. i `
Barley 55 to 60e.. It t
!Buckwheat 60 to 80 , .,;,,, ,
,Peas $1.00
Family floc r 4.00. ' ' 1 ! (
Low grade etour 2,10, ( i
Bran $26.00 per ton. . , /I,
Shorts 30.00 per ton • • ' !,
Eggs 213o. • 1 lL 1 1
,E3utter 28e.
Creamery ;Butter37o r
New potatoes 2.50 a bag,
Young chicks 1.6o,. ? .
01d Heusi 110
OM roasters ea
Young ducks 10c..
Otd ducks 8c. .. .
Otd turkeys 14o. I i i
!logs 11.00. t
400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle
Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per
ton; 50c. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works
Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager. ,
SALT FOR SALE. --An excellent
quality o�f Sarnia made salt . for sale
at 'the old Temperance House at the
G. T R. station. Sold in any quant-
ity. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED.'
MAGUIRE. Exeter.
Apply to W, M. Clarke, L. 'Rel'
L. C. M. (Eng) for te.cros etre, if
you are tiinkin,g of studying music.
Terms moderate. Pupils prepared for
examinations. Mr. Clarke may be seen
on Saturday at the Central Hotel or.
'particulars may be obtained at Mar-
Musia Store orGrigg's (Book
Store `
Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central
We can assist you in
selecting your furniture if
you are going to furnish
your home, or if you only
want same odd pieces.
Our Undertaking De-
partment is up to -date in
every respect and we guar-
antee the best of satisfact-
R N• Rowe
The Pattered Director and
Furniture Dealer
PHONE lila
Pt, Lot' 18 and 19, con. 1 Tp. of
Ilnbianne,. County of Huron.. in the
Village of Exeter, 'containing 100
acres of choice land. On thiel property
is a brick dwelling, large bank barn
silo. drive and milk house, hog and
When house. The buildings of this prop-
erty are all up -to. -date with water in
stable. Farm in first cuss state
of cultivation and must bo told as the
1 propilietor's health hats failed. Poss-
ession ist of November, F,iej:d of
corn to go with farm. Every conven-
ience for carrying on a milk business
which is 'much ,needed in the town of
'Exeter, E. Hewett. prop., For terms
and particulars apply to Thos. Camer-
on, 'R. R. No. 1, •Kirkton .
Sealed tenders addressed to the
undersi,g.ned and eedorlsed "Tenders
for Painting. Wilt ,e received until
7 p. re. an Friday, Sept, 8th, 1910.
For the painting and caleimining
of the', weds and interior woodwork
stairway and; ,entrance of the :Tow'',,
IIa.]I ,Specification of the work needs
ed May be -seem at the office of the
undersigned oa' from eouncillorla Ile.' --
ton o' . e
Or Beavetrs. !!'girt s
b -r oi'.thr : 0 am-
initteie. ,I `y drdex
. .... 1 . ell Pe;nior, cldte.k;
: r l
Are our Specialty and
combined with their
freshness and quality is
our as soon as you or-
der delivery. When in
a hurry for groceries
just call phone 56 and
give us a trial.
Eat more Parnell's Bread
New Potatoes
pitons 56
• •
• •
• ••••••• ••••••• •
Miss Viola Neil spent the holiday
'in London.
Dir. Oliver 'Davis of Zurich spent
the (holidays at home.
Master Charlie Ford is visiting for a
few days in Ham]1ton.
Lnlr, Chas. Dyer of Montreal is hol-
idaying at his )come here,
Mrs. J. T. Wood and daughter, May
spent Saturday last in London,
!!Miss Francis Scott spent a few days
in Toronto taking in the exhibition.
Mr. J. T. Wood was in Torotno with
a load of 'cattle for Manda'y's market.
aboniday, October the 9th will be
Observed as Thanksgiving Day in Can-
Miss Anna Malek has taken a pos-
ition as 'oterb. in tfe Exeter Posh
Mrs. Brown and daughter, Betty,,
returned Monday after visiting it
Mrs. Peter 'Munn of Flay, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. M. Eacretta dur-
ing the week.
Miss Gladys nestle left this week
for Monte Cello to resume. cher duties
as ,school teacher.
Pte. CtLrord W. Hobbs of Granton
was reported in Friday's casuatity
list as wounded
mese 'ituby Worry of Minnesota is
visiting Mr. and 31r:. Downey gird
other friends in town.
Mrs. Wark, and cion Ed. of Poplar
Hill visited relatives in and around
town over the holidays.
Mr. A. E, Wood, of Detroit, spent
Sunday and Monday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wood.
Mr. S. A. Popplestone spent t few'
days of the past week with his moth-
er in Exeter.—)lyth Standard.
Mrs. E. Tomkinson, of London, vis-.
ited Icier brother Mr. John Frayne, of
the Thames Road on Saturday last.
Mr. and (Mrs. Josh Inwood and child.
returned to London Saturday after
holidaying with Mr. and' Mrs. S. San-
'lir. end Mrs. D. D. Critterden and
daughter Dorothea, of 13.Iyth, spent
the week -end with relatives and
friends .
Mrs. Rooke, of town, and Dins..
Francis, of Insoorne, returned home
last Friday after an extended trip
to the Wrest.
Master George and Reg. Beavers
have returned home after visiting for
three weeks with their grandmother
near St, Marys .
Miss M. Es,sery, of Palmerston. who
Las been visiting at Centralia visited'
her 'auric, Mrs. A. Hastings .during
the past week.
Mrs. John Dawn and daughter Eun-
ice, of Exeter, spent the week -end/
with Mr. and Darts. J. F. Hooper.—Sty
Marys Journal.
ladies Wanted to learn millinerty, E.
Curli,sa, The Elite Millinery Store,
'McDonald's. {Block.
DIiss Anna 'Dow who spent several
we'ek5 visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Lindsay, or Yorkton, Samek:, returns
ed tome last Friday.
Mrs. 'Cha:. Harvey and daughters
Elva and Florence Lave returned
home afooe;r visiting the former'ssis-
tetr, Mrs: Whetstone, at Kintore.
Miss Stella Gillies returned home
on. Saturday morning last after vis-
'ting in Pt. Theron. She was accom-
panied noire by her 'cousin, Mies Elsie
The 'Soldiers' Aid •So icty intends
nuttrin on The Minstrel Show lair
Night, Sept 19th. All new jokes,
Some new Choruses, 5econ<i part
entirely new.. Plan .of Hall at Cole's
)rug Store Sept, 13th. ,
Howey's Drugstore
While Building to
Broderick's old
One door north of
Fraynes Harness Shop
Come and See Us
Your Trade Appreciated
Howey's Drugstore
Phone 50
Miss L' utu Hastings is visiting in
London .
Mr. Will Snell was in London for
a few days .
Mils. L. Day its visiting in London
for at few days ,'
Mr. Ed. 'Bls;sett of London was in
town over Sunday.
Miss Maud Johns left Tuesday to
visit in Ingersoll.
Mr. "W. Fritz spent the holidays at
his home in Guelph.
• Mr. and Mes, Kuhn motored to Lon-
don on ,Friday last.
Mr. Owen Atkinson, of London spent
Friday last in town.
Dir. H. iBierling took in Toronto Fair
during the past week.
Mr. Roy Davis and lady friend spent
Labor (Day in town. •
;Mr. Dave. Hall visited his parents
in town over Labor Day
11i'r. S. 'Martin and family motored
to London for Labor Day. .
Mr. S. Popplestone of 'Ey1th, 'visited
tis mother on Friday last.
Miss Ethel Bisset has taken a pos-
ition as milliner at Harrow.
Ethel Day left last :week on
an extended visit to the Soo.
Miss Blanche Atkinson of London,
spent Labor Day at her home.
Mrs. A. J. McDonald left Tuesday
to spend a few days in St. Thomas.
Mrs. Wm. May will receive on TUNS -
day afternoon Sept. 12th from 4 to 6
Miss Thompson of London, spent
Labor (Day with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Miss Annie Day has returned to
Brantford after holidaying with .her
Mr. rand Mrs. W. May and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred 'May spent the holiday in
(Mrs. '.Billings spent a few days at
the !Central Hotel leaving Tuesday for
Mrs. Chas. ;Birney and daughter,
Mrs, Ferguson spent the holidays in
Miss Lillian (Boyle has taken a pos.
ition as stenographer with the Ltoss-
Taylor. Co.
Pte. Victor Sanders of the A. 31. C.
Camp Rordcn visited in town over
the week -end ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atcheson, of Lon-
don visited at the !Central Hotel over
the holidays.
,tr. Clarence 'Duplan of I]derton,
formerly of Centralia is reported to
be very low.
Miss Lottie Hyndman of Plattsville,
visited leer father, Mr. Geo. Hyndman
over the holidays .
Mrs. W. J. Heaman and family have
returned. 'home after spending the
summer in Pt. Stanley.
Messrs. W. Snell. W. Melville, D.
'Russell and T. Nelson, motored to
Toronto for Labor Day.
Miss Willard of Exeter north is now
.prepared to make new or re -trim test,
season's millinery. Apply at he.rhome
Mr, Swigler, of Hamilton, accompan
icd by Lis mother visited with Mr.
and Mrs. N. J.. Dore over' Labor Day.
Mr. 'Davidson, of London visited
with 'Rev. and Mrs. Trumper at the
;English church rectory over the hol-
Workmen are pushing ahead the
new shed at Main St. church. The
cement block walls are nearing bom-
Where are you going Fair Night!
Why to the Ladies' Minstrel Show.
Plan o;. Hall at tCoi,e's Drug Store, to
he opened on Sept, 13th,
Pte. J. 3, Hutchison, of Seaforth
was reported in. Saturday',s casuaaity
list as died of wounds and Seigt. W.
Robson, of St. Marys es wounded.
me. Latimer Grieve who for the
past four years ;has been clerking, in
Mr. W. 8, Howey's drug,atore, left
this Week for Toronto to attend phar-
Macy .
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Cliptson;Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Erwin of Ingersoll, and
Miss Francis Davis, of Wingham; vis-
lited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis over
Labor Day.
;Mr. and Mrs. IL J. Malone return-,
ed 'to town last week after their wed-
ding 'trip and visited the latter's moth
er, Mrs. Yaeger, They have lett for
their home in Tilsonbueg.
There are about 1200 tavernlicensets'
in the 'province and already the Ont-
ario License ;Hoard :have received 1000
applicants ,for (standard hotel licenses
under 'the new prohibition law.
Hogs A.re bringing an unheard of
price and; t:L'o indication is that the
ti hest hats not yet been r s .
tac e d h,i
,� y
/Bacon and other cured meats bavc
taken a 'corriespendirilg jump upwards
river flats west of bridge, Exeter,
one • 'bay four year old • Mare, black
points and cornea teeth pulled, A.xey-
one giving information as to hen pres-
ent location will be suitably rewarded
IG. J. Dow, phony°' 83, Exeter
PLUMS 'FOR SALE, --T. Meals the,
old veteran plum grower of Kippen
has a largo crop of planus on hand,
of ananiy, varieties, the best for pre-
serving which will be ready for pall-
ing the, middle of this month, Selling
price 25c and 35e for 'ten quart bas-.
lets. Ad1 orders either wholesale or.
retail Will receive the best attention
Thomas Melilla, Kippen.
Mr. and _airs, Harry -Rowe were the
guest's of ittr, and Mrs. Sam Lamport
of Farquhar on Sunday last.
Miss I. Armstrong left last week
to resume her •duties as teacher in a
school near Toronto. Miss 21, Coward
accompanied her having secured a
position in the wars school.
Rei. 3, W, wird and family return-
ed home after holidaying on Lake
Huron near Kincardine. Mr. 'Baird
ccntducted services in James Street
Dletho.d'st church on Sunday.
• Air. and Mrs. Wm. Hill of Dresden
announce the engagement of their deal
ghter, !Halle, to i\lr. Olarise W. Snel't
of Usborne, ' the marriage to take
place this mouth.
Rev. and Mrs. F. S. Sharp and dau-
ghter Margaret returned home on
Friday after holidaying for a month
in Simcoe. On Sabbath last ,Rev. Dlr.
Sharp conducted the services ini Cav-
en church.
The telephone linemen' are busy
transferring the local station of the
Bell Telephone Company from i.ts pre-
sent quarters to the building one
door south being fitted up by Mr.
Jas. Lawson . .t
Mrs. W. 'ID. Clarke, who bill been
ill for several months and has been
in London receiving Treatment, has
nufficie.ntly recovered as to able to
be brought to haze/tome an Thursday
last. Her many friends hope for a cora
plete and speedy restoration to
Mrs. McDonald and teen 'Robert who
have been visiting the former':smoth-(
er, Mrs. John Snail, for Several weeks,
left !Saturday to 'spend a few days in
Sarnia before returning to her home
in Des Moines, Iowa. airs. Snell ac-
companied her on an extended visit.
Mrs. M. Sheere. Mr. and Enna.. Net -
son Sheee•e and daughter Jean, Mr.
and Mrs. rF. teto•yle and son Clarence,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hookey and son
Kenneth, and Mr, Frank Sheere, mot-
ored to ttirantford in two autos and
spent the holiday with Mr. Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, of Clinton,
and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Walker of
toe were in Clinton last yetek attend
nig the funeral of the late W.. G.
'Wheatley. Mr. Wheatley passed away,
quite suddenly 'being in his ytsual
health the day previous to his death
He was 56 gleans of age. He is sa.r-
vived by his second wife, one daugh.t•4
er Margaret and son Percy.
A reactionary storm period Is cen-
tral on Saturday, Sunday Monday, and.
Tuesday, 'the 9th, 10th' 11th and 12th.
The Moon is in perigee on the.5th heicg
at full Moon, or opposition. With the
Earth and Sun and on the 0elestial
equator on the 11th. It must be also
atemiee nbercd that 'the 11th day of
Septeimber Like the 11th of March
is the center of the annual criisia
of magnetic unrest and violenc,e.,
The electrical and magnetic nerves
of mature rine as a rule on a
strain of high tenalon for u period
of five or six dean, 'central on Sept:•m-
ber the. llth. There is ne (special dans
ger attending these periods, except
that intensify alt electrical arta maga
netic' phenomena, thereby adding to
the clanger of equinoctial storm's' and
tending greatty to aggravate volcan-
ic. and earthquake unrest. Peculiar
!disturbances in the atmosphere and
telegraphy, such as •firee electricity,
auroral manifestations and th'e like
are characteristic of the these 'per-
iods. A eery low and fluctuating biro -
'meter, on and within two days before.
and after 'the llth, will betoken
storms and other phenomena that will
approximate danger. 'Regions 'border-
ing on the Gulf; and along the Atlan't-''
is coast to the southward, Should not
suffer th'enuselves to be caught nap-
ping. Thetiet 'is probable danger of
,equatorial storms and tidal wavers in
'these regions. There storms will tray -
el inward, and counter storms out of
the west and north will can spire. to
make it a time of ,tar.rn'oil and pons
ible danger. Watch your barometer'
and other things that go before great
elemental changes and 'torahs. Such
things. never 'come on any live person
without abundant and timely wade..
ing. There will be a drop in tempera
attire after these Storms, almost or
quite to the frost line, throughout
the northern and central regions of
the. country—say ion and about the
112th, to Th:unsday the 14th. Tbbs cool
'spell like the the,!storms, will not hit
!the whale country at the same time
it will travel. It will be heard from in
'the ,southwest, Jaya before it arrives
in, the southeast. 'Watch and see.
The Mars !equinactial period begins
to make itself felt about, the 10th,
of Scphe'mbert so that it must he eon-
sidcred among the aatromical causes
'a't work, during the reactionary per-
iod, Oth to the, I2th. For over twenty
five years 'we have contended. that
'WS Dtars period begins, so will con-
tinue for 'the mast palre to ;Ma 'close.
By this we meas' that the kind or
weather and peculiarity of stoma
that may exist a's we enteer, the Mars
period, an a rule, will be rharact•erist-
ic of Stoma and weather throughout.
+that period. The exact datte of the
,beginning of the present Mars per-
iod may not bd understood, but it (tate
to 'calculate that we enter the period
between the 10th and 20'th of Sept
ember. • If !rough auttinnnal weather
e xiist
ahout tura 9th to the- 120
)1 w{].1; ;safe to, figure on an early fall.
We 'calculate that such will be the
case, lana.( that Ima.n'y flrolets, with pair •
bxysmts of batty, autumioti etornis
and weather will 'prevail during 'they •
lost 7aalt. of Septembelr,..and growinyn
intensity •ass the pass further intc4 the;
autumn ,
kr. Case din Howard of Windsor,
repent the holidays with his parents
in town,
' Dr. Partridge, of London, visited
Mr. and ebtrs, . W. F. Beavers ion
Tuesday ,
Mr. J. G. Jones left Monday flair
Detroit and on Tuesday ways accom-
panied home by Mrs, Harrison who
has 'been on an extended visit with
her tion, Dr. Harrison. , t
Mrs. Samuel Passnnare announces
the engagement of her youngest dau-
ghter Dlinetta Jane to Mr. Wilfred
Cecil Robinson of 'Detroit, Mich., son.
of 11fr. and ,'Mas. Wm, iltobinlson, Mit-
.shell, Ont, the marriage to take place
tlhe latter part of September.
1111'. Will Manson wals successful in
passing Lis metric examination with
the cxeePtion of physics. Ho has reg-
istered at Toronto Pharmacy and will
require to put four years in; a drug.
store before attending college, He its
engaged with Mr. Cole,
Practically New
Will be SOLD at
Special Price
For Quick Sale
Apply to
Victoria Street
Fall Openings
Friday and Saturday, September 15th & 16th
With an New and up—to-date Stock we are prepared to turn out the
Very Latest in all Millinery
Our Assistant having attended the Millinery Openings in Detroit
you will have the benefit of both
The American and Canadian Styles,
"The Elite Millinery Store" McDonell Block
During the past few stiasons
we have installed plumbing
jobs in a number of Exeter
places and our _work and
prices are banging repeat
orders. Let as 'l gore .on
your job.
We aim to please. All our
work is guaranteed.. Esti-
mates cheerfully given free
of charge
Chas. West
244 Qr.een3 Ave. • London,
Phone 3255
Perfect cooking and baking with least expenditure , of
heat is assured by the double flue system forcing heat'
twice around the oven of
Come in and I'll show you why the Pandora stays a
good as new long after other ranges have to be repaired_
or replaced.
Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON.
September 8th to 16th, 4916
A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily
Two Speed Events Daily
New irrocees Building Every Building Full of Exhibits
SINGLE FARE over aill Railways West of Toronto
Prise Lists, Entry'' Formas and alt information
from the Secretary
A M. HUNT, NT Secretary y
J. W. REID, President