HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-7, Page 3T E D�SJ S
Is Based Upon Fear, Not Upon Hope,
and It Abandons
In a discussion of "What is Mili-
tarism?" the London Times (looked
upon as somewhat military itself),
says: We have all been talking for a
long time about militarism; but it is
not • even now too late to ask what we
Wean by it, because many people seem
' "to think that it cannot be separated
from its epithet Prussian; in fact,
it is bad because it is Prussian, and
because the Prussians are bad. But
the Prussians have just as much right
to be militarist as any other nation.
We must . not be misled by their con-
viction that they are necessarily
saved into a belief that they are
necessarily damned..
No one has ever liked Prussia; she
has always been geographically weak,
and therefore hats always wished to
make herself geographically stronger
at the expense of someone else. She
is like a self-made man, and one
who has made himself by ruthless
competition at first with other little
tradesmen, and afterwards as a huge
joint stock company. Such a man,
especially if he has been once bank-
rupt and several times very near
bankruptcy, sees all life as a struggle
for life; and that is how Prussia sees.
it. That is why she is militarist; and
she. can make out a case why she
Storage Batteries
Sena them for prompt
Reputrsi to
CA.rtA»TAN S T .O a A C# E
11.7 Stnlooe St., Toronto.
Willard Agents.
Military Observer Astonished to Find
What She Is Doing for
Czar's Soldiers.
The extent to which Japan is
clothing, shoeing, arming and muni-
tioning the Russian army was forci-
bly presented to a military observer
who has just returned to Paris from
a trip along the Russian front.
"I was astonished," he said, "to
find great numbers of Russian sol-
diers clothed from head to foot in
uniforms made in Japan, not only the
tunic and trousers, but even the leg-
gings. They carried on their shoul-
ders Japanese_guns. Their cartridge
belts were filled with cartridges made
in Japan. Their leather belts and
buckles were from Japan. And the
should be militarist. Even before,' stout hob -nailed shoes they wear are
the war, when she was at the height from hides gathered in Korea and
made into shoes in Japan. So that,
there you see a Russian soldier in
Japanese clothes, Japanese shoes,
with Japanese gun, Japanese am-
munition and Japanese accoutrement.
Korea. Aids With Hides.
"It is strange," he went on, "that
Russia went to war with Japan -over
of her strength, she was still think-
ing of • her weak frontier; she had
persuaded herself that she was afraid
of the Russian peril.
.An Incessant Struggle.
History, according to her notion of
it, consisted of an incessant struggle
between the Teuton and the Slav;
Korea, and now Korea,the source and the momento
had come when the
Teuton must get his blow in first if all the trouble, is supplying Russia
he was not to be overcome later: The with the shoes in which her soldiers
Prussian says that he is fighting in are marching to victory. Korea is a
self-defence; we say that he is fight- great grazing country and is prov-
ing to dominate Europe; but the dif- ing a vast reservoir of raw hides
ference between us is not so grat as which the Japanese are rapidly turn -
it seems, for, according to the Prus- ing into boots, shoes, saddles, and
sian idea, he will never be safe until leather furnishings. alarmingly. The doctor did not seem
he dominates Europe; and he has a
right to dominate Europe because
other nations will not let him alone.
If they would let him alone he would
be an innocent lamb.
This state of mind is not confined
to Prussia; and there is always some
excuse for it, just as there is some
excuse for the perpetual fears and
precautions of the hypochondriac.
Men do fall ill and die, and we must
all die some day; and nations do routes over then, commercial and
attack each other, they do rise and military, are open and without men -
fall; and, so far as we know, they ace."
are all subject sooner or later to an All Sorts of Arms Supplied.
inevitable process of decay. But the
Prussians have been more hypochon-
driacal—that is to say, more mili-
tarist—than any other people. That
which is in other nations an oc-
casional weakness is with them an
obsession, so that they have become
quite unable to distinguish between
real and imaginary dangers.
No, and the report is not correct," ,
said the observer, "The' Russian ar-
tiller officers are directingtheir
own /ire and are getting splendid re TO WATCH SHELLS
sults, The only Japanese :and French
officers: are' those-tempor rily assign -
piece, just as an expert . new
is sent
ed to explain the workings of along UP AMONG THE CLOUDS IN AN
to. explain any complicated piece of
machinery. Japanese experts ac-
companied the big 12 -inch Japanese .�—.
guns, not to maneuver them in ac-
tion, but to explain how it was to be
manoeuvred, That is the extent of
their help, and the'Russians should
get full credit for what they have
accomplished in operating their ar-
"Sail for Hours Without Putting a
Hand on the Lever,"
Says One,
The hardest part about flying in war
tillery. No, the Japanese have done is the thinking that -a flying man has
remarkably in arming, clothing and to do. Here's the idea in an English
munitioning the Russians, but they flying man's own words :
have not had a chance to do the "There isn't enough to keep a man's
fighting." mind busy in the air since the war
has developed the aeroplane. In the
��„old days of the aeroplane there were
PALE,WEAK S. so many things a flying Mari had to
WEAK watch that he didn't have time to
worry about what might happen to
him, But in these days sitting in your
machine is about like sitting on a log
and waiting for something to happen.
"We don't have to use our hands as
we used to, There is only one lever,
and you don't have to watch that very
closely. You can fly for hours without
having your hand on it. You can write
or read or smoke, and unless you
touch the lever to change its position'
you will fly along at the same level,
indefinitely owing to -the self stabili-
zation of the machine.
Look Down.; Watch Shells.
"So, with your attention only mildly
occupied, you keep looking down over
the edge to see what's happening. You
get to watching the wires and wonder-
ing what would happen if a bullet cut
one of them. You look at the frail all -
irons and consider how frail they
really are. Sharpnel is breaking be-
low you and around you, perhaps.
There's no use of trying to dodge it,
for by doing so you may only run into
"So there you sit imagining all sorts
of horrible possibilities. You've been
told to go to a certain place and then
return. Your route is all laid out for
you and your duties are so simple
womanhood bright and attractive. and easy that while you're performing
g them you have a thousand times too
Miss A. Sternberg, Haileybury Road, much spare time for thought and
New Liskeard, Ont., says: "I have worry. As for myself, I'd much rather
much reason to be grateful to Dr. have the aeroplane a less simple af-
Williams Pink Pills as they restored fair, just to have my attention.occu-
iscurse nimagination ac`s tea
fed. A
me to health, if, indeed, they did not
save my life. In 1914 I began to feel filer.”
run down, and the doctor who was And then there's the problem of the
called in said that mine was a bad whirling compass.uAn hae lin r of
case of anaemia. I lost flesh,always so a cloud ; suddenly the lager d
his compass begins to whirl around
felt tired, and I got so nervous that like a clock gone mad. Scientists say
I could scarcely bold a cup to take it doesn't whirl, but so many English
a drink. My heart would flutter airmen have had the experience that
even the scientific men are wondering
whether the phenomenon isn't worth
The Whirling Compass.
Here's a flying man's side of it :
"My compass linger has whirled like
a top when I have gone into a cloud.
It's enough to turn you demented. It's
bad enough, goodness knows, to be lost
in a cloud, but to have your compass
go back on you at the same time is too
much. Our scientific instructors tell
us that the compass doesn't change,
but that we lose our-; heads when we
get into the mist and change our
courses without realizing it, so that "Ma husband's po'1y, ma'am.
the compass indicator changes natur-, He's got dat exclamatory rheumaa-
ally. tism."
But in some clouds your compass ""Ymean inflammatory, Martha.
doesn't change. It remains as steady Exclamatory is from exclaim, which
as it was in the sunshine. Why should means to cry cub"
a flier jiggle his course unknowingly "Yes,ma'am dat's what it is. He
in one cloud and not in another ? My ,
opinion is that there are certain kinds hollers if anyone goes near him."
of clouds that are charged with elec-
tricity. In such clouds your compass Minard's
goes crazy. In other words, where
electricity is not present your com-
pass behaves itself,"
How High the Clouds ?
Grow Into Weak, Despondent
Women—How to Overcome
the Trouble.
Healthy Girlhood is the only path
to healthy womanhood. The passing
from girlhood to womanhood lays a
new tax upon the blood. It is the
overtaxing of the blood that makes
growing girls suffer from headaches
and backaches, from paleness and
weakness and weariness, from lan-
guor, despondency and constant i11
health. Unhealthy girlhood is bound
to lead to unhealthy womanhood and
a life of misery. Nothing but the
blood building qualities of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills can save a girl when
she undertakes the trials and tasks
of womanhood. That is the time
when nature makes new demands
upon the blood supply. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills actually make new, rich
blood to meet these demands. In this
simple, scientific way Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills give growing girls new
health, and makes their dawning
"How did these supplies get from , to be able to help me at all and my
Japan to the Russian front?" the i family and friends all thought that
observer was asked. I was in a decline and could not re-
- "It was noted," said he, "that about cover. I was in bed for some weeks
the only vital point where the Ger- when an aunt came to see me and
mans had not been able to send their urged that I try Dr. Williams Pink
submarines was in the waters of the Pills. My father got a supply, and
East Chinn Sea, the Straits of Korea by the time T had taken three boxes
and the Sea of Japan. These are the there was a noticeable improvement,
waters separating Japan from Rus- and from that on I steadily progress-
sia and the Asiatic mainland, and the ed toward recovery. I continued us-
ing the pills for some time longer,
and they restored me to my old time
health and strength. I shall never
cease to praise this medicine, and to
"What sort of arms and munition , urge all weak run down girls to give
is Russia getting from Japan?" was
"All sorts," was the reply, "from
the service rifle and small field pieces
up to the big 12 -inch guns. The Jap-
anese 12 -inch is a terrible weapon,
and they are content not to make any
of the 14 -inch and 16 -inch guns, as
they consider, from a military stand-
tandpoint, that the immobility of the mon-
ster gun offsets its advantages, where
the 12 -inch is a mobile gun and very
"It is said that French and Japan-
ese officers are now furnishing the
.expert direction of the Russian artil-
Only One Romance—War.
There is always a hypochondriacal
faction in every country; but in
Prussia that faction is the nation;
and, as to the private hypochondriac
the doctor is a priest, so the officer is
a priest to . every Prussian.
For the Frenchman or the English-
man there ire many and diverse ro-
mances in life; and his country
means to him many different things.
But for the Prussian there is only
one romance, a sickroom romance of
war and victory; and his country
means to him his. army. That is his
one achievement, and whatever else
he does well is subordinate to it.
The Prussians, as nobody can deny,
have a great power of organization;
but even that is a part of their
hypochondria. They organize their
country as a hypochondriac of strong
will and methodical habits organizes
his life. He may learn to play golf
well or to walk far and fast; but he
has learnt it all to keep himself in
health; and so the Prussians have
organized themselves better, perhaps
than any other people, but always
with an eye to war.
A Delicate. Instrument.
Two men were in the dining car
ordering breakfast. The .first one
'aid to the waiter:
\ "George, you may bring me two
fried eggs, some broiled ham, a pot
of coffee and some rolls."
"Yassa." ,
The other said:
"You may bring me the same."
The second man then called after
the waiter and remarked:
"Just eliminate the eggs."
In a moment the waiter came back.
"Scuse me, boss, but jest what did
you all say el'bout dem aigs ?"
"I said jusb eliminate -the eggs."
"Yassa." Anl:l he hurried again to
the tiny kitchen.
In another moment he came back
once more, leaned confidentially and
penitently over the table, and said:
" "We had a bad accident jest afo we
ti leave re depot dis mor'nin', boss, ani' de
liminator done got busted off, right ab,
de handle. Will ycyd take 'em Matti
dame as des hyar gemmed?"
it a fair trial, as I have proved in my
own case their great merit."
You can get these pills from any
dealer in Medicine or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
British Plan Inducement to Hebrews
to Enlist,
A middle way bas been found to-
ward the solution of the problem of
what to do with the many thousands
lery fire,_ which has made it so ef- I G Russian and Polish Jews living in
festive. Did you see any of these Great Britain who have escaped min -
officers?" -was asked. tary service in the Czar's army and
do not come under British conscrip-
tion laws. In London,.. Manchester,
Liverpool and other big cities are
huge colonies of these exiles, a large
proportion of them being of military
age, who naturally have come to be
regarded with no favorable eye by
their English neighbors whose men-
folk are engaged in war work.
After some agitation the Govern-
ment proposed to enact a law by which
Russian Jews of military age should
be forced to enlist in the British army
under threat of being sent back to
Russia, where they would be liable to
heavy penalties as defaulters from
military service. This project aroused
a storm of disapproval, though ably
defended by Home Secretary Samuel,
himself a Jew. The basic fact upon
which the opposition rested was that
England had always harbored political
refugees, and a large number of the
exiles in question came under that
broad classification.
Mr. Samuel, while not withdrawing
his original proposal, has now hit on a
compromise. Reason and persuasion, virtue of flexibility, and announces
as the Manchester Guardian puts it, he has solved the problem, the Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Hub (calmly)—I wouldn't mind
Why She Objected, that, my dear, if your mouth wasn't
y 6
} t., i. :,�•i?c- rA+d.:•' :;a,.,: f„�^.:r'I�R' n5 %vim -i.:
Two Fellows
are trying to
get ahead
It's easy to see who'll win.
If you have any doubt
about tea or coffee holding
some people back—in fact
many—leave the hesitating
class, stop both tea and cof-
fee ten days, and use
This delicious pure food -
drink, made of wheat,
roasted with a bit of whole-
some molasses, has a de-
lightful, snappy flavor. It
is free from the drugs in
tea and coffee and all harm-
ful ingredients.
Postum is good for old
and young, and makes for
health and efficiency. .
"There's a Reason"
Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd„
Windsor, Ont.
Depends o
ds U ra
� p
Healthy Babies
Properly reared children grow
• up to be strong, healthy
Many diseases to which child-
ren are susceptible, first indicate
their presence in the bowels.
The careful mother should
watch her child's bowel move-
ments and use
Mrs. W .slow's
Soothing Syrup
It is a corrective for diarrhoea,
colic and other ailments to which
children are subject especially
during the teething period.
It is absolutely non-narcotic
and contains neither opium,
morphine nor any of their de-
Mrs. Wind,ow's
Soothing Syrup
Makes Cheerful,
Chubby Children
Soothes the fretting child during
the trying period of its develop-
ment and thus gives rest and
relief to both child and mother.
Buy a bottle today
and keep it handy
Sold by all druggists in Canada and
throughout the 'world
The Right W ord.
Linft»ent Cures Dandruff.
Instructions Obeyed.
"Why, Freddie!" exclaimed the mo-
ther of a precocious five-year-old
How far are the clouds above the "Aren't you ashamed to call auntie
7 stupid? Go at once and tell her you
As gh above as we wish to climb. are very sorry."
But the chief question with a flying "Auntie," said the little fellow, a
man is how low the clouds are. A few moments later "Pm awful sorry
pondent something about low clouds. you are so stupid."
"You may be walking along the
street on a heavy day, and, looking up,
think that the clouds are miles
Germans Have Formidable Defences
on lielgtan Coast.
A correspondent who has just been
Permitted to visit the t3elgian coast
rePorts..on the formidable detenees
that have been raised there. A long
line of barbed wire entanglement
stretches. along the coast, and an end-
less aeries of long slender ships'
guns protrude from the coarse grass.
of the dunes, and behind the dunes
crouch the heavy howitzers.
Underground dwellings of bomb-
proof concrete form part of the great
trench along the entire coast, he says.
"No spot Is unguarded, Everywhere
the endless line is occupied by sailors.
"Here and there one comes across
an enormous unexploded shell, hurled
ashore by one of the big British war-
ships, and which now forms the orna-
mental centre of a flower garden.
"What one sees in the way of des-
truction is the work of the fast tor-
pedo destroyers, which have on oc-
casion hailed. smaller shells on the
guns." The corners of houses. are
gnawed away ; dere and there a gable
`exhibits great holes. But the damage
is not very bad, at least not in Ostend
and Zeebrugge; much less than one
would have supposed. Even on the
seaside the towns appear to be little
damaged. The big bath hotel of Os-
tend is untouched, and the great glass
Kurhaus shows no breakage in its In-
numerable panes.
"The real work of destruction be-
gins where the French land guns have
been able to have their say. Middel-
kerke is a mass of ruins, It is a re-
markable fact that 600 people con-
tinue to crouch there. The school is
even still attended by 80 children.
But every house has its underground rdinara's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
refuge, such as the soldiers construct
in the front lines. A Careful Answer.
"Middelkerke is now in such a state ,Darling, if you had it to do all
that erths Germans no preferloetor take up over again would you still want to
quarters there, but live in g
dwelling holes borrowed in the dunes." marry me?"
"My dear, if I had it to do overa,gain
THE POPULAR LAURENTIANS. and decided to marry, you would be
— the one I would select."
A Holiday Resort of Unsurpassing
Lovers of beautiful mountain and 1� biers. Deleware, Carman. Order
valley scenery, towering rocks, thick at once. Supply limited. Write for quo
talions. H. W. Dawson. Brampton.
forests, pleasant glades, flower -clad ;
vales and plains, rushing and placid , FOR SALE
rivers, roaring waterfalls and bab- ' -. ACRES, FOUR MILES FROM
bling streams could not do better 15® Peterboro (pop. 22,000).
' a
than to select the Laurentian Moun- � Choice situation and superb buildings,
tains reached by the Canadian Pa- Robt. Graham, R.R. 4, Peterboro.
cite, as their holiday resort. So pret-
tily situated are' all the spots where
the holiday-makers make their head-' ' ,1ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB
Get the "Peaches"
that are coming to you in the
peach season—but be sure
to eat them on. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit with .cream,
a combination that ensures
good digestion, health and
strength for the day's work.
Cut out meat and kitchen
worry and serve this ready -
cooked, whole wheat food
with the choicest fruit that
grows—a dish for the up-
and-coming ligan who wishes
to keep at top-notch
efficiency for work or play.
Serve it for breakfast or
any meal with milk or cream,
with sliced peaches or other
Made in Canada
Her Reply.
Dora had just returned from Sun-
day school, where she had been for
the first time.
"What did my little daughter_ learn
this morning?" asked the fond father,
"That I am e. chiki of Satan," was
the beaming reply.
ccs for sale in good Ontario.
quarters that it is embarrassing to ; towns, The most useful and interesting
choose the one that might be best of all businesses, Full information on
suited to the taste of the individual. ;application to Wilson Publishing Com -
But all are enchanting, from Shaw-1pony. 78 West Adelaicle Street, Toronto,
bridge—the first of them—to Mount
Laurier the last. Within easy reach ' Ah CER, 'TUMORS, LUMPS, INTO..
of any of the resorts there is excel -Internal and .sternal, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment: Wrtte
lent trout and bass fishing to be had. ; us before too late. Dr. D_ilman Medical
The rivers and lakes are clear and co --
Limited, Coilingwood, Ont.
sand -bottomed generally, and are' n --• •
well suited to the requirements of f
the swimmer and bather. Row boat-
motor boating, and canoeing are `
favorite pastimes, and on a fine calm
,evening it is exhilarating to sit by America's
the waters and listen to the laughter ;i Pisneer
and merry chat of the parties who are ; jog Remedies
on the waters. Golfing can be had at .-=
Ste. Agathe, Ste. Margaret and Val
Morin. Tennis courts are attached
to some of the better class hotels.
Those who love mountain climbing
can have a variety of spheres for this
form of activity to select from and
the expense of a holiday in the Lau-
rentians is comparatively small.
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by. expo
eure to Sun, Dust andWFgd
quickly relieved by Hulse
Eye Remedy. No$marting,
d just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Mottle. Murine Eye
'SelveinTubea 25c, ForBook of Ibef-yerreeask
Druggists or MnrincEyeRemedydo.,Chlcago
may "What advice would you give to a
high. As a matter of fact they may be Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. young man just starting out in the
only 200 or 300 feet above you. That's Dear Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor world?"
the kind of a day that the airman on my face for a long time and tried "The first thing I would tell him
dreads. I've been lost in a cloud in a number of remedies without any would be never to forget that the boy
Fr- nce and come down out of it only good results. I was advised to try , who does the little things poorly will
to Ind myself flying around among the MINARD'S LINIMENT, and after us -never get a chance to do the big tasks
church steeples of a French town, ing several bottles it ,made a com- ;well."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta.
with good chances of killing myself. fete cure and healed all upand
"'In a cloud you can never tell P.
whether you're e over the enemy s lines, isappearect aitogetner.
You may come right down onto his DAVID HENDERSON.
trenches before you know it. Clouds, Belleisle Station, Icings Co., N.B.,
the low kinds, are the most deadly Sept. 17, 1904.
things we have to fear."
Hungarian Inventor Has Solved a
Difficult Problem.
His Status.
"What are you, my man, a plain
tramp ?"
"You might say so, mum. Or if
to be Fooled Twice. you wishes bo follow the plan so pre-
Notvalent these days of giving everything
Judge (interrupting long-wirkded a special name—"
lawyer)—Can't you bake it for grant- "Yes?"
Barna S. Kohlener, a Hungarian ed that I understand an ordinary "You might call me an inefficiency
captain of cavalry, whose military point of law? expert."
usefulness was ended when he lost Lawyer (coolly)—Your Honor
an arm, has devoted himself since that's the mistake I made in the low- What He Objected To.
his incapacitation to inventing a er court, where I lost my case. Wife (delivering a tirade)—Ab last
wooden -soled shoe that shall have the . my eyes are opened
are to be substituted for threats and h•
ardest that has confronted wooden -
force. A responsible leadership of the
Russian Jews, Samuel announces, has soled shoe enthusiasts. ""I hear that Florrie has broken off
been formed, which will conduct an His invention is a sole that, instead
active recruiting campaign in London of being made of one solid piece of her engagement with ' you, old chap,"
and other centres, and definite induce- wood, is constructed of a number of said one man to another.
ments will be held out to the Jews to layers joined together by heavy oils "Yes," replied the second.
voluntarily enlist, or fats that thicken and grip the "I say, I'm awfully sorry to hear ib.
Almost all of them are aliens and pieces of wood together. After count -
Whatever did she do it for ?"
the high naturalization fee of £5 ($25) less experiments Capt. Kohlener de- ""Just because I stole a kiss," said
s that wooden soles constructedlare
plus law fees is as a rule quite beyond clares
have the elasticity of the disconsolate one, sadly.
their resources. Mr. Samuel proposes
that any one who enlists .before Sep-
tember 80 shall, after three months'
service, have his fee remitted if he de-
sires to be naturalized
Another part of Mr. Samuel's new
proposals is even more interesting.
This is the idea of forming a special
Jewish Corps. This has already been
done in a limited way with the Zion
Corps. Something of the same sort
also lia.s been done in Franck; •
Every woman Wnks she is a prima
donna when it comes to putting a
baby to sleep.
ithis marine
"Great Scott!" exclaimed his
leather soles, and, in addition; can be
made of old and worn material worked friend. "Surely she mush be crazy if
over. she objects to her fiance stealing a
------•:*---- kiss from her." +
Old age commands respect except The abandoned one sighed deeply.
in jest an' d poultry, "But that's just the troable he
said. "I didn't steal it from her!"
G.C.lirigut & Sons
"Do you mean to say you only paid
$60 for that frock ?"
"Yes; but that, of course, was with-
out the trimmings."
"How much were the trimmings?"
"A hundred and fifty,"
Wise is he who has the cage ready
for the bird.
And How to Feed
Maned free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
When bl:>:ying your Piano
insist on havlrbq an
Pt rto Actior‘
J0 15 20
ears from now the Bissell
Silo will be giving good
service. It is built of sel-
ected timber, treated with
wood ' preservatives, that
prevent decay. It has
'strong, rigid walls, air-
tight doors, and hoops of
heavy steel.
' Therefore it lasts, simp-
ly because it can't very
well do anything else. Our
folder explains more fully
—Write Dept. T3.
Elora, Ontario.
a big knee like this, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat.
1FG:U.SspAT °Ff,,
will clean it off without laying up
the horse. No blister, no hair
gone. Concentrated—only a few
drops required at an application. $2 per
bottle delivered. - Describe your case for special instructions
and Book 8 M free. AISSORBINa, JR.. the anti -
lode liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings.
enlarged Glands. Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins, allays
Pain and indammadcn. Price Ei and $2 a bottle at druggiatnt
or delivered. Made In the U. S. A. by
W. F. YOUNG, P.13. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can.
Ilbsorbinc and Absorblne, Jr.. are made In Canada.
Machkmry_Fr Sala
Wheelock Engine, 150
H P,, 18 x 42, with double
main driving belt 24 ins.
wide, and Dynamo 30 I, W.
belt driven. All in first
.class condition, would be
sold together or separate-
ly ; also a lot of shafting
at a very great bargain as
room is required immedi-
S. Frank Wilson & Sons
78 ,Adelaide Street West,