HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-9-7, Page 1yearns 2 months and 26 days. Tuner -
al Thursday at 2.30 o'cloclk. •
PHONE 32 •
First Complete Showing of Ladies'
and •Chd e
i1 r e is Fall and.: Winter Coats
Exclusive Styles Moderate Price
THIS STORE has for the past number of years been noted for its special
values in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Ready -to -Wear Coats. In spite of
the prest:nt existing scarcity of materials, we have gathered together forth e
etiug season by far the finest range of Coats we have ever shown, at very mod-
erate prices. A special feature of our Ladies' and Misses' Coats is that we show
mo two alike, so that if you purchase here you will have an exclusive garment.
isit our new Ready -to -Wear Department early, before the best styles are sold
ou't.• An immense stock is here to select from.
Alteration Sale Continues
During alterations to our store which will last another week, we are holding a special
ale of Remnants, Broken Ranges and Odd. Lines.. Extra special, bargains in Dress Goods,
Ellosiery, Factory Cottons, etc. Don't miss this chance.
Boys' School Suits
Get your boys a good, strong Suit for starting to school. We have a nice
taese at very moderate prices in Browns, Greys and'Blues, sizes 24 to 35. Many
are just one of a pattern left which will be cleared cheap.
About thirty of these in stock, made of good wearing cloth. Just the thing' for every-
day wear, Worth up to $8.5o each. All to go at from $4 0o to $6 5o.
range of
of these
Men's Clothing
De you need a good •Fail Suit?
$10 $12
Well just read these prices and then come
in and ask to see them.
These Po and $12 Suits are all 'No.. L .in
,.quality but they are broken lines. However
we have all sizes from 33 to 44. There are some rare snaps among them.
New styles, all colors, Brown, Navy,Grey, Green and Black. Don't miss seeing them
They are taking well.
Jones AND May
JT:Builders' Hardware I
Headquarters for all
Including Lock Sets, Door
Bulks, Sliding Door Locks
Glias, etc, Also a full line of
Barn, Hardware
to make your barn comylete
ThreshersSupplies Leather and rubber Belt-
ing, lace leather, babbit
acetal, cylinder oil, etc always in stock
Lawn Mowers and Hammocks
To clear at reduced prices
DA;WSON-In Stephen. on Sept. 6th
to ,Mr. and ars. Wilfred Lawson, a
'dau&' ter .
DIED, - t e 1
;a,SCO1 --A.t Varna; on Aug. 27th Ren-
al Scott, or 'Chicago, Ill., aged 57
, UA{IKx; I'X31JbT•T--ln Hay Township
cin Tuesday, Aug. 29th, Jacob Quactz.
I caobusl;,, tin bits 53rd Year.
AYi ItE^ In. Usborne, on Tuelsday
.fle>Ote 5th, John Prayne, aged 70
Mr.' J. S. I1arvey was in Toronto
for a few days during the past week.
The liialiday passed off quietly in
town many 'taking advantage of the
week -tend to visit their rela;tiviscout
of town, while quite a number, visit-)
ed in town.
far. Chas. !Christio of town, was vis-
ited last week by three of hire sisters,
Mrs. Anibal 'of 'Winchester; Mrs.
Latourell, of South Gore and Mrs.
Robison of 1 emptville, Mr. and lira,
Tomlinson of Smith Palls are visiting
With Mre and Mrs; Christie this weak
It 'will oe in the interest of our
subscribers to pay up their arrears
or !renew their !subscription to The
Times before the last day of Septem.
Iber as on the first of October all&
arrears and renewal's will be charged
$1.25 nes annum .
Harvest Thanksgiving services were
herd in the Trivitt Memorial church
on Sunday .cast. Large congregations
greeted the special speaker of the
day, Rev. Neville Ward, Al. A. a re-
tained missionary from China who
0n i7.`LursdaY of last week the. press
I entation of thin colors to the 161st.
lMttalion .by the Soldier's Aid Soc-
irety, of .Exeter took place at Caner,.3orrden, Nineteen•from town and sev-
eral .from other places either motor -
end up or took the train to Borden.
The ,Battalion lined up on the parade
grounda••and on 'behalf of the Society
Mrs. R. N. Creech presentee the
Ring's (colors and Miss L. Johns the
'regimental (colons. and 'Rev, D. 'W.
Collins of Wind.or, formerly of Exe-
ter, mate it very appropriate address
which was 'replied to by Lieut L"bl.
IL 03, Combe, the officer command-
ing, The King's 'eolor+a was handed
day Mrs. Creech to Major R. S. Hays
w. liv'
who da x.red it to Lieut H. C. I4Ic. FINED
Lean of the color party. The regi- MITCHELL MAN Fllv
mental 'colors was given by Miss Jol.ns A contractor of Mitchell eontribute•d
to Maj. W. 3, I•Ieaman, who passed it 4'i20 to the Clinton town treasury. ox
'to Lieut R. A. Walter. After the pre- i a charge of being intoxicated. He is
sentation the Battalion marched by also named a.a a principal in an. auto
collision in which two care were dam-
aged. The owner of the other car
a Constance man was on his way
to a galrage to have a puncture re-
paired when the 'collision occurred.
Presentation of Colors
to the 161st
At a joint Meeting of the nongree
rations of Kippen and 1 Iilltsgreen. geld
in Kippen, h unanimous call was ex-
tended to Rev. W. E. M. Aitker, Pl:d,
of Banks, Barrie Presbytery. This in-
cludes a stipend !guarantee or $1,015
a .free manse and four week holidays
Lorne Weir of the Royal Hot''!,
•Seaforth, appeared before Police Mag-
'istrate AndrnewWa of Clinton Wednes-
day afternoon to a charge of keeping
liquor tor sate contrary to the, prov-
isionis of {he C. T. A. and was fined
for a first offence. Mr. Weir ',rade
no attempt at defence,
iCol, C. e'3. Newburn taking the salute.
The auto party of nine who left
town early Wednesday morning . were
the first to reach the camp. where.
arrangements had been made for
entertainment. Shortly after nine•
o'clock the second party of nine arriv-
ed by train and were met at t1a...
Station by 'military escorts, They
were taken,to a hotel just outride the
camp where a very .elaborate ban-
quet was tserved, the officers of the
,Battalion being host's for the occasion
After a most pleasant social evening
the party retired feeling somewhat
weary after their long travel
The following morning .the party
was up in goad time and headed ltv
'Rev. Collins. Started for the trenches
which were not far from their stop -
beg place. It was with home difficulty
that they obtained permission to make
the inspection, as the trenches were
being guarded against the attacking
party. The. trenches at 'Borden are
patterned as near as possible after
those on the we(stern' front and were
as near realistic as the visitors at+
ae'y rate, will be ever likely to se.
Headed by one of the officers and
followed in the rear: by one of the
army •ohaplians the party marched.
through the trenches, visited the
di.gouts, lsaw the machine gun base,
peered through the periscope at the
enemy, stopped to listen at ono of the
listening posts; inspected the barb-
ed wire entanglements, and received
a gaud conception of,trench life.
It was war conditerne without hor-
trors of war. The whizzing of bullets
the !roar of cannons. and the, groans.
and agonies of the wounded were hot
in (evidence. All these and much more
were left to be imagined. While they
were in the trenches they received.
a 'telephone communication that Pte.
W. Stewart of town was ready to take
them to the ps.rade grounds. which
was tses cra.1 miles away.. The ziew
'motor truck presented by the ladies
of Seaforth, was ditted up with chains
and used for the purpose. At one point
they ascended the hill from, the, top
of which they bad a good view of the Mrs., Graham. wife of Rev. H. A.
camp. In every direction far out over Graham, of Walkerville, died on San-
the district seemed a never ending •day at 'Harper Hospital, Detroit-, es
stream of white tents, the home of a result of an accident in that city
the soldier boys, the husbands and on Tuesday previous when she was
brothers from Ontario, in training to
"do their bit" for••the king and coun-
try. It was not a hap -+hazard Set-
tlement. shut a uniforut city of tents
and streets. It is well.-nlaned, lots
of area, good water, but for the con-
ditions of the ,.oil would rnake an
ideal camp.
The party however, were destined
to see and reatizc something of the
,dust &storms of which the boys have
kicked so much. One young lady said
that the boys looked like a bunch of
threshers„ 'and another siad that teak -
ed as if they had been shoveling coal,
"We had to :ook at them twee to rec-
ognize them. At times we boutdn't (see
the tents across the road." Another
Mrs. Monroe Cassady who has been
visiting in town for a few weekelert
Tuesday to visit in Detroit. before
returning to '✓tier home in Charles,
City, Iowa. On Monday evening s, apes
tat meeting of the Junior .League,' ef.
Main St. church was held and w as ad-
dressed toy Mrs. Cassady. Mrs. Case-'
ady while a resident of Exeter was
president of the League.
The following are the names and
winners in the Oat crop competition
of the Kirkton Agricultural Society.
lst. Wm. .3 Robinson, O. A C. 7.3,
82 1-2 points. 2nd Jai. Brown, Yellow
Russian 79 1-2; 3rd Jos. White. Yenow
Russian 78 1-2; 4th Adam 31. Doupe
0. A. .0 72. 68; 5th•! R. H. Switzer.
Banner 67; 6th, Wesley Shire, 20th
Century 64 1-2; 7•th, AI. Brethour. 0.
A. 0. 72, 64; Judge, 31. W. Susm ith.
The following are the winners in
the field crop competition for oats
on the Mitchell Agricultural Society
1st ltooert Norris, Staffa, variety
0. A. C. 72, 87 1-2 points, 2.nd Amon
Doupe Kirkton, O. A. ea0. 72, 86; 3rd.
A. Cole, •Russelldale, Banner 60; 4th
Jas. Norris. Munro, 0. A. D. 72. 78;
5th. Rooert Hodgson, Perth Dublin,
R. R. 2 Banner 77 3-4; tith, Henry!
Greenwood MitcLell..R, R. 1 Fanner
75 1-11; 7th. Geo. Hilloracht, erode
hagen. 0. 'A. C. 72 72 1-1, Secretar'ye
A. J. allowes, Mitchell .
delivered two fine and very inspiring said it was • d plc a and worser" than
addresses. Special appropriate music the boys 'had lectured it. The tabs t
was provided by the choir. At the tried to protect themselves!nuallas best
;morning service a new Union Jack they could and the windally had to tern
was dedicated and raised by the their backs to the to wipe the
church wvardeaas at the conclusion of dust (from their eyes. Tha ladies were
the service. The hag ite 18 ft. long.
entertained to dinner at the officers
mese and there too the dust found
its way, The tablets and even the eat-
. aloes (receiving their quota. With
IN THE MODERN 'WORLD. Lands that left an 'ml re. s'on o:, every
thing they touche3 tht y jokingly and
The publisher of an important Can- in good humour gra away with a
adieu daily newspaper has said in his sumptuous repast
newspaper this,- s A communication .las been received
The newspaper is about the cheap- by the Times from a 'Winghaia Pte.
est thing in thtelmodern world for itis who signs himself, ",-1 Lover of the
value. It nothing else were considered :Otd Flag' and which is part' we re -
save the usefulness of the advertise-' 'print as follows, -
relents and the markets prices, to the On Thursday of last week a large
average home, a dollar spent in newel- contingent of Eeeter ladies paid a
papers must mean the saving of many visit to /Jarnp Borden to p=esentr tee
dollars in a home. It is not necessary colors to the 1(il4t. Every terrange-,
to argae the value to you of your ment was made to entertain these
home ;newspaper. But we as this of Loyal. citizens in a manner that would
you; isn't *'1.25 -a year little enough idemonstrate to them that their kind -
for the Exeter Times delivered to mess and loyalty was duly appreciated. dead.
you and which gathers together for taut also one of the frequent wind
you all the news of the community storms swept over the camp the whore tRATTENBLIRY-%I(7LLt7WAY
No city daily can do what the Times day through. The visitors and'to:diersj
is 'doing for and in thin county and were 'almost blinded with the, duet, I At noon on Wednesday' of last week
neighborhood, It doesn't give you with the 'dust' that not only penetrates at tbo home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
desired ,falneus the news of Exeter the eyes. but the no e, ears and. mouthI Holloway, Whitehead St. Clinton, the
Hensall, Crediton, Dashwood, {Central and even right, through the garments marriage took place of their only d.au-
ire' Whalen, Woodham ICirkton and of til,( body. In the morning the ladles ghter. Hattie Alberta to Isaac Raney'
other !section':;. It does not tell fou looked real iiretty and nioe, but in' na.ttenbury, son of the late J. Bat -
struck 'down by a a. treet car. Rev.
Graham is well known in 'town and
Sirs. Graham has visited here on sev-
erfat occasions, the guests of Miss
White and Mrs. Wickwire. elft',, #Wick
wire visited Mrs. Graham at the hos-
pital. Mrs. Graham wars born near
Napanee. The funeral was held 'from
Toronto on Tuesday .
The announcement has been receiv-
ed tti're by Miss White and Mrs.
Wichwire of the marriage of their
neice Miss. Vera Marie. daughter of
Mrs. M. J. White of Berkeley, Cal.
to Mr. Ernest K. Sadler. of the Kline
city. Tbe young couple will reside et
Hobart Mills. Nevada •county where
Mr. Sadler !holds the position of head
electrician :caving graduated at the
Oakland college of engineering. The
bride is a daughter of the late Mil-
ler J. White editor and publisher of
the Exeter Times and has been liv-
ing in California since 1902.
The .easuaiity net of last weeks re-
ported :several long -missing soldiers
as 'dead. Among them was Pte. Lof-
tus Hern, Icon of Mr. and Mrs. P. Hern
of town, 'who has been missing for'.
severed month4. and is now for official
purposes !reported as 'dead. Some mot-
tle; ago, after .considerable corres,..
pendens) Mr. Vern received inform-
atien from a companion who was with
'Loftus In the t.renchee, that he hal
b',en killed when the• hospital was
town up. The military authorities
reported him as wounded and a pri••-
oncr but have not assumed hint to be
what local merchants have to offer the afternoon they were a.siost bdind-
you. Local news and .happenings are ed and with irnrnaeuiate garments
told only sufficiently in a local .newer 'soiled, sore eyes. and hands 'malacca
enbury and Mrs. Rothenberg of C'i can
The oxide was daintily gowned in ,
ivory satin with trimmings of lace
paper, The price of the Tunes becomes not no beautifully clean as they were and wvbite vosetbuds anad carted a bon -
01.25 en and alter 'Oct. 1st. This in, in the morning, they bade farewe,ltoot of white roses and lily-bf=thee
crease of 25c a year' is made necessary to ,Camp .Borden. We noticed among 'valley. The ceremony was performed'
by the rising coasts in every direction tb,e Adios present the wife of your by ;Rev. J. A. Robinson nnn Wills wit-
-paper, ink type, wages cost 08 lip- contempory who has thways bell up :nes:sed 'by immediate relatives and a
bog and other things. What ewe are Camp ,Borden cls an ideal l.pot, When :few of the girl friends o'f.' the 'bride
concerned about is that you vatue ne see:a how :such of ,Camp .Borden The wedding feast followed the eere-
your weekly newspaper to continue as this lady takes back with hire he may mony, and later 3tr, and Mrs. Ratter,
a subscriber at the higher rate. Less possibly think that: the 1:Ionorable Sar• bury left on a honeymoon trip to New
than three brown coppers a week! Sam had not shown infinite wisdorn I York,'13oth bride and groom are nat-
You cannot say that, you oanr.otttf o d in hes (selection of a site for a per; eves of Clinton and have a large sir -
v join la
• a • heartily t
e n s who t. e
' our beautiful !Cloys- f .ted Y
in ti . e a
them. Tht y, are the prCoc of a post- ,sanest camp cl
age stamp, hall the price on a smoke. .inion, 'The boys have no'fa.uttt to lira wishing themx long and happy marri
the money you would gine u child' to with the treatment they .receive. 'but ed life: The bride is a neiee of Mr.
feuy candy with, the price of a pair the infernal dust drives them to des- unci Mrs. 'ft, N. Rowe of town wlio at -
'6f laces. betatlop , , t , eI termed the, Wedding. , a . . • , ,
James St. Epworth League re-o'pen-
ed Tuesday evening after being .closed
for the suxnxner. A csoolat evening was
spent and a very pleasant time en-
joyed ,
Dr. Sweet is in Toronto this week
where he will meet his brother Jobo
and the Latter's daughter from Thorn-
hill. Mian,, and together they will
spend a few days in the pity taking
in the exhibition.
Mr. Earle Spackman and bride vis -•i
lted ti_e former's parents, Mr. and
Alm. Hugh Spackman, over the holi-
days. Mr. Spackman and Mixia li'Laud
Armstrong, daughter of Mr. George
Armstrong, of )urford were married.
at the latter place on Sattual.ay morn-
ing. We extend congratulation
After a lingering illness of several
months 1YLr. F •
, John xayne, of the,
Thames Road, Uuborrte, passedaway
Tuesday evening at the age of 70
years 2 months and 26 days. The dec-
eased had gradually been browing
weaker for several months, past and
the end was not ;unexpected. Mr.
Frayne was born on the London road
south and had been a resident of
this section all his life. He is survived
by itis isorrowing widow and two sons
and one daughter, Garnet, Clayton
Emily, also Ave sister and two broth-
ers,; I1nna. Wm. Oke of Usborne:;
Mrs. G. S. Reamers, of ?Toronto;; Men.
Wark, of Caridoc; Misi Lizzfe and
Mrs. 'Tomlinson of London, and Peter
and James of town. Tbe funeral will Success depends upon ago -operation.
be held on Thursday afternoon ,at Good prizes are being ;awarded axon
2.30 interment in the Exeteer eume-' in addition there is an ottraelivs xis&
tery of special prizes.
Dann forget the., Minstrel •Show
f* •, :. •f
air Night. •
Mrs..L 'W: Powell wan aroj Lando
sever ,Sunday..
Mr. 'W. . "Weeks, Mins Wieeks, MP;,
and .D1;rs. Frank Weeks. spent the biotin
days In Guelph .
School re -Opened. Tuesday tater the, • e•
'summer vacation The Old etaft .of
teachers hws been are-engaaa'ind;.
Mies Beatrice Redden who bast ees
holidaying Irl town for. •a eeouple .of
weeks returned to ',:rant.toxd Tueaday,
31rs. Zwicker of. Creditors and Miss
Kate Sweitzer of London, visited with
Mrs, Wm. Esser)* on Tuesday.
Mr, Wm, Sinclair, or Grand !Rapids.
Mich, and motor party visited tJie
former's sister, Mrs. Amos on Sunday°
What? Ladiie.s' Infinstrel.
'Where? Exeter Opera f le e:ea
When: On Fair Night.
What? Admission, 50e., 35, ., 250.
• It will no in the interest cd' over
subscribers to pay up their arrears
for ,renew their subscription to The
Tinges 'before the last day of •Se'ptm-t'
•ber as on the fix'st of (intoner at
arrears and renew ally •will be .^hareed
'126 per annum
Exeter Fair is only two weetesaway
from last Tuesday 'aatdb'g pito/moat/sea
are being made 'for a most lsnrrcessfel
event. 11' you have not ii.tready^ made,
preparation to be represeni'd prepares
now to get your showing into ',+,ha@)e,
hiss '.
We are suppl with ail the Ieadiug kinds Youwile h17 '•&a>< prices and qualities the best to be had
Our Meis Meavy shoes are splendid Values
some clearing files in ladies low shoes, pump;
straps Sze at $ 2 per pair.
A Clearing sale of fail caps at 45c each
Mets and boys sets at less than present
wholesale. cast.
04•040-••••••••••••••••43. 94•••
PE1Qst`` l
ou, are sure to want something new now
for your va,cat€on and the holidays
that are • coming on. Underwear,
Pyjamas, Socks, Shirts, Collars and Neckties.
We've gat them for you. Get them from up.
Men's ftl4glhi Grade
Negligee Shirks
Supererior make and
finish, in neatest and
most up to -date pat-
terns -75c to $2.410,
New Sacks
Plain Lisle Socks,
25c. Plain silk socks,
5Oc. Fancy socks 75e.
New Collars;
Many slew lines ;lust
put in stock which are
sure to please. All
sizes in stock,
New Neckties
Handsome, High -
Grade Ties, something
new and up-to-date 500
Blue Serge Suits for Mena
Our Values are undoubtedly the best ie. Canada.
A[) , (rRw ••
P 0 N_E S i a
1 14*S.,**#*W44,444)$W( 4Wt t.-WA,