HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-31, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES Phone 16 ja AST WART Phone 16 Great Values in Black Silks • We offer you special values in Black Silks as we bought heavily before the advance is price. Splendid quality flack Pailette, t36 inches wide at $1; Black Mes- s25150; also Black Taffeta 36 inches saliTle at $1 and $ a k wide at $1 50 and $1 65 New Poplins New Crepe Waists For Odd Watsbs & Dreeseis Tk is is a lovely material of Silk & Wool. It will not crease. We show it in all the New - totem. . Millinery We are. going out of Millinery Ml trimmed flats are being old at Hutch les,i than cost price: •Besnt.iful trimmed. Hats at 98c. Septem'r Fashions The New September books are on our counters now and we tarry in stock all Standard Pat- terns. Call 'and get a Fashion Sbeet . Crex Rugs Is the popular rug for veranda •nd porches. They wear well. 'Different sizes at $1.95; `;3.50; and ;;E1.00. New Dinner Sets In four Dainty and New Pat-. terns. The Cups have Uo:d Han- dles and are Kerins. shape Alio two different Styles vegetable dishes, Extra Value 97 'fleece 18.50. . . . A Waist of splendid washing material trimmed with a strip- ed collar and cuffs. Something New $4,25. r, Penman's Lisle Hosiery Is what we recommend if you want Hosiery that wears well, fit well. and dyes that are fast. Sizes 8 1-2; 9; 0 1-2; 10; -40o Sweater Coats You will need one for the cool eveanings. We have some new Styles in all wool Coats that we are selling at old. Prices. See the new Plaids at $6.50. Brass Jardiners We have a big assortment of Jardiniers in different sizes & 'patterns. The prices are low. Prices range from $1,25 to$0. t10 Hanging Lamps • If you want a Hanging Lamp come in and see what we• have to show you, Several New Styles have just been placed in .stook. J.A. EWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring faehions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for stteet wear and travel. • It is unusual to 'present so early ixa the eeason so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the nnost favored shown. The present time Ls most advantag- eous for buying as all indications poitn to higher prices in the future, N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the (Central Hotel FURNITURE I seer We can assist you in selecting your furniture, if you are going to furnish Sour home, or if you only want some odd pieces, Our Undertaking De- partment is up to•date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- iOn epeeeneweseemeenopernestmaneeiexamsee $. N Rowe Tile Funeral Director •attd. I 7, Cert Metre CDeitaaiet • PHONE 20a. Market Report --The a following; is the report of the ',crew. market - 111111.1111111111111111111111111.11INNIMIIMINIIIIIIII correeted up to August 3004, Wheat 1,20 to 1.23': Oats 50 to 5, 5. : i. i 11' i Barley 55 to OOc, h r 1 1 t LRuekwheat 60 to 80 ; J;~ t r • Peas $x,00 1 Family floulr 4,00. ! Low .grade Be 2.00 a cwt, ! ., , ; t Bran $26,00 per ton. , tj ,Shorts 30,00 -per ton r . r Eggs 25o. Sutter 28c, l t', Creamery !Hatter 37c e New potatoes 3.00 a baig. e bung chicks 180. i• Old Henn. lie t)la roosters ea Young ducks 13o Old ducks 9cx STRAY/ED—onto the premises of Robt. Tavlor. Lot C. 'Con., 9 of Usb- orne. on ar near May 24th, a red hei: r fer calf. The owner may have same by paying damages and thins advertise- ment. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. uo-tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left et Times office will be promptly at- tended to. ''bone 116, Kirkton.. Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. • 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale, All grades $5.50 per ton; 50e. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works Co., Ltd.. J. Sutton, Manager. SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance House at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity . Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. Apply to W. ]1I. Clarke, L. Resn,, L, C. M. (Eng) for terms et'... if you are thinking of studying mtu:io. Terms moderate. Pupils prepared for examinations. Mr. Clarke may be aeon on Saturday at the Central Hotel or particulars may be obtained at Mar- tin's Music Store or Grigg's Rook Store . ' 'A'RAL (POR' SALE Pt, La 18 and 19, con. 1 Tp. of Usberane,. County of Huron. in. the Village of Exeter, containing 100 acres of choice land. On third property its a brick dwelling, large bank barn silo. drive and milk house, hog and hen house, The buildings of this Pro - erty are, all up-to.'date with water it. stable. Farm in filet class stage of cultivation and must 'be bold as the proptlietor's ;health has failed. Poss- ession int of November. F,teId of corn to go with' farm. 'Every senven- fence for carrying on a milk business which ifs 'much needed in the town of .Exeter. E, Hewett. prop., For terms and particulars apply to Than Camer- on, R. H. No. 1, Kirkton IENDEIRS Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and er.dorteed "Tenders for Painting. Will be received antil 7 .p. fin.. en Friday, Sept. 8th, 1910. For.. the painting and caleimining of the weds and .anterior' woodwork stairway and, .entrance or the :Corn halt iipeei1ication e tbe warp. Beed•+ office ed may , be s.:en at the of a rd of the undeesi; Brad or txom eco uncillortl I3.ar- e . , Members ot the co r a r' e b ton a eve s. Mto Mitten $y order. .. i tire P,oiAr, clr?'lts •r irM. encl turkeys 15o ' e 'Hogs 11.50. t 1 ' Groceries1 Are our Specialty and combined with . their freshness and quality is our as Soon as yotl or- der delivery. When in a hurry for groceries • just call phone 56 and give us a trial. Eat more Parnell's Bread New Potatoes WILSON'S GROCERY ptiONE 56 • • • OCAL • • ••••••• • Miss Jessie Manson is visiting in, Toronto . Mrs. Palssmore is visiting with her daughter in Toronto . Mr. 'Geo. Thomas, of London •visit-; ited in town this week . Mrs. W. e8radt of Thedford visited her parents, Mr. and,'Mre. Jas. Jewell. Mr. Jos. Bawden of London lapont • a few .days in town during the pant week. Misr L Windsor, of Brown 'flits, MFah., is enieiti•ng her uncle Mr. Jas. Gould . Sergt. W. J. 'Mallett and Pte. Bine ney. of Camp 'Borden, were home over the week -lend , Miss Kathleen Stewart returned Monday after holidaying for several days at Bayfield . Mr. and 11lrts. !Ed. Croaker and fam- ily have returned to Toronto after visiting in town . Mise Logic -end Miss Jean Logic of Paris. have been vioiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Yellow. Miss Thelma Connor, of Exeter is the guest of Mita Eileen Atkinson.— Clinton News ,Record . The name Of Pte. James Brook of Woodham, appea'ned in Friday's owe, utility lest tall ,cued o.? wounds , (owey'.s Drugstore MOVED While Building to Broderick's old stand One door north of Fraynes Harness Shop Come and See Us Tour Trade Appreciated Howey's Drugstore Phone 50 11Iis> Elva Ford is visiting in London '1f'sa N. Ramsay is visiting in Tor- onto Mrs. J. 'Hatrnness is spending a eew days in London , DIisI„ 1:Iettie Sweet Is visiting in Hamilton and Toronto. Miss Ethel 'Bissett spent a few days in London last week. Dr, Rollins of Mimico, visited in town during the past week. ?1Lrs. E. A. Felliok h'a:s purchased a new Ford oar, 1917 model. Mr. 0. H. Sanders left Mondays to visit in Hamilton and Grimsby. Mrs. Hannan, of St. Mar'3i , visited nJrs. Fish during the past week. Ales. Broadbent of Pt. Hopei L vis- iting Miss 'Grigg and Miss MPans' Miss (B. Grieve of Seaforth, visit- ed last week with the Misses Seldon• Miss McCullough has renamed af- ter spending several weeks near Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. H. Graff and child are visiting :at the home on ALr. 'Rd. Hunter. • Mel, E. Folliok is visiting with Rev. and _firs. +Raker at !Crediton. for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith and child of London, are visiting at the: home of Mr. P. Frayne. Mrs. E. J. Spackman who is camp- ing at Grand Bedn, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs: Powell. Miss Winnifred MoGreary, of Strathroy, visited during the past week with Gladys Kestle. Mr. Gordon Hooper who has been visiting h6 parents on the Lake Road returned to Toronto on Monday. rhe London deity papers have an- nounced a raise to ;::3.00 for morn- ing or evening editions after Septem- ber 30th. Mrs. T. Prior ie visiting her daught- er, Mrs. Beebe at Ttid.getown. Mr. .Beebe is ill in a hospital at Chatham with typhoid fever . Mrs. Fuller and family of Sarnia, motored up and spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Snell. They left to spend a few days in Goderich , Misr. Maud lie.ily and Master Clif• ford Kelly, of Stratford, returned to their home .eaturday after visiting in Exeter and vicinity. Master Jae. and Leslie Connor. of• Woodstock, visited last, week with Sergt. J. L. !Reid of Seaforth' was their grandtather, Mr. Jas. Connor. reported in Monday's cauua.tity list of town as messing, and Sapper 'Robert Jack- 'MA ack'MA Bruce Anderson, 'of Montreal son' of Kippen as wounded. spent Thursday last 'calling on old friends in 'town,. Ile teliso visited in Goderich , Mr. and. Mrs. L. D. Vincent and fam by visited tree ,latter's brother, Mr. J'. LB. 'Hilts of Stratford, for a few days lalst wrack . Mr. Fred Trevetheck, of Champion, Mr. 1C. Spackamn of Guelph, is hol- idaying with his parents in town. Mrs Spackman and child have been visite ing here for .several weeks. Mr, and 'Mrs. Wm. Kernohan and three children, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis, of London, motored up on Sun- day and visited with friends. Alta., who le down eai=t on a business Mr. P. t3. 1Browning who has been trip called ole ,friends in Exeter and Crediton during the past week. Me. and Mrs. J. A: Stewart, Mils I(athtcen, Pte. Wilfred, and MissSe•1- don of Exeter were the guests of Mrs. A. Young on Sunday.—Seaforth Ex- positor . 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dore of Exeter, end Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dore ,s,,ucan..tspcnt Sunday visiting at the home of ' ALr, John 'Dore, --Mitchel Advocate . Meas. Wambold and Miss I. Wam- bold shipped 'their houlsehold effects to London this week where Mr.'Wame boid 7tas 'nurchaased a grocery busi= cess . i' pass. Rev. G.well of ,Clinton , D.20, Re ed through town on Monday on. his way to Metrose where Mns. Powell and (amity have been visiting. They returned home with them. Mrs. 5, Fitton, .accompanied by lhtr sister, Miss Mathews, of Toronto, who has been •viusiting here, left a Saturday evening for T'bronro where Mrs. Fit- ton will vinit .fora few dam: Mrs.Walter Connor and •cl ildrea re- turned Saturday (evening after vis- iling in St, !Thomas. She _wars, accome panicd by Mrs. Wm. Carr, and ..won Gerald of Detroit who are visiting in town , : r .•l Mr. H. W..;Doerr returned to town Saturday evening accompanied by his 'bride after a 'short honeymoon at Muskoka. We welcome Mrs, Doerr to town hind wish ber a: pleasant• eo- journ iheiye.', ' Mrs E. Christie left l:a.st week for 'Toronto, to spend vl Pew weeks with her adaught;er; Mrs. 11: R. Hogerin She was 'ceompanicd by 31La,ste,rThome' and 11rss .Margaret Rogers who h.n:ve been yisitirl,g 311 town,. , . , , w holidaying at Grand Bend this week, visited hie parents in town, leaving for Toronto to resume his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Il. N. Anderson, of Sault Ste. Marie who have been visit- ing, Mr. and firs. Bd. lDelbridge are spending a few 'days in Detroit .be- fore returning to their home., Mris. L. II—Dickson, Marts. (Dr.) Mc Gillicuddy and Mrs. W. J. .1Bectr of the Exeter 'Patriotic League were In London last Thursday attending the annual meeting of the Red IGroslq Soc- iety of Western Ontario. Mre. Beer visited in London fon a few days. Mr. G. Gifford, of Oshawa arrived in town on Monday to join the staff of the Crinadiat011ank of Commeirce: the: whoha'sfilled Graham Mr. N. all . am d position as 'unior has re si ne to eon - time his etudi es at school. He left Wednesday for his home in Parkhill. Miss M, Armstrong, and sister Mrs. Mdfreath, returned to town after attending the minim* . openings at Toronto, Miss Armstrong is opening a millinery store in the building be- ing fitted up by Mr. 3. Lawson. i' s Armstrong's milliner; Miss 1Brown also returned with her. Two rinks of hbowler<s were in Nor- wich on. 'Wednesday of hist week at- tending a one -'dee tournament. Sev• erat rinks were also at Seaforth' on the same day taking in the Coin Scotch. - Doab.es tournament, Both parties reported t:••peendid binee but failed to land wary of the prizes. 'Mins'Winona ' Howard, who' has spent the rurnmcr vacation visiting in town 'Left Wednesday for Edmor.• ton to +resumre her dating as teaehcr. She wilt be accompanied by Mise Hen en t:' ow0, who has been Vile/time her ,grandmother, Mrs, Veale tectel, of'. the London Road. north. . ' The Soldiers' Aid ,Annual report for the year. ending August 27th, 1910 Sent through the Daughters of tbe Empire the '.following supplies; - 266 p'r, of socks; '64 tiea'fs and wrist- lets; 140 hospital shirts; 153 'towels 14 sheetls; 47d 'wash cloths; 393 ban- dages; 2020 gauze sponges; . 7000 pads 0000 ,compresses; " $15 of absorbent cotton and gauze; 52 pr, soolcd to the boys of the lost 'Battalion; 2 part Lels to. Nursing Sister M. E. Dow ,$30. to Miss Joan Arnoldi, shorncliffe; n25 to recreation hospital; $50 to Mrs, W, A. Johnston, Toronto, Freech Ree lief ; $50 to Mrs.. H. A, 'Boomer, Lon- don for 'Belgian 'Relief;; $255 to Colors and Carriers for the 161:at Battalion Names for quilt $;50.25; night-gown raffle 25.25; receipts 1000,78 expert- ditures.1050.23; bal. on hand 10.50, 'We intend holding n Tag Day, or.,. Sept, 1.9th, Fair Day. • The following officers were elected; Miss Johns. president; Miss Edna 'Bissett, lst vice 'president; Miss L. Boyle 2nd vice-president ; Mrs, W. J. Beaman, secretary;; 41Irs. R, N. Creech, treasiirer, Will the members k:nc?'y hind in the membership fee to the secretary Mr. J. Inwood of London Ls visiting in town Miss Helen Armstrong of Paris, is visiting with Mr, and Mns. I. Arm-' strong Mr. and Mrs. 3. 'B,. Hilts of Strat- ford, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vincent. • {Rev. J. H. Osterhout of Thedford occupied the pulpit in James 131. Meth °dist church last Sabbath preaching two very acceptable sermons. Next Sabbath the pastor, •Rev. J. W. Baird will occupy his own pulpit following his vacation at a 'summer resort near • Kincardine. TOUR DAYS LEAVE ON, SEPT. 7th 'Week -end passes for the boys from this adir3trict who are at Camp Borden have been stopped and a new tsys- tem of a clean four day leave at home once a month starts on Thursday, Sept. 7th. On that day merniicrs or the 161st I3atta.iion will commence the new kir..i of leave. All of the men of eaoh unit, with . the exception of about fifty sotdiens in each ,Battalion doing guard duty, will oe on leave at onse. . The Hien on guard duty witi get their leave the second week in September . WHO PAYS THE PRICE? During the past ,few days several mail bags of mail order catolugets have arrived in town advertising fall and winter goods. The postage on each catalogue is six cents and the? paper alone in them would be worth dollars It must be a paying proposition for any company to spend 'such money ad- vertising thier goods and thus there must be a large amount of money from this district finding its way no Toronto and other cities. The money is lost to this district Ind goes to help build up other cities to the det- riment of our own community. Spend your money at tliorae with the pros- pect that it will come back to you. AUTO LEAPS EMBANKMENT Ott Monday evening shortly after six o'clock, Mr. Nelson ;Broker, of Stephen was travelling north ix_ his Ford car accompanied by Messrs. Wm. Hill of Orediton and flames Bingie of the London .Road south just after go- ing down the hill at the river and crossing the bridge the car left the ro d and crashed into a fence on. the ea>t side .carrying away three poets and toppiing over the embankment and dropping about 15 neat. The rer,r cook a somerrauit landing right. side up and facing* in ane opposite dd.iiection 3131'. Thos. Elliott was the fire.' man on the spat after til.'nxa,dent and nil three 'men had nraw:' d ':.'roarer the wreck and 'it was just by a m'rtic:e that .soma of them had not been aciilt d The top, 'windshield and part of the body wcxe bath's smashed, besides, some of the gearing. Medical aid was summoned and Mr. d3,ingie was ,sound to be leurt internally and removed to the bonne of Mr. Thos, Houlden. He has since been removed to Mr. Robt. Lucker's. Mar. 1Daker received a frac- ture of on: of bis wriets and other bruisers. He was taken to London. by Dr. Browning for an x-ray examin onion. Mr. Hilt escaped with onlya few 'bruises . • HICK'S FORECASTS r : . A regular storm period is central on 'the 4th, embracing tbe 2nd to the 7th. Disturbing causes and things to expect. The Moon is at first quartext on the 4th, and greatest declination south on the 5th. The' autumnal equinox of Earth is thawing near to a cri_is, the 'planet Mercury is in aphelion and the planets Severn and Venule are in conjunction. day the 2nd and 3:d west- ern (extremes of anc 'country win have change of winds to southerly, templeneture will begin to rise, the barometee will fall, and increasing cloud:nese will show that falling. wea- ther is impending. These conditions .will continue to grow inBtr x g th spreading over wider regions north and south a,s they advance eastward By the 3.d ,rains will begin in west- ern parts, and on Mar.day the 4th, to Thursday the 7th, these rain areas will make their way 'across country winding up on the ':atlantic coast re- gions on the 6th and 7th, ,The storm center, or area of low barometer Will ba about 'midway the 'continent, or in the central Mississippi' valley,' en and touching the 4t11 and 5th. There are *10 speoial ireavons to apprehend unusual disturbance at_ this •first Sept ember period, but regular, storm man- ifestations- will make their transit eastwardly across, the comity, attend - cd by more or less wind and rain, renewed by a rise in atmospheric preseare and change to westerly winds and ninth cooler: 'Cod' nights will. visit .mast parts of the country melt- ing far southward in the wake pf the ,storm period—,ay about £he 0th, 7th and 8th, This cool wave wilt begin bee k rid the stone's in the week about the 5th, aid follow eastward and southward progressively an .the titlt, 7th •and 8the . , , l , . ' TII-1311-1SDAY, ATJGIU$T 131st, 191ti. lirrs..S. G. tBawden be visiting with. Mrs, Salkeld at 'GodelriKth. Miss Winiifred ll ernes of Mount jtric) es is visiting 11L°ss Ariel Beverly Mrs. (Rev,) Jas. 'Snell and son. are visiting with Mrs. Jas Snell in town, Mr. Frank .Bawden of Toronto 'vise ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter i3awden Mrs. ;Caldwell of 'Carberry, Man„ Le the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Fred May. Mrs. F. E. Mathews, of Watford visited with them last week, Mr. and Mrs,. Dan McKillop and family of West Lorne, and Mr. D. Mcieller, .,f Quebec are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. McGillicuddy. • Misis Berry of Unman and the Misse OS. Me0'lyxuent of Isippen were the. guests of. Mrs: Rd. Davis during. the pa fit week. • Mrs. Davies for 'several days bast ,cepa confined to her bed through. illness'. . • CEMENT MIXER 1 A.LLS OVTR...L11TBA.NKMEN'1' The cement ,mixer used in putting' in the abutments, of the bridge near' • Lenin was pulled ovie'r the emban*c$ Went and just mbsd Messrs. Art/Abet Sanders and ',neck Hankin who wenne workinig then.'. Mr. Sanders paw. in nomixxg,and, not being' able td get. out of the way fell Plat on the grounft nand tn'e mixer ;vexed him scratching h5s hip. It Was a Micky escapee', Clean, smokeless and odorless oven means perfec cooking and baking. This is assured by ventilation and the nickel -coated non -rust steel lining in Ncaar,s Pandora *nle It won't be hard ro decide what range you want in you$ kitchen after- I show you,. the Pandora's special feaattire Sold by TiHAWKINS & SON. SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN -TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN ' THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. WESTERN FAIR LONDON. ONTARIO September Sth to if th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE & AMUSEMENTS A FENE COMRIN&TrON AT LONDON'S EXHIBITEON A Head Live Prograatmt of Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily vtamoitics EVERY NIGHT New Process Botildi.ng Every Building Full of Ealhibits SINGLE FARE over all .Rai:ways West of Toronto SPEO(tAL EXCURSION DAYS . l J. WE1 D, Prize Lists, Entry Forms and alt information from the Secretary PresidentA. M. HUNT, Secretary HOT WATER AND HEATING STEAM'RE OUR, SPECIALITY We aim to please. All our work is guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully charge given free of e g g Drop us a card. Our orotk calls . us to Exeter often and we will look you up. Expert: advice. Chas. West ;r _ t V` w 41 QueensAve. London, Ont. . .t Phone a an .5-„ ,