HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-31, Page 1ORTY-►SECOND YEAR ---No. 2243 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31st 1916 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 First Complete Showing of Ladies' and Children's Fall and Winter Coats • Exclusive Styles Moderate Price THIS STORE has for the past number a years been noted for its special values in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Ready -to -Wear Coats. In spite of the present existing scarcity of materials, we have gathered together for the coining season by far the finest range of Coats we have ever shown, at very mod- erate prices. A. special feature of our Ladies' and Misses' Coats is that we show alo two alike, so that if you purchase here you will have an exclusive garment. Visit our new Ready -to -Wear Department early. before the best styles- are sold out. An immense stock is here to select from. Alteration Sale Continues During alterations to our store which will last another week, we are holding a special sale of Remnants, Broken Ranges and Odd Lines. Extra special bargains in Dress Goods, Hosiery, Factory Cottons, etc, Don't miss this chance. Boys' School Suits Get your boys a good, strong Suit for starting to school. We have a nice range of these at very moderate prices in Browns, Greys and Blues, sizes 24 to 35. Many of these are just one of a pattern left which will be cleared cheap. BOYS' SUITS WITH STRAIGHT PANTS About thirty of these in stock, made of good wearing cloth. Just the thing for every- dlay wear, Worth up to $8.5o each. All to go at from $4 0o to $6.5o. Men's Clothing Do you need a good Fall Suit? $10 $12 $15 •ree have all sizes from 33 to 44. Well just read these prices and. then come in and ask to see them. These $Io and $12 Suits are all No. 1 in quality but they are broken lines. However There are some rare snaps among them. MEN'S NEW FALL FELT HATS New styles, all colors, Brown, Navy, Grey, Green and Black. Don't miss seeing them They are taking well. Jones AND May uiiders' Hardware I Headquarters for all Housebuilding Requirements Including Lock Sets, Door Bulks, Sliding Door Locks Glaas, ete, Also a full line of Barn Hardware to make your barn comylete Threshers' Supplies Leather and rubber Belt- ing, lace leather, babbit metal, cylinder oil, etc always in stock Lawn Mowers and Hammocks To clear at reduced prices HEAMAN'S lldwe 1 27a Phones 27b I 111.11111121 MUIR elliMMIUMWOOMP•Or ARM. 10,ORN ;((E'A(RSONS—IA. Usborne, on Flriciay,: ,August 25th, to Mr. and Miis. Boy Parsovs, a daughter. •il",rAS0IIO-At the tB,ronason Line, on A:ug. 22nd to Ir. and ul•Iz'ts. Chris 10ascho, a urn 'ica,SN014fiil.>E--At the S'(auble Line on Aug. lith, to Mf'. and ilius. Den- a anune, a daughter ,, 4GRA.EIR—At.the Babylon Line, on ,l Aug. 1'Jth, to Mr. and Mels. Sinton eGrraeb, a. dauigh'ter . . DIED E.]LRN—In I sborne, on Saturday, Aug 26th, Addie Taylor, (beloved wife of Mr. Ephraim' Vern, in her 40th year O,RTWEIN—At Zurich, on Aug, i.9th, Anna Oirtwein, widow of the late Henry Ortwein, atged 80 years 10 months and 13 days SADLILYR )'n ',Bidduiph Township on Saturday, August 20th, Jane Atkin- son, aged '88 years, react of the late Francis , a+dlier, in 6'liddulph. Wee Gladys Shaw, of London visit- ed. for rt few days with Mies Gladys 13seett HALE AND HEARTY AT 87. Mr. E. Coughlin, 'of Toronto, is wr- iting his nephews, James and (*co. Etherington, of Usborne. Mr.Cough- lin is 87 year(s of age and enjoys ex,' celLent health and ,s quite active. He has lived- in Toronto .sante? ; ie was one year old. jBefore the L. H. B. was built through this ,rection Mr. Coughlin on several occasions walked up from London . SC1IIOOL �ItE- PENS TUESDAY School will •(re -open Tuesday next after th'e 'summer holidays. There will be no change in the teaching staff, the former teachers being re- engaged as follows; Principal Geo. Spark, Miss Hamilton, Miss Pridham. of the High School department; Miss Vosper, Mies Murray, .Miss Kinsman, Miss Quackenbush and Miss Dow of the lower Eketer Council Locals :Exeter, Aug 20, 1910 MAJ. IIEA MAN ;AGAIN AT QAMP DO UDEN A aeguaar meeting of the council wars, 'herd with' all members present The minutes of the Meeting herd Aug. lith were (read and approved. The following 'letters were! read; Prom the office of the secretary of the hydro Hteetrie Power Assoc-, cation re the .Attar cation meeting in Toronto Aug, 31st. rued , Two tetters. from the Hydro Electric Power lOommission re contract for the price of street lighting and :for the supp.iets. + filed , 1 Prom the (Dominion !Road Machinery Co., 'Godertch. re reed scrape. Mr. ll3itasett was instructed to have same ,retuxnoed IPerhaps .you haven't been thinking euuoh about 1t—just taking for grant- YOUR WEERLY NEWSPAPER 'CONSTABLES LAY CAI/URGE AGAINST HENSALL ME„ A despatch' to the .Advert:: es .frotut" Clinton says, 'aaCharges have .tree ", Major W;, J. Taman of the Inlet ed that _$1.00 st year is a right price raid against ".Chornale Bare, ,n Prom, titttt+aliSiwi who has been faking a ter the Exeter Times year after year inent hortsenxan, and. al vt Fredabourse at ,the Canadian School of Muis- tet othersicoet what they may. But ketry, at. Ottawa, completed the Smallacom'be ,of Hewett, tate a tresuldit course lase weak and spent the week you are a xx:asonabie 'being, and • e! of a visit by County Constables.: end with „chis family at Pt. Stanley, can see that orethe price of a remain 1 ti,s and Pellote trrho had iia s.ts; texitt. ,gewspapes 'shooed no mare remain returning to °amp Borden this, week. "feeec>' (year after 3'ear teaxe tee • by the t niperance or,g:ttii.ation tot siotrch tete driv'i Med .and office oto Mr. Berry. The reeve Ls charged with `t al:ova iu.1 interterenc.:" and Mr. eatery ut-ita a violatioza of the D. T. A, Jr: is claimed that atter trite,caaalytaixa. les lad .seized 24 gallons of buttleell beer, ten quart bottles of whasky, , UP IN PRICE • prices of leech common thinr,s ass beef- steak, sugar, coat, shoots, wheat, eggs, Dread went uo In price on Monday potatoes, mover steed, motor cars, tun - morning from five cents to sever,• its. o'er, .horeee, 'land. lean you think of a loaf. Bread has been entailing in any other commodity ,except news-' town at five rents bub the loaves papers and tbteir like whose prig has ,have not been the standard &size. It remained unchanged and unchanging (has been decided to make the reg- year after year.? Why, then., •shoed elation loaf of 24oz. and increase the your newspaper's price remain for price to seven cents. ' ever the sago a --the frame for example c also a ten gallon keg or whifsay, .inti; cis when you 'could Any a card of wood h;td it to ded into two auto car., ttie + r resolutions . '� 'G tete � . A ofthe as 'used ATTL_ DIA J't )V7.0 PAIR oopy P for $1.50 a ouster of wheal Ifo, Sia 'bSr the 'city counott. of Niagara Falls,: cents. a common fowl for 25e n doz. ret vii arrived and instated that he had: Ont., the same bene„ 'endowed by the' Quite a number from town are tak- eggs for 10a, a pound of butter For the position of "jtastice of the la ace eauncii and the following resolution Ln Toronto fair, Among them are Mr, 12r a cow for $25. Tee war has and gave orders that the l;ootee ehorde made .per rL•ounoitlor (loulston, ieo, by ,and Mrs. Jots. Hawkins. }tics M, Tom, brought to a crisis a erudition of at one be unloaded and ,crt urner8 councillor. 03ea.verea, 04Wliereats the Bliss D. Dearing, Mr, Jas. llandford, tlin s which ha' vexed nubliehers toMr, ,Berry. Government of t'h'e tI)ominion of cane; and DLxs+s Annie, _lits~ l3rotvr,, 'Miss for }ears; tie !selling price of their Tbel Y constable+3 claim that when oda, has framed or as framing, a Pena play Jonr' Mns, Muxworihy and newspaper. It he's scent prices of ink. they nc.fused to take the x y.+ ti ea. (.Sian 'brill to be iaubmitt�ed to the , 'daughters Vera and Margaret. Dirs. •paper, 'type, and asup;uie,s skyward, It struction. he assumed a threats�nin,g Dominion House of 'Commbnls, and (1)r•' Sweet, hex, S. Sanders.is costing 'us many more dollars a attitude and offered the auto driver; (tvher as the Dominion of Canada It a week now to produce the Times than 'moxr� money 'to put the,(car lurk in 'democratic country where cease. does EXETER PATRIOTIC IJEAGlii+, before the outbrrak 'of the year. the garage than he wa�?,iproff.red to not and( showtd not�c;xiust, be it there -•l , Where do we get off tit.'—in the:=uang take the liquor to the gold nLor.c e forte Mesoived that the Caun'eil of thieil 1'he annual meeting for the election langu.tgc, of to-klay. The answer r':; Plant of ins}actor Toartnee at Clinton MLllage of Exeter memorialize the of officers will be held in the Town eve must get more for the Time, s, Alai. When the keg was dt eoverc d Berry ;Oonuinion Government that in the Hall an \'Wednesday evening, Sept ('silt so after October 1st the subsertp- is said to have told the eonst'ablt•.i granting of pensions for wounds re-'° at half past Neven• (tion prier. of the Times win. be rl 25 that it was 'vinegar' and pleaded cei.ved 'b'y 'Canadian soldier!: during A box has bean'r:nt to. Miss Joan hat l:i..50 as .had lx•tn anr:ounc:•d ttiii: them not to take it but this world -(vide war that offic•en,,-4rnoidi, Shorneliffe, :England, con- You are reasonable, and so wi' count . to make Suer they t�ecur<:3 a hi'.ir:e and prrivates be. treated on an eh •otutel tainin,g,•-129 prs. 'of �ockw; 17 milt on yen to zn'et the necrNssi5ies of d bit and are cont ir:r.R rl that tlnei equality. Carlried. A •dopy of tbe above � tary shirts; four doz. handkerchiefs; the situation 'cheerfuti.y : susvirioaas are Well. founded. !resolution to be sent lo the, Dominion, sacks of dried apples and magazines. Government, tz.iso a copy to tbe Mayor of Niagara e'atls The following accounts were reed and approved,— } James Ta,9uor 16.80; 0. T. (Brooke 6.82; 'Chas. Wttaan 8.00; John Kydd late I+'rancfs 8adlier, of Biddulphagcd 4.00;• H. T. R6wc 68.85; Chas. North- 88 years, Toe funeral. wale held, on Mon , 'cott 54.1', ; Saxon Fitton 7.50; Jas. day from the residence of Christopher Lawson 9.50; I. R. 'Carting 8.00e T. I3od�ins, con. 3 d3:dcluiph, interment , Hawkins & Son 7,50; Exeter Mfg.. at at. James cemetery, Ciandcboye; ! Co.. 25,05; ,Ed. Moore, Ingersoll 15.00;' W. Ti Ache+t.on. 4,00; Jno. Norr'v 25,20; Sr.'aDIED IN I.Ci t'UU�' Castor Wiilfls 23.73; D. Russell, l a.77 ; Sam'. IStamlak??'1,00 ; H. Gillies Tte funeral of Lawrence Steitz who! 124.70; Rd. !Cook 'i9'95: Fred East died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,: 1.0.50; 'Waiter 'West!+tt 15.82 Theo. after a short illness, w -a3 held from' Warper 27.0e; Thos, 'Houlde.n 49.00; the .fnne!ral parlors of E. O. Killing, Kd. tQuance 10.80; Exeter Canning & worth. ,Requiem high mass was sung Preserving'Co„ 27.09; Sidney Sanders at St. Pete'r's Cathedral. Intermient• 2.73; Thos. ' Cornitah .13.05; Thomas was made in St. Panl'•s Oenteter'y,. Sanders 5.30; W. T. Gillespie 67.17; Mak Stticz was well known in town .Tho. Ped.tar 2.00; Thee. G. (Creech 60o end vicinity, paying periodical visite! Amounting in ail to $6,9.15. DIED IN ifeIDDULPII The death occurred in '•Biddul ah Township. on Saturday Auga t 2(ith of Mrs, Jane Atkinson, relict of the The foaowinz 'accoirots were pass- ed from the Hydro System. Hydro Electric Power (Commission Toronto, 430.48; Wm. 'Andrew 2.31; The Can-( adieu 'Croaker Wheezer Co.. Ltd., St. Gatherines 135.00; Benson •Wiicox 'Electrical Co., London, 19.13; amount= ing to 587.12. Mestsrs L 1R. Cantina and C. Zuefle a;ddrestsed the •council ire old Electric Light eylstem, No action. ' Meseer•s. Moir and 'Christie repro - senting the Agricultural Societya 1t+ smr,ti boys, Harold, `Ross and Morris ed fora grant. per hind ern., by Har= the youngest being only 'three yeana ton- that a grant of '$15 be made to old. Mrs. I4ern's maiden name vas' the society, Carried. 'Addie Taylor. being a daughter of Adjournment ley 'Rotitston (William and Elizabeth Taylor, of Cs- Adjournment clerk. . borne. One brother Ind• two sisters + also survive, Hector, of Zion; Mrs. Chas. Kerslake of the London Road SCHOOL BOARD MEETING.— :1 south. and Dine. M. :1L,, Culbert or meeting of the School Board was held near Lucan. The funeral was held Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. in the Libra,}* an Thursday evening, Barnard, of Elimville end assisted by August 24th, at 8 o'i:o:l:. • Atsat1l ltev. C. W. ,Baker, of Crediton. Inter= iflW. Madman. Minutes of previous meat took place in the Zion ccmeu•ry meeting read and areroved. �. Ti lauk'e and F. Wood,—That B. Clare: be paid $75 an acco.mt, anti W. J. H,eaman be paid e15 on account. Per 1. amstrong and F. 'Woo'l— That Ross Taylor Co .act. 5101.35 b p i'l. The Secretary was instructed to r:u The Exeter Agricultural Society cure a Guide from the Municipal will celebrate the editor's birthday World. Per A. E. Puke and i .Wo'x1 this year, September 10th. Some c1m,s —that 'the Council be asked to: an to us. Don't forget the celebration: ap. ropriatioa of 84000. Per tett ocd and I. Armstrong—that all fees be paid before or during September. The One of the unpleasant duties secretary was asked to terie 16. I i, : that most of the boys and -1 Johnston re list of pu:ils writing. P:r ,corn•. of the giro. as ,cell, will have. P. N Creech—adjournment. to perform thenext few •da; e is dig- K. 1lacFaul, Sec. -Tie -as. ging ue tee o.d school hag and book:. to this section, disposing of lead pen- cils, .shoe laces, etc • THE LATE MRS. HERN Tte ,sympathy 'of the community goes out 'to Mr. Ephraim Hern, of ,Lion; in the Ions of hie beloved part- ner in life who passed away oh Sat- urday last in ;her' 40th year. The dec- eased had 'been ailing since spring and for several days her life was despaired of. .Besides her sorrowing husband, nd, ,rhe is survived by three Pointers • • • •• r school . - With' the: potato crop somewhat I GREAT LIVING FLAG light here's hoping that the turnip AT THE EXHIBITION TEACHERS CONVENTION crop turns out ail right. With the The programs are out for the Thirty potato ;rations cut in about half tare One of the features of tlio Fedora- I ninth annual 'meeting of the 'Wesly nets will tome, in handy 'to, make up tion of Empire pageant at 'the Caned- . !Huron Teachers' A,:sociation which the 'bi11 of fare. Lan National Exhibition this year ; will be hb+ld +at. Victoria 'School. God- - • will be a living flag, 150x10f), which ' eriole on Thursday and Friday. Sept. � will 'be'unfurled at a moment when it, 14th .and '}5th. The program Contains Scidom do two sea,:on'. with such will seemingly pet a great loyal fiscal l a list of helpful tsaibjects to be dealt, extreme tteatner conditions follow on "Federation" just prophetically with p5 the teachers, One of th+e }grin ono another. East isca,an the wet wen-' proclaimed from the House of Perlia- 1 cipal speaker. will 'be 'E. T. White the, delayed the harvest far ,eevrraL ment, which will forte part of the B A. B. peed., o'f 'the Normal. School weeks white %th ;c season the farmers baokground for the patroitio page-' London. The president of the occas- would be glad to sec u litter more ant.:Dom ai of the Colonies anti Over- `Lotion is DIr. 'J. 13, Hume, 11. A., of rain , seas :Dominions, which will be rcpre- Godcrich, and the Sec.-Treas., Mr.''W. p * . 0 seated Lt. the Federation procession II, Johnston, of Kippen: havo sent greetings to 'Dr. Orr and I The 'boys at. Comte Borden are hitt- hest wishes .for the success of the PRESENTATION" OF. 'COLORS ating fora one rent fare on the rail- � Lxhiibitian together with official. PItESD roads dur;n; their have at Camp. #lags to be !carried at the head of The presentation of the MAWS, to The •r+egaest seems in order as the the contingent representing chem. the 10lst .T3.tttalion will. talte3 place fare the boys have had to pay -coming i at Camp at3orden on Th'.insday afters borne has made a big hole in their. LNFO:R0J1YG THE 'C. T. A. noon at 2 o'clock., The, prrsentati0 1 month's pay. is 'being made by the ,Stud:era. Aid „ „ ,c • Officers in Huron County have been Society. of town. 'Rev. D.W, Collins,' particularly active in .enforcing the of Windsor, fornirriy of town, who With the opening of school after Canada Temperance Act during the was 'quite active! ithe recruiting. of the holidays it tn.tht be in order to past few ' weeks and as a result, SO V-., ti;ai Battalion, will' '(rake - tete presen- pass on a kindly remark to the teach: rs cr11 'raids have been made and in. Cation. A number 'of representatives If anyone is deserving sympathy and most cases liquor (has been found. 'll -e- front the :socLetY will at o be present. a kindly eenile* and ehec•rtel word we ; conies Metier, of 'Walton; Schafer, of These from the executive will b, think they tt,ra entitled to it, In the Kippen; and A. Mitchell Of Clinton, Miss L. Johns, firs, R. N. Creech, Mrs eyes of moat Parents there a few bad eppcared in- Clinton and plead ad (Maj,) Heiman; and ,rem- the , scale tY qualities in their children and it is guilty and were fined. $50.00. At St. 'plisses .Lillian lloy1e, E. •7t. Bowey, in the sehoolroosn the ebitdren are Joseph ;¶!110.00 or the moist expensive' I. 'Itive:rs, M. Solaon, V. Eesera, S. leas anxious to hide their trouble -•i bevlerti es were found on the pro Soutbcett, , and Edna .t3's.elt, afire, some d'esrsositionS and the tcttalicrs' erty. o Mr, N. Canon. Thl;se wove it Fitton will join them in at'oru:ito. Dlr. goneratly' choke the, best of it. A week claimed Co be for his awn prx:on.arl'utle J,' f Stewart ,unci R. G. -Studer'. will or !so ago on; of 'chi boy: who was The trial comes off in Olinton•on Sat- each take 'an auto .toad up. Arrange -•'home on a 'visit made the remark, urday. 'At Liensail on Saturday lnleet meats- have 'been made to 'entertain "that he..n, :d in highest ts::t,:'em h:s Constables I'c�lloty ..and Wallace raid -.the delegation Wtdnesda;y tvenit;i'. old school ,.cache,; that Lt �t ed a stable and found a ten gallon ee The colors were in' exhibition in J, tshania what elle had to pat up THE EXETER BARGAIN S T 0 E A Here are a Clew Prices on Clearing Dues Silk Spools Ic each Hooks and Eyes 2 cards for ssc Hair Pins 3 boxes for roc Combs and Barrettes Esc each Ladies Cotton Hose 2 prs for 25c Ladies Fancy Collars 2 for 25c Ladies Silk Gloves 5oc and 75c Ladies Soft Collars roc each Men's Ties 2 for 25c Men's Socks roc, r 5e zoc pair' See our window of Shoes at g5c A few ereae'ing lines of Men's .�t.stor Sh•^es ireg,.alat $5.00 for $3 75 B W. F. EAVE 00•••••O••••4•••00•4mOd@C�+•• t?4*•Q>4®'tie09,000,04•�+*69�'+*f?d+Q+•PIS C 410 41 0 r;y • • 0 • • 0 • A PHOENz [� a Cal Or !� as. 0 ti �• S' C 6 td $i y» c,>a ett 6�•F • • • 41) 41'+ 4' • •• • • • • ••• • • • • b • 0 • • • • • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • • • • • • • e• • • • • • ° Blue Serge Suits for Men Our Va'ues are undoubtedly the best in Canada. • •• • • • • • • • ou. are were to} want something new now for your vacation and the holidays that are coding on,. Undeiiwea r', Pyjamas, Socks, Shirts, Collars and Neckties, We've got them for yore. Get tb.ern firm. iu :ken's High Grade Negligee Shirts Supererior make and finish, in neatest and most up to -date pat- terns -75c to $2.00, New Socks .Plain Lisle Socks, 25e. Plain silk socks, dc. Fancy socks 75c.. New Co/tars Many new lines just pit in stook which ate sire to please. All sizes in stock, New Neckties Handsome, Hight' Grade Ties, something new and up-to-date 50o WO • ♦ . 1 A \ A k � PHONE i a -e keg of whisky, „ 'seven betties of wins A Stewart's window sand wmre ad- w',tli from a r.0 r • • • in his riche, 7'b'it in • • ky, 00 butt:es• of• beer, 2 emptyealcia mired by many, They were inadelby i}acre often the rl»w n taken in '1ert • •••••••••••••6440•44e04 4-t-th •„t.,* aaa,,,eg„a o and some grasses . e Toronto firm and cost $250,00. year s. 1.