HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-24, Page 8T"H EXETER TIMES Phone 16 J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Great Values in Black Silks We offer you special values in Black Silks as we bought heavily before the advance in price. Splendid quality black Pailette, 36 inches wide at $1; Black Mes- saline at $1 2,5 and $1 50; also Black Taffeta 36 inches wide at $ 1 50 and $1. 65 New Poplins New Crepe Waists Far Odd Waists & Dresses This is a lovely material of Silk & Wool. It will not crease. We show it in all the New' colors. Millinery We and going out of Millinery All trimmed Hats are being:sold' at ninth less than cost price: jleantiful trimmed flats at 98e, Septerrr'r Fashions The New September books are on our eounters now and w, j carry in stock a!1 Standard Pate terns. Call rand get a Fashion Sheet , Crex Rugs Is the popular rug for veranda .•nd porches. They wear well. Different sizes at $1.95; $3.50; and n6.00. New Dinner Sets In four Dainty and New Patu terns. The Cups have Gold Han- dles and are Kermes sic ipr. Alco two different Styles inviable dishes. Extra Value e pivicee $18.50. A Waist of splendid washing material trimmed with a strip- ed collar and cuffs. Something New $4.25. ' Penman's Lisle Hosiery Is what' we recommend if you want Hosiery that weans well, fit well. and dyes that are fast. Sizes 8 1-2; 9; 0 1-2; 10; -40o Sweater Coats .S:ou will need one for the cool evenings. We have some new Styles in all wool Coate that' we are selling at old Prices. See' the new Plaids at $6.50. Brass Jardiners We have a big assortment of Jardiniers in different sizes & patterns. The prices are low. Prices range 'from $1.25 to$6.00 Hanging Lamps If you want a Hanging Lamp., come in and see what we have to show you, Several New Styles have just been placed in stook. J.A. STEWART ;.M»ie.16 The Big Store with the little prices New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED 'AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, , meeting the requirements tor at.eet wear and travel. It is unusual to 'present so early irz the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications poitn to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel ERNITURE' We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of .satisfact- ion anonannantranneereseenereeiniernelen R. N. Rowe I The Funeral Director and Eterrii'ittetee Cnentior PHONE ?0a I NOTICE The annual meeting of the Exeter. 1 Salt 'Well will be held at the office of the undersigned on the evening of September lst, at hev,e(n o'.elock. By Order, Isaac R. Caren., Sec. Treas. M:u,NEY FOUND—A sum of lone was found on Tuesday. Owner tan. have same by proving property and; paying expenses. Apply at rollick's ,Bakery , STRAYiED—onto the premise's of Bobt. Taylor. Lot Q. 'Con„ 9 of 'Osb- orne, on or nlea.r flay 24th; a red heir fer ('alf. The owner may have same by paying damages and this advertiise- men t. s "WANTED AT ONCE Young women desiring employment in town„ can find it by applying at once to the Jackson Dlf,g. Co. who rare several good positions vacant. The work is light and clean, the hours are very short, and wages are paid while learning, steady position and good wages are assured to anyone. giving it a trial. Apply at once. %Jackson Mfg. Co. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licenses Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality, Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirktoine Ad- dress Eirkton P.O. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 500. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager.. SALT FOR SALE. --An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance House at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED, MAGUIRE. Exeter. *OR SALE A most desirable it'esidctttal prone erty situate. in blue; of the best real - dental parts of the Village of Exeter. !This property consists of a one and i) half storey frame house, 8 rooms with pantry; and closets, a good Inane Mier kitchen and large woode shed, good well and cistern, a tine select- ion of fruit ,trees and small fruits and a good stable with iron roof,, Deny person desiring a fine resident, al „property' can obtain the above on very Satisfactory terms, For partici 'titans apply{ to Isaac' R. Carling, i • iBart1,9ter, &t .... see_ • 1 Axetttr•Ofmt °i'1:i U RSUA'Y', AUGUST u 'r 24th4i$11i i ,, Market Report-Tbe following is 1111111.1111011.11111111NIMIEMNIIM1111111.1111 the report of the Exeter market eorreoted 'up to Auk, 23rd„j.Jlft Wheat 1.00 to 1.20., . t • Oats 50 to 5,6. • t i Barley 55 to 60c. t ; i l : r i$d'eaucs $1.0kwhea0t 60 to 80 ; Family Flour 3.75 . ! ( { Low grade F. 2.00: a outs. Bran $26,00 per ton. ea Shorts 30,00 per ton a_ . ! Eggs 250. Butter 250. •; i, '• (1, E. Creamery !Futter 37o , ' Nemo Potatoes 60c a peak, Young chinks 180. Old Henn 110 rosters t3a !. r r , m Young ducks 13o Old ducks 90 O:d turkeys 150 (iroceries! Are our Specialty and •: combined with their freshness and quality is. our as soon as you or- der delivery. When in a hurry for groceries jest call phone 56 and give us a trial, Eat more ParneIl's Bread - New Potatoes WILSON'S GROCERY pHOt' E 56 1 +•••••••••••••••0••••••••• •••LOCAL• • • ••A•••• •••••0• • Miss W. Howard spent the week-' end in London. Miss Gladys ;Bissett returned Sate u: day after visiting in Paris Miss Annie Day of Brantford is hon idaying at .her home in town., Miss Jessie Cochrane. or Berlin, is visiting Mrs. G. Cochrane of town. Miss Isabeile Hobkirk, of Bad Axe DMich,, is the guest of Miss Grace Con- nor, lbtiss Diary Balkwill has 'returned home after an extended visit in Osha- wa Dlr. S. Powell left Saturday to vis- it his ;son Howard at Hazenntotno. Sesk, Mrs. 'QRev.) :Collins, of Windsor visited for a few days with Urs.. 13, t night The 135th Battalion left ;Camp Bore den Friday in company with the 127th and 129th.. Mr. Oliver Ddvis spent the Ven -- end with his parenns, Mr. and Mrs. End Davis . Mrs. John Lewes or Croswell, Mich., visited ter sister Mrs, M. Fletcher, last week. Im1Ir. 'Mich, Fletcher Left Saturday for Outlook, Sask., to help hi: ion wi h the harvest. Rev. Mr, Ye:land occupied the pula pit in Main St. Methodist church last Sabbath. Dr. L. L. rollick returned to St. Marys, Monday after holidaying with tis mother, 'Lits. E. rollick. Mrs. T. 0. Southcott returned home last Thursday after spending a cou- pe of weeks at 'Grand ;Bend. Mr. J. J. Tilley has returned after a few weeks pleasantly spent at a •s,portn•men•s entreat in 'Grey to. Mrs. Walter Connor and two child- ren arse visiting the former'rs siste,'r Mrs. F. Durdle, of St. Thomas . Sergt. Lloyd Rivers and Corp. T. 'Brimacomb', Pte. W. Millson were home from Camp Borden for the week end. Mr. William 'Hooper who hasspent the summer with his brother Bred :near. Ingersoll, returned hgme Friday last. Three: weeks from Saturday the Ont ario Te mpero,nce Act .wed come into ,force. when, the whole province will 'go dry , Mrs. Neil, ' and granddaughter, Mists Gladys Evans, of Hamilton are visiting with Mr. and Mr,s. J. W. Pow ell. mfr, and Mrs. Robert Mc McMane, of Milverton, and a number of frie ids motored up on Sunday. last and Ideated Dr. and bins. Roulston. Mr'; and I<Lrs, Frank Weeks, of Virden Man., ere visiting for a few weeks with, the former'. parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Weeks, Miss Dorothy Margaret White of Outlook, Sask daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ,White, formerly of town l.s to be congratulated on pausing her 2nd . part third •examinations. ' Ptes W. Stewart and E. Southcott motored down from Camp 'Borden and trent the weekend in tow;:, Pte. Stwuart was chauffeur for Capt. Town of Clinton, and Lieut. Wilson of hen- sall, Miss Jessie Creech, and Master Frank Creech spent the week -end Stratford, They were accompanied home on Monday by Miss Grace and Ruby Creech, who have spent a eoupie of weieks ;,hems • , , . est i i i Howey's Drugstore MOVED While Building to Broderick's old stand One door north of Fraynes Harness Shop Collie and See Us Tour Trade Appreciated Howey's Drugstore Phone 50 IIIDRIMMIIIMENDIZIESSNY Apply to W. III, Clarken L. Ilett}. L. C. 1I. (Eng) for teems ete„ if you are thinking of etudyinr ,manic. Terms. moderate, Pupils prepariid for examinations. lir. Clarke may beseen on Saturday at the •Central Hotel or particulars may be obtained et Mar- tin's Mask Store or Gr:gg's Lilook Store , FA'R11I (FOR' SALE Pt, Let 18 and 19, con. 1 Tp, of LIslloiume...Pounter of Huron: in the Village of Exeter, containing 100 acres of choice land. On thin property is a brick dwelling, large hank barn silo. drive and milk hotese, hog and "hen house. The buildings of this prop.. erty are all up-toedate with waster In stable. Farm in first class static of cultivation and must be bold as 'the proprietor's health hats failed. Poss- ession lst of November, Meld of corn to go with' farm, Every sonven- ienee for carrying on a milk business which lis ;much needed in 'the: town of 'Exeter. E. Hewett. prop., For terms and particulars.apply to Thos. Darner - on, '1•t. R. No. 1, .Kirkton . ,':'CIIOOL WITH A IREPUTATIION. !Daring the month of July the man- agement of the Central Busineen Col- lege of Stratford received appiicat-• tons for over 100 offioe aissistants they could not supply, The Central does splendid work It is one of Calm ieda's beist. Those interested in base ir,ess education should write the Cola lege for its free catalogue. Additional locals on page five. Ingiss - ersoll. Aima Mack is visiting in i Mr. W. S. Cale was in Lucan on Monday - Read the auction sale advtin on page four . :hiss Ethel !Bissett was iii London on Tuesday . c !firs. J. S. Harvey is visiting her sister at Jarvis . Mrs. ('Dr.) McGillicuddy is spending a few 'days at Grand 'Bend , DIri'. Harron and Miss Jessie visit ed in Seaforth over Sunday . Miss Mathews of Toronto, is visite ing her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton. Mr. G. Holman, of Seaforth; visit• ed in town during this week. Miss Kuhn of Crediton is visiting with Mr. and Mals. A. E. Kuhni, 11Iiss A. Eacrett left Tuesday to visit with friend's in Brantford. Miss Jean Seldon has returned home after .spereling two weeks in legex•+ soli. 41Iiss Lila Iiastings has returned tome after visiting for a week in Gen tralia zlfr. and, Mrs. Carter, of Ciande•boiye. visited Mr, and Mrs. A. E, Kuhn on Sunday , Dirs. C. Smith and children havo re- turnedeto Windsor after visiting Mrs. J. Snell . Miss Quackenbush 'returned hold Monday after visiting her roister near Chatham. Dlisa Ruby Treble returned to Tori onto this week after holidaying with ter parents . • Seve'rat rinks of 'bowlers took in a Scotch Double tournament at Seaforth on Wednesday , Harry 'Bartlett, of London, its vie- iting Rev. and Mrs. Tramper at the English church rectory . Mx'. 'Earle !Browning returned to Kingston Saturday after holidaying in town and Grand !Bend. Mrs. Robinson and Miss 'Robinson of Palmerston, vented at the Main St. parsonage Friday meet. JIr. and Mrs. Ed. Crocker and fame ily of Toronto, are holidaying with relatives in town .. Mr. Wilfred Mack underwent an uventtcou last week for the removal of two small bones from hie nose, Mrs. George Bowden of Lucan vie-' ited ter sisters, Mrs. John Ford and Mrs. Will Sweet 'several •da9slatglf Mrs. Frank Mallett and children have returned after spending three weeks in St, Thomas and Pt, Stanley. Mrs. Phillips and daughter Hilda .left Saturday evening for DI; crone where they will make their home in the future. 'Mr. Geo. Hill has ,returned home' after visiting his sons in Toronto and also taking a trip to Niagara Fa1ie and th uffalo, Mrs. iClaydon and Non Ray of Van- louver, drrived in town on Motday and are visiting the former',, parents Dlr. and Airs. Wm. Penhaie, Mr. N. Sheere returned Tuesday after a trip to rDetriot and Toledo getting a kis pointers for the fail trade in kis tailoring business. .Dr. Sweet has spent the past week visiting several places in the States and at present is attendir.g the Ame.r.. lean Veterinary Medica; Association in Detroit Rev. S. W. Muxworthy is holiday- in,g at Windsor. Detroit and King- viile His pulpit . H' a it in the, Main St. Meth • odrst ,church on Sunday wan occupied Rey fl;.ev, Mr. *Zeeland. Mr. liluxworthy will be Lome to conduct his own ser, vices next Sabbath , Rev. lto;bt. Hicks of Windsor preach- ed two very acceptable sormons in jt roes Stj' Methodist church on Sab- ba th last `yin the absence of the; pas- tor. Rev. 'J. W. Baird. 'Text Sabbaths Rev, J. II, Ostertout of Thedford, will occupy the .pulpit . Mans. W, Dl 'Burke and little date-, ghter, of Atoion, N. Y. who have been visiting ter parentis. .Mr. and 'Dire. Jas, T-aytor, visited her sister, Mrs. R. I3ueston. i.n London. this week. While there she received it telegram to re-' turn to he.r hone owing to lamas of DI's, ,lu.rkc , Dr. Will Browning, of Caledonia,. Dlinn., • accompanied by Rev. Mr. 'Wein and DIr. Doravil, made the trip ,to town in the forther's automobile and visited !Drs and Mr;-. J. W,Brown ins, They also visited at New. Rani - burg and Toronto. On Monday they started apt eturn, trip tor homes •o - STILL THE SAME PRXCE Practically everything has advanced in price but the subscription price Of the Exeter. Times. While it was announced that the weeklies of Perth and IHuron were to raise the price' firom one •dollar to one dollar and a s half. only a few of the 'papers have made the advance. However the mat- ter is not nettled yet. The one dollar weekly is not being printed at a pro-, fit. At present we are charging the one dollar rate but our subscrib- ers will 'not be surprised at any time to be informed that we are making a slight increase. The in- crease will not be made however with - but sufficient warning beixg given to our readers. RAIL'WAYS TO AVOID LAST YEAR'S MISTAKE A year ago ail over the Prattle -nip there was great disappointment among the people coming to the oxhib ;tion the mast couple of days to learn that the 'rates on the railroad had -expired. It was too late then to have the matter rectified, but the Exhib- ition management took the matter 'up with the railroads and found that there had been a mistake in the lir-r `cuter sent out to the agent:$, the re- sult being that on the closing days people going to Toronto had to pay full fare. This year the matter was attended to early and the Exhibition has the assurance that there will be na 2'epitition of last 'yearn trouble The rags extend over the full t'vo weeks nerrF r1. KEEPING , COO; If calm and tool you'dl.feel and look, while summer -heat is blistering, you '11 patronize the babbling brook, the village pump or cistern. For tangle - foot and old red ink and bugjuii(e !make you hotter. there's nothing bet- ter. as a drink, as undiluted water. 0)iscourso of light and pleasant things discus the mighty nation, talk much of cabbages and king's, bun not or per- ispiration. Let ;such n theme as pol- itics by you be 'never tretited, for ar- guing and throwing bricks will get you overheated. Be gentle with your patietn wife ands ay she is a darling, if you get cross there will be strife and forty kinds of kno.rlinc; you can't be coot when angry dames -accept the gauge of battle; you can't be cool while calling names that make thio dishes rattle. Be calm and placid as You can. hunt up the soit,drink foun- tains; turn on the email electric fan, and think of Greenlamd's mountains, Wall Mason. HICKS FORECASTS A xegalan storm period is central on the 24th, .bolding under its in- fluence Tuesday the 22nd, to Sunday the 27th. Disturbing cauees and what to look ,for. - n. The waning forces of Mercury and Venus, and the increasing force; of of Earth's autumnal equinox, with the Moon at the extreme north on the 22nd and in apogee on the 24th, will all conspire in the dinturoancee of this period. The conjunction of the 'noon with aaturn on the 24th,. and with Neptune `un .the 25th, will also b' possible factors in these disturb- iaavices. M''eople wlmo live in western extremes may expect falling carc- teeter and other indication of .orew- u,g storm' as early as the, 22nd and 23rd, and 'soy the. 24th, ,storms of rain wind and thunder will as.4ume aggres • sive Torte. moving through central, to eastern part::; or the continuat; from the 25th, to the 27th( Look for 'sour part of the marching weather .Caravan—warm and threatening, or the storm area itu nif, or 'm change to clever or cooler following. accord-. 'Melly as you live eastward, central-, ly, or westward. 1IThn't be (foolinh, or piggish enough to expect any one of these Conditions at your door through out the whole storm period., but ere poet them to glide from 'into another O.S. the whole movement of /change' of storm and Change pales by you from west to rewet. (Da the work most need -- ed during the warm, weather breed- ing days that go before the tetanal elo things eommonsenoe dictates, in the cooler, clearing area that ,fellows after the stormis and winds up toe period. The better you 'comprehend what a c• are trying to explain, the. more you will see it not balderdash and the more pleasure and comm..erc'al value you will derive from it. In en- 'derstandin,g . and appreciating the great facts of nature, you will i nder d , be hitching you wagon to a star, -- •God will be your ally, and areal:Ion ?ivi11 i ecomo your carrier and servant. 1 1 POOR, DMAIII Dlesers,, J. T. Wood. Ato'bt. il•Iopn!ety'; 'W. Snell, and Victor Snell ',vel* in Toronto this wee& with cattle (for the Stock marketle. The cattle markets have been declining and this week, ;vete poor . • 11AS 1L1;Alt's ATTACK 'AN1) HALLS ()F1' G1tAIN LOAD The funeral todk place Aug.18 of John Mclaenzier of Ashfield Towzzt ship, brother of Thoma', DIoKedmxiese and blurs, Wzu. Cooper ofClinton.,'Mra z1i•. 'Kenzis . was in Ile 72nd year and was atssisting in taking off the, Itare vest at the home of hie soias•inentev' John McKay, of Ii.intail, and wlii2et on is load or grain was over-iconie0 with heart -;failure and fell oft tfeejl load. He fell on Itis head, but the dome* tors think that it was not the natal that caused his death as ne bonen were broken. Two daughters tsurviivhf him. Ile had lived almost all his liras in Ashfield Township. coming bete a* an early settler from Lower Canadaf, over 50 years. ago. , lw HOT WEATHER? RETURNED , ' For several daye during th'e past •w'ee;k •s"e experienced a return or very hot weather when the mercury again oiimroed to the high spots, on the thermometer and the: wind, w hat there wfirst or it, mass ,ea,ee'euingly warm. A storm on Taetsday cleared off the atmosphere and we are now enjoying fine toot weather ,, • Thrice the capacity of ordinary grates is given because'. the Sunshine grates are three -sided, one side at a timer meeting the fire. Bulldog teeth smash clinkers easily. WQarft ns ine FZrrn Fernifire Wouldn't you like to know the cost of installing a Sung- shine in your home? I'll gladly give you particulars without obligation. m' Sold by Ts HAWKINS & SON. SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN ;•TO BE -ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. nene N FAIR LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC, 'AGRICULTURE & AMUSEMENTS A FINE COMBINATION AT LONDON'S EXHIBITION A Real Live Program or Attraetious Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIREWORKS WOR.IKS EVERY NIGHT New Process BetiId.ng Every Building Full of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Tonto SPECIAL EXCUEtSLON DA'2S Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from► the Secretary J. W. REID, President A. M. ItUNI, Secretary HOT ' ° A,TER AND /- STEAM EATING OUR SPECIALITY We aiin to please. All our work ns guaranteed.. Estimates cheerfully green free of charge • Drop its a card. Our work eafle ere to $iaetec often and we will look you up, Expert Melee. Chas.West, a aA fry :241 Qnena Ave. London, O:r' ,< Phone, 3 .54