HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-24, Page 6re,
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Steady Gains Being Made While Losses in Operations Have Been
Reduced to Minimum.
• A. despatch from Paris Says: -"The
operatioes Oh the Somme on Wednes-
day were merely a detail of the offen-
eive and of only local bearing," a
high military officer explained to the
Associated Pres, "but significance is
•derived from the fact that the Ger-
mans did not counter-attack as usual.
Never before have they failed to re-
act when successfully attacked, and
their failure to do so in this case is
either a sign of weakness, or, more
likely, because of confusion of orders.
"The precision. with which the
French offensive has been carried out
is shown by the fact that every ob-
jective designated in. advance of an
action has been reached. At Maure-
pas a certain number of houses were
selected, and every one of them was
captured and occupied; it never was
intended to attempt the occupation of
the entire village.
"Ono consequence of this precision
in the French operations is the reduc-
tion of losses to a minimum. The
operations in Artois and in Mama
pagne cost five times more than all
the ground gained on the Somme.
The purpose is to destroy the German
forces, and the Franco -British defen-
sive also has accomplished the feat of
• holding on the western. front the
greater possible portion of the Ger-
man forces.
"It is fallaeieus to figure out the
probable. duration of hostilities on
French soil by computing the average
surface of ground gained per day.
Every time an action takes place,
even though the gain may be no!
more than a hundred yards or son
the apposition is beaten. He loses I
heavily and the weakening moral ef-
fect cannot be measured in yards. It
is a cumulative effect which sooneror
later will wear the enemy down. so
" that he will be unable to hold the
French gains to a few hundred.
Fialiets of the Word
1'01'011to, Aug'. 22. -.Manitoba. wheat-•
No. 1 Northern, $1.543 : No. 2 do.. $1,5231.
No. 8 do„ $1.474. on Crank llay ports.
Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 55e No.
aC.W., 54e : extra, No. 1 feed, 540 ;
No. 1 feed, 53e, on track bay POrts.
American euro. -No. 3 yellow, 653e, on
track Toronto,
Ontario oats -No. 3 white. 51 to 52c,
nominal. aecording to freights outside.
ontario wheat --No. 1 cf nun, srezal.
81.18 to $1.20 ; No. 2 dn., $1.14 to ($1.15N 1•
°," co
3140 2.
new crop,..No, 2. $1.22 to $1.25.
acreo°14•11-n-a•N(;.4 te3t15. to 31.95,
feet barley. nominal., according to
fi.lelitrh1-0-iritlaIstilltt:Liong 'barley, nominal:
Buelcwheat-Nominal, according to
freights Jaz t side,
Rye -No. 2, new. 98c to $1.00 ; No. 1:
commereial, nominal, according to
freights outside,
manitoba flour -First patentsin jute
bags, $8.1U ; second patents, in jute •
h;Vgs, $7.60 ; strong bakers', in jute bags.
b Toronto,
Ontario dour -New "Winter, according'
nt°zIe iFis511:1.1z:i0tl'ioUr8,0o5zzoto 35.60, noininal, t• 0, noinlnal, bulk 7.;
lillfeed---Car lets, delivered Montreal
son -
boa to•orript shipment,
freights, bags included -Bran. per ton,
$24 ; shorts, per Vim to 31 326 ,to 827 :
Wings, per ton,
ton2.l5:, good feed
flour, Per bag. 313.80 to
Hay -New, No. 1, per ton, 810 to 81.2 ;
No. 2, per ton, $9 to 39.50, on track To-
ren to,
traSetIrcaTwo-roCzTo..lots, per ton, $6 to $7, on
Country Produce-Wholeetale,
Wholesalers were yesterday making
the following quotations :
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 27 to 2Se ;
inferior, 24 to 25c ; cresanery prints, 83
to 24e ; solids, 31 to 32e.
Eggs--Is.,Taw-laid, 29 to 300 ; do., in
cartons, 33 to 35e.
Beans -$4.50 to 35, the latter for hand -
4 twigneetir large, 183 1:4 trUe!
Dressed poultry -Chickens, 27 to 29c ;
fowl, 21 to 22e.
Live poultry -Chickens, 20 to 22c ;
fowl, 18 to 19c.
Potatoes -Virginia, new, barrel, $4.75
to 55.00.
Honey -Five -pound tins, 123 to 130 ;
do.. 10 -lb., 12 to 123e.
Maple Etyrup-$1.50 per Imperial gal-
Troops on Central Portion of Losses in Counter -Attacks on
Equipped. the Somme Described
Front Are Splendidly as Enormous.
A despatch from the Russian
Armies on the Central Russian front,
says: The continued success of Gen-
eral Brussiloff's two powerful move-
ments, which gradually are envelop-
ing Kovel and Lemberg, have begun
to have a marked effect on the situa-
tion in the central portion of the
front which, except for small Russian
gains in the lake region of Dvinsk,
has remained virtually unaltered
since the Russians fell back last Au.-
gust to the line from Dvinsk t., the
Pinsk marshes. The Austrian line
now has receded so far before the re-
peated thrusts of the south-western
Russian forces in Southern Poland
and Galicia that the Germans are in
danger of a flanking movement from
the south and the automatic retire-
ment of the forces opposed to the
Russian centre.
Despite the desultory bursts of ac -
deity at various points Russian offi-
cers say there are many indications
that the Germans are prepared to
abandon their present line on this
part of the front at any moment.
Quebec Labor Council Petitions Sir
Robert Borden.
A despatch from Quebec says: The
Quebec District Council of Federated
Trades and Labor at a meeting on
Tuesday night decided to petition the
Right Hon. Premier Borden, asking
his Government to fix a maximum
price for the sale of meat, potatoes,
bread. and all everyday life neces-
sities. The prices lately have been
on a constant soar in the district,
while the wages have not -kept pace
with the cost of living.
The Government building at the
Canadian National Exhibition has
48,400 square feet of exhibit space.
A despatch from London says: The
nightly despatch from British head-
quarters on the Somme front de-
scribes the sanguinary defeat of pow-
erful German counter-attacks on
Thursday. In one of these attacks
the Germans advanced six deep, but
were taken under so heavy a fire that
they fled in retreat before even reach-
ing the British lines. Their losses
are 'described as enormous.
General Haig also announces the
seizure of a 100 -yard trench north-
west of Bazentln-le-Petit at the prow
of the British advance toward the
Martinpuich heights. Counter-attacks
delivered from the latter region, he
asserts, were unsuccessful.
The French announce that they
spent the day in consolidating the
captured ground, while General Haig
reports the further penetration for
300 yards of the German front west
of the High Wood.
A despatch from New York says:
-A plot to poison the big shipments
of horses from Kansas City for the
use of the British Government, is be-
ing investigated by secret service
operators of the Santa Fe Railroad
and other roads which transport the
horses to Newport News, where tie
embark for England. For more than
a month a great number of horses,
although leaving Kansas City in per-
fect condition, have been arriving at
Covington, Ky., the first stopping
place, either ill or dead. Autopsies
by British veterinaries disclose ars-
enic poisoning. More than 10,000
horses a month are leaving the La-
throp, Missouri, concentration. camp
over the Santa. Fe Railway and the
work of the mysterious poisoner al-
ready has cost the British Govern-
ment more than $100,000.
Campaign Follows German Note to the United States Respecting
• Boats Carrying Guns.
• A despatch from Paris says: -Ger-
many's submarine warfare against
)nerchant ships is again in full swing,,
according to the naval expert of the
Paris Temps. The temps declares
that this new submarine campaign
follows the German note to the United
States of Feb. 10, in which it was
said: "Merchant ships carrying guns
cannot be considered as peaceful
ships." According to the Temps, the
Germans are now acting under this
notice, and it 'says that three days
ago the Italian ship Plata repulsed.
with gunfire attacks of an enemy sub-
marine. The article concludes with'
an emphatie declaration that a simil-
iar course will be followed by other
commanders of allied merchant ships,
undismayed by "the murder of Capt.
Traffickers, Several of Whom Were Government Officials, Sold at
Profit ol 300 Per Cent.
A despatch from The Hague says:
The new German "War Usury Bu-
reau" has justified its existence by`
teVealing surprising details of wide-
ly ramified food frauds, according to
reports received here, The frauds are
said to involve a half-dozen leaders
and, a hundred accomplices. These
11101 are are said to hove Smuggled hun-
dreds of tons of wheat, rye, and bar-
• lter flour from the province of West
Prussia to Berlin, where it was sold
�t a profit of 800 per cent.
Provisions -Wholesale.
Cured meats and lard. were quoted as
Xiacon-Long clear, 18 to feli•ovs
183c her. Ib.
l8axns'--Modium, 24 t 2 ; J.. ea 1:
203to 21e ; rolls, 19 to 193c ; breakfast
bacon, 25 to 27e ; backs, plain, 25e ;
b_oneless backs, 27 to 28e. Cooked ham,
25 to 26e
Lard -Pure lard, tierces, 165 to 170 ;
tubs. 17 to 173c ; pails, 173 to 173c.
Compound, 14 to 143e.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal. August 21.-Corn-Ameri-
ffIlitilst.lioa'n2Weeslil.gi No, 2, 2,o5t7°,' Canadian
Western No. 3, 561e ; No. 2 local white, Brig. General Bird, C.F.
563e. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat
patents, firsts, 38.20 ; seconds, 37.70
Strang bakers', 37.50 ; Winter patents,
choice, 37.00 ; straight rollers, 36.20 to
56.40 ; straight rollers, bags. 82.90 to,
$3.00. Rolled oats -Barrels, 85.65 to
$5.75; bags, 90 lbs., $2.70 to 32.75. Bran
-324 ; shorte, $26 : middlings. 325 ;
Mouillie, 331 to 334. Hay, No. 2, per ton,
car lots, $17. Cheese -Finest Westerns,
183 to 185c• ; finest eastern's, 13 to 181c.
Butter -Choicest creamery, 333 to 340 ;
seconds, 323 to 32c. Eggs -Fresh, 360 : •
selected, 33c ; No. 1 stock, 300 ; No. 2 TargarEIT
stock, 27e.
• %earl 1, DESIRES
From Erin's Green Isle
uittd Isle
and editor of the "TyrEene Coustitte
• lain with the British Expeditionary
toCri\ciaorp.st,.}ePjanill,ilyi Cruickshank,. of A rine.gla
13ellieboro, has volunteered as a chap.
tion," is reported killed raelion.
Rev, T. Bradley, C.C.,
F, 13renan has been are
see pointed Crown Solicitor for Xing's
County, in succession to theekte Mr,
Maze Races, Ireland, have been
Richard Fitzwilliam Da.rry.
abandoned as a mark of sympathy for
thefeli'iclttitiieverseceantt 'fiTisittLrgsoldierS who
I Lieut.Col. R.oss Smyth, officer cow:
11=34111g .a battalion of the Inniskilling
Fusi1iers has arrived at his laome
Authorities Endeavoring to Trace Some of Pamphlets Advocating ArdmY,
ore: Londondcir wounded In
Peace at Any Price.
A despatch from Rotterdam says:
Throughout Germany the authorities
have their hands full confiscating and
trying to trace the source of pam-
phlets advocating peace at any price.
Tilts symptom of revolt among a
large section of the people recently
assumed alarming proportions. A
few days ago there was a house-to-
house search in Berlin, resulting in
the arrests of an editor and printer
associated, with the Socialist organiz-
ation. Strongest measures, hbwever,
failed to suppress this form of agita-
tion against war, which is so wide-
spread as to baffle the efforts of the
military and police. It is proof of
the existence ef a great 'undercurrent
' of discontent which approaches re -
Photographed at a recent vestiture
by the King at Buckingham Palace..
Picture shows Brigadier -General Bird,
C.B., wearing the gold uprigh. ape
on his left arm to show he has been :
Winnipeg Grain.
Winnipeg, Aug. 22. -Cash quotations ;
-No. 1 Northern, 31.465 • No. 2 North-
ern, 31,443. ; No. 8 •Noilltern, 31.385 ;
No. 4, 31.845 ; No. 5, 31.279 ; No. 6,
31.163 ; feed, 31.115. Oats -No. 2 C.W.,
48c ;
• No, 3 C.W., 473e • extra No. 1
feed, 473 ; No. 1 feed, 463c ; No. 2 feed,
453c. Barley -No. 3, 7Se ; No. 4, 74c ;
rejected, 6bc ; feed, 68e. Flax -No. 1
N.W.C., 31.93 ; No. 3 C.W., $1.943.
United States Markets.
Minneapolis, Aug. 22.-Wheat-Sep-
rber, 31.493 ; December, 31.473 to
.471 : No. 1 hard, 31.553 •, No. 1
North rn 31,503 to $1.651 ; No. 2 North-
ern, 31.473 to 31.513. Corn -No. 3 yel-
low, 82 to 83c. Oats -No. 3 white, 423
to 425, Flour -unchanged. 13ran-
319.2o to $20.50.
Duluth, Aug. 22. -Linseed. on track,
32,153 to 32.16 ; to arrive, 42.153 ; Sep-
brcIT.112,_eirolegbier,as$12T6 biCd)°•toteereenW,
$2.1b3 asked. Wheat -No. 1 hard,
$1.643 ; No. 1 Northern, $1.523 to 31.533;
No. 2 Northern, 31.483 to $1.503 ; Sep-
tember, 31.503.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto Aug. 22 -Choice heavy steers
$8.15 to 38.86 ; good heavy steers, $7.75
to 38.00 ; butchers' cattle, good, 37.00
to 31.11 ; do, medium, 37.25 to 3740 ;
do„ common, 86.85 to 36.60 ; butchers'
bulls, choice, $7.25 to 37.50 ; do., good
bulls, 36.65 to $8.75 • do., rough bulls,
34.50 to $5.00 ; butchers' cows, choice,
$6.85 to 57.00• do., good, 36.50 to 36.65 ;
do., medium. 35.75 to 36.10 •, stockers,
700 to 350 lbs., 36.00 to 36.35 ; choice
feeders, dehorned, 56.30 to 37.00 ; can-
ners and cutters, 33.50 to 34.60 ; Milkers
choice, each, $70.00 to 39,0.00 ; do., corn.
and med., each, 540.00 to $60.00 ; Spring-
ers, 350.00 to 390.00 ; light ewes, $7.65
to 38.50 ; sheep. heav" $4.50 to $5,35 ;
spring lambs, per ib., 123 to 13c ,
calves, good to choice, $10.50 to 312.00 ;
do., medium, 39.00 to $10.00 ; hogs, fed
and watered, 818.00 •, do.. weighed off
cars, $13.25 ; do., f.o.b., $12.35 to 312.40.
Montreal, Aug. 22. -First class steez•s,
37.50 to 38 • medium steers, $5 to 36:
cows. $5 to' $6.75 ; butcher bulls, 0.50
to $6.75 ; canning bulls, 34.50 to $5 ;
canning cows, 54.50 to 35 •, milk calves,
1 8c to 100 ; hogs, 310 to 312.75 ; lambs,
• 9e. to 10e ; -sheep, 6c. to 73c.
The existenee of the flour, reports
say, was concealed from Governmeht
stock -takers by all manner of arti-
fices, and was shipped on night trains
as potatoes or machinery, Among
the accomplices and ringleaders were
sevaraI Government officials and
several station masters, who are
charged with connivance in the fraud
by consigning flour under false de-
German newspapers are demanding
exemplary punishment for the men
New Airships Are Superior to the
German Dirigible.
A despatch from London says: The
Daily Express features an article by
its naval expert on "our new Zeppe-
lins," which says: "During the past
week I have watched the great Brit-
ish airships at workt and, although
I am unable to make practical com-
parisons with the German Zeppelins,
our new airships certainly seem mar-
vellously rigid and beautifully de-
signed. Mariners who have made
close observations of German dirig-
iblee consider our new airships cap-
able of being handled more readily,
of finer model and altogether less
cumbersome than the German type.
The British airships, moreover, at-
tain an amazingly high speed.
A despatch :from Ottawa says: It
is expected that between Sept. 14 and
13 the great centre span of the Que-
bec bridge will be floated into posi-
tion. This will pave the way for the
opening of tho strueturo early next
A despatch from Rome says: -Re-
ports are coming from east, west,
north and south concerning efforts by
Turkey and Bulgaria te make a sep-
arate peace with the allies. How-
ever, the papers warn the public not
to put too much faith in such rumors
as, while there is a grain. of truth in
them, the Governments of those coun-
tries have taken no steps to, that end.
The fact seems to be that certain in-
fluential persons of both, Turkey and
Bulgaria have sounded England and
France and even Russia, for the pur-
pose of ascertaining on what terms
separate peace would be granted, but
that the allies replied evasively, intim-
ating that they could only treat with
the responsible Governments and on
the understanding that the countries
desiring peace would fully acknow-
ledge the victory of the allies. Real
negotiations are still along way off,
but interested. Bulgarians and Turks
are working for this result.
A despatch from London says :-
Bulgarian and Roumanian relations
have become more friendly, according
to a telegram from Sofia, transmitted
by Reuter's Amsterdam correspond-
ent. The readiness of the Rouman-
ian Government to agree bo the ex-
change of goods between the two
countries is very favorably comment-
ed upon.in the Budgarian capital, says
the despatch.
• -
A despatch from Rotterdam says:
Germany is seriously eonsidering the
advisability of asking for the recall
of United States Ambassador James
W. Gerard, according to reports In
diplomatic circles here. Mr. Gerard's
approval of the Britioli censorship
and his criticiams of Germany are
said to have displeased the German
Belgian Troops Capture Karen=
A despatch from Havre says: A
brigade of Belgian troops has cap-
tured and occupied the Port of Kare-
ma on the eastern bank of Lake Tan-
ganyika, German East Africa, says
an official Belgian announcement.
Karema is about -125 miles south of
Smallest day's attendance at the
Canadian National Exhibition in 1916
28,000 on Opening Day; largest, 141,-
000 on Labor Day.
bellion among the working classes of
The well informed Cologne corre-
spondent of the Tyd writes:
"Complete removal of the censor-
ship may be expected shortly, as the
authorities can no longer oppose the
increasing stream of protests and the
bitter agitation among the people.
The only result of the Government's
measures of suppression is the ap-
pearance in succession of secretly
produced pamphlets distributed from
hand to hand, which are increasing
the prevailing unrest and the general
feeling of collapse. Removing the
censorship would be a safety valve,
for the feeling is now increasing in
bitterness among the laboring
Question Which Has Arisen in Inter-
• pretation of Grain Act.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Prof. A. Magill, chairman of the
Grain Commission, and Mr. Staples,
of the same body, are in the capital
conferring with the Government rela-
tive to an important question which
has arisen in connection with the in-
terpretation of the Grain Act. The
issue is whether grain dealers are em-
powered to treat grain in storage
with them as their own. Hitherto
they have been doing this, selling the
grain and replacing it with other
grain of the same grede. The farm-
ers cleaim that they have 210 right to
do this, that they can move the grain,
but not sell it without authority. The
matter has been taken up with Hon.
Arthur Meighen, who, it is under-
stood, has given his opinion in favor
of the farmers' contention, and has
been referred to the Justice Depart-
Men Taken from Garrisons in Serbia,
Montenegro and Albania.
A despatch from Rome says: Ac-
cording to an Austrian source several
battalions of Landsturm have been
taken from the Austrian garrisons in
Serbia, Montenegro and Albania, also
from the cities of Prague, Budapest
and Vienna and other towns, to be
sent to the Italian front, where the
Austrian losses are truly colossal.
Archduke Eugen has assumed direct
command of the forces on the Isonzo -
Carso line.
1.111 OF NAT ONS
The impending retirement of Gol,
Sir Neville Chamberlain from the
position of Inspector -General of the
Royal Irish Constabulary, is an -
The debris in the Sackville Street
area is turning in handy around the
port of Dublin. About 800 tons have
already gone as balast on a sailing
ship to Australia,
A deputation from the Dublin Cor-
poration, with reference to the recon-
struction of Dublin, was received by
tho Prime Minister at the House of
Mr. Charles Edmond Fair, LL.D.YAAr
been appointed Clerk of the Crown and
Peace for the County of Westmeath, in
succession to the late Mr. Patrick
Robert Kelly.
The police hut at Fairymount, in th
Castlerea district, has been discon-
tinued. The hut was erected in 1902,
when the De Freyne estate was the
scene of "land war agitation."
At the meeting of the Privy Council,
Dublin Castle, $ie David Darrel was
sworn a Lord Justice for the vacancy
in the office of Lord Lieutenant.
While engaged with bis son in exca,
Voting building material in a quarry en
his farm at Derraen, Athea, Patrick
Ahern was killed by a porion of the
Iembankment giving way.
All Diplomatic Relations Are in the Canadian Contingent is Mr. R.
t those1 1 • b 111 d
Severed Till Reparation for W. Moeran, third son of the late Very
Rev E. B. Mooran, Dean of Dewn, who
Fryatt's :Murder.,
was for many years rector of Xilly-
A despatch from London says: Rc- hnigh'
plying to a question in the House of A soldier of the Rc•eal Irish Regi -
Commons on Wednesday, Premier As- Georgement, Pte. Dallowye, died at the Xing
• quith said the Government was deter- 7.bIll>spitta, Dublin, as the re-
that "this country will not ceiv:d during ' sultfuet wound accidentally rifle practice at the mill -
tolerate a resumption of diplomatic tary range, Skerries.
relations with Germany after the Wal' A delegation of the Dublin estegaci.
(until reparation is made for the mita- pallty Tule gone to Paris to study the
Ider of Cant. Fryatt. Some of our methods of reconstruction employed in
allies," continued the Premier, "have invaded toevns, and wasreceived
h C ittee of the E position
suffered by brutalities even more which is now being held at the Tull -
gross and on a more extended scale
than ourselves by action of the Ger- ess reply to the request of the ROS -
man authorities. We are in consult- common Town Commissioner that mili-
ation with them as to the best, most Italy be stationed in Roscommon, a re -
effective steps to be taken and as to ply has been received from Major
what conditions should be expected in : Long stating that the request will re -
the terms of peace to secure repara- ceive the consideration of the Gener-
tion that will satisfy justice." A I al officer Commandtag-in-Chief.
member asked if the Government was ir A shocking occurrence is reported
"prepared to make a_statement that in Ennis recently on a Sunday, when
Emperor William is wanted for wil- Id3unrillnmanMmsatr.paacatrileoh
kh egcarutryci
,h ont
the Clan County Council, was stya-
denly attacked from behind by an-
other member of the congregation,
who inflicted terrible gashes with a
razor. His assailant
ful murder in this case." No answer
was returned to this.
se -
A despatch from London sage:
King George, during his recent visit
to Belgian headquarters, decorated
Queen Elizabeth of Belgium with the
Royal Red Cross of the First Class,
says a Government press bureau
statement on Wednesday.
German First Line Was Broken Everywhere and
the Second at Many Points
A despatch from the British Army
in France says :-With the skies clear
for artillery observations, following
the heavy rains, the English and
French attacked the German lines on
Friday afternoon along the entire
front from the Anvra to the Sesame,
whets their blows during the past two
weeks have broken the German first
line everywhere 'and the second line
at many points.
From the ridge above Pozieres,
where the battered stone ruins of a
windmill stand, to the highest point
Canada and United States Guard In-
sect Destroyers.
A despatch from Washington says:
A treaty between Great Britain and
the United States for thi7esglateetion
of insect -destroying birds on both
sides of the Canadian boundary was
signed at the State Department on
Wednesday by Secretary of State
Lansing and Ambassador Spring -
Rice. The treaty is very broad and
covers practically all kinds of bird
life. Its administration will be left
to local authorities. So for as it is
known, this is the first treaty of the
kind error signed.
on the horizon, along the edges of
bloody High Wood, and thence along A despatch from London says:
Delville or Devil's Wood to the lower
"Britain's honor is not dead, her
levels of the river valley, where there
might is unbroken, her clestiny.unful-
has been no cessation in the fighting
day, there was a continuous cloud of War
or Cie pounding of the gun% day after enemies," declared Secretrry for
filled, her ideals unshattcred by hcr
British and, French guns united in Welsh singing societies at the Eifiik*-
Lloyd George, in addressing
smoke from the bursting shellas the s.
The"ritain is more alive, more potent,
British made gains on ei
god at Abarystwith on Thursday.
their thunder
side of Guillemont, where the Ger-
mans still bold the fortification.s of
alma elle has greater dominions, her influ-
mere exalterl than ever. :•atilly should
once is Wider, 33er purpose deeper and
not her children sing?" '" • r
- • i n -
Forty Million. Bushels.
A despatch from Qalgary says: Re --
taming from several: weeks of travel
along the farmers in the Province
axil elevator mon at line elevators of
the Alhorta Farmers' Elevators Cone -sr
pony, C. F. Brown, Vice -President of
that eornoretion on Wednesday stated
their old second line and have their
heaviest concentration of guns.
England Enters Into Agreement With Australia for Supply of
ZIRIC Concentrates and Spelter.
A despatch from London says: An
agreement has been reached between
Great Britain and Australia, under
which Great Britain contracts to pur-
chase 100,000 tons of zinc concen-
trate's and 46,000 tons of spelter an-
nually from Australia during the
period of the war, and for ten years
The effect of the agreement will .be
to ensure the transfer ef the smelting
industry from Germany to British
hands. The amount ianolyed
agreement exceeds 426,000,000, cover.
ing more than half of Aostgaligns 511,
nual output. The renminder of tho
output is expected tp be taken - over
by Fiance and Belgium.
that the crop 4 this province would
give a 'wheat yield alone -of 40,000,000
Tommea /easi Comes High.
A despatch from London says: Dur,,
hug the past tear the Government
speut $10,00,000 tor jam for The
Beitish soldiees, it veas announced in
the Commone to -day,
The Canadian National Exhibition
-grand stand. has a seating capacity of
16,800, with room for 8,000 more on
the lawn.