HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-24, Page 1ORTV-SECOND YEAR --No: 224.6 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24th 1916 is JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Alteration SCT ALL L OF NEST THIS WEEK p PART Big Bargains are here for you during all this general mix-up. All summer goods to be cleared out to make room for Our New Fall Goods that are coming in every day now. Specials for This . Here are.a Few p _ week Dress Goods For 15c For 25c 4 pieces of a brand new Plaid Dress Goods. Giod colors for children The yard. Ladies' Fancy Suiting 12 Suit Ends of different colors. M1 beautiful goods. To clear at about fs,1f price. Factory Cotton t21 -2e, for one week 10 yards for $1 Ladies' Hose 15 doz• Ladies extra good Cash - were Hose 25c pair Men's Sox All Cashmere, good weight, 3 prs gar $1 3 pieces Fancy Plaid. Dandy for school dresses. New color plaids 25c.yd Colored Dress Goods Several pieces of all colors. Spec- ially marked down tor our alteration Sale. Rare Bargains Big Aprons Extra large Overall Aprons this week 5Cc Velvet Rugs For mats—always sold for $3.50 This week only $2.95 Remnants Our alteration Sale makes a pile of Remnants of all kinds this week. Ladies New Coats We have just received our New Winter Coats. A little early out gives you lir choice. We want you to see them as we were very fortunate to secure them at old prices. Highest Prices Paid for Live Poultry Jones AND may builders' [hardware 1 Headquarters for all Housebuilding Requirements Including Lock Sets, Door' Bulks, Sliding Doorks Locks Glaas, eta. Also a full line of Barn Hardware to make your barn comylete Threshers' Supplies Leather and rubber Belt- ing, lace leather, nabbit metal, cylinder oil, etc always in stock Lawn Mowers -and Hammocks To clear at reduced prices HEAMAN'SnHdwe 27a MARRIED x 'ALONE—•"i''ABGE'B•—A.t the home of the bride's mother, on Wednleiaday, August 2,3rd, Miss' Margaret h1. 'S aner to 111,r. i . 3. Mahone, of Tile 1 eonburg• by Rev. 'W. J. Yaeger of Stratford. vortt-V1VIAN-1n Mitchell on Tuesday Au'g'ust (:he 22nd, by 'Rev. hhre Langford. Mr, 11. W. Doer, of ,Exet'er, to AttrA Grace Alma Viv Ian, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Vivian, ,Alrt•chc::1 . ee 19912 the 1 apers contained it :.,tA, ;4woueapa, 1•cttet ik4.0A Oats echalice.!• atAtt: to in price over 50cents on •the cheaper grades and on Someof the more ex- pedasive papers 75c and $1.00; color- ed poster ptiper has advanced ..25 pier cent. book paper and cover paper have advanced 37 per carat and mem- orial cards '35 per emit. AS, a matter of fact' there is not anything Which enters into printing and pub,.'iisbing that has not advanced in price , TWO .BALES FOR FIRE S'tJ'li'.FERERS Tkc Women's Tnrtitutc on eloi:day TO MEET AT CLINTON Locais IB;CJSINESS ORANGE ' • iMists A. Morloek 'who for sevex'al 111 years hale 'cone:acted a millinery store in town, h.aleSetd, out to Miss Mo (Donald of Woodstock, who will take .osteession toes ennung season. 1 Mr. sen. ,Cornish,of the 'London Road South, lost a' valuable cow legit week the animal geeing struck by the train at the crossing a mile and a (quarter south' of town ,Dr, Reid was called but the animal was too badly hurt to cave her life; eLEAVIING DOWN 0,ow BILLED vitiPrItAIN Pointers It looks als though neither 'potatoes nor apples willbe an average orop in this(section. Potatoes or apples are not often .placed on the luxury list but just at present 'they are bid- ding lard For, first Blase iia table: etlntiee • • • Reeve Joan' W. Taylor presider!, for the first tune at the trial held he tho Town Hall. Tuesday when nine poung+men were found guilty of speed Mg on Main St. The boys figure the •Reeve is no novice when it comes to figuring out expenses . • • • - The building activity in Exeter tho 111r, J. A. Wambold, who ac been vast .Eery years has not by any means in London, for; some time and wee met the demand for houses in E.oeter formerly conducted a restaurant in and a s,xitabie dwelling for rent is town, has purchased a grocery stare ; town is a scarcity. Six new houses td In :Condon, He will move his family i are now nearing completion but. in o that city in the near future, ':!sins' only one 'Dasa its it Being built O. LL Wvi resigned her position wits j to meetent situation and is will In no degette' DELIVERING THE GOODS • lel r. » 1. Wm. Taruemhhrof FIay pnr- There has been no half holiday in ck°tired a large ;nervi Edison, Diamond town this summer and the mid -week Dia phonograph from Mr. J. W. Pow halt holiday has been greatly mi'esed b ell, the local dealer. This week "lir. The custom q the cher and others'. Powell delivered another machine to had been estabtushed long enough to Mr. and Mos. Link of DaPewood, !bc throughty appreciated and it is tteix daughtri ,li(s, Ida o?' 'Brantford just a question appreciated bus(d has preseutxng them with one. prose BANK BALANCES FOR PATRIOTIC! PURPOSES The .Sank Act Teas been emeandied to permit the Minister of Finance to Claim from all the banks in Canada tee balances unclaimed for more than the Exeter :l;ricultural Sac- five full years, the moneys tot he wed tete will hold their 'fall exhioiticini purpose n the patriotic fund or any other It 'you have not already made your reey in un puled interest. st. For- mercy any unclaimed deposits after plans to be represented at the Exeter five years were alainied'by tie banks 'Fal :start now to do no: Exetter fair ranks well as a country fair and why }shouldn't it 'when WI, have. the finest agricultural district surround- ing that can be found aro-where., Prospered any'by the 'stores being open or th•e community around urs any better served . 1t s • The Canadian National Exbi eitior., will; xn its gates -on Saturday of hextt:. ''eek. London Fair will borne, Hct and immediately following ANKLE SPRAINED Mr. Horne,. of LTsborne, while thresh ing last week. lad the misfortune to have ono of his ankles sprained. In some way the separator was pulled • 0 w - ;Quite a number of the boys who from its position in the barn andetart Lave been home on harvest furlough ed 'down the ga.ngwap, Mr. Lorne was have returned to Camp Borden. Many oaf the tongue and lost coneroe and oft em wwryere not quite as keen•toput was thrown over the gangway teitb the re,satt that his foot was badly +sprained. (Ai LIVE WIRE During tate storm on Saturday the wires of .the Exete...271leleetrie Lighe Co. on Main St., wrer0 hro}ren in a tree near Mr. W. D. Weeks' house' and fell across the hydro lines causing ta. live wire. The wire almost Levered in two e limb as targe a's a man's. arm and the tree near th'e spot was quite hot Mr. Weeks guarded the wire for over en hour until Mr. Doerr, the hydro, engineer, arrived and bad it fixed . A LIVE FOX Mr. Orville Cann of Lshornee while working in one of his fields ninot aedHa 5 droovogered rking ditch that hadd when a live wire was dangling from been ciao ioros'a i~x a .lata and on ir,41 a tree within easy reach giver, wvarn- vestigatxon he round it was it young i mg that the taking down on cthe esaiily the erharki on ALS they were to lay it off. ''War has no attraction's fort the boys but duty meets with their. ready res•ponee. The soya will do 'their bit but on the other band they Want the -consideration that is due theca and many feel that they were' enott duly considered when Camp, Borden was=elected. Over a million dollar's have been spent on the• camp • • * • Durii>g the 'rush and busy time: of the me,n who have been wiring the houses and stores or town for hydro the town council have given cox.std-' eration to the Exeter Electric Light Co. in not asking thein to remove their wires from the street. altho•3gh several times there has been trouble bee, use of the two lines coming in contact Saturday night's i.ncideet fox meanly growwn firmed: with a fork;sicuid not he delayed un le and his dog had a livery*,time 'for e few minutes but'l: e finally sue- The matter of road building is de - e in capturing the animal alive mending the attention of the town IMPROVEMENTS TO STORE 1 fathers • and the people's money will Women's Military Aid Societies May Jones iC May are making cxteneive Bred dollars by the ap}whca+ion of Form :County A lain' jog improvements to 'their dry good:; gravel to ar number of the streela store laving it thoroughly overhauled If the hest results are obUainiedi lAt the aweguest of certain Wotan'i3 and making more room for tkeirsto k iroin the expenditure there will be Red Cross Societies the of.fioors• of The millinery dt partment is b'in' no 'kick coming• Citizens are a rule} the War Auxiliary. have arranged i taken out and this ww-ill be ulsed for .•t r . little concernto ut how amucreis being for a meeting of represlentativeu ot ready:=to.+wear department. T'he big sink all women's societies doing patriotic store le being re -painted on the in.•idc'. Brent. The ro'tds is one of the big work in the county of Huron to be The verandah will be torn down to holes of ao large portion o.f pthe rev-. tell at Clinton on .Gabor ..Day, Sept. admit more light and awnings will be t'nii'c of town wits little i he bignenk 4th. Sessions will kre h.elai at'11o'ebock put in glace, of it. Wik'en completed from year io year. A good road roller a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m. and t.L-ere it will make a decided improvement :might be a good investment for the !may be short after-'lu.ncheon add- I 'town and would. certainly improves lasses at 1 o'clock 'p. m. Lady !Beck UEF'T FOR OVERSEAS the roads for old. is after the g'ravc l and otber officers of the Canadian' (,ieutenant T. Edgar Torrance .has beepe placed on them. iRed Croak have been invited to speak of tie 161st Battalion„eon of Mr. and irtrodLctton of, on practical questions concoctedbe With iIi' • Jotm Torrance, ot Clinton, and liquor traffic in Ontario the work and sane' expected to be pre echo for ,everat yearswas tiriployend be 'spipit to the tune of several hug; The prohibition of the is only a niece weeks away from next Saturday • As far as Baron and other counties under the :Canada Temperance Act is • concerned there will be no change. The Canada Temerancpc• Act is work- A.'rTENTION EXETER 03AND MEM5:I3:ERS A special greeting will be held in the Town Hail Friday evening Aug - 25th at 8.30 o'clock tor the purposes of tselieoting ran:4e and arrrangit.g' the 'brand for .rehearsals. Bring :voter in- strument and; ail inut ie, will have; ai. short rehearsat after business is transacted o'E, ,mu. is to he used Exeter Fair Day. Don't fait to attend this meeting S. C. I-ian.na FII TEEN WENT 'WEST Fifteen were tiekc•te.i throngh to the- Wiest on Saturday hear by Mr. N J'. Dore,f the iocat agent of the °rand Trunk. Anions thele were the follow. fiawg.— J. Kerniok, R. Squire, Wm. Towers, Sam'l Ross, S. Powell, Aus- tin Ford, Mrs. T. Elliott, Sam and Jack Elliott, Keith Ford, Wm. Des- jardine and Mich. Fletcher. MAL.,ONE—YAEGE'£t A very quiet wedding took pietee at at the home of the bride's mother, 111'rs. Margaret Yaeger, on Wedn'eis- day August 23rd at three o'clock when her daughter, Miss Margaret Yoe, ger was united in marriage to Mr. E. J. Malone, of Tiksonturg. The bride was 'dressed ,in a suit or grey taff- etta with hat to .match and wore a eterea.ge bouquet of pink roues. Mr. and :Mrs. Malone left on a motor trip 'for Toronto and Montreal !Leet/ W 23 HOGS DEE ON WAY TO TORONTO , - ()wing to the oiopreauave heat la' Sqtiirday 23 hogs that were kihi'ppeEC from,, Clinton to the eeornn io marked died wl:ile on the cars Last week • Loge were at a .record prtoe of.ov r $12 t i;&,15 'being Maid at Exeter., the Weis is quite 1ikave'. The re lee els as:lexazatetll }'4.65 FOR SPElei31Nee The 'Ex'eter races are ovex. '.t1 c c',orn ; reading evtent took place in two on Tuesday wheal ten young en>ea appear-, ed before Reeve John W. Tay lair' in the •court room and nine ox them pleaded guilty to tracing te1eir honselse on Main St. and 'contributed one, dol:a Jar and costs to the town tsteneuiryl The costs broulght the amount. 'up to e•14:65. The (Doss have _..awned from experience the old truth: that it is a 'costly (be:siness .following the races tibout the only lucky man is the :book—maker. In this .caste it tit/ a•e cierIk Jos. Senior, who aeted/ at cxerk.of the bourt..Most of the suxumer on Selene -c; day evenings espsciarly. the bneee. have been rising blain St. as a(Toed} track for the exereese of •.thteir horses; and the authorities have decided t+a - put a stop to it and conisecquentlyi nearly a dozers young mez, trona the surrounding country dre sed their . Sunday best drove into town early T'aesday morning with their Slick. looking drivers that anyone would be 'proud to told the reins over, ,and ate most temptedto speedup a little but the authorities have dreid, d that J. Yaeger. ot Stratford, uncle of the `tle .blain 5f, is not a Mani for 2nakr bride officiated , log trials •of spreeiL a THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE GIST SALE Here are a sew Prices on Ciearii Lines Silk Spools ac each Hooks and Eyes z cards for yrc Hair Pins 3 boxes for roc Combs and Barrettes r 5c each Ladies Cotton Hose z prs for 25c Ladies Fancy Collars 2 for 25c Ladies Silk Gloves r5oc and 75c Ladies Soft Collars roc each Men's Ties 2 for 25c Men's Socks roc, e5c zoc pair See our window of Shoes at 95c A few clearing lines of Men's Astoria. Shoes ir••,ss1ar 'i5.00 for $3 75 B. AVERS • o •• • UMAN9S Ply®l il TAMN9S V_ • • w oo • r. ~ 0,- 474t.' 44 ant in town, was one of the sixteen office' The purpose is to systemize military ars cho:se:n from .No. 1 Military D(s= aid work in the county and if desir. riot for part of a draft' of two Lan - able to form a 'scanty association. ' dred young officers from Canada. An effort, las been made ta- oomr_ who have one tor fill the gaps caused g S P' ins out with a good degree o. sits.- municato with alt the Wonion s by •'meant casualities •among officers faction and no smolt credit us due to societies, but as some have not replied of battalions at th,+ front. He left tkc, untiring efforts of. the County it is uncertain whether ,the' letters London on Tuesday, secretary, elev. E. G. Powell, who, have (reached them. All women's lioc- 1 ever alert and feaster; to prosecute iettes are urgently requested tosend }3ATTALION NOT 1COMING p ,, sttcne +s or talkie of the newvwar re nrc'sentattveis and all persons who intend being present i honld notify . Afterrece. vingword on Tuesday tl;'at' measure w(IL not c 1 pond by thio ie the secretary of • the War Auxiliary the 161st 113atte:ion would be in Exet.r clause... that are Placed upon the stat - at Clinton at ones: without th came.; t + 'books but by the co -,operation ot •O 410. delay. Ar on August; 25th to receive e, co orw u d ' "d th•• neon a.nd wog en whowr•il (staled . be- 'ran)gements will be made for all who which fact wvas lac sty a ver etc n . send notification. Each :society will many of the County papers, worel woo, hind thein ' to see tie v ar.H en- rovide for! the,pense . of its own es received on Friday that the I3altalten' fermi. The tricks to get booxre into Melte€ ation . would not come. Plans and nreparat-• 1 a dry territory are sly and never end- ---.40.--- I lone nd- ions were alieady under sway to cele -:'ins and; if the w'oa+tisfactoring outv f the new ' a n:tieing I berate the occasion and the day had law is to b' BOWLERS AT NORWICH earn proclaimed a pu.blle holiday ( vigi.lene' meet he ma.int,ained and taw Two rinks of bowlers consisting of'There was no little di'+appolntment brenls.'crs pro-erutci without die - E. Christie W. le. Lovett, T. R. Ca1 Ianiang many when the news came crim.n'itioxt . • r - .het the Bette don could not come ing, ht. N. C{ree'ek•, W. D. Clarke, 3, A,. Tho Soldiers Aid Society will:end a 1 Stewart, W. We Taman, and R. G. tlslputation to Camp 'Barden to mak, DO Ir—VI i IAN 1 , • Seldon motored to Norwich Tuesday rw+ entation VN IC will ,lakemtook wase in 'I- I to "take part in a osc•'day' the i s A quiet wedding I Ibowvling tournament on 'Wednesday. place some time next week. rbelt eerie Tuesday morning:kin r$i. .> NNOUNCEu+elENTS 22nd e ria "1lte Grace cling:k n let ea I- 'I'IIiIOUG;TI ¶rrrE IlTOOR ( )dtst dainmi-ter or 4Ir arid 'wlr?. I The engagement is aneortnc :d of Georgi 't`ivi in, 1litclell, wwas n004 r in some respects '(t is an advantage Arise Rowena Gertrude. Sho: bottom, in marriage to Mr. lin•rrnan W. Boer, to be small, 1n maize ot least our claughter of Mr. and /...Mrs. fgleeShoe• hydro eneleN.r of town, The cereamey es e worthy•cointe.mpory, Mr. C. 11 San- 'bottom, of Ildcrton to Mr. William was performed leo Illev. Lang''ord. ser. class would make one and a hale of et Riddell of St. learns, the marriage and :Mrs. Doer ares pending a short II trouble on. W'edncsday mornii:g. No. 'CLn engagement 10 ewe:emcee of I''TE. RUSSELL LOSES :1 ltl'T '.' flM doubt .he had an .extra toad on that ll is; •Tans.. ]wf, 1lTa.xwwcll, laughter of worries 'czrrying the e pipe_ and ;efr and ' Mrs., S. R. bT.;tsa•ele of ! Mir. end errs. Wnt. m., -sell receive et aworries of getting out hill paper: that lit John N. lR to Dr, John ' Piunc.r word. twat wi lik thlt their ,srrn. i'te. w day and when be stepped into the (tnpl I,t.ek. of +jfiensall. 1~kc m rriag+,x fo y 7. 'Ii.0 r11 er ha r<.t.:, rvonn 'rd tit , tucrxt shop of Itobin.aon wl Tfa.wvkirs tape place at an certy date; ! }' ,r,,s a.hoiut• the nt,eldle of July. had Z to s(mpty raaak i,hroa,gli the floor. The engagement ement is annor+nc;•d of' lost his left arae: Pte. Reotelf boon.4t •.. Jfts ouiratietcl'od arms saved 11.)11 from S lI Bettie Alberta ICoI(oway, daughter 01 eel to the 70th i3 ittafitin rec,riut• cf going right through to the cellar of r t London. and after tial.+>n;'este g i'1Ir. land 'Arrs. Albert J. •Ilollowvay, . .w but Peolend,.vole one floor. Jli, reccxvcd quits a Jn(t r * to take wlae then a month in , a e •O • w • • A w as and that lig just what! got him into to take place this month honeymoon in Muskoka . • shipped wt/ -r. + ioa es of clothing escaped without injury, It mi.ghthave Cl.nion, .i ho rnax rage } +' two Large roams e5 ibis month. Mies hot(owway is well oe t'h'e 20U track inn k risen, to kt% ,a t- 4 -i North . , n •., been isorao The joists were rotten h d to tli• bone %.4 T°r.ne':::; T'a.t s+ at w 4 tad e tr sadP Mai 44.444 04e4•41ol o i. a the .fixe stxflcxcr, t e th 0 t J Ltown in town baying visited hi'r. 001 aria. one ' sing Id blathoson and the through and the floor sure, wvay, Work ro,Chra;,nC; Ai , : i : I' , , rxntn Reis now engagedis replacing end Wes' R. N,; Ttowvd w -.. herla;i t,' t, 1ti, PSC' on are sure to want something new now for your vacation and the holidays that are coming on. Underwear, Pyjamas, Socks, Shirts, Collars and Neckties. We've got them for you. Get they from u?. Men's High Urade Negligee Shirts Supererior make ke and nisbp in neatest and most up to -date pat- terns -75c to $ ierr s-7. c2.00 New Socks Plain Lisle Socks, 25c. Plain silk socks, 50c. Fancy sacks 75c. New Collars Many new lanes just put in stock which are sure to please. All Sizes in stock, ' New Neckties Handsome, High - Grade Ties, something new and up-to-date 500 Blue Serge Suits for Men Otir Va rtes are undoubtedly the best in Canada, W.W. TAMAN Pl-l.ONE Si a _40 ars is**$#**s*ss9