HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-10, Page 84 • • I: 41 •mTee" eat- ' -4 tit. se oat• o. 4 bud fore uric �..0 yo` 'ihelr enoe 1011 ;GetC IdBe tt AM* err....... T'HE EXETER TIMES. 1 phone t 1 .44444 Ae STEWART, Phone 16 1ZSOLVE D IT ISA PI.CN1 TO To AT OUR,' S i oR.G.S4.4 oT►7 or GOO ON'66. A` P i -CE$ Middy Blouses A Big'a'esortment of good Blouses made. ot gond White Materials in White and White trimmed with colors. White Skirts $1.00 Clearing of White Wash Shirts. Splendid quality Bedford Cord and Indian Head. Regular $2.01) and $3.00 values. Reduced Price each $1 00. Millinery All Flowers, Shapes and Trimmed Hats to be cleared this season. The prices on all Millinery is very low. Dinner Sets 6 New Dinner Sets of 9-3 pieces, Extra q•i.tlity a,. e, with neat floral decoration. Special Mid -summer price $15,UU. Men's Straw Hats Including all the newest shapes. At the low prices we are offering it will pay you to bay now, Rubber Soled Outing Shoes For Boys, Misses, Women. and Men, They are in great de- mand. Boys' and Misses, 75c, 90c and $1.00, \Vomens' and Men's $1.25 and $1,50. • Standard Patterns and Designer Cali and get the New August Fashion sheet and sub- scribe for the Designer at the low price of 453 a year. We stock the new Standard Patterns. J.A. STWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, . meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. r ,• It is unusual to 'present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most edvantag- eons for buying as all indications poitn to higher prices in the future, Ne Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the IJeritral Hotel FJJRNITURE We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion ati ac ante a sf t- ion R, N Rowe The Punerei Director and IF airriitterC Denier PHONE 20a OA'RD OF THANKS • ' '1 Mr. and 'Mrs. Francis Blatchford of town desire to expnees their ap- preciation to the many friends for their kindness and assistance during their recent bereavement. WANTED AT ONCE Young women, desiring employment in town, oan find it by applying at once to the Jackson Dlfg. !Co. who have several good positions vacant. The 'work is light and clean, the hours are very short, and wages are paid while learning, steady position and good wages are assured to anyone. giving it a trial, Apply at once. Jackson Mfg. Co PERRY F. DOUPE, Licenses Auc- tioneer. uationeer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Eirkton,, Ad- dress Kirk -ton P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Tho frame house and half acre of land situated an Gid.ley street,. Exeter and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be offered :fox quick sale. Apply to 'tChas. Harvey, on Huron. St. 400 Tons of Eine, Land. and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works Co., Ltd., J, Sutton, Manager.. We Bet orgModel goode that obflour it - bread andWel come for pastry, Do not take a flour said to be just els good, insist on hav- ing some home made goods. There:arre Inone better, -Harvey Bros. SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance House; at the G, T. R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. DOR SALE A most desirable tretsidental prope arty situate: in on of the 'best resi dental parts of the Village of Exeter. Crhis cproperty consiets of a one and a halt storey frame house, 8 rooms with pantry+ and closets, a good rsum- esteriand k.tcht;n large wood; -,shed, good well and cistern, a fine select• ion of fruit ,trees a.nd small fruits and a good stable with iron roof, ilny persons desiring a ;fine resident;- 'al property- can obtain the above on eery satisfactory terms, For partico- Mar's apply,/ to Isaac) ,It, Carling, Banister, &i, ' Exettetr;0n.t 1 r Market Report—The following its the 'report ot the Exeter market cerreeted tip to August 9th. Wheat 90 to t1.Q5, Oats 45o to 500. , I µ .Earley 50 to 55o Buckwheat 60 to 80 '1 Peas $1.00 Flour 3.50, , Low trade dour $1,75, , Bran $26,00 per ton. Shorts $28,00 ;per ton. " '= .Eggs 25e, Butter 25c, i, l": r Clreamery butter 33o., leese potatoes i43,00 Young ohtoks 18c, Old Ilene( 1lo Ola roostens ec Young ditoks 13e Old ducks 9a O el turkeys 150 liege 11.50. ,1it'; ri ori 1• at Order Your New Potatoes from WILSON'S GROCERY PHONE 56 i .tA•••O•••!�0••••6a••••••••• • LOCA;. e 6 64+•••• ••••••• 6 Miss A. Mor.Ioek is visiting' inDet-. colt. , . -, Mr. Graham spent the week -end at his homo iu Parkhill, 'Mee Albert Hooper of !Clinton visit, ed in town over Sunday,. Alive Annie Sanders of Waterloos is holidaying at her :home here. Mises Ba).sden, of Stratford is vis- iting with relatives in town. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. BraJoe Thedford spent the weekend in town. Mrs. Stiver, of Barrie, visited 'M'r. and Mrs. E. A. Follicle this week. Miss Jessie Brickwood has returned to London after visiting int'town. Mr. Robe Wilcox spent heveral days at Grand Bend during th'e past week. Mr. Reg. 'Biseett of 'Chatham. is spending hies holidays at his home here Mr. Wm. Gould of Miami. Man., is visiting his mother Mrs. 'Rd. Gould. Mr. IIenvy Hooper of London spent Sunday and Monday at his home here Sergt. John W. Mallet is home from Comp Borden on a seven days' leave Several from town attended the celebration at Sea.forth on August end. Mises Edna Follicle returned home last week after a pleasant visit in Pt. Huron Master Roy Goulding of 'W oodhnin, is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Fletcher. Messrs. seeo. ;Hawkins and. Joseph Follicle motored to 1't. Huron for the week -pend. Mr. Dan Moir, of IDetroie formerly. of Exeter, visited his erothser, Mr. Jchn Moir; ele4.. Frank Johns of Toronto, isnol- idayinl; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wel Johns. Mr. T. 0. Southeott returned. Tues- day after spending his vacation at Grand ;Bend . Mr. Jas. Col.lingwood and children of Hamilton. spent Sunday and Mor. - day in town. • . 'Mr. and' Mrs. 'W. Iay' and Mr. and -Mrs. 13'. A. May repent Sunday and Monday in Mitchell. Mr, Frank Johns )sang a vey accept- able solo in James St. Methodist ch- urch Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. telissett and Mr, J, Bissett of London, spent Sunday and Monday in town. Pte. Walter p. Westmen oftGranton wars •reported in Sa.turdayes casuality list au being wounded. ,Among the succe,ssfil candidates for Normal Entrance were Mies Jean Sel, don and Cecil Pickard. . Miss May Jones is spelndin;gihc;r, hol- idays with her parents; at "The Maye Clower" at Grand fiend. ; Messrs. Wel Johns and W. Martin are in Chatham this week attending the "Grand Lodge of the 1.0, 0, F. Messrs. Adolphus, ;Hilton and A. E. Evans in' London, 'called on friends in town on their way to Bayeield- by mot- or. Mr. and 'Airs. Roger Crocker and son. and Miiss '.Ruby Treble, motored up from Toronto and are, visiting with• relatives in town. 'Ms'. L. Day, and daughter lyier took a trip u the lakesasfar as the ,Soo to isit the formeies dau- ghter, Mrs. Holmberg. Mrs, Wm, Yaeger, or. SwUt';Current Sask., who liau {been 'visiting+ her sis-, ter, Mrs, M. 'SZae,ger, :for the past two months left for her :home hist wreck, t i Howey's Drugstore MovE1) While Building to Broderick's old stand One door north of Fraynes Harness Shop Come and See Us Your Trade Appreciated loWey's Drugstore Phone 50 :Ai. 'Ben Quackenbush' ib spending a fewdayswith .friends near' Chatham! Onion pulling has 'started. The crop this year will not be tip to the aver- age. Mrs. Schotsenbury and daughter Ruth are visiting Mr. and'Mr:s, Thom- as Newell. Mss Allie Eacrett of Toronto, is visiting :her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Eacrett: ' fe your! label reads Jan. 17 it (shows your papers is paid to:tho first of Jan. 1917. Just look yours. over.; Sevgts. L. Rivers, .1�Ir. Bissett and l?tes. ' r G. 'l3iruey, 1'!r. Stewart, E. Sou th'cott, W. Millson, Fred Wells were home from 'Camp 'Borden over the week end Mian Muriel Anderson who haul been 'visiting for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton, left Saturday for her home! in Winnipeg. She took the lake trip from Sarnia. Pte. Wilfred' Stewart brought Capt. Tom of Clinton down from Camp Borden, by auto this week, and spent a few days to town withi his parents Mr. and errs. J. A, Stewart. Itr. H. 0. South!cott ;returned to Torouto on Friday .last after eepend- ingtwo we:•ks in town and at Grand 'Bend. Miss, G. Penoyer and r. H. I. Potts, o'; Toronto, were thie' guests at the Bend: Mr. send erre. 13. W. 1+.. Beaver's) and boys visited the frorner's mother, Mrs. 'Beavers. of 'Berryland. Master George and !Reginald are remaining for a short visit with their grand - •Mother. - s • Mr. A'.' J. Irwin, of Clinton, occupie 3 the pulpit in James St. Metholist church on Sunday last delivering'two very able sermons. Next Sabbath ser- vices will be conducted bathe pastor, Rev. 3, W. Baird. Mr'. ane Mrs. Fred l -Ts k-hase and Reeve of 'T'orc nto. visited Mir. and !Mrs. John Rawkshew this week, thet form'etr returning to Toronto Monday even., ing while Mrs. Hawkshaw and ch'ld- will remain for a visit. • Three 'Goderich boys were reports ed anon.g' the wounded in Saturday's e.asnality net. Pte Ilngh McGuire, Gunner 'Melville Anderson ar-d Pte. (Sidney Drew, ranee Corp Charlton bf Ailsa 'Oraig was reported killed. Sengt. Chester P, .larvey of the 'flaunted Rifles visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey' for a .few days last week, leaving Friday` 'ven- in.g for Hamilton. This wars his last visit 'house before going overseas and 'Quite a mire er of friends were at the station to bid him good -bet The Voter's List.—The Voter's List for the village of 'Exet'etr has been posted up in the olerk'L'. office. The list contains the names of 678 persons who are etigible to :vote. Of !these 421 aro eligible to vote at both muni- cipal a ections and elections to th'e Legislative seesembly; 167 are eligible to vote at municipal elections only end 90 are 'eligible td'vote at parliarr 'mentary elections only. There are 130 female voters on the list and 280 are eligable to serve a!s voters., SERVICE WITHDRAWN Owing to th'e've& bot: weather Sun-• day the evening !seirvice was witb- drawn in the Main St. Methodist church. PATRIOTIC LEAGUE NOTES The regular monthly meeting 'was held in the `Town. Hall on Monday ,ev- ening. Aug. 7th. (Donations received; Council (rent of tea room) '4.5.00; Edison demonstration $4.10. 'Will all those who have ;socks ready kindly; bring thein to the Town' Hall on Sate urday afternoon. !'RAIN DOES MUCH GOOD, Last 'season was 'conspicious for the vast amount of Brain that fell, Shower after shower visited this section and became somewhat alarming and bard vesting of! the crops were greatly de- layed. This reason will gadown as one of the hottest and driest seasons on record. il!or about six weektf little or no rain has fallen with exception of a heavy shower that visited Exeter a couple of weeks ago. This shower, however, was not general throughout the section ass while Exeter was de- luged with a heavy shower during. which time a vast amount of rain Meld; all around us a !short distance out there wits no rain at all. On Mon -i day evening of this week Jupiter i Pluvius let loose the water drops and a splendidrainy was ;general through -1 but the district, It cornea little later to do much good to' the crops but the! hoot trope will be greatly benlelitted. Iby. it, Potatoes and garden. stuff have (suffered much) from lack of rain. The dust on the •roads has, been. very heavy and the fields along the roadside were white 'with, dust,. , it it ;13 'l,'l1U,13iSDA'i,`', .AUG UST 10th, 19160 If ,you want flour 'Wade Irons West- ern wheat only, we have it in stock always. Quality eecand to none. Get A seek and te'y 'i,t out, It's all right. lfarvey Pros. 'HICKS FORECASTS 'A regular atom period is central on the 12th, embracing Thursday, the lth, to. Tuesday the 15th.; Disturbieg causes and, things 'to expects The Vutoan,'Mercury and 'Venus influences, with- probably, the omensIng autuinnual equinox of the .Barth., all "lock Borns" at this period. They Moon ie in perigee on the 1203. isin opposition with the Sun and Perth on the 13th, and most important of all, is Olt the loeleetial equator,; conning up front 'her south declination on the 15th All these astronomic causes combinte to make this period 'an opportunity for a conflict intereon the perturb- ing and opposing "storm goads." 1n all western parts of the country, as early ail the 10 and Lith, masked cies angesin the weather conditions �i•itl appear. Increasing ssoutherly winds Will Mow, the 'barometer evil)/indicate decided fall in atmospheric prelsure, the thermometer will 'Ilse, humidity w..1 in:rc..se, and c.loudinees, with rain and will:) stolen's will ,rapidly ensue. From about Saturday, the 12th, to Tuesday,. the 15th, theee ebangiug con- ditions, followed promptly by !storms of widening scope and increasing, ems ergy, Willi pass over most/.parts of the cc,Lntry, from west to east. A series of rains, thunder and hail !storms fur two or• three days in succession, may treasonably be expected, leading' up to and culminatingt on the 15th. The cont ditious at thus period are such as to excite apprehension of destructive hail stor'mti in many sectionst snore. es- pecially in the northwestern grain belt. Many localities mtty expect down- pours of rain, amounting to "cloud- burste and waterspouts," with; scat- tering tornadoes over wide stretches of northwestern and !central regions To ;experienc ;d, and intelligent obser- vers of weather charlgee and storm indications, many such admonitory signs will not be lacking. as this ;per- iod developsr but amid ;alt the means of foretelliag with- scientific certain- ty, this, actual approach of violent storms, there is nothing on Earth coni parable, to a good, truthful baro- 'ineter.After the culmination of rain, wind, hail, and thunder !storms on'and touching the 13th to '15th, look for sudden revulsions to high barometer, westerly winds, and much cooler wea- ther. The Mercury influence will eau - se prolonged cloudiness, and reinfor- ced by the Ventis equinox, will excite the lelemtents to a spell of stormy, threatening weather beyond the nor- mal lbnits of the storm period. VOTERS' LIST 1916 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF l.'SBORNE COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons 'mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the cop- ies 'required by the paid sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuarit to said act, of ail perisonis appearing by tee last revis- ed Assessment roil of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at . Elections for members ob the I..egislatvte Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that said list was first Posted up at my office at Whalen on 'the 29th DAY on July 1910 and remains bene for inspection. And I hereby can upon alt voters to tarke immediate proceedings "to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at 'Whalen this 29th day of July. 1910. FRANCIS 'MORLEY, Cterk oe Usborne Township CANADIAN NATIONAL L. -HON 'Tr Empire Federation TM Spectacle 1,203 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 83 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UliDER W SEA A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of M ntfacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throw -nig, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New I )Midway- -Anmer i The Kin's Horse's rGovernment Exhibits, Superb Showing Agricultural of Live Stock and, • Products, Acres of Manu; ,' factures. Tr 0 orntoAad. 26 to Sept. 11 • ..� Plumbing First class plumbing and altera— tion work done at reasonable pri e , We ails to please. All oar work isf guaranteed. Estimates cheerfutly given free of charge, Chas. West, .244 Qneens Ave. London, int;., Phone 3255 Hot water and steals heating our. SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. i ti DEPARTMENT •OF FINANCE • OTTAWA. x Frm L,gla ace rS • s � i .M p fi- , ! a , E MUST HAVEf.: ; sfl , :re '41' -1t t4, Y, is r 7771 rt.-- f, tr r: r' tIia ;I' y, r!. ic •F ttCANADIAN PACIFIC w FAI lYlAY Excursions Guinb Trip West 512,00 TO WINNIPEG Return Trip East 000 FROM WI .; P;, G Going Dates August 17 and 31 From Toronto -Sudbury Line and East, but. not including Smith's Falls or Renfrew. also from Main Line East of Sud- bury to, but not includ- ing, North Bay. August 19 and September 2 E'rom Toronto, also West and South thereof Further particulars frons, Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. or 4V B. Howard. District Passenge, Agent. Toronto. ESTE:'' ® FAIR LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to 16th, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR EXh1IBITION AIT, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE & AMUSEMENTS A FINE COMBINATION AN LONDON'S EXHIl3LTLON A. Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Deily Two Speed Events Daily FIREWORKS WO'RlKS EVERT' NIGHT Ne'ee' Frames n - Build i' . �' Every Building Prxl4of, Exhibits SINGLE FARE oder all Railways f W yS cosi 4Toronto St"EUTAlG EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Porins and all information frotn the Sec , rtetatryr .1. W-REID, President A. 11t, HUNT, Secretary