HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-10, Page 2F 1i
THI3 -.
CHAPTER YCIII—(Continued,)
"The tale, sir, is one that I am
ashamed of," said Montague ; "but I
suppose you've got to know it, After
Mr. Scarborough ha started this i
morning, without waiting for break-
fast, as he is young enough and fool-
ish enough to be imprudent in these •
matters, I made a good breakfast and
then started myself. When I reached
the Cbinelas I found it would have
been beter if I had hurried, for the
widow had already gone into the town
of Ribeira Grande. I had let her get
ahead of nee at the start, you see.
However, I followed at once, and
found her at the livery stables, ber-
gaining for a carriage to take her to
Las Furnas. I presented my letter of
introduction, and, as Mr. Scott and
Mr. Scarborough warned me last
night would be the case, she laughed
at me. However, I didn't mind that ;
In fact I had couuted upon her doing
d should have been put out if
ng to a certain extent on my own
powers in this respect, I should have
made a different plan. I thiulc we
both enjoyed the ride, et any rate in
to earlier stages. I . know, at least,
that I did,
phrase butjooked at her instead, Her
manner lea changed, ane She was re-
garding Me with a mocking smile,
"Is the pie your%'9' she repeated,
`Does our MrMontague consider that
he is workiug his commission of de-
lay with surprising ease and success
Or did he dispise his antagonist so
much that he anticipated that success
would be easy ? Do you really think
Iain a fool?'
"She had taken the nutter into her
own hands, I realized that further
pretense was useless. Slice, appar•
eptly, she already knew my cards; T
showed my hand.
"'1 think,' I said, 'that you will be
somewhat late for the picuie at Las
After -Harvest Cultivation.
By the time the last cultivation has
been given the corn and root fields
there is usually one of more fields on
the farm from which the season's har-
vest has been gathered. The aim on
Many farms is to give such fields, as
are not •seeded down, some form of
tillage during the early fall. This used
to be the general practice, but of late
"After about three miles, ''Possibly,' she retorted, I shall years it appears to be going out of
she was riding went aead lame. It not want to go, If you will look be -vogue. Scarcity of labor is one reason
was a contingency for which I was why the amount of early fall culti-
hind you, you will see a man ap-
not unprepared. In fact, in my pri- proaclting us. 13y the pace at which 'ration is decreasing. The acreage de
'rate words with the roan from whom he Is canting, it woutd appear that he *Need to Corn has increased greatly of
we had hired the donkeys, I had stip- is riding a better donkey than either recent years, and the harvesting of
elated expressly that the one he sup- of these which you hired for us. Whe- this important crop commences soon
plied to the lady should not be able to ther I go to the picnic or no, will de -
,after the grain crop is garnered and
go five miles without breaking down. pend a good deal upon him, I fancy: encroaches somewhat on the time
The man performed mere than his previously used in stirring the surface'
contract, for it broke down, as I say, "' ou are going to make him an soil,
offer for the hire of his donkey for '
"Now do you see my plan ? ]knew the day ?' I said. But I knew well
enough that the remark was foolish.
that you were busy here, and that
he beast
she hadn't. I improved the oppor-
tunity of her Iaughter . to make a`
quaint and possibly outrageous re-
mark or two, and thereby succeeded
in amusing her further. She saw that
I was a man of some originality of .
thought, and she was pipued into an -i
swering me in my own vein, That
again was what I wanted. • We in-.
dulged in a regular duel of badinage;
In that stable yard, and if a third par-
ty had been there to listen, I think he:
would have agreed with my opinion'
that in the clash of wit against wit,
we doth emitted some quite brilliant
sparks of fancy. The result was what
I had forseen ; the widow was pleased,
with herself, and began to think that
an hour or two spent in my company;
would be interesting and stimulating.
I worked hard to keep that impres-
sion alive in ber mind, until I had got
her to agree to what I wanted ; and •
I succeeded—as I had of c nurse
thought I should—in doing so.
"She accepted my offer to be her
cicerone, and she even adopted my
suggestion that we should go, not in
a carriage, but on donkeys. I pointed
out that the carriage road made a
long sweep round, whereas on don-
keys we could take a short cut across
the hills which I knew of. Moreover,
the San Miguel donkeys are good, and
are the favorite instruments of travel
in these parts and when one is in
Rome—it was not necessary to argue
further ; she saw, the advantage of
my proposal, and. I.think there was a
certain quaintness in the idea which
pleased her. I ordered the donkeys,
and I had a. private word with their
owner first
"Your mother, Miss Carrington, is
a brilliant conversationalist, when
she meets with someone who is cap-
able of apreciating and replying to
her sallies ; and if I may say so with-
out undue boasting, I think she found
that person in me Indeed, had not
past experience justified me in rely -
in three.
Cultivation at the right time is one
of the most effective means of keeping
noxious weeds in check and when the ,
you did not want to be interrupted. "She glanced at me through half- surface soil is loosened the evapora-
The widow's intention was to inter-; closed lids. tion of moisture is reduced to a mini-
rupt you, and mine therefore was to' "His name is Andrew Gillies,' she mum. By capillary action of the soil,
delay her, by all and any means, jus- said. 'Do you know him ?' moisture is being continually drawn
tifiable and unjustifiable. That was "Then, as though to complete ray from the great reservoir to the sur -
why she was riding a donkey which; humiliation, she told me exactly what face for the use of growing crops.
had been privately guaranteed to me she had done and what she meant to The plants shade the ground and there
as certain to go lame at the first or do. She did not even pay me the coo- is very little moisture lost by direct
second bit of stiff climbing we came pliment of regarding me as antag- evaporation, but so soon as the crop
to. I thought that the widow would onist from whom it would .be advis- is harvested there is nothing to check
thereby be compelled to do one of two able to conceal information. I had the escape of water fiom the soil un-
thlpgs : either to abandon the expedi- thought that my fanciful eloquence less a dust mulch is made by some
tion altogether, which was not what had impressed her. I see now that means of cultivation: It may seem ab -
I thought she would do ; or to waste a she had been laughing at me all the surd to commence in August to save
considerable part of the morning by' time, and I think she regarded me as moisture for the following season's
walking back to Rebeira Grande and a somewhat foolish windbag. You
hiring a carriage after all. There was will understand that I found that saf-
e, third possibility—that she might ficiently galling.
suggest continuing the journey on my 1 "It seems that a few minutes after
donkey, and leaving me to lead the Mr. Scarborough and the two ladies
lame one back home ; but to that I left the Chinelas, Mrs. Carrington,
was ready with the unanswerable ob- • who had been wakened 'Tay the crunch-
jection that she did not know the ing of their footsteps on the gravel,
way. got up and looked out from her win -
"It was a pretty situation, and I, dow. She saw a man in the garden,
was curious to see how she would and he saw her at the window. He
meet it Of course she met it be the took a note from his pocket, held it
took top station from the first, and
kept it
" `Don't come too near me, Andrew
Gillies,' she cried. 'Keep your distance
till you've answered a question or
two. I know that your hands aren't
clean, but I don't know quite how deep
the stain on them is. You've got to
satisfy me on that point before we go
one way which I had not anticipated. up for her to see, and then laid it on "The fellow had dismounted and'
"She laughed as though it did not a garden seat in full view from where, was standing beside his beast, with
matter, sat dawn by the roadside, and she was standing. Then he went . one arm resting on the saddle. She
said that we would rest for an hour away. The man was Andrew Gillies,{ had treated me pretty scornfully, but
and admire the scenery, and perhaps and she told me that he had in all I could have struck him for the look
by that time her steed would have re-. probability been waiting in the gardenI on his face when lie answered her:—
covered enough to proceed. Now I in concealment for a long time, hoping
knew quite well that he wouldn't, and for a .chance of delivering the leter.
I thought she knew it too ; but delay4 You three, by your early start, gave
was what I had been playing for all him the opportunity sooner than he
along, so I fell in with her suggestion had hoped.
without comment. We conversed "Without , waiting to dress, she
' lightly, perhaps even at times brit- threw on an ulster and went for the
liantly, for about twenty minutes, and letter.
the just when I was in the midst of " ` It suggested an interview,' Mr.
working out a pretty fancy in mega- Montague,' she told me sweetly, 'and
phors for her delectation, and thought the place which was mentioned was
that she was honoring me with her this road on which we are now. You,
most alert attention, with the purpose timed that good animal's attack of
lameness very well. If we had gone'
a quarter of a mile farther, I should
have had to invent some excuse far
stopping. As it is you have given me
the opportunity unsought. Do you
still claim the ownership of the pie 9'
"'No,' I said, with a grudging ad-
miration at the way in which she had
of capping my effort if she could, she
electrified me by putting a question
which had nothing at all to do with
what I was saying.
"Is the pie yours so far, Mr. Mon-
tague ?"
"My Pegasus of poetic fancy was
dashed to the ground, and there was played with me,"it's yours. What are
not so much as a flutter left in his
wings ; I did not even finish my you going to put into it ?'
" That depends,' she said. `Though
THE S11.111V ATM
Is the best way, and the best way is the
Parowax way. Jellies and preserves that
are sealed with
keep their luscious flavor. They never mold
or ferment. They are as good when you
want to eat them as they were the day you
sealed the jars.
Just pour melted Parowax over the tops
of jelly tumblers. It keeps out all dust and
germs. It keeps the preserves air -tight.
FOR THE L?i.U-NDRY—See directions on Perowax
labels for its use in valuable service in washing.
we agree that the pie is not yours, I
can't claim that it is all mine either.
Andrew Gillies will have a finger in
it, too, and I shall wait to see what his
contribution is before I offer mine.
You understand the situation, I think.
He probably found that fact out very
soon, and that is why he waited so
patiently outside my window this
morning. Now why shouldn't he and
I pool our resources—he supplies the
plan, and I the additional information
which makes the plan of value ?'
" `Because you haven't got it to
supply,' I said at once, and I really
thought she hadn't.
"She smiled. `Didn't Mr. Scarbor-
ough tell you,' she said, 'that I was
behind the door for some time last
night ? I know about the scratched
" `But you don't know what the
words on it mean,' I cried. `No one
" `No, but Andrew Gillies may be
able to guess. He knows more than
we do, you remember, about what my
husband's movements were on the
Iast day of his life. We will see how
the point strikes you. You would like
to be present at our interview, no
doubt ; and I owe you some return for
the pleasant morning you have given
"She laughed, and I take it that you
will believe me when I say that I was
feeling pretty riled.
" `I am of the other party;' I remind-
ed her sulkily,
"She laughed again, and said that
she didn't consider the act of any
importance. I think I never felt quite
so futile as I did when that woman
laughed at me. And yet, you know, I
admired her for it.
"The than on the donkey didn't
come tip to us very fast. He seemed
to be hesitating because she wasn't
alone ; and when she saw that, she
called out to him not to be' afraid
that I was a friend of hers and harm-
less. I have been accused of being a
vain man more than once in the past
by people whose opinion wasn't worth
considering. If they could 'have seen
me at that moment they would have
Smiled, for if I atn vai, nay vanity
was in a fair way to being flayed off
me le shred's ; she gave it a whip -cut
at every senter..se.
"I liked the way she tackled Gillies,
though. She didn'tgive him time to
think himself a great man, She just
"`I didn't- think you could be par-
ticular, Rachel Carrington"'
"I'm so far particular that I draw
the line at association with a murder-
er.' she answered at once. 'You
have many vice', Andrew Gillies, and
possibly they added to your commer-
cial value in the past. One of the
most noxious of them is your canting
parade of piety. But you used to have
one virtue ; a curious virtue it is too,
to be part of the complement of a
common swindler. You speak the
truth.' '...
" `According to my lights and con-
science, I da,' he replied, unctuously.
" `I have a different theory as to
that,' she replied quietly. 'Your con
science, I do,' he replied, punctuously,
have cultivated the habit of truth, be-
cause, considerably to your own sur-
prise, you discovered In early life that
it pays. Had you anything to do with
my husband's death ?'
"He shot a `curious glance at her,
and I thought his eyes quailed before
"'I did not kill him,' he answered.
"Were you present when he died ?"
(To Be Continued.)
Three generations of Canadian
GlOSS99 housewives have used "Silver
Gloss" fpr all their home laundry
work. They know that "Silver
Cannefilfs finest Y HE CANADA aTAR^..Fi
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St a C+=
Gloss" always gives the best
results. At your grocer's.
crops. However, in the average sea-
son it is necessary, as only about one-
half the amount of moisture required
to grow and mature a crop falls dur-
ing the growing season. The fall, win-
ter and spring rains must be depended.
upon to fill the soil with moisture to
furnish the crop with a drink when it
most requires it, The soil should be
looked upon as a great reservoir, that
not only contains plant food, but also
holds vast quantities of water. With-
out water the plant food does not be-
came readily available and the plant
soon wilts. It is the duty of the tiller
of the soil to make conditions right
for the filling of this reservoir :with
water as well as plant food, and late
summer or early fall is not too soon.
to commence. A hard, compact sur-
face soil does not absorb the rains
that come as readily as a soil with
good tilth. Of course, a soil covered
with a luxurian growth of clover or
other growing crop, that completely
covers the surface, is in a condition to
make the best use of the water that
falls. The bare stuble field requires
to be gone over with plow, cultivator
or disk.
Then, there is the weed problem.
Many annual weeds ripen their seeds
before the grain is harvested. These
seeds fall to the ground, and if the
soil is stirred many will germinate and
then be destroyed with later cultiva-
tion. There are also varieties of •
weeds that appear to grow up and
produce seed after the crop is harvest-
ed. Ragweed is a representative of
this class. Many of the perennial
weeds as twitch grass, sow thistle
and bladder tampion can be material-
ly checked in their growth if not en-
tirely eradicated by thorough after::
harvest cultivation. Usually there are
several weeks of dry, hot weather at
this season which soon destroys any
roots exposed to the surface. More
fall cultivation would aid in lessening
the numbers of weeds and with many
soils would tend to increase the crop
Accuracy of 75s Marvel of the War
Shells Fall With Ripple of
Machine Gun.
Ingenuity displayed by the French
the roots to the hot rays of the sung defending ,the Oise position is de=
This is an advantage hwhen itis n.e- scribed by the correspondent of the
sirious.of destroying. weeds with run- London Times. Writing fromthsays:
Theplowed land ish headquarters at the front he says:
ning root stocks.The French front in the region d
should be harrowed a couple of times the Oise is a most 'welcome contrast^-',•
to form a mulch. Where weeds are to the flat country of Flanders, There '0
bad, a broad -share cultivator can be are places on the British front, such •
effectively used. If time will permit, as near the Somme, where we hold
a 'cultivation every week should be the high ground which overlooks the
given a weed infested field that has enemy. But for the most part it
been gang plowed. Careless plowing was the Germans who chose the line
and failure to cultivate will not tend on which to stand when they fell back •
to eradicate eeds. from the Marne, and over most of
Where it iswnot thought advisable the front, especially in the north, in
to use the 'plow, two or three tines the stationary warfare of the last
over the field with a sharp disk will year and a half, the enemy has held
pulverize the soil and put it in a con- much the more advantageous • posi-
dition so that moisture will be absorb- tions. At many places, however, the
ed and retained and weeds will coin- French drove him farther than he
mence growth. The spring or stiff- • wished to go, and at such points the
toothed cultivator has also been used better ground is in the hands of the
to good advantage on the bare stubble
field. If a month or more elapses be-
tween breaking the crust and deep
Time to Cultivate.
It is important that the work be done
as soon as possible after the crop is
removed from the field. On some
farms this phase of the season's work
is considered to be so important that
the binder is followed with the disc
or cultivator. This is not practicable
on most farms owing to the lack of
sufficient horse power and men. How-
ever, the work should be done soon
after the crop is removed from the
field. It is not uncommon, especially
in acatchy season, to see the culti-
vator or plow being used between the
rows of stooks. The sooner the work
is done the greater the opportunity
of conserving soil moisture and of des-
troying weeds.
Methods of Cultivation Followed.
The gang plow Is the implement
mast generally used. It can be set to
cut and turn a shallow furrow. If
carefully handled every weed will be
cut and turned under, thus exposing
Accurate Shooting.
Recently Y walked some miles in
fall plowing there will likely be a crop French trenches where they run
growing which will indicate the num- through woods and overarched with
ber of weed seeds which have startedt bracken. Wild strawberries and lily
growth 'only to be destroyed before of the valley grow along their edges,
they have an opportunity of reproduc and in the dusk rabbits come down
ing themselves. 'V ithout cultivation
many of these seeds would never have
germinated until the fallowing spring
where, under shelter of the growing
into them, to the huge entertainment
of the men. There I looked down
from an observation post, so well con-
cealed that the Germans might search
crop they would have a better oppor- the hillside with their guns for a
tunity to complete their life cycle. month and never touch it, straight on
Fields not in clover, grass or other to the German front-line trenches al -
crop are benefitted by fall cultivation. most at my feet. I watched a French
"75," from a battery well behind ine
on, the other side of the hill, amuse
itself by knocking the trenches into
dust. The rapidity of the fire was
such that the shells fell almost like
the ripple of a machine gun, and the
accuracy was so excellent that, while
Invariably the fields that have been
cultivated plow easier in the fall, es-
pecially when the weather sets in dry.
True, it may be a slight disadvantage
in a wet season as it is possible for. a
field to be too wet to plow, but this is
the exception, not the rule. Too few
plowmen use a "jointer" or "skimmer" I watched, only one shell seemed to
on their plow when giving a field its fall as much as a couple of yards from
final plowing for the season. By its the actual trench. There is, indeed,
use all growth is turned under and not much room for careless shooting,
not only does the furrow have a better for there are places where tire French
appearance, but weeds and grass are and German lines are only 20 paces
completely buried. Without the light apart.
few plants survive long. A more gen- Not far away I saw a most ingeni-
ous "Bochetrap," the nature of which
must be left a mystery, but the essen-
tial element is a machine gun so
placed that though it has been there
for several weeks, in the course of
which there has hardly been a day
when it has not been used, the en-
emy has not the smallest notion where
it is, nor is he ever likely to find out.
The officer who invented it—a strap-
ping fellow from Bordeaux, six good
feet tall and every inch a soldier—
takes great pleasure in his piege, as
the Germans certainly do not.
Playing Box and Cox.
The German has shown himself in-
genious enough in this war, but in the
constant struggle of wits which goes
on along the front line trenches he is
no match for the Frenchman. The
French have reduced the displaying of
posters conveyink disconcerting news
to the enemy to a fine art. Not very
far away from the "Bothe -trap" men-
tioned there is a piece of trench which,
the French discovered, the enemy oc-
cupied only in the night time, presum-
ably because it was too exposed. So
the French took to occupying it for
the other half of tho 24 hours—play-
ing Box and Cox as it were, and being
careful always to leave no trace of �►
their occupancy behind. The need of
using it has passed now; but while
the game went on the position—mere-
ly because the Germans never thought
of it except as part of their own line
—had conspicuous usefulness.
The same ingenuity the French
carry into the construction of their
dugouts and similar places. I have
been through one monumental dugout
which is to the ordinary hole that goes
by that name what a great London
hotel is to an Irish turf cabin. There
is 80 feet of solid stuff overhead as
you go down passages, all beautifully
timbered, past suites of bedrooms,
those for the higher officers with
easy chairs and telephones and writ-
ing tables, to rooms which one calls
apartments, for messing and for of-
fice purposes. An elaborate system
of ventilation has ben installed, and it
is all so secure that the Germans have
not got a shell big enough to awake
a man asleep down there.
eral use of this small attachment to
the plow would aid in keeping the
fields freer from plants, which may be
termed soil -robbers.
In some sections, after -harvest culti-
vation consists in plowing deep, and
following up with surface cultivation
until winter sets in. Sod, as well as
stubble fields, are treated this way.
As soon as time will permit after the
hay or grain is removed the fields to
be broken up in the fall are plowed the
usual depth, varying from five to seven
or eight inches, depending on . the
nature of subsoil. It is essential that
a skimmer be used on the plow.
These fields are gone over with the
cultivator or disc and harrows several
times during the fall. No growth is
allowed to get a start and many weeds
are destroyed. This method has
proved quite effective In dealing with
sow thistle. Sod has a better chance
to rot than if plowed late and It is us-
ually easier to prepare for spring seed-
Here's the Way to Succeed in
Jam or jelly Making
lo—Use ripe — but not over- -
ripe fruit.
2o—Buy St. Lawrence Red
Diamond Extra Granulated
Sugar. It is guaranteed pure
Sugar Cane Sugar, and free
from foreign substances which
might prevent jellies from
setting and later on cause
preserves to ferment.
We advise purchasing
the Red Diamond
Extra Granulated
in the 100 lb.
bags which
as a rule is
the most econo-.
mical way and assures
absolutely correct weight.
3o—Cook well.
4o—Clean, and then by boiling
at least 10 minutes, sterilize
your jars perfectly before
pouring in the preserves or jelly.
Success will surely follow the use
of all these hints.
Dealers can supply the
Red Diamond in
either fine,
medium, or
coarse grain,
at your choice.
Many other handy refinery
sealed packages to choose fron-i.
St. Lawrence Sugar Refineries, Limited, Montreal.
Breathe in Through Mouth and Ex-
hale Through Nose.
There 18 more danger of drowning
in not knowing how to breathe than
there is in not knowing how to swim.
This may sound strange, but many.
cases have been knownwhere persons
provided with good life preservers
have drowned merely because they
had their mouth open at the wrong
time and the water, clashing into the
mouth, caused suffocation. To mere-
ly keep afloat, lie perfectly flat on
the water, with the back of the head
well submerged. Do not strike a tense,
rigid position, but lie easy and re-
laxed, and breathe in through the
mouth, and exhale through the nose.
Fill the lungs to their fullest capacity
by breathing in through the mouth,
submerge the head entirely and then
exhale slowly and steadily. The body
will rise to the surface of its own an.
cord. '