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Exeter Times, 1916-8-10, Page 1
e*r Worn -SECOND YEAR-- No. 2243 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MakingRoom Great Clearing JONES & MAY Goods Gods PHONE 32 for New Fall Sale of Summer Special m� fiat) 1 (Our .:Ot No. Ribbon Sale r.` 15 bolts Ribbon, good colors, Worth up to 25c a yd, special clearing sale price only 12 1-- 2c yd. Extra quality silk and Duchess satin Ribbons wort h 2 up to 40c yard. Good range of colors. Summer clearing sale price only 19.c yard ,Dainty Summer Dress Goods clearing at 12 1=2c yard • janty714eZoazdt Mnslins, Batistes, etc. colorings.Extra,eci�.lsale price 12 1=2c da Our special summer sa 1; y We also offer at greatly reduced prices a large range of ladies' Blouses, Parasols, House and Street Dresses Boys' Wash Suits, Men's Straw Hats, etc,, etc. New Fall . Goods New rill Goods are arriving daily. We: would advise an early inspection of these lines as values are without doubt much better than they will be later on. We have some extra special values in Ladies' and Men's Cashmere Hosiery, Un- derwear, etc for fall and winter wear. iioleumns: A. few good patterns in Linoleumns at last season's ,,prices. Mens and Boys Clothing at wonderfully attractive prices Highest Prices Paid for Live Poultry Jones AND May iminssmsten AY & HARVES.TI TME For Rest Results Use Gold Medal Binder -twine Pure Manilla Hay Rope Pure Manilla Sling Rope African Hemp Trip Rope Gold Medal Hay Forks Protect Your Stock from Flies Cow Ease $1. gal; Dr William's Insect Destroyer $1 gal; Royal Purple Fly Oil $.1 gal; Sprayers for applying 50c tach. Keep Your Lavin Looking Green Rubber Hose 100 to 22c; Hose Nozzle 50c to 750 each; HEAMAN'S lldwe 1 PHONES ;BORN e,; I.PPLT.-eAt Detroit, on July lOth, to Mr. and 'Mass Otto Sipper, a son. MARRIED • llluURDON-rT013I3S-1n !Toronto, on Friday, August 4th, Miss Delight (Hobbs, den, liter of Mr(se, and the • !fate Rev. Ilobbs, to liennhth Gordon son 0,E Mrs. 'Gordon, of Pickering, ")EI) . !°�AIiST�-Tn July, Zurich, on Sunday, , aoth. 191(1, Daniel S. Faust, aged 69 !gears end 14 drlys,,,,- STELIK,-At batthpin, Man., on July Sth, !Corporal D. V. Stalk, 'youngest son of Mns. Mary St;clk of Zurich, aged 23 years and 6 month:s., SIMPSON-At a'liooresvilie, on. August and, Gladys Grace, youngest dan- ;ghl.er of Ills. and Mrs. J. T. Simpson aged18 years, 6 monthe, and 18 days, 110 -St WANTED -Stuart be wanted 'to iealrnPrfxiting, Appy at the VIVO lO,tfrIce Miss Jessie I13owey visited in1iensail last week ' illr. Josbl Inwood, of London, spent the holiday.. in. towvn. :Miss Mabee Walters of London, was home over the week -fend. Mr. Tiector Heywood,. or Camp Bor- den. is home on a furlough. Missy Dorothy Gleed, of London, spent Civip holiday in town.. Miss Fanny Bowey,. of Landon spent Civic Iloliday at her homeOhere. Mrs. S. 0. Hanna and c3iitdren have returned home alter visiting in Detr..it Mr. Jos. Bawden of London visited town his t . B -hto v' in to wnec,6 [. left -here ie - at is Goderich. Miss Jennie Draper of the Brant -I ford Publio Library is visiting with Mrs. John Braund. Miss Rose- Cudmore returned Tues.! (daffy evening after visiting in Dipped and Seaforth the past weer:., Mrs, Meth, and daughter Helen, of Hamilton, have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mile. J. W. Powell. Miss Lillian Morley, of Milvetrton, spent a few Jays with herr cousin, 1llrs iiouLston. i i t NO STANDARD HOTEL WI•IE'BE 0. T. A. BULBS There will be no "standard hotr:lt" in Peel, Perth, Huron or Manitoulin ]island. The legal advisers of the gov- ernment and the Ontario henna(' board have decided after considerable ingniry, that the 'board has no jute - MORNING, AUGUST 10th ' 1916 Body of G. Blatchford Recovered Saturday Funeral St*nelay was largely attended -4 I 0 C) F Officiate One of the add et fun gals that has been nolsii'.lar Eneter for a long .School section requirements to b.' time took Ialacet on Sunday 1 levied by .special rates, and entered afternoon willSn the remains of the ` on the collectors roll for colli etio.m, Usborne Council Tawe council met at the Township Hall_A.ag, l9th..All the members were: present except T. ;Brock, The nein ttet oaf the last meeting veers bead and arra proved. The following rens were levied for the current year; --(Country rate 2,125 mills; Totiw nship rate 1, 5 0en4 e'ril sclool' 1.2; Prov, 'War tax 1. mill late George ,313),atehford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ieran'cie tl3latchford, wend laid to rest era 'tete 1 wetter cemetery. .George was the victim of a drown -Y ing Accident .at Goderich on the Mon-, day previous while n:t•tending a pio- nio party to that town with the, Meth dist Sunday esnh'ool from Listowel Immediately eltellowing the accident word wag sent to his three brothers. N. R, Blttchrord, of Toronto, eyes the first to arrive home and he went im-1 el edi. telt' to Godgrioh to search for the body. Dri. P.; A. Blatchford, of 'Et. William ww,as,ithe next to arrive land her too ae'ttnt' straight; through to Goderich to. assisthis brother: Moth• ing was acoomplicshed until Saturday morning..e'ollowvitlg a few days rough- ness the lakes was calm and ?hoping the disturbance of the watea. had !brought the hear near the serfadee, Shortly atter -enecn o'clock in the!. morning, Mr Marlton, a oo ttrnctor: working on( the ?,h ,r'bour. went out in his motor launch,, and went book and forth rapidly seVe tai tinea in order 'to churns up the -Neater, with the reef sult that the bort&: came to the eurface fnot 100 yards away from, where Geo- rge lost his life .,'!lie brothers were hot present at !OW time' as they ha d gone up town to• :tray' to secure more' effective {dragging tackle. The'y hur- ried to the some, and dientified the body which was irnm••di.itely rernov- ed to 'Brophv's aside rtakine roome. The nenlainwt were 'brought to town on the fives:o'clock traf%n. On the six o'clo- 'ck thirst -Mr., Herbert 131atchford are rived Lome from xfKindersle v, Seek., The funera I eves iheld on Sunday af- ternoon f-ternoon and in sptia of'the. ow_ccc ding-' ly hot weather Peelle was a large turnout of friends.: to pay their last' tribute of respect:" to The departed. the service at the hoarse in the absence, ot the pastor, walstcondncted "bay 'Bev. J, • D. Restle as tsreiel bv 'rtes. Mr. Yeiland. The I 0;13.11'. were present to a body as were. 'aim the members of Mr..J.,.:G. Jones'; Young , I•en'e, Glass 'The Adult Bible close and the Young Ladies Bible class of the James St. Sunday school wore also withdrawn tor the occasion. Members from the Ilensall Lodge of Oddflceliow,s, of which his:.,£athe . a member, ! were also preuueht. The `Services at the cem-+ etery werei conducted by the I. 0. 0. F. the oration:% being given. by N. G. Bro. 0.-,le:"Wi15on and P.G. Bro. E. Llowald The pall bearers were six friends of the deceased. viz; W, Hern, H. Jon- es. L. Harvey. 13. Quttokenbuseh', E. Windsor and J. M. Southcott. ' The three sisters and brothers were all home for the funeral, viz; Mrs. Linklater, Goderich; Mrs. Wm.. Wood, Exeter; Miss Ida at home; Dr. F. A. Ft. William; N. 1l. of Toronto; and Herbert of Rindersley. Sask. Mr. Victor Blatchford. cousin of the deceased.. proprietor of the Listowel Banner, who was with George at the time of the accident, was also prer sent. Stephen Council The council of the Township' o St p hen convened in the Towr. Bali Cred- iton on Monday the 7th of. August 1910 at 1 p. m. 'All members Were present. The minutes of 'the' previous meeting were read and adopted. • Maw Kinney-'w.V ebb -That the clerk notify B. Brown to forthwith fill hi (he excavation left by the removal of then weigh scales oteMain St., Crc'd-Y iton, bete-ct'ri the 'Town Hail and the .Evangelical church. Carried, Love -Numb -That Bylaw 1o. 229 being a hy'eletw to levy the different rates a -i tares for the year 1916 hav- ing been read three times. be pa .a. d and signed by the rce:ve and clerk anti the seal of the corporation attached thereto. Carri d: Love-Neeb-That Conrad Kuhn be hereby appointed to oversee the bili- lding of the cement work of Stanlakos and Tricbner's bridges, Carried. The following orders were passed; Lyman Glanville. tilt 3.20; William White, contract 17.55; William White contract S. B. 54.00; •Richard Davy ednnrnissioner 2.00; C. M. Mitchell commi:suioner S. 'B, 5,00; 1lenry Clark contract 0. Rd. 75.00; Geo Mawhin- ney, commissioner 6.25; Ed Sweitzir sheep killed by dogs 36.70; James Rowe, gravel contracts S. :B. 84,70; Gilbert Grieve commission r S, 13. '1,35; M. (O'Brien commissioner S. 11 i3,t35; S. McEachein rep. bridge 18.90; .1, Ireland contract: 3rd S. 13.d. 10.40; 'diction in the three counties and tbe • t.P,McKeever, refund of estatute labor 1.e.,00 Iticii'erde hill gra vizi and' w; xIc northern district because of the fact that the Canada 7.emperanor Act is inforcethe .re. tIn ,re. This mean,•I that the board. Will b: ipowerte ss, to ,regulate hotels or hotels accomodation in those districts or to do anything else ,except to enterer the Canada Temperance Act. The federal measure take., precedence and, accord, ing to the present interpretation, is not affected in any way by the passe ing of the Ontario Tempefranee Act The discovery of the legal exports, is chiefly important brcaase it gnome Qat there/ will be no control. of the elas•w of notel aceotnedation furnished in these areas In the rest of the 1 roe ince the term "hotel" will assure the traveler a .:ertain degree of comfort 11 will also mean theta the hotel will in pit 00,75; D. Webb and oilers y grading. 21.00; Albcr t L[ 'ca rep. bridge 1.00;. Wm. Nichols rep. br'dge 14,00; S. Morrison. culverts n t s 7 00;. Itenry Link and others, commission work ow ard S. ltd. 39.00; r)omitn'on Rose Machinery Co., .repairs for grader 19.60; Henry Steinacher, work on C. (lid. 2.62; Dah(Oestretehert work on. 0, IItd. 2.62; Ceneda,Co.,gravel, 7.35 3?. W. Farncomb plans oftGrand Bend batt 2,011; Pedlar People culvert, 113. 51; John Godver (irain, To; !Coughlin Award 15.50 Alvin' Baker tont:met 1.5,50; P. Flanagan commissioner 1„25 Woodburn and Wilson gravel cotere- els. 'Blind Line '45.00 'Ru =;•elt'Wanner amp. bridge 8.00e Join clr,?b damage to waggon '4.00; 11. i ahrner ler ri s rine i r 04.00; J, rflatz a, Son I:ember 33.48., be protecten against eotnpetition fromi The:• maned adjourned to meet again 'places of the boarding hou•s�e tyfa in the .town Vasil Crediton on Mondey and will have the sole right to i+.r. ii the 4th of September 1910, at 1 p. tn. tsoft drin,ke cigars cigarettes :erea t • ;Meaty Bi.ibeee';clerk,. YY ... .. Y. .-.. i •, A few accounts were pa' ac cI and orders, issued for payment. The ;Voter's List was posted up in the merle's 'office July 29th. it eon- tains 721 Hames, 603 entitled to vote at Ie,.rliamentary elections and 668 at municipal elections. 354 are quali- fied to act as juroale.' 'Council adjourned to meet Sept. 2nd at 1 o'clock: • E. Morley, clerk Pointers August • I'm just Home from vacation And I'm bust. • t • • * - iGarden: vegetables this season do trot give1 promise •of being Al in que.14 it:Se About the only thing in the gar - 'den pot affected tiny t1.•:• dre tvvather is the weeds. • • • • ,roadwork is Being looked after in some ,Sections. The conditions of the roads next fair and ;spring will der pend largely - upon the effioiency of the pathmaster the next few weeks • • * • The boys from Camp 'Borden say the camp' would be i n: ideal training wound if it were not for the dust and dirt and heat and cold., The .money be - in„ spent there. spent almost any.- where else s=hould mike an; ideal camp. • • • • There is little need of a anion to fix the wages of the t -mall boy in the' summer time As won ad one of them gets a job the very 'first queries are "'Who are you working for?" "How much are you .getting?" If it isn't as much as the other fellow gets they aro quick to let him know. • • • • While looking up some new' on Tues day we were takigi. to task by one of the soldier, home from Camp, Borden because we had ma -de !statements about the camp that did not meet with his. approval. He reesent'..d the innin'uatton that it was only 1'olit cat snipers or the rougher elements- sep elated From girls and theibooze who were - dissatisfied wvi%.h the ramp., We,, said the Statement Was not ours wvheetrc Ton. we were told that we should eiontradict it. 0 • • The real knockers of Cann, Bore den are from the inside and not from the outside of th • tamp. The men who have to put up with the 'conditions are lige ones who' are in a position to rightly judge and no•criticiemethat have appeared in the pape rs, ar• coa- ched in as strong language as many of the 'ooys from scamp have described it. The, real set Steck to recr'ttitine. Camp Borden itself. One can imagine the govetrnment of any thickly pop- ulated country' reclaiming, waste grou- nd for a training area, nut in a prov- ince like Ontario, when a permanent camp wag aimed at, why such e barr- en spot :should de chosen, gives rise to speculation and le certainly, un' atic- factory to the men. 'who have nettle the sacrifice to don the khaki. Wheel the motion pictures of the review of the camp were thrown uponithe s rein at rhe camp stone wore thrown at the picture of Sir `sacs Hughes union the canvas and r ni irks were, made far .from complimentary. s :glee Olive Quince returned home after visiting in London. and Aii<a Craig. Miss Muriel Evans, of. Ailsa Gish, .returned) with bor. Mise Veale, of .Edmonton, Miss. 7:•n - nett, and Miss W, ;Bennett or Toronto, returned Monday' after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Stew art. • Mrs. Ames and sister, .Mrs. Van - stone Lave' returned :after holidaying at Goderich. Mrs. Vanstone has re- turned to her 'home In, 13rantford. Miss McFauls presided at the church organ in James St. church last Sab- bath Met, Sabbath, Prof, Clarke, of l:it;cardine will commence Lis new duties a organist. 31r Norman Ieanson and wife have returnee ra ee to their home in Manitou. Mian., after visiting; with Mr. and Mr-. Time. Jonee Rev, Mr. Sharp left this week for Simcee to spend laic vacation. The ser- vice in Cnven Presbyterian church will be in `charge of the elders. The service in'the evening will be with- dran n. IIEE:LI' x't)It TITE SUFFERERS Twyo .tarns" 'bales of clot]. ing and use- ful articles• icer; zollected in;town and sent to the :suffere;rs in the fire swept district in Northern 0 ntario . 111.1)1.10 .POLI+ Si1:IASIIED A teams of 'horses belonging to Mr. Kemp, of Jltanshard, ran away ,tram Herz eY !Bros, Mill 'Wednesday! morn- Leg and started off down Main St. ,Atter going about n b;ock trey turn-, el, onto the sidewalk and collided with R hydro pole 'breakin,g it clean off. . . it ., ." '.w for ri .1 carrying nd tela a at t.l,e. "bot erat feet., ((0 , (horse went either side .wed the to.ngao of the,lwaggon struck the pose. Th; whiftletrecs were brolea en se weal as Some of the harness but the horse, eeeaped with only 'a slight P,o " t0 the 'Pet 0 ,Yi 'ti'tle. t y J IM>rMIMM�uR, li11111411�,)41 • Annual Bowlii ig" 'ournament hi Pull Swing 41 ` h ks in Competition The annual bowling tournament is. being held on the "Ex'eter' green. The rinks number forty-one and while this slumber ,is below the record of fifty - flour rinks reached last Year it is h'- ycndtho expectation of the cltib, We' :extend► our 'welcome to the vise Ring hrethern. and hope that Their sojourn in town may be' an extremica`lrt• pleasant one.. The tprize; foe tate' tour- hament are on +:'shibition in J. A. Stewart's window and are attx'aetin; , no little attention, As we go to prlel a number of the rinks have alread ' gorse down, to defeat. THE EXETER BARGAIN ST 0 RE AUGUST A To make a clean sweep of odd lines "die are offering the following priceso-= Cliildrens Shoes, a table full at $1.00 a pr., Wo1 i.ans Pumps and oxfords $1.00 86 1.50 pr Astwia, Shoes for Men regular $5. for $3,76. Hosiey worth up to 35c 2 prs. for 55o Silk Gloves 50c and 75c pair Boys' top Shirts 15e Mens fine top Shirts 75e each. 44 inch Embroideries 35c yd. B. W. R 112.91,, ten.• -,,.1,...9:a. 44,4e`0406 6saenn0.004SteetS 'Ot'*** ®b V.04,0 `*,tco eetaS-400.040 -:ds • A • R • • • • R N • • • • • a d • • 0 0 • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 • - • • • 0 • O • P A •• • • • • ee i • PHONE r ! Y ifi r f u et out are sure to want something new now for your vacation and the hoiida,ys that are corning on. Underwear, Pyjamas, Socks, Shirts, Collars . And Neckties. We've got them for you. Get them from gar, Men's High Grade Negligee Shirts Supererior make and finish, in neatest and most up to -date pat- terns -75c to $2.00) New 5 c © SCS .Plain Lisle Socks, 25c. Plain silk socks, 50c. Fancy socks 75e. New Collars Many new lines just put in stock which are sure ' to please. All sizes in stock. NewNeckties Handsome, High- Grade ii h- Gaade Ties, something new and up-to-date 50 Blue :,,ergo Suits for Men Oixr Values are undoubtedly* the best lax Canada. W. _ . W • T A N PHIONl 8x a ••M4&4'sta$M4444•t4 . 5 5I 41 0 • • ' de • • 0 •,- 55 • • 41� • • 0 • •