HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-8-2, Page 8Howey's Drugstore MOVED While Building to Broderick's old stand One door north of Fraynes Harness Shop Come and See Us Your Trade Appreciated Howey's Drugstore Phone 50 aanelleinnalnaninlannestemismosamie EXETER TI61 E A TWAR i. Phone 16 (foods You • Need for the Hot Weather Middy Blouses A Big assortment of good Blouses made of gond White Materials in White and White trimmed with colors. White Skirts $1,00 Clearing of White Wash Shirts. Splendid quality Bedford Cord and Indian Head. Regular $2.00 and $3,00 values. Reduced Price each 3100. Millinery All FIowers, Shapes and Trimmed Hats to be cleared this season. The prices on all Millinery is very low. Dinner Sets 6 New Dinner Sets of 96 pieces, Extra quality Ware, with neat floral decoration. Special Mid -summer price $15.00. Choice Groceries Choice New Potatoes. Comfort Soap, 6 bars foe 25c Quart Sealer Pickles each 25c, Men's Straw Hats Including all the newest shapes. At the low prices we are offering it will pay you to buy now. Rubber Soled Outing Shoes For Boys, Misses, Women and Men. They are in great de- mand, Boys' and Misses, 75c, 90c and $LOQ. Wotr-ens' and Men's $L25 and $1.50. Standard Patterns and Designer Call andet the New August Fashion sheet and sub- scribe for the Designer at the low price of 45c a year. We stock the new Standard Patterns. Odd Cups 15 Doz. odd Cups, Clover Leaf have just been unpacked. These are scarce goods. Get your supply at once. Specials for One Week Camp Coffee .................................... Best Extracts Toasted Corn Flakes per bottle 25c 3 for 25c 3 Packages for 25c J.A. STEWART Phone 16 I The Big Store with the little prices New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED 11I0DELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE 'RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, . meeting the requirements for street wear and travel, It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications• poitn to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the !Central Hotel FURNITLJR WANTED AT ONCE Young women desiring employment in town, oan find it by applying at once to the Jackson Mfg. Co. who tare several good positions vacant. The 'work is light and clean, the hours are very short, and wages are paid -while learning, steady position and good wages are assured to anyone, giving it a trial. Apply at once. Jackson Mfg. Co. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensea Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton,, Ad- dress lairkton P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOE SALE The frame house and half acre of land situated on Gidley street, Exeter and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be offered !foe quick sale. Apply to Chas. Harvey, on Huron St. NOTICE Tke undersigned merchants have decided to close their stores each week on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 o'clock during .the summer monl the beginning the first week in July. P. Hanlon & Son, Centralia, John Mc Naughton, Mooravilte; Mrs. G. Leto is, Clandeboye; E. A. McKenzie, Crane deboye. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per Iton; 50o. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works 00., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager. We can assist you in selecting your furniture if. you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion R. N Rowe The Funeral Director and Furniture Deatler- PHONE20 0a We have that ,good flour Manitoba's dlest or Model for bread and Wel- come for pastry. Do not take a flour said to be just as good, insist on hav- ing some home made goods. Therb;atre none better. --Harvey ;Bros. SALT FOR SALE. --An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance 'Souse at the C. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. 'Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. ED. MAGUIRE. Exeter. ASTOR IA For In1hnle ,ca,d, octillion. t vKindYearOink Always S000 ...netted the utettn'te as 14,40 Market Report—The following is the report of the Exeter market corrected up to Anivat 2uda 1914. `Wheat 85 to 95 Oats 45o to 50, ; Barley 50 to 55o a3uckwheat 00 to 80 1 t ( l Peas a 1i;1,00 Fancily flour $3.10 • ,f Il Low Grade Flour $L75, , t '. Bran $26.00 per tan. , t t Shorts $28,00 per tote. Eggs 25o. _ i Butter 25e. i • t f A r r F, ea t Creamery butter r 330 r' Neve potatoes 0.00 • Young ahias 180. ' Old Hens,. lie Dla rooscene br. ; i Ot fi. I Young & ekee 13o Old duoks 9a tad turkeys 15o Hoge 11.25.. • 1 1 Order Your New Potatoes from- WI LSON'S GROCERY. pliONE 56 4......,4.44.4.. a OCAL • Pte. Bert Rivers is keine, from Camp Borden on furlough. Me. and Mrs. T. 0. South'cott are holidaying at the Bend. Firs. Thompson: returned last week after visiting in London. Mr. Oliver D:tvis of Zurich event the week -end at his home here. ' Mr. and'i4;ftrs. T. ilaafeLeod and ehi'd are holidaying near Parkhill. .Lieut. E. Torrance of !Camt2 'Bor- den, visited in town. on/Sunday. Mr. Allan Parkinson. of St, 'Marys, was in town Saterday on business. Brits. T. Grieve ,spent a few 'days at 'Grand Bend during the past, week. Nh Bert Gillies haa returned to Paris after holidaying at 'his home in 'town: ; ! , Mists Ale'da Morris, of Hamilton, is visiting with Mr. and 14I•rf:. 'Wun. Thtompson. Mr. E. J. Spackman, of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. Spackman at Grana .end. Mrs. Jones and little daughter, of 'Toronto. are visiting kir. and arra. Ed. Howald. . Mr. (Clive McAlister. of Toronto. vie- ited dieing the past week with Mr. and firs. S. Fitton. Mr. and Mrs. '1'. Paosmore; and Mr. and airs. John 'Cann are 'spending a few days in London. Miss Ethel 'Bassett is holidaying) pit Grand Bend., Mrs, L. Artn!strong is visiting with her daughter in Lueknow. Mr. :Crank alallett, jr., is spending a lett;; days in, St. Thomaied Misses )Rhoda and Etta Kerslake spent part of last week in London. Miss G.tadya Bissett left Wednesday to visit' in Paris and Rochester, N, Y. faXaj. Heamari of Cainp Border( vis- ited in town the latter part of last week. Two Scotohmen in kitties were in town last week recruiting for a piled band. Niss Olive Clark, 1473 Dundas, St. Widen, is visiting with Miss 'Rhoda Kcrfstake. Mae Beretta Duplan, of London, vis- ited friends in Centralia over the week -end. Mr. Geo. Manson hie moved'his shoe store into the Hartleib building nor- th of B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Joanne and 'Hiss Lilly return- ed home Saturday after yisiting for a few w ucks in Sarnia. Mns. Teale and daughter Lilly May and Willa of London, are the guests, of Mr. and Mrs. ThoiSweet. Col. Wilson. of Seaforth visited in town. on Tuesday and was thee' guest of Mr. and ..n:rs. J. A. Stewart, ;Mrs, (Rev.) Muxworthy has re- turned homdi, after visiting for a fety weeks in Woodstock and Preston! Main St. Epworth League head a picnic in Riverview Park Tuesday evening and a most enjoyable time/ was spent. Mr. and Mrs. T. E: Handford of Ing- ersoll were in town Tuesday eyen- ing on their way to their summer cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. Bert Harness of the'135th Batt- alion visited his mother over' the week end. This was Bert's last visit home as they! ,expect shortly torgo overseas. Four .rinks of bowlers motorea to 'Clinton last 'Friday and enjoyed a game of bowls with. the Clinton bow- lers. The Exeter rinks were down -in the score. Services a{ follows in the Main St. 'Methodist church next Sabbath. Love - feast. and .fellowship at 1 a. m:Prea- iniin.g at 1.1 a, m. followed bry Sacro. mert o11 the Lord's Supper. i Mist Lila Taylor, of Ush'rue. has !bleed. McGillivray Knowles' R. C. A. sketching cla,.s at Piston. She ex- pects to be with them a month after Mr. Walter Whyte and daughter which she will vi -it friends ,n Toronto Met Wi"vte of ll inioita Man.: alit.', the guest': of Mrs, Jas Whyte. N11W SILO AND FILLING M'r- Harry Enke has returned to OUTFIT AT CANNING FACTORY Parkhill after holidaying in town and a trip up the lakes to' Duluth. Mr. Fran.kClark, and little daught- er Me.aguetrite, of London visited in town a 'couple of days this week. Miss I.la L. Whyte Ilea returned to her home here afber spending two months with` her aunt l&rls.,Fred Par- sons of Mitchell. Rev. 'Hutton. of London occupied the pulpit in James St. Methodist et,ureh last Sabbath in the: absence of the pastor, Rev. J. W. Baird. Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Dodds of Tor- onto who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. `Fitton for two weekly re- turned to their home on 'Saturday. 'Mrs. Jae. Lutton and children, of London. visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Horton. The condition of Miss Hatri:on in improving slowly, • Mira. G. McDonald end eon •Root. of Des Moines •Jowa. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and two children of Windsor, Sire th' ,gu'e'sts of theirs mother Mrs. Jon Snell. Mrs. (Rev.) Sharp, and daughter, Meogaret, left this avicek for Sincoe, to spend a month's vacation with the former',s parentis, 'Rev. and Mrs. Peter McNicol. Communion service will Irre. !told' in Caven Presbyterian church next Sab- bath morning, On Friday evening at 7.45 Rev. S. W, Mitxworthy will preach the preparatory sermon. Mir Wm, Westlake, Meat DJ A. Mo Nicol and cbildren of Stratford were, gueste, of their mother illrs, John. Westlake Wednesday and Thursday returning home Thursday evening. ate. and ales. Fred Parsons of Mit- .0501 were guest% of the tatter's mother, Mrs. John'Wertlake over Sun- day, Master Harold Whyte returning. keine with them to 'spend his holidays ilev. C. W. !Baker of Crediton, (eon- d,ieted the' services at Main St Meth- odist eturcii Sunday evening deliver=: dna a very acceptable sermon The pester- 'Rev. 5. 'W. Mitxworthy eon- aa•aoted the e rvice ,at Crediaote One of the new features et the Exe- ter Canning factory this year is a new 50 ft. silo and the manner i:o Which the silo is being filled should interest all farmers -who own a silo. The outfit used 'is made by the Com - non M'ichine Co., of town and is run by their seven h.p, air-cooled gasoline eng.ne which has no difficulty(in driv- ing it. The pea straw is being saved for feed and is Iran through a cutting inactine and elevated the fifty feet. The silo is 20 'feet. in diameter and was built tabs year et a cost of 3'1000. This is somewhat larger than 'the or- dinary silo in usae and tbe work of filling it with' the Connor outfit proves that this 'company has an art- icle that should meet a brisk d2man and fill a long felt 'want. L31CIiS FOREC'ASTTS k reactionary' stormperiod is cen- tral on the 6th, 7th, and • 8th„ this periost is at me oenter of the Venus equinox. The ldoon is at its first quarter and at i.ts extreme south point. The opposition of the planet 'Meanies on, the 10th. will also extend Ito disturbing power over this per- i od, The barometer 'will naturally fall—beginning in the west and pass= Shells in Process of Manufacture in,; eastward across the country—on , and touching the 6th, 7th, and 8th. This Falling barometer will be the Immense Munitions Exhibit iloexerunner or higher templerature, clotzdi.ness and a return of . decided kale. wind and thunder storms. The atmospheric tides will naturally fol- low the Moon toward the, south, and the cooler currents from the north, i especially in the upper atmosphere will conspire With the Venus influence, to precipitate hail storms of very' violent type. Those who live in ,glass houses should take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. There sterms may not result in freezing rafter the electric 'fire of Venus has passed, but posted students will not wholly be unprepared for an inrush of unseasonably , cool air, with the If yon want flour wade- from 'West- ern wheat only, toe have it is stoats always. !Quality second, to none. Get 't sack and tatty at out. It's all eight, 'Ifaa'vey Rhos. ' NEW 11I1I I1 FRY STORE, M v ss May Armstrong, milliner, has rented the south half of ,Mr, James Lawson's store end will establish a . tn'ihinery business therein. Miss Armstrong will also continue. cher business at Luckatow, We understpnd Mr, J. A, Stewart and Messrs. Jones & May general merchants, will not eontinue their millinery businesses, and there 13 t uu excellent opening for Miss Arm- strong, as two millinery stores • should do well en, Exeter. GARDEN PARTY A SUOCESS 'The Main St, 'Methodist 'thumb held a garden party on the lawn last Friday evening that was a success in every particular. It took the 'form or . a respbelrry isocial and respbetrries and cream and refresh!nents were ser- ved after which refreshments were served oie the lawn. The evenign was warm and the attendance large. The ' !,xeter Orchestra furnished some ex- oellent musko. VOTERS' LIST 1916 a. MUN CC [PALIT 1 OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF 'USBU'RNE COUNTY OF HURON Notice ie hereby given that I have tranbmitted or detivered to the per- sons 'mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List 'Act" the cop- ies rrzquired by the 'said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all perfsona appearing by tie last revis- ed Assessment roll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in tkie said Municipality at . Elections for Members of the Legislatvie Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said lust was first posted up at my office at Whalen on 'the 29th Day on July 1916 and remains here for inspection. And I hereby call upon alt voters to take immediate proceedings ' 'to kave any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. .Dated at Whalen this 29th day of Tuty. 1916, FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk of Usborne Township THAMES ROAD ' Mrs. Wm. Rae and won Billie of Stratford! spent aefew days in the vicinity last week with' relatives. Sergi. Wileo.n and Pte. 'Robe. Rae of the 135th Battalion were in the neighborhood for a 'few days last week ori their last leave. They expect to go oversea this werlic, Miss Jeanette and Master Leslie Poppleston'e who have been ependine, a few' weeks with' relatived returned to their home in Blyth Tuesday ac- companied by Miss Myra Morgan who will visit her aunt aIro.;Poppleetone. SSIPl A Mr. Thomas Spickett of Detroit: Mich., is the guelst ofrhis grandmother Mrs. McPhee. - Pte iBasil Gooding of th'e 135th( Batt- alion visited his brother Mr. John Gooding on, Sunday, Misses Agnes Regan or Rosebush, Mich., and Ella and Wilma Regan of Cadillac, Miele, are the guestis of their aunt Mrs.• John Lynch. Pio Walter ane George Smith of the 48th Highlanders who were `home for the Iasi- time before going over- seas were preeented with a purse on. Saturday night. by friends. CANADIAN AN NATIONAL d.rfi-E,XHIBITION sb 8 t. Empire Federation Spectacle fM Z,2t.H Performers; 1i/ Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reprodution of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UNDER W SEA A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR R Scenes pire that have thrilled the Em - Re -enacted by Overseas I Troops, Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New • Midway. The Kin's' A__ Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stock and Agricultural . Products, Acres of Manu- ( actures. high barometer after the storm ,• , .. , , isay from' about the 7th to the 10th, Tnroato Aug. 26 to Sept i7 progressing from the he north west fo- ward, thio isaU.th..itOts !PHIALS aa, ALTGun he IOttl. HOY WANTED ---Smart boy wanted to learn ,printing. Apply at tbe Timea *Mice. Proclamation Civic.. Holiday As per resolution of the Village' Council I hereby proclaim MONDAY, E21. AUGUST 7 ' to1916 AS CIVIC HOLIDAY for the Village, and call upon ail citizens to observe the same, SOHN W. TAYLOR, Reeve, held by the London oO1lega of Mu: is ?OR SALE' A most desirable treeidental y' isproper ortiteatc: in one' tea the best 'press 'dental parts of the Village of Exeter's Tata Tats property oonsi'sts of a rase anal a half storey frame house,. 8 coon sa with ventryi and closets, a good (sum* riser kitchen and large wood,,shede good well and cistern, a fine seleot * ion of fruit ,trees and small fruitia' and a good stable 'with iron proorg t&n i y' l erndesiringso ' a ,fine residenre Eat .plrlopelrtaa can abti.in the above on very satlstaetory terms. For partici/I. 'ulars applyi to Isaao 111. 'Carling, 'Barrister, .&viii:: , ExeterO* -n Plumbing First class plumbing and altera- tion work done at reasonable prices. We aim to please. All our work i guaranteed. Estimates cheerful' given free of charge. Chas. West, X41 Queens Ave. London, Ont. Phone 3255 Loot water and steam beating our ",SPECIALITY" SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of Interest. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA. 'No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost' every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. WGIaiys ine Ffrrzzce Drop in some time soon and hear about McClary's special installation service that gets out of every tcn of coal all the heat there is in it. say Sold by T. HA KINS & SON. WESTERN FAIR LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to loth, 1916 WESTERN ONTARIO'S POPULAR E CI -9 BITION ART, MUSIC, AGRICULTURE & AMUSEME TTS A FINE COMBINATION AT LONDON'S EXHIBITION A (Seal Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIRE WORKS EVERY NIGHT Process Batild n i . g Every Building Full of Exhibits New SINGLE FARE over all Railway's West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCOUSll0N DAYS Prize Lists, Hatay Poitxtg and all information • frons the, Sectetat y .1. W. RNID, Prat -talent A, M. HUNT, Secretary