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Exeter Times, 1916-7-27, Page 8
EXETER TIMES '',THURSDAY, ;TUL 2 27th, ]lulu Phone r 6 600dSYou eed lor A. STEW,ART Phone 16 the Hot Weather Middy Blouses A Big assortment of good Blouses made of good White Materials in White and White trimmed with colors. White Skirts $1.00 Clearing of [White Wash Shirts. Splendid quality Bedford Cord and Indian Head. Regular 52.00 and $8.00 values. Reduced Price each $1 00. Millinery All Flowers, Shapes and Trimmed Hats to be cleared this season, The prices on all Millinery is very low, Dinner Sets 6 New Dinner Sets of 96 pieces. Extra quality Ware, with neat floral decoration, Special Mid -summer price $15.00. Choice Groceries Choice New Potatoes. Comfort Soap, 6 bars for 25c Quart Sealer Pickles each 25c, Men's Straw Hats Including all the newest shapes. At the low prices we are offering it will pay you to buy now. Rubber Soled Outing Shoes For Boys, Misses, Women and Men. They are in great de- mand. Boys' and Misses, 75c, 90c and $1,OP. Womens' and Men's $1.25 and $1.50. Standard Patterns and Designer Call and get the New August Fashion sheet and sub- scribe for the Designer at the low price of 45c a year. We stock the new Standard Patterns, Odd Cups 15 Doz. odd Cups, Clover Leaf have just been unpacked. These are scarce goods. Get your supply at once. Specials for -One Week Carnp Coffee Best Extracts Toasted Corn Flakes per bottle 25c 3for 25c 8 Packages for 25c ST WART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices Market Report—The following is 1 the report of the Exeter market corrected up to Jitter 27t1::,x1916 'Wheat 85 to 95 Oats 45o to 50. • Barley' 50 'to 55o i 3nekwheat 60 to 8Q Peas $1.00 Family flour $3.10 ( I t Low Grade Flour $1,75, !' ' Bran $26,00 per ton. , !.t Shorts ,$28,00 per ton. Eggs 25o . < Butter 25e, F i . Creamery Butter SO to 32e. r Nevi potatoes 't"p,00 , Young chicken 21c Old BensL lie 'Ola rooscerya tic Young ducks 13c Old ducks Os 0:(1 turkeys 15e 11, gs :;11.00 New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for aneeet wear and travel. • It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indication, poitn to higher prices in the future. f . Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel F RNITURE We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if -you only want some oddn pieces.. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the bestof satisfact- ion R. N Rowe The Funeral Director and Eastr'n turto I estlesr 20a PHONE PIi WANTED AT ONCE Young women( desiring 'employment in town, can find it by applying at once to the Jackson Mfg. Co. who tare several good positionls vacant. The 'work is ]fight and clean, the hours are very short, and wages are paid while learning, steady position and good wages are assured t'o anyone giving it a trial. Apply at once. Jackson Mfg. Co. PERRY F. DCL'PE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at. tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton.• Ad. dress Kirkton P.O. —.f HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The frame house and half acre of land situated on Gidley street, Exeter and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be offered fox quick sale. Apply to Chas. Harvey, on Huron St, NOTICE— The undersigned merchants have 'decided to close their stores each week on Tuesday and Thursday nightis at 7 o'clock during .the summer mon- ths beginning the first week' in July. 1?. Hanlon 'Nc Son,'Oentrada, John Me Naughton, Moorsviite; 'Mrs. G. Lew- is. ,Ciandeboye; E. A. McKenzie, Clan:- deboye. 6-22,-4, 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50e. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager.. 4 We have that good flour Manitoba's 'Best or Model for bread and Wel- come for pastry. Do not take a flour said to be just as good, insist en hav- ing some home mach goods. There:are none better. --Harvey Bros. SALT FOR SALE. --Au excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance House at the G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity, Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. —. ED MAGUIRE. Exeter. Mc CASTOR IA Ver Infants ,mal, Ckilllr n, Meld You Rue Always Bought, nears the Votiveta, • •POOOO?OOAo MmecO©O f0o0•••O LOCAL • • ♦•••••• ••••••• 6 Mrs. T. Sutton visited in London this week. Mr. Thos. Boyle is Spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Graham spent Sunday at his home in Parkhill. bliss Jessie Brickwood, of 'London is visiting in 'town. • DIr. Jas, Creech, of Rochester, N. Y. is visiting with relatives, -Miss. Grace Vivian, of Mitchell, vis- ited in, town over Sunday. Mr. !Victor Sweet, of Windsor, is visiting with Islands In town. •Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,May visited Ln 1,titchell during, the past (week. Mr, Walter Dearing, or London, spent the weak -land in towvnk Miss Scott, of Lacknow, as visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. Armstrong.:. Jlisa Lulu Blartin is :holidaying for few days at Grand Bend. Hiss .Margarets Kinsman, or /Sarnia is the guest -of thel Misses Kinsman. Miss 9lildred Smelt, of Toronto, es: the guest of Mr. and Mons. 'Wins. Snell Miss Ida Wambold, has returned after holidaying in London and Strat- Cord. The Jamea St. '— nday 'school pic- nic) will be held at, Grand Bend Thu.rd- de y. Mr, Wes. Lampert +' se.. Lam•?ort left Mond'iy'fcr :London lvhere he bas accused a pot.- ition. Mrs. S. Atkinson he•s returned home after visiting relatives in London township., Mrs. Nashi and daughter Helen, of Hamilton arty the guests of J, W. and Ii:rs. Powell.. Miss Edna Follick left Wednesday to visit a few days with t"ei,ativ;c, in Pt, Huron. Miss Ethel Sweet has :returnr. d home after spending the millinery season at Tiisoriburg, Mr. Ed. ;Fowell, Mr. W. W. Taman and son Ted motored to Detroit for a few days this week. Mrs. J. Senior and daughter Blanch §pent several days, at Grand Deng during the past week . Messrs Adolphus and Stanley Evans or London. motored up and spent 'Wed nesday evening in town. Miss Alice Kedwell, telephone oper- ator, has returned after holidaying at leer home in Petrolia. Mrs. W., J. 'McAlister, and( babe or Sarnia. are visiting the former's, par- ents. 1W. and 'Mrs. Jas. Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. iB,irwell, find Mg. MIs. .3 A. McDonald motored to St. Thomas for .the week -end. ,Dr. and Mrs. McDonald, lof Wiscon- sin. visited, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis of Exeter north this week. Mr. C. Ericson,, of 'Rochester'N. I;. Y. returned home Saturdayeafter 'vis- iting with; Mrs, W. G. Eistt. Mil'. and Mrs. Huston, or London, visited )'dr, and Tins, Jas. Taylor for a few days during the past week. Arr. J. G. Jones and family are hol- idaying at their summer tottagel, "The Mayflower" at Grand'B;end: ''.I'll': English church have purchased a new Union Jack 15' feet .long to be placed on the .i:a,g pole of the ,church. 'MM, Il, O. Soutlmott, or Toronto, at `visite d in town 0 n Saiday and is holidaying with his mother at Grand elicl., , Iiowey's Drugstore MOVED While Building to Broderick's old stand One door north of Fraynes Harness Shop Come and See Us Your Trade Appreciated Howey's Drugstore Phone 50 Mies( Myrtle Wright, or Toronto,‘ is Visiting; with Dliss ;l3laneh Quante. The Epworth league of the Main. street Methodist church will hold a picnics at `'Riverview 'park on Tuesday evening of next week commencing at • Mrs. Langford and two children, of Toronto, who have been visiting, with Dr. and) Mrs. 1Ctoulston, left' Wednets-. !lay to visit in D'ILlverton, the Dr. tak- leg them over in his auto. Miss Elma Logie, or New llav o, Conn., has returned home after a pleasant visit with her eoulsine 'Mrs. Richard Yellow at Mount Pleasant Farm. : , r . 4 Ail At the recent vocal exmaination (held bryl the London 'College(' o:f Music Lu,gtand, Miss Irene 1Quackenbuteh, a pupil of Mrs. Gambill!, 'was highly successful gaining a first class honors certificate, Intermediate section. HAY 'VOTERS LIST; The voter's hat of Hay Township. for 191e ,Las been printed and de- livered to the clerk's office. The list counint i 'l,;9 names in part one, hel- leg peke us eutitled to vote at bothI tnunieipal aria ,provincial elections; 114 naaic.s in part two, being persons entitled to vote at municipal elections Wet and 4a, names in part three, be- ing .parsons who can vote at provin- cial etceteras aryl. The list contains 535 names of electors who are .elig- ible to serve els jurors. Proclamation Civic Holiday AUTO .DESTROYED BY FIRE Ae ,per resolution of the Village Co.tn.'u 1 hereby proclaim MONDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1916. AS CIVIC HOLIDAY for th•e Village, and call upon ail citizens to observe the same. JOHN ,W, TAYLOR, Reeve. held by the London oCliegc, of Music ea - Mi, Alf Muxworthy, of Windsor, is visiting Rev, S. W. Muxworthy at the Main street parsonage. Mrs. F. J. Hill and two children, of i'oronto ,are visiting with 'Mr. Geo. Hill in town. Muse, Northcott. of Stratford ds vis- iting ,her ancle and 'taunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'Rd. Yellow and other relatives in town. ,Rev. Carriere and daughter, w of Grand Band. visited with Rev. and Mrs. Sharp at the Presbyterian manse on Monday. D,atchcford of the Times stn ff, left Monday for Listowel where bo has. s 'cared , a position on the ],is towel E. anar. At the ;Masonic Grand Lodge held in London last week. (Dr. Coupland, of St. Marys, was elected D. 'D, G. M. for South, Huron. Hydro power was off for some time) Tuesday afternoon and the employees at . the Jackson factory had most of the afternoon off. . ar.. and Mrs: J. G. Stanbury and iamiy after ,spending a week at the Bend, left' last walk to spend a few wwce,k5 at, Bayfield. Mine. tRobt. 'Barnes and two child- ren oIl Ottawa, and leers.+H. Evans, of 'London,. visited at tree home of Mr. Wm. Harding this week. Mrs. Vanstone, of +Brantford, Ras been visiting ,her {sister Mrs. Amos, and on Wednesday they left to visit in Goderich for a week: Mr. A. E. Rahn has 'returned to hie duties in the `Canadian ;Bank of' ,Commerce after holidaying at Cred- iton and a motor trip to Grimsby Niagara Falls, and Buffalo. On Thurst.ay' last after throe weeks of dry wt.ather, the spell was broklen by a heavy downpour of rain which was a green benefit to the erops and roots. The shower was total however. as a couple of miles to -thin south and •wes t there was little or no rain. c. Rev. T. W, !Baird and family left- -this eftthis week for their cottage on Lake Huron near Kincardine. They will be absent for the month of'August. Mr. Baird'ts work in the James St.:Meth- odiet church will be conducted next Sabbath by Mr .A. 3. Irwin, of t0linton Mr. J. W. Powell gave a de uon- stration of the new Edison Diamond disc phonograph at Elimville Monday evening. Mr,• A. C. Macoduci, the dem onstrator y✓ilo has been with Mr. Powell •the past couple of weeks left town on Wednesday. '.During his stay. here they conducted twelve enter- tenements in neighboring places. EXETER RINK WINS iCONSOLATION Two stinks of bowlers took in the Seaforth tournament last ,week and Taman's rink captured the consol- ation event bringing home with them four electric grills. The rink wascoin- posed of W. G. 'Rivers, W. Fritz, J A, Stew art,, and W. 'W. Taman, In the finals they were matched against, J. A. Williams,„Dr. Grieve, ;J. H. Taman, and W. G. Willis 'of Seafortht the boy's being well up in thlei score. In trier first evt nt both rinks went ,clown in the preliminary round. HARVEST FIJRLOTJGII The 'boys from the farms in this ls txiet who .have been at Camp Borden; have been granted harvest leave for one month, being from July 20th, to riugust 111th. After being at Camp Borden the boys are on.y too gad to get back to the arms and a hew or them have a good , word to say about the new camp. Among those who are home, on furlough are :lies. A, S. Buitoni L. M. Williams, ,Grant Hooper, (Cyril Tuckey, 3. D. Laing, I, Taylor, John and .Eimer Willie, H. H. Passmore,, C. Cameron, Garnet Ford, W. Simms Areas E. ,l3rokcnsb.ine, Wm. Jeffrey, Nelson. Stacey, Norman Johns, Ednlottd (Ike. E. Neil, Charles. Dobbs, 'R,{31. Cornish, L. V. Iloga.rth, 'Wm, J. Veal, W. C. Cutbush, Elmer• McFaffs, Rotas 1:e+:t1•e, John C. Strang. Jolt G }•lunteri •Nora an ,Hotkeyz ... r One of the J3ord ,cars belonging to bIr. T. Baker's ,livery was destroyed by fire on Saturday evening last. The auto was driven 'by Mr. J. Williams and in company with two others he' was returning from St. Marys and when about three miles from there the accident occurred. The car took to the ditch and turned turtle, Mr %, Williams being pinned beneath it (receiving injursi to this arm that will lay hila up 'for n week. Thel fire des- troyed practically all the frame leav- ing only the skeleton. One whecl, and two tires were saved. The gasoline• tank-' exploded with considerable (for- ce. The damage amounted to about '''250.00 with no insurance. LARGE Tull} CROSS SHIPMENTS The last !records of Shipments of Red ; Cross isupplies from Dominion Headquarters in Toronto show large facrettstee. TJp ,to May 1st the total number of •cases whipped' from. Canada was 63,742. The May total the largest for any month' to date, was 8,332 mak- Leg a grandl total of •72.174. The thief items in the month's shipment were 17,716 pairs of socks, and 63 cases of cigarettes. The shipments came from all over, Canada. Vancouver eontributed 53 (cases and Victoria 115. The nernb•Or passing through the Montreal ware- house was 1,029. A total of 612 cages came through Winnipeg. Hamilton contributed 279 cases, 'Rtegina 154, London, 314, 'Cobalt 101, 'Calgary 172, and Halifax 200. It is this evident that. the Canadian 'lt•ed 'Cross is r-e- eeivin•g nation-wide support. DEATH OF JOSEPH. NOBLE Mr. Joseph Noble an old and highly respected resident of Seaforth, pass- ed away at the home of his son -in -Law Mtr, J. 'B. Thompsoh on Wednesday' last at the great age of 82 years. Thio deceased had been ailing for some weeks but was able to be up till. about l\i'edne,sday whenthe teed came sudd- enly, heart trouble being the CLOS. of death. Mr. Nobe wasbarn in Ireland, but he and his wife, lived for some years in Glasgow, Scotland and came ,,u this country many years ago. lag first settled at Varna, when). he lived a short time, and tht'n moved to i..eeter, where he resided sone sears. About thtrly years ago he came to Seaforth, where he made his home until his death. Mrs. Noble d:ed four years ago, but b„,..is survived by a family of one son and four daughters firs. J. E. 'Thompson, of Seatorth; Mrs. Tucker. of Illi 1 DI s. e .noes Mrs. Ales 'Cardno of Darlingford. Illinois; : Mrs. Geo. Boyd, of Saskatoon, Sask., axed Joseph of Toronto —Seaforth Expositor HI'CK'S FORECASTS t A reactionary storm period is c•en- ,tial on the 25th, 26th and 270h. The Moon is at its 3lighe,st d,eolination on the 25111. The y;aadratu'rie. with - Jupiter, Barth and Sun, and the sup. erior conjunction of Mercur'y with Earth and Sun on the 27th and 28th. This period ,Leads up to thel New Mcon on, the 291h, on 'which date tbelre an annular eclipse of 'the Sun. The ,Moon is .in apogee- or at greatest listannee from the Earth on the 28th --a fact which changes the potentials of magnetic and !electrical forces, breeding unrest and active squalls, and !stoma in our atmosphere, add- ing greatly TO the probability of se:smio trouble: about the 26th to 29th, 'We may ,t1.pect a great incr'ase in warmth through the ;LSth, 2utih, 27th. and 28th, ea.J. culminating on the 29th in a •tnaeireum .heat wave. Notwith- standing the tact that Inc annular ,eclipse of r, Lie Sun an the 23th is on the oppositi parts of the Earth b.i- ii>g centra I through Austral..a, our parts of the planet will not whol,y escape the rs toro.ogicai dis.:arb.n+.e s: resulting therefrom ib s.oruts and other distue'bances tieig'en/ting on Inc 25131, 261h, sad inc 27tt. will net suL.- elde, or the barometer will net or terctpelratem fail uncit.l we pass the crisis incident to the Moon'•:;• c.n- ,j,anotion with the Earth and Sun on tliti 26th. Bait storms will he mixed, with, rain, wiled and thunder at this time. and a marked and 'sadden drop Ln temperature will •fol.owq these, stories. Upon the whole, we beli;ere that' July w i11 ,?rove a very favorable month for agricultural interests. ' i$ome aeotions may surfer shortage in timely and diffused rains, but wie+ 1lo not calctplate,sufrering f:om aevezn and gen.ral'drouth. The Mar iury peer- Plod in the early part of the month: and the ,Venus period, which cover' the last h:if o'f the month, are Indic- atiots or Lfrequelit and perhaps tater- 'Relent +u,r-fielent sbow:ers. Never let the soil haketer ,ht c rains, ser aft t a . bur n and the 5011 aft er every shower, and you will make (hair to rain more beneficial than a whole a'a'», without the stiir-' the much .cdisousred question of "Dry ixtg, +I1erni;.ruber .this is all there is. in Farming," CANADIAN NATIONAL AveEXHIBITION srt Empire Federation Spectacle IR 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power IVIammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W Oil AND UNDER SEA A ON LAND IN THE AIR Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. Auer The:is?' s Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stack and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 WY WANTED --Stuart (boy wantett' to learn ,printing. Apply at thea Times offi.iee. Le you want flour made trona 'W+est. ern wheat only, we have it in Istool' always, 'Quality second to none. Gere a sack and try it out, It's all right~ 'Harvey alma. 1NOR SA2.1a. t A most desirable ire'sidentar proms, arty situate, in 'once of the best'res e +dental parts of the Village of Exeter, !'.Phis property consists of a on arch a hall storey frame house, 8 rooms: with 'pantry' and .closets, a good Isum;W itncr kitchen and larige wood, -,sheaf good well and cistern, a fine select'- iou of fruit trees and small fruifell and a good stable with iron root; (Any persona desiring a fine resid6it hi ,property' can obtain the above 011 t:'esy satisfactory terms. For partieltt 'Mars apply{ to Isaac B. 'Carling, Barrister, 3:0- Exe ter Out efore uying ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES OF ANY KIND Give us a call and do not buy an Elecl l is Iron. un- less ms eked 'Standard Hot -point" We would be pleased to deliver any make of iron to you for trial with- out any obligation on your part to purchase. W. J. Beer s: era I istiI • 2` .4 cyL Stores CAhNAC)AS FA'Vi)G'.ITI DI?UG'_=,Tcll"f ,. li 1 Nation's WatchwQr ``BE PREPARED" The mild bit sure laxative =-with tie pleasant taste. Guard the home against biliousness and constipation In boxes 15c. and 25c. r 116 Sold only at The Rexail Drug Stores. ',W. S. Cole, ExerNr Ontario WE -ARE SERva=R:YOt_' b 1' No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. MeClaryt unsErr. Drop in some time soon and, hear about McClarf s special installation service that gets out of every tort of coal all the heat there is in it. saw Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON. 1 i WESTERN FAIR LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to iotli, v;9I6 WESTERN t. NTAR IO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC,, AGI ICOLTURE Bz AMUSEMENTS A VINE COM6(NATfON. AT LONDON'S EXEIIBf ION A ELesd. Live Program of Attractions Ta ire Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIRE IN'ORICS EVERY NIGHT New Process Ba(k1.ng Every Building Full of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPEUTA[. EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Fortis and alt infortnatton from the Secretary J. W. REI D, Ftp Ablest M. HUNT, Secretary Order Four C 6--! E R R I E 5 from Wilson's WILSON'S GROCERY ptiONB 56 •POOOO?OOAo MmecO©O f0o0•••O LOCAL • • ♦•••••• ••••••• 6 Mrs. T. Sutton visited in London this week. Mr. Thos. Boyle is Spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Graham spent Sunday at his home in Parkhill. bliss Jessie Brickwood, of 'London is visiting in 'town. • DIr. Jas, Creech, of Rochester, N. Y. is visiting with relatives, -Miss. Grace Vivian, of Mitchell, vis- ited in, town over Sunday. Mr. !Victor Sweet, of Windsor, is visiting with Islands In town. •Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,May visited Ln 1,titchell during, the past (week. Mr, Walter Dearing, or London, spent the weak -land in towvnk Miss Scott, of Lacknow, as visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. Armstrong.:. Jlisa Lulu Blartin is :holidaying for few days at Grand Bend. Hiss .Margarets Kinsman, or /Sarnia is the guest -of thel Misses Kinsman. Miss 9lildred Smelt, of Toronto, es: the guest of Mr. and Mons. 'Wins. Snell Miss Ida Wambold, has returned after holidaying in London and Strat- Cord. The Jamea St. '— nday 'school pic- nic) will be held at, Grand Bend Thu.rd- de y. Mr, Wes. Lampert +' se.. Lam•?ort left Mond'iy'fcr :London lvhere he bas accused a pot.- ition. Mrs. S. Atkinson he•s returned home after visiting relatives in London township., Mrs. Nashi and daughter Helen, of Hamilton arty the guests of J, W. and Ii:rs. Powell.. Miss Edna Follick left Wednesday to visit a few days with t"ei,ativ;c, in Pt, Huron. Miss Ethel Sweet has :returnr. d home after spending the millinery season at Tiisoriburg, Mr. Ed. ;Fowell, Mr. W. W. Taman and son Ted motored to Detroit for a few days this week. Mrs. J. Senior and daughter Blanch §pent several days, at Grand Deng during the past week . Messrs Adolphus and Stanley Evans or London. motored up and spent 'Wed nesday evening in town. Miss Alice Kedwell, telephone oper- ator, has returned after holidaying at leer home in Petrolia. Mrs. W., J. 'McAlister, and( babe or Sarnia. are visiting the former's, par- ents. 1W. and 'Mrs. Jas. Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. iB,irwell, find Mg. MIs. .3 A. McDonald motored to St. Thomas for .the week -end. ,Dr. and Mrs. McDonald, lof Wiscon- sin. visited, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis of Exeter north this week. Mr. C. Ericson,, of 'Rochester'N. I;. Y. returned home Saturdayeafter 'vis- iting with; Mrs, W. G. Eistt. Mil'. and Mrs. Huston, or London, visited )'dr, and Tins, Jas. Taylor for a few days during the past week. Arr. J. G. Jones and family are hol- idaying at their summer tottagel, "The Mayflower" at Grand'B;end: ''.I'll': English church have purchased a new Union Jack 15' feet .long to be placed on the .i:a,g pole of the ,church. 'MM, Il, O. Soutlmott, or Toronto, at `visite d in town 0 n Saiday and is holidaying with his mother at Grand elicl., , Iiowey's Drugstore MOVED While Building to Broderick's old stand One door north of Fraynes Harness Shop Come and See Us Your Trade Appreciated Howey's Drugstore Phone 50 Mies( Myrtle Wright, or Toronto,‘ is Visiting; with Dliss ;l3laneh Quante. The Epworth league of the Mein. street Methodist eburch will hold a picnics at `'Riverview 'park on Tuesday evening of next week commencing at • Mrs. Langford and two children, of Toronto, who have been visiting, with Dr. and) Mrs. 1Ctoulston, left' Wednets-. !lay to visit in D'ILlverton, the Dr. tak- leg them over in his auto. Miss Elena Logie, or New llav o, Conn., has returned home after a pleasant visit with her eoulsine 'Mrs. Richard fellow at Mount Pleasant Farm. : , r . 4 Ail At the recent vocal exmaination (held bryl the London 'College(' o:f Music Lu,gtand, Miss Irene 1Quackenbuteh, a pupil of Mrs. Gambill!, 'was highly successful gaining a first class honors certificate, Intermediate section. HAY 'VOTERS LIST; The voter's hat of Hay Township. for 191e ,Las been printed and de- livered to the clerk's office. The list counint i 'l,;9 names in part one, hel- leg peke us eutitled to vote at bothI tnunieipal aria ,provincial elections; 114 naaic.s in part two, being persons entitled to vote at municipal elections Wet and 4a, names in part three, be- ing .parsons who can vote at provin- cial etceteras aryl. The list contains 535 names of electors who are .elig- ible to serve els jurors. Proclamation Civic Holiday AUTO .DESTROYED BY FIRE Ae ,per resolution of the Village Co.tn.'u 1 hereby proclaim MONDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1916. AS CIVIC HOLIDAY for th•e Village, and call upon ail citizens to observe the same. JOHN ,W, TAYLOR, Reeve. held by the London oCliegc, of Music ea - Mi, Alf Muxworthy, of Windsor, is visiting Rev, S. W. Muxworthy at the Main street parsonage. Mrs. F. J. Hill and two children, of i'oronto ,are visiting with 'Mr. Geo. Hill in town. Muse, Northcott. of Stratford ds vis- iting ,her ancle and 'taunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'Rd. Yellow and other relatives in town. ,Rev. Carriere and daughter, w of Grand Band. visited with Rev. and Mrs. Sharp at the Presbyterian manse on Monday. D,atchcford of the Times stn ff, left Monday for Listowel where bo has. s 'cared , a position on the ],is towel E. anar. At the ;Masonic Grand Lodge held in London last week. (Dr. Coupland, of St. Marys, was elected D. 'D, G. M. for South, Huron. Hydro power was off for some time) Tuesday afternoon and the employees at . the Jackson factory had most of the afternoon off. . ar.. and Mrs: J. G. Stanbury and iamiy after ,spending a week at the Bend, left' last walk to spend a few wwce,k5 at, Bayfield. Mine. tRobt. 'Barnes and two child- ren oIl Ottawa, and leers.+H. Evans, of 'London,. visited at tree home of Mr. Wm. Harding this week. Mrs. Vanstone, of +Brantford, Ras been visiting ,her {sister Mrs. Amos, and on Wednesday they left to visit in Goderich for a week: Mr. A. E. Rahn has 'returned to hie duties in the `Canadian ;Bank of' ,Commerce after holidaying at Cred- iton and a motor trip to Grimsby Niagara Falls, and Buffalo. On Thurst.ay' last after throe weeks of dry wt.ather, the spell was broklen by a heavy downpour of rain which was a green benefit to the erops and roots. The shower was total however. as a couple of miles to -thin south and •wes t there was little or no rain. c. Rev. T. W, !Baird and family left- -this eftthis week for their cottage on Lake Huron near Kincardine. They will be absent for the month of'August. Mr. Baird'ts work in the James St.:Meth- odiet church will be conducted next Sabbath by Mr .A. 3. Irwin, of t0linton Mr. J. W. Powell gave a de uon- stration of the new Edison Diamond disc phonograph at Elimville Monday evening. Mr,• A. C. Macoduci, the dem onstrator y✓ilo has been with Mr. Powell •the past couple of weeks left town on Wednesday. '.During his stay. here they conducted twelve enter- tenements in neighboring places. EXETER RINK WINS iCONSOLATION Two stinks of bowlers took in the Seaforth tournament last ,week and Taman's rink captured the consol- ation event bringing home with them four electric grills. The rink wascoin- posed of W. G. 'Rivers, W. Fritz, J A, Stew art,, and W. 'W. Taman, In the finals they were matched against, J. A. Williams,„Dr. Grieve, ;J. H. Taman, and W. G. Willis 'of Seafortht the boy's being well up in thlei score. In trier first evt nt both rinks went ,clown in the preliminary round. HARVEST FIJRLOTJGII The 'boys from the farms in this ls txiet who .have been at Camp Borden; have been granted harvest leave for one month, being from July 20th, to riugust 111th. After being at Camp Borden the boys are on.y too gad to get back to the arms and a hew or them have a good , word to say about the new camp. Among those who are home, on furlough are :lies. A, S. Buitoni L. M. Williams, ,Grant Hooper, (Cyril Tuckey, 3. D. Laing, I, Taylor, John and .Eimer Willie, H. H. Passmore,, C. Cameron, Garnet Ford, W. Simms Areas E. ,l3rokcnsb.ine, Wm. Jeffrey, Nelson. Stacey, Norman Johns, Ednlottd (Ike. E. Neil, Charles. Dobbs, 'R,{31. Cornish, L. V. Iloga.rth, 'Wm, J. Veal, W. C. Cutbush, Elmer• McFaffs, Rotas 1:e+:t1•e, John C. Strang. Jolt G }•lunteri •Nora an ,Hotkeyz ... r One of the J3ord ,cars belonging to bIr. T. Baker's ,livery was destroyed by fire on Saturday evening last. The auto was driven 'by Mr. J. Williams and in company with two others he' was returning from St. Marys and when about three miles from there the accident occurred. The car took to the ditch and turned turtle, Mr %, Williams being pinned beneath it (receiving injursi to this arm that will lay hila up 'for n week. Thel fire des- troyed practically all the frame leav- ing only the skeleton. One whecl, and two tires were saved. The gasoline• tank-' exploded with considerable (for- ce. The damage amounted to about '''250.00 with no insurance. LARGE Tull} CROSS SHIPMENTS The last !records of Shipments of Red ; Cross isupplies from Dominion Headquarters in Toronto show large facrettstee. TJp ,to May 1st the total number of •cases whipped' from. Canada was 63,742. The May total the largest for any month' to date, was 8,332 mak- Leg a grandl total of •72.174. The thief items in the month's shipment were 17,716 pairs of socks, and 63 cases of cigarettes. The shipments came from all over, Canada. Vancouver eontributed 53 (cases and Victoria 115. The nernb•Or passing through the Montreal ware- house was 1,029. A total of 612 cages came through Winnipeg. Hamilton contributed 279 cases, 'Rtegina 154, London, 314, 'Cobalt 101, 'Calgary 172, and Halifax 200. It is this evident that. the Canadian 'lt•ed 'Cross is r-e- eeivin•g nation-wide support. DEATH OF JOSEPH. NOBLE Mr. Joseph Noble an old and highly respected resident of Seaforth, pass- ed away at the home of his son -in -Law Mtr, J. 'B. Thompsoh on Wednesday' last at the great age of 82 years. Thio deceased had been ailing for some weeks but was able to be up till. about l\i'edne,sday whenthe teed came sudd- enly, heart trouble being the CLOS. of death. Mr. Nobe wasbarn in Ireland, but he and his wife, lived for some years in Glasgow, Scotland and came ,,u this country many years ago. lag first settled at Varna, when). he lived a short time, and tht'n moved to i..eeter, where he resided sone sears. About thtrly years ago he came to Seaforth, where he made his home until his death. Mrs. Noble d:ed four years ago, but b„,..is survived by a family of one son and four daughters firs. J. E. 'Thompson, of Seatorth; Mrs. Tucker. of Illi 1 DI s. e .noes Mrs. Ales 'Cardno of Darlingford. Illinois; : Mrs. Geo. Boyd, of Saskatoon, Sask., axed Joseph of Toronto —Seaforth Expositor HI'CK'S FORECASTS t A reactionary storm period is c•en- ,tial on the 25th, 26th and 270h. The Moon is at its 3lighe,st d,eolination on the 25111. The y;aadratu'rie. with - Jupiter, Barth and Sun, and the sup. erior conjunction of Mercur'y with Earth and Sun on the 27th and 28th. This period ,Leads up to thel New Mcon on, the 291h, on 'which date tbelre an annular eclipse of 'the Sun. The ,Moon is .in apogee- or at greatest listannee from the Earth on the 28th --a fact which changes the potentials of magnetic and !electrical forces, breeding unrest and active squalls, and !stoma in our atmosphere, add- ing greatly TO the probability of se:smio trouble: about the 26th to 29th, 'We may ,t1.pect a great incr'ase in warmth through the ;LSth, 2utih, 27th. and 28th, ea.J. culminating on the 29th in a •tnaeireum .heat wave. Notwith- standing the tact that Inc annular ,eclipse of r, Lie Sun an the 23th is on the oppositi parts of the Earth b.i- ii>g centra I through Austral..a, our parts of the planet will not whol,y escape the rs toro.ogicai dis.:arb.n+.e s: resulting therefrom ib s.oruts and other distue'bances tieig'en/ting on Inc 25131, 261h, sad inc 27tt. will net suL.- elde, or the barometer will net or terctpelratem fail uncit.l we pass the crisis incident to the Moon'•:;• c.n- ,j,anotion with the Earth and Sun on tliti 26th. Bait storms will he mixed, with, rain, wiled and thunder at this time. and a marked and 'sadden drop Ln temperature will •fol.owq these, stories. Upon the whole, we beli;ere that' July w i11 ,?rove a very favorable month for agricultural interests. ' i$ome aeotions may surfer shortage in timely and diffused rains, but wie+ 1lo not calctplate,sufrering f:om aevezn and gen.ral'drouth. The Mar iury peer- Plod in the early part of the month: and the ,Venus period, which cover' the last h:if o'f the month, are Indic- atiots or Lfrequelit and perhaps tater- 'Relent +u,r-fielent sbow:ers. Never let the soil haketer ,ht c rains, ser aft t a . bur n and the 5011 aft er every shower, and you will make (hair to rain more beneficial than a whole a'a'», without the stiir-' the much .cdisousred question of "Dry ixtg, +I1erni;.ruber .this is all there is. in Farming," CANADIAN NATIONAL AveEXHIBITION srt Empire Federation Spectacle IR 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power IVIammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W Oil AND UNDER SEA A ON LAND IN THE AIR Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. Auer The:is?' s Government Exhibits, Superb Showing of Live Stack and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 WY WANTED --Stuart (boy wantett' to learn ,printing. Apply at thea Times offi.iee. Le you want flour made trona 'W+est. ern wheat only, we have it in Istool' always, 'Quality second to none. Gere a sack and try it out, It's all right~ 'Harvey alma. 1NOR SA2.1a. t A most desirable ire'sidentar proms, arty situate, in 'once of the best'res e +dental parts of the Village of Exeter, !'.Phis property consists of a on arch a hall storey frame house, 8 rooms: with 'pantry' and .closets, a good Isum;W itncr kitchen and larige wood, -,sheaf good well and cistern, a fine select'- iou of fruit trees and small fruifell and a good stable with iron root; (Any persona desiring a fine resid6it hi ,property' can obtain the above 011 t:'esy satisfactory terms. For partieltt 'Mars apply{ to Isaac B. 'Carling, Barrister, 3:0- Exe ter Out efore uying ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES OF ANY KIND Give us a call and do not buy an Elecl l is Iron. un- less ms eked 'Standard Hot -point" We would be pleased to deliver any make of iron to you for trial with- out any obligation on your part to purchase. W. J. Beer s: era I istiI • 2` .4 cyL Stores CAhNAC)AS FA'Vi)G'.ITI DI?UG'_=,Tcll"f ,. li 1 Nation's WatchwQr ``BE PREPARED" The mild bit sure laxative =-with tie pleasant taste. Guard the home against biliousness and constipation In boxes 15c. and 25c. r 116 Sold only at The Rexail Drug Stores. ',W. S. Cole, ExerNr Ontario WE -ARE SERva=R:YOt_' b 1' No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable rooms. MeClaryt unsErr. Drop in some time soon and, hear about McClarf s special installation service that gets out of every tort of coal all the heat there is in it. saw Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON. 1 i WESTERN FAIR LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to iotli, v;9I6 WESTERN t. NTAR IO'S POPULAR EXHIBITION ART, MUSIC,, AGI ICOLTURE Bz AMUSEMENTS A VINE COM6(NATfON. AT LONDON'S EXEIIBf ION A ELesd. Live Program of Attractions Ta ire Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIRE IN'ORICS EVERY NIGHT New Process Ba(k1.ng Every Building Full of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPEUTA[. EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Fortis and alt infortnatton from the Secretary J. W. REI D, Ftp Ablest M. HUNT, Secretary