HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-7-27, Page 1. . ' • • . „ . )-r4-kir '11). }Non S EC 0 N D YEAR No.2248 EXETER, ONT„ THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 27th, 1916 .44444,44.morrantamormor. JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Clearing Sale of Summer Goods In order to make room for New Fall Goods which are arriving daily we offer the balance of our stock of Wash Dress Goods, Ladies' Blouses, Wash Dresses, Parasols, etc at greatly reduced prices. Surnmes Millinery at Half Price and Less We offer the balance of our trimmed millinery, many good styles to choose fr.= at half price and less. 39 cents Children's Dresses 39 cents Children's Wash Dresses for ages from 4 to 8 years. Only a few left. Worth up to 750. Special clearing price 39c 98 cents Men's Straw Hats 98 cents 3 dozen Men's Straw Sailor Hats all brand new styles While they last at 98c. Old Prices "Viyella" Flannel Old Prices We offer six webs of the celebrated Viyella Flannel, good patterns, light and dark colors. Guaranteed not to shrink. At absolutely the old price, 6Cc yd. Ladies' house and street dresses.- A big range to choose from, only 98c. Jones AND May al.IPMMOI011 4111011Retainali 111112=S3313.111 HAY 74 HARVEST! 7:1111E For Best Results Use Gold Medal Binder -twine Pnre Manilla Hay Rope Pure Manilla Sling Rope African Hemp Trip Rope Gold Medal Hay Forks Protect Your Stock from Flies Cow Ease $1 gal; Dr William's Insect Destroyer $1 gal; Royal Purple Fly Oil $1 gal; Sprayers for applying 50c each. Keep Your Lawn Looking Green Rubber 11.ose 10c to 22e; Hcse Nozzle 50c to 75c each. 2.7A. HEAMAN'S lldwe 1 PHONES 27B rallirWaraMIIIIMORO, • ' PORN • 2).DBOTIILL-ain Ribbert on July .9th, , Lo Mr. and Airs. Purohill, a son. MARRIED inuNDAs--ELIMOOD-At the Mc h- odist pansonage, Crediton, on Jity g4tItio 1910 by• Rev, P. NV. Baker, B. • D., Norman. "Cecil EllwoOd to Miss • Priscilla Easie Dendas, ClandebaYe EIEZ W001)--BEDEORD - In Exeter nn ThersdaY,, July 20th, by 'Rea. j. Baird, Miss Evelyn • Idatighter or Mr, ond Mrs. G, sdferd, to Goadeia f)li.frokd Heywood, of Usborne. DIED alcHHFIRSON-In Hensall, bn July 18 Alex. Moner,son, •Mr. Bain, of Motherwell, naet with an unfortunate accident lost week, While cutting. hay the horses beeamie orroanageable 'and be 'was thrown from his treat on the monocle and the machine was dragged over him, in - Meting lajuries that will lay him up for, some tifnet , PRIZES FOR TOURNAMENT T1I1e committee to arrange for tho prizes foil the Exeter bowling tourna- ment unotored to London, Monday evening and made their seleetion. The prizes this year are sad to be better than ever. HEYWOOD-BEDFORD A gaiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at the holm: or Mr. G. R. Bedford, Huron St. Exeter, ou Thurs- day July auth, at 9 a. m. when bis second eldest daughter, Evelyn 'Ber- neioe was united in marriage to Gor- don Clifford Haywood, of Ushorne, in the presence• of the immediate rela- tives and friends or the bride and, groom. Thei ceremony 'wan performad lb the Rev J W 'Baixd of jameta y . . . St. Methodist churah. The drawing room was adorned with roses and sweet peps and banks or palms and Terns. To the strains or Lohengrins Bridal Chorus, phyed by Valeria Bed- ford; sister of the bride, the bride entered leaning on •the arm or her father. She looked sweet and girlish in a dress or white silk with aver dross of i1k enbroldered net and 'veil or net with Lily of the Valley and carrying a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Following tho 'ceremony a dainty wedding 'breakfast was scr- ved. Mr. D. IR. Sanders, the groont's Imola. took the wedding party for a (motor trip as far as .London. They were also accompanied by Mr. Clark Fisher and Mies Ella 'Baker. On their arrival in London the whole party: took Cho 'electric oar to Pt. Stanley where thea left the 'bride and groom to spend a part or their honeymoon basking in the lake breeze,s of that most popular summer resort. The bride travelled in a smart suit of navy blue with blouse or white silk edged with/ blue silk tatting and large panama, hat: The groom's gift; to the bride was a gold wristlet watch, to the pianist a crescent or pearls. The display of presents were both numer- ous and 'costly, 'showing the leateem in which the young 'couple are held, Intr. Heywood is a grandson or -Mr. and Mrs - mel Sanders, of Huron St. theoetture ha and his 'bride, were pre- sented with' a " ,girtoadfather's clock" from their esteemed grandparents who have made it n practioe to presant each off their 'grandsons with a clock on the occasion of their marriage. Gordon is the fifth grandson who has resumed one or Olean beautiful wed- ding tokens, blandlathars clock." The many friends or both bride and groom will join withl ThaTimes in 'ex- tending 000gratulation,s, , L „,L Letter from England Spr. E, E. Down. 54155d Signals ,p E. P. D. Storneliffe, England. ,. A few extracts'frora A letter b.V Spa'. E. E. Down ;to his,rnother (Mrs!. Down) dated, July 2nd 1916 will be or interest to our readers;- . Last week end 1 was.off duty trona 2.30 p, tn. Saturday 'till 2.30 Sunda so Mr, lIfaher, the boss ofthis offied got ,rne a pass For Canterbury. jt in only about one hours ride on the train from Sandling Je. ;which isonlY three minutes walk from camp. Sat- urday afternoon I strolled around the streets It is ta. very quaint' look- ing place, net a verty large' city (about 6,000), Going into the city the trait takes a big curve 'around a portion of the city' and gives one a good,view of the place, it has a beaatird. location in a valle'y, with theasrnall river Stom ranning through it. Front a little distance the 'cath'edral looks grand. In ith' it huge towers and 'sharp, spires standing awayabove the other build - lags irt tbe plate- Saturday. afternoon. I visited the west gate towers which is bailt sight in the 'middle or the lista St. (High: St,) and saw the old coils where they need to keep 'prison- ers. They also have a collection of .61a armour; rather heavier uniforms than we wear. There MIA a st•attite or Oliver Cromwell with his armour on which looked very life like. In o)t' room, was two bicyles some of the first invented. One with 't we wooden wheels like 'buggy a -heels and the other. one of those thigh wheieled'ones with hard rubber tires and a small unapt bebind. Sunday morning I at- terdod • the militax:v service at the cal hodro.1 at 9.30. They were British soldiers. somo Lancashires and Rents and the 10th Liverpool, Scott -ash .The senior chaplain or the 97th Lascash- ire Division preached. His rear was IIEtir.k 8; 36; 'What Mall it profit a /Win ;S0'11". it wag a solemn nervice to hear l's voice echo through the high arches of' tbe nave.. The main part of the eathrolal is lvtut oe grey stone and matte n fine ratting for the richly plfrited win- dows. The building has .r1Vostinins.ter abbey beat a mile. It is so lunch bigher. 'Behave the s'erviee 1 hid tak- en a stroll out to the outskirto of the town to Sr.. Martin aburch. the °ici- est church in England. Some or the Lead stone u could not be read at all but the- oldest one 1- cool() decipher tread. "Eraplage ' died 1'83" and had skull and X bones chiselled at the top or the( slab. The church has bean very much; repaired. but in it. yon! 'can see the old Tiernan. brick owhiola are red in color, and thin and 'broad, only be- ing about 1-2 ineh in thiekness. Thst ciburch dstes beck to the timet of St. Augustins. 'Among other building there waz an old almshouse built in IL657. an old house dated 1593 and. "The) Little Inv" male famous by Charles Dickens. built in 1530. nr.q.'Te MO 'MI make the most: of oar times off here for, we don't know bow lona this job will last. We may be called out any time. A. great many of our, "ellows are gone can as drafts- The o:d 33rd paraded out in fronL of our office this mot fling for 'ehureh and there could not have been more than 75. Much obliged for Exeter Times. After I finis} edt with ir Edgar Hermon (rot it ant sent it to Leon Friable at Ep. solo nospital. You will. :no do Lave beard before this of bis being wound- ed. 'Nig e are attached to this 30th for meas. and get very good ears. Yon asised in your lettatr or May 29th 12 w., got eggs, well hardly. They an, a boat 4 centa each to bay. and that aeon"' that you pay '8 cents each for coolie 1 egga in an English •xe:statirant In it e soldiers clubs wa get them for abOtt 6 cents each. Prices 1» Eng- land are not low any more. Foedatuff has gone up about 60 per cant since the war. largely on account of.' the heavy insurance charges on ihipping and consequene heavy ,faeight chargasi Tb ine aro throe claha tln this 1-:ng:de ; Y 'Br I. C. A.; "Sir John 'Freneh"(Eng- lioh church) and Salvation •Army; At tl•e clubs prices are very reason.ihe a II the eats w•i 'have hnd' from Canada ',et rave been good.„ D3 na. worry all000t flag cookies drying ont. n With love to all Edgar STRUCK BY LIQ1ITNING During the storm of last Thursday residence or Man. Itannay was(knock- by Ilightning. :The 'saanaos. or th,t, fox Group I. OT1 which, the candidates unless the 'afinister provide papi rs a couplet of houses in, tovvn" were 'struck off and some 'plaster in tho parlor wsubjects. a . may write at same time, as on Group ktipetrod down Ar Mr. C. Zue-fleatl II. north eastacorner knocking out sone • SR. PI,7•13a1C, SC,1100I, GRADUATION SgIntning atrack the house at the T Ibrialts and doing darnage to (I.e. ex.. saechtes. ff°„1Iring ill Vest Huron. wero 1. 1° tent of ci• 50,90. ' ("!-editon-'artirie-1 Geiser, Clara L. RASPBERRY SOCIAL ' Cie st r ei3Ohar. ; Hayfield- Ethel II. Fowlie. The respherry 'social held on fa e Da sh wood -Mirva Ehlers lawn oe trhidenyCeavaeennevening irt Preasti,,:y(32;ma Zura-GK ieltertie aecher. manseseon p J, Elgin Tom. I. P. S. 'splendid succeas. The weather was .. ideal and there was a splel.adid •turn- Secretary of Entrance Board. out. The .rain on Thursday netoad ..* • along the ;berries and cleared off the air and the. large crowd enjoyed that everilng on the lawn. la addition to the supper :refreshments were re'n'Vnil Exeter Council The Council net as pea -'all of the Reeve on Tuesday- evening. July 25. All the , merabers present. The .min- utes of meeting iheld July 14 were read and approved. Communication read from Secretary of Organization of Resources Commit tee, Toranto, re- Proclamation aS is by the Lieutenant .0vernor, - "Whereas Friday', fourth day of August will be the second almilidiasarY of the declaration of War, and the as,' easion calls for fitting recognition throughout the province. The letter ani proclamation was authorized to be honied to Mr. J. A. Stewart, cliair• maa of the Local Branch of the War Auxiliary g The lhalowins list of 'accounts were read and anproved,-W. T. Gillespie teaming and street watering 38.14; 1-1 T. Rowe, :gasoline 14.50; The inn perial Oil Co„ gasoline 21.75; Alf. Walters, leather washers 50e; The British American Oil Co., road oil 480.06; •hirs. W. 3. Harness, hall year salary ;ringing bell 25.00; Exeter NIfg Co,, grates, etc., 46,94; Harvey Bros, coal for D. (lines 6.54; teaming gravel '2. 15, 8,69; T. Houlden, mow - into park 2,00, pumping water 1.50,3.50 T .0 .Creech, teaming and draying, John Norry. labor 18.90;D. Rasscil, sr., labor 12.69.; Thos. Comiah, labor 7.35 ; John KeleM labor 7.35. am mot M all to $688.12. Messrs. Jas. Jewell, L. H. lasin and John Pedlar asked for eonneetina to the eater works system. The :sans missioner was instructed to make !measurements and report as to pso bable cost, etc. Adjournment by Roulston. Jos. Senior, Clerk. WESI HURON JR. PUBLIC. SCHOOL GRADUATION 1916. The fit:lowlier, sotalents we -e ha. cessful at the junior Public Solna)) Graduation 'examination., held in June 1,91o. The en,'"einot .ell! he 'ant JO 'h ter o 1 tn: tine haeto,1 ina, !,...•L O-11-4 the Department (n ittitietoien. 1 aos:" canaid-ate must make 40 per :'ent. ori each subjtat and tat ant. :•e -cat. ot the to•al of the obligatory stihW t. The highest peasentage ma.le eaolt subject are as follows: • Reading -Irene lefferstsa and CO. - Cord Stiatehmer Wridn.a-latcy Woads, hlarie Wan oa and Gordon Taineao. 9-0. Spelling -Lucy Wools, Alioe Sasp- perd and Eretia :Smallticombo 100. Liteatture-Gordon Dana Composition -Earl Palkwill sts Grainan-Cloolars 4"iar,,,on s, Can. History-Goadort latnoan 75. Gaaaraphy --Clare:an aors.'a Heywoal 2. Algelr.-3-:\la-ie Watson. Inia Firs wood, Russell MacKay 100. Art -Freda Smallacombe 66. Science -Lucy Wo.als 68. Poakkeepins-:Maric Miller 78. '1"01'd -Gordon Taman 86. Pass ma -h, sot, lion BAYFIEL'1 P. S. Lacy R. 'Woads 742. DUNGANNON r. Wilbur Brown 702, Elmer Slochle- ton 699. lIENSALL Allan McDonald 654. Russell Mac- Kay 747, Marie Miller 699, Freda. Smallaccanhe 775. WINCHELS'EA SCHOOL 991. Viola Bell 748, Gordon Dineati (honona a50. Inia Bey wood. (honors) 751. Vera Heywood 903. GearKemp 710, 'Harold Tufts (honors) 760. NO. 4. NORTH STANLEY Clifford Sootcbmer 699. Edna Scot eh. - mer C71. Alice Stinson 642. ZURICH Hazel. Fritz 039, Lorne Manson (M. C. itene Pollock. 31.C. Xi:te.-For 1917 junior high 'school entrance examinationthe sathjects of Groep 1. wiU be ace:Taal on, the taach r s certificate as provided' in. examin- ation form, 14; the samr as thia yeas.; WEEK -END PASSES. A. number of the hays were honat ,flrom Camp Borden on week -end passes. The pass is issued Friday 7 a. m, to Monday ti p. m . It is a day's travel coming and aohar and allow, them two days of Loma Pisa's are issued twice a mond!. Atlanta tbo e 1, ante th:s week watt a -Sergi's. NV. J. Mallet, M. Pfaf I', Pt at. S. J. V. tam, W. Stewart, Rus and Earl Southcott, FL.DN(11 DB:C(4 sTo)HE Locals MAIM ST. PICNIC Wain. St. it -genie was held at. Grand Vend on Thursday of last weak. About seven o'clock in tbe morning, rive bus loads drove away from thea el arab for the lakeside and a groat illtiOlY drove their own rigs or JIM:At:L- ea over. The crowd was °ate of the largest %hat bas taken in the plonk' TI e water was very 'calm with hardly a rippla and many took advantage tb(4 ba 'thing and boating. The acho'ara carried with them a good appetite and did justice to the luxuries pro - LOWER SCHOOL EXAMS The results or the Lower School Examinations for admission to 'Normal Schools and Faculties or Education were announced last Saturday and among those who were successful in passing the exams from the Exeter ,Sehool were the following ;-- Elva Brooks Delia Brooka Greta 'Case Elva Harvey Gladys Harvey Axuv Johns Myra E. Morgan Edna 3laxwell Lavine Smith' tin witTA 'Margaret Sharp Violet Stewart Lola P. Taylor • THE WEEK -END AT GRAND 1i kw automobile is en itnaortant feature in making the week -ends at Grand, Bend very attraetive The het weather of the past rk..)k• also turned the lhoughta or many to relleet on the cool spots found an thet water's edge (old as soon as the labors of the week are non:eluded many who are fortunate enough to out, .a ear /maks far the lakeside.. On Saturdtanr tle aecomodarion was taxed to its utmost and on Stinday the perks nna•ra filled' with ationnobile.s. rrlu t,ot1a,g14 are pretty well filled win' eninst!ra On Sunday Rev. 3. E. J. ?ditty -tar& oft Listowel, conducted service's at the, auditorium PURSE PONI71) AFTER FIVE WEEKS To Lappen across a purse faatairk. Ing Sa35.85 after it bad been lost foo overt fire weeks was the lucky exptr- knee of Mr. ;Victor Snell, of lair inn - don !Road south one day last weak. At the time the ,purse was lost Mr. Snell advertised in both the local papers and as the days passed with no word of it he gave it up for good. his surprise while crossing a field just soath of has house to run across 'the purse just Inc weeks .and a dav afterwards. Ths purse was 'Laing IL a small pond of water and was out in the (soaking rains of a feu weeks; ago. How it got there is a rusestary but looked as hongb it bad osatt- earried there by some small animal. Tao para.. was toksn into the bona n; and the nionev told cot to 0n Mr. Snell, no dont; goasalered lataante r mighty lucky man. ON.11.1.1...00.1511111•••03MIP111.11. TRE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Ladies' olack cotton hose 10(3 Pair. Lad -...es' black Lisle hose 25c to 40c a Pair Children's tan hose 100 Pair. Sample handkerchiefs So to 50c each. Boys' braces 10c per pair. Men's tine Shirts 750 Men's Sox, Belts, Ties. Clearing lines of Shoes tF.,g1 $!..,730 per pair,. Some extra values in men's f:tits. Mr., Eta" eolguarraorsammarocuptessaw. 4 5 *41,0**•••••••••• fianisSinasaaett**OnaaitaataosSitidea.**SOCatiaat441,4vanataintatinaalloaataethaalerhfX sera • • • 5. 5. 45 . • • • • • It• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 410 Ono by one the land-raarla on fo Hain St. are being removed and re- place! by more modern rind up -date- `4; huild.tign until at the present time • 1 here a re very few of the old wooden 1 IFP Mailings tort, Mr. W. S. Howey li is 4 this week mooed' his drug basitnss to lac building that has been 'used • 1 by the :Patroitio League and has is, corraaettced to tear down the bui'ding 410' I he has been accupylnx .south of the posi -office This will 1,' replaced by • 1 an. up-to-date brie,k building, two • --'revs high. with several ralditionil , 44 NA: or frontage. occupying the tspnco * ,fns. Marshall. W. W. Mill -on, Na in, botween tha afolsoas Think and tho 1 ti 8 ii gyidd, Bert 'Rivers Shd. \\haat Wii!- aost-office. Wben !completed it avilt; II 1 . ,,,,„ ...„,..., kreet, , , t . . .. 1 ;. 1 . I ; 71innSia PHONE Our FEL ou are sure to want sonv-t.hing new now for your vacation and the holidays. that are coming on. Underwear, Pyjanzas, Socks, Shirts, Collars and Neckties. We've got them for you. Get them from w. rk Me's High Grade Negligee Shirts Supererior make anol finish, in neatest and most up to -date pat- terns -75o to $2.00, New Socks Plaia Lisle Socks, 25c., Plain silk socks, 50c. Fancy socks 75c. New Collars Many new lines just put in stock which are sure to please. All sizes in stock, New Neckties Handsome, High. Grade Ties, something new and up-to-date 50c Blue Serge Suits for Men Our Values are undoubtedly the best in Canada. W. TAM AN N a teat Harnesa, Eric Hurdon, W. G. 13i:-• las a valnable addition to our * *444.410.4:4444.444.46,414+444.4, 0.....e,44,14,400 644, 4.* 4' 5. 4, 5. 5. 4, 47, 5. 5. 5. tz 5. • 4' sal • 4' 4'