HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-7-20, Page 8'THE EXETER TIMES Phone Il6 ,a .. STEWART Phone 16 Goods Yoti Need dor the Hot Weather Kiddy Blouses A Big aesortment of good Blouses made of good White Materials in White and White trimmed with colors, White Skirts $1.00 Clearing of White Wash Shirts. Splendid quality Bedford Cord and Indian Head. Regular 9: 2.00 and $3.00 values. Reduced Price each $1 00. Millinery All Flowers, Shapes and Trimmed Hats to be cleared g t his season, The prices on all Millinery is very low. Dinner Sets 6 New Dinner Sets of 98 pieces. Extra quality Ware, with neat floral decoration. Special Mid -summer price $15.00. Choice Groceries Choice New Potatoes. Comfort Soap, 6 bars for 25e Quart Sealer Pickles each 25c. Men's Straw Hats Including all the newest shapes, At the low prices we are offering it will pay you to buy now. Rubber Soled Outing Shoes For Boys, Misses, Women and Men. They are in great de- mand. Boys' and Misses, 75c, 90c and $1,00. Women' and Men's $1.25 and $1.50. Standard Patterns and Designer Call and get the New August Fashion sheet and sub- scribe for the Designer at the low price of 45c a year. We stock the new Standard Patterns. Odd Cups 15 Doz. odd Cups, Clover Leaf have just been unpacked. These are scarce goods. Get your supply at once . Specials for One Week Cam p Coffee Best Extracts Toasted Corn Flakes per bottle 25o 3 for 25c 3 Packages for 25c JA STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, • meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. •- • It is unusual to present so early in the season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most addantag- eous for buying as all indications poitn td higher prices in the future, N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the !Central Hotel FIJRNITLJRE' We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces, Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and . we guar- antee the best of satisfact- horl Olean R. N Rowe Toe Funeral Director and Fier eltrene Dexter+ PRONE 20a.. WANTED AT ONCE Young women; desiring employment in town, can find it by applying at once to the Jackson Mfg. Co. who tare several good positions vacant. The 'work is light and clean, the hours are very short, and wages are ,paid while learning, steady position and good wages are assured to anyone. giving it a trial. Apply at once. Jackson brig. Co. PERRY F. DOLTPE, Licensee Ano- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. 'phone 116, Kirkton,- Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. HOLTSE AND LOT FOR SALE The frame house and half acre of land situated on Gidley street, Exeterr and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be. offered for quick sale, Apply to C.has. Harvey, on Huron St, REMOVING THE CAUSE Chiropractors have remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause or Appen- dicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheum- atism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constip- ation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros- tration and Goiter. See Dr. S. M. Jones, Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday. Office Mrs, S. A Harness, Main St. Exeter, hours 10 to 4. Examination free. NOTICE r The undersigned merchants have decided to •close their stores each week on 'Tuesday' and Thursday nigbtls at 7 o'eleck during the summer mon;• the beginning the first week in July, P. Hanlon & Son, :Centralia, John sic Naughton, Moorsvil.ie • 11rs, G. Lew�- is, Clande'boye; E. A. McKenzie, Caen. d bo e Ye• Ilexai.l Orderlies arc a pleasant safe and sure laxative. Sold and gua- ranteed by all .Rexail `'Drug ,Stores, 15o and 25c. W. S. Cole, Exeter, The key to beauty's heart; -"A box of L iggett's (Chocolates" "Your' bweebetart's ichoice"--Sold only at Rexall Drug Stores, W. S, Cole, Ego? ter, Ontario. 400 Tons of rine. Land and Cattle Salt for sale, A11 grades $5.50 per ton; 50e. per bag. -Exeter Salt ,Works Market Report -The following is the report of the Exeter market enrreeted up to July 19th. i 'Wheat 80 to 90 , ;. Oats 45o to 50o. Harley 50 tt>; 550 IRuckwhest 00 to 80 Peas ,41.00 )5`ntnily flown 03.00 S , Low Grade Flour $1,75. , t e Bran $26.00 per ton, , i Shorts $28.00 'per ton. 1 . • r r• Eggs 25o o • Butter 25o. I f Creamery Butter 30 to 32e. Neee potatoes i4'i3.00 Young chicken 230 lb; Old hens 12a Old roosters 90 Young ducks 14o Old ducks 90 O1.L turkeys 140 Llene 10.CG. . stu Order Your H R .5 from Wilson's WILSON'S GROCERY HOE 56 1 +•••••••••••••••04......... •••LOCAL• • ♦ 4...... •00000• r 'Great growing weather for tato bugs. ' Miss K. Stewart leaves this week to visit at Pt. Stanley. Miss Sarah Sweet or Toronto, is hol- idaying with her parents. Mrs. Vanstone, of Brantford is vise I.ting her 'sister Mrs. Amos. Mr, Prowse, of Marlette, Mich. is visiting: with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Baker of Detroit are visiting with relatives in town. Miss N. Dayman bas returned 'to Toronto after visiting with' Mrs. Amos The fall wheat is beginning to turn and will be close behind the hay hart - vests. Winnham will have a tax rate of 33 mills this yea'. 'and Clinton 31 mills. ' • idles M. Armstrong •of Lucknow ie visiting ner, parents Mr. and ts1rs. 1 Armstrong. Miss Sadie Walker, of Hamilton is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Walker. DOY WANTED -Smart !boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at the Times offiice. There is one compensation in this tot weather -the grass doe's, one n ed Butting as often. Miss Rita Young ban returned io Seaforth after visiting with Mr. and Mrs, F. .W. Gladman , J. K. and Ma's. Baker are: spending a week with Exeter and Granton, fr:ends.-J3ruswels Post. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Ilandford have treturneel home after visiting six weeks in Douusman, Wis. _ Mrs, Jos, Sutton vielte:d in London last week, Mrs, I. Hooper, and daughter 'Ruth are holidaying in Michigan. :Mrs. A, .l;1ooer, or the Lake 'Road its visiting her ulster at Grimsby. ' Mat ,pert Gillies, of Paris, is holi; Flaying+ with his ,parents in town. Mr, ,Simms, of Montreal, visited Mr. and, Mrss C. F. Hooper on Saturday. (Mid ID. McInnis has 'pureheeed a seven passenger Studebaker automobe ile. Mr. and Mrs.,T. 0, McLeod, return} ed last Friday after visiting in Line wood Mee J, Ili. ii3roderick, of -'Regina, is the guest.. of illus. John Ileroderi'ek of town, TD', and Mrs, Ernest•Dodds, or Torr onto, axe the guests of Mr. and 31rs s; Fitton,' , Miss Olive Quance ,is spe;ndin,g soine time with her aunt, airs. A. 'E. Brown of Ailsa Craig. • 'Mrs. Wm. !Bray, of Virden, Man., is visiting her father Mr. did. Delo ,bridge, of town. Two 'ririks of bowlers went to. Sea - forth Wednesday to take 'part in a bowling tournament. Mr. and JILrs. L. D. Vincent visited in "' . Thomas and Pt. Stanley for a fete, says this week. Misses Favie'da and Leona '.fioopt'Ii, of Sr. Marys; are 'visiting with Mr; and 'errs. C. F. Hooper. 11Ir, and Mrs. :Victor Tackabery and two ohildren, of London, spent the 1veel: i• rend with ,telatrees. Misse3 Alice, Florence, and Ethel Vincent, visited Miss Jessie SBricke; Woodi in London for a few days this week. bliss Gladys .Harvey .has returned home after visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. Fred Stewart in 111 borne. Special Notice ;- July Sale of Sum- mer 'Goods beginning Thursday July 't3th., take notice of bars. W. D. Yeo's adv. in another column.- . If you want flour :made from West- ern wheat only, we hive it in stock always. Quality second to none. Get a sank and try 5.t out. It's all right. 'Harvey !Bros. ' Miss Gleetis Hilt pf 'the Deaconess Train'ng School, Toronto, who is hole- dayingt at her home at 'Crediton, visa iter! relatives In town this weietk: Tie Engl'sl_ church 'picnic was held at, Grand Bend on 'Tuesday. The day was 'fine en -1 a large number spent a. very pleasant day at the lakeside. • The see -et -ire' or board or directors are not tho only '.factors in making a euecesofnl fel roar they must have the eo-operracton of the whole com- munity. :bier. and Mrs, Jesse Delbridge and little daughter left Tuesday for their home. in Hamoita. Man. after visiting for a month with relatives in and around town, Mr. and Mfrs, L Maynard and child Mrs. G. Powell. and 'Mrs. W. Powell, of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. IE. A. rollick Saturday last on their way to :Grand 'Bend for a weletk.. "The London Free Press have dors ated a trophy to the Exeter bow1F Lens to be competed 'for at their ant. nual tournament replacing the one captured by the London 'Thistle Club last! year. The Ladies of the Caven Preishy- terian church intend ho'd'ng a Baz- aar, and 'raspberry festival on the church grounds. Friday July 21st;, at 5 p, .m, Refreshments 15o. Ice-onenm 'etc., extna. We have th it good flour Mani:obt's J3est or Model for bread and Wel- l' lot caire a Dour said to be just no good, insist en hav- ing some hems made goods. Theru'atro acne better. -Harvey Bros. !lir. ;Wm. Glenn, Sr. or Lumley, died et his home on Thursday. Jte1y 13(1 following a few days illness with pleura -,pneumonia. Isesides a widow, 'be is survived by Iwo sons and a daughter; George, • of Bruccfield, John and Maud at home. The funeral was 'held on Sunday afternoon to Mc 'taggart's cemetery and was largely as wee as returned to Rod - attended. ney after holidaying with his rarenta Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet. Mtr. and Mrs. Wm. May returned Monday evening from their 'wedding trip up the Muskoka lakes, Mr. and ,Mrs. A. McFall' of Seafor- th. visited. with Miss K. McFalls and 1lliss Gregg' over the week -end. Miss Robinson, of Palmerston vist- aed biiss Vera Muxworthy at Main St,, 'parsonage over the weckaend. PRESENTATION D ADDRESS Prior to their leaving for their, new field of labor et 'Tivegton the eongregatioi of Northwood met at the church to ;bid Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hawke farewell, A good .pro?ramme was given. 'Rev. Mathews acted, an • chairman, Miss Ceti' sang two solos' the Misses( aelcireeracher gade two •piano duets and gave a Mr. R. Gidley and Mrs. J. Elston piano selection, An address was read are leaving this week for a visit to by Mrs. iRobt, MdQann and Mrs .Jien- Stratford, Soutthamptonl and Toronto. r 'and a parse of gold'*50.00 to Mr. and Mrs. Hawke. Mrs, W. D. ,Burke and 1itt1'i daught ;Afterwards a dainty lunch• was 'ser- er' or Albion, N. Y. are visiting with vedr Closed by singing, '1God be.with are risiting with the former's 'par- you till we meet again." Old Sol has "been interfering with Northwood, June 21, 1916 produet:on in the'.. factories and shops and' she output is a 'few stagers below Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hawke. normal. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Epi son of limb -We' your congregation .and friends are met together to -night to spend a social time with 'you and to 'bid you. 3:ssetC. good b,ee. 'Vine feel ai'e 'could not let 1 'you ga .from our. ,midst without' ?in some way showing our appreciation ester, N. Y. ,and Mrs. Ed, 13i -neat of Winnipeg, are visiting Mrs. Wm, Miss Grace J,iird wan, 'successful in passing her entrance examination.s at Mitchell with a very creditable Pere centag e, ,Rev, W.. M. 'alartin of London con- ducted services for Dr. Fletcher at tbe Thaws Road Presbyterian church on Sunday. /Among the soldiers home from ,Borden o'er the weekrend 'were;-- Ptes, B. Harvey. F.'Wells, 'Bert Rivcr,s E, ICollingwood, E. Kellett, lifrs, ;Ito', and little daughter end Mrs. Haman, of Montreal, were the guests or brre and Ofits. R. W, 13. 'l3eaverrs on Thursday last. Miss X. Collins who bas been vis:t Fin a t the hem of g eMr.rad Mae. n. J iA. Stewart, left Tuesdya for Serena where slit will take a boat .trip to 0e., Ltd., J, Sutton, Manager_, 1 Duluth, - o:e your ernest and faitleful work 'among us as pastor and wite. You bane labored 'with us .for tbe past: four !years. These years have boon 'Tull of .true Oh�ristian labor, Christ- .I Tan friendship and Christian help. We have all been greatly ''b:•essed and helper, by your ministry., your .Christ. - tars character your com.(orting wo: iia and, your overflow;ng optimism ,for the Master's rletrviee. eee a 'small token of our Ltncere ap- preciation of your friendship and la b- ore among ;os the wet you to eeeept this purse. 'We wilt mire you both' from our leenmunity and from. our :eh urch ivorko but ave trust ado pray that ,God's .idle. st :bletasitig will 'attend r your labors ill your. ,stow .field. Signed seta behalf on your. many Zrien.ds; • The Call, Back To the land!, You understand? The call Is going forth Its wealth to sharp Prom everywhere. The east, The west and north. r So get ; A cow And grab tr plow And join The grand parade. There's nothing quite To bring Delight .As this same Farming trade. You need not know The. way To hoe, .Nor how The soil to turn, But by and by If you will try, The secrets • You can learn. , A. joy You'll find Quite unconfined In rising µ1t' 'With the sun aec And finding, when ;„ •�• It sets again Your task Is nearly done. So grab A rake Vr;if Far goodness' sake .And buy - A. sitting hen. Get in The line (The water's fine) .And join Your fellow men. '•1 z e ean eefeen • HOW IT HAPPENED ' . r First Woman (angrily) Your Joh* n'y gavel nay Willie the measles. Second Woman -No sash thing 1 Your 'Willie came over where my Johnny was, and took 'em. • • MANY IN EXETER TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE Many .Exeter people axe surprised at the QUICK action of simple buck. thorn bark, 'glycerine etc., as 'mixed in Adler'-L,ika. This simple remedy acts on LIMB upper and lower bow. el, removing buck surpriteing foul matter • ,that ONE SPOONFUL pee Teves almost ANY CASE constipations sour stomach or gas, A few doses of- ten relieve or prevent appendicitis. A short treatment helps 'ahronid stomach trouble. The INSTANT, easy action of Adler-i-ka is astonishing. W. S. Cole, Exeter. Ontario. . HI'CK'S FORECASTS t ' 'A regular storm period is 'central on the 20th. treaching from the 18th to the 23rd. Disturbing causes ,and things to expect. The Moon is on the celestial egtu- ator on the 18th, is in conjunction with Jupiter on the 22nd. and at last quart - ter on the 21st. Mercury is in peri-. belion on the 20th, and Venus is in aphelion on the 22nd. The Venus equinox blends with the regular VtiL- can period, while the conjunotion of the planet Neptune with Earth ani Sun on the 25th; extends its purtarb - ing influence quite over the whole perio.t. The midsummer, drawbacks" may be &aid to exist at this time, - that is.. the tendency to minimuim rain falls will be strongly in Beide once, when light and scattering rains only are, expected to 'result. Eat the beginning or the Venus period, blonde ed with the other astronomical cane ses named' above, give good promises of mare than minimum rains at this and following; July periods. from the 18th, the date that. the f[oon is an the celestia It equator, pas ing to north 'declination there witL be a marked and rapid fall of the barometer in western parts, high temperature, in- creasing as the wa,e motes eastward, the growing cloudiness, breaking in- to violent thunder, wind and rain storms may reasonably be expected, 'All these will maroh in suceessivt9 order from west to east, comsaming several days in passing from their origin in the west, to their disappear- ance in the east. Storms will be at .their crisis in the great Miss:'ssiiipi ,Valley on and touching Friday, the 21st to Sunday the 23rd. While thei storm centexl is .causing aetualstorrns of wind rain and thunder, mingled ;perhaps with hail storms, in central parts of. the country, remember that rising barometer and change to tcoo,, er, clearing weather will be .pushing from the west, while at the same time the temperature will be rising, the barometer wilt be falling, and cloudi- ness will only be in its formation, with threatening 's sages in tstatea east of the actual storms. Thus tiering the actual days of the tstorm period we have three distinct stagers of wea- ther existing at the same time - storms being between the cooler,•clear- ing weather following in the west, and the .fair, warmer and threatening weather existing in the east. With a tcommonsense understandirg of. these facts -facto which aro Lerida, - mental in all storm movements- no sensible person wilt.expcct the actual storm to continue in his locality dur- ing all the storm pariah He will ex- pect warmer, threatening weather a day or two ahead of storms, rainy stormy weather in the center. and cooler. clearing weather west or the storms. Thie answers: the critics and cranks who contend that- we "covets the whole time with storm rm 'periods. and make na peovsions for fair wea- tler. The truth is our •foretas t4. 'provide for more days or Fair )vea' ther than for stormy weather, and the man who will use bis brain, in connection with, the weather and our forecasts, niay' know, practically, just when td expect cnc of .t) cse advance ing stages, during and •between the storm periods. Ile who will not am; th'e truth and justirc'of'this sjtitici=m either is dishonest or ineapable. 'lia cannot, on he will not understand er accept the s.mplest` proposition,. Children Or 1.70R FLETCHE R'S CASTORiA trllli:as MY, JULY 20th, 19115. : ,', SALT FOR SALE, --An excellent 1 quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at the old Temperance 'House at the G. T R. station, Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfacti:n is guaranteed. -• Eli, MAGUIRE. Exeter. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be',reeeived for the building of a parsonage for the Meth- odist 'Cturah, Parkhill, up to six o' clock, p. no, Friday, July 21st, 1915. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Plans and speci- fications may be seen by applying to J. E, Harrison, Parkhill, secretary, of the building committee., EOR SALE A most desirable lreeidental prope erty situate, in one of the best gest- !ciente! parte' of the Village of Exeter. lfihis property consists of a one and a half storey frame house, 8 rooms with pantry; and closets, a good Isom.= cner kitchen and large wood; ,shed, good well and cistern, a Line seleet- ion of fr'u'it ,trees and small Pruitt and a good stable with iron roof. len) person desiring a dine resident; 'al ,prtopelrtr can obtain the above on eery satisfactory terms. For partici. 'Marrs apply{ to Isaao R. 'Carling, I ,.•_'-„e • ' r Earrister, do. Esetelr Ont CANADIAN NATIONAL V. EXHIBITION s 1t. Empire Federation Spectacle [ 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. OJ /AND UNDER SEA 01111 LAND WI THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in. Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp,. Trench . Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fightiatg,, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete blew. Midway. Anmer The Horse s Government Exhibits, Superb Staowing of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 Before t1 in y g ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES OF ANY KIND Give us a call and do not bay an Electric Iron un- less marked "Standard Hot -point" We would be pleased to deliver any make of iron to you for trial with- out any obligation on your part to purchase. W. J. Beer M: A" The' ?e?ixceUe Store,, . 7 tP.NAOA'S FA ,ORI1k DRUG STOT•. �. 1.1 IM i' "Your Sweetheart'. Choicer' Their exquisite deliciousness ie obtained by the skillful use oil absolutely pure ingredients of the highest grade. 60c., 80c. and $1.00 per Ib. Fresh assortment toda.. W. S. C'cle, Exeter a% W f .Art 11 'L .RE VARlo'IERS RTTENTION We have a specially select- ed Stock of No. 1, Good Standard. Red Clover Alsrke, Timothy, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Orchard and Blue- grass, Seed Corn, etc. Just received a shipment of No. 1, Imported Alsike at $12.50 per bteshel. Special prices given on Club Orders of $10 and up- wards. We hale a cg's-'nt'f•- • F FLIRT CLASS Rugg kEi for Sale, A Call Solicited C. ZSICkER CREDITO, - - UST Ladies" Qitess•.es 4 July Sale Children'd Dreg ses Gowns Skirts OE Summer Goods AT MRS. W. D. YEO'S Embroideries Wide and Narrow alto Coteet Cover Etnb. at 17c per yard To make room for our New Fall Goods, which are arriving, we wish to clear out some lines of Sum- mer GGods, bought at old prices. Our beautiful MLas- lins we are offering 8 yards $ 1; 7 yards $1; 6 yards 75e and some at 10c a yard. Store open every evening till 7.30 o'clock p.an. and Wednesday evening 9 o'clock. • Call and inspect our Muslims 'Dresses Gingltante Fouiards "July" Bargains 1 White Waists Si k Waists Under Waists Parasols 1 No warping, bulging or breaking at the centre of heat - the strain is taken 'up by the two-piece Bre-pot which permits no ashes to cling or clog. mcciarp sunshine Let me show you the special features of the Sunshine that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is noted.: 81a Sold by 1'. 1 AWKiNS & • SON. ... - •_.. -... ,,.., ............ ..... .....