HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-7-20, Page 1rffORTY SECOli.D YEAR
No. 2243
98c Week
98c Week
For one week we will put
You will find every article
House Dresses 98c
.. nice range of colors to clear at 98c each
White Waists
lot of Fancy White
A small
Middy Blouses 98c
at 98c
,25 White or Tan Sport Middies for 93e
Hand Bags 98c
Meal nice Black or colored Leather or Kid 98c
Straw Hats 98c
marked 98c a BARGAIN
Children's Dresses 98c
Nice White Dresses and Pretty Colored -
Dresses 98c each,
Underskirts 98c
White Pink or Black. Real good values at 08c
Boys' Wash Suits 98c
Oliver T*ist or Buster Style, Combination
Colors, 98c each.
Parasals 98c
A real live $1.50 value Parasal to clear at 98c
Men's Sox 98c
'This season's style, some beauties for 9Sc 8 pairs Black Clashmere Sox 98c. 3 pairs Wool
98c EACH
Sox 98e.
98c EACH
Clearing Sale of Summer
All Summer Voiles, Muslins, Batistes and Crepes to
seErprising reductions.
Oc Voiles 29c a Yard
A beautiful display of fancy figured Voiles
, ..�salar 40c for 29c yard.
Batiste 6 Yards for $1.00
The ,best goods for the money on market.
!weal dainty colors and a big variety to choose
from. 0 yards for $1.00.
be cleared out a
25c Muslins 19c Yard
10 Different Patterns of Muslius and Linen-
ettes. Swell colors at 19e yard.
Curtain Nets
All the go this year for Window Drapery.
They come in White dream or Pairs, 20c, 25c up
to $L00 yard.
Jones AND may
For Best Results Use
Gold Medal Binder -twine
Pnre Manilla Hay Rope
Pure .Manilla Sling Rope
African Hemp Trip Rope
Gold Medal Hay Forks
Protect Your Stock from
Cow Ease $1 gal; Dr. William's
Insect Destroy $ 1 gal; Royal
Purple Fey Oil $1 gal; Spraers for applying 50c each..
Keep Your Lawn Looking Green
,eahber Inose 10c to 22c; Hose Nozzle 500 to 75c each:
HEAMAN'S lldwe nej
';IR1;L7L--Near ilensall .on July 15th
CI Mr. end lees. Albert :Bell a son
MEL1 Ire Ussborne, on duly 18th to
Ir.. and (Mrs. Thos, Pell, a eon,
elGasENN-'In Lebor,ne. on July 13th.
,Were. Glenn,. Sr.
stiegeire the habit of health by
dieing Beaten Orderlies 'the modernt
'laxative, 1.5e and 25c. Sold only at
l Ore Stores, W, S. Cele, End -
otter, Ontaaiio, , .
w :+11:it4Clwtr
The ,funeral of Dr. Thomas Render,
son took place recently from leis late
home on Mt. Elliott Ave., Detroit.
Three ylnars ago the Dir, suffered a
stroke of paralyss but recovered and
txntinued in good health until he had
era apopletic attack. Dossing away. lie
was born in Exeter, Ont, and was
principal of the Zurich public) 'school
at one time, He later staidii d nisch ince
in Detroit and became a protnrnerit
doctor in that eity. A widow, two ens
ono daughter and. a brother durvive
nfrs. Will Poster and children, of
Toronto, are visiting at the home of
Hire Jas. );ranfordy , . .,;
The ,following pupils of Mr. R.
Phillips, (late of Exeter) Tvere asueeessf-
Pui in passing their es;,ams in connect:-'
ion with the London College of Musio
England', held in Exeter recently.
Miss Verna Whiticok gained the dig=
Loma or associate degree, piano plays
ing and theory and is now allowed to
!use the letters A. L. C. M. after her
name, qualifying to !teach
C'ert'ificates were gained 'by; -Miss
hIyra E. Morgan, advanced senior
grade, meat to associate diploma,
Honors; Miss Elva Ford. senor g: ade
,first ,bass_honors; Miss Minnie Meit-
ner, senior grade honors; Dei s Elva
Barley, intermediate grade !•ass. All•
deserve complimenting, on their work.
There died in Lembelrg, Sask., on
July 10th., Rosetta, beloved wife of
Mr, James G. Gardiner, M.P.. Tho
funeral was .held on Wednesday, July
12th.. The deceased had been a great
sufferer for some months. She 'along
with her husband visited her many
friends at Kirkton and vicinity a
yea f ego. !Besides her bereaved hue -
Send deceased its Survived by • her
mother, lour eistere end four brothers
all of Clearwater, Man., where she.
was 'buried.
!~,reed from worldly grief and pain
in that bright home over there,
Iter ransomed spirit now on high bide
sorrowing friends to prepare
'Poe that 'bright home just over there.
The County !Convention of the W.
C. '1'.
P. U. was held in
Dain s Lt
Methodist church on Thursday and
Priday of ,last week. There was a
rear representation present 'and
soma interesting evasions. On Thur.
teas evening a public meeting was
Meld, !Rev. E. G. Powell dtelivjt r:int. a
;splendid address. A gold medal cone
test in ,elocution was held the Ionto+,,
tants berg Miss Listen 7Towell, of
Goderich, Miss Nadiger, of 'Clinton,
Mises !Rena Barr, of tWyth, and Mir's
Lulu. Hastings, of town, the prize bee
ing awarded to the 'former. Misses
N. Kinsman and E. Monate sang •o'os
and several iselection't were given en
rdison's new diamond di'.e !,hone.
graph, The officers for the ensuing
term were tcleetcd as 'follows;, 'lion,
Pres, 141rs. David on, God,'rioh; 1?res» I
Mrs. H. ;Hooper., Exeter; 1st vice,, i
Mrs. Dark, (13rus era, Rec. Stacy., Miss ,
!UIan, Goderich; icor. &eye 'rims, A,
fl'. 'Cooper, 'Clinton; ,Trrns., Mrs. S.
P. Sharp, gxot;er,
Exeter Council 41. S. Entrance Results
Exeter, 3'u1y 13th, 1910
A 'regular meeting or the saunat
of the village of Exeter held in the
'oauneil chambers with all the 'neem-
hens present. The minutes of the,
xneetang held June 26th were read
ta.nd approved. Letters wereread
as Colo
l suis;^
1A. ,:', Nash, gas and electricity int+
%Spector, London; St. Marys horst!
Ishoe quarry regards crushed stono
fox' road building John R. Alexander
consulting engineer re concrete big)*
way bridges. Ordered fiied, Froth
the county clerk's office. Goderich. re-
fer. county purposes: Ghee 11 'county
purposes. :.1143.08; Provincial War
".rax x:538.20: total $1031.88.
'The following accounts were read
and passed.
T Hawkins and Son. 108,79; Flarrp
T, Rowe 22.02; Exeter Hydro Eleetr'e
Syatem 340.13: W. T. Gillespie 55 86;
W. J. Beer 3,50: Arto Delve 500;
Wm. Andrew 3,15; Thornton Baker
83.50; l Tenree Biel -line 2.02; Jno.
Eord. 42.35; Alex McPherson 5.95;
Chas. Wilson 25.00; W. S. Cole 5 00;
The Dominion Road Machinery Co.
Goderich 2.50: E. J. Christie 8 00:
The Exeter Times 18.10; The Bell
Tel. Co. 5.50 ; ' Robt. Gillies 88 05.:
Jno. I•Tunkin 35.47; 'Rd. Quan-e 10 50:
Tno. Parsons 10.50; Exeter Canning
and Preserving Co. 2,15; 'Alfred Begg
8.60; Juo. Norrie 12.60; Walter West-
oott 7.50; David Russell Sr. 2.(72; Hy.
Rumohr 1.00,1 Andrew Anderson 1.00;
Thos. Houldon' 3.00; W. J. Bissett 43
75; Jos. Senior 37.50; J. G. Jones.
24,00; Mrs. W. J. Beer 15 00; James
Connor 50.00. Total 10.41.90.
Miss S. Handford through councillor
1.3.eavers asked for an elcctrio light
opposite their prop'crty.
11Th`. 'Wes, Snell per councillor Beat -
vers asked for an ertenion of the
1 water main along Elizabeth Strce4
south from Huron St.
Reports were made that parties
Were using water from taps in an
illegal way and contrary to village
by -taws and for watering gardens
(other than Iawnse. Action will be
taken against offenders if this is
Per .Beavers sec. by Roulston that
the na.embers of the council recom-
mend that the Reieve proclaim that
the first Monday in august be Civic
Holiday for 1916. Carried
Adjournment by Beavers
Jos. Senor, clerk.
Exeter School Board
The regular meeting of the Board
was beld in the Publi'a Libra -y on
Wednesday evening last. All ,present
except Mr. Armstrong. The minutes
of the previous meeting were adopt-
Per F. W. Wood and R. N. Creech
that Messrs. G:adman and Fuke be
.committee to look into what is need
e1 in. 'the science room in the tray
of 'tune 'chamber en 1 .,ate,-; also
Week boards.
Per A. E. Fuke and F. Wood -That
in ease 'ot necessity the Chairman and
Secretary sign a note to cover de -
licit in Bank.
The. Secretary was asked to write
the teachers re. un .gnecl agreements.
The Inspector's report was ;1 lined
in. the stands ce tate eiF=unds ane Sanis
itary committee.
R. N. 'Creech-adiournment.
K. MacFaul, Sec,
Pte. Harness
Will be Confined to Hos
pita! for Four Moths
Pte E. •Harness who wa wounded, be
both legs by shrapnel at Ypres.
about a month ago, is now at Kates.
grove War 'Hospital, R:_adiug Eng -
!land. In writing to Itis mother in
town he eeys that he i• getting along
fine, The Sisters are all so' gentle and
kind. .I would sooner h. 'here than
over in "No Man's eland", I had an.
tt'orrfteon and 'tad all tee pieces of
shrapnel taken out of my legs. I gu'':s
it will ;be four or five morales belfore
1 Will `be able to go hark and perhaps
not then .as it :doesn't take much to
stolt a person from gong to t.h:' trent-
ars, although he is allyl, to. do name -
thing else. 1 don't want you to worry
about rue one bit. I will be all right
and Willlbe back in Canada some clay
3'h -ere is not so hnueh 3.131:-e here •as
in, the •trenches. One could never im1•
aging what it is .like. Weal had 1300 big
guns for the attack, so you will have
some idea of what a noise it cuss,
That is not salving how many the Ger-
mans had. 1 did nog get the box you
gent. 1 have ;been moved ironed so
much I ,guess they will• never find
me, You coalci try another small one
something nice to eat. something that
t r.
will 'net spoil 'corning o
On July 3rd he writes;- "Atn not
able to get out of bed yet, but am
feeling !better. I think 1 am dent.
with the trenches aril em ,going 'to
try to get bask to Canada es soon a..
I am able. to walk egtin. I •;e not eee
poet that they will dierharge nee
from the hospital for toar months!
any way, but 1 dent mind ,staying iu ,
tem. I ant be ring 0 -v:'ry Inst d ting •
1 .suppose you ,:eeet by tb pa p,�r' who t ,
the 'British nee doing to th'e then -inns
now. They sur• are wvalking rhea to
them and ars' are the rest of the Alleys
eep:',eially the Rus tarts.
Well 1. must close a;a '1.he nurse is
corning to wash nee ilo,ping to hear
from you soon again Ii xt'main • es ever
• l our 1oi in son,
Address, No, 400712. rt', It:Herne
ers 7th ICarrnclainni, Illoek C. No, 5.
IC,eteegrove. 'War 'Hospital, Reeding,
iegland.t r
17 Out of 19 Passat Exeter
The following candidates for high
school entre:nee in west Huron have
been approved by the 'Department of
Education, from the lists furnished by
of examiners.
The standing required to Yeasts is 40
pen cent in eo.cli subject and a total
of 390 !marks. end 'for honors a Notal
oP 487 marks. The 1915 !Regulations
,prohibit the publication of the
marke of the sncee::'sful !candidates.
' The, marks in each subject will b'
sent to the uneeccr.,sful candidates.
In August the certificates for each
!school will be sent to the teacher or
tsecretary of the board.
The highest standing in each 'sub•-
jecil was ta'ke'n as follows:
Reading -Trent MoOlure.
Writing -Helen Carey .and Valerie
S,pelling.-sCJyde H,eaman.
leiteratuar -Eleanor Doherty
Arithmetic --Maurice Harvey
(Grammar -Mary Howell
Geography -Carrie Anderson
Corn peel .tion-Ca rrie Ander,ou
Total -Ella Rutledge.
Many? of the schools were elated for
from one to six weeks en account of
measles, mumps cr chickenpox. This
hindered the work. of e.11 the classees
and. reduced the nnntber 'passing the
high 'school ieritran':? ex,itnination,
Central School -Laura Brown Hel,-.
en'Carey. Frank Chambers, Mary
Garrovt , Ross Flarri-on. Annie 'Hen-
'derson. Myra hIeNevin, Lilian Mc-
'Dona'ld. Shelly Panzer, Bert Sandcrf.
;son. Willie 'Weir,
Victoria 'School-- James' Anderson.
•Glarlvs Redford, Trane Hunt, Viola
Me0iacherry, Louise 'McDonald, Ver-
na DlcVittie, Mary Newell, Fraser
Newell. •C1.arlts Nairn. John Pinder,
Drenthe, Smith.
Separate School -Charles 3'aeOster )
Lilian Farr, Jack Kidd, 'Mary Webb.
Thelma Connor, .Eddie Davis. Ma -s-
eise' Harvey (honors), Mildred 'Have y
Czar Harnese. Greta Harness, 'astray
1'1edden, :Clyde Heaman Z'iala .Tones
(honors), Verde Rowcliff,, Cora Sand-
ers. Stella Sanders, tBLcnch i~.enior,
Vera Sweet, Edward Taylor, Alice.
Vincent, Edward Yellow
Eleanor Doherty (honors). Albert
Glen, Mabel Harburn, Mary Unearth,
Nellie Priest. Irene - Taylor, Lome
Oscar Graupner, Myrtle N.eeh (hon-
ors), Ira :Tiernan, . ntionett•e Zimmer.
Eldon 'Beckig, Edith Guenther, Eva
Oestreieher, Gertrude Winer.
:i" I N C'EIELS.E A.
Grace ;Barnard, Theron ;Creery, John
Barnard, Lorena Johns, Brace M:dd.
Elva F. Dewar, Elmore i'Zcys, Her
o;d Seotc'luner, Claren'e Sparks, Mar
garet 'Tough, Pertha Westlake.
Greta Baker.
No. 2 -'nee Turkey
No. 3 -Ward Forrest.
No. 8 -Beulah Z'4' iegand.
No. 11 -Herbert Kalbfleisch.
No. 13 -Edna Pfaff.
No. 14-Leneoo3 Purdy, \Vi-lle
No. 15 -Leonard Patterson,-Tlor..
Union No. 1-Mar:•c1 LaPorte.
No. 3 -Fred Hess.
South No, 4 -Esther 'i'albot.
No. 6-leinnette Griffiths.
No. 7-Op.tt Foster.
No. 9-rdie Finlay.
N No 10 -Vera Pepper ;hcnors).
No. 14 -'Verna Jarrott, Sidney
i eo7telsoit
No. T- i' da Powe.
No, 3 -Phomas Willis
No, 4 -Donis Sehroeeler.
No. S -Marguerite Carriers, Rc;ccrt
c. 14 -(grit Ct:lwill.
Carmel -Kathleen Car=ry,
old Moser.
11 loser,
No, 1 -Gladys De ,v.
No. 3-Evt S,pearr (honors).
No, 5 -Laura Hicks, victor Jeffery
: ..1
- ttrtkn1 La,
\a i a 1;
S ,
No Ill Carrie And:•eson, (honors).
Etheri.ngton, Lyla Pym,
Mr. and Mrs. P'. and child
o� Toronto. called en ,friends in town
Saturday on their way to Grand k;:end
Mrs. (Dr,) 1eindsty, who has been
vi5',.in,g her fatb.,r, Mr. A. Dow, lett
Wednesday for ter ,home' alt Yorkton
Seek. She was accorupanied ley her
it:sear, 11i,s Ann, .Uaw, who Will visit
there for a month.
Tlie Soldiers Aid Soeietr have scut
to the 1. 0.'D. L. London 888 hos;
tads. 2t•8 !comp cs ,s, 380 ,gauze!
;i,songes, Th:'y •o sent 50.00 to the
kfictelen 11.• lei re incl r'; O,OO ttr
the French Teel. is '!tine:!,
Anyone Navin,;; ofd cotton kindly •
i,ilt;,lry r, it ,s ;,.t.'
rn ,
!quell needed for hospital ;(v-orn,
;beginning at 10.19 %nee* ftsttug till
near 12 o'olooh. ,
d Mrs. 'iId, :8i. Piper, of Sam.>tws Fall
lie spending a ntontlr with her si nen
Mrs, Alex , )ampb.•11. 18th c:on, and
father jrelatives. On her return homer
ate will visit friends and ,r+;uativekt
In Exeter, London. and Pt. jE3urweitl
--Parkhill Gazette. •
An electrical storm. rased over
this section on'V9'�ednersdar nfa+.*rtoc^
ot', last we�rfkt Exeter was en the out$
skirts of the.. ar
t it "i ,y
m being more set
ern in then south. Lightning struck the
}tydra power lines and did sono stash,
age to thti Iocal station but it wags
eini'ckfy repaired. The seheetitfort at
Locant was also damaged.
The big fairs have started their
campaign! of advertising and it ,righty
be wise' to state that Exeter fair'
will follow •close on tate heals, of the;
Western Fair et. 'London. C:`oentret�
eairs are a splendid thiut ;or ante;
district, Farmers will do well for tart
in to fit their stock an'd"make terep..
aratione to have a good showing.
Fox the benefit of motorists vane.
to London it is reported 'that the
Goderich Road between Liman and
,Clandeboye is closed, a a now ,con
,rete and steel bridge is being creed-,
ed ta, replace the ofd wooden ,trod»
are over the Aux Sauble Rh er. TO
is likely to he a month! . before the
new bridge is finished and ready for
travel It es only a matter of about
two and one-half miles farthhr'r eemtrid
by I.lderton : rind D:'ntield and alai
roa•dr• are in good hap
111r. John Gilfillan na's tturchase
the old Turnbull farm ors. the 10th
con..kssion of U'boren, frmo Mr.
Bad. Scott for a good figure, the prier
bleittg $ 7400.001
Farmets• in this section were dist•
emouated t.aat efteir sons were not
to !lowedm
Itom.. on hay furlough as
etesomasltrs..kray 'was heavy and' help
Was badly needed.
Word has been ,received by friends
that? Pte. Edward Hall has been. killed
in a recent engagepaent in France. He
is a son of' Mr. Patrick Hall of Detroit
and formerly of Mt, 6Cermek
Mise Betnlcy is in attendance at a
meeting; of thei W. V. T. TJ +being held
in .Exeter toeid.ay, Thursday, Mieditena
Barr is also present and will compete
fare the ,gold medal in the recitations
contest. -Blyth Standard.
Diessr,s Wallace and ,Barry Puke
daft Tuesday for a trip ,up the lakes
sailing from Sarnia. Harry of the
'Bank of !Commerce staff, Parkhill
is on his holidays and spent a few
day$ in town before leaving.
The dusty roads have taken. the
pleasulre out or motoring and worse
still for driving. A large , pas engeta
car leaves in its watke a cloud of duet
that completely hides the car. A good
rain( would put the roads in aexeellent
There was a 'partial er1ipse of the
, \i.00n on tr'ri,9ay night last and quite ,
a number watched it as it rased into
the umbra, or darker shadow of the
Earth. The eclipse fasted two hours
Ladies' °lack cotton hose IOL Pair.
!Ladies' black Lisle hose 25c to 40c a Pair
Children's tan hose 1Oc Pair.
Sample handkerchiefs 5e to 50c Path.
Boys' braces 10c per pair.
Men's fine Shirts 7.5e each. °
Men's So; Belts, TIes.
Clearing lines of Shoes at w t :til:=°A $1.14
per pair
Some extra values in 1.11rsn1'S ettha.
B. W. F
E G -1
< 11. 11101Wb,. ...,roes
isaleeeeetiefeenecniteaseeettee,teeneeheenCtiete eatee• teeatme•cosetrestieebne$esea•.
ou are sure to want something new now
for your vacation! and the holidays
that are coming on. Underwear,
JP'yjamas, Socks, Shirts, Collars and Neckties.
We've got them for you. Get them from sir.
Men.'s High Grade
Negligee Shirts
Supererior make and
in neatest a,Ad
most up to -date pat-
terns -75o to $2.00
New Socks
Plain Lisle Socks
25c. Plain silk socks,
50c., FaneY. socks 75c.
New Collars
Many new lines just
prat in stock which ark=:
sure to please. All
sizes in stock.
New Neckties
Handsome High. -
Grade Ties, something
new and up -to. date 50U.
Blue Serge Suits for Men
Our Values are undoubtedly daubtedly alae best in Canada.
PHON S a a
a0aba460c49.a844440400V.e444 0esR#