HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-7-13, Page 7COT FROilli RI ING BAD A•E s People moving from one place to au, other are very subject to diarrhoea an account of the change of water, change of climate,, change of diet, etc., and what at first appears to be but a slight looseness. of the bowels should never be neglected or some serious bowel complaint will be sure to follow. ' The safest and quickest cure for diarr- hoea, dysentery, colic, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, pains in the stomach and all looseness of the bowels s'Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry.. Mr. Ernest Jeffery, Moose Jaw, Sask., writes: "A few years ago, when I first came out to Canada, I went to the bar- vest field to work. Somehow or other the water did not agree with me. I had the darrhoea so bad that blood was coming from me, and I thought my last days had come. One of the harvest hands advised me to take Dr. howler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and before I had used the bottle I was able to go to work again. My advice to all is always keep a bottle of this wonderful diarrhoea cure on Band." '" Dr. Fowler's" has been on the market For the past seventy years, and has been used in thousands ..of Canadian homes during that time, .and we have yet to hear of a case of bowel complaint where it has not given perfect satisfaction. The genuine "Dr. Fowler's" is manu- factured only by the T. Milburn Co., 4.111. Limited, Toronto, Ont.' Price, 35 cents. - TRITE SAYINGS. Prosperity has been the undoing of many a man. Some men never get ahead because they are always behind. Put yourself in the other man's place before you condemn him. Some men lay everything that goes wrong on their wives. A wise parent doesn't discuss other people's failings before the children. It's a hard matter to deceive the world. You are sized up for just what you are. Don't stir up a quarrel over triffles. Friends are too valuable to be thus easily lost. The youth who knows more than his father will learn a lot if he lives to be an old man. If you are the possessor of an auto- mobile, take your less fortunate c' neighbor for an occasional spin. If you don't want your boy to learn to smoke, set him a good example by not using tobacco yourself. A ne'er-do-well, in a short time, can run through a fortune that took his parents a lifetime to acumulate.- Don't place all the blame on the other fellow's boy. Maybe your son isn't so perfect as you think he is. If a fraction of the money that is put in costly monuments was used to make the living more comfortable, it Would be a wise move. No matter if the other fellow hasn't done the square thing, don't try to get even ; it never pays. Just go ahead and do what is right. Germans Eat Whale Meat. Whale meat has proved so popular among the inhabitants of the Solingen district in Prussia that the district .au, thorities have taken over the greater part of the trade in this smoked food product, which may be sold on "meat - ..,r less" days, and are disposing of it in large quantities, reports the German press. The retail price is about 70 cents a pound. The Intelligent Cat Two gardeners were swearing ven- gence on cats. " It appears to me," one said, "that they ceem to pick out your choicest plants to scratch out of -the ground." " There's a big tomcat," the other said, ` that fetches my plants out and then sits and actually defies me." " Why don't you hurl a brick at him ?" asked the first speaker. " That's what makes me mad," was the reply. " I can't. He gets on top of my greenhouse to defy me." Was T oligibled Witlh CONSTiPATIN -,, F°f:; OVER FIVE YEARS. Unless one has a free action of the bowels, at least once a day, constipation is sure to ensue, then in the wake of constipation comes sick headache, bilious headaches, jaundice, piles; and many forms of liver complaint. Milburn's Laxa-Elver Pills will regu- late the flow of bile to act properly up6t1 the bowels, thus making them active asul regular, and removing the constipa- tion and all its allied troubles. Mr, Phil. G. Robichaud, Pokernouche, N.B. writes: "I have been troubled *illi constipation for over five years, and I feel it my duty. to let you knepw that; your Milburn's Laxa- Ive�r Pills have gifted me, 1 only esed three vials, and can faithfully say that they bill," leave saved tie froil { a large doctor's e, Milburn's Luca -Liver Pals are 25 cents vial, or live vials for $1.00; for sale all dealers, or mailed direct ori receipt d'7ic ctrl Milburn . T. C . ,,.• Jul aLimited, t ) �y yqi ,o, Ona; S e THESUNDAY S H • 270) and the Stoic Cleanthes (thirdrt ! century) for the latter. That there was a tinge of pantheism in both the quotations, according to their author's thought, does not prevent Paul's us- ing them for a higher purpose. 29. Paul is enforcing the wend to sleep at Mrs. Thomas Harris, 8 Corrigan St,,. commandments - Which had a supreme NO ANALOGY IN HIST'OIr Y. ()I, I; ingstan, Ont., writes: "I had bceix a constant sufferer, for many hears, with justification m the Athenian degrade- PAST" TIMES my nerves, am!, was enables Lesson III, --Paul At Athens -Acts tion of that which is divine (margin) night, or do any work through the slay 17. 16-34. Golden Text- into, nothing more, than physically - 1 at last decided to consult a doctor and Beetroot Dainty Dishes. want our household to be in danger beautiful men and women. Another Year of 1t. Will Make the find out what was really the troiiblc'r e tSalad.-Slices of cold hard- of ptomaine poisoning; but in hot. Acts 17. 28. 30. Overlooked -"Suffered all the ! The first onetold me 1 would Izave fa gra boiled eggs, beetroot and Bold potatoes weather we must redouble our vigil- nations to walk in their own ways" Total Expenses Reach , under an operation before I would l�ti Arco' 22. *Areopagus•-Phe Bill of (Acts. 14. 16). The words do not pre- Q K well, but l would not consent to this. One form the mixture. Season with salt ante. , and pepper and acid a sauce made of Itis most important that fish should . est of the Au opo'lis and $1 0,000,000,000. day I took a fit of cr ing, and it seemed whl noi•th of the market place, tend to give a full account of whaty Aped cream •bo• which .one table-• be fresh and you will know that it l ce, from which to One hundred billion dollars will be that if anyone spoke to me i would hoer Paul would be taken b a God will do with'those who are ignor- to order them out of the house. I must spoonful of vinegar has been , whip- if the eyes are prominent and full and 4 y fiiglit. rf •ant" through n° fault: of their own. ,the cost of the war }f It lasts another have been crying two hours when nt pal in gradually. Garnish with par- the pupils clack. This. However, is not "tape cut in:the rock; The ancient They simply preparatory _' year,'according.; to. Mr. Jean I"inot, fusurancea en carne' sle if and dtgnil're;l cotiYt which took ruse . p y p p y to the de 'accordinm g rn. I•Ie advised uzh y an infallible test, as the eyes become name from its meeting h , declaration that God's plan of salva- I who makes an interesting campara- to tz'S= a box of Mllburu's heart attd Strawberry Sherbet. -Here is a gra and shrunken lon • before the g t ere is be live studyof Nerve Pills, and 1 at once sent to tilt: lion is now complete, and it is his will . , this subject in an article Cooling. .drink for summer and it is fish is unfit for food. g heves to have invited traveling men that men should all hear of it and ac- u► the Paris Revue. drug store and got two boxes, and befoul quickly of letters to lecture before them, with,i „ I had them taken I felt like a different y px'epalad; Use atablespoon- The gills, should be red, not gray, cepb it. Repeat --The word does not If this war lasts three years, he person. I have told others about il:e fel of good eider vinegar, sugar to white or greenjsh, and the scales a view to engaging them for regular concentrate, like the English, on mere says, "the losses will reach a total un oris they have told rzs the would no taste, and a handful of crushed straw- should be firm and bright and not ease loctuzxos. This may have been the sorrow for the past: a wholly nen: heard of in the past. They will a- be without thein. I am very thankful berries. Have a glassful of water ily rubbed off. Beware of the fish pttrgose with which they asked P:iu1 to attitude of mind is the point. mount to one hundred or one hundred started to take Milburn's Heart n' and a little cracked ice at hand. Pour that is soft and flabby to the touch slaeak' Very ieh 'ons --Though 31. Appointed a day -"To fix a day" and twenty billion dollars. The losses Nerve Pills." the strawberry mixture into this, The and comes easily away from the hone, this word is capable also of meaning was the ordinary Latin term for an-. occasioned by the present conflict have Milburn's heart and Nerve Kilts ere vinegar gives the drink a' delightful for most certainly it is not as fresh superstitious," the choice of the other announcing ale al inquiry; bub Paul no analogy in the historyof est 50 cents per box, or ,3 boxes for a1.4e, at tang: meaning is dictated to us b the sem- g g q y! p all dealers or mailed direct on rcceirit a'r it might be. o y was doubtless thinking rather of the times. of price by The T. Milburn Co., i im twit Strawberry ,Parfait. - Crush :one Another best is to hold the fish be- plc consideration that Paul was a man "day of Jehovah," so prominent in the "According to the calculations of Toronto, Ont. quart . strawberries through sieve, cook tureen the finger and the thumb and °f tact, incapable of starting with a prophets. Judge the inhabited earth economists and staticians armed one cupful rough word That the word INTERNATIONAL LESSON JULY 16. TEE' COST WARUnable To fee 'VERVAINLS MOUNTING IPI Or o Any Work.fl SUFFERED FROM HER sugar one-half cupful wet- press it 'gently. If the flesh parts ie was am- in righteousness (mar;,*tn)-Quoted conflicts from Rrapoleon I. to our day, er untiin sot -ball stage, Whip three easily it is not sound. biguous, and true in the other sense, from Psa. 9. 8. In a man -So liter "ll added together, have "^+ ^^"r°'i _r the present war is more than double egg whites stiff. Pour hot syrup over Choosing chickens is another task is probably irrelevant. ally: in is a regular Greek idiom for one-half the sums absorbed by the all the wars of the nineteenth cert - berry pulp and cook. thick. Then 23 I t ' • pour gradually over egg whites, whip- ping constantly. Cool; Then fold in one pint whipped cream, and freeze same as ice cream. Rice Jelly. -Boil a pound ,of rice in three and ahalf pints of water. When ready beat through a sieve and it that requires care, The eyes of a •scrip ion -The existence of the judge before whom a case is tried. fresh chicken should be bright and such altars in Athens was abtribut- But Paul was more probably using his prominent, and the feet limp, moist, ed to the counsel of the sixth century own "mystical in" -whether in re - and pliable. The flesh should be •sage Epimenides of Crete (see verse demption or in judgment, "God is in firm and plump and the skin clean and 28), who when a pestilence occurred Christ." Ordained -The word Paul white. that they could not trace, advised a When the chicken is decomposing, sacrifice "bo the proper deity," leav- the flesh becomes dark and greenish, ing the name open. What therefore then should be, when cold, a solid the feet hard, stiff and dry, and the -Of course Paul was adapting their clear jelly. I1 may be warmed up eyes sunken and dull, words to a new purpose: he never with mills or cream, but a nice way is Healthy wild ducks have black feet. meant to add one more god to their to mix milk or cream. while the jelly Any duck with soft pilant legs and crowded Pantheon! In ignorance - is hot, then when nearly -cool fill smallfeat, bright prominent eyes, and see verse 80. Paul is going to tell molds large enough for each person,fairly firm flesh is in primo coivfition. then the little oversight admitted in Sugar and sliced lemons may be Shale ducks havo stiff, dry feet, dull, that inscription is nothing less than served with the dish. sunken eyes, flabby flesh, discolored that of the one true God. Fig Pudding. -A quarter of a pound necks, and a greenish tint over the 24. As a Jew, he naturally drops of flour and a quaiter of a pound of breadcrumbs mixed together, a quar- ter of a pound of suet chopped very fine, a quarter of a pound of moist sugar, six ounces of figs cue into small pieces, and a teaspoonful of bak- ing powder. Mix these ingredients very thoroughly with a little milk and two well -beaten eggs; if no eggs are at hand a little more milk will be re- quired. Put the mixture into. a greased mold, tie it over and give it fag three hours' boiling. The rind of good pork is smooth and Grape Conserve. -One pound sugar, thin, light in color, and firm to the one pound grapes, one cup walnut touch. When it is cut through, or meats, one cup raisins, Juice of two oranges. Wash the grapes and re- move the pulp. Put the pulp in a preserving kettle and cook for a few minutes, and then remove the seeds by putting them through a sieve. Put pea -pods should be crisp, anal beans theskins through - its own resources, needing us not at should not he ou have a faded look or be limp when broken. present war. The Napoleanie wars, , tury, from those of Napoleon I., plus properly so called, which are consid- all the wars of the first dozen years Bred the most sanguinary in the his- of the present century. tory of past times, cost only about $15,000,000,000. They lasted twenty DON'T BE A AFOOD AI" DDIST. uses in Rom, 1. 4 (rendered declared) years. _ 3.2 Paul had no chance to develop "The Crimean War cost the court- A Prominent Medical Man Says tie his argument, of which he had only tries taking part in it about eleven or Eat a Little of Everything. delivered the opening; "a resurrec- twelve billions. The civil war in tion of dead men" was a sheer ab- America did not cost more than $7,-1 A certain amount of food is good surdity, and it was useless to waste 000,000,000 or $7,600,000,000, The war [ for a faddist. It keeps him from woes. more time listening to this Oriental between Prussia and Austria in 1886 rying about being one. If he doesn't fanatic. Those who were too polite necessitated an expense of only about get this food, however, he suffers front to scoff promised to renew the bore- $500,000,000. acute faddism, and is only two jumps dom on a more convenient day -1.: "According to the estimates of Mr. ahead of Nemesis, says Edwin F: sumably Feb. 30! Matheu-Bodet, Minister of Finance in' Bowers, M.D. 33. Thus -Luke's restraint here is 1874, the war of 1870 cost France the Now, man, from the very nature o11 total sum of $`2,499,000,000. In this his teeth and alimentary canal, id figure are included the losses to the omnivorous. He thrives best upon A State, to the departments, the com- little of everything -and not too little; munes and individuals. The cost of either. For with food a little too caring for German troops after the much is just enough. We need it td conclusion of peace and before the make hay with. That is, to furnish complete evacuation, amounting to bulk. The alimentary organs and the and skinny, it shows that the animal be confined in temple walls. Made who accepted the heavenly wisdom! $18,600,000, is also included. peristaltic muscles of the bowel tee was old and tough. with hands -That God's true temple Damaris-Read the glorious stanzas " An English statistician puts the quire bulk to wrestle with. The best veal is of a pale color, and must be "made without hands" was in Myers' Saint Paul. The very pre -direct expenses of all belligerents We need excess -in moderation: its kidney is enclosed '1n firm white a declaration of Jesus (see Mark 14. sence of a woman in this meeting, in from Napoleon I. to the war of 1914 But this excess must not be more than 58) which is guaranteed as a true re- a town where respectable women were $36,000,000,000 to $40,000,000,000. the system can utilize and eliminate: port in this respect by the echoes in shut up anis debarred all public life, " Considering only the allied armies ; This is one reason why a full meal the Acts and Epistles. suggests her previous character: Chin the present war, it may be noted , in a capsule will never be practice 25. Neither is he served -Compare "Then I preached rist; and when that the number of combatants on our' able. At least not for a human bee. warm water poured over it, there Psa.50. 9ff. Needed -An acceptance she heard the s�;ory.•- side now amounts to about 14,000,000. ing should not be any disagreeable odor. of Epicurean doctrine to match the ap- 0, is such triumph po- Bible to men? If we admit an average daily expense i The system demands, for purposed When purchasing vegetables, be proval of a Stoic poet (see verse 28). Hardly, my King, had I beheld thy of $4 a day for each soldier, including ; of nutrition, three varieties of food; sure that they are fresh. Pass over In one of his finest passages, Lucre- glory, ammunition, we will have a total ex- ; in balanced proportion. Proteida td any showing signs of decay or rot.. tius declares that Deity is "mighty in Hardly had I known thine excel- lence till then." abdomen. into Old Testament language (Exod. wonderful, only surprassed by the yet Meat wants a great deal of choos- 20. 11; Isa. 42 5), ubt the assertion more tragic verse of Luke 4. 30. What ing, Good meat should be firm to the could be matched almost verbally from Paul thought when he could get no touch, and should show distinctly the the inscription of the Athenians' great further hearing we shall read in the lesson for July 30. 34. Dionysius-So there were some "wise after the flesh" (1 Cor. 1. 26) branching veins. Bed or mutton antagonist, the Zoroastrian king of should be a deep rose color, and the Persia; Darius; and Greeks like Eur - fat a rich cream. If the fat is hard! ipides had declared that God could not pense of $1,680,000,000 a month, or ' supply the material to replace tissue about $20,000,000,000 a year, I waste, carbo -hydrates to furnish heat s ems oug a coarse meat grin h ail.." v.-. _ 1 and energy, and fats to prevent..:ek= der, mix with the pulp and sugar, add Constant Increase t cessive waste and help maintain hodli raisins thoroughly washed and hale- 26. Of one -Greek as well as He - For in Ships. For France alone the budget a- ;heat. ed. Cook until nearly thick and then brew story recognized the common r ; Helpful Hints. of mankind. Seasons- Romantic stories are related at mounts to $6,193,200,000 yearly, ac- i Proteids are most valuable for tilde add chopped nuts. When the fruit parentage cordingto Mr. Almond, who recently, nitrogen content. Fish,beans peas) ellspour into sterilizedglasses and An envelope with the corner cut off The ages of their.. rise and fall, and Cardiff, Wales, of the huge fortunes g > 3 seal. is handyto fill your salt and pepper made a report to the French Senate( grains, nuts and other foods contain. � p PP their entrance on the lands they were amassed by shipowners and coal -own ; Cucumbers in Winter.-Beyas coaly boxes to make their own. ers during the war. One shipowning showing the following credits since ; this, of course -some in even rieha + cucumbers as desired now, peel and Rubbing shoes and boots well with 27. Providence in history was to be firm is reported to have made profits August 1, 1914 :- !proportions than meat -but it comic,. slice as for immediate use. Soak in castor oil keeps them from cracking, amountingto$15,000,000. other Last five months of 1914.$1,317,886,850 ; be converted into digestive pabulum making ManyGod. It was the clearness with which firms have also made vast sums. In- First half of 1916 .... 3,096,506,870 in glass jars same as those used i Figs are delicious baked several' dinary man,woman or child so roadie Israel's instinct grasped this lesson stances are also told of young clerks that qualified him to be God's mis- who, earning about $15 a week at the ' Iy as can properly cooked meats, oi: beginning of the war,Total since war began$8,897,713,422 that predigested food of a chick known, sionary to the world. g gsaw their op- He calls special attention to the j as the fresh qgg, portunity and invested in the purchase i of old steamers. As a result of their p havo they made for thee, 0 Zeus enterprise they have become compar- put hours,with lemon juice and lemon rind for preserving fruit, covering with a good vinegar. Stir with a fork, fill- to give added flavor. ing even with the edge, and screw the I Ten cents worth of skim milk has lid on tight. Use two rubbers in 1 more nourishment thsin it than the same stead of one to keep them airtight. These will keep perfectly, retain their Three of the cheapest foods we shape and color and be just as delict- oue as the fresh ones. If they taste too much of vinegar when they are used in the winter, drain the liquid off and let the cucumbers remain over- night in water,. Orange Marmalade. -Take four large oranges and one large lemon; wash the fruit and wipe dry; then cut into very thin slices, discarding the ends and the seeds from the lemon and the seeds from the oranges. Put the fruit in a large, porcelain -lined have are hominy, corn meal and rice and there are many ways of using them. Allow one level teaspoonful of salt to flavor a quart of soup, sauce or water' in which vegetables are to be cooked. The best time to clean the meat grinder is immediately after it is used. The particles of meat do not dry, and will wash off easily. If a metal spoon is left in the saucepan, the contents will nob boil saucepan and add eight cups of water. puickly, because the spoon carries off Keep in a cool place for twenty-four a Glassware lassat deal hf heat. hours. Then boil gently until the Glawood a sbow , alwayshbe washed peel is very tender. Measure the in a wooden bowl, as there will be prelt, add one cap sugar to each far less chance of its getting broken, cup of fruit, less one. (That is if Needlework should be ironed on the there are six cups of Exult, add five wrong side in a piece of flannel, and should then'be kept long enough under 28. A recent discovery tells us there are two quotations here: "A grave ' atively wealthy men. highest and greatest, even the Cre- tans, always liars ; [etc., as Titus 1. 12]. But thou are 'not dead, for to eternity thou livest and standest; for in thee we live and move and have our being." The verse in Titus is attrib- uted to Epimenides, who now appears to have referred to the Cretan legend of the burial of Zeus in Crete. Cer- tain -Namely, Epimenieles for the ear- lier words, the Cilician Aratus (B.C. "This is an odd way girls have of getting into society." "How is it odd?" "Why, to get in they first have to come out." A man advertises for "competent persons to undertake the sale of a new medicine." and adds that "it will be profitable to the undertaker." constant increase in expenses :- The starches and sugars comprising Year 1915 $8,083,400,000 $4,483,319,702 the carbo -hydrates are useful, but First guar- ( man does not thrive by starch alone: ter 1916 1,082,400,000 1,535,506,870: Starch makes very good paste but Sec. guar- very poor tissue. ter 191(3 1,153,000,000 1,561,000,000. And fat can only be utilised as an At this rate the total expenses for ' exclusive article of diet where the the year would be about $6,200,000,-; temperature is so low that the tre- 000, of which the army absorbs 73 mendous quantities necessary to sus - per cent., and the debt, also constant- i tain life Can be properly oxidised, ly increasing, more than 7 per cent, ' Nuts would be splendid if we had, Civil and other Government expenses I stomachs like squirrels to eenvert aro about 19 per cent., and the rest, ; their highly concentrated z1ealect11dt something under 1 per cent., goes to and an exclusive milk diet wsijld he buy food for the destitute refugee superb if we could drink the several population. ;gallons per day required in 0rtiet to E�` i ! Added to the above are the sums 'train the proper amounts of penteidei ��� ® � � i-a� � - paid to allied nations -Belgium, Ser- : fat and sugar. That is, p •pviding bia and others -which raise the ex- ! that it didn't founder us or 11redu it penses to $18,000,000 a day, $560,000,- i dilation of the stomach walls; 000 a month, or $6,700,000,000 a year. ; Therefore, it is incontrovextable England's Expenses 1 that a human being will live tensest Ion a well-balanced dietary. Agan h4 At the same time England's ex- will be much more alive on it tfihnn cups of sugar. Boil briskly for LN° 3 ] cooling. This scale prevents the penses have risen from $17,000,000 a' one who makes a fad of food. p ) the iron bo thoroughly dry it.$22 twenty-five minutes, remove from The operating troubles of the gaso- water from cooling the cylinder -and day to $22,000,000, and are soon ex- ' stove, fill in glasses and when cold If you are in the habit of lending line engine are not so numerous as should be scraped off occassionally. petted to reach $25,000,000 daily, or - ' cover with paraffin and seal. This books it pays to keep name of books, the starting troubles for if the latter When to Regulate the Feed. $0,125,000,000 a year. A British es- Government. marmalade is especially made from name of person who has it and date are eliminated, then there is not much timate of the exclusively war expenses Political boss -I can land you a job oranges in the s lin though it can be of loan. Then cross out the name danger from the (armor. However,Sometimes after the engine has of the allies gives the following up payin three thousand dollads a year made at any other time of the year, when the book is returned. there area few that are of commomade a few explosions it will seem to June 30, 1917 :- 'Worker -And to you and one to me. It is quite inexpensive. The quart- �' once and they will be dealt with to smother and then stop. This is due Great Britain $15,250,000,000 IZ'orker-And do I have an assist- bity given here will make six or seven Another A. S. S. One. now. Sometimes while running, the usually to an overdose of gasoline, Franco 14,1"r 5,000,000 ant who does all the wails ? glasses. It will jell beautifully and A schoolinaster once wrote his ini- engine will miss fire, that is, the trip the exhaust indantities of icatinseng the presencelack smoke of RItussia 14,200,000,000 his salary ubetween s re, and we split half of is as pretty as it is appetizing. teals, "A. S.," on the flyleaf of one of rod will trip the sparker but theca too much fuel. A normal mixture of Belgium Y 2'700 00 "" ~' will be no explosion. This indicates0,000 -' " Strawberry Preserves. -This very his books. One of the boys, who got p gasoline an:l air is indicated by a thin! Serbia 700,000,000! MEP et novel recipe e.f oI have never seen it but the master book,discove ed the add - non either a weak battery, loose ix� sour th blue, and almost invisible smoke from Montenegro 650,000,000 m e 1 � ;`4 ' ti c t strawberryr preserves ed a second ' tions,or a dirtyspark 1� ' an en engine that is being used dail the the exhaust. White, dense smoke m- Portugal 50,000,000 in - print. All my friends are delighted and;, knowing who had made it, hand- g g y dicates that the cylinder is getting too „ SEVERAL with ib. It's so easy, and so sure. ed the book back to`the bo with the spark plug should be removed once a c' „ y p g much oil. Sharp, hard ac- TotalMONTHS When flnisheri,� the berries are a trap- words, I wish you would not write month, the deposit of carbon on the explosions $51,725,000,000 slucent rich red and are almost as your name in my book." plug cleaned off with gasoline, and the companies by frequent explosions in Cost to Teutons ,� large ar before they were cooped. The contact points smoothed with solid- the inlet pipe indicate that the en- On the other side, Germany's ex- D? N'S E IEDI E t MILL . gine is not getting enough gasoline. enses which to date are about $10 flavor is incomparable. Put two and Won't Give Them an Opening. paper or a fine file, An accumula» Occasionally the engine seems bo :000,000,000, it is estimated will be at 1`� 8��, one-half quarts of sugar in a kettle „ , • tion of carbon on the paints causes with one pint of water and boil until I don oafs people how they are the intensity of the spark to be lost run all right when working without a, least $13,000,000,000 by the same any more. and occasions miss -ficin It is not load, but when the clutch is thrown in, r time ; Austria's about $10,000,000, - sugar is well melted. Then add two tt�,hy not?" a it balks, slaves down, and finally stops.: 000 Turkey's$600,000,000 and 13u1- Mr. Fred. 'Stevens, Raymond, AIta., heaping quarts of strawberries and ,, uncommon to have the electric current b boil from seventeen to twenty minutes. I ve decided it is better to take it short-circuited, that is, some point of This, especially in old engines, is due; garia's $520,000,000, or $34,120,000 for writes. ` I ani writing to Bear my Don'ttest(- for granted that they are well thanto the fact that the power of the ex - 'the Teutonic allies, many of your wonderful medicine. I stir, just shake the kettle, and the wires becoming bared of insula- had suffered for several months with. skim. When done remove from fire, to give hem a chance to spend half an tion, and touching some metal part of plosions, instead of being utilized to Then, there is Japan, who issued an kidney trouble. Thad been under the Dour of my time telling me abou • theirdo work, is lost through the worn pis -'internal loan of $26,000,000 at the ex- re doctor's care for two months when I pour into pans and shake occasionally „ % the engine, cause the current to beled l ailments. off into the ground instead of reach, - or rings, bearings and connections,; ginning of the war, and whose ex- react your' advertisement. I at once ing the spark plug. To prevent this or waisted in overcoming friction in penses in the capture of Klao-shoe Imrchased four boxes of Doan's Kidney the shaft or bearings that are not in I and the German Paeific archipelagos fills, and when I bad used two taxes of the wiring should be examined. alignment.and their occupation were about $lOQ,- thein I was cured. I have recommendedFrom various causes the engine may The best way to overcome gasoline; 000,000. San Marino, too, has spent this treatment to several of my friends." become over -heated. This may be due engine troubles, is to prevent them by; several hundred thousand dollars When you ask for Doan's Kidney Pills to the fact that sufficient oil is not giving the engine the care before the , erecting anti-aircraft defences a- sce that you get "Doan's." The ,wrapper reaching the cylinder. The average trouble occurs. It requires but a' gainst Austrian aeroplanes. The AI- is grey and our trade mark "The Maple size farm engine with gravity feed small percentage of the time then,1 lies will thus have spent about $52,- Leaf" appears on every boa. should get from 8 to 10 or 12 drops of that is necessary to correct, the Iron-; 000,000,000, and the Teutons $34,000,- 011 per minute on its cylinder. Over- ble after it has occurrere In other i000,000 at the end of three years' war, heating may also be due to an eccuni- words, old as the hills, yet. as true i The=se sums give a total of about elation of scaleon the water jacket of i an ounce of prevention 'on is1 86 000 000 O) somewhat less,than the cylinder, caused , e'� :c of y by the depose- worth a pound of <.:i (". W. Jukes the estimate of MrFinot, but agree- tion greetion of lime from; the water used in in Canadian Count ( ing with the calculation that the cost Told by C. W. Jokes, of the Ontario Agricultural College. till cold. It cools better in small ves- sels. The shaking is the secret of success. It causes the berries to ab- sorb the syrup and remain plump and whole. Can when when cold. Cover with paraffin. The preservesmay be put in small jars or glasses. Never cook more than two quarts at once, Once tried, always a favorite recipe. Select Good Food. At all timesashould w be careful, to select good, fresh food, unless We 4 Qualified to Judge. Belle -Do you think women should have the ballot 7 Jack -Oh, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't! They are so vacil- lating, you know!. Wise GirI. Maud --W ou),d you object to a hus- band who smoked in the house' Marie -Most deeid..11y! But I shall keep quiet about it until 1' get one, Doan's ICidneyPills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; at all dealers, or nailed'dixcct on receipt oP iicc: bs'rhe le Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out When ordexiegs direct specify "Doan's.".,