Exeter Times, 1916-7-13, Page 3qtr SUNSET COAST
Progress of the Great' West
in a Few Pointed
The halibut fleet at Vancouver is
Aid. Ashton, of Courtney, B.C.,
caught a trout weighing five lbs. last
C. S. Brown, principal of Vernon,
B.C., I•Iigh School, has joined:the Ban-
Rev. C. W. Corey, Nelson, has joined
e 196th University Battalion, C,E.F,,
at Vancouver.
A serious outbreak of bush fire at
Port Moody, north of Port Coquitlam,
B.C., is reported;
The town of Atlin, B.C., was nearly
destroyed by fire last week. The fire
started in the Royal Hotel.
• A tremendous explosion took place
when the ore barge Argus foundered
and sunk off the Fraser River.
Pte. George Duff, of the 31st Bat-
talion, was knocked unconscious by a
speeding motorist in Vancouver.
H. N. Rich, of Ladner, has received
word that his only son, Sidney Rich,
has been killed in action in France.
The big Government' grain elevator
at Vancouver, although completed for
some time, is : still standing vacant.
John Ferris Rydes, of Vaneouver, is
dead at the ale of 84. He is the last
of the old freighters on the Cariboo
road of 50 years ago.
The Surrey, B.C., Council has made
a grant of $200 in aid of. this year's
fair, to be held under the auspices of
the Surrey Agricultural Association.
The late spring is greatly delaying
the work of the B.C. sawmills, and
the revival of mining is causing the
demand for lumber to exceed the sup -
P The students of Columbia College
at New Westminster .were banqueted
last week by the principal, Rev. Dr.
Sanford and Mrs. Sanford. It is an
anhnual event. -
The Japanese steamer, ICutsu Maru,
which sailed from Muroran, Japan, on could feel some improvement from the range -finders the French hit upon a Canadian requirements, and has been
May 31, .docked. at Vancouver. , She use of the Pills, and I gladly continued happy scheme. For several hundred Pronounced by successful breeders to
has a cargo of Formosan sugar for taking them until every symptom of yards in front of their guns they be the best stallion that has ever left
the B. C. refinery. the trouble was gone, and I was again built a shield. It was made of ordin- the shores of the world's greatest
Dr. Harrison P., Millard was the enjoying the best of health. These ary burlap stretched upon poles, and nursery.
was about fifteen feet high. There-
after, when the Germans bombarded "Anmer " was the King's Derby can -
the battery they were no longer able dictate and was running well up in
to see where their shells fell, and that historic event when a suffragette
were consequently unable to direct ran out on the course, endeavoring to
their fire with any ddgree of accur- ; snatch at the bridle. "Anmer " was
acy. Of course, portions of the shield thrown and the woman was trampled
were blown down at times by the ex- to death. The fall also nearly proved
ploding shells, but it was the work of fatal for the jockey, Herbert Jones.
only a few minutes to make repairs. I " Anmer " was a winner
Using Painted Scenery in England in.the 1i/4 miles Hastings
I plate, second in the Payne Stakers,
Another ingenious device of the third in the Newmarket, St. Ledger
plain of This Tremble
ally Are Thin
Thin blooded people usually have
.stomach trouble. They seldom recog-
nize the fact that thin blood is the
cause of the trouble, but it is. . Tri
fact thin, impure blood is the most
common cause of stomach troubles it
affects the digestion very quickly. The
glands that furnish the digestive fluid
are diminished in their activity ; the
stomach muscles- are weakened, and
there is a loss of nerve force. In this
state of health nothing will more
quickly restore the appetite, the diges-
tion and normal nutrition than good
rich, red. blood. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills act directly on the blood, making
it rich and red, and this enriched blood
strengthens weak nerves, stimulates
tired muscles and awakens the normal
activity of the glands that supply the
digestive fluids. The first sign of im-
proving health is an improved appe-
tite, and soon the effect of these blood
making pills is evident throughout the
system. You find that what you eat
does not distress you, and that you are
strong and vigorous instead of irrit-
able and listless. This is proved by
the case of Mrs. J. Harris, Gerrard St.,
Toronto, who says : " About three
years ago I was seized with a severe
attack of indigestion and vomiting.
My food seemed to turn sour as soon
as I ate it, and I would turn so deadly,
sick that sometimes I would fall on the
floor after vomiting. I tried a lot of
home remedies, but they did not help
me. Then T went to a doctor who gave
me'some powders, but they seemed ac-
tually to ° make me worse instead of
better. This went on for nearly two
months; and by that time my stomach
was in such a weak state that I could
not keep down a drink of water, and
I was wasted to a skeleton and felt
that life was not worth living. I was
not married at' this time, and one Sun-
day evening on the way to church with
my intended husband I was taken with
a bad spell on the street. He took me
to a drug store where the clerk fixed
up something to take, and my intended
got, me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. By the end of the first week I
DEVICES '.i horoughbred Stallion "'Anmer Will
ON WAR 13e Seg*in at Canadian National
In the interests of the breeders of
CLEVER WAYS OIC OUTGUESSING .Ontarioand the united efforts of the
THE GERMANS various breed societies to ' encourage
the farmers acid"breeders of Canada to
raise horses that will meet the de -
Painted Scenery Is One—Hide Their mand expected from buyers from
foreign countries during the years
succeeding the termination of the war,
the Canadian National ,Exhibition, at
Toronto, has arranged with the Do -
A young American nained Wm. P. minion Government and the Canadian
Fay, who went to France to join the ! Thoroughbred Horse Society to have
American Ambulance Corps, and who Anmer, the thoroughbred stallion pre -
for the past eight months has been seated by His Majesty, King George,
driving a field ambulance along the as a sire suitable to improve the stock
French battle front, writes as follows in Canada, paraded every afternoon
regarding the ingenious devices em.! during the Exhibition.
ployed by the French army : . ( As an encouragement to breeders the
Since the, beginnirfg of the war the Thoroughbred Horse Society has de -
French have shown themselves to
have many sides to their character`
that no one had suspected before.
One of these newly -apparent traits is
their remarkable craftiness in invent-
ing militery devices of various sorts.
For example :. On the side of a cer-
tain hill close by the German trench-
es there is a French battery of sev-
eral large guns. For many months
it has been in the same location, and
by frequent bombardments the Ger-
mans eventually managed to get an
almost perfect range upon it with
their long-distance guns. So accur-
ate, in fact, was their firing, that one
could sit in comparative safety by the
window of a house only o few hun-
dred yards away and watch the bom-
bardments. It was like having a box
at a theatre. One could hear the
" depart"—as the French term the
initial explosion—of the guns in the
distance, then for fifteen seconds the
tearing of the shells through the air
like the arriving of an express train, eeee
and finally the crash as the shells.
landed. Often the shells would Lela- Thoroughbred Stallion Anmer."
pear to land squarely on the French
guns, but invariably the • gunners -
would bravely reply. Two or three "Anmer" is a beautifully bred horse lad.
Great Guns With a
cided to distribute the revenues ob-
tained from "Anmer's " stud fees in
premiums at Agricultural Shows to
classes of horses sired by a thorough-
bred, which are best suited for re-
mount and cavalry purposes.
with pills m. -ay give .ezxlporary
relief—but the pili habit is not
a h%zlth habit. It will put the
liver out of business in time—
:and then everything else
goes out of business. Get
the health habit by eating
Shredded Wheat Biscuit,
}the ideal hot -weather. food,
which contains more digestible,
`brain -making, muscle-build-
uscle-build=lilg material than beefsteak
!or eggs. The tasty, delicious
'crispness of the baked wheat
gives palate joy and stomach
comfort, It supplies the
maximum of nutriment in
smallest bulk, and its daily
use keeps the bowels healthy
and active. For breakfast
with milk or cream, or for
any meal with fresh fruits.
Made in Canada
Historical Item.
A. young woman with a notebook
and a pencil entered the store of
Jonathan Driggs; in a small Connecti-
cut town, and said to the proprietor:
"Goad morning, Mr. Driggs. I'm look-
ing up records of the early settlers of
the town, Could you give me any
information?" , •
The old fellow turned to, the desk,
thumbed the ledger, and chuckled.
"Well, the earliest settler I've got is
Doc. Talcott, an' his best recordis
three months,"
Ask for Minard'B and take no other
Mr. Tompkins was obliged to stop
over night at a small country hotel.
He was shown to his room by the
one boy the place afforded, a colored
German captive balloons and several and stands over 16 hands, with plenty "I am gia{1 there's a rope here in
of quality and substance, and a good case of fire," commented Mr. Temp -
aeroplanes flying back of the German
lines would observe where the shells disposition. He was elected by Lord kins; as he surveyed the room, "but
fell and direct the firing. Marcus Beresford from the Royal what's the idea of puijting a Bible in
In order to .baffle the German stud as a horse most suitable for the the room in such a prominent place?"
most succesful artier . at Courtenay,
B.C., lastmonth, having caught 75 fish
during his spare moments, mostly.
steelheards and trout.
The Surrey Municipal Council is op-
posed to the International highway
which it is proposed should be built
between Sumas and Blaine. The pro-
ject has the endorsation'of the Lang-
ley, Matsui and Sumas Councils.
Reconciliation After War Condemned
By Our Enemies.
The Pan -German "Taeglische Run -
Pills are now my standby and I tell all
my friends what they did for me."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Professor Explains How It May
Be Made Palatable.
In the Kolnische Zeitung great
prominence is given to the researches
of a physician named Grotthoff, who
has been investigating the properties
dschau " is indignant at the human- of the blood of slaughter cattle and
tarian teaching in the schools. This, its suitability for human food. The
it declares, is contrary to the code of Kolnische Zeitung has insisted since
the authorities, which is that during the outbreak of the war that blood
the war a "bold, truthful character ought to be employed for this purpose.
should be developed amongst the It now states that blood, according to
the best physiologists, is' the purest,
generation now growing up, which
should become proud of their German strongest, and' most nutritive food to
Fatherland and ever ready to defend be found in nature. Privy Councillor
its honor with their whole strength, Kober`, the eminent Rostock profes-
and to submit joyfully to all sacrifices sor of physiology, says that it is the
for that end." Instead of obeying this most valuable food we have, and that
" most patriotic instruction" teachers if some process were invented by
are' spoiling the ideals contained in it,. which it could be rendered free of
" They are demanding that we should certain defects and made palatable it
educate your youth with a view to a would be an enormous addition to the
future reconciliation of all the civilized national stores of food.
nations 1 Like moles, they are pro- Dr. Grotthoff's process is not very
seeding in their pernicious under- lucidly described, hut we gather that
the blood is fermented for two hours
ground work."
The " Taeglische," however, quotes until the watery particles have been
with warm approval the following removed. What is left is of the con -
prohibition of such practices by the sistency of beef and may be made
Iperial Government at Frankfurt -on Perfectly dry by }gentle pressure. It
Oder : "keeps " well, and is without taste or
" Recently there have become mani- smell. Moreover, there are no path -
fest certain tendencies among teach- ological germs in the mass. Grott-
ing staffs and pupils towards counter-hoff's chief merit lies in his preserv-
acting the propagation and develop- ation of the albumen and other food
inent of the idea of hatred, against properties in the blood. The blood
other nations with a view to bringing can also be reduced to powder and
about in the future the reconciliation Packed in tins. Grotthoff thinks that
of the civilized peoples. This is being the best use .to which the blood can
conducted evidently, with the educa-
be applied is to mix it in powdered
tional purpose of implanting corres-
ponding ideas in the mind of our
youth. Under no circumstances can
these tendencies be tolerated in the
schools ; tendencies which have their
sources in the sentiment' of ' general
brotherhood and dreams of interna-
tional purpose of implanting corres-
ponding ideas in the mind of our the
most important duty of the school to
take care that the terrible lessons and
experiences of the very recent past
and the present shall be imprinted on
the memories of the growing genera-
tion so deeply that no lapse of time
shall eradicate them."
Silk From Sawdust.
Making artificial silk from sawdust
and other lumber waste is the latest
experiment of the United States For-
est Products Laboratory at Madison,
Wis. The use of artificial silk 'made
directly from wood is increasing by Orimall
eaps.and hounds. g y its
use was in the manufacture of braids
and trimmings, but recently the manu-
facture of hose from artificial silk has
become an industry of importance,.
Other Uses for artificial silk are wove
en goods of all kinds, linings, tape-
stries) etc.; neckties, ribbons, sweater
coats, etc. About five and one-half
Million pounds of artificial silk are
wide annually in the United .States.
French is the use of painted scenery and Royal Stakes. His sire, Flori-
"Dat am intended foh use, sah,"
replied the boy, "in case de fire aur
too far advanced foh yoo' to make yo'
escape, sah."
Grari•Ilfal!ed eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, Dust and Wind
quickly relieved by Murine
From the Middle West
Items From Provinces Where Many
Ontario Boys and .Girls Are
Stonewall is very anxious to get
Manitoba's Prison Farm. '
Quarters for officers' wives at Camp
Hughes will not be permitted.
Lieut, McKibben, a medical man, :of
Edmonton, has been awarded the Mili-
tary Cross.
Former Chief of Police Joseph Gil-
lespie, of Leithbric(ge, leaves shortly
for the front.
E. H. Stickland, Lethbric'lse, the
Governmexit entomoligist, has enlisted
for overseas.
The police of Lethbridge suspect
that someone is shielding escaped
German prisoners.
Prompt work on the part of the
employees of Winnipeg Paint and
Glass Co. prevented a big fire.
The death sentence of Aledor
Nysseus, a Belgian of Morden, has
been commuted to life imprisonment.
Hon. Walter Scott, Premier of
Saskatchewan, "is back at his home in
Regina much improved in health.
West Fernie is . threatened by the
Elk River. The stream is likely to
change its course and wipe out the
Cannon's Life Underrated,
The number of shots that :can be
fired from one of the French three-
inch guns before it is worn out has
in at least one instance, been found to
be as high as 18,890, according to
the actual count kept by a young ar-
tilleryman, who has sent these figures
in from the front. While the three -
Maher was known to be a robust can-
non, the theoretical estimate before
the war was that 1,000 shots would
probably be the limit of its efficiency,
L¢inard'e Liniment T.umborman's Friend
Opportunity likes to knock at the
door of the man who has a little cash
saved up for a rainy day.
Delaware, Carman. Or-
der at once. Supply limited. a'< lite lore
quotations. 13. W, r :sor, Crampton.
Imir,x' WANTBD
LABORERS, good wages. Apply
or write Firsst.brook Bros. Limit.
ed, Toronto.
Ae4TED- alAelelNIS`fS. lit ULD -
work, state ago. experience unci wag ;•
Loving Iiy drauiic $c 4,,s1 ening
Limited, Lindsay.
1 W� E)IS and 1'ati ern llakets steady
Henry Stempes, managing -director
of Grain Growers' Export Co., Winni-
peg, was killed in an automobile ac-
cident in. New Fork.
Estimates show that Winnipct will
raise $3,393,160.17 by direct taxation
during the present fiscal year, and
$469,973.15 on capital account.
The R.N.W.M.P. hae been assigned
to take the census of the whites and
half-breeds of northern Saskatchewan
and northern Manitoba.
A law office dispensing legal ad-
vice, for which no fee is charged, is
the unique department announced for,
Camp Hughes, . Manitoba, this sum- .
Miss Helen Murdoch, of Winnipae,
saved the lives of two young men
from drowning when their motor
backed off the wharf into the Assini-
boine river.
Frank Hamilton, a well-known
rancher of Saskatoon, is dead as a re-
sult of shots fired by his neighbor, Ed-
ward Burton. Burton is facing a
charge of murder.
James Raffen, of Calgary, has won
byeRemedy,Eaed Comfort.Smarting,At his suit against the Gas Company for
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye physical injuries received by a gas
SalveinTubes25c.ForaookollheLyeFreeask explosion two years ago. He was
Druggists or Marine Eye Rewedyee..Chicage granted $1,000 damages.
Jack Rivett, of Brooks, Alta., was
Hardly Hospitable. killed in action. His proper title was
The San Blas Indians, who occupy Sir Claud James Rivett-Carnac, Bart,
the north coast of the Republic of He came . to Canada on account of
Panama from a point a few miles • straitened financial circumstances.
as a means of misleading the enemy. Zell II, was a winner of the Ascot west of the Gulf of San Blas to Cape { During the past two or three weeks
At a certain point along the ,battle Gold vase, Jockey Club cup, Goodwood Tiburon, on the Colombia frontier, ' the Manitoba Patriotic Fund commit -
front the German trenches run across . cup and Manchester cup and an own are well known to dwellers in the tee has received contributions total -
a railroad line which leads from a , brother to Diamond Jubilee and Persi- Canal Zone, which they frequently ling $142,105.80 from the different
French village about a half -mile away.' rumen, both Derby winners for the visit, but are by no means inclined municipalities and towns of the pro -
The Germans could see plainly down late King Edward and both successful to receive visits in return, says " The vine.
the tracks, and were in the• habit of sires. Diamond Jubilee was sold at Indianapolis News." They have re- i F. H. Peters, Commissioner of Irri-
taking pot shots with their rifles at the end of his racing career for $150; solutely maintained their indepen-' gation for the Dominion Government,
the French soldiers who crossed the000 to go to the Argentine Republic, dente, preserved their territory from has
ssibilit issued of heavq floodswarning that tin here ithe
tracks. I where he has headed the list of win- foreign exploitation and kept their P Y
The French called in a well knownHing sues for several years. Guinea blood and racial characteristics pure. I streams which drain the eastern slope
painter to help them. Upon an en- i Hen, the dam of Anmer is also a They keep up the custom of requiring , of the Rockies in the Province of
ormous canvas he painted a landscape winner an(d the dam of 'Brakes r, the traders who visit their coast to Alberta this summer.
representing exactly what the Ger- Pintadeau and Jungle Cock. She is return to their ships at sundown. `
mans saw when they looked down the by Gallinule, sire of the great Pretty COMPULSORY HARVESTING.
tracks. It was a spl did piece of
work, in full color and in : perfect
perspective. One night the huge
" drop " was mounted upon a heavy
wooden framework and placed upright
across the tracks between two houses.
The next morning, when the Germans
looked up the tracks the view was ap-
parently just the saine as usual, ex-
cept for the curious fact that the
crossing remained deserted from that
time on. They never discovered the
deception and the French soldiers
have been able to pass back and forth
behind the screen in perfect security.•
The gracious and timely action of
King George in presenting to Canada
such a stallion for the improvement
of thoroughbred stock is very much
appreciated by horsemen. "Anmer"
has been quartered at Ennisclaire
farms, Oakville, but will be brought in
to. Toronto for the whole period of the
Exhibition; the only place where the
Thoroughbred Horse Society has con-
sented to exhibit him.
Unique Adventure of. British Com-
mander in East Africa.
General Smuts, commander-in-chief
form with sausages, bread, biscuit, . of Britain's army in German East Af-
cocoa, and chocolate. He adds the f rico, with his staff, recently had the
naive remark that the heaviest eaters unique experience of being held up,
feel that a moderate mixture of blood not by the Teuton enemy, but by a
in their food gives them a feeling of
Mistress—"I'm sorry you are going
to leave, Maria. Are you going to
better yourself ?"
ma'am. I'm going to get married."
Maria --"No,
20 p* #40b to ;
air rata so
The above flirt ttttep 11' jvs Ogee of
the talent 41PCereait a�r„totla, IBut-
tone a,ng 1ga
et, the, Alibe kratieh�
'tlalo a : g• a a `fere proet e WA -
n o -day.. � orde._ tc, vee ,
A Det' : , lie }�•• $
8tt a We i.e1
8 }! ib 1 !1�
tteas tw. nt,' ` tles1 .. , ' urdla t d :k
C.; ipt of 22 cents Tb}�ie,sIS R.. co1iectio,
Ytu willptclise it kd"p." ,dsili"tai`.
Price on a large Ela'�`�0 r�. your home,
• T. P. rr. EY,
Debt "T''' 188-188 14ei at., Montreal.
avaa strw nrerb sot lsadA'e•, 011061131
3110# 0, apt Ter P. aw .. auto . •
combined force of lions and leopards !
These and other wild animals are
nightly prowlers around the .camps,
and their growlings are the lullaby
to which the now usually rain -soaked
soldiers dose off when they have
wearied of resisting the mass attacks
of big, hungry, and not -to -be -denied
mosquitoes and a varied assortment of
other insect pests.
The general and his staff, who were
without an escort, found themselves
at nightfall some miles from camp,
and, trying to plough their way to it
in autofinobiles, same in mud over they,
axles. It was not long before the zoo
in the dense surrounding jungle began
to take a solicitous interest in the
party's predicament. Roar answered
roar in every direction. The dieting -
panty had to meet the emet-
ei cy by' sitting up, all night,' revolver
in h2.ndt azo by endeavoring to keep
a beltor'f tll'e alight around the cars,
I'ro1,li lel tially there was a brief let-up
in t`iie rail), Which enabled them to
start the fires, after long and persis-
tent efforts, with the aid of gasoline
from the motors:
The best argument for good roads it
a bad one.
The Fine
the delicate taste of malted
barley blended with the
sweets of whole wheat—
is sufficient reason in itself
for the 'wonderful popular-
ity of
But it is more than de-
licious—it is the finest
kind of concentrated nour-
ishment to thoroughly sus-
tain body and brain tissue
---a food that benefits users
A short trial proves
"There 's a Pc am"
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Canadian Pest= Cereal Co.,, Ltd.,
Wiiidaor, Ont.
I fell from a building and received
what the doctor called a very bad
sprained ankle, and told me I must
not walk on it for three weeks. I got
days I was out to work again. I think
it the best Liniment made.
He Didn't Like the Name.
The colonel of a Highland regiment,
on retiring from the army, built for
himself a snug valla, which he named
"The Retreat." His gardener, who
was an old soldier from the same re-
giment, on being shown over the
place for the first time by the col -1
onel, was asked , by the latter what
he thought of the house. "Fine! But
I dinna like that," said the old soldier,
pointing to the name painted on the
entrance gate. "Why, what's the
matter with it?" "Well, sir," repii-
eitl the veteran, drawing himself up,
"ye ken ye never heard that played •
on oor. bugles." .
Minard's Liniment need by Physlolana.
Hungary to Make Men, Women and
Children Assist in Fields.
With memories of the 1915 weather •
fresh in mind and the freakish weat-
A Wise Child.
A miserly landlord was going round
collecting his rents the other day. At
one house he was greatly interested
in a little girl, who watched open-
mouthed and open-eyed the business
of paying over the money and ace
cepbing the receipt. .
He patted her on the head, and
started to search his pockets, saying.
"I must see what -I have got for you.."
After searching his pockets for
some time he et lase brought out from
a remote cornier a peppermint.
As he handled it to the gill he said:
"And now what will you do with
The little girl looked at it, then at
him, an replied, "Wash it."
Women not only have the last
Word, but in most of the arguments
they Usually grab the first one, tore, ,
her of the past three weeks as a
warning that a record crop can easily
be turned over night into a partial
failure, the Hungarian agricultural
authorities have decided upon unus-
ual measures to harvest the 1916
crops in the speediest possible manner.
The municipal local authorities
throughout the country have been em-
powered to requisition for harvesting
purposes the services of every man,
woman and child at hone, not serving
the state in some indispensable way,
at fixed wages. Prisoners of war
working in non-military concerns
have also been requisitioned for the
harvesting ; several thousand work-
men have been imported from Rus-
sian Poland and all the troops in the
interior who can be spared will be
furloughed for the same purpose.
Beep Minard'a Liniment in the hones
A War Dish.
"My wife has threatened to leave
bluejackets entered a restaurant in
London, the other day and asked for
"Some Zeppelins in a cloud." "Some
what?" said an astonished waitress,
And the bluejackets pointed to a card
on which was printed "Sausages and
mashed potatoes."
. V Mill, Carders Weavers. Fullers,
and Napper Tenders. cloud evagee paid
in all departments, teed steady week as-
sured. We have several upenings for
inexperienced help, where energy and'
ability will bring promotion. Wages
Paid to apprentices while learning
'Weaving. Special induc.entents to
Family workers. Write statutg full
experience if any, age, etc to The
Slingsby Mfg., Co., Ltd , }:rantfurd, tint.
LiBwszseasEas £OR
j, Offices for Bale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto.
�J internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr, i'_lin•.an Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwno.l. C• n r.
Hudson -on -Hudson New York, of-
fers a two and a -half years course in
instruction and practice to young wo-
men who wish to become nurses The
School is registered For run inform-
ation only to the Superintendent.
Lu m
Best for
,�jp;�Np Cattle.
.e tv'7' R+t... fee-ce for
onn` eel. a Prices.
TORiillTo SALT 'W C3e7,13,
60-62 Jarvis St., Toro -2o.
,Seventh Annual
Toronto Fat Stock Show
will be held at
Unioa Stook Yards, Toronto
DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1916
For further particulars write
C. F. TOPPING. Secretary,
Union Stock Yards, Toronto
kfi � 6Iuilnd
To represent well known
Fertilizer Manufacturer. let-
tractfve proposition to energetie
and responsible parties.
Apply with full partieuiters to
0/0 Wilson Pnblishtng Coe Ltd,.,
73 Adelaide St., FJ'eet, Toronto
(Bog Spavin or T horou€ghphi
ut you can clean them off promptly with
and you work the horse same time:
Does not blister or retuove the
hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 M free. ABSORBINRAl
the antiseptic liniment for mankind`
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Cue'.ca or Allays paiara. euidctY.E Prke Al one S
e beide at druseieta or delivered. Made let the U. A. A, b
W F. YOUNG, P•. 0. F. 516 Lymana Bldg., Montreal, 0e
Obsorblae and Absorbine, Jr.. arc made in Canada(
MachFry_Fr Sea
Wheelock Engine, 150
H.P., 18 x42, with d.out'
main driving belt 24 lift
Wide, and lynao o 30 Kit.
belt driven. All in fit 4t
class condition` Would he
sold together or separate-
l also a lot of shafting
at a very great bargain as
room is required immedi
S. Frank Wilson & Sons
1 73 Adelaide Street Weat,
ED, 7 ISSUE 20-41