HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-7-6, Page 8THE , EXETER TIMES
Phone 16
A. STEWART Phone 16
These are the days for the Boys.
They will be needing Straw
Hats, Caps, Outing Shirts,
Khaki Trousers, Cotton jers-
eys and Running Shoes. We
have them all.
Girls' Outing
In White and Plain Beach with
under brim of Paddy Green.
A very pretty style and com-
fortable hat for outing, all
sizes 75e.
For Girls 6 to 12 years $L00,
Misses R to 16 years $1 and
$1.50. Woolens 34 to 38 81
and $1.50.
! Your Choice of 30 trimmed Hate, Regular $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 values.
Bt These Hats are to be sold, and to clear them quickly, we haye
marked them at the low price of $1.50.
Grass Rugs
Crex Rugs for Verandahs have
no equal. Make your veran-
ahs cozy these days wheu
you use them so much. $1.95
$3,50, $5.50.
The kind that is guaranteed fast
color to Sun and water. It
has a different pattern on
each side. Splendid for ver-
andahs, halls and bedrooms,
at per yard 60c.
Market Report --The following is 1 Mrs, Prank Sweet visited, is town
r � the Exeter Market over the First.
oorrected net to surly 5th.
the pot of
'afr, Oliver'Davis of 'Zurich' was. home
for the holidays.
Mr. henry Hooper, of London was
home over the holiday.
I\Irss Gladys "Ford,, of Sarnia, spent
the holiday under the parental root,
Mr„ R. E. Pinard, of 1 robyehire,
Sask., viaited at hue home during the
Main St. ibaao decided to re -build
their shed with a venrent (block
Mrs. S: W. Muxworthsy, is in Wood-
stock on an 'extended visit with her
Mr. J. W. Amos, of Stratford* is hol-
idaying for . a few days with Mr&.
- Miss Deyman, oe Toronto, wall the
guest or Mrs. T. A. Amos, over tho
'Wheat SO, to 00 , '
Oats 45e to 50e. d "
-Barley 50 to 55o '- ` ; •
#3uckw.heat 00 to 80 , c +
Peas $1.00 •^ - 1 ! 1
Family Flour $3.10 til I
Low Grade Flour $1.75. t, '
Bran $26,00 per ton. I .`
Shorts $28.00 'l ex ton.
Eggs 24c , t 1 '
Butter 25o. 1 i
Creamery Butter 30 to 32o.
Potatoes $2.50.
Young chicks 25e a Bo
014 hens 13c.
Old roosters 90
Young ducke 15e
Old duoks 90
010 turkeys 15.
Hogs ;,10.75
Hello! Centras:.
Give me 56
Yes that's WELSON's
and I need some grocer-
ies in a hurry and he
knows how to deliver
Fresh Groceries all
the time '
Strawberries, Lettuce,
Tomatoes on hand' all
this week.
1 .Dr Bothwell and family of Strat-
ford spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Elston.
1 Miss S. Gillies returned home on
(Friday venin after spending a ;few
days in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hawkins and
Mrs. Browning motored to Pt. Huron
for the holiday.
�1 r. harry Carling, of 'Brantford,
visited bis uncle, Mr. L R. Carling
over the w•eeknend,
Mr. \\rilliardi Schooler, of 'Montreal
sprint the weckSend at the home of
Mr. henry Hooper.
• Mrs. Thos. Gregory and daughter
are visiting in Gibsonbarg and "role
edee.Ohio, U. S. A.
Four new patterns of fine quality English semi porcelain, with full coin
gold handles. Four handsome new decorations, anyone of them
you would be proud to own. Full Dinner Set 97 pieces $18.50.
Straw Hats
We have a hat to suit every
face, at a price you are wil-
ling to pay, in the very new-
est shapes,
Suit Cases
You will need one during the
next tew weeks, Good look-
ing Suit Case $1.25, Imitat-
ion Leather $3.00 and $3.50,
Read Leather at $5.00, $5.50.
J.A. STEWART Phone 16
The Big Store with the little prices
New Spring
for Ladies
LE kit -tr1 '---
I ---
Spring fashions are arriving and
combine in Fabric and Style a unique
and interesting collection, sheeting
the requirements for street wear and
travel tid
•, •
It is unusual to p'r'esent so early in
the season so great a variety, but
styles were determined early and the
most favored shown.
The present time is most advantag-
eous for 'buying as all indications
poitn to higher prices in the future,
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Ventral
Mrs. Geo Brown vis'ted her brother
Mr. F. Blatchford a couple of days
this week,
Young womeei desiring employment
in town, can find it by applying at
once to the Jackson Mfg, Co. who
have several good positions vacant.
The Work is light and cleave, the hours
pre very short, and wages are paid
while learning, steady position and
good wages are assumed to anyone.
giving it a trial.
Apply at once.
,Jackson Mfg. Co.
We can assist you in
selecting your furniture if
you are going to furnish
your home, or if you only
want some odd pieces,
Our Undertaking De-
partrnent is up•to-date in
every respect and we guar-
antee the best of satisfact-
� T
Re Funeral Director and
Fu�Miture Dealer-
R. N. Rowe
The Funerel and
F''lairrtituir. c I�eeiter-
PB.bNE 20a
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensee Auc-
uationeer. Sales conducted in any lo-
cality. Terms moderate Orders left
at Times office will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirktone. Ad-
dress Kirkton P.O.
The frame house and half acre of
land situated on Gidley street, Exeter
and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be.
offered for quick sale. Apply to )Chas.
Harvey, on Huron St.
e e••••••
A aounee son of Mr. A. J. Pyne is
quite ill.
Kitchener• ie the new name decided
on foe Berliin,
Dir. Gordon Davis
iday at London.
Mr. Mark Mitchell of London
the 'Firstin town.
Mr. 'Walter Dearing visited in town
over the week -end.
Miss Olive Wood, of London, vaited
her parents over the First.
Mr. Rd. Bissett of London, spent
the First with his mother.
Mr. Thos. Hawkins, of Windsor is
visiting iri town this week,
Mr .ancl Mrs. an 'Eacrett visited i;n
laayfield during the week.
Mr. P. C. Laurie of 'Toronto, visit-
ed in town on the First.
Mr. S. Martin and family motored
to Dorchester on the First.
Oh yes, strawberries are cheap, but
took at the price of sugar.
Mrs. W. W. Taman and children
aro holidaying at Grand 'Bend ,
Miss Spicer visited with friends in
Centralia, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Nelson Sheere has purchased a
Ford car electrically equipped.
Mrs. E. Col,lick and daughter 11lal:e1
spent 1Ite holiday in St. Marys.
Miss 'll. I. 13rown, o: 'Toronto,
ited aC her h:;uie here thi; week.
Mrs. Geo. Lyne, of London, visited
with relatives over the holiday.
Mr. E. II. Senior, of 'Toronto. 'spent
the week -end under the parental root
Mr. 'Ray Davis of London, visited
with his parents over the holiday:
(Chiropractors have; remarkable suc-
cess im removing the cause of Appen-
dicitis. Deafness, Asthma, `Rheum-
atism, Lumbago, Lame tl3ack, Constip-
ation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach
and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros-
tration- and Goiter.
See Dr, S. M. Jones, Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday. Office firs. S. A.
Harness, Main St, Exeter, houus 10
to 4. Examination free.
spent the hole
The undersigned . merchants have
decided to close their stores each
-week on Tuesday and Thursday nightie
at 7 o'clock during the summer mons
the beginning the ;first week" in July.
:1?. Hanlon 4e Son, ,entrant., John Mc
Naughton, Moorsviite; 1,11rs. G. Lew-
is, +Clarid eboye; E. A. Mckenzie, Ceane
For choice Buckwheat for seed see
llorvey Bros.
A. cement tile plant complete in
every part, 'Unlimited supply or grav-
el, Close to river. Apply on premises
Lot 30, Concession 5 Usborne.
Mrs, 9. Cudmorc, ffensalt
400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle
Salt for 1 All grades 5. 0 per
sale.5 e
ton; 50c. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works
ro,, Ltd., J, riutton, lManage;, - ,
`P e undersigned wilt offer for Bale
Twenty acres of 1;ay on the premises
on Wellington St, Exeter, Ont., ,V
public auction at 3 o'clock p. tn. on
d•t ' the 8thda • of July 1J1 .
Saturday t y V
For furthest particulars apply to
C. W.. 'Robinson, Isaac R. (Carling
Auctioneer. Proprietor
The tTirrre.y would be pleased to so -
cure for publication any interesting
letters arriving in this ee'ction frons
the seat' of war especially those des-
cribing the recent naval fights or
the battle around Ypres. Personal or
other ;nattera or which it is desired
no mention should made, will to clime
inated upon request. A11 such letters
(should be delivered or mailed to the
Miss Gladys Eesti-. who has been
teacbing school at Grand Valley is
Thome for the holidays. •
"Miss Ida Armstrong has .returned
home ' from Toronto where she has
been teaching school.
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. B-adt. or Medford
spent Saturdays and Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Jewell.
Mrs. Geo. 'Manson 'returned Fri-
day after visiting a few days with
relatives in Wingham. -
Mrs. W. Crisp and two children of.
Lot.don, visited this week with Mr.
and "Mrs- J. W. Powell ,
Dr. and Mrs. 'Rouiston and ;son Ver-
ne motored to Toronto where they
spent '-few days this week.
Misses Annie. Day and Beatrice Red-
den of ale n':'ord, spent the holi.da.y
at their respective homes here.
Miss Marie Ke'•stle, who hos been
teaching school in the West is visit-
ing her faith -r, Rev. J. D. Nestle .
Miss 'Brows, hoe 'resumed ber duties
with Jones .0 May after being in/ -
die -pastel for a counle o1' weenies
Maj. Herberrt Gregory eiWthe 118th
Battalion, CCarling's Heights, London
visited his mother here kat week.
Mr. and `Mrs. Ilanna and :family,
left Saturday evening to spend a
short vacation in •Cleveland, Ohio.
Main St. Sunday school picnic will
be held at Grand Bend, Thursday,
2011:', and James St. picnic on July 27
Mrs. McTavish and two children.
of Sh,•kespeare, were 'the guests of
Reeve J. W. and Mrs. Taylor over the
holida ys. •
Mrs. A. E. Andrews and two child-
ren Left this week for Saskatchewan
to join lir.. Andrews and (spend the
summer. t .
arr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and
Miss Stewart: motored to Pt. Stanlely
for thn holidays and visited with Maj.
and Mrs. Aeaman.
Dr. Iloward Quackenbush has 'aass-
ed the examination or the Michigan
State Board and is now qualif`ed t.o
practise dentistry in that state.
Misses irno Sweet. Florence TrIeb-
her and Ada Willis who attended
Normal sehool at Stratford were sue-
cessfel in passing their examinations,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Stratton and
Mr. and Mese L .Straffon, of Crese
well, Mich., motored over and visit-
ed with relatives in and around town
Mr, and Jos. Inwood and 'child. of
London. and Mrs. Allan Meyers and
child of 'Detroit, spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanders.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan and
chid of. Detroit, moored up and scent
a couple of days with' Mrs. Cowans
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ea-
Mrs. Chas. Locke of Boston, Mass.
is visiting her eistcr Mrs. W. T. Ach-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jone3, of D..troit
were the guests of Mr. and Mr. Thos
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyle and Mr
;Frank Sheere motored to Detroit on
Mr. Russell Flynn, of Waterloo
spent Saturday and Sunday with his
Miss Fanny Dewey left this 'week
fier Londonl where she has secured n
Mr. and Mrs. Ale Walters and .Mas-
ter Stanley Walters were In London
over the First.
Misses Vera and Margaret 'Mux -
worthy, returned home Saturday from
Palmerston where the 'former was
teaching school, Miss Margaret was
I isit ing there for a few days.
Mr. Waro Oliver Sr., had scveka
teams in Parkhill on Wednesday tak
ing to Grand 'Bend his shipment of 10
tons ovine and half a ton of rope to
supply 275 orders.—Parkhill Gazette
Mr. Wm. Davis or Hamilton, 'Mr
Abe Davis and son of London; Mrs
Gardiner and children, of Essex, and
Mrs. DLckson and children, of 'Chace
ham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. 'Davis
of 'Exeter North, over the holidays
Mr. 'Davis is in a very berious cons-
.Among the boys from the Huron
Battalion at London who were ,home
for the week -end were Sergts. ,W.
7, Mallett, Ff, 'Bissett and Lloyd tltivti
ers, Ptes. Jas. Strang, Sid Wiest, John
an Laing, E. South'cott, J. IC. Cornish,
111, 134 'Cornish, Jackson Woods, R. W.
ti3atten,• W; Pfaff. A. A. ''Rice, Grant
Hooper, D. G. Apfiteton, Jas. Mere
shall, �Vib. atillson, Earl Hedden,'Wrn
Itydd, Walter Harness, Alfred Garna
briel, Garnet Ford, W ni Sims, Nor-
menr Erie Hurn
Jas. Walker,
don. L, V. llogsrth, Elmer Mci+'a.11s,
Rufus ls'e,stle, 1-li11i4p Hortont,
t Alberta went dry on July 1st pur-
suant to a vote of the people last
Year. This puts Manitoba, Sas at!-
chewan land Alberta under prohib-
Alex McLellan of the 'Cbmrnerciai
Hotel. Seaforth, was 'convicted on 'a
second cherge against the 'Canada
tt'ennierance act as a result of 11. re-
cent raid made by County 'Constable
Fellow of Goderioh', Police Magis-
trate Holmstead of Clinton recorded
tho conviction, but stated that ho
would not state the penalty for one
Dr. Bennett, or Bessemer, Mich'.,
Miss ,Bennett, of 'Blenheim, and Mr.
and Mrs, Rose, of Winnipeg, were the
gucsls on Dr. and Mrs. ,Quackenbush
over the holidays.
A 'pretty home wedding was sol-
emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J'. 13, Tierney, of Blyth, on June 30th,
when thein eldest daughter Margaret
Louise, became the bride of Dr. J. A.
(McTaggart of ;IJIyth, and son of Nr.
P. DIcTaggart of town. Rev. 'W. 13,
Hawkins, rector of Trinity •church,
performed the ceremony. Miss Dor-
othy Tierney, cousin of the 'bride, pity
ed Mendelssohn's wedding march,
while the bride, at high moon, ear
corted by her father, entered, beau-
tifully attired in a gown of 'crepe de
chino caught tap with a rope of pearls
Mrs, T. E. McTaggart sang "Oh Swan
and Fair and Holy" while the ;register
wan signed. After the ceremony the
gneste sat down to the wedding 'dine
firer, the tables were bcantitully dec-
orated with carnations and rose.
The happy •couple: received a. great
many beautiful and costly 'presents;
The guests (ben got into the decorat-
ed autoe, waiting 'for them and carne
Blyth where they caught the tuft ea
noon train for Toronto, Niagara .falls
and other places. Upon their lrt
turn the couple will make their home
jn I$lYtdrt , ,,.,. .- , _ ...
Several cases were disposed of 'at:
Goderich, whereby A. Young was
fined for giving liquor away and 'Coop
er Robinson for bringing liquor is
for other than his personal use.
Swartz, of the 'British Exchange
Hotel was fined )4;25 and costs Ay
Judge Holt for assaulting a •constable
«'hilo searching him and his 'premises
Several cases of drunks were disposed
of at' the same time, one being fined
$40 and costs as second offence, while
three other' were fined $20 and costs.
London, Ont. Sept. 8th to 10th
The amusement programme at the
Western Fair, London, Ontario, this
year promises to be an especially at-
tractive one. Here are a few of the
acts under contract. Lawrence • and
Hurlfalls, a comedy chair acs:, which
is simply wonderful. tDio',s Dog and
Pony Circus; this is the act the older
people like to take the 'children to
see. Taisier Bros, two Japs doing some
wonderful feats. Rice, Sully and Scott,
a comedyf rubber act, something new
and novel, The Dayton family, twelve
people' who give a remarkable ex-
hibition. The four Aerial Bells, the
greatest aerial artists and others.
The new steel Grand Stand, with
every seat a good one, will be filled
no doubt, twice daily. A grand display
of fireworks by the International
Fireworks 'Co: of London, every night.
The Meyerhoff Carnival Co. will fill
the Midway with •a fine lot: of good
clean shows. Two Ispeed events on
the track daily. Everything will eb
in full swing at this"years -exhibition
September 8th to the 10th. All in-
formation from the Secretary, A. M.
Bunt, London, Ontario.
`l'IIUil1SDAY, JOLY 0th', 197„5, " '"
Mfrs. hawk of Northwood, visited
with Mr, and Mrs, 1?. 'J3latehford a
few daylsthis week. Mos Hawk wait
ou her way to their ;new charge at
Tiverton. Before leaving Northwood
they were presented with an address
and a purse of gold.
A musical entertainment demon-
titrating :Editsonn latest phonograph
was given in Leavitt's theatre. on
Tuesday evening under the auspice's
of the (Soldiers' Aid society. '"'here was
a good attendance and the enter-
tainment was much 'enjoyed.
The beautiful' weather on Dominion
'Day contributed; much to the success
of the celebration held at Centralia
and Elimville. Good •crowds were pre-
sent; at both' planets. and Splendid
Programmes of sportis, (music, etc.,
were giver-; and much enjoyed.
Dlominion DO passed off quietly iu
town. Grand Bend, Centralia andEI'm
villa were the .chief' attractions for
the citizen:; while a few attended the
races in Uensall. The day was quite
warm. All available (autos and rigs
were brought into ne;rvice.
SALT FOR SALE. --An excellent
quality orf Sarnia made salt for sale
at the old Temperance 'Souse at the
G. T R. station. Sold in any quant-
ity. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction is guaranteed, ED.
MAGUIRE. Exeter.
A regular storm period is gen tral on
the 9th, extending over Friday the
9th, to Wednesday, the 12th. Disturb'
ing causes and things to expect.
The Moon is at first quarter on
the 8th, and at greatest south deo-
lination on the 18th. The Mercury
disturbance will also continue in its
disturbing force into and perhaps to
the close of this period. 'Byethe 7th
and 8th, the temperature wilt be
rising very high in wester extremes,
falling barometer wall attend high
temerature, clouds wilt form, and
these conditions will beenn to move
eastward acros the country. By the
9th and 10th these disturbances will
stow themselves in the Mississippi
valley, int the. form of very black and
blustering thunder clouds. These
storms will immediately be preceded
by a phenomenally cold wave, all nee•
ross the country, giving rise in a
great many localities, to very vio-
lent and dangerous summer guets.
There is a promise of rains along
with these storms, bat not in proe
portion generally to the amount af
threatening and bluster. There will
be local downpours, here and there
as the storm center's move eastwardly
across the country, -amounting to
cloud -bursts and local floods; but an
over -abundance of diffused rains its
not to be expected. Rising barometer
shifting of winds to westerly, and
change to cooler, fair weather, will
move in from the west for several
days behind these storms,
- f oeissome.
The Carling Camp at its present
strength of 11,000 men is responsible,
for the circulation of between tr:750.000
and a' million dollars every month in
London is the estimate of men who
have checked the figure at the camp,,
Tho lowest pay of any of the sold-
iers in training is y.,1.10 per day for
the rank and file, while noncommist-
sioned and commissioned officers on
materially higher salaries (swell the.
daily pay roll to about $15,000, or
web on toward half a million dollars
a 'month.
Thousands oa ton) of food are con-
sumed on the Le,gius in bread, meats
frost, vegetables and ;such de.ic:tci gas
adorn a military, menu, and practical-
ly all of these supplies are purchased
from Londoq merchants, 'produced or
prepared by London .worlkmen.
Merchants assert that theire is a
noticeable effect upon their • daisy
receipts not alone from soldiers, but
from thaw friends, who aro attracted
to the city by hundreds, Scarcely at
day 'passes that some unit is not the
object of a visit of a delegation of
considerable 'proportions.
Motor cars employed by officers at
headquarters, owned 'by battalions or
operated privately by of.i ers and m. n
fill the city garages.
Munitions factories continue to Lee-
curo ample employment on Govern.
meat contracts,. and all told it is cora
entlY stated that military sPende
ings: in London total a million a mon'
We have a specially select-
ed. Stock of No, 1, Good
Standard Red Clover Alsike,
Timothy, Alfalfa, Sweet
Clover, Orchard and Blue-
grass, Seed Corn, etc.
Just received a shipment o€
No. 1, Imported Alsike at
$12,50 per bushel.
Special prices given on
Club Orders of $10 and up'a
We , haye a quantity of
for Sale.
A Call Solicited
of the
Copy for the next Telephone Directory
closes on the above date!
11 Order your telephone now, so that
your name will be in the new issue!
41 Report changes required to -o-ur Local
Manager to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.
1, !)
e CiXrCt.. Stores
For Hair Health
Use Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic.
11 it does notimprove the health
of your hair and scalp we will
pay for what you use in the trial.
Bnyabottleof Rexall "93" Hair Tonic,
use it as directed for 3o days, then if not
entirely satisfied, come and tell us and
we will promptly hand back your money.
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is pleasant to use,
has a faint agreable odor and is sold at
Rexall Drugstores exclusively, 5oc. and
r.00 bottles.
Rexall "93" Shampoo P.zsle is recom-
mended to keep the hair dean, soft find
September. 8th to 16th, 1916
A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily
Two Speed Events Daily
New Process Bnild,ng Every Building Vali of Exhibits
SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto
Prize Lista, Rutty Portent and all information
from the Secretary
A. ht. MINT, SecretilrY
D, RB D, PreltiJent