HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-29, Page 8Phone 16 j A. STEWART Phone 16 Cushioned=Soled shoes for Men arid 'Women You who are always complaining about tiff(' feet, and do not know what shoe Comfort is, try a pair of Minister Myles' Cushioned Soled Shoes. You have to wear a pair before you can realize how much more comfortable they are than the ordinary shoe. Women's Shoes at $4 and $5.00; Men's $6.00. Summer Footwear for Boys and Girls Barefoot Sandals 7,ic to $1.25 Running Shoes 05e to 0Oc Patent Pumps $1.50 to $2.00 White Canvas Pumps 75c to $1. Brass Jardineers Including six new styles in different sizes. One of these would make a very acceptable weddine gift. The prices are low $1.75, ,2.50, $3,00, Kool Underwear In two-piece combination for boys or men, In medium or light weights. Boys combination at 50c and 60c. Mens do 75c, 1.00, $1 50. Holeproof Hosiery Holeproof Silk Hose are guar- anteed to wear three months without holes or new ones furn- ished FREE OF CHARGE Boa's Khaki Bloomers A great Bloomer for sum- mer wear. It; wears and washes well, We have sizes for small as well as older boys. Priced at 75c and 1.00. 12 New Dinner Sets Including four new patterns, showing new shapes in cream and sugar vegetable dishes and cope, which have gold handles. The Overland Rose isa stock pat- tern. Be sure to see these new sets. Straw Hats In fine quality split and Sen - nit braids, showing the seasons newest shapes. Do not delay in securing one of these popular Prices $L00, $1.50, $2.00 and 3.00. Outing Skirts With the new roll collar in three shades. A very cool and comfortable shirt for outing wear. All sizes $1.25. Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks Will be needed by those going away ! Splendid assortment of Suit e:: Oases from $1.25 to $6.03. Lei.thar Club Bags, leather lined, extra values at 4,50, also strong, good looking Trunks at 5.50 and $6.00. SThWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices TH Market Report—The following is the 'report of the Exeter Market corrected up to, aware 28th, 'Wheat 80 to 90 , Oats 45a to 50e. Barley 50 to 55e ' Buckwheat 60 to 80' Peas 81.00 �" I 1 Family Fleur $3,10 ' Low Grade Flour $1,75. • Bran $20.00 per ton. Shorts $28,00 'pen ton. Eggs 24a t ' ¢• Butter 250: Creamery Butter 30 to 32o. Potatoes e2.50. Young chicks 300. Old hens 13c. Young dunks 17. Old t erke'ys 15. Hogs 11.00 ,.• i .1. t • 1 New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring faehions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, • meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. it is unusual to present so early in Rhe season so great a variety, but style's were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indication,e poitn to higher prices in the future, N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central Hotel 1 PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensee Ana tioneer. Saks conducted in any lo- cartv. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton._ Ad- dress Kirkton P.O. --4- FRAME •tFRAME BARN FOR SALE Forty by sixty, 20 ft. siding;, in first-class condition. . Good bargain for quick sale, Situated 1 1-2 Wiles from Exeter. Apply to Nelson Stan - lake, Exeter. T HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The frame house and half acre of land situated on Gidley street, Exeter and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be offered for quick sale. Apply to Chas. Harvey, on Huron St. hello! Cent,raI: Give me 5 6 Yes that's WILSON'S and. I need some grocer- ies in a hurry and he knows how to deliver promptly. Fresh Groceries all the time Strawberries, Lettuce, Tomatoes on hand all this week. WILSON'S GROCERY EXE`.,! ?R TIMES CONCERT AT CEN'1'RALIA A Patriotic oonoert will be Veld in Centralia Methodist cbureh on Sat - melee evening, July ist, under ithe auspices of the Patriotic; Isooiety, Music will be •furnished by the J:'hi1- tarrnonio Male Qua'rtette, of ,Exeter, and Air. Mills or Woodham; G'eadings. by Mr. Roble Ilaniuth, elocutionist and entertainer. of .London. Admission. 25 cents, chiidreA 15cr, concert at 8 o°clock. Mrs, 0. Becker and little daughter returned to' New Hamburg last week after -visiting with Dr. and 'Mrs. i3rowning• Mrs. E. J. Spackman, Mee John - ',sten and daughter, of Toronto, are expected iz town on Thursday, and from hero will go the 'Rend for, the summer, Mho juniox. 'league of the Main St. Methodist charoh held a picnic at Riverview Park.on Friday afternoon of last week when a very enjoyable, time was spent. Mr. Howard Quackenbush' has re- turned home after atte.riding the Den- ! tal ;College at Milwaukee. He was sueeestsful in passing his final 'exams and is now qualified to praotise in 1 00000000000000000000000000 O 0 LOCAL O • 0000000 0000000 O Mr. Russell- Balkwill or Seafortb is holidaying at his 'bonze in toren. Miss Lizzie Taylor Is visiting with friends in London and St. Thome. Miss Margaret Muxworthy is vis- iting ber sister Vera at Palmerston. Miss 'M. Gill of Portage la Prairie. Man., is visiting with Mr. and' Mrs. F. Gill. AIL -ss Pearl Patterson is spending her holiday] in Exet!er,—Sea,forth Ex- positor, Miss Vine Pearson. ot London, is Spending at few days with' Exeter friends. Mr. :Michael Fletcher has purchas- ed a new Maxwell ,automobile from Mr. Doupe. Miss Blanch Atkinson 'of London bas returned home suffering from rheumatism Mrs. J. 'W. Heaman and family left this Wednesday for Pt. Stanley, to spend the summer - Miss Wenn and Mies lafetb:ews of St. Marys motored up and spent San - day with Mr, and Mrs. 'Beaver. WANTED AT ONCE Young women desiring 'employment in .town, can find it by applying' at I once to. the Jteasson Mtg. Co, who i xevc several good position% vaeaet. The work is light and ple,•z,n, the hours) are very short, and wages are paid white learning, steady position and good wages are assured t'o a'neone• giving it a trial. Apply at once. Jackson Mfg. Co. I. o."U, F, DFI.CO'RAT1I GRAVES OF DECEASLU, BRETHREN Sunday t afternoon last was Dec- oration 'Day for the 1', 0. 0. F. rhea the 'members of the Exeter lodge assembled at their ,roams, and neonate ed to the cemetery to pay tribaita to the memory of the departed memo hers of the order. The weather was ,fine and when the order arrived at the ,ceme,tury a 'large number Frans the surrounding community had gath- ered to witness the ceremonies or to place some flowers on the graves of loved, ones. The accommodation for horses and rigs was taxed to its ut- 'most while many made the trip on Soot, The members of the order lined the Stades, l iup, about fifty in num.ber •and en - IA cleba(te was Veld at the Main St, bircled ,the graves of the brethren. League on Tuesday evening on wh'eth- The orations were made by 'Bros. E. er imt.einperance or the present war I Horrald and 0. Atkinson while 'Bros. wrs the' greater curse to the world. I E. Dignan, and Thos. Boyle marshall� 11 ed the members. A.t each grave a Sewer -mg plain( was placed while one of the members awned an approp- riate verse. Following are the names of the deceased brethren; George Brooks, Abe Bagshaw, Charles Snell, Henry Lamb,rook, Walter (Carling, Fred Gidley, Richard Crocker, James Wills, James Hodgson, Simon Hunter, Robert Knight. George Rooke, James White, Thos. Prior, Herman ;Ball. Har vey Dignan, .Martin Salter, Frank Knight, William • Howard, Luther Hooper. Tbo debate; was won by the aflame ative, ' REMOVING TIIE CAUSE Chiropractors have remarkable suc- cess in removing the cause of Appen- dicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Tt.heum- atism, Lumbago, Lame tl3ack, Constip- ation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros- tration and Goiter. See Dr. S. M. Jones, Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday. Office Mrs. S. A Harness, Main St. Exeter, hour's 10 to 4. Examination free. NOTICE ate undersigned , merchants •have decided to close their stores each week on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 o'clock during else summer mani- as beginning the first week in July. P. Hanlon & Son, Centrad, John Me Naughton, Moorsvilte; 'D1rs. G. Lew- Iis, Clandebaye; E, A. i4LcKenzie, C;ran;' deboye, 6-22,.4; . Harvey Bro. RNITUREFor choice Buckwheat for seed see a We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking (De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion R, AlN. Rowe The Funeral Director and Dealer ,nitwre 141,0NE 20a FOR SADE A cement tile plant complete in every part, Unlimited supply of grav- el. Close to river. Anis, on promises Lot 30. Concession 3 Ueborne. Mrs. S. Cudmorc, Hensall AUCTION SALE OF NEW BUG- GIES.enAt the Central Hotel Yards Exeter on June 30th, commencing at L o'c,o=k 10 auto scat buggies; 5 second-hand buggies; 1 new Adam's wagon; 2 second-hand cultivators. Terms—three months on furnishing approved joint notes. --Robinson & Hawkins, ,proprietors. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle for e. All grades .50 re Salt sal g de $5 pe ton; 500. per bag. --Exeter Salt ;Works COI Ltd., J Sutton, 1ltapage.4 Dr, Roulstoa desires to announe'o that he will be absent from his office fleet week from Monday to Thursday and 1posai1ble to Saturday, During Ibis eb.:ezccr..' !anyone wishing to make an appointment may do so by phoning to or calling 'at his office. Mr. '.Verne Alexander of the (Connor alechine Co. met with a very pain- ful accident Monday evening. He wan working with' a 'blow torch when the bottom of the torch blew cut and the gasoline lexplided.: His arm was burnt from the wrist Ito the elbow part of the skin coming off. S. S. PICNIC Ceven Presbyterian Sunday School will bold their annual picnic, at River-, view Park on Friday afternoon of this week. LEAVING FOR OVERSEAS Lance Corp. E. II. 1Iow;ey, of the A. M. C. London. visited his parents in town the forepart o;f this week. He expects to leave for overseas in the course of a fere weeks. MUSICAL EXAMS -The examinations of the London !College of mesio, England, will lbe beld in Exeter on July 5th. Mir: 'R. Phillips, L. A. 113., has a number ot advanced pupils who are trying !at the sanies ; one candidate for a dip- loma gaalifying to teach piano; the rest of the pupils for high cc,rtifie • ea tes. LADY SPEAKER ON EMERGENCY WAIt! WORN~ A public meeting of the. Women's Institute was held on the, lawn of W. J. Seaman on Thursday afternoon of last week when an excellent ad- dress on Emergency War Work wan delivered by Miss Coutts, of Thames- villc. The weather was 'fine and there was a good turn -out. The afternoon was a pleasant success Dr. Ramsay, wife and two ebildr.en returned to Hamilton Monday after visiting for several days in town. Mrs. Jas. '\Vanless and two cbildren of Duluth. are visiting Mrs. Wan1e's's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Hardy. 11Ir. Ed, Powell motored up from Detroit on Saturday and will spend the sununer here and at Grand !Mend. Mr. and lfry. W. R. Garner o" L -n - don ,were tax gaests of Mr. and Male Pc!. Treble the forepart of the week. Mrs. Agnew; and little daughter, of Winnipeg. are visiting the former's parents, Reievd J. W. and Mrs. 'Tay- lor. lair. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and children of. Windsor, motored up last week and spent a day with Mrs. John Snell. Mr. W. S. Howey is moving his fam ay to Grand ,Bend this week. and will. re -open 'has drug store there for the summer. Mrs, C. A. Soutlecott and Mists Stella and Mrs. A. Sheero left Wednesday for tGrand'Bendewhlea(ei they wrlbspend the summer.. Me. H. E. Iiueston and family left Wednesday of this week for their summer cottage at Grand Bend where they twill spend the summer , Mr. and Mrs. )3. W. F. Beavers and gamily spent a !couple of days 'this week at a family :reunion with the former's ,mother. et 113erryland. Mrs. *Will J. White and daughter, efiss Olive, of Ottawa, after spending a week; kvith Mr. and Mrs. F. 3. Wick wire, left Monday to visit in Chicago. Rev. E, A. and Mrs. F,ea'r, or' Tees - water, visited Mr. and l%1rs. W. S. Howey for a couple of days this week on their Way to their new • charge at Wheatley. Mrs. S. Hardy and Mrs. Sellery, of Staffa, bave ben spending several. days in Pt. Soin':la°, Mich'., where they were called owing to the death of tbeir brotberrin-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. 'Sco'tt ate Mee Scott, Mrs. 'Beavers and Mies 'Jean a Murray motored to Ingersoll end spent a couple of days last weeks re- turning Friday night. Rev. Dr. '.Ramsay, of Toronto, cal- led on his mother, Mrs.Ramsay of town, one evening last week on his way tome from' the General SessLon of the PresbyteriZn Church at Winni- !peg. Among the le Huron Battalion 1 •don whn were ho r a v . Da C. i1 r L. v t�.. E. e were P Day, y, � nslri.rc N WeiseWeise. A. Bro>>re , E. Neil, C. Tuckey, W. Snaith, E. Hurden, E. Oke, ';Walker, • r ..... � .. l 1 s front the • inlet ;,training at Lore - 'Tor the week -end HICK'S FO'RBCASTS A 'reactionary storm period is 'cen- tral on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The' Mercury period) is central on the 3rd, Earth is in aphelion, or at greatest distance from the Sun on the 2nd and Venus is at inferior conjunction. or Ilieij weir n Earth and Sun, on the 3rd, On and touching Sunday the 2nd, to Tuesday the 4th, the 'barometer will fall, beginning in western parts about ttke 2nd, and advancing progsessiver , ly eastward, bringing increasing cloud iness, with restless threatening winds i and high temperature. Rant and thun- der tstorm5 will brake in many 'placete at the center rand around the flanks of the advancing storm area. These storms will 'culminate in a crisis about the 3rd land 4t,h, passing from central parts of tb'e country to ieaste -ern extremes on and next to those days. Tho Mercury influence will cau- se a -spell of prolonged cloudiness, with tendencies to drizzling rain, be- yond the limits of this reactionary period. The probabilites are that electrical storms may jncreaue to an- other bride on and touching the 6th, tha Moon being on the celestial .equal - tor on that day. Tempory rise of the barometer, and change to so'niewhat cooler will naturally follow these! storms. EXETERPATRIOTIC LEAGUE Tle regular monthly meeting will be geld in the Library on Monday evening July 3rd at half 'past seven. A 'box has been sent to MIs Joan Arnold, Srorneliffe, Eng. -containing 241 towels and 2 wash .cloths donated at Towel shower for the Canadian soldiers at the front. SOLDIERS AID SOCIETY Tte Soldiery, Aid society have !ship- ped to London to the 'I. Os 1). E.- 113 towels, 12 sheets, 312 'pads. There is an urgent need for old cotton, for hospital work. Donations or the same trill be gladly received. Kindly lea- ve at Library. Donations, Mrs. W. G. Biesett $'45.00, `Mee. Jas. 'Creecxt 1 ipr. socks, Mrs. Fred May '3 pr. al socks. iLLNOTG'RE WAS GOOD The illustrated war le'ctunie, "On. the Firing Line given in the Exeter opera house on Friday evening of last week under the auspice's of the, patriotic society was considered very good by those who attended but the •naumaber pr!eecont was only Fein The lecture was good and tie pictures. ipteresting. The Exeter Orchestra furnished several detections and Miss Edna Feiliek sang a solo. Councillor B. W. F. Heavers acted as cbairman A picture' was auctioned off Mr Wm. Melville being the purchaser. SERVICES IN DEMAND The Philharmonic Male Quartette • are booked for several engagements. On Friday evening hast theft furnish- ed selections at a tstrawbexuy fes` tival at B.rinsley. Miss Kinsman also assisted in the programme. On 3u1y 1st they will take part in the cele- bration at Kirnton in the afternoon and will, agso assist in the Patriotic concert at Centralia in the eveninig. Miss Muxworthy as xeader, 'will as- sist at Kirkton. The Quartette' are Planning to hold an open art ,conce Ft in the spark same evening next week. The personnel of the quartette is Dr. Kinsman, H. Phillip, E. 'Windsor, and Mr. Klippert. DIED IN THE WEST 'Ttere died at Chauvin, Alta., on June 23rd'•R,ichard Robinson a former %veil tknown resident of Exeter. at tie age of 84 years and 2 months. For many year:) deceased resided with the family near Grand J3end in the towns stip of Stephen and for 'many years, later lived on the London .road, a little south of here. About five years ago he and Mrs. Robinson broke up tousebeeping and have since been residing with their children in, the United States and in ,the 'Waist. Mr. 'Robinson was noted for hie strict a.life-long integrity and has been a ctnistian, and a member of the Meth- odist church. lie leaves a large grown up family, Mrs. 'ltosinson predeceased her husband about two years. Tho remains rvere brought her, for burial al the funeral taking place from the 7 xeteg s ationi on; Wednesday. '.l bursdap, news 20th, 1916 YOU CAN RELY ON SALT FOR SALE. ---Aa excellent quality of Sarnia made salt for sale at tae old. Temperance House at the G, T R. station. Sold in any quant-- ity, Your patronage is solicited and satiefa•ction is guaranteed. -- ED. MAGUIItE. Exeter,. ✓%C. ..Seen, • StJAS I. .1r. i. rLl'r Metre ,T)r;. 'FARMERS 1ex41 Orderlies • Kele : your System as thin as a stone 'rig rinsed with old spriiwater I5 and 25e. boxes at the e l D ng Stores 056. W. S. Cole Exeter RTTENTION We have a specially select- ed Stock of No. 1, Good Standard Red Clover Alsike, Timothy, Alfalfa, 13weett Clover, Orchard and Blue- grass, Seed Corn, etc. Just received a shipment of No. 1, Imported Alsike at $12.50 per bushel. Special prices given 011 Club Orders of $10 and up- wards. We haye a quantity of FIRST CLASS POTBTOES for Sale. A Call Solicited 111111111111111111111 New Issue of the C. ZWICIEFi CREDITON - - ONT 111111111111111 Telephone Book. qj Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue! J Report changes required to our_Loca.I Manager to -day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. MESEIZZEZSIEZEIMEn Thomas Chalmers : nn famous Baretnne of the Boston Opera, singing in nirect comparison with Ediscn's Re-creation of his voice. Sir. Chalmers is but one of many great artists who have proved that E•lison's new art successfully ewe tains the pitiless test of this astounding comparison. Hear Edison's Re -Creation if Cha'mers' ena,gniftcent voice; then hear OhaImers himself when this great haratoue is on tour. Arrange with me in a demon- stration in your home of the New Edison Thomas Chalmers is but one of the many great artists whose voices are re-created for music 1)vers every week -day in our music rooms. EDISON'S NEW ART We are licensed by Mr. Edison to demonstrate and Bell his new invention, which embodies a new art whereby all forms of music are re-created with such fidelity that the re-creation cannot t distinguished frcm theoriginal. eJEI➢ISOfiI 18 NOT A. TA:GKING MACHINE'. HEAR IT AT OUR STORE. Over one thousand different selections and other selections are being produced every week. • PC3WEL.L'S BAZAAR THE HOME OF THE EDISON eT. WILLIS PO WELL., Agent . -.. .�. +."?••'7:.A '.r u•r,:..7 t'.;i .v.,.;t'AV.• i1'T,