HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-29, Page 1:t pOETY-SECOND YEAR-- No. 2243
A Big
!caring Sale
of all
Trimmed and.
This is a
Genuine Sale
as all lines
must be
cleared out.
Come and get
a real
Stirrimer Goods
All colors in Flowered Voiles
s eantiful patterns to choose from. Also
striped 35c and 4oc a yard. Makes a
stunning dress.
For Waists or dresses, White Gaberdine.
'Voile, Crepe, Lace Cloth, Banzia Silk, Ratine,
Repp and pique.
• Fancy Voiles made up very smart for $5.
Plain Beach Dresses. Good style $3,50.
$r oo STRAW HAT $1.00
Have you seen it. Its a beauty. Try one.
Sport Shirts all sizes. Silk Front with Silk
Cu! . All kinds of Lounge or Dress Shirts,
A dandy showing of Men's and Boys'
Summer Suits at real low prices.
A swell range of colors and patterns
to choose from at 200 and 25c a yard. Just
the thing for dresses.
For Smart Suits, Dresses, Waists or
Duster Coats, Blue, Plain, Beach Linen, Fawn,
Pink or Natural.
All colors to choose from. Some real nice
stripes, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
Fu rrrisl-iirigs
All sizes of Wool, Tapestry, Brrussels,
Velvit, Axminster, Wiltons at old prices.
12 different patterns at old prices.
White Crean or Tans, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $2:00
$3.00, $4.00, $5,00.
White, Cream or Pans 20c, 25c, 35c 50c
75c and $L00 a yard.
Jones AND may
ot Weather Wants 1
_ .„
R ill t i u ./
rn.' Der.
New Perfection Oil
Gook Stoves
Gurney Oxford Oil
Cook Stoves
Oil Stoves $8 to $15
Oil Stove Ovens $2.65
to $2.90
Screen Door $1 to 1.90
20c to 350
$2.00 to $5 00
Screen Windows
lake Grass Cutting Easy
Lawn Mowers 4.00 to S. t
GreASs Catchers 1.25 to 1.75
Rialto your furniture look like new by using Chinainei and
Caxnpieetl's Varnish Stain. Paint your house with Lowe Bros. Jet. S.
paint:as ,
HEAMAN'S lldwc r 1
rnIsmotalmeeseassomal•amila, oaten
' ;13ORN
•�'f pt `yY-Tri Exeter on Sunday
'{vWd�JJ AJ
.fuxse , 4th to 'Ma. and silica. (Coneliy
. a. claui;aiter,,
RAD the`h-
eto &arch, Dashwood, ont eeriest.
slay ,June 28th, Miss Alma 7. ads
1 daughter of Ala'. and aims. �Ilenry
(Mader. Dashwood, to Mr. l+.dwa d
a T` 'VVEtlert forine,rly ,of Dashwooth
•• r .'VVTtrNCL--I+RANCIS-eAt; the Main
St, 1►7.atho:di,st parsonageo.n We,
June 2dth by �lc,v,• S, W.
Muxworthy, Miss I+ltaissie Francs
daughter of ;fir, and ,-tris. Henry
)renis al! Usborne, to Mr. 'Herald
P. 'Lawrence, 'of Setiforth.
GII:,•PILLAN--In Ueborue on June
24th 'William Gilfillian, 'aged 57
years 7 dans.
RO43INSON-In Chauvin, Alta., on
Juno 23rd, Richard. !Robinson, aged
84 years and '2 months,
Mr. and 1111n. Owen Atkinson or Lon
The Trivitt Memorial Guild will bold
a strawberry festival from 0 o'clock
to 8• o'clock on Friday June 30th on
the Rectory grounds. Admission 25c
including tea. Exeter Orchestra in
at tendanoe.
Saturday, July 1st is Dominion Day
and a public holiday. Centralia and
Eltmville have made preparations for
their usual celebrations
no doubt
many from town will attend one or
the other. A .slumbe.z are also planning
on !spe;ndinig the da)y tet Grand 'Basil.
Two rix;ks or bowlers wveale in Lon-
don last week attending the tourna-
ment or Scotch Doubles on the 'Thistle
green but failed to bring back any
of the silverware with them. In its
write,=up the k'ree Press gets oft a
little joke on Mr. C. ;I3. Snell; "Mr.
Snell, of Exeter, after a, long 'search
for his bawling trousers discovered
teat he had pulled bis street clothes
on over kis bowling togs, and the
laugh was on him, though he was
quite comfortable .for the evening
was cool.
Capt. Et. 13eatti.e !Martin, R, A. M.
C., son of Rev. W. M. and Mrs. Marl -
tin of London and formerly ot Exeter,
visited writh! Eket•cr friends on Sun-
day and Monday of this week. Capt.
Martin went overseas e year Igo
last Apr 1 With Fith N
3 Stationary 1
Hospital 'sod
1 r4 consequontiy. .,arr-
ved .for manly months .at the front
as Iinedtcalt officer of .the, 2nd Nrtha
acanton;hire Reel tneltt, Capt. Mare
tin le home on ra three months fere
lough. lie was taken ill some month,
ago with rheumatism, owing to era•
posure in the trenches, and for two
znon.tlis before xetuxtning house was
undertakiing work again in a hospit-
al at Rouen. Owing to kis connection
with the British Regiment Capt.
Martin ,ran across 'very tow or: the
boys whom he.i:new'tram. Canada. Ha
brou,gbt baek •with him °many into*
eating souvente.r;: in the foram of bele-
mets worn by German offieces, one
of whom died under the tare of 'Dr,.
Martin, l.Jrcvolv,c,r was given to him '
by a l rit)sh officer just better hal
paseeed away., its !rats also a iedxnr.;�e
croft with hca''y ionclrcl lxandle used
don, visited, in town and at ICaeeditou for .killings rats tvleich ixt"est the du. -
ever Surldete k .. Ants,• t3
Exeter Boys Wounded, New Pastor of James x gie next ,comparison wag rip
aftet few days in- !St
Lance (Corp. Leon V, Treble, who
resigned his position on the Times.
staff and joined the 33rd Battalion
at ,1
London, haws been .off%ci.ally ,re,-,
ported wounded, A cablegram was I
received by ;his parents, Air and Mrs..
E. Treble as follows; Sincerely- !
gret to inform you that No. 401473,1
Lance Corp. Leon V. Treble, in-
fantry, officially reported admitted to
County of London War llospital,Ep-
som, June lath, wounded severely in
the foot."
Pte .Elmore Ilarnees,' ion of Mrs,
.Iarness of town, Rs also o'tictally To -
ported wounded, Pte. 'harness and,
Lance Corp, Treble were taeether in
the trenches and no doubt both were
wounded at the `same time.
Pr:or to his leaving 1'or France, Corp
Treri.e wrote axe interesting l.tter to
p part of which we n;
print below;
You will probably be thinking that
I am rather sleek on writing, but the
,fact is that we are not having a min-
ute we can; call our owl just now, and
when we do get it we are asleep a
(second afterwards. 1 was picked for
draft yesterday and me are now un-
dergoing our final • trai•ning for a
day or so belore leaving, Roth Earl
Mitchell and Percy Lawson mis_,e;d
the draft, but they wilt he following
in a couple of weeks, bat we won't
be going to t1••e same place. Elmore
harness and 1 are together in the
;ssame !bunch and iwtL' be cioee tee
gether all the time. 1 am gladthat
two of us are together though, as 1t
will be a lot nicer and they have
certainly :split up .thee home crowd
I was certainly lucky to get away
at all as N. C. O.'.s are not allowed
to get over to France, and when they
(said N. C. O.'s ,fall out, 1 .stuck its the
j,ine and another Lance Corp. ,nest
to me stayed, and when they came
along and took our names and lte•gt
No. they cold him to 'Paull out. When
they looked at me Maj. Jewitt was
just going to tell me to fall out, so
I spoke up and !told him I wanted
to go, so be said, "Very welt ;etay"
Altogether there axe about a dozen
N. C. O.'s they allowled to go. nearly
all volunteered; so 1 consder myr
self lucky. Wye ars reaenforeing, as
far as we .knots, the 1st !Can. Batt.
1st Div., and I'm tickled to death
that we're going into the thickest
of it, which around xlpres,, 11111 00
and those places, and we'll certainly
see tsomethang there or else we'll all
be "Pushing up daisies" in a mon-
th ox two. ,.
Yesterday we had oar 23.osis rifles
taken away and were issued with
Zee -Enfield. :We shot out of the .En-
field to -day for the first time and
at two eundred yards (5 Irounds) 1
made a possible (25 out of 25). 1
put ,five bulls lin straight, not one of
them a halt; an inch from each other.
To make a possible you have to put
five bulls in straight at what is called
a four inch group, i. e. the fiveshots
must be in a circle no wider than
four inches, mine only occupied a
two and a half inch circle, which is
a sniper or marksman.
You wouldi laugh yourself to death
he you saw us now. 1'o -night when rte
were dismissed Maj. Jewitt said be
had something in store for us after
supper. ile marched us to the bather
shop and we had to have our hair
clipped oaf tight as possible to the.
scalp, so you can imagine wtat we
Iook like, (Convicts) and we certainly
are. We are all under' C. B. and "open
arrest" for as you know, we are not
allowed to leave our own lines after
we are warded for draft.
In a short letter from the bass: in
France on clay 29th, Lance 'Corp.
Treble says "1 will I ob,tbly be in
the trenches baton! yes receive this
I can't' say much this time. 1)oc elan
lett left for the .front this morning.
1'eroe and, Earl did not make !('ranee
this time, Elmore Earnest and I are
together. I am going to that hottest
place at the front c'an't tell you
much on account of the censor,
On Tuesday morn:rag Mr. and Mrs,
:Treble retched anocb.e•r letter writ-
ten from Belgium elated June 10th
and which was in tart e., 1'ollotve;
derstanding of all mystertleis or .the
Methodist Church posselssion of all, knowledge, This was
illustrated by an artist who bought
some canvas and paints 'for sixty
scents and produeed a worle or art
that .sold .for $105,000 the masa who
first discovered the power or vhloro-
1 ! term, on 't the ei,roulatioa or the .blood,
These, wvep.'e great men. who bad bene,.
a fitted tseciety. Ile was not speaking
of the man who parades as a, mc.xa
of knowledge, when probably he was
occupying his position through some
pull or other. The comparison is
with; ala knowledge. Nevertheless all
in comparison with charity acre as
Then he talks about faith; though
he had, faith to dominate or eons -
trot matter. Whcneve,r the speaker
tears a locomotive whistle he real-
izes that the engineer is controlling-
matter. The wheelsman on board the
large ships is an example of the
domination o1' mind over matter yet
we remember in the November storm
when ;the langee ships were toissed
about like elxlps apy the angry seas.
If we could ,control seas or. a'emove
mountains without charity we would
be nothing.
Then agaiq Paul. talks or the min-
istry of wealth for the feeding of the
needy. Generosity is not oharity. We
may have devotion and give our bodies
to be burned, and yet be without char-
The apostle reminds as of the pass -
ins; of the days and centuries. Time
its a great river that is moving on to
eternity and •carrying us with it. The
things that we value shall pase away
tRB\T. J. W. i13;.4 ItD, B. A
Rev. J. !W. ;Baird, B, A. or Minchle,ll,
will !arrive .in town this enetelk and
on 'Sunday next will commence his
St ` Methodist church. cs hurrch rUr. of Baird corn e
es 1u; hly . recommended both as a
preacher and a man. the Times ea-»
tends to him and his family a very
cordial welcome to our midst. In srer-
fcrrieg to the closing serviette in
Mitchel the Recorder bad the Iollow..
ing to say;
Rev. J, W. !Baird who for the past
lour years has been the faithful pa:tcr
of the ylitchell Methodist 'Congre-
gation preached his farewell sermon
on Sunday morning to a large •congre-
gation. Mr. Baird has been a power
for good In the •commuinity 'as his
great energy, excellent organizing
ability, and rousing enthusiasm 'have
been 'cheerfully given to every good
r'aausa whether religious, patriotic,
or social, and his place in this., respect
will Ile hard to fill. iElefore beginning
his sermon, _lir. Baird' retuned to
the cordial ,.relation existing between
hamsell and. all the organizations and
officials in connection with the chur-
ch mentioning the Sunday school, the
Choir, the organist, the Young. Peo•
pie's Societies. Re coommcndcd the
efforts being made( to secure a better
observance or the Sabbath and a
strict enforcement of the late in town
and neighborhood, and rcqueslted his
hearers to hold up thea hands of those
in authority who were trying to ime
'prove tre condition of the town 'by
removing temptation from the weak
and opportunity from the vicious: Ile
would willingly give any tasststance
his new duties would ,permit.
This was followed •by an account
of the; sermon.
Rev. W.G.11. McAlister
Preaches Farewell
1tev. W. G. H. Mc:1Lster, who for
the past four years has been pastor
of James St. Methodist church, conn
eluded 0 most happy itinerary Ecs
both pastor end 'people ;when he
preached his farewell sermon s0
Sunday evening last. in the pulpit
(Rev. McAlister has always giver,
good logical discourees and in his go-
ings in and out among the pzoplei
has proved himselr a man of the high
est type. Mrs. • McAllister has also
been an able helpnxe.et. A woman of
exceptional literary ability, an aard;
cat temperance worker and untiring
itt Ler ce.fforte in the different bran-
ekes of church work s,:he has been an
iespiration to the different societ'es
of the 'church. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mc bliss
ter loft Wednesday for their anew
tearge at Iiidgetown. The beet wish, -
es oil many warxn friends will fellow
them to thrix new field or labor.
In h.s sermon on Sunday evening
eft-. 1JgAl;,ste,i said. it "amid but a
few w rcpt( + ago that he .eau,; up the
::tubs to the platform to present his
initiary sermon, and yet four years
had i'assed, pa+:sed as a watch in the
night. 1[u teak the opportunity to
thaxi.lx all who had been aesociated
`!Nell hero 1 ant in ,tnpther onuntry with hien in the carrying on the work
Believe Me just lately 1 have 'been of the church, The Quarterly Official
'travelling some. We left, the base in Board, the trustee bear!, the organs
Prance last week ;and arc. now at the tare 31r, Phillipe, the thou and the
line. Leven gazetted to the 2nd 71atr, congregating. the spirit of harmony
but we were all changed land I'm Led prevailed on all occasions. The
with the 70h Canadians now (1st choir had been an inspiration and
`British Colombians) and believe me the meeting of the congregation in
it is some bunch too; got one of the, tLc pews, on the streets ar rn their
best; names of any 'bunch in the ser- .t..t.e.s had, been without a ripple and
he would; Hass out with the memory
of four of the most pleasant year= ot
Lis ministry.
vice. Hero they treat you as a gentle-
man and tho army is one big brother}
hood. In this ;Batt. all the officers, ills text was taken from the psi:
'but two were in the !ranks less than COriitth'a3n 13; 13; "Anel now e id -
a yeas .D. Our Capt. (Holmes) •eh xis these three
faith op a s ,
won the 0. S. O. earl shop fdttitnr� eta r.. it hope, , y,
Crass for bravery and I goes Uae''re but the greateet:.of these le amity„
Ills chapter is an inventory of the
� men in the Batt. -�
at least fifteen n
are c
u and .is the
great ,,alts to ill t J
tette 0 5 eve. 1 like this oountry ,
fine and its vary exciting too. We ato 'Paul t;h ser from one gilt to an,-
are only a - few miles from the .front Coatether in contemptible
, alt( he show's how
line and, can •sac it plainly, "loenight contemptible are all things in cora
we- gee into the front ,tine for a, few parison with the greatest Ings.
Ile.. b'',8•.rti will' t.tre gift et °irate"'
days, Hope "'Fritz" doesn't .get in e, that div ino ,gift; that sen men among
but I'll take my ahan)e. The one..
thing that's lacking here is water/1 st Vanni. love; con like
We in the puddles left bythe 0 1� lsrtefield, w•lto In .sen 1
��' L wash 1 I
out oL curi.o.ity to hour, drat rematined
rain altel� 11 rains, ;at other times we to Jara.y, Added tp tee power of mart
don't waslr at all. 1 the Hoe l ly is the totxg.tea of 'an Iaiigel, bat with, -
don't wash for eight ct:tys probab.iy' out charity it 1i<+c�amt 5 as i ounstn,f,
We wean big shrapnel helmets !salt b.t� of a t n.lclinb cyutbal.
lust like big soup bowie, carry boznl s
fhe, nett comxuwntaxy an the ins
salt's. wire 0 ittet . and everything eentory is the matter or reef ation
imagineable. l; the speaker (coins, tell when the
war would cease his name would be
If you bean a muddy complexion ;heralded to the ,elide ot the earth.
and xdull..eyes: troll aro e..o.nstipat,d I;: one could toll wwnat the nttrkcts
isle glasses of (water daily one of would be worth six months laenao,
two Bondi Orderlies et night core or what real estate would be worth
reel thee condition and malte you as ;five years from now; it one could
fit an rt. riddle, 15o and 25o at ell Rex. read the gnetit thiaxg3 or the fixture
.ell Drug Stgre,s,V SOUP,. Xr�ete;xl, yet :without ;clxarity; all would be
but there is something that eibide
and that Is Faith, hope and cloteStye
hat some day ,faith twill oeiuse end
Lope will ceasve ,for what a anon eeetki
whit will. there be hope foe. We a tall
see Him as ,he i-.. While tats& vital!:
base •charity abitleth tonere*,
Tho spealter's lase words wee* taxa
magnifying of charity and he wbthed
his hearers to commit to sump+( ' the
13th chapter of Corinthians.
Exeter, lune 26, 16
Cauxn.eil met in the office of the
Clerk at 8 neat. Previous 'minutes
Communications rad ns fame
A letter from T. W. Penihale from'
Shornclitfe Officers Training 'Cactip.,
thanking the citizens through the
'Reeve l'or the wrist watch which be
;received in good ,condition.
From the secretary of the TVtunic - -
ppal Association, re annual c'on'rxention
an August 31st in the City Hall, `1',o -
A petition irons the residents a-
long the west side of Elizabeth; street
asking for a cement walle between
Duron streets. Same was accepted
axtd fi'ed for reference. •
Accounts -Ross -Taylor Co., $19.75
Bartnex $21.80; A. G.+nvi11n:' $,4;
A. Cattle 83.95; G. R.. .Steer ,$L75
W. e limey 825,70;; T. Brork .$10.50
H. Rumohs $1.4.60; A, Av'.litrsnn $17.411-
J, lorry 821; W. GIMesapie $19.35; l),.
Rassell, Sr., S13,82; j. Hitrtki,'i $12.90;
T. Creech 81.75; R.. Gelies M8.iali; T.
Har. den $2.50; Dom. Roed .Rial'hinn
Co_ e2.5(e-Total 5201.87.
Jos. Sen or, l; k zk,
A Special in Ladies' Black Hose at 10c per
Lisle and Silk Hose from 25c up.
Men's half hose 10e to 50c pair,
3Doz 3n T� '(lies° s ample collars :153 to 50e
Embroideries in a 'big range at the old prices.
Men's summer Underwear 40c per ga.rinent.
Outing Shoes of all kinds.
Clearing lines of Shoes at .1.00 and 51.50
p `3I' pair.
of ai*e sure to want something new now
for your vacation and the holiday—
July 1st coming on. Underwear,
Pyjamas, Socks, Shires, Cellars and Neckties.
We've got them for you. Get them from up.
Mencs !Agfa Grade
[Negligee Shirts
Su ere 'i
p lar make and
finish, in neatest and
:most up
to -date a date
terns -75c to $2.00,
New Socks
Plain Lisle Socks,
250. Plain silk socks,
500. Fancy socks 75c.
New Collar's
Many new
lines just
put in stock which are
sure to please. All
sizes in stook,
New Neckties
Handsome, High -
Grade Ties, something.
new and up-to.date 50c
Bine Serge Suits for Men
Our Valiss are undoubtedly the best
sin Canada.
8 1 a
4.44.6044'040444'G' eta
3F+A 0.444 944...4 .0qt..