HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-22, Page 8. 1. ;17 j �!;$' sturr•s . rYnbn' i s .),urE nt tI( '>rf„•• PERRY W. DOTJPE, Licensee Anon tioneer. Sales conducted in any low cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly: at* tended to, Phone ,116, Kirkton, Andel dress Kirkton P.O. Ina i if there's room for more hair :On your had. we recommend Rexall "93" Flair Drives .away }hien huff, mai; the hair glossy without grecs- hues, stops the falling out and promote's a healthy grovrti. Sold exclusi eIy at Recall Dn e Stares. 5Dc.east$1.00 bottles. ,W.S.COLE , Exeter ';R : • ,Akicd1:fa E !, a r.. To. S rev E„” .. - nen o• �cm Its • n. 44 in a 4wR t( *each. • time ..s, nate; y •liaise Fi ts• mete:toe Fen Now buy fore price Let n f 9l10 tai} g They e ShIng Fence ft Jong g o"m OCLTher and lea,, CLA ,rl', Sr k or Infant; R Kind Yoti t r s the ,atur 4f 'hone 16J. A. STEPhone 16 Cushionetl =Soled Shoes for Men and Women You who are always complaining aboutt tired feet, and do not know what shoe Comfort is, try a pair of Minister Myles' Cushioned Soled Shoes. You have to wear a pair before y(,u can realize bow much more comfortable they are than the ordinary shoe. Women's Shoes at $4 and $5.00; Men's k6.00. Summer Footwear for Boys and Girls Barefoot Sandals 75c to $1.25 Running Shoes 65c to Mc Patent Pumps $1.50 to $2.00 White Canvas•Pumps 75c to $1. Brass Jardineers Including six uew styles in different sizes, One of these would make a very acceptable wedding gift. The prices are low $1,75, $2.50, $3.00. Kool Underwear In two-piece combivation for boys or men. In medium or light weights. Boys combination at 50c and 00c. Mens do 75e, 1.00, $1.50. Doleproof Hosiery Holeproof Silk Hose are guar- anteed to wear three months without boles or new ones furn- ished FREE OF CHARGE Boys Khaki Bloomers A great Bloomer for sum- mer wear. It wears and washes well, We have sizes for small as well as older boys. Priced at '75c and 1.00. 12 New Dinner Sets Including four new patterns, showing new shapes in cream and sugar vegetable dishes and cups, which have gold handles. The Overland Rose isa stock pat- tern. Be sure to see these new sets. Straw Bats In fine quality split and Sen - nit braids, showing the seasons newest shapes. Do not delay in securing one of these popular Prices 51.00, $1.50, 52.00 and 3.00. Outing Skirts With the new roll collar in three shades. A very cool and comfortable shirt for outing wear. All sizes 51.25. Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks Will he needed by those going away 1 Splendid assortment of Suit Cases from $1.25 to $3,00. Leethar Club Begs, leather lined, extra values at 4.50, also strong, good looking Trunks at 5.50 and $6.00. J.A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices New Spring i Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fa 'kions are arriving and combine in Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, , meeting the requirements for street wear and traveL It is unusual to present ro early in The season so great a variety, but styles were determined early and the most favored shown. The present time is most advantag- eous for buying as all indications poitn to higher prices in the future. N. Sheere LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs. Opposite the Central Hotel FURNITURE I akaaaokaiiimetaterMarm~lalnell**MIMINSPI111.11. W e can assist you in selecting your furniture if furnish yoare going to f u your home, or if you only want some odd pieces. Our Undertaking De. partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best of satisfact- ion. R. N. Rowe The Funeral Director and Iraiitixr' C 1Dcttler PHONE 20a FRAME BARN FOR SALE Forty by sixty, 20 ft. siding;, in first-class • condition. , Good bargaia for quick sale. Situated 1 1-2 miles from Exeter.. Apply to Nelson Stan - lake, Exeter. HOUSE AND ' i l H LOT FOR SALE The frame house and half acre of land situated on Gidiey street, Exeter and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be offered foe quick sallal. 'Apply to Chas. Harvey, on Huron St. REMOVING THE CAUSE Chiropractors have, remarkable suc- cess in removing the camel or Appen- dicitis. Deafness, Asthma, Rheum- atism, Lumbago, Lame 'Back, Constip- ation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, .Nervous Pros- ( -ration and Goiter. See Dr. S. M. Jones, Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday. Office Mrs. S. A. Harness, Main St. Exeter, hours 10 to tn Examination free. Give him a SOLDIER'S KODAK Vest Poci(et Autographic Kodak. So small, cifinpact and unobtrusive that be can have it with him always ready for the unexpected picture opportunity that alwass happens. Right as a watch it may tie carried just as conveniently—he can wear Rh Kodaks from $7.00 up. Brownie Camerae $I.00 tip UOWDrub EYr Store Ask to see the new Folding Brownies and Kodak Juniore. .THE EXETER TIMES Market Report --The following is the 'report or the Exeter market 'corrected net to June 21st., Wheat 90 to 95, Oats 45o to 500, i { � ; , Bar1eY 50 to 55o Buckwheat 80 to 85oa ti i Peas $1.00 Family Flour $3.10 ' • 1 t ( l Low grade Flour $175... t Bran $26.00 pee ton. . t_` Shorts $28.00 ;ped toll, ' • Egga 23c.• Butter 25e. f Creamery Butter 30 to 326,, Potatoes $2.00 to 2,25. IIogs 510.40. . , ' Hello, Central: Give me 56 Yes that's WILSON'S and T need some grocer- ies in a hurry and he' knows how to deliver promptly. Fresh Groceries all the time Strawberries, Lettuce, Tomatoes on hand all this week. WILSON'S GROCERY •.....@..oei.... ••••••.O. t LOCAL • • • AAAA... t Bev. S. 'W. Muxworthy was in Lon- don on Tuesday. Mrs. heed May is visiting he par- ents in Mlitchell. Mr. Harry Puke of Park Hill was tome over Sunday. - Be sure you are rigtt—then paulse a moment for reflection. Miss S. Gregory of 'Chatham hag re- turned home for the summer holidays Mr. G. Griffith of Toronto is vieit- ing at the home of Mr. Jas. Handford. Rev. W. G. H. McAllister addresaad the Main St. League en Tuesday evert- ing.. • Wednesday, J uue 21st wan the le:g- est' day' of the year, Mie Geo, !Rawson of town is prelside frog at. the Entrance examinational at Crediton. Mr, Milton Oestreich'e'r has been rui-cngaged ass teacher for the Sex- smith school for another yeah • MIr, J, S. Harvey and W. Andrew_ are in London this week attending the grants lodge of the( C. 0. F, Bey, Gordon Putt, formerly of Cead tralia, was married at 'Barnby, on June 14th to Miss Nellio Young. A number of the •classes at school are i hroaagh with their ;examinations nor this year and the pupils have{ stopped school for ,summer holidays, The' Thamie4 Road people held their annual vionid in Hunkin's orchard on Tuesday when a most enjoyable time u'as spent, Miss Vera E:'sery, oC town; Mrs. Jas. tY,ke, Miss, Grace Oke and Misses Florence ; and Marjorie [1epburn, of Centralia were in London Monday attending the funeral oa the late Mrs. Donald Eraser, of St. Thomas. etrs. Fraser's maiden name was Pea nl Cube leig1 , formerly of Centralia. Mr. G. W. ;Davis has treated the dwelling on Main St. to 'be vacated by airs. Phillips. Jia. Wm. '(livers will move into his own residence on Simcoe St. to be vacated, by Mr. Davis ii.ergt. W. J. Mallett or the officers' mess, Ptes. NV'. d3irney, Sylvanus Cann. Walter Harness, 'Rutile Kastle, lea :Taylor, John and Elmer Willis, Ern 1Collingwood alt of the 161st Lon+ don, were Lome for the week -end. Mr. Jos. Keys, a railway engineer who. Lei been ill fen a couple ot years and residing with his }sister, bars. Win, Brickwood or Exeter North, is able to resume tis duties and has left for tie States. Rev. W, G. II. McAllister, who seer ers Lis connection as pastor of James Street Methodist 'Church at the end of the !Conference year, will preach bis farewell sermon next Sabbath evening. ;Rev. Mr. McAllister goes to Ridgetown. Bev. P. Nicol occupied the pulpit in the ''Caven Presbyterian church last Sabbath, the pastor Rev. S. F. Sharp, (being at Seaforth conducts ing services. Mr. and Mau. F. W. Gladman and Mrs. J. A. Stewart ac- comean ed him in Mr. G,adrean's en -es Mrs. le. Harrison left est Friday for Detroit to visit her son Dr. J. W. Harrison. Misi Blanch Ford of Detroit who has been visiting tor .a couple, of weeks in this vicinity returned with he,•. Mt:. J. G. Jones took ahem as tar as Parkhill by auto r Misses Friahare and Hamilton tea- chers ut the Exeter High School have finished their duties for thiss term. Miss Hamilton i.:, at present visit- ing in St. slat Ys end Mies Pridham at London anu Ayr. Later they in- tend to continue the summer course in Arts at Taranto. Master Clifford Mallett left this week to spend several -weekaa in Lon- don, Rev. D. ''W. Collins of Windsor, x e- newed acquaintances in town on Fri- day last. Miss Annie Vincent wlio has, been visiting in Brantford, returned home Saturday. Pte. 'W. Battalion, week -end. Mr. T. E. Handford spent Saturday in town for Grand L3end. Mr. W. II. Johnston, of Kippen is presiding at the examinations in the Exeter High! School. Mllss Eva Hueston left last •week for Grand,Bend opening up 'their cottage for he summer. Mr. and arra. Ferguson of 'Wiunit- peg. ar.e, visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Birney . Mr. Dave'ito>s is this week moving from Carling St. to the residence o. Mr. frank gill on Andrew St. Mrs. E. Follick, Sr. had ..the mis- fortune to trip and fall on Saturday_ last resulting in a fractured rib. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wood motored up from London and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J ;T, 'Wo..d. Mr. !Chris Zuefle of town has di: - posed of the engine at the power house to Mr. Jack Sweitzer of Cred- icon. Mr, and 'Mars. F. Mt k3oyle, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McLeod and sMrs. G,eo, Hockey motored to Strathroy onSun- day last. Mr. Jas. Willis had the misfortune to overbalance and fall %cram a wag- on at the station and was laid pff duty for a few days . Mr. 'William Rollins annauncestie engagement of Lis daughter, 'Ethel Maude, to Mr. William May, stn o: Mr. W. F. May of ?Mitchell.. -Miss Linke who hats been visiting in the States for several months visited Mr. and Mfrs. Kuntz in town on Sun- day leaving Monday for !Crediton, The brickwork for Mr. P. Fraynes harness shop is completed and the plate glass front is in. Mr. Erayne will have a fins store when :finished. At the general assembly of the Presbyterian 'church held in Winni- peg the proposal for church union was carried by a vote of 406 to 88. t Pte. .' E. S wart of the u1 t W to1 s London, went to !Clinton Monday evening 'tct take Col. Combas auto to London. He called on his parents in town enroute. . Mr. George Ford is moving ,from ate 1(luinton farm in Usbornc back to ,bins home on the, LalkeBd. MIr. Fo.d is having the "house veneered and a new ibare built. hir. J. 0, Brickwoed moved hit fim- ily to London this week 'where he Imo secured a position: The 'best wish es oft many friends of the family, en town will follow them. The Trivitt memorial Gaild will hold a strawberry festival from 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock on Friday June 30th! bn the Rectory grounds. Admission 25e ,Exeter Orthcst,ra, in attencl,aace5 R. Southbott, of the 170th Toronto, was home over the of Ingersoll Leaving here Mr. N. D. 'Hurdon held an auction sale of his household effects on Sat- urday Iaast, .the sale being !successful in every particular. MIr. Hurdon is leaving for iPort Frank to -make his home witli, Isis son George. 'Mr. Jack Hurdon is leaving for London where he will secure a position. Mr. J4 V.`Powe:1 lent Tuesday morn ing to: Toronto, where he met a num- ber of Edison dealers and together ttey left for Orange, N. J. to 'attend a convention at the Edison factory 'Willis is one of the •company', live agents and the trip wilt no doubt be one of interest and pro:.it to him. 'Word was received 'by Mr. kdrrard Chapman of Ailsa 'Craig of the death of his son, Lance -Corp. Edwin 'Chap- man, who was killed in action June 3rd. The dead soldier was a lieu- tenant in the 26th Regiment but enlisted as a• private in the let Bat- talion. lie was wounded once, bat upon recovery returned to tte front. James Stall, of Goderich had bis left hand cut oft at the wrist by a saw iu the plant of the Paget Grainr ed Door 'Company, this afternoon, Tte unfortunate man was opperating a swing saw, when the rope holding the balance weight broke and the saw camp forward in sudden contact with his arm. Mr, Stall is a maried man with a large family of children The occurrence is the more distress- ing by the fact that he ha* always HICK'S F0'RECASTS , A reactionary storm period is teen. tral on 'Wednesday Thursday and Fri- day, riday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Tha Ear- th is at its •"turning point" on. the 21st, witli the Moon oa the celestial equator on the name. day. It is at lest quarter on the 22nd, coincident 'with a very close conjunction with Saturn and Venue on,the same, day. The con- junction of the Moon with the planet Jupiter on the 24th may also be con- sidered among the astronomic causes which effect the elements this time Watch your barometer on and about tke 21st, as a very low :barometer reading on and about this time will 'be an admonition or great atmos- pteric violence. The special advan- tages of the barometer at the June crisis 'lie in the fact that 'phenominal electrical displays aeach an alarm,- ing crisis, as a rule, at this time, leaving nervous, apprehensive pao- p s in a state or anxious fear and u.jcertainty, without a barometer to 1l danger or 't r. ho C pai- 1 whether S' ii~a i is threatened. 1lluch' or the solstice lightning is absolutely harmless, .eien when the heavens ate Ablaze, through tee night. The movements or storms at this solstice center' are very un- certain and. exra tie. •Clouds often dou- ble back after they have passed, and not infrequently they come upon unl- euspecting localities from the south- east, and other uncommon directions. The atmospheric• tides§, and hence the storm clouds tbenseelves, seem to move in irresolute stvirle and cou u termarches causing" . a kind of chop- ped sea among the clouds. There are plain, scientific reason's for all this and they are Lound in the fact ,that our globe itself Le at the ',point of baiting and taming backward in its revolution around the Sun. This is really what the word "Solstice" is supposed to mean: . .. THURSDAY. 3I.1'N1. 2:nd, STILL ICLIMBINl ' ; : SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent `!.eels is the 0811 4 ay that the (drib- quality of Sarnia made salt for sale ish Empire ; ,has been at war with i ot the old Temperance 'House at the Germanys!G. T R. station. Sold in any quant-. • I2 ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — El), ILLUS'T'RATED 'WAIF SCENE'S MA.GUIRE. Exeter.. of ,Canadian Troops in action tat Exeter Opera House on Friday even. ing June 23rd. Music by tee Exeter Orchestra. Solos by local talent, 'light- ly !spoken of. 50 and 25c. Plan at 11 . ',W. P. 'Beavers. NOTICE The undersigned merchants . have decided to close their stores each week on Tuesday and Thursday nightie: at; 7 o'clock during the summer monI- the beginning the first week in; July, P.I Hanlon '& Son, 'Centralia, John Mc Ntlughton, Moorsvibe; Mrs. 0. Lewis is, Clandeboye; E. A. McKenzie, Cour debeye. C-22-4: For choice Buckwheat for seed see Harvey Bros. A cement tile plant complete in every part, Unlimited supply of grav- el. Close to river. Apply on premises Lot 30. Concession 5 Uteborne. Mrs. S. Cudmorc, lien -salt AUCTION SALE OF NEW BUG- GI'ES.—At the Central Hotel Yards Exe.eo on June 30th, commencing at 2 o'c;ark 10 auto seat buggies; 5 second-hand buggies; 1 new Adam's wagon; 2 second-hand cultivators. Terms—three months oh Lurnishing approved joint notes.—Robinson Sr • Hawkins. (proprieties. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and Cattle Balt for sale. All grades $5.50 per ton; 50o. per bag.—Exeter Salt Works Co, Ltd... J. Sutton, Manager.. DECORATION DAY The. Oddfellows of Exeter Lodge No. 67, are requested to meet at the Exeter Cemetery on Sunday, June 25, at 3 o'clock p.m. for thepurpose of decorating be graves of departed brethren,.—R. N. Creech, Sec. i "Let it be a .box of Liggett's ,Choc- elates" "Your sweetheart's choice" Sold exclusively by all Rexall 'Drug 1 Stores. W. S. Cole, Exeter. WOMANS INSTITUTE A publio meeting of the Womans Institute will be held on Mrs. 'W. J. Heaman's lawn on Thursday after. noon Juno 23rd, at which Miss Coutts or Thamesville will give an address on "Emergency War Work": • A ttcua- ical program .will aLso• be furnished. All the ladies of the -town are cord- ieny invited to be present. Mrs. Hastings, Sect._ Mrs. Amos, Pres. PARIdiERS ATTENT1ON We have a specially select- ed Stock of No. 1, Good Standard Red Clover Alsike, Timothy, ' Alfalfa, SI we et Clover, Orchard and ' Blue- grass, Seed Corn, etc . , Jatst .receiv'ed a shatenettt of No. 1, Imported Alsike at $12.50 per bathe'. Special prices given on Club Orders of $10 and up- wards. We have a quantity of FIRST CLASS (OId1iOF0 for Sale. A Call Solicited C. ZWICKEIR CREDITON - - ONT 11111111111 111111111 New Issue of the 1111111111111111 Telephone Book. • Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! 41 Order your telephone ' now, so that your name will be in the new issue! q Report changes required to our Local Manager to -day,' The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Thomas Chalmers • famous Beratnne of the. Boston Oiierie singing in uit•ect, comparison with Edit is lit-creatien of b s v site, Mr. Chalmers is but one pf m.i.ny great arrtists who have }'.roved that E lison's new art succes.h tty Fu. - tains the pitiless test of this astoundirg cc -wren -Non. hear Edition's Rt-Cxeation of (La tints' magnificent voice; then hear Chalmers himself when this great ltaratoe a is on tr nr. MINIMMOMICCONIS Arrange with me in a demon- stration in your home of the New Edison r Thomas Chalrners is bat one of the many great artiste whose voices are re-created for every week -day in our music room's. EDISON'S NEW ART music lovers ,cense' ' We ace 1by Mr. Edison'tu ilemonetrate and Bell his new invention, which embodies a new art whereby all forms of wusic Olf,e re•crea,ted with such fidelity that there-creation cannot be distinguished frcm the original.,. ; IS NOTA TALKING MACHIN(.. HEAR IT AT OUR STORE: Over one thousand different selections and other selections are being produced every week. , POW 'S BAZAAR TETE HOME OF tHE EDISON J- WILL,YS PO WELL, Agent 7 .ti ,r _