HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-22, Page 1i'
ie.rtn Sale
of Sumrner Millinery
We commence this week7a Special Clearing Sale of Summer
Millinery. We have anexceptionally fine stock of trimmed
and untrimmed hats. Many of these we offer at exactly
New Short Sweater Coats for
We have just received a shipment of New Outing Sweater Coats, for the holiday
Wade in the new sport styles, comprising Checks, Plain Colors etc.
Just the thing for your vacation.
,Men's Suits at $12, $13, $15
rwever did we have a finer selection and at not one cent in price higher than they ever were. Fine brown
and grey worsteds tweeds, every one a Sovereign Brand Suit. We bought early and
can sell you a fine all wool suit at less than present wholesale prices. We have an O
extra fine selection of Navy Blue Suits. Also a fine range ot young Men's suits
sizes 33, 34 and 35 with long pants to sell at, $ I
Every one worth at least $15.
Boys, ClothingPlease note that if you have to pay a long price for your Boys' Fall
''- Suite it will not be our fault as we have a great big selection now at old
wires $5 to $3;50. These will not last long at the rate they are going,
Our Dollar Sale of Men's Fine Straw Hats Still Continues:
xe&s Overalls and smocks at old prices $1.25, which is less than the present wholesale price
Men 's Facy Suinrner Vests
2 Dozen Fancy Summer Vests to clear at from 75c up.
Jones AND
er Wants
New Perfection Oil
Cook Stoves
Gnrney Oxford Oil
Cook Stoves
Oil Stoves` $8 to $15
Oil Stove Ovens $2.65
to $2,90
Screen Door $1 to 1.90
20c to 35c
$2,00 to $5 00
Screen Windows
Male Grass Cutting Easy
Lawn Mowers 4.00 to 8.'25
Grass Catchers 1.25 to 1.75
Make your furniture look like new by using Ohinarnel and_
Cannp&ie11"s Varnish Stain. Paint your house with Lowe Bros. H, S.
I Pte.. Robert Wilson, 'son of John
Wilson, of Nile, has been wounded
;sin the face 1y a bullet. This is the
:tseoond time for Pte. Wilson. He had
just been discharged from hospital on
;May 26th'.
{ 'Wm. L:, 'Be.rtyn. of Toronto 'St, Mtt-
.4eI;ell, received 'sword that his eon,
Fred, had ken killed. He had been
-;'across the ocean over a year. Ile i;5
'the first one from. Mitchell to give
this life in this war.
Pte.. Cyril Eraser, .son of Mrs. Edith
"..Fraser, oil Goderich, its inl the hospital
according to • offic,al announcement
but the nature of hi(s injuries is not
known, 7Iis brother is drum -(sergeant
in the 171st Battalion bugle band.
The dteath of Mrs. Alexander lBroad-
foot oeoured at their home on the
fourth concession ; Tuek,.n mith on
Sunday evening June 11th after an
illness of a week'is duration. Mrs.
Broadfoot. whose maiden !name Was
Emily 'Turner, was 41. years of age,
and is survived by her huisband and
two young children,
ELDER—Near Hensail on ,tune 20th,
to Mr., and Mrs. Join; Elder a son.
MILL$ON—In 'Osborne, on. Jun^ 18 .h
to Mr. and Mns. hector leIillson a
M1IILNER—In 'Bayfield, on June 5th
to Mr. and Mrs. 3. Wesley Merner
a son.
LOVE—Near Hide Green, on June 7th
to Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Love a dau-
OVER'BOLT—At Saublet Line, on June
Ott, to 111r. and Mrs. Jas. Overbolt
a daughter.
HESS=WATSON—At Owen 'Found, on
June 14th, Miss Alma Wagon, oC
Owen. Sound, to 31r. Fred E. liens
of London .
Presbyterian Church, Exeter, Ont-
ario, on, Tuesday, June 20th. by the
Bet. Sr mu cl E. Sharp, E. A. 13, D.
,Veza Ada Etheline, youngest dau-
ghter of Mrs. and the late Simon
!Campbell to :Dr. 'George Edward
Jurben Lannin, of Hamilton, Canada
EWEN—At Zuri^h•, on June 12th, Jean
Ewen. aged 8 years.
Duman. McLaren a IItbl:ert Town-
ship farmer, was killed and terrible
mangled by trains during Wednesday
n'ght of last. week. Ile was aged about
45 years. The body was found on
tho C. P. R. tracks Thursday, with
both legs and an arm cut off, and
the trunk /frightfully mutilated. Mr.
McLane had been in Dirumbo buy,-
ing a cow, and was returning on the
train which reaches Dublin about 11
p. m. It is presumed he attempted
to alight from -the train while it
was moving, and was killed in 'so (lov-
o-ing, and that a freight train, which
followed some time later, ;ran over
the body carrying it for a considers
able distance. An inquest wa'i open-
ed by Coroner Dr. 3. W. M. Arm-
nee rinks of bowlers, 11. G. Selden
and Ji A. Stewart, and C. ;3, Sn.11 nrd
R. N,,Creech left Wednesday for Lon-
don to take part to the tournament
in Scotch doubles. 'The latter will de-
fend tie teophy that they won last
seam , . , .. .
Jane Promotions
marl SICIXOGI, , ' , e e
Form IT to '.form TI1—G. Han'on,
,(on term wor+ls t C. Harris, (special
regulation 're faint work.)
Form I to Fern II— (1) On term.
work, Maggie "Strang, T'earl Cann,
Vera Jones; (2) '.Sy special regule
, ation, re work on firms, M;.cnougall;
I(3) !By rune exa.Mination, Verde Hart-
leib 74; Mervyn iCamm 73; Haro'd
(Boyle 70e Mae Ford 70; Clifford
Mallett 69; Hazel Laing 07; Verde
Hill 66; Gordon Copeland 02; Alma
Harding 02; Gordon :Bedford 64; (is
recommended having failed on one
subject). .1
Jr. IComtnereil-M'u
.-t't D iy 77; B'an-,
sho Cann 68; Irene Zurfle 67; Violet
To complete conditions of promot-
ion, H, Boyle and M. Strang' have to
hand in collection"of insects, Theetard
ing of the reconenended cnr.didates, 1
and of' one -or ttvo who (throughii1-•
tress) did not Write in June. will' be
reconsidered by the teachers in fiept- '
' C. 'Spark, Prisc'pal.
Frugality is being exercised to a
large extent at present. lioldays are
not sd far in the distant future and
the preparedness policy is being ing
. w .
This is the 'season when everyone
should 'be alive to the 'outdoor beaut-
ties of nature.
The hay crop on the base bait
diamond Lae been unmolested iso far
tti,s season and nature is providing
a revenue from the field that in cith',r
seasons was made up by' gate re-
The fact that some people are bless-
ed far beyond others in this world
toms up largely before~ the young
ster who has to contiau:' on to rcbool
until the end of June while mauy are
already enjoying the holidays.
. . r *
The 'season hiss bean backward for
outdoor painting but the good 'woe
men of the house have 'been keeping
the painters ' busy indoors. They
prospects axe good for a busy spell
on tiro outside as enott as the weather
settles. lee a good sign.
. . . .
The bawling green is a beautiful
spot of which any town or city might
haven I'xesbyterisu Chur.h. E .etre, to proud. It never looker! better
Ontario was the scene of a very than it does at the present tier. I'ru
t;• the beauty of this res kept green.
tett wedding, ,
Tuesday 1
pretty a1 at high,
noon, when Miss ' Vert Ads Ethelind o "marred ;by the longad grass that dire
orates the boulevard in front. The
Campbell, youngest daughter antis. same might be said of the 'Carnegie
and the late. iScmon `Campbell, was Library. The )assn has he�en level-
Enwed in marriage , of r. George led and seeded down but the boule-
Edward Jurgen Corrin, Hamilton
The church was artistically &coll-
ated with snowballs, tnargnerite,.
and ferny and the ceremony was con- of town giving warning that the .Ben
busied ley !Rev. Sameel F. Sharp. B A. ycle by-law will be enforced. Nature
B. D. pastor of the chureh. air, T'h'1L las put a ban on using the roads
lips played the, wedding music the best pare of the time. and so
throughout the serviee and while the the bicyle must lay on the shelf or
register was being {signed a solo was the rider defy the law. The bicyle
efficiently rendered by Miss Bins -i las long suite been di•'carded as a
man. j source of pl asure and i.3 used el ief-
The bride looked very chartable
in i ly for conveni n^e and the assn cal;
a gown en -train of soft 'white faille
Lamina = Campbell
vard is being overlooked.
The 'counnil has plac,irded the post
with embroidery of silver lace and
Her veil of white tulle was arrang-
ed with a coronet caught up with
orange blossom's and she carried a
bouquet of white 'ruses and aparagus
Her cousin. Bliss Irene 'Roblin of
Hamilton as bride's maid bankeed very
pretty in a hand embroidered gown
of blue crepe-der=ohene over pink with
a picture hat to match and her bou-
quet was of pink ewes,
Little Vera rltapusay, nice of the
bride was flower girl in 'a pretty
frock• of:whiteoiVI' T ev ughexts . were
two girls, friends of the bride", Miss
Dow and Ares GilPes.
Mr. Frank O. H • ere on of the St : nd-
ard 'Bank of Toronto an old friend
of tie groom was best man.
Following thq ceremony a reception
was held at the residence .of the
bride's mother, who wore black
charmeuse with a corsage of mauve
The bride's table was decorated
with' pink and white carnations 'roses
and Mlles of the valley and a dainty
luncheon was served.
After the. usual speeches and toasts
Dr. and Mrs. Lannin left for their
honeymoon torsi of about three weeks
through the west. Tho bride travelled
in a smart tailored blue silk :suit with
hat to match.
The !bride is well known and is a
popular, young lady of town. She is
a graduato of the Remit= 'City Hos-
pital training school for nurse-. Dr.
and Mrs. Lannin will reside at Hamil-
ton. The best wishers of a host of
friends will follow them to their new
Board of Health
A meeting of the Exeter Board of
Health as called by the chairman:
was held. in the office. of 'Dr. Quack-
enbush.. Members l:re:ent. Peeve J. '1V
Taylor, Dr. {luacken.bush and the
chairman li, E. Hueston.
The minutes of the ;last meeting u:-
Leld oti March 25th were read and
The chairman reported tnat nur-
ir,g the day a \neje had been made to
Mr. Risers slaughter hou_e and theme
Is a bu,g bear. ,
The Milk Can Brigade
You never miss the water tilt the
well runs dry, and you never miss
the milk man till he quits the rounds.
Exeter boasted of three 'milk routes
not long since but at the present
time our citizens know something of
the inconvenience caused by the nonce`
delivery of that particular white
fluid without which. the pleasure of
many a meal is robbed ot something
-tut run be replaced in no other way.
'We have often hcacrd it suggested
that the auto " wish• 'sue/wade-
supe ode
the horse but no one has come
foreard wirlf anything that will take'
the place of the cow The
faithful old bovine fills a place that
cannot be superseded, the products of
which loom, largely in the Luxuries
that we enjoy and without which
many a dainty' dish would lack some-
thing off its richness. Poor ungrateful
critters that we are that we seldom
stop to consider to what and in what's
manner we are indebted for the
bounteous provision; we enjoy. Lux-
uries are so lavished upon us that
we accept them as a matter of fact
and grumble if they are not forth-
coming. Like our health wee don't ap-
preciate it until we have lost it. We
used to grumble with the milk man
'Ho was either too early or too late
in making. the rounds, the milk con-
tained too many bacteria or else
there wasn't !enough cream on it. 'But
now, many of our citizens would be
glad to have it delivered almost any
time oe any way a long as they got
the milk. l'he ireilk route has been
caluellt'd and anyone se ;:ortunate er
tinfortnnete to poseees a cow is lit-
ter;:lly besieged with prespective
patron, and lucky is the cue who
finds hiic naeli 'supplied by his :nearest
neighbor who deals in this commodity
Daring the early morning or the dusk
of the evening you will rind men and
women, boys and girls hitting the
trail for the day's supply of milk.
There it the sin at quick ,step of the
man ss ith a limited time at his depose
al to 'break his fast and. be at hes job
in the proper time. Ladies find in
it an opi.ortunity to stroll off togeth-
er and chat over the events of the
' day. The younster takes hits wagon
sr udi was found in a very zatiffen ov' and does a little . mix-iionary work
condition, free from any offensive for some of his fortunate neighbors
odor, well screened and no flies found Some are lucky enough to have only
within the place. a short distance to go while others
Dr, f�uaokenbush reported as is have to travel blocks. Tin pails and
his vugis a.obetden Toronto, Health esociay 33th tion pitchers ill si ape' and sizes, sauce
31st. The Dr giving a very full re- 'nsiui long
• hallos go onand !e u -
port of the several discu.ts•ons. The withoutat, and alas too utter many a meal
report was adopted .e motion of is partaken while the recipients b:-
Breve Taylor and accepted by the 'roan the fact. that its mighty touch
Board. luck to go without the milk.
The mention fox an Tncrnerator fox s
the sehool;as discussed in ,the report
was considered' very favorab'y by the
board.:Copieil of the improved model
as manufactured by the 11IcCali Ko,
and in. use in several municipalit:es
and else in the camp grounds at Niar
gain. The cost 'being abut e3:0 00
installed, saving a populace of 7C(1)potcons and operated at a cot of half
a cent per head. •
Adjournment. to .call. ;If chairman,
J. Senor, Seiy.
Illustrated War Lecture. "ON THE
F1111NU ',INE with the Fronch and
:British Arm'cs," Vividly d eearthed
and illustrated by Mons. G. Marcel
Andre, of Paris, .France, under the
auspices of the • I'atriotio League.
Two hundred actual War scenes, in-
cluding Canadian troops in action.
Exeter Opera) .1loue, Friday Jun: 23 d
General admission 25c, reserved antis
A pretty Juno wedding toile place
on 'Wednesday, June lith a: 12 u'sl-ek
in the Methodist church, Whalen
when Francis Squire, .son of George
Scpere, and Vera Ilod.gson, only dau-
ghter of Mr. and :Mrs. Nathaniel
Ogden, were made man and wife by{
'Rev. Mr. Finlay, in the presence of
a )ergs company o: guests. 'Ihe wed- •
ding march was pl•iyed by Miss Myr-
tle Squire, sister of the groom. The
bride looked charming in a dress
of navy blue silk. The couple were
unattended.. The gro.,m's gift to the
bride was a brooch set With pearle
and to the pianist, a beautiful gold
pin. They left on the train for Toron-
to. Hamilton and other eastern points.
A !safe, gentle, inexpensive laxa-
tive such as `ttea.all Orderlie" kept
in the home will ray this li!sg •at ?a.'-
idend; of any invesunent ever m .d..
50e. Reserved spate at Beaver's btoane.l.lee and 25o exclusively at 'Rexell
The annual meeting of 'the South
Huron Liberal Association as covetitt-
utsd fairs Dominion pnrlaoses snare held
in tee Tow>,s hall, k1enstal, on Tues-
day afternoon. There .w.ss a good
eepre:*entation frorn each seeIion of
tie riding. J 1r, U. Smith .presided.
During the election of officers Air.
Smith declined to accept re -nom ra-
ation foe preesidc at, but the meeting
was so unseeinoute in. his favor that
he was prevailed upon to again fill
tie !chair. Mr. D. C. Melanie, of town
was elected asst vise preys.; J. Ping -
land, Hultett, 2nd 'vice pres.; M,
Murdy, MoKillop, , 3rd vise pres.;
Secy. !1•t. G. Seldon, of Exeter; Treas.
Dr. Moir, 1fen.ail; Chairmen or the
tow nships;—iOoderich, tp. E, Wiee;
Stanley, D. Anderson; Bayfield, 1,,
Thompson; Hay, .C, Fritz; Osborne,
S. 'Routley; Stephen, T. Collins; Hen -
sell, tDr. Malloy; Exeter, 0, •llarver;
Tuokersi ith, Geo. 131at:k; G.lintone Mr.
McLennan; 1•lullett, Mr. Vi'att; Mq
Killop, Mr. McDowell; Seaforth, Jas.
Watson; Auditors, J. ltatclifie and
Jas. liinchley. Oflicers were alto ap-
pointed ,for tie local house as fol-
lows; pres. John Easery, Osborne;
let vice, J. Kellerman, Dashwood,
end vice, 'Robt.+. tcl�,y, Tucker'smhk.
3rd vice L. 'Thompson, Hayfield; Secy.
T. Shillinglaw,. Seaforth; i4'reas J
Preeter. Zurich; Me sr.,. The.. 'Mar-
shall, lin, P. P., of Dunnville, ar.d
Thos. .McMillan, the Liberal .candi-
condidate for the federal house. gave two
splendid addres-es. Resolutions of
confidence in the Literal leaders in
both houses, and a sympathy in the
death` ort 1,1. Y. McLean, of Seaforth,
and 'Rob.. Gardiner, of Farquhar, were
unanimously passed.
'The Council of the $'ownshisp. Woks
Stepien convened in the 'Power Ua1
on 'Thursday, the 15th of Joao In1(
tat 1 p. m Ali members were peen
sent, The minutes 01 the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
Gravel 'contraets to the :amount see
e.C25.25 were le!t fer gravelling the.
roads in, the municipality.
The following orderee wrelre pttseed;'•
Eigia Webb, repairing road 1100: 'Vole
Geiser and others, grading, 73.25;
Ed. Feiner, repairing bridge 6.00;
Joseph Lawson, gradiaxg ,and tile..
8.50; Geo, •Ma'crrbi.nney, ,tip. +Crede-
,)tans road, 4.00; Fred & W. Mason,
rep. read- ne, S. L1, 12;50; Cerruti*.
ers and others grading 18:00; Mathew
Sweitzer Commissioner, • 2.7e; Fred
Edger -Dement) tile, S. E. 2.00,; Lyma:ni
Glanville, tile, 1.60.
The council adjourned to meet .age
air lea the Tatra Hall, Crediton, ,ors
Monday, Anguslt 7th 191.6 at 1to. an.
Henry Eil4eer, clerk.
Mr. Es in,g, of Taber, Alta., was th+e
gaaest all Mrs. T. AMIGO oxt TacndaT.
Mr. S. A. BTeDenalel ntis ret:arned
to bis :flatlet; at the .Bongo f'£osximere
ce after holidaying is St. Thomas.,,
Mr, Wm. Fritz stained his ltoli:tays
Monday and its visiting 5t ha,. home
in Gttelpla'.
Dashwood bed a big celebration on
Tuesday, it having been postponed
from Juan's 3rd. The weather was find,
and there was a large crowd present
ferosn the ssnrrounduag community, •
Horse races. a parade, h. sebull, etc
were featuxe:s of the day's pregra:0e
Ladies Black Cotton Hose l9c pair,
150 a pair,
Cbildretis Tara Hope 2 pairs for 25c
p.,ifiT for. 255,
Ladies Sums er Vests 10c to 250 each.
rabroider'ie&& ad IAMB in big variety
We have just passed into stack a
good buy of Travellers Samples of Hos-
iery, Gloves, Soy;, Towefls, Underwear,
Collars etc. which we will sell at whole_
sale cost'
Cotyle Eargy and get yotsr Choice
Shoes all the leading shapes and
Our Prices are right
E 85 A
• ori n
of C 9S
S is
New fiats, Shirts, Ties,
Arrow Collars, and all
other Furnishings for
All the Latest Styles in Spring
Clothing for men.
PHONE 8 i a
t aunicatioxt of June 16!rx'rttxglu