HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-15, Page 8rw ..TM,a:,.,
We can assist
selecting your furniture if
you are going to furnish
your home, or if you only
want some odd pieces.
Phu libj WAT
Phone Phone 16
w A•ts T
We have a large stock of Room 'Rigs in Tapestries,
1 is Velvets and Wiltons which we offer yon at
13ra sse , V l
prices that they cannot oe bought for at the mills besides
you will get the old dyes. We carry a big range of sizes
suitable for small rooms as well as the extra large ones,
also Ores. Rugs in four sizes for'Verandahs.
Including a splendid range of Curtain Gord by the
yard in Nets, Screens and Muslins which make pretty
curtains at low cost at per yard 15c, 20o, 25c, 3Oc to 75c
also excellent values in Lace Curtains ?•yds long at per
pair 630, 75c, $LOO, $ r.50 to $5.50
We are very fortunate to have in stock such a fine
assortment of Oilcloths and Linoleums in the different
widths in pretty floral and tile patterns which we are
selling at nearly the old prices, also two pretty tile pat-
terns in Nairn's Inlaid Linoleums. Bring in your meas-
urements and let us quote you. our prices
Renew your subscription to the Designer this
month. The price is 45c a year. Every month the
Designer goes into the home of its subscribers bringing
smart fashions We carry in stock the Standard Pat-
terns which are very simple to use and are guaranteed to
be correct in every detail.
ST ,.C:;WART Phone 16
The Big Store with the little prices
Market Report—The tollowitag'
the Tenort of the Exeter market
corrected uee to June 15the
Wheat 90 to 95, 1"
Oats 45e to 50c, t i
Earley 50 to 55o '`• '
Buckwheat 60 to 65e fet'y 1
,'Peas $1.00
New Spring
for Ladies
Spring fahions are arriving and
comeine in Fabric and Style a unique
and interesting collection, , meeting
the requirements for tat wear and
It is unusual to 'present too early in
he season so great a variety, but
•styles were determined early and the
most favored shown.
The present time is most advantag-
eous for buying as all indications
poitn to higher prices in the future,
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs. Opposite the ;Central
Our Undertaking De-
partment is up to -date in
every respect and we guar-
antee the best of satisfact-
R. N. Rowe
'rite Funer.l Director and
P'wrr%Reg lee De eller"
Forts by sixty, 20 ft. siding;, in
:first-class condition. Good bargain
for quick sale. Situated 1 1-2 mites
from Exeter. Apply to Nelson Stan -
lake, Exeter.
Automobile tire and rim between
Hillsgreen and Exeter, by way of
Kippen and Chiseihcrst. Dominion
tire 32" by 3 1-2". Finder will be
hui!tably rewarded by 'calling up G.
J. Dow, No. 83 Exeter
'Chiropractors have remarkable suc-
cess in removing the cause of Appen-
dicitis. Deafness, Asthma, Rheum-
atism. Lumbago. .Lame +3ack,Constip-
a#ion. Piles, Female Diseases, S
and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros-
tration and Goiter.
See Dr. S. DI. Jones. Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday. Office Mrs. S. A.
Harness, Main St. Exeter, hours 10
to 4. Examination free.
Give him a
Vest Pocket Autographle Kodak
So small, compact and unobtrusiye
that be can base it with him always
ready for the unexpected picture
opportunity that alwass happens,
Dight as a watch it may be carried.
just as conveniently—he can wear
Kod ks from $7.00 -up..
Brownie Carneraa $i.00 up
f li O`W E YS Storbruge
Ask to see the new Folding Brovt+nies
and Kodak Juniors.
Family Flour $3.10 ' J re1 1
Low Grade •Flour $1..75. i �' t` '
Bran $20.00 per ton. .
Shorts $28,00 ',ped+ teen
n € ie.
Butter 25o. i• (
Creamery 'Butter 30 to 32e.,
Potatoes $¢.00 to 2.25. 1
Hogs $10.00. f•
all the
Phone your Order
Wilson's Grocery
• •••••*• •i••••• •
Mrs. J. H. Grieve is visiting in
The holiday season will soon be
upon us.
The prospects are bright for 'a big
harvest of fruits.
The condition or Mrs. Thos. Barton
shows a ,alight improvement.
Sergt. C. P. Harvey, of :Hamilton,
was Some on week -end leave.
Mrs. Dougald Love left on Tuesday
for Missouri to visit her sister.
Mr. Fred ;Brimacombe, of Kirwood,
spent the week -end at his home bore.
Mrs. Stanbury or Bayfield is vr+:,-
itirig her son Mr. J. G. Stanbuty at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett were
in London Friday last witnessing the
military parade.
Mr. and:.11rs. R. G. teldon and fam-
ily motored to Ingersoll and spent
Sunday with, friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snell and M.
and Mrs. Prank Delbridge motored
to 'London Saturday last.
Sergt. Tom J3rimacombe of the of-
ficers mess 149th Battalion, London,
was home for the week, -end.
3Tisses Sarah Petty and Flossie Foss
of Hensall, motored down and spent
Sunday with Miss B. Howey.
Main street received a heavy coat
of oil on Monday that should help
solve the dust nuisance this summer
One or the hotels in town was
raided Saturday' evening and it is re-
ported that whisky was found in the
bar -room.
Mrs. Fred Rickbeil and two child-
ren oJY'Clando, N. D. are visit'ng at
the home of the former's parents
hIr. and Mrs. S. Hardy.
Lieut Manning Smith of 'Bayfield
has returned from the front whore
be served as doctor firet at the Dar-
danelles and later at Sucz.
Mr, Howard, Quackenbush, who has
been attending dental college at
Milwaukee, has been successful in
passing his final examinations.
A. baptismal service was held at
Caven Church Sunday when the in-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G,
bury was namedJohn Lowry."
After an absence of two Sundays
attending the London conference at
Kingsville, 'Rev. S. W. Muxworthy
occupied his own pulpit in 'Main St.
church last Sabbath.
'Rev. E. A. Pear of Lucknow, visit-
ed with his daughter, Mrs. W. • S.
Howey bothon his way to and from
conference at Kingsville. Mr. Fear
is moving to Wheatley.
Corp. M. Pfaff, of London, spent
tLe week -end in town. Corp. Pfeil
wes successful i:n. passing his recent
exterinations and on his return to
London was awared the three stripes
that of sergeant.
Messrs. C. H. Sanders and J. M.
Southcott attended a meeting of the
Huron and Perth publishers in
Stratford last week. The visitors
were entertained to luncheon and an
auto trip about the +city by . ; the
13oard of Trade.
The editor returned last Friday af-
ter attending Lhe 58th annual cone
vention of the Canadian Press Asso-
ciation held in Toronto and a delight-
ful trip' to the head of the lakes. An
account all the tripbe'
ts.even our
readers next` week.
In tLe absence of the pastor Rev,
W. G. 31. McAlister. 'Rev. J. D. Eestle
read the pastoral address to the eon-
gregation of James street church last
Sabbath morning. Mr. Thos. Harvey
gave an interesting !report of the
London conference. In the evening
Rev. Mr. J3arnard, of Elimville, oc-
cupied the pulpit and preached a
very acceptable sermon.
The 'W. C. T. '1)'.:of Ontario nrc.
telping the Y, M. C. A, in providing
comforts for our, isoldierrs in 'the tren-
ches, by serving hot !soup, cocoa and
desserts. Dee local Members wish fo
thank the following ladies;— Mrs.
)(to, Mrs, rollick, Mrs. Powell, be-
sides individual contributions, The
st,l,aol cistldreri of Aliases 'Murray &
leit'.sre tis' rooms gave efneerts 'f,0
Mr. T. 0. Soxtth`cott IA In Toronto
this Week on a business trip for Mr,
J. A. Stewart.
Mr. Art Smith, of Brantford, motor-
0tor-e.d 'up and spent Sunday at thio h orme
of Mr. Alex Dyer.
111rs. alenshed, of v Detroit, is visit,.
ng her parents, Mr. stud %Ire. I.
Hail olt Exeter north. e
Mrs. 3, Inwood and daughter of
London, spent'the week end atthe
home of Mr. SaSanders..
Mrs, J , W. Powell returnedhome
Saturday after spending several weeks
in London undergoing treatment.,
Mrs, •Goodsviu and two ahildre n of
New York state aro visiting the orm-
er's father, Mr. Jas. Willie of Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. 'Will McLaughlin and
child, of Brantford, spent Sunday with
the former's parents, lir. and Mrs.
J, McLaughlin.
The Ladies Guild of Trivitt Memor-
ial church intend holding their an-
nual GardenParty on Friday June
30th. Particulars later.
Mr. and, Mrs. Henry Gould are this
t4 eek moving their family to Grand
Bend where they will have •oharge of
the Exeter park and summer hotel
for this season.
Mr. Thos. Hazelwood, who suffered
a paralytic stroke isorne weeks ago,
is improving slowly. He has been mov-
ed to the home of Mr. Thos, tRoad-
heese in Usbor.ne.
Amaro the Privates from London
who were home for the week end
sti ere F. Wells, H. Parsons, H. Hen -
wood, N, Hockey, W. W. Millson. E.
D.1. \\ Miami and Garnet Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mantle and
Mr. and Airs. H, 'Rowe left Tuesday
evening. for Toronto to attend It con-
vention of coal dealers. They will en-
joy a trip down the it. Lawrence.
Little Margery Clark, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. (Bert Clark, who was ill
for some time but was able to be
around again, suffered a 'relapse on
Sunday and is now in •a critical cone
Among those who attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. \Ves. Lamporte
were Mrs. Hutchinson and daughter
;Cora, of London, Mrs. Brown and dau-
ghters Muriell and Mildred Evans, iof
Ailsa Craig; Mr. Jack Laanporte, orf
Detroit, Pte. Marshall,, of London;
and Mri ,Chris I3alsden, of Stratford.
The Willing Workers Mission Cir-
cle oil James St. church held a picnic
at Riverview Park Tuesday afternoon.
Icecream and refreshments were
served and the girls enjoyed a very
pleasant time. This Circle was pre -
seated with $5.00 from a St. 'Thomas
man for biting the banner Sirele on
the district.
flames to expect.
The union is in op.positiot) with the
z;arth anti, Sun, and at greatest dee
ination south on the 15th, and in per-
igee, or nearest, the Earth, :on the
10th, We have indicated 'Wednesday
the 14th. to Sunday the 18th, a con
lineation of daily rain and thunder
storms. A, peculiarity et'June selstieo
stories, LZ, that heavy downpours ot
rainlightning and thurder often De-
mur wittote corresponding fall of
the barometer. it is not uixootnmon
for these solstioe storms and squalls
to repeat themselves, (.several ,times
daily, and several days in seeoession,
with the 'barometer standing . near
the normal. At the same time a watch
should be kept on the barometer, as.
a decided tall at such times always
indicates real and imminent dal;ger,•
The wise w.ttcher at this and other
June store periods, willbe von the '
lookout fol; much rain, especially for
the baffling afternoon thunder show-
ers that 'perplex the farmers in tbie•iri
harvesting ansl hay making.
We think it best to repeat that
it is 'unwise and reckletes to seek shol-•
ter from, these June thunder storms
under greein trees, in barns, Istablies
and other similiar places. Whenever
possible go into your own or somebody
else's house, close the windows and
doors, and keep back from stoves,
open fire places and other conducting
mediums. The number of deaths by
lightning, especially those who run
under green trees in June ;thunder
storms its something startling, While,
as a rule, these aio:stice storms are
not dangerous, either from lightning
or wind, there are very' vital ;except
ions, and.. there are always indication
to those who will see them, when dan-
gerous lightning bolts, and tornadia
danger are near. Upon the whole
the 14th to the 19th, is a time to
exercise proper care and watchful-
ness. Loofa for much rain and conse-
quent floods in local streams and
larger rivers. Very cool nights kin
central tel northern regions will come
after storms have passed ofle to the
Mr. Nelson Stanlake has disposed of
his 100 acre C.ism .in the Township of
Hay. situate on the Town Line to Mr.
Isaac D.insferd of the Township of
Stephen, Mr. Stanlake retaining all
buildings cn the •fan. Der. 'Stanlake
the same day purchased 50 acres from
Mr. John Rowe being the north half ,
of Lot 2, Con 2, Hay and also purch-
ased 50 acres from Mr. Henry 'Smith.
being the west part oe the south half
of Lot 2, and part .of Lot 1, on Con.2.
Hay. Mr, Rowe takes Mr. Stanlake's
house in Exeter on the deal. In all
cases possession will be given in the
fall, when Mr. Stanlake intends tak-
ing up farming again.
It wail unanimously decided at the
district meeting of the South Perth
Orange lodges held in Stratford that
they celebrate July 12th at Clinton.
With Huron and Perth, lodges both
meeting at) Clinton that town should
witness a large celebration of the
battle of the Boyne.
The midsummer ; examinations are
now on for many ofthe clsssee in
the public and high schools. On 'Wed-
nesday the students •coni nenoed to
write on the junior matriculation.
On Thursday the lower school Nor.''
mal entrance examinations wi11 cam-
mence. On June 20th writing will
commence on the 'middle school Nor-.
mal entrance examinations and on
tee following day the high school en-
trance examinations will start.
The June sittings or the County
Court and the General' Session open
ed at the court house, Goderich on
Tuesday of this eveek. His honor
Judge :Dickson presided. Th ere are
four civil cases on the docket. three
to be tried by jury and' one without
jury, and three criminal cases. David
Brown wilt appear to answer to a
charge of theft of furs,'.n.nd William.
Bender will tate the accusation of
sbbornation or perjury in connection
with presecutions under the Liquor
License Act in which he was involved.
The third case is that or arson again
sti Roy Metcalfe, who is accused of
setting fire to some building;., in Sea-
forth. Mr. S. Hardy of town appears
as one of the witnesses inthe latter
case. Mr. W. A. Balkwill is called ars
juryman. Mr. George Essery ot `Cen-
tralia is also a juryman.
A quiet wedding took flue Wednes-
day, at 4.30 o'clock in the First Meth
odist Church, London, ' when Edna
Louise ;Burridge became the bride of
Ber:nison A. Pander or Toronto. The
ceremony was performed by Rev,
Dr. Flanders, The bride looked charm-
ing in a suit, of gabardine, and wore
Milan tat, with corsage bouquet of
orctids and sweet peas. The bride
was assisted by ler cousin, Miss Mar-
guerite Vincent, while ,Charles' S.
Martin supported the groom. The
groom's gifts to the bride was a plat-
i.num dinner. ring; to the 'bridesmaid
a wrist watch, and to the groomsman
a tic pin. The happy couple left via
(1, 1''. R, New 1•:ortk and Atlantic City.
On their return they win reside in
Toronto. The 'bride was well known
in town having visited here en nam-
emus occasions, being a neice of, Mrs:
A regular r so
rm petiod 15
on the 16th, embracing the 14th to
eseiet in the fund, Which totaled .;'CO3 to lee 1ftth.. `Disturbing causes and
TIEUflSDAeie ;111131 15(b 1916., ar
For libelee. I3uolcwkea
lnrvey Bros.
for seed `see
HOUSE A•ND i ( e k `
The frame house and half acre of
land situated on Gid1er street,. ExeteS'
and owned by Mrs. Deavitt 'will bei
offered Zee quick. sale. Apply' to (Chas.
Hervey, on Huron St. ,
We have a specially select-
ed Stock of No. 1, Good
Standard Bed Clover Alsike,
riareotby, A.Ifalfat, 5 wee t
Clover, Orchard and Blue-
grass, Seed Corn, etc.
Just received a shipment of
No. 1, Imported Alsike at
$12.50 per bt,shel.
Special prices given on
pub Orders of $i0 and up-
. wards.
We have a quantity of
for Sale.
A Call Solicited
ll`t)R SALE .. ..
.A cement 'tile plant complete in
every part, Unlimited supply or grav-
el. Close to river. Apply on premise.?
Lot 30. "Concession 5 Uuborne.
11Irs. S. Cudmorc, Hensel;
4410 Totes of Fine, Land and Cattfa:
Salt for sale, All grades $5.50 per
ton; 500. per tang. --Exeter Salt ;Mina*
Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager. •
SALT FOR SALE,—An excellent
quality of Sarnia made salt for sate'
at the :old Temperance Nouse at the
G, T R. station. Sold in any quant-
ity. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction is guaranteed, -- EUI.
MAGUIRE, Exeter,
FERRY F. ,DOUPE, Licensee *aglsa
tioneer, , Sales "conducted in any law
oality. Terms moderate Orders leek
at Times office will be prompti:vt attt
tended to. 'Phone .11S, Kirktoa.-rAd.x
dress Kirkton P.O.
� Y
Torrance School. Gnelvh,
decorated with 'Neu -Tone
Home in Montreal, decorated
with "Neu -Tone"
.4 Church in Nova Scotia;
decorated with "Neu -Tong
for the Walls
It is so easy and so economical to have a beautifully
.decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish.
The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight the woman
and man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home.
When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and
bother of washing and scraping the plaster to re -decorate.
Simply apply another coat of "NEU-TONE" in any shade or
tint desired.
NEU-TONE" is cheaper than wall paper. It is truly
economical ---absolutely sanitary -can't fade, scale or rub off—
AND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a "NEU-
TONE" wall and takes , away dust, stains and finger prints.
;Marble -It Floor F! or Finish will withstand all the wear and
abuse to which a floor varnish is subjected ; it call be used on
hard or soft wood floors ; every can carries with it a money.
back guarantee.
Write direct to the.Martiin-Seursor Co., Limited, Montreal,
for their 1916 Booklet; diToivri and Country Hoed", showing araiay
new color schemer and giving valuable paint icfarmatioa.
. t,71IPP It ir
7 7 ,Z,Z Z Z