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Exeter Times, 1916-6-15, Page 4
i THE •EXETER TIMES Tame, J.UNII 15th, .i . REMARKRLE STATEMENT 1► rrs,Sheldon Spent $1900 for Treatment Without. Bene,,, fit Finally IiadeWell by Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Vega eabll& Compound ,, Englewood. W Bile g of tI trough the Change or Life I suffere with headaehes,ner- vorz'snees, flashes of heat, and I suffered. so much 1 did not know what I. was doing^ at times. I spent $1900 on doc- tors and not one did' me er •r 3. .;. ay a lady ealled at my house and said she /rad been as sick as I was atone time,. and Lydia E. Fink - hares Vegetabl a Compound und rade her we1'l, so 1 took it and snowam just as well as 1 ever was- 1 armot understand why wvrrmen don't asee how much pain and suffering they would escape by taking your etre cine, cannot praise it enough for it saved achy l'afe and kept me from the Insane Hospital."—Mrs. E'. EirM. oh, 5607 S. s 4 ysnciarxs and= lrt y did ieirbes • battled with this case steadily and coup tlo nq meee1but often the most scientific tt'eatineet tssizrpass'ed byth6Mhdiehiat Ixrope;rtxes of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. 1.'initlrant's'Vegetable GG spoon . If any complication axis -s it pays to write the Lydia lG, Pink- 2lxam 1§'redleine Goe, Lynn, Mass., ;tar speetal free advice® Friik DAY il{ Y 24th ms-G;LE FARE— Good going and re- turning May 24th. FAIRE & ONE THUD — Good going 11ay 23rd and 24th. re'tur:x limit 1 May 25th, i Return, tickets will be issued bar- ;ween all stations in Canada east of Pt.• Arthur and to Detroit and Pt, Huron, Mtch., Buffalo., _Black +Rock and Niagara Falls,. N.Y. Tickets and tall particulars on Application to the ticket agents„ N, Jy DORE, Agent I.P MAR ; agemli PLANS FOR 'IRELAND. Intend Getregs's. 'Provo:3 0s ,Etre TAO)* 5 fir t,o trite !Affect. ;17C1'l3LIN, June 1.3. ---Aa official re- port issued by the ittatiorxalist party concerning its 'recent meeting gives the Ittetory of the situation resulting from .Premier Asquith's visit to Ire- land and the appointment of David Lloyd George to negotiates a settle- ment of the dilzereoees between the Irish Factious. ' The statement says Premier As- quith returned' from Ireland pro- foundly convinced tbat the castle government was completely broken down, and that he made no attempt to set it ap again by the apptrintrnent of either a Lord -Lieutenant or a Chief Secretary for Ireland. It gives the proposals of Mr. Lloyd Goerge, formulated on his (nen rosponsibilier nq i resrt'it of his consultation with ail Cue 0.1,.es, which may be regard- ed as the Government's proposals. The proposals were; "First, to bring the Home Rule Ant into immediate operation; second, to intreduce forthwith an amending bill as a strictly war emergency act; third, that during the interim the Irish m::m-bersc•t+re to remain in Westrninrter in their full numbers; fourth, that during the war emerg- eney period the six Ulster counties shonId remain under the Imperial Government; fifth, that immediately after the war aza,Itnpnnai„ en.ereekee of representatives of all dominions be held to consider the future gov- ersera r{i o:f the Empire, inoludixtg,tlxe government of Ireland; and, sixth, that following this conference and in the internal proa^ided 'by the War Emergency Act a permanent settling of all great outstanding problems would bero:.eeded witb- The fo; going proposals were set out briefly in a speech at the Nation- •ilist meeting by John Redmond, who added that no conference had yet been held between the opposing parties, each side submitting pro- posals to its own supporters. IU�IES IS CHOSEN. 1CIe is Nominated by Old Line Repub- Beane for Presidency. CHICAGO„ Jpne 13.—For Presi- dent: Charles Evans Hughes, of New York.. Vice -President: Charles Warren Fairbanks,_of Indiana. �itXhis a' ket .r orcinated Satur- day afternoon, atter the collapse of Peace negotiations with the Progres- sive party, the Republicans entered the campaign of 1916 Judge Hughes was named on the third ballot, the first and only one taken on Saturday, receiving 949 yg votes; Colonel Roosevelt received 18%; Lodge 7,. Dupont 5, Weeks 3, and Lafollette 3, For Vice -President, Fairbanks was chosen on the first ballot for Vice- Presideut, receiviug 863 votes, Former Senator Burkett of Nebraska received 1.05; Senator Borah of Idaho 7, Governor Johnson of California 2, and Wm, Grant Webster 2. The appearance of harmony and unity within the party was presented when, just before the convention ad- journed at 2 p.m., the nominations were made unanimous. It was ac- clamation without heartiness, with- out zest, without enthusiasm .m, SUCCESSES FOR BRITISH.. Two Forces Have Won Victories in German East Africa. LONDON, June 13.— British troops invading German East Africa from the north have captured Mom - bo, a town on the railroad in the ITsambara district of German East Africa, while another British force operating from Rhodesia has oc- cupied the town. of Bismarekburg, on the south-eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. The text of the British official statement announcing these successes says; "East Africa -The Pangani River has been bridged at Mikotsheni. Fur- ther progress has been made in the Usambara district. Mazinde has been reaehed and the Mombo station has been captured. Myalamo has been occupied. Major -Gen. van De- venter is engaging the Germans east of Kondoa Irangi. "On the Nyasaland border we cap- tured a field gun and booty in the Poroto mountains and occupied Bis- marckburg." Two Lumbermen Drowned. MATHESON, June 13.—While at- tempting to cross Moose Lake in a canoe during a heavy storm on June 2, A. J. Bateman and Ben Slee, two lumbermen, were upset and drown- ed before assistance could reach them. The accident was witnessed by a Mr. Rice on the shore, who en- deavored to oto the rescue, but the Men. had gone dowji. for the lair time before he could reach them. Date - man's body was found last Monday,,. while a search is still being made for Sloe. A, J, Batemanlived on Kenilworth avenue, Toronto, prior to coming north about two years ago, His father and mother also reside here. Italian Offensive Making - Progress, ROME,. June 13' —Austro-Huugar- Ia'n troops, 12,000 strong, Sunday at- tacked in massed formation tire Ital- ian positions on Monte Lemirle, but. were repulsed with heavy losses, says the 'Italian official statement given out here Sunday. The Italian offen- sive recently started between the Adige River and Brenta, the state- ment adds, is making progress at several points, Colliers Need Ships. HALIFAX,. June 13.—Nova Scotia coal miners -aye memorialized Sir R, Borden, setting forth tbat unless the Dominion coal steamers requisi- tioned by the Admiralty are released grave disaster will befall the indus- try. They ask for redress, ACTIVE AROUND YPRES. Salient Has Again Become Scene of Violent Bombardment. LONDON, June 13.—Aeeording to the British official .issued at midnight Sunday, the Ypres salient has once more become the scene of chief ac- tivity. For aboutthree hours during Sunday afternoon the enemy shelled the British trenches heavily on the southern portion front Hill 60 to a point 1,500 yards nortb. .The bom- bardment was preceded by the shell- ing during the morning of the town of Ypres and the hack area. The only infantry action during the day on this front was an attempt by the enemy to rush one of the blocking posts of the British in Sanctuary wood, It 4.s repulsed. Sunday night, after a heavy bom- bardment of the British trenches be- tween Thiepval, Blaumont, and Hamel, the enemy in the course of a raid in the Anere valley was able to eut off a few men who formed part of a wiring party; five are Missing. On the remainder of the front there was nothing except minor trench mortar and artillery actions opposite Fricourt and south of Neu- ville-St. Vaasa. A Fokker was brought down near Eabourdi.n. THINCISGrIrtheF9,- CST wETYy Yon can secure a 4 • z 2. Position , • le 'see. take a eoure witi us. The 4 4 demand upon us fear trained help d *ph irony tinaen the number grad ' •a uating. Students are emteriag • * each week.:You,may enter at sin? l • terve. Write at once ler our free 4 eatelogue . Commercial, Ebert- a o lame, air Telegraph, departmerv.4 400 • <0 D. A . 1bMelashlan, Peen • en. : ea r�r X95 crank r ■ .5.a f rrMOM 111 MEI irarinersi Made ire Canada Fertilizer $18 and $22 per ton New is the Hire to buy wh'e fence be= fore it advances in priced Let me quote you on your needs in the following lines, All kinds of Lumber iheJr dressed ©i ;rough. Shingles, Lath, Cedar Fence Posts, 8 ft long, 9 ft long and 10 ft long. Ccmentr, Wall Board and Ready Roofing. D t�t A J. ei i► l�� C itT ., O TI GRANTON CASTORI For infante and %Drell, The Kind You Have Awaits Bough' ter MEM MN JMAMIMMOM6MMZI IKEMIWINIMMMimiratiem [By G. 0 Nature lovers mourn the passing of [wild life under the iron heel of indus- trial progress end the profound con- cern of these lovers of out -door life would certainly be justified if there were no national reserves within the broad Dominion. Among the most popular of these, glorious national heritages of the'• people is the Algonquin Provincial Park, 1,754,473 acres in extent, situ- ated two thousand feet above the level of the sea, up in the " highlands of Ontario." This lovely region, set apart by the Ontario Government in 1892, remains today unspoiled, a per- fect refuge far the creatures of the forest, and an ideal pleasure -ground for the people. 71 is almost imposetbee to wails for half an hour from any of the camps or hotels without seeing one or m{.re deer, or Gaming across a beaver dam or other evidence of the existence of wild things - At the time this territory was set aside for a breeding ground and pre- serve, all kinds of for -bearing animals in this section had become almost ex- tinct. Today they have not only filled the park, brit have so overrun its boundaries that many adjacent town- ships are now wen stocked with game: This is especially the case with regard Industrious beaver, the who has followed the numerous rivers in the park for hundreds of miles, and Is now to be Lound in sections that bad none In the memory of the oldest inhabi- tants. It is estimated that the in- crease in beaver for 1916 will be several` thousands. Other fur -bearing animate have increased in proportion, and a number of pelts of beaver and other animals are now being taken out annually without any apparent decrease in their nufnbers, It is ex- pected tet a consldet"abie revenue will be realized by the Ontario Govern- ment in, the future frora this source. Included O among the fur -bearing heals to be found is the park, bee II NUNN W. BARTLETT, Superintendent of Algonquin "ark) sidesthe beaver, are the otter,mink, marten, fisher, raccoon, lynx, fox, ermine, musk rat, skunk, wolf and bear. Virginia deer are very abundant, notwithstanding the fact that large hunting parties are to be found each year on all sides, right up to the boun- dary lineofthe park. No hunting is allowed in the park, the object being to allow the deer to overflow and thus replenish the hunting grounds outside: Those roaming unmolestel inside the park have now become so numerous and tame that splendid pic- tures are taken of them by the hun- dreds of people who spend their holi- days in cruising from lake to lake through the vast chain of waterways. At nearly every turn of the river or lake, wild life of some kind is to be seen, Moose have also become nu- merous in most sections and are often photographedrh ed as theyfeel .n the lily Indeed, the prohibition agains hunting in the psrk greatly adds to the opportunities of the picture -hunter, since the wild creatures are much more, approachable than in localities where they are persistently hunted. To the excellence of the fishing to. bo enjoyed' in the park there is undis- puted testimony. Fish caught in the waters of the park have won each year many of the national tompeti- tions 'open to the anglers of the con- tinent. •At the Park Headquarters, at Algon- quin Park Station, there is a private collection of, mounted specimens of animals and birds that represent an the fur -bearing animals and feathered denizens.. in _ this section, and we aro always glad-- to have visitors call In and study them during the summer. Some living specimens will generally be found in the large house erected for the purpose at headquarters by the Government: The taccommodation in the park is sixth at the most varied tastes can be pleased. 00 There are hotels for Mists whe want to b• Cis the wildet- 121b Selmon'�rout 17 Cau 1 a.n. . .fA1 angUln. Park- ness, yet enjoy an the comforts that good service and social companionship can bring; there are- groups of log cabin camps, comfortably furnished and ideal for family parties, with central lodges containing everything;' ready for you on your return from the tramp; or if you have planned to camp under your own canvas you may step into a canoe at one of the little railway stations on the Grand Trunk which serves the whole of the park, and after a short paddle find a site. unmarred by the hand of man yet within easy reach of the park out- fitting stores. • Many families now go Into the park expressly for the camping, making their headquarters at the hotels long - eno+.egle to get supplies and campieg' outfit ready for -the trip. 'Then in canoes, and , With guides „ or without 1them, they launch bravely out into . the deep weeds, camping where, :'ancy Il:nrotitDta sa Auction. Sale oI Household Effects Mr. at, 8, Philips his been in'struet ed from the undersigned to sell by public auction on iMain Street (beg. hind 11lartin'st store) Exeter, on Sat- urday June 24th at ate o'clock sharp the following' valuable properly, all In excellent condition, bele,g the :en- tire belongings. this will be the tsale or the', season. 1 plum, if not previously sold, 2 settees, 2 [small chair's belonging to tiottees, 1 arm chair, 1 walnut chair •3 small tables, 1 umbrella tstand, ,•1 carpet .sweeper, 1 parlor rug, 1 {din- ing room extension table, 1 china cabexrett, 5 dining room lehairs, 1 arm chair, 1 large , bureau, 1 base auraer, 3 bedsteads, 3 u.pring mat- tresses, 1 bed mattress, 1 stretcher, 1 bureau,. 2,wash stands,. 1 toilet. sot, 1 sideboard, 2 commodes, 4 car- pets, 1 linoleum, 1 oiloloth, a num- ber of mats, a number of pictures, '1 clock, 1 screen door, 1 washing mach- ine. 1 tub, 2 kitchen tables, 4 kite okcn chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 1 cook stove coal and wood, basket and camp case. lamps, crockery, garden rake, shovels, Ste» ladder, basket grip, stair carpet, sealers and a lot of ether useful articles, 11 stair carpet, Terms oa sale, cash. Mr. 'R. Phillips, E. S. Phillips, Prop. , Auctioneer, Exeter. Auction Sale sl - OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS • Tl ere will be sold by public auc- tion on .Main Street, Exeter, opposite Commercua'l House Stables, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 1916, The following household arca ts:- Piano New \4illianrs,quarter-cut oak sideboard, bevel glass; chiflon,eer, cab.ui:er cupboard, Reymond sewing machine, 3 bedseads, 3 set springs, 3 mattresses, 'quantity linoleum, bed- room carpet, Devonport bed, 2 couch- es boo:: case, bookstand, 2 dressers 3 washstands, chest drawers, 3 bed - ,00m sets, extension table, 2 kitchen tables, 10 small tables, 3 rocking chairs, office chair, 4 dining room chairs 6 kitchen chairs, Radient Home beater cook stove, Good Cheer, coal; or wood; 3 feather -pillows, number sealers. lawn mower, refrigerator, washing machine and tub; charcoal iron, number ,pictures, rifle, breach- loader gun, 2 nuzzle loader guns styor-el, bag -a -tell board, stair carpet, pair Porter curtains, 6 pair lace cur- tains, 6 window blinds, paper rack pair snow shoes, pair skees, 2 hail racks, ib:a3s jardisee.er, ease!, duxnb waiter, step ladder, number bcoks stove furniture, garden tools and ;t lot of other use! u! a: aeles. Terms Cash. N. 1). )-Turdo,n, B. S. Phillips, Proprietor Auctioneer Administrator's Sale of VALUABLE FAR.51 PROPERTY, and , STOCK and IMPLEMENTS William E. Hardy, Auctioneer, hats received instruction from John T. Parkinson, the Administrator of the estate of Wesley Parkinson late of the 'Township of Usborne in the iCoun- ty of Huron, Farmer, deceased, to offer for sale by public auction at the homestead or the said Wesley Parkinson, deceased, at 2 o'clock g. m. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1916, I: THE HOMESTEAD -, Being come posed oIt Lot O)3•" in 'the Sixth Cone cession of the Township of Usborno in the County of Huron, containing 100 acres more: or less., Ou the premises is a large storse andea-.half frame house, ,large bank barn, drive shed, frig• pen, hen house, all in first -clava repair, and plenty of good spring water. Possession of this faun will be given immediately after the sale along with the crop consisting of seven acres of fall wheat, twenty acre:; of spring crop and the balance of hay and grass. IL- All and singular that • certain parcel or tract of land and preme ises tsiruate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne in the County of kHftron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot `efe" in the Seventh Concession of the isaid Township of Usborne, containing 100 acres more or leas. Tis farm its [situated opposite tte homestead, is mostly seeded down (but is in en exoel;laint state oI cul- tivation and suited for all farming purposes. On it is a good story -ands n-b•alf frame house, !line bank barn, 1 low barn, wing -mill and ,out build- ings, aisle two geod Ispring wells. On the 'farm are about ten,acres of, 'the finest of maple sugar bush. Possession of this farm can be iarran,gcd to suit the •purchaser. To c I� :- IIoe'ses:- 1 gelding +covert years old; 1 filly two years old; 1 gelding two years old. CATTLE:- 3 new cows; 1 cowtdue in ,fall; '0 tti'oeyearaeld steers; 1 twoe year-old heifer; 3 spring'•calves. SWINE:- 1 sow due gat time of ;sale. iMPLEIelENTS:- 1. wagon nearly new;• 1 truck wagon, 1 rubber-tire:i buggy, 1 open buggy, 1 light wagon, 1 cutter, 1' binder, 1 mower, 1 cul( t ivator, 1 secc'1 drill, 1 disc' barrow, 1 gang 'plow, 1 walki.ag plow, 1. hay rank, 1 gasoline engine only slightly used, 1 galvanized water tank, 1 sap pan and tank, 1 sot double barnes:a, 1 cream separator, 1 istove, and many smaller articles too numerone to mention and also a quantity of hay. TERMS OF SALE • Gt:ODS ;n :;.•10.00 or under cash; oven that amount Cour months 'credit 'on approved: joint notes, or 5 per cent discount: Cor' cash. FARM PROPERTIES • 10 'per cent on day of tsalc, and balance hi 30 days thereafter. TOWN PROPERTY' There will also be sold at 2 o'clock P. 11Vrt, on ;3AI!1J'RDA.17, JUN.0 24,191.6, on the premises in the vtiltige df .Exeter, the following valuabie Tow.S. INCORPORATED 1.855 OLSIONS BANK CAPITAL' ITAL'�' ND RESERVE $8,800,000 6L,77:7 ""Branches in Canada 4eneral jankilir Business Transacted .-.— ,.•, ZIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT': C BANK MONEv ORDERS GBANK DEPARTMENT SbVINS _ � k interest siowed)at highest current rate' W. D. CLARKE, Manager, Exeter Brancill THF, CANADIAIV BA1;iF.. OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C,V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President JOAN AIRD• General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Asa't Genezzaare CAPITAL ''$151Q00,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,5085008 SAVINOS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $2 astft-0-. upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more personnb. witr w vrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. 3561 Exeter Branch-- A. E. Kuhn, Manager. ' VREDITON 23R.A.NCH—S. M. JOHNSTON, Manager- ' iTrado Mark R.{'iaterWl GEORGIAN MFG. CO„ The Harmless bat cant remedy for Ill Nawaigta,Anaeratla„ - Issasiness, Nervous Eio.,- haustlon, Sc, st eta AT ALL DROCMIQTa, or a7 arm mew COLLINGWOOD, ONT _ property, viz; - Lots number° 61, 62 and, 63 on • the South si.do of Market Street, McDonr ald's Survey, in that portion of the Village oJl Exeter formerly known as Prancistown. On the premises is a good sized story-andi a -half frame house with kit- chen at rear and a good framestable, A very desirable property. TERMS: 10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days theret- after. For further particulars apply to Wm. E. Hardy, Auctioneer. A. E, PA'RK1NSON, St. Marys Ont Solicitor fox` the Administrator. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS rw THE 1%1AT1'E6. OF the estate of 1V eeley :Parkinson, late of the Township of U'6orne in the Coun- ty of leucon, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE id hereby given pursuant to :"Sevised Statutes of Ontario" 1914, chapter 121, that all creditors and othere having claims against the estate of the said Wesley Parkinson, who died on or about ,the Seventh Jday df April, 1916, to send by post prepaid or deliver to A. E. Parkin-' son. or me Town of. St. Marys, Solia for for John T. Parkinson, the Admin- istrator of the property of the said seceased, their names and addresiseis and full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them.. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the, claims of which he shall then have had notiee, and that the said Admin- istrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons or whose claims notice shall not have been received ',try him at the time of such .distrib- nition. Dated at St. Marys the 27th day of May, 1916. A. E., PA'IRKINSON, St. Marys, Ont. Solicitor for, the said Administrator Not Conclusive. While seetngls be. Iteving, You'll run against a snare 11 you apply that maxim to A woman's head of hair. • Cheap Acquaintance. "I met a pretender when 1 wax. JAS. BEVERLEY FURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and Phone 74a. EXETER, -:- Funeral DireetelFr Night Call 14 ONTAE CP' DR G. F. 1IOULSTON, D.D.S., Hi. DENTIST Honor Graduate of site. Office over ling's Law office. day afternoons. Residence 5b. Torontra Untie Dickson Sow - Closed Welneii4 Phone Offine asp d DR, A. R. KINSMAN L.,Deae DAL' Honor Graduate of Toronto trip+ eraity r DENTIST sth extracted withou>f psis. a any bad effeots. Office ceve~z ills& 'man do 8taniiaury'a Office gnat Mb Exeter, E, a.d tea I We BROWNING Ni. D., ./.11.1, ns 411 a P. 8, Graduate Victoria Uniyits sit, Office and residence Dominion Labratory., Exeter, Assooiato Coroner of Hasan ft D IOKSON & CARVING 1 113 Barristers, Solicitors Nretesici SNP veyanoers Commissioners, laolii,•ilmit for the Molsona Bank etc, l,,i,,d Money to Loan at lowest rates 1 to terest, !dal OFFICE—MAIN STREET EA+l1t'rinI4 I• R, Carling B. A,; L. Idl, Diekeen MONEY, TO LOAM i f I + t ti We have a large amioant sg17r' ate funds to loan on farm =0 .L410° lags properties at lowest sato hIP4° tenet, GLAI: L IN & STANBUJ • •@ Barristers, Solicitors, Minim •Exeterr, i ab dr da T116 Usborno and ttln-art Farmer' Mutual Firs less ' UGC Gompans Head Office, Far.eurn;Belt, Olt0 r.."- It President -, ROt3T. 1:+'3'1f.$ITti,a Vice -President 1 THO6. BYAli + ,'DIRECTORiS i'Y{ WM. BROOK , . WW1 so` t., L. RUSSELL , J. T. AL1,IS, i AGENTS Ica JOHNSSEBY Exeter.agent U E ala As' borne and Ilriddulpb. '* OLIVER HARRIS Munro lanai fatt Hibbert Fullerton and Logan. 1 ..tai W. A. 'TURN R1UiL1I ' secy.'rreaa. artllluhiaDs MADMAN & 8TA:NIRJEY, .,,i d Solicitors. Exeter. ,rim 1 Europe." "How did you like him" . -i '"tie seemed to be a fine fellow," ^, "Did he perforin for you?" T 0 R C "u' ."inlseednot "whenOfcorseou art o! the sights. A' Y P You should have given bins .a quarter and asked him to pretend for a. half hotlr," 44 .a".... .4 .. POlt Wants, flak Chi en. Ulla F ,_. elr 3OYea r* Avis. wi. *Amos 4'