HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-15, Page 1• .'
Another Shipment of Ladies' Blouses
tfre iave just received another shipment of Ladies' wash blouses, very dainty designs and
newest styles. Popular priced at from $1.25 up. These blouses all have the new
Convertable Collars.
Children's Wash Dresses
tire 'have an exceptionally fine stock of children's dainty wash dresses for ages from.2 to 14
years. Good fast washing colors. Prices from 5oc to $k.50.
Boys' Wash Suits
B-zge wash suits in Galateas, dwillings, etc:, in the new Oliver Twist and other stiles. Fast
wasning colors. Very special at 75C and $Loo.
New Summer Dress Goods
Our stock of Wash Drees Fabrics for the coming season is by far the finest we have ever
afered. We are handlidg the famous Burton Fabrics, direct from New York, including
Holly Batistes, Reception Voiles etc- The designs and colorings are very dainty
and the prices moderate.
Wa ave a complete stock of ladies' and misses' house and street dresses, saparate wash
'Bidets, undergarments, summer hosiery etc.
Mell's Suits at $12, $13, $15
.ever did we have a finer selection and at not one cent in price higher than they ever were. Fine brown
and grey worsteds tweeds, every one a Sovereign Brand Suit. We beuget early ee
can sell you a fine all wool suit at less than present wholesale prices. We have an
extra fine selection of Navy Blue Suits. Also a fine range ot young Men's suits •
sizes 33. 34 and 35 wt tt long pants to sell at
Every one worth at least $15.
' Clothing Please note that if you have to pay a long price for your Boys' Fall
eys - Sias it will not be our fault as we have a great big selection now at oIcl
€�e $5 to $9,50. These will not last long at the rate they are going,
Our Dollar Sale of Men's Fine Straw Hats Still Continues;
ens Overalls and smocks at old prices $1.25, which is less than the present wholesale price
M en's Facy Summer Vests
2 Dozen Fancy Summer Vests to clear at from 75c up.
Jones AND May
Hot Weather Warits1
New Perfection Oil
Cook Stoves
Gurney Oxford Oil
Cook Stoves
Oil Stoves $8 to $15
Oil Stove Ovens $2.65
to $2.90
Screen Door $1 to 1.90
20c to 350
$2.00 to $5 00
Screen Windows
Hammock s
Make Grass Cutting Easy
Lawn Mowers 4.00 to 8.'25
Grass Catchers 1.25 to 1.75
filake your furniture look like new by using Chinamel and
Caroapke.lrs Varnish Stain. Paint your house a ith Lowe Bros. M. S.
, BORN •
oPLILIBP113-7.In tBiddulplk on June 9th
to Mr. and, 'Mrs. zily,rotteM. Culbert
a. son,
Ruffalo,_ on 3 une 8th,
to Mr, and Mrs. R, Dyer4lurdon
a. son. •
.00110-1n. "Uaborno, on June lath,
to Uri and Mrs. Wm. Johns a don-
. ghter,
taDllig-Pri -Osborne, on the 8th inst.
to Mr. and Airs, W. Bern, a son,
3.3fe.KINIAIN-At Goshen Lints, Stan-
.litric 4tr, to Mr, and Mrs:
Aitobt. ISteItiniey, a son,. „
'WELSH --In Usborne, in June 14th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. in.
a data-
ISA1C-In Bidclulph, on June 3rd
tto Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Isaac, a
STELCK-On May 20th, 1010 at Ed-
monton, Alta., to Mr, and Mrs.
Robert- P, Stela (nee Sta,nbury) a
daughter (Margery)
ita1dness i eaused hy .a microbe,
which elestroye, the hair root and 010
: -
es the polars. the Bexall Z`93" Hair
Tonic arrestthee process, Sold at all
Rotel' Drug Stores, 506 and 4:1,00
betties, W., St roi:e; ,4n,ter, Ont.
Capt. C. E. Dowding., paym'aster or
the 33rd. battalion, is among the offi-
cers who landed from the Sicilian at
Quebec; last week. The 33rd paynaneer
bus been !seriously ill in the old coun-
try for some time, and is coming back
on • furlough until he recovers.
Capt.'Dowding's( home is in. 'Clinton,
He was an officer of the Clinton com-
pany or the 33rd Huron Regiment be-
fore the declaration of war and .was
appointed paymaster of the 33rd Over'
seas battalion, when that unit was or-
A. .deputations from the Huron Tem-
peranoe Alliance waited upon the
Huron County Council at Goderieli,
asking the County 'Council to Assume
the responsibility for paymeint of 'a
special officer,. resident in the County
to assist in the inforcement oe the
Canada temperance ace and prohib-
•' Incidently some indignation was
expressed that the Provin.cial Govern.mnt should expect counties to bear
the expense of law ebrorcernent, when
the Goyernment demands part or the
revenue aocuring from fines.
The spokesmen of the deputation
ware Rev. E. G. Powell of Clinton and
A. T. Cooper of Clinton.
it was pointed out that Clause 135
of the Ontario temperance act, arid
a , siniliar section of the Ontario
quor aot, gave the county .council
Power to appoint an official such as
was asked for. The temperance ale
Hance bad maintained officials thus
tfar since the passing of the Canada
temperance act. '
When the complaint was Iodised
about the county being asked to bear
the ,expensos or law enforcement.
while the Clovernment demands part
of the fines tolleeted, the financial
committee of the council was instruct -
cd t, take the matter up tvithi the
license department, and get an
Olanation at least. The Government
has eatimeted the expellees to the
county' for law enforcement for the
coming year at 2,800. The Govern,.
Itnent appointes inspectors, ;and it
was urged that . it the county must
pay for them, the ominty should have
the appointment or thenli, •
Boxall Orderlies are the moat picas -
ani sure remedy for constipation.
Sold only at Reran Drug Stores. 15e
and 25e. W, xetp', Ontt
Exeter Council
The ;Coarti or Revision for the As-
sessment Roll or the village' of Exete,r
met as per adjournment on June 2r.d,
1910. Per Roulston site'd by Hind -
That the buildings an the Exeter
Canning and Preserving Factory farm
property be ;reduced $100. Carried.
All the appeals as filed having
been heard, the ,coart confirms the
assessment as revised and on 'motion
of Beavers seed by Heston, the Court
or Revision for 1910 is cloeed.
enes. Senior, clerk.
The regular meeting or the Mun-
icipal council was held on Friday
June 9th after the closing the Court
or Revision. The minutes of the meet-
ing held May 26th were read and
A communication from the British
America 011 Co., re, the shipment
of road oil and pump was read.
A petition from' the rarepnyers re-
siding on the east eide of Willisrn
Street between Wellington and Nel-
son, also those along north side of
Nelson between, Main and 'William
asking for a cement' walk. The pet-
ition was filed for further consider -
a tion.
The Auditor's report For tine month
of May was read and accepted on
motion of Beavers and Roalston.
'The tender of Mr.' W. T. 04llesp e
to water a portion of the streets as
needed for 42c per hour of service
was aocepted on motion of Beavers
sec'd by Hind. ••
The following accounts were read
and approved. T. Brook 9.45; D Rus-
set Sr., 4.37; W. ilre;stcott, 1.50; A.
Delve 2.00; Henry Rumples 3.15:
Harvey Bros. 2.15: John Hunkin 4.30;
Fred East 2.10; Thoe,• Heald -E. 5.20;
Thos. G. :Creech 75c.; john 'Sorry
10.92; Geo. 'Barkner 20.00; Sem Ross
1.05; Dr. 'Quackenbush, 15.111): TTenill-
ton and Toronto Sewer Phi.. !Co. (1.91;
Exeter Electric! Light -and Power Ca.
47.00; E. North 03. 1.40011 14.00 : rr.
Spackman 19.52; C. T. Tiroake 4.5;
Rd. Hunter S0.80; W .3. Bissett 43.
75; John Ford 37.50; Jos. Senior 42,
50; H. W. Doerr 07.75.
Icis. Senior, clerk.
TTSBORNE 'comm.,
The Usborno council inet June 3rt1
as a iCoart or Revision:or the Assess-
ment Roll. There was only one appeal.
but tine fellowing chriSiese :sire made.
Sam 'Hunter's aSeeSarrient reduced
$200.00 and A. Riordon's, for loss or
house $1300.00f Mrs. B. Cudmore's as-
sessment on tile yard, 200.00 was
struck off. The court was' then closed.
Council met' for besiness afteriCourt
of 'Revision. The minutes of 'the last
meeting were read and approved.
Five tender S were received for the
construction or the F7ok C:eek Drain
and branches.
The tender of Jos. Lawson for the
whole work for the sum of $7095.00
was'accepted. The clerk was instruct-
ed to prepare contract agreements
and have them duly executed as soon
as possible.
The council , decided to contsnue
during pleasure of ,council, to grant
money to the Red Cross organization
of tho Township for the Purchase of
material to be made ap, 'the total
amount of said grant not to exceed
gamt) per month
As a mark of appreciation of the
patriotic spirit of 11e. mon b•ncl boys
of the township who have enlisted for
overseas rvice, it was decided to
present :each one with a wrist Watch
or some" other useful article .of equal
A fewr. accounts were passers and
orders issued in payment. ,Council
then adjorned to meet again on Jure
30th. at 2 o'clock as Saturday is
P. Morley, clerk.
Miss B. Howey is spending a few
days in London.
'Rev. Mr. Trumper was in. London
the past week attending the synod.
Mrs. Griffith and two children. of
Toronto, are visiting Mr. Jas. 1Iand-
Miss Hastings returned to Cross
Hill this week after visiting her bro-
ther Al.
On Friday evening last a china
shower was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Robt. Mines for Mks Vera.
Campbell bride elect. A very pleat, -
ant evening was spent by about 30
It has been finally decided to hold
the excursion or the Huron Old Boys
Association of Toronto, on Saturday
'July 8th. The train will leave Tor-
onto at about 7.15 A. M. and will be
divided at Stratford, part of it go-
ing on to Sarnia. The Goclerich een-
tion will arrive there about 12 noon,
and the Sarnia section about 1 p. m.
A special train will leave Goderich
on Monday evening at 0 for Toronto.
Saturday last was "tag" day in
town and the young ladies of tho
Soldier's Aid sold little flags on the
streets. They kept it up until late
DA night and few from the town or
country who were about the streets
that day escaped them. 'When the
;boxes were all turned in it ' was
found that they had collected the
tidy sazzi of e:106,50. Miss Lola. Mar-
tin collected the largest amount
The name of Pte. Ernest T. Oke,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke,
Csborne. appears in the casuality
list or Wednesday. Pte. Oke learnt
ed the harness rust 'time with Mr. P.
Frayne, of town seven), 'years ago
and is wellknown in this vieinity.
The extent oi his wounds kis not
known as yet. Among other mimes
we notice is that or Pte. jams L.
Ruseell, off Rueselldale and Pte. Syd-
ney Mari, of Deena. bath wounded,
Mr. Robt, Barney has purehaeed 'tt
Exeter Boy Decorated Ford care
Lieut. Torrance, of London, spent
the week end in town. •
Miss L Sweet has returned home
from Normal at Stratford,
Mr. Sani'l Hicks of Usborne has
purchased the residence of the late
T. E. Carling on Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Sparing of Toronto
and Mrs, J. Adams or St. Marys, mo-
tored over Monday and vinited the
Misses Carling of town.
Mr. Astonkel and child of Fort War
ne, Ind., visited her brother Mr. W.
Schroeder of town Friday evening
last on their way to visit the former'e
mother in Dashwood.
by the King
;Days fro= Exeter lia.ve gone Out
and distinguished. themselvesin al-
most every walk in life but theletest
to distinguish himself' is Lieut. Wille
lam 3. Knight who has brought hon-
or to himself on. the field of Flanders.
Will is it graduate in medicine from
the Western University, London, and
after- taking out his consul In the
west practised at Medicine Hat. He
is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Knight, of town and knowing
something of the happy relations as
existed between mother and son, we
know these, latest honors would mean
much more were his mother only
here to share them with hint. Wi1L ee
mentioned as coming from Guelph:,
due. to the fact that his uncle„j. 3.
Knight, forrcietsly of .Rxetar, and
next of kin, resides there. He was
with the Canadians but was later
transferred • to the Royal Army. A
special cable, to the Mail & Empire
from London, Eng., June 7th 'was as
follows: 'Among the recent 'Canadian
recipients of the Military Gross was
Lieut. William J. Knight, of the
Royal Army Medical. Corps, Guelph',
Ont. He came over with the No. 4
Tmia Ambulance as .seargeant, and A splendid prograna is being arranged.
Wee transferred to th-e- R.A.M.C. last
july. The award was made for eon- The Huron County council voted
spicuous ,gallantry and devotion to 4.0,000 to apply toward recruitingpur-
duty in an advanced dressing station
Nr1ile unier heavy shell fire," We
understand that the Divisional Gen-
eral pins the :ribbon on the tunic and
King George makes the presentation
of a medal. In a letter to town Will
said he did not kirow how he won it
as tho official language was too ex-
travagant. During his stay in the
trenches he has had some very ex-
citing experiences. At one time he
escaped death by a hair-breedth and
said that he g uemed the Germans
hadn't his address on their ammuni-
Pte. Maxwell 23aynlia.ra, or Cent-
tralia, who has been a prisoner in
Germany for some time. is now re- DECORATION DAY
ported earn in. Switzerland, Pte, Bayn-
bare was fortunate to be one of about
GOO prisoners to be .exchanged. No. 67, are ;requested tn. 'meet ;dine,
cablegram was reeeived by his pare Exeter Cemetery on Sunday, June 25,
ents to that ie.frect. at 3 o'cloek p.m, for the purnose of
decorating the graves of departed
Eliniville Sunday School anniver- brethren.. -R. N. Creech, Sere
sary will be held on. 'Sunday june,
25th.. when Rev. Geo. W. Dewey, or
Stratford, will preach, both morn-
ing and evening. Preparations are
being made for the annual straw-
berry festival to be held on July 1st.
Patriotic 'League Notes •
TOW131. SOWE.R-Dorets forge.
the Towel Shower in. the, .Tames St.
Atethodist church; on Wednesday afters
noon "3 tzneX 21st from three to Nix. AIL
the la.dies are invited.
A box leas hem sant • to Allies
Arnold', Shorncliffee Eng., eontaleing
104 prs. Of soaks, 226 handkeirhiefee
4 scarfs, 10 military shirts, hooks,
A box of clothing has Oise been
'sent to the Relgian Relief at Monte
The 0.ddfnllows ne' Exeter Lodge
Our readers will join withas in
extending congratulations.
Word. was received hy i'fr. and Mrs.i
Wes. Burnley. of AiLsa Craig, that
their son Clove, at Cnity. Sask., had 1
the meefortune . to have his etable,1
granary and several hundred bushele;
of grain burned by a prairie fire '
few day;s ago.
Get Easy Fishing Chibl
has outing .at the lake
With a vivid recollection or some
of the thrilling tales as told by some
of ths members of the old lsaao Wal-
ton Fishing Club in its balmy day"
a new bunch ;known as the "Get EasY
Fishing Club" determined last Friday
morning to revive the sport and with
rod and tackle started in the early
morning just as the e'en was tipping
the eastern horizon for the 'beautii,
fed Dine waters at Lake Ffuron. One
dominant feature contrasted with the
trips of the old Isaac Walton was'
the evident satisfaction at which they
left eehind them the 'beauties of na-
ture 'net -even here arid Grand Bend
as they raised 'the dust by their mo-
tor -driven conveyance. as compared
with the lack of gratitude on be-
helf of the ()Id "Isaac Walton, with the
faith'fal old equines that used .to co-
ver the sixteen miles in something
like two and a half hours. Many of
our readers will recall the 'thrilling
interesting ,episodisi as told by N. D.!
liard.on. Alex Dyer. Alf. Walters and ,
numerous others but all pale into inel
significenee as compared with the
most interesting brie of chatter we
reiterated by the Get Easy Club.
Most fish stories read like fiction or
higbly Colored stories of a brilliant
imaginative mind but there is no
with or imagination about this trip
but like all. of Jack McLaughlin's
stories, are based on facts. The
boys brought the proof home .with
them in the shape of a bag full of
members of the finy tribe from the
perch family and many of their
friends appeased a whetted appetite
as they sat down to a meal of fried
fish patiently prepared by the good
woman or the 1101.150; La all eighteen
dozen were distributed to those ,who
were fortunate enmgh to Stand in
the good graces of the members of
the club. Fish were distributed to
them as freely as Sopars to the
friends or government agents in
war contractse Like • the Isaac Wal-
ton Club the members of the new club
should stand out with prominence and
ttat thein names shonld .etand out as
stars among the beacon lights eor
the followers of this pastime we
deem ourselves public beuefaotors and
preservers of important data when
we give them recognition. Those
citizens were W. 3. Statham, N.
Sheere. C. L. Wilson, W. J. Beer and
Jack Williams. The, tripto the lake
Was uneventful but the time spent
at the pier and the fish, ng along-
side of the nets was as tell or ins
terest as only those who have ex-
Perienced the pleasures .can rightly
A.ppreciate. Billy Deer ;seemed the
Jonah a the crowd, but just to prove
to his old dad that he in his balmy
days never strung- a better line of
fish presentedl him with a fine bunch
or herring only to be inforined that
herring didn't tete. The return
journey witnessed events that the old
Isaac Welton never dreamed. or ;show-
ing in a marked degree net..only
progressiveness but nese the re-
sottrcefuleess or the younger genera-
tion. A atop was made at Shiva and
instead or the old horn whose toot
toot was a warning to . all that tt flan
pedlar was malting rounds
Statham.- workedthe auto horn to
good. e te :Casey Sheere and.
Bud Wilson canvassed the viliege
and in this manner the expenses ot •
the .trip were curiniled . by forty
cents, . •
poses for the Huron battalion. Previ-
°testy the county had vo•ed $2,1000 to
this purpose, and eeveral municipal-
ities had voted additionil semis The
county now. assumes the whole thing
and will reimburse the localities to
the extent of vetles already honored.
A nubile entering or the 'Woolens
Institute will be held on Mrs. 'We .3.
Hearnan's lawn on Thursday ....beret
noon June 23rd, at which Miss ...7:outts, •
of Thamesville will ,give an address
en "Emergency War Work". A nine-
progrem. will also 'he rums...reel
Alt ihet ladies of the towie are enrdee
h.ny invited to be present,
Mrs., Hastinsree
Mrs. AMOS., Pre.; t
Ladies tlaek Cotton Hose 100 pair, 2 ipa.7.,7c. -PZ;4f,
150 a pair.
Childreas Tan Hose?. pairs for 25c
Ladies Summer Vests 10c t 25e each -
Embroideries and Laces in big variety.
We have just passed into stook t
good buy of Travellers Samples of Hos-
iery, Gloves, SOK, Towels, Underwear,
Collars etc. which we will sell at whole.,
sale cost.
Come Early arld get yc5ttr Chetc.k.
Shoes all the leading shapes and
Our Prices are right
.lInir6A..1%.2=1:41vi.e90111,41117[1:0141.Vflea.KIMMVETIMILIatITYS2.9.1,.11..m.• gliceirma
00-0.00.600400000.0o0404$00.$:** lt,..*******00004'0.:1,0*()4.4,4444
8 A
r Srn
of e n s
s. is
ur hisp
New Hats, Shirts, Ties,
Arrow Cellars, and all
other Furnishings for
MI the Latest Styles in Spring
Clothing for men.
PHONE 8x a
0***044e4see0A0000.0.000.0+.010 $4.444eette.4,0000004eseeteet4'o