HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1916-6-1, Page 8THE; EXETER TIMES Phone i6STEWART T • A. Phone 16 RUCS LINOLIUMS Buy your floor cover- . ings this season. While a we them at nearly give you the old prices. We have a fine range of the newest patterns in Rugs and Linoliums and would advise you to buy them now as next season's prices will be very high. Middy Blouses •A variety of new and pretty Middy Blouses for Girls and Mis- ses in good washing material at $1,00 1.25 and 1.50. Ladies' Rain- coats In Black Fawn Grey & Green, A splendid coat for rain or dust. Medium weight cloth. Extra special value at 5 90. White Hats Girls White Hats for summer wear. Cool aird comfortable for the hot weather. All sizes each 75 cents. Hanging Lamps In new decorations with fringe trimnieg. Also several new Hall Lamps with White and Red Globes. Call and see them. Brass lardines We have several sizes ;if Brass Jardines, one sells for $51.75, another for $2.50 as well as Crumb Traps, Candle sticks, Teapot stands and other novel- ties. New Parasols Showing some very pretty handles in the latest designs. The cloths area mixture of silk and cotton. Good values at $1.50 1,75 225, 2.5U White Skirts: In several neat styles that are easily laundered. The material in a white Gahardine of fine quality. 2.75 3,00 3.25 Straw Hats The rainy spell will soon be over and von will be looking for a new Straw Hat. We are show- ing a hig range of the newest shapes at popular prices. Dinner Sets We are fortunate to have such a fine assortment during war time. We have placed in stock several new patterns in `the newest shapes. 97 pieces $15. Toilet Sets You will find something you will like here. as we have 25 pretty sets to show vou. Special values at $4.50 and $5.00. Market IIeport—The following is the report of the Exeter market corrected tilt to :Slay 31st,, \ I r 'Wheat 90e to $1.00. Oats 45 to 48c, r 1 ' Barley 50 to 55o Buckwheat 60 to ose ; }, , l I ,Peas $1,00 Fancily Flour $3.10 ' ' ' 1 r (1 Low Grade im'lour $1.75, i ` Bran $26.00 'per ton. , F Shortie $27.00 per ton. i Eggs 23e, .C C Butter 25e, Creamery 13zitter SO to 32c, i'' Potatoes $2.00 to 2,25. ' flogs $10.E5. i i J.A. STEWART Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices CORN'CONTRACTS i The Exeter Canning and I?reserv- rhaving lug Co, would disk farmers contracts to plant their Dorn at the earliest opportunity to avoid the claimer of fall frosts. Exel'eat Canning Co. New Spring Suits for Ladies For choicel Buckwheat for seed sec Harvey Bros. 400 Tons of Fine, Land and. Cattle Salt for sale. A11 .grades $5.50 per ton; 50c. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager, PERRY F. DOUPE, Licenses gun+ tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at- ' t d d t Ph 116 K'rkton Ad - PLAIN TAILORED AND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE' 'RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fas1si.ons are arriving and combine in 'Fabric and Style a unique and interesting collection, , •meeting the requirements for seat wear and travel" r so ea i resentearly n s unusual t 0 It t 'P but variety,. r at a season so e The g and h: the earlya were determined es, r4 3 t 1 y nos<'t r d shown. most, vine ' vnta- ' most ad a t time is g The present 7r, F ,eons for buying as all indications poit i ,to higher prices in the future. N. Shoe re N •IADIES' • AND GENTS' TAILOR Stand Upstairs, Opposite the (Central Hotel RNITURE1 .n...rr...a.wernao.., • in can assist you 'Selecting your furniture ure 'if you are Din to furnish 3 only laorne or if Y 0 you want some odd pieces, Our 'Undertaking De- partment a rtrnent P t -date in i5 UO and_guar- antee respect a ect :thea best of we satisfact- ion N Rowe tilt Funeral Director and t t.>rt'-rtittaircv alemecl• ' t lart'N 20a en a o. one , i .. dress Kirkton P.O. FRAME BARN FOR SALE Forty by sixty, 20 It. siding ;, in First-class condition. Good bargain_ for quick sale. Situated I 1-2 miles from Exeter. Apply to Nelson Stan - lake, Exeter. DIEE11NGFII HURON 0 U U COUNTY C UvCIL The council of the corporation of the Countyaf Huron will, meet in the council chamber, in. the Town of Go r - erich, on Tuesday the Gth. d.y of June next at 3 o'clock '. m. ated May d 2 . 1916. tD n ilcraq./X:Cake Stores .L sn 7.7T'E O A V p1T AN ADAS K1l O E DRt1C, S[ C l7 F?F S Rexall Orderlies are a specific tion for for constipation allagesbecause, people n Pleaf a toniC havingeffecton the their th tr use tends to bowels, ' restore these organs t i their normalactivity. activit . s Even the most delicate Child cani be given Rexall . .Orderlies, far theY are sate n easyt administer a d Mild a i in act on. No other laxative is so d forchildren. Sold ht only teemed ct the Rexall Drug Stores —15c. and 25c, %NE APF_ HERE To SERV,. vou This is the Week for PINEAPPLES Phone your Order to Wilson's Grocery 1 Mr, and ,frs. Arnold Moir and two kahildren of Alberta are visiting the former's p rents, Mr and Mrs. Joh.a bfoir, Mr, Jas. Walters left ",Vedncsdny' morning noir Sault Ste Marie and Edam, Sask. At the latter plane he will spend a couple of months with his daughter, Mrs. A, R. Graham. SALT FOR. SALE, --An excellent giant! of Sarnia shade salt for gale el the 'old Temperance House at the station, a anyquant- ity, G, T R. a ton. S ld are qi{ n ity, Your patronage is solicited sed satisfaction Is guaranteed, ED, MAGUIRE. Exeter. Men o1 Sedertare habits find rll;eX"',' all Orderlies ate ideal 1axaavere choir ac -ion .being • gentle and .eat= ural. Sold only by aRexall Drteg Stores, 115o and 25o boxes. W. S. Cole, Exeter 'The death occurred in Prince Al- bert, Sask=, on May 111:h' of 'Mr'. Chas. Brook, eister-•in-.law of M'', Jas. Brook, or LTsborne. The de:•cased was • aged 42 years. Mrs. Wm. Avery, of Mitchell, a sister oot Mr. Brooks, also passed away on May 15th! in her 53rd year. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. 'Rowe and dare- ghter Florence, of Ingersoll; Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins, of Brantford, Mrs. Windsor and daughter Ina, of Brown City. Mich., .and Mrs. (.Dr.) I+er ' 'son, of Pontiac, Mich,, attended the ':tneral of the late Mrs. Jamex (Gould ow Monday. S"r•ely a day passes but there is some one inquirirg tor houses to hent. d• '. ;'resent there is nothing that is more needed than tenement houses.. nor elaborate buildings, but cozy cottages.,. and we believe a little money expended in tbiz way would prove a paying investment. A. quiet) wedding took place Sat the ..nglican church, Stratford, on May •24th when Mies A. 'Challner. of God•e• rich, was united in' marriage with Mr. T. (Ray Eacrett, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, and former- ly o:; Exeter. They will be At Home in Sarnia after June 1st. 4,0041. 0004 04 .4110.....;41..0...0. • • LOCAL • • ••••••• •...... • DIr. Jos. Hawkins was.in London on Tuesday. A number oe 'people have 'spoken very highly of our flour recently,. One said "Thlat last Elour made great bread; 15 centers." USE MODEL FLOUR, Mfg. by' Harvey Bros. Mr. W. D. Sanders was in Goderich' on 'Tuesday. Nurse Johnston visited in Ailsa Craig over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W. Powell were in London this week. . Mr. Wm., Blatchford, of Toronto, is 'visiting in town. Mr. W. W. Taman spent ,Monday evening in Loudon., • Mr. A. J. 'hollies and son 'Seldon, of Detroit, visitedi in town this week. Mr. W. Snell's new house on And - drew streets ie being 'pushed 'ahead, kr. B. Brickwood has left for Lon- don where he has secured a position. FOR SALE—A( reed Baby Carriage. t4ppry to Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Exe- ter. . 'Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, of Seaforth; vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. I. Armstrong on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. (Chas. Eacrett, of Sar- nia, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. John Snell. Mr. George Mantle has completjed the fine new verandah in front of his double residence. Mr. Hector, Taylor, of Zion who was recently operated on 'for appendicits continues quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. F. BIatchford have re- '£urned home after spending several weeks in Northwood. Mrs. (Rev.) Baker and daughter, of Woodham, are visiting 'the former's mother, Mrs. E. Follicle. Mrs. Enke, of !Chicago, is• visiting in town owing to the illness of her sir -- ter. Sirs. Thos. Barton. The carpent eraand masons are at work von:ering and rcnovatting Mr. P. F rayne', i harness shop. Mr. an,! Mrs. Lutton and children, of London. wore the guests of Mr. and MIra, Thos. Barton, ori Monday. Mr. Wm. H. Wood, and daughter Florence, of London, visited with rela- tives in• town for several; days during the past week. Mr, and 'Mrs. Mark M. Clark, of Russe'lldalc. announce; the engagement of their daughter, i a7 toE r.Verne in ivedd :Fullerton.. T.he 1 art n of•g aI Y , F will takelace in Jun . Mrs. s, Wm. Ri ors, of town, suffered e d a nervous collapse on FridaY la,st and e trained the care of. a is now under h nurse. Iger many friends will hope for her speedy recovery. y. umeJ her e1 r du Miss Murray has r ties ate school' teacher after attending the funeral of her brother at Owen and rvithl Mara on the 6th Also.' the absence Miss L. During her abs Sound. L con, inferior et is at Martin acted in her place. plan Mercury Mr. Rd, Phillips, who ,has resigned twith Lhe Earth and n - that at is,, between Earth and Sun, on as organist of the James etrect the 5th, and in aphelion, or furthest Church , intends leaving ;town the;from the Sun on the Gth,. Just how last ofi June. IIe wilt hold 'a sale of far, oa in what particular way, this household effects before leaving town. 1 t:collar bunching of astronomical Mrs. Thos. Horton continues quite phenomena may eUect storms, weath- ill although showing, slight,' t,' i pro, e.r andmeteorologicalotherer d tur k - went the past few days. 'Dr. Mac.. an'ces, is highly proOlt:m :tical, But it Gregor, of London, was called in .con.a is scientifically reasonable to expect n1 f the Dr.I,Indmana Sat -to t tion withor result's lig ou s tlta ,tynotable results d -s t urday ,last. ordinary during the first week in The engagement is announoed of June. We should also' 'state that' ilia. Miss Florence, only daugeter of arr. Moon ir.i at extreme declination nb2'th+ and Mrs, W. II, Wood, of London, to on tto let, and in 'conjunction With and3 st A May1 • R. sign Earth on th, Dr G.Dor d, of U sola Minn..Dlinar. F P 5 t t his .,• persistent;hexameter a h ) xis c.r , low baron r er o• (.lie Marna. e to formerlyof London, 1 f b take place in Julie,time.Will bring a aeriess .o f rain and ra1 duces ;s- r storms :Or SvG 1 !$ t undo t C h Varna, o cu Rev. A.W. Brown, of am c pied the pulpit in James+ street last iv edays Or even rain, wind in d a nd the sudayandLtev. Mr Redmond thtundox squalls area t Lorc cat thane - la the c n ba cu te of Rev. W. G kD rr or above the n orm al readings, Free _se!vies with{ barometer indications at inelpitin Main street •cb urate ov,ng A1 a erani ev S+ Wi Duitvorih atvent arid/ rapid fluctuations oCb re - C r xance Next xt Sa baLh Rev. "D r metric pressure suxe will b e am os t nat rel1aid weal, 'Oda in Main St Churoral outcome of the peculiar astra- rhaniRev,J T).4estlomJtticstStrami 1 o0 b n7 Lt ndose(. d In.the morran31nd ic, hlr. ;Bede Among the inusii ,haFleni s 10 • ctat this and other June d,xl- mond in the evening. cape P iorlas, in falling barometer with ;west city is northerly winds. ,'This -pis coni trary to the natural order, ,and al- ways is a euro warning • of Z iolatte impending squalls of wind, raft and hail, Sudden change to u>tsaeitsnnnlily end uneons;fartably( cool. is,natural at such times, To' ,sum it up—a chopped weather ,sea seerne ttr• be pronxtsie at am l: about this firststorm:, period tn"'Jutie,i t d Y GRANTON EXPECTING- HYDRO The hydro -electric pole line from, Lucan td Granton is now about coma p'leted. The next step will ,be the building of the line in the village. It is expected the order, will be givai0 for the immediate 'completion of tthe work. I. Or 0. F. ELECT OFFICERS • The I. 0. U. F. held their election of officers Tuesdayevening when the follow ing were elected for the ensuing tam, 1'. G.; IC: T.. Wilson; N. G.. T. C. McLeod; eod; V. G., F. Trieb- ner; Fin. Stay., 'W. Johns; Ree Secy., Ili. N. Creech; Teas., E. M. Dignan; Bro. W. 1tu.i.n was' appointed dele- gate to • attend the' Grand Lodge to be held at (Chatham acid Bros. Kins- man and Statham delegates to the District Meeting elf Biicefield. { TIk3M 1. By' Walt ?1 asap When I was working on a farm, and brandished, with my strong right arm. the muzzle -loading hoe, 1 said; "I'm tired of such a grind; some softer snap 1'11 have' to find, and to the town I'll go," I got a job in Stucker's store. and 'there I worked three months or more,' and still was short of bliss; and so I muttered with a sob, "I'll have to hunt an- other job—there is no fun in this". I wrote insurance for a while, and; •as, I walked mile after mile, to rope sone "presp,;ct" M. I said, "I'm weary of this stunt, some other graft I'll have to hunt, at which a man may win." I got a job at grooming s',r-ine, and found it wius'nt very ,fine, ear what 1 had desired; and so 1 raised my voice and swore. as I bad o=ften ewora before, "This labor makes ren tired." 1 never found a jo'a 1 liked; from, every form of, toil I hiked until I broke my tugs; that's why( they're taking, me today out to the poorhouses ' far away, where paupers .swat the bugs. . t Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF USI3ORNE A court for consideration of and disposalof appeals against the As{• sessment Roll will be 'held at the. Township Hall, Elimville, on Satur- day ;.fund 3rd. at 1 o'clock. Granton,, • Francis Morley, May 12th, 1916. clerk. HLCKS FCYB.ECASTS A regular storm period is central on the 4th, extending from about the 'rt irbrn owdr' ,L The t 2nd to the h. g P F of the June or summer so lstr CewL will begin its work at this period, and with'the moon at first, quarter and on e 8th, • tial equator onthe cepsth out of teir continue disturbance will conte,1i normal limits, and possibly ato the r From the 3rd following twin stormperiod. eriol i Em h o oa find the u of , wen h to the Gth J enc.ft in conjunction with Satixrn and Venus on the 3rd, with Neptune on the •+tth, ,,The editor leaves this Wednesday evening for Toronto to attend, the an- nual .:convention of the Canadian tiers Association. On -Saturday the mem- hers oJ, the (Canadian E'res;4 and their wives will leave Toronto' ,tor Tort 11CcNiiol where they will 'telre t,z, e ac ne o,, the C. 1'. R. steamers for .Port Ar- thur and Fort William, The editor expects to be away about a, xs=ark. Court of Revision ZivadaYt In* 10i. DIN BALL 1 SALEl DEBENTURES FOR SALE Remember the prices on shoes are4 out in two for the rest of this week. Ladies' Men's, 'plisses and Youth's all below cast. They must go. Geo. •Manson. Plants for Sate. 400 hundred thousand plants for sale, Geraniums, ,Fuchsia, Ferns Asti- ers. Stocks, Verbena, double and single Petunia, Salvia Ajcratam, Pansey Vinca, Dracena, Dusty Miller, Canna, double and single Lobelia, ,Folage, Silver Leaf, 6 kinds or tome ato, ce'1:ry, cabbage, Hanging Baskets. L. DAY, Florist. VILLAGE OF EXETER The first sitting of the Court of Re- vision for the hearing of appeals against the assessment roll of the Village of Exeter for the year 1916, will bd held in the Council chamber on Friday. June 2nd, 1916, at eight o'clock in the evening. All persons having business at the said Court will please take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. Jos. Senior, clerk. ANNOUNCEMENT After making sixteen trips to the town o2 Exeter, many of my patients who have been taking Chiropractic Spinal adjustments are only delight- ed to testify to you of the wonder'fu'l results ahtainedll by my method of a drugless road to health which had seemed hopeless ha' all other niethods. Now in making an appeal to the people of Exeter and district around I wish, to state that I do not expect at the present to reach 'any' but the so called Chronie's or supposed to be incurables by other methods, there- fore I might( say if you are sick or ailing and have tried all other known methods, do not give up in despair but taire Chiropractic Spinal adjust- ments and get well. Adjustments re- move the cause of disease. 'Chireprao- tors do not treat 'e:f.Geets. It will mean your health and happi- ness. See Dr. S. M. Jones, Monday Wednesday and Fridays. Office, Mrs. S. A. I3arness. Examination free. The Count'y1 of Huron offers $60;00de of debentures for sale.h Deb*** The 1) b'dni tires are first :class security and wilt !be offered to the residents of thf county first. For particulars apply to IRON, W. Livingstone, Warden;, W. J. 1t, Holmes. Treasurer or the Undue; W. Lane, clerk. RAF/NIERS ATTENTION We have a specially select- ed Stock of No, 1, Good Standard Red Clover Alsike, Timothy, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Orchard and Blue- grass, Seed Corn, etc. Just received a shipment of No. 1, Imported Alsike at $12.50 per bushel. Special prices given on Club Orders of $10 and up- wards. We have a quantity of FIRST CLASS pugs for Sale. A Call Solicited . ZWICl ER CREDITON - - ONT MINIM 1,11/I=IINIINI., THE NEW MoLAUCHLIN. We are ready to demonstrate the new 1916 Mc Laughlin six cylinder cars. These cars are. absolutely the last' weal in high class automobiles and any prospect -ive,purchaser will make no mistake in examining these cars. ` We have two demonstrating cars for sale; a D 60, and a D 45, both are 1,911; Models. Prices of these car; on application. Phone or call for demoristration. f J. Aa Stewart 1 Milo Snell Agents in Exeter ,•.;>r.N ;tip 'e`;een r.:ii i• -i - 2 ,j These Buildings are Painted -with ' MARTIN -5100U PAINT !!leer Field ldusbandey Budding Or$TAu ASB,maaeRAL Ccaaraz., QUELPIL Q PAINT B,AA NI a. S "7 5. yell111 1, ; Ili i i $ Barns at the KYcvv COLL a ONTARdp.Ap 7VttAL t E FARMERS Consider Purity in Paint in Preference to Price, You wouldn'tpay the regular price for Sugar that IIs "all wool" analyzed 10 af sand. You wouldn't a Y P Y .rices forcotton-and-wool cast o01 t ' o w la hln . Whyshould g you pay your good money for impure Paint, when you can get MA.TIN ge,? +; r a t,.R "100% PURE' PAINT We guarantee Martin-Senour "100% Pure" Paint (except a few dark shades that cannot be prepared from pure Lead and Zinc alone) to be 100% pure White Lead, pureOxide of Zino, pure Linseed Oil, pure Colors and Turpentine Dryer and to be entirely free from adulteration or substitution , and sold subject to chemical analysis. 'Ever9 experienced Painter knows that the above oys form4la • is right. It is the P standard of the sin. t world. You get absolute purity,. — t erne fineness uniform , quality—when you insist on 100% Pure Paint. i SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT RED SCHOOL Ii00I. PAIri17f' The old reliable. for the' ' "" $Arra and 1Fim>3s s MARTIN SENOUR WAGON an8M I PI.GIt1UENT PAINT for wagons, tools etc. Write direct td the Martin-Senour imited TtJlontreal Co.,9 y p for their 1916 Booklet, i Tawri and Country Homes", showing many 75R new color schemes and giving valuable paint information, T. HAW IN • SCA EXETER, Ont. • eerie